Lazareva - School library and children's reading. Archive of the blog "VO! Circle of books" Boris Zhitkov book exhibition in the children's library

”Held a literary and educational hour dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov. Pupils of the 2nd grade of school №145 got acquainted with the life and work of the famous writer, teacher and traveler Boris Zhitkov, learned interesting facts from the biography of the writer.

It turns out that Boris Zhitkov became a professional writer when he was over forty. And before that he was a navigator of a sailing ship, and a fisherman, and an ichthyologist, and a metalworker, and a naval officer, and an engineer, and a teacher of physics and drawing. Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov tried many professions, but literature was his constant hobby. Among his most famous works are: "The Evil Sea", "Sea Stories", "Seven Lights", "Stories about Animals", "Stories for Children". The biographical fact that a classmate of B.S. Zhitkov was K.I. Chukovsky, the author of their beloved "Moidodyr" and "Mukhi-Tsokotukha". And yet, Boris Zhitkov is the main character of the famous children's poem "Mail" by Samuil Marshak:

"He holds out again

Custom-made for Zhitkov.

For Zhitkov?

Hey Boris,

Receive and sign! "

BS Zhitkov's books teach goodness and the best human qualities.

The quiz with questions about the life and work of the writer-hero of the day enriched the knowledge of children. The meeting ended with loud readings of BS Zhitkov's story "The Brave Duckling" and questions-answers on the text of the story. The most active participants received prizes.

The literary and ecological hour dedicated to the anniversary of Boris Zhitkov was held in the library №25. At the beginning, the Attentive Listener competition was announced. The library staff introduced the children to the life and work of Boris Zhitkov, and then the children answered the questions of the quiz on the writer's work. The most attentive listener was Anastasia Eremina. Together with the guys we read short stories of human relations with animals that do not get old and do not get bored: "Hunter and Dogs", "Wolf", "Jackdaw" and others, because Boris Zhitkov not only loved animals, he deeply understood them and was able to handle them address. We read how Zhitkov describes various non-fictional cases of saving people by animals, their devotion, strong friendship and strong attachment: stories “ How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger"," Mongoose ". The freaks and pranks of the macaque Yashka literally bewitched the children from the first minute of reading. The guys laughed heartily at her pranks, but at the same time they thought: it's not so easy to live side by side with such a restless and mischievous person.

On Knowledge Day, the libraries of the Centralized Library System invited children and adults to the book and reading festival, literary holidays, educational lessons and seminars,
05.09.2017 Department of Culture

September 11 marked the 135th anniversary of the birth of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov, a Russian and Soviet writer, teacher, traveler and researcher, author of popular adventure stories and stories, works about animals. The city libraries held events dedicated to the anniversary of the writer.

So, on September 12, in the city library No. 1 (Kronstadtskaya str., 13), a loud reading "Inventor and traveler B. Zhitkov" was held for children from kindergarten No. 137. At the beginning of the event, the librarian introduced the children to the work of the wonderful children's writer B.S. Zhitkov. Young readers learned that the writer had been to many countries of the world, met amazing people and saw many different animals. He shared his impressions of what he saw on the pages of his books. The children listened with great interest to the works "About the Elephant", "Stories about Animals", "What I Saw". And then the preschoolers actively answered the questions of the literary quiz based on the stories of B. Zhitkov and got acquainted with his books. The attention of children was attracted by the books displayed at the exhibition "Jubilee of a Writer". The children especially liked the colorfully illustrated stories: "Seven Lights", "How we went to the zoo." The event was accompanied by an electronic presentation and watching a cartoon based on the story "Pudya".

Employees of the city children's library No. 4 (Kalinina st., 102a) on the same day spent a literary hour for the second-graders of school No. 25 dedicated to Boris Zhitkov. The librarian introduced the children to interesting facts from the biography of the writer. She emphasized that the author always writes with a smile and humor, with love for animals, noting all their funny habits and hooliganism. That is why stories about Boris Zhitkov's animals are read not only by children, but also by adults. Young readers got acquainted with the works "About the Elephant", "The Brave Duckling", "The Hunter and the Dogs", "What I Saw". And then the guys easily answered all the questions of the literary quiz "Boris Zhitkov's Zoo". At the end of the event, many of the children took to read the fascinating stories of the writer.

On September 13, in the city children's library №5 (Proletarskaya st., 26), within the framework of the project "Writers and books - anniversaries" for junior schoolchildren of MBOU Secondary School №47, a literary hour "Children's writer with a sea soul" was held. The librarian told the children about the life and work of B.S. Zhitkov, about his childhood friendship with the writer Korney Chukovsky. Young readers got acquainted with such works of the author as: "White House", "Jackdaw", "How we went to the zoo", "On an ice floe", and then listened to excerpts from fascinating stories "Mongoose", "About the monkey", "Fire in the sea". Schoolchildren willingly talked about what they had heard, analyzed the actions of literary heroes. The children were especially delighted by their participation in the "Sea Knot" and "Ship Crew" contests. And in the “Nakhodka” competition, boys and girls enthusiastically searched for bottles with notes inside, “taken from the sea”, and restored the “damaged” text from the books of B. Zhitkov. A gift for the anniversary of the writer with a sea soul was the "Sailboat", made by the hands of children. At the end of the event, young readers were able to choose their favorite books by Boris Zhitkov and take them home to read with their parents.

Employees of the city library №4 (Krasnova st., 45) on this day held a literary mosaic "Make friends with the books of B. Zhitkov" for primary school students of MBOU secondary school №28. From the librarian's story, the schoolchildren learned about the most interesting facts from the life and work of the writer, his versatile hobbies and all-consuming love for the sea. The guys were surprised to hear that the best friend of Boris Semenovich from childhood was Nikolai Korneichukov, who later also became a famous children's writer - Korney Chukovsky. The kids were imbued with respect for the master's works, because many of them are autobiographical, written on the basis of years of observation and travel. As a sailor, B.S. Zhitkov sailed in the Mediterranean, Black, Red Seas, crossed the Indian and Pacific Oceans, made a round-the-world trip. During the event, the children took part in the quiz "What kind of animal?" The literary
a quiz and a crossword puzzle based on the stories of B. Zhitkov. The event was accompanied by a video presentation, review and viewing of a book exhibition at which Boris Zhitkov's books were presented.

In the city library No. 3 (Ushakova st., 2), within the framework of the Good Reading project, a literary quiz entitled Zoo with Boris Zhitkov was held for children from kindergarten No. 23. Librarians introduced preschoolers to the life and work of the talented children's writer B.S. Zhitkov: about his hobbies, traveling around the world on the seas, meeting interesting people, about his love for animals. The children looked at the books of BS Zhitkov with interest: "What Happened", "A Small Circle Under the Christmas Tree", "Stories about Animals", "What I Saw", "A stray cat", "I will not be anymore" and others, took part in the contests "Birds and Animals" and "Guess". The event ended with a loud reading of the stories “How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger” and “The biggest bird”.

On September 14, employees of the city library No. 8 (Yagodnaya st., 11) went to visit the children of the MDOU DS No. 23, taking with them the books of Boris Zhitkov in order to acquaint the children with his work. The children were interested to know that Boris Zhitkov had been friends with Korney Chukovsky since childhood. Together they decided to walk to Kiev, but were returned home on time. B. Zhitkov became a writer precisely on the advice of his friend. Then, together with the librarian, the children went to the Zoo, through the pages of the work of the same name by B. Zhitkov, listening to descriptions and guessing animals and birds. At the end of the event, the guys shared their impressions of meeting an amazing writer, they wanted to read other stories by B. Zhitkov.

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1882-1938) - Russian and Soviet writer, prose writer, teacher, traveler and researcher. The author of popular adventure stories and stories, works about animals.
Boris was born in Novgorod in an intelligent family. His father was a mathematics teacher, his mother was a pianist, so it is not surprising that Boris received his primary education at home. Boris Zhitkov spent the first years of his life in Odessa. He studied at the gymnasium, where he became friends with Kornei Chukovsky, this friendship remained for life. After graduating from high school, he became a student at the Imperial Novorossiysk University. The next step in Zhitkov's education was study at the Polytechnic Institute of St. Petersburg. There Boris chose another specialty. If at the Odessa University he attended the natural department, then at the St. Petersburg Institute he attended the shipbuilding department.
After graduating from the institute, he traveled a lot, in 1912 he even made a round-the-world trip, worked as a navigator for long voyages, a shipbuilding engineer, and a ship's captain. Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov tried many other professions. But literature was his constant hobby. All his life he kept diaries, wrote long letters.
Zhitkov began publishing when he was already over forty, in 1924. He expressed his knowledge and impressions of travel in works. He created many series of adventure and instructive stories. Among his most famous works are: "The Evil Sea", "Sea Stories", "Seven Lights", "Stories about Animals", "Stories for Children".
Cycles of children's stories "What I Saw" and "What Happened" were extremely popular among children. The protagonist of the first cycle is the inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Pochemuchka", the prototype of which is the writer's little neighbor in a communal apartment.
An interesting fact: in the fantastic story "Mikroruki", published in 1931, Zhitkov described the methods of making and using micromanipulators, one of the areas of nanotechnology that has developed since the beginning of the 21st century.
For 15 years of work in children's literature, Zhitkov managed to try all genres, all types of books for children, and invented and suggested many new ones. Boris Zhitkov - one of the founders of the scientific and artistic genre; he came up with a weekly picture magazine for children who still cannot read, different types of toy books.
And yet, Boris Zhitkov is the main character of the famous children's poem "Mail" by Samuil Marshak. Remember:
"He holds out again
Custom-made for Zhitkov.
- For Zhitkov?
Hey Boris,
Receive and sign! "

Read books by Boris Zhitkov:
1.Zhitkov B.S. How I caught the little men: story / B.S. Zhitkov. - M., 1991. - 16 p.
2.Zhitkov B.S. Animal stories/ B.S. Zhitkov. - M., 1999. - 142 p .: ill. - (School student's library)
3.Zhitkov B.S. Tales of bravery/ B.S. Zhitkov.- K., 1990.- 110s .: ill.- (School library)
4.Zhitkov B.S. What i saw/ B.S. Zhitkov. - M., 2003. - 63 p.: Ill. - (School student's library)

School library and children's reading

Stories about animals by Boris Zhitkov: KVN

Scenario of an event for students in grades 3-4

Lazareva T.A.., librarian of the Municipal Educational Institution "Seryodkinskaya secondary school" of the Pskov district of the Pskov region

- attraction to reading in the library;
- promoting environmental education.
- to acquaint with the work of the writer Boris Zhitkov;
- develop teamwork skills;
- instill the skills of attentive reading;
- educate responsibility for tamed animals.
- portrait of the writer
- computer with a projector;
- poster - collage "images of different animals";
- handouts on cards
- Book exhibition.
Preliminary preparation
Children are given the task to read the stories of Boris Zhitkov:
1. A stray cat
2. Mongoose
3. About the wolf
4. About the monkey
5. About the elephant
6. Tikhon Matveevich

The class is divided into two teams in advance, chooses the captain, comes up with the name of the team. In the name of the team you need to choose someone from the animals - the heroes you like, whom you would like to resemble with some qualities, in order to win.
Event progress

Librarian: Hello guys! ( The librarian's story is accompanied by a presentation)

Slide 2... Our meeting is dedicated to the remarkable Russian writer Boris Zhitkov and his books. Now I will tell you about the writer, his childhood years, and you listen carefully, because we will have a competition "Attentive Listener".

What kind of person was he Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov? What do we know about his life? When a wonderful person is no longer in the world, those who knew him try to write down everything that they remember about him. From the stories of these people (contemporaries), we can learn about many wonderful people. I have read a lot of interesting things about the life of B. Zhitkov, but I will tell you only some pages of his life.

Slide 3... Boris Zhitkov lived for 56 years. He was born on September 11, 1882 near the city of Novgorod. His father was a mathematics teacher, his mother was engaged in raising children, was very fond of music, played the piano. Boris had three older sisters. Children in this family grew up independent. And Boris from early childhood was with character. When Boris was three years old, one of the guests gave him two kopecks on his birthday. Without telling anyone, Boris went to the pier to buy a steamer, at the pier the kid was explained that the steamer was not for sale. But there is a shop on the other side of town where you can buy a toy steamer. And Boris went in search of a store. They found him outside the city, he stood among the boys and told them about the steamer, what it was and where to buy it.

Slide 4... At the age of four, Boris asked to buy him: "big boots and an ax ..." And since then, he has been making something out of wood chips and chips, trying to make tables, benches and final steamers. Then the family moved to St. Petersburg. Boris lived with his grandmother on the bank of the river and looked for a long time, through a crack in the fence, at the river and at the passing boats. On the shelf at my grandmother's was a model of a real ship. Boris could not take his eyes off him and kept thinking: - how do the little people run there, how do they live there? Guys, does this remind you of some story by B. Zhitkov? Name it. That's right, "How I Caught Little Men" .

Slide 5. When Boris was seven years old, the family moved to Odessa. Boris was happy, there was a sea nearby, a harbor where steamers were stationed. Boris met the boys from the harbor, fished with them, climbed all the steamers and small sailing ships. The house in which the Zhitkovs lived looked out into the courtyard where the shipping companies were located, there were carpentry, locksmiths, turning machines, on which Boris gradually learned to work. Now he was making real yacht models.

Boris studied at the gymnasium and was torn from hobbies. He was engaged in photography, loved to draw, became interested in playing the violin. Together with the children of the neighborhood, he undertook to publish a handwritten magazine.

When he was eleven years old, their family was given a sailboat, which he rode with his sisters. Boris Zhitkov had a passion for the sea, ships, travel all his life, but he never dreamed of becoming a writer. Boris was lucky to make his first sea voyage at the age of thirteen.

Slide 6... During these years, with all his energy, he rushed to develop his character and willpower. Kolya Korneichukov studied at the gymnasium with Boris, he recalled that Boris was taciturn, arrogant, very direct. He always sat in the classroom in front, but the guys respected him, they liked the fact that Boris lived among the ships, that all his uncles were admirals, that he had his own boat, a telescope, a violin, cast-iron gymnastics balls and a trained dog.

Slide 7... After the gymnasium, Boris studied a lot, received several professions, was engaged in shipbuilding, went on a voyage around the world, visited different cities and countries.

But the time came in the life of Boris Zhitkov when he was a marine engineer without a job. He moved to the city of Petersburg and met there with his childhood friend Kolya Korneichukov, who became a famous writer. Guys, tell me the name of this writer. Yes, this is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He invited B. Zhitkov to write stories about his travels and, seeing that he was producing very interesting stories, invited him to write.

Slide 8... Zhitkov's stories were liked by the editor of the children's magazine S.Ya. Marshak, and they began to be printed in magazines and published in separate books. Zhitkov's books fell in love with children and adults, because the writer talked about what he himself saw what was happening in front of his eyes, about real courage, about camaraderie. You can see the books of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov at this book exhibition.

Slide 9 Guys, you have read the stories of Boris Zhitkov about animals and now we will hold a competition for attentive and well-read - KVN on these stories. You will be offered different tasks, and you try to work actively, answer questions, and the jury will evaluate your answers (presentation of the jury members). Grades are announced for each competition.

Slide 10.

Today, two teams are participating in KVN.

Competition 1
Teams Introductions (Teams are introduced explaining why such a name was chosen).

Competition 2
The teams take turns to show on the poster a number of animals that are found in one of B.S. Zhitkova
1. A stray cat - a cat, dog, mice, fish, swallows.
2. Mongoose - mongoose, snake, cat.
3. About a wolf - a wolf, a dog, a cat.
4. About a monkey - a monkey, a dog, a cat.
5. About the elephant - elephants
6. Tikhon Matveyevich - orangutan, gorilla, tiger.

The task for the most attentive readers "Verbal portrait". Recognize the animal by the author's description, name the story (You can read or distribute three portraits to each team on cards).

  1. “… What a freak he was! Almost all of it consisted of a head - as if a muzzle on four legs, and this muzzle all consisted of a mouth, and a mouth of teeth ... "(Wolf cub," About the wolf ")
  2. “... Both looked back at the people. They looked calmly, even with lazy curiosity. A red beard gave (him) the look of a simpleton, a little foolish, but good-natured and without cunning ... "(Orangutan and his wife," Tikhon Matveyevich ")
  3. “... She fussed, ran on the floor, smelled everything and quacked: krryk! Krryk! - like a crow. I wanted to catch her, bent down, held out my hand, and instantly (she) flashed by my hand and already in the sleeve. I raised my hand - and it was ready: (she) is already in the bosom. ... And now I hear - she is already under the arm, makes her way into the other sleeve and jumped out of the other sleeve into the wild .... " (Mongoose)
  4. “... The muzzle is wrinkled, old woman, and the eyes are lively, shiny. The coat is nude, and the legs are black. As if human hands in black gloves. She was wearing a blue vest ... "(Monkey," About the monkey ")
  5. “... Big, gray, muzzle. She, as she saw me, jumped aside and sat down. Angry eyes gazes at me. All strained, froze, only the tail trembles ... " (Cat, "Stray Cat")
  6. “… And it was immediately obvious that he was already quite an old man, - the skin on him was completely sagging and coarse…. Some kind of gnawed ears (Old elephant, "About the elephant")
Competition 4
Continue with me. I am reading lines from the story of B. Zhitkov, and you continue, what happened next? (Two tasks each)
  1. “My friend is going to hunt and asks me: - What should you bring? Speak, I'll bring it. I thought: “Hey is bragging! Let me bend something more cunning, "and said ..." ("Bring me a live wolf ...", "About a wolf")
  2. “Here is my father going to the service in the morning. He cleaned himself, put on his hat, went downstairs ... "(" Clap! Plaster is falling from above "," About the monkey ")
  3. “I begged the cook for meat, bought bananas, brought bread, a saucer of milk. He put all this in the middle of the cabin and opened the cage. He climbed onto the bed and began to look ... "(Mongoose first ate meat, then a banana," Mongoose ")
  4. “So I loaded my gun and walked along the shore. I will shoot someone: wild rabbits lived in holes on the bank. Suddenly I looked: in the place of the rabbit hole, a large hole had been dug, as if it were a passage for a large animal. I would rather go there. I sat down and looked into the hole. Dark. And when I looked closely, I see: there, in the depths, two eyes are shining. What do I think, for such a beast wound up? I plucked a twig and into the hole. And from there it will hiss! " ("I backed away! It's a cat!", "A stray cat")
Competition 5. Competition for trackers who notice everything. Comparisons.
  1. “It’s as if they brought me a whole box of toys as a child, and only tomorrow you can open it.” With what does the author compare this expectation? Name the story (Desire to see elephants, "About an elephant")
  2. “And the guys are also staring at us and whispering among themselves. They sit as if at home on the roof. " Where were the guys sitting? (On an elephant, "About an elephant")
  3. “He held out his pen to me. Tuta looked at what pretty black nails she was wearing. A toy living pen ". Whose is this pen? (Monkeys, "About the monkey")
  4. “But on the steamer we had our longtime master on deck. No, not the captain ... Huge, well-fed, in a copper collar. He walked importantly on the deck. " Who was considered the master on deck? (Kota, "Mongoose")
Competition 6
Assignment to teams: remember funny stories in the stories of Boris Zhitkov.
You can invite the children to show these incidents in a pantomime so that the opposing team will find out. For example: the story "About the monkey." The event at the table with the girls; the case with the doctor during lunch, the case with the lady and her hair, etc.

Competition 7
In Zhitkov's stories about animals, we get to know different people, now let's check which of them you remember. Who is superfluous? Teams are given cards:
  1. Mother, Manefa, Annushka, janitor, General Chistyakova, bailiff. (Manetha, "About the Wolf")
  2. Yukhimenko, father, Yashka, girls, doctor, lady, Kashtan. (Yashka, Kashtan, "About the monkey")
  3. Khramtsov, Markov, Sinhalese, Aseikin, Tikhon Matveyevich, Lady, Seryozha, Tit Adamovich (Tikhon Matveyevich, Lady, "Tikhon Matveyevich")
  4. Volodya, Ryabka, Murka (Ryabka, Murka, "A stray cat")
Competition 8

Tell us what upset you, what upset you in the stories you read? Name the episode and explain why?
For example:
1 "About the Elephant" - the attitude of people towards elephants at work.
2. "About the wolf" - the behavior of the bailiff.
3. "Stray cat" - wild dogs.

Competition 9."Attentive listener"
Guys, at the beginning of our lesson, you listened to a conversation about the writer, and now let's check which of you listened carefully?
  1. Who was the family of Boris Zhitkov? (Father is a teacher, mother, two sisters, grandmother, uncles are naval admirals)
  2. What was little Boris fond of? (Craftsman with a wood hatchet).
  3. Favorite activities of Boris as a schoolboy? (photography, drawing, playing the violin, etc.)
  4. Who was Boris Zhitkov's school friend? (Korney Chukovsky)
Librarian: Guys, I hope you understand that the stories of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov about animals tell the reader how important it is not only to love animals and admire them, but also to understand them, and be able to communicate with them, take care of them and be responsible for them .

Summing up, awarding diplomas: the best team, the most active participants.

  1. Glotser V. About Boris Zhitkov // Zhitkov B.S. Favorites. - M .: Education, 1989. - P.5-20.
  2. Zhitkov B. Selected - M .: Education, 1989 .-- 192s. (School library).
  3. Books of the anniversary / author-comp. HE. Kondratyev. - M .: RShBA, 2010.
  4. Fedin K. Master // Zhitkov B.S. What have I seen. - L .: Det. Lit., 1979. - S. 5.

MBUK "Centralized Library System"

Family reading library

"Make friends with the books of Boris Zhitkov!"

to the 80th anniversary of the book "Stories about Animals" by Russian writer B. Zhitkov. 6 +

2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in Russia, one of the goals of which is to convince as many Russian citizens as possible that it is always necessary to find time for a good book.

Our young friends!

We present to your attention a virtual exhibition-recommendation "Make friends with the books of Boris Zhitkov!"

In 2015, it was 80 years since B.S. Zhitkov (1935).

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was born on August 30, 1882 in Novgorod; his father was a mathematics teacher at the Novgorod Teachers' Institute, his mother was a pianist.

He spent his childhood in Odessa. Received primary education at home, then graduated from high school. He knew a lot and knew. He managed to work as a shipbuilder and chemist and even as a navigator for long voyages. He was known among his friends as an excellent storyteller, but he was not going to become a writer. Once, at the request of his school friend K. Chukovsky, B. Zhitkov wrote down one of his stories, and it decided everything.

The magazines began to appear funny and touching stories for children about "Stray Cat" and "Jackdaw", "Mongoose" and "Elephant". Created a series of children's stories "What I Saw" and "What Happened". The protagonist of the first cycle is the inquisitive boy "Alyosha-Pochemuchka", the prototype of which is the writer's little neighbor in his communal apartment, Alyosha. Some of the stories of this cycle later formed the basis of animated films: "Buttons and Men", "Why Elephants?", "Pudya".

B. Zhitkov was very fond of animals and with just a few strokes was able to show in his stories all the features of the habits and character of a tiger, an elephant, and a monkey.

Stories about Animals are short stories of human-animal relationships that never get old or boring.

It's all about the author's attitude to animals. Boris Zhitkov not only loved animals, he deeply understood them and knew how to handle them. There are only three stories in the book about animals. Zhitkov describes various non-fictional cases of saving people by animals, their devotion, strong friendship and no less strong affection.

In each of the stories, some exotic animal acts as a pet. Either a monkey will appear in the house, then mongooses on the ship, or a domestic wolf ... The freaks and pranks of Yashka's monkey are literally written off from nature - Yashka really once lived in the Zhitkov family.

You, young readers, will have something to laugh at, but you will also have to think about it: it is not so easy to live side by side with such a restless and mischievous person.

From a long voyage, the author carries with him not money, not treasures, but two nimble mongoose, not sitting idle for a minute. The most striking episode of the story - the battle of the mongoose with a poisonous snake - is literally mesmerizing. Almost tame animals pounce on the snake, because this is their natural purpose.

The story of the wolf, which the author almost managed to make tame, reads in one breath. The writer thoroughly knows the habits of a wolf, empathizes with an animal that finds itself in an unfamiliar environment, and, most importantly, is responsible both for the animal and for all events that occur "through the fault" of the wolf.

Zhitkov gives us a lot of useful and interesting information, writes about animals without sugariness, finds apt comparisons. The author's tender, warm attitude to the characters in the stories is hidden deep inside. Brevity, simplicity and decisive action - these are the three main components of Zhitkov's animalistic prose.

"Stories about Animals" for children by Boris Zhitkov have become classics of Soviet literature about nature. In total, he published about 60 children's books.

The best gift for a hero of the day is a book he has read.

Reading Zhitkov is a pleasure. He writes so “tasty”, with a smile and humor, with love for animals, noting all their funny habits and hooliganism. All stories about Zhitkov's animals are designed for children of preschool and primary school age, but even an adult will like the touching and sometimes funny stories of the author.

Enjoy your reading!

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