Lego technology in the educational process of preschool education. Consultation on the topic: “Use of LEGO technology in preschool educational institutions”

Yulia Tutsovich
The use of Lego technologies in preschool educational institutions

LEGO. It seems to you that this is a toy. In their hands it turns into a tool.

Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development educational programs primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children.

One of the main tasks is to preserve and support the child’s individuality, development individual abilities And creative potential each child as a subject of relationships with people, the world and himself; formation general culture pupils, the development of their moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

If we talk about the implementation of the Preschool Education Program, we mean that the Standard defines the implementation of preschool education based on the child’s cooperation with adults and peers in age-appropriate activities. This type of activity for a preschooler is a game. Built in game form educational situation has greater pedagogical significance than an educational activity like a school lesson. Work according to the Federal State Educational Standard involves constructing educational activities in such a way that the game situation becomes part of the child’s life, in which he helps the hero of this situation find a way out of the current situation or complete a task in such a way that everyone feels good. Preschoolers are always ready for exploits. They will even fly into space just to help everyone (they will draw honey for a hungry bear or make up sentences for a letter from the Baby Mammoth to his mother). The main thing is that the child understands what he is doing and why he needs it. Then he will not only achieve results, but will understand that he is already successful at 3 or 5 years old.

I invite all my friends

"LEGO" collect quickly.

It's interesting for adults too:

IN "LEGO" It's good to play!

When LEGO bricks are in children's hands, the magic begins. They open up the imagination and awaken the child's imagination. Sets are an excellent tool for child development within the framework of key early age educational regions: social-emotional development, cognitive development, early language development, early mathematical development and artistic development. At the same time, working with LEGO allows each child to express themselves, as well as improve their communication skills and ability to work in a team.

It seems to you that this is a toy. In their hands it turns into a tool.

Educational Solutions LEGO for preschool education stimulate children's natural desire to jointly explore the world around them and learn through play. Safe, durable kits LEGO contribute to the development of children with different levels of knowledge and skills, allowing them to develop social skills of cooperation and interaction with the outside world. Solutions LEGO for preschool children it is a variety of ways of learning. Implementation of such modern educational solutions in educational process can become part of the program early development preschoolers. After all, supporting and developing a child’s natural interest in learning from an early age is the key task of a preschool teacher.

I noted that children show high performance, work with pleasure both in mini-groups and individually, take the initiative into their own hands, show creativity in decision-making, and are not afraid to make mistakes when completing tasks.

Creative and cognitive development

Embodiment own ideas in life increases self-confidence. Bringing it to life with educational solutions LEGO wonderful ideas created by their own imagination, children express themselves in a creative, artistic form. Cubes LEGO easily capture children's attention, encouraging them to co-create, discuss ideas and assign roles. With the help of blocks, children think, communicate, and develop the ability to understand and appreciate the ideas and contributions of others.

Solutions for preschool education LEGO always involve organization creative work and self-expression in the classroom by three different ways, depending on the age group students.

Set of soft cubes

Set of soft cubes LEGO– a great way to introduce sets to preschool children LEGO and the inherent potential for creativity. Large, soft bricks encourage children to explore their own creativity while developing gross motor skills and a sense of space.

Kids can use the bricks to build full-size figures, walls, towers and other structures. During the game they develop their physical abilities and spatial thinking. This set encourages children to explore space, shapes and colors while developing their motor skills. The material from which the cubes of this set are made is a polymer that easily restores its shape after deformation, lightweight and durable. Ideal material for classes like fresh air, and during quiet time.

LEGO- an ideal tool not only for realizing brilliant design ideas, but also practical support for the development of self-realization skills, teamwork and fine motor skills. And construction cards will be an excellent auxiliary material for you and a source of inspiration for your students.

LEGO allows children to create all kinds of models taken from real life or fictional characters, objects and buildings. The construction process develops fine motor skills, especially for toddlers. Who knows where the power of their imagination might take them?

"Big farm"

With this set, children will learn about caring for animals, the seasons and harvesting. You will be able to discuss many questions: what sounds do animals make, how to care for animals, when to harvest, how seasons affect crop yields, how to grow different crops and why.

With lots of animal shapes, kids can easily learn to categorize them. And thanks to the large number of parts, the set is ideal for large group activities, role-playing games or free creativity.

"Wild animals"

Cute animal figurines and various decorative elements will allow kids to get acquainted with the life of wild animals and arrange a suitable home for each of them. The set includes five those: taiga, savannah, jungle, Antarctica and river reservoir. Pay attention to the hippopotamus and crocodile - they have movable jaws!

Kit « Emotional development child" invites preschool children to plunge into fascinating world emotions. During classes, which take place in the form of a game, children learn a lot about various human emotions and physical characteristics person. In progress collaboration By creating different characters, children will learn to recognize different feelings and identify their similarities and differences. The work cards will serve as a resource and source of inspiration so children can build new models over and over again.

Early mathematical development

Constructors LEGO will help teach your child to concentrate, understand simple instructions and follow them. In addition, the solution is ideal for studying abstract concepts such as cause and effect, the position of objects in space, and others. To stimulate children's imagination, you can use the illustrated cards from the set.

"Math Train"

This themed set is ideal for introducing maths in a gentle and intuitive way through incredibly fun role-playing games. railway. Together, children will learn numbers and practice mental calculation by loading and unloading colorful trailers using a special crane. A a large number of additional elements, characters and cargo will allow you to come up with and implement various scenarios about adventures at the railway station.

Early language development

Constructors LEGOs are widely used in preschool educational institutions. They represent a variety of thematic series, designed on the basis of basic building elements - multi-colored bricks lego. By developing the speech creativity of preschoolers, the teacher can invite children to come up with a fairy tale about how one building turned into another, carrying out this transformation in the course of the story.

Created buildings from LEGO can be used in theatrical games, in which the content, roles, and game actions are determined by the plot and content of a particular literary work, fairy tale, etc., and there are also elements of creativity. While constructing, children create a three-dimensional image, which helps them better remember the image of the object. The child talks more willingly about the horse he made himself, comes up with different stories, etc.

Given using LEGO-construction also contributes to speech creativity: During character building, the child describes his character. You can also invite children to come up with their own ending to a familiar fairy tale, act out the best one, or do everything in turn. Used by LEGO-elements in didactic games and exercises. The teacher can develop various manuals and use them for carrying out exercises for the purpose of developing speech and mental processes in children, development of interest in learning, formation of communicative function. For example, the game "Wonderful bag", in which children develop tactile (palpation) shape perception and speech can be carried out with LEGO.

Application of didactic exercises with using LEGO-elements are quite effective when conducting classes in preparation for learning to read and write, correcting sound pronunciation, familiarizing themselves with the outside world, etc. In the process of constructive play activities, the teacher, relying on the involuntary attention of children, activates them cognitive activity, improves the sensory-tactile and motor sphere, shapes and corrects behavior, develops communication function and interest in learning. In the process of constructive play activities with LEGO teacher can use a variety of forms: tasks are given by the teacher, children perform them; tasks are formulated by the child and completed by the children and the teacher; children give each other tasks; performed by parents and child.

Children love to play in free activities.

During educational activities, children become builders, architects and creators; while playing, they come up with and implement their ideas. Starting with simple figures, the child moves further and further, and, seeing his successes, he becomes more self-confident and moves on to the next, more complex stage of learning.

Kids enjoy building simple things designs: paths, fences, bridges, gates, fences, cars, houses. Children practice recognizing colors, counting to 5, and consolidating concepts: "high Low", "wide narrow". Are used constructors with large-sized parts.

In the middle group, the basis for organizing work with LEGO- the constructor is a fairy tale. This is a preliminary familiarization with the work, and then constructing its characters, creating models of familiar fairy tales, and also composing your own stories. At this age, children become familiar with small construction sets. LEGO DASTA – design by design.

Children can freely experiment with building materials. The sample can be given at the beginning, and then it is removed. Examples of lesson topics include: be: “We will go with you to the forests - miracles “Character modeling based on the fairy tale Kolobok” and etc.

Using LEGO-technology in the system additional education in preschool educational institutions is relevant in light of the new federal state requirements for the preschool program education:

the principle of integration of educational regions: construction is in the educational field "Cognition" and integrates with educational areas "Communication", "Work", "Socialization", "Reading fiction» , "Artistic creativity", "Safety";

constructor LEGO used how in joint activities adults and children, and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of educational activities, but also during leisure time, holidays, and in project activities;

the basis of the educational process with using LEGO-technology is play - the leading type of children's activity.

Using LEGO-technology in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to raise the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

Use of LEGO technology at the preschool educational institution.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the practice of preschool education involves the use of new technologies in the work of the teacher, one of them is “Lego technology”. "LEGO" is Latin for "I learn" or "I build."

In pedagogy, LEGO technology is interesting because, being built on integrative principles, it allows us to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process for preschool children. LEGO building is a practical creative activity, development mental abilities, which manifest themselves in other types of activities: speech, play, visual arts. Lego construction is the education of a socially active person with a high degree of freedom of thinking, imagination, the development of independence, and the ability of children to solve any problems creatively.
Constructive activity requires high concentration. Before you start creating a structure, you need calculation, thoughtfulness, a certain consistency and accuracy in work. Activation of attention is facilitated by designing according to a plan, diagram, sample, and completing the construction of a whole figure. LEGO construction sets embody the idea of ​​modularity, clearly demonstrating to children how to solve certain problems. technical problems, and also instill skills in assembling, repairing and disassembling equipment.

LEGO construction sets are the most preferred developmental material that allows you to diversify the learning process for preschoolers. The effectiveness of the educational work of preschool educational institutions is much higher when teachers and parents are partners, working together and in the same direction. The use of LEGO technology allows parents to participate in joint meetings with their children during organized leisure activities. Joint creative activity “on equal terms” has great developmental potential: it gives adults the opportunity to understand the interests and reveal the talents of their child, establish mutual understanding, and make each participant feel their importance in the common cause.
LEGO construction also involves modern methods of preparing children for school. It combines elements of play with experimentation, and, consequently, activates the mental and speech activity of preschoolers. Preschoolers are happy to talk about their buildings, pronounce the sequence of their actions, and evaluate this or that constructive situation. They perform tasks that require activation mental activity, for example, to complete the building according to given characteristic or conditions (“Fill the space”, “Guess whose part am I?”, “Bring your model to life” and others). LEGO building activities help preschoolers enter the world of social experience. Children develop a single and holistic idea of ​​the subject and social world. Topics: “Animals”, “Urban and rural buildings”, “Furniture”, “Toys”, “Such different transport”, “Ships”, “Journey to a fairy tale” and others.

Using the LEGO constructor, you can implement (depending on what goal is being pursued) all five educational areas defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. One of the main tasks kindergarten– development of social and communication skills of preschool children. The leading activity is the game. It is in story play that the child not only outwardly imitates the actions of adults, but also, acting in an imaginary situation, gets the opportunity for self-realization. Thematic sets “LEGO DUPLO” - “People of the World” and “Daughters - Mothers” allow you to involve children in such a traditional game, where participants recreate a system of family relationships, try on the roles of different family members, and play family conflicts, demonstrate how they understand the meaning of prohibitions and regulatory requirements. Playful activities with the set allow children to gain an understanding of people of different races and develop a sense of tolerance in interethnic and interracial relations. The most popular dolls from the set: girls have a doll with blond hair, boys have a dad with mobile phone and a dog. The set creates excellent conditions for the development of children's speech and can be used in all age groups.

The “Build Your Own Story” set is recommended for children aged 6-7 years. It contains over 1000 pieces including a variety of characters, animals, accessories, traditional pieces, base bricks, building plates to create action scenes. A distinctive feature is the opportunity to introduce a child to history in a playful way. material phenomenon, see with your own eyes the characters of bygone eras, recreate the world of the past. Unlike ready-made toys, the set allows the child to assemble it independently and is perfect for joint creativity; children, playing with each other and with adults, gain communication skills, free speech, and communication.

“LEGO” constructors are used not only in children’s independent activities, but also in organized educational activities. So in classes of a cognitive nature, in particular, on the formation of elementary mathematical representations The constructor is used to develop and consolidate the skills of forward and backward counting, comparing numbers, knowledge of the composition of numbers, geometric figures, the ability to navigate on a plane through games: “Find the missing figure”, “Turrets”, “Multi-colored paths”, “Continue the number series” etc. In classes on familiarization with the surrounding world, “LEGO” is used in experimental activities as the material from which it is made, in this case children are offered games: “What is it made of?”, “Find the same one,” “How are they similar and how are they different,” “Tell about the properties of the object.”

LEGO constructors play an important role in speech development preschoolers. Using the constructor, you can practice grammatical structures: agreement of numerals with nouns. When creating buildings according to a certain storyline, children learn to correctly correlate “right - left”, “back - front”, “under - above”, thus developing an understanding spatial relations. By manipulating the details, the child, turning them into one or another letter, remembers its pattern. Designing animal figures helps children learn to identify parts of a whole and practice case endings, and develops an understanding of the formation of complex words.

Retelling the story not according to the plot picture, but according to the three-dimensional image of the scenery from the construction set, helps the child to better understand the plot, which makes the retelling more detailed and logical.

Speech situations that arise in the process of creating buildings and playing with them contribute to the development of children's speech, which serves as one of the most important means of human activity, and for the future schoolchild is the key to successful learning at school. Many learning problems are being solved: expanding lexicon, communication skills develop, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions improves.
The effective use of LEGO constructors in the educational space of a preschool educational institution is possible only with the competent guidance of the teacher in the activities of children. At the same time, it is necessary that during classes the teacher communicates with the entire group and with each child individually, and takes into account the process of joint activity when evaluating work. Only by feeling an interest in the work being done, the proposed task, the plot of the game, will the child be active, show his creative abilities, learn to act in a team, and take responsibility.
The use of LEGO construction in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to raise the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

Lagunova Anastasia Andreevna, Teacher of the first qualification category, MADOU TsRR-d/s No. 587, Yekaterinburg Student gr. MTRK-1501, IPiPD, USPU, Ekaterinburg

Annotation. In the article, the author examines the importance of Lego construction in the development of preschool children. Describes the game and ICT technologies as favorable conditions that contribute to the formation of a positively socialized personality.

Key words: personality, design, creativity, Lego constructor, game, development, socialization, activity, pedagogical tool, technology.

The modern personality-oriented trend in pedagogy, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education, is associated with the coming to the fore of the personality-oriented development and self-realization of the child in various types of children's activities. The acceleration of the dynamics of life, the increase in information and emotional loads on a person, many problems, the solution of which requires enormous intellectual effort, creates the need to be not just a person, but a person who must be creative, active, socially responsible, developed intellect, highly educated, etc.

The relevance of the formation of a person’s personality, starting from preschool childhood, is due to the fact that preschool childhood is a launching pad on the path to life. But it is necessary to develop the personality qualities that will be in demand in the near future today. The most promising way in this direction is to enrich and diversify children's activities, which are the basis for the development of the child.

It is very important that preschool age is the period of formation of basic abilities that need to be developed and revealed through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment. Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard says: “Organization of educational space and variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) must ensure: gaming, cognitive, research and creative activity for all pupils" .

Among all the factors influencing the development of children's giftedness, the authors "Working concept of giftedness" put in first place personal developmental education, which should be built on the basis of psychological principles of development, based on individual characteristics, and also taking into account the cognitive needs of the child. Such training should include: spiritual and moral development, development of the individuality of a gifted child, broad educational training teacher, conditions ensuring the development of creative potential .

Leading activity in preschool age- a game. In the process of playing with the constructor, self-realization of the individual occurs, and the child, who receives satisfaction from the activity, achieves a situation of success. Due to this, the child develops comprehensively. In addition, in addition to acquiring design skills, students also master social norms and the ability to work harmoniously in a peer group or in pairs.

In this regard, there is a need to search for new tools, technologies and methods that will help in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. One of such means, in my opinion, is Lego construction, its main focus is the development of intelligence, cognitive abilities and creative thinking of children. In the process of designing and modeling, children develop not only logical thinking, but also creative imagination, fantasy, and also an opportunity for children’s creative self-expression.

Lego construction sets are attractive for teachers and students because:

  • the sets have a bright design and a variety of details;
  • fastening parts are simple and convenient;
  • There are a variety of Lego sets (for example, a series of design directors "Lego-Duplo" ) , which have wide possibilities of addition, combination, change, etc.;
  • the multifunctionality of the Lego construction set allows it to be used in different types of children's activities, as well as to combine them depending on the tasks;
  • The teacher has the opportunity to select a Lego constructor, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children (for example, selecting the size of parts).

But in order for a Lego constructor to be not just a toy, but to become a tool that truly develops a child’s personality, the teacher needs to take an indirect role in the Lego construction process. This is necessary in order to teach the child the basic methods of connecting parts, with some principles of constructing objects. For this, three main types of design are used:

Design by model - when there is a ready-made model of what needs to be built (for example, a picture or diagram of a house).

When designing according to conditions, there is no sample, only the conditions that the building must meet are specified (for example, a house for a dog should be small, but for a horse it should be large).

Design by design assumes that the child himself, without any external restrictions, will create an image of the future structure and embody it in the material that is at his disposal. This type of design becomes the main one in the development of children's creative talent.

It also becomes mandatory that when working with this pedagogical means The teacher should not forget about the methodological capabilities of other technologies, as well as modern technical means that can be used in the process of Lego construction, for example, interactive complexes (laptop, projector, program "SmartNoteBook" ) . And also the program "Story Visualizer" , which allows you to create comics together with children and their parents, which use objects constructed from Lego parts. Modern child, growing up in the world of information technology and communications, in the process of creating comics, enjoys mastering the design of pictures on an interactive board. The undoubted advantages of this program are that children show their creativity, because... they face a lot of questions: what will it be about? this story? what heroes will be in this story? What characters and objects need to be created to compose a comic? and so on.

Such work directly influences the formation of children’s personality. After all, to create a comic book, you need to think through the plot, correctly compose dialogues between the characters, create the necessary objects and take photographs of them, and also edit the comic book. Creating a plot for a comic book, inventing and telling lego fairy tales and stories helps to liberate children's imagination, appealing to the existing emotional and literary experience children.

The development of these skills is carried out in communication with a teacher who helps children coordinate plans and find ways out of controversial situations. In case of difficulties, the teacher guides the children’s plans with leading questions.

From the perspective of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, we can say that Lego construction technology helps to ensure all target guidelines at the stage of completion of preschool education, namely:

  • the child shows initiative and independence in various types of activities: play, communication, construction, etc.; is able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities
  • the child has a positive attitude towards the world, actively interacts with peers and adults, and participates in joint games
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities and, above all, in play; masters different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situations
  • the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation
  • The child has developed gross and fine motor skills
  • the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers
  • the child shows curiosity; capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities .

Thus, we can say that Lego construction sets are one of the most accessible means of developing a positively socialized personality in children. Lego construction helps children bring their ideas to life, build and imagine, working with passion and seeing the end result.


  1. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B., Brushlinsky A.V., Working concept of giftedness, M.: IChP "Master Publishing House" , 1998.
  2. Ilyin E.P., Psychology of creativity, creativity, giftedness, - St. Petersburg: Peter; 2009.
  3. Nemereshchenko O.D., The use of Lego technologies in the development of abilities in preschool children [Text]: educational and methodological manual / Tomsk: MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 40" , 2014. – 37 p.
  4. Federal State educational standard preschool education.

Lego is a smart game
Attractive, cunning.
It's fun to play here
Build, compose, search!
I invite all my friends
Collect Lego quickly.
It's also interesting for adults:
It's good to play Lego


“Development of cognitive-research, constructive activities and technical creativity through light engineering and robotics"


1.1.Relevance,innovative significance of technology. A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies has entailed society’s need for people who are able to solve new problems in innovative ways and introduce new content into all spheres of life. Modern children live in an era of active informatization, computerization and robotics; in a rapidly changing life, a person requires not only possession of a certain amount of knowledge, but also, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself, operate with it, think independently and creatively, be able to transform and adapt existing experience to rapidly changing conditions.

Improving the educational process in the context of modernization of preschool education goes in many directions, affecting mainly the formation personal qualities preschooler.At the present stage of preschool education, the emphasis is shifted from knowledge, skills and abilities to the formation of mental processes and the development of personal qualitieschild, such as curiosity, determination, independence, responsibility, “creativity” or creativity,ensuring social success and promoting formation of an intellectual creative personality, which is characterized by:

  • Ø the ability to make decisions and achieve the required result in uncertain problem situations, independently replenishing the lack of knowledge and information;
  • Ø the ability to interact positively with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions;
  • Ø mastery of information technology; the ability to independently learn throughout life in the context of both personal professional growth and social life, to work in a team for a common result;
  • Ø the ability to defend one’s point of view, justifying it, to conduct a discussion in such a way that it leads to a new understanding of the problem, and not to conflict.

Raising a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality is one of the most important government tasks, the implementation of which is aimed at improving the education system, methods of education and training.

The issue of using innovative pedagogical technologies in terms of preparing a person of this kind is relevant, however, experience in preschool education systematic work There is no provision for the development of cognitive, research and constructive activities, technical creativity of preschoolers aged 4-6 years through the use of light construction and robotics.

Domestic teachers and psychologists have recognized the fact thatThe results of modern psychological and pedagogical research(Yu.K. Babansky, L.A. Wenger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov, I.D. Zverev, V.V. Zaporozhets, I.Ya. Lerner, A.I. Savenkov, G .I. Shchukina, etc.) show that the possibilities of intellectual development of preschool children are much higher than previously assumed. Thus, it turned out that children can successfully learn not only the external, visual properties of objects and phenomena, but also their internal connections and relationships.

During preschool childhood, abilities for initial forms of generalization, inference, and abstraction are formed. The value of real technology lies in the fact that, practically, through direct activity, the hidden sides of an object or phenomenon are discovered; The child’s ability to identify a problem, perform analytical operations and the ability to independently choose a way to solve it develops.

In the works of many domestic teachers N.N. Poddyakova, A.P. Usova, E.L. Panko “children’s design claims to be the leading activity during the period preschool development" Cognitive, research and constructive activities make it possible to combine almost all types of activities and all aspects of the education of preschool children: develops observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develops the desire to understand the world, cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, and develop in children a desire for learning activities , to educate a creatively oriented personality.

Scientists (Luria. A.R., Rubenstein S.L., etc.) involved in research of the brain and mental development of children have proven the connection between fine motor skills and the development of speech and the intellectual development of the child as a whole. Constructive activities, Lego design classes, receive a lot of attention in the implementation of general educational programs of preschool educational institutions. However, as a rule, teachers encourage the child to engage in constructive activities and activities aimed at developing fine motor skills in early preschool age. The constructive activity of children of senior preschool age is more often organized in free activities, and less often in specially organized ones.

However, the resource for performing multiple manipulations during classes in Lego construction and roboticscan serve as the basis not only for the development of motor skills, stimulating the development of intellectual abilities and mental processes of the child, but also a fairly high factor in cognitive motivation, design, and technical creativity, starting from early preschool age.

Based on the above, today there is an actual problem increasing cognitive motivation and intellectual development of preschool children through cognitive-research, constructive activities and technical creativity, through light engineering and robotics, which must be addressed at all levels of education, within the framework of organizing interaction on a network basis with educational institutions of the city.

As practice shows,the organization of such activities is the basis of the activity approach,which in the field of light engineering and robotics has not become widespread, as in gaming, productive, project,experimental types of children's activities.

The relevance of the problems we identified is explained by the need to overcome the following contradictions: between the need to develop cognitive motivation and technical creativity in preschool children and the search for conceptually new approaches, methods and techniques in this direction.

In the aspect of the problems and contradictions identified above, we have determined subject our educational LEGO technology: “Development of cognitive, research and constructive activities, technical creativity through light engineering and robotics».

2. Goals and objectives of the educational technology course.

Target development of cognitive-research, constructive activity and technical creativity of the child through lightweight construction sets and robotics. Formation of intellectual and personal qualities of preschool children, technical abilities, design skills, education of a creative and purposeful personality, capable of independently setting tasks and finding original solutions.


  • Ø Development of the child’s individual abilities;
  • Ø To develop preschoolers' interest in modeling and design, to stimulate children's scientific and technical creativity.
  • Ø Form spatial thinking, the ability to analyze an object, highlight it characteristics, main parts, establish a connection between their purpose and structure.
  • Ø Develop the ability to apply your knowledge in the design and assembly of structures.
  • Ø Develop operations of logical thinking,
  • Ø Develop children's cognitive activity, imagination, fantasy and creative initiative;
  • Ø Develop fine and gross motor skills, spatial orientation;
  • Ø Develop dialogical and monologue speech, Expand words knowledge.
  • Ø Improve children's communication skills when working in pairs, teams, and sharing responsibilities;
  • Ø Development of outlook and culture;
  • Ø To form the prerequisites for educational activities: the ability and desire to work, carry out tasks in accordance with instructions and the set goal, bring the work started to completion, plan future work.

The development of design abilities activates the child’s thought processes and gives rise to interest in creative solution set tasks, ingenuity and independence, initiative, the desire to search for something new and original, and therefore contributes to the development of talent.

The main idea and novelty of the technology.

The main idea and novelty is that , that our proposed educational development technology reflects conceptually new approach in the field of introducing preschool children to constructive activities and technical creativity, providing them active , proactive and independentinvolvement in activities and stimulating cognitive activity.

The main target groups to which the technology is aimed.

Open character innovation activity MBDOU DS OV "Zvezdochka" (city innovation platform), methods of testing and disseminating the results of activities (forums, Internet conferences, presentations, training seminars and city master classes) will make it possible to put into practice the technology for the development of cognitive, research and constructive activities, technical creativity through light construction and robotics. This technology can beaddressed to teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, managers, deputy heads, students of advanced training courses for teaching staff, etc.


LEGO technology is interesting because, being built on integrative principles, it allows us to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children. LEGO construction is not only a practical creative activity, but also the development of mental abilities, which manifests itself in other types of activities: speech, play, and visual arts. This is also the education of a socially active personality with a high degree of freedom of thinking, the development of independence, and the ability of children to solve any problems creatively. LEGO technology undoubtedly claims to be called an interactive pedagogical technology, as it stimulates the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

The use of educational lightweight construction technology and robotics in preschool educational institutions is relevant:

ü the use of Lego constructors is an excellent tool for the intellectual development of preschool children, ensuring the integration of various types of children's activities (play, communication, cognitive-research, constructive, self-service and basic household work, motor),

ü The basis of educational activities using Lego technology is play - the leading type of children's activity. Lego - allows you to learn by playing and learn through play.

ü the use of Lego technology in preschool educational institutions makes it possible to raise the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers to a higher level, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

ü Lego technology is a means of developmental education, stimulates the cognitive activity of preschool children, promotes the education of a socially active personality with a high degree of freedom of thinking, the development of independence, determination, and the ability to solve any problems creatively.

ü Lego technology combines elements of play with experimentation, and, consequently, activates the mental and speech activity of preschool children.

In preschool educational institutions, Lego construction sets were used earlier, but more often in children’s independent activities and were in the nature of plot construction. The idea of ​​making light construction a guided process rather than a spontaneous one arose with the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, because having studied the demands of modern society for the personality being formed from the first stage of preschool education, we thought about the relevance of its use in educational - educational process technologies of educational light construction and robotics. Through the use of legoconstructors, it is possible to effectively solve educational problems implemented in kindergarten in accordance with the approximate general education program Preschool educational institutions, both in the invariant and variable parts, formed by participants in the educational process, because the program allows you to optimally combine the basic content of education and priority areas in the work of preschool educational institutions. Lego technology can be introduced into the educational process and successfully integrated with other educational areas “Cognitive”, “Speech”, “Social-communicative”, “ Artistic and aesthetic", "Physical".

In the process of LEGO construction, preschoolers develop mathematical abilities by counting parts, blocks, fasteners, calculating the required number of parts, their shape, color, length. Children become familiar with such spatial indicators as symmetry and asymmetry, and orientation in space. In addition, design is closely related to the sensory and intellectual development of the child: visual acuity, perception of color, shape, size are improved, and mental processes (analysis, synthesis, classification) are successfully developed.

Lightweight construction also develops communication skills, activatingmental and speech activity of preschool children. Older preschoolers are happy to talk about their buildings, pronounce the sequence of their actions, and evaluate this or that constructive situation. They perform tasks that require activation of mental activity, for example, completing a building according to a given sign or conditions (“Fill the space”, “Guess whose part I am?”, “Bring your model to life” and others). Speech situations that arise in the process of creating buildings and playing with them contribute to the development of children's speech, which serves as one of the most important means of human activity, and for the future schoolchild is the key to successful learning at school. Many learning tasks are solved: vocabulary expands, communication skills develop, and the ability to generalize and draw conclusions improves.

In our opinion, one of the main opportunities in light construction is to teach children to work effectively together. Today, the joint acquisition of knowledge and development of skills, the interactive nature of interaction are in demand more than ever before. In a group activity, children can not only communicate, but also exchange tips on mounting methods, parts, or even combine their models to create a larger structure. It is important to organize conditions under which participants in joint activities could solve emerging problems by communicating and consulting with each other, as well as learn from their mistakes. At the same time, preschoolers develop social skills: independence, initiative, responsibility, mutual understanding, necessary when interacting with other children.

LEGO building activities help preschoolers enter the world of social experience. Children develop a unified and holistic idea of ​​the objective and social world. The lesson plan includes topics such as “Animals”, “Urban and rural buildings”, “Furniture”, “Toys”, “Transport”, “Ships explore the Universe”, “Journey to a fairy tale” and others. On calendar holidays, thematic exhibitions are organized in the children's creativity corner, which invariably present the works of children attending additional classes in LEGO construction.

By engaging in light construction during joint educational activities throughout the day, children acquire work culture skills: they learn to maintain order in the workplace, distribute time and effort when making models (each lesson has its own topic) and, therefore, plan activities.

In light engineering, the formation and development of artistic and aesthetic skills can easily be achieved by designing and transforming ready-made models, when creating complete image Not only construction sets can be used, but also paper, pencils, and other materials.

Due to its versatility, LEGO construction sets are the most preferred educational material for diversifying the learning process of preschoolers. This is reflected in project activities. The word “project” successfully fits into the work system of our kindergarten, where children have the opportunity to show their individuality and realize creative ideas within the framework of joint parental projects in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning of the preschool educational institution. The purpose of such events is to make parents want to participate with their child in thematic design, to give them the opportunity to gain skills in interacting with children on the basis of cooperation and equal relationships. And in this situation, the LEGO constructor acts as universal material, working with whom gives equal pleasure to both children and adults. Also at the end school year Leisure activities are held in the kindergarten, where children and their parents take part in the construction of a LEGO town with streets, parks, and playgrounds. Joint creative activity “on equal terms” has great developmental potential: it gives adults the opportunity to understand the interests and reveal the talents of their child, establish mutual understanding, and make each participant feel their importance in the common cause.

So, light construction and robotics make it possible to introduce information technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions, helping preschoolers master the elements of computer literacy, skills and abilities to work with modern technical means.

In casual play, children develop easily and comprehensively, they develop cognitive interest, creativity, and observation, which contributes to the formation of a creative personality.

Organization and content The process of interaction between teachers and students to develop their intellectual potential is determined by conceptually new approaches aimed at the efficiency of this process:

Introduction of educational light construction into joint educational activities (JED), in special moments, in independent activities during the day;

Organization of a developmental space that promotes constructive activities with various types legoconstructors in independent activities during the day;

Optional work in in this direction, aimed at developing intellectual potential through the development of constructive activities and technical creativity;

The main part is represented by the following technological chain of actions: need - motive - implementation of the interaction process - result, aimed at the development, implementation and implementation of developing technology:

1st action

Focus on needs, this is a resource for the effective process of interaction between a teacher and preschoolers in the field of constructive activities and technical creativity, aimed at developing cognitive motivation and intellectual capabilities of a preschoolerthrough light engineering and robotics.

2.1. Methods and techniques , used to implement the technology:

n clear (use of ICT technologies, viewing fragments of animated and educational films, educational presentations, examining diagrams, tables, illustrations, collecting photographic materials, didactic games, organizing exhibitions, personal example of adults)

verbal (reading fiction, riddles, proverbs¸ minutes of reflection, problematic issues and situations, conversations, discussions, situation modeling)

practical (game situations, elementary search activities (experiments with buildings), playing out buildings, modeling situations, competitions, physical exercises.

2nd act

Creation of pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions, the so-called “Smart Environment”, conducive to increasing motivation satisfy the above needs.

3rd act

Algorithm implementation of the interaction process teacher with children includes the following positions:

1. Analytical report of the teacher on his readiness to expand the boundaries of the innovative space for interaction with children in the field of constructive activities and technical creativity.

2. Characteristics of interaction (where the semantic chain of the direction of activity is built: what are we doing? - what are we making from? - for whom? - why? - with whom together?).

3. Organization of the process of interaction between the teacher and students, which is determined by conceptually new approaches, psychological and pedagogical principles and stages of activity:

Conceptual approaches

Activity approach this is the approachin the center of which is the child’s activity (the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtains it himself in the process of activity). This approach also involves a different range and change in the methods used, training and development techniques (graphic modeling method, comparison method, techniques for drawing up buildings according to a diagram, construction based on a model, fantasy techniques, many others); considered as a vector of the sequence: “goal-motive-task-means-action-operation-result-evaluation-forecast-aftereffect”.

The acmeological approach is the attitude and desire of all participants in the educational process in the context of “children - parent - teacher” towards common success (A. Asmolov).

Humane approach – recognition of dignity, personal freedom, tolerance of the opinions of others.

Psychological and pedagogical principles

The principle of “development through activity”, proposed by the American scientist D. Dewey: taking into account the interests of children; development through training in thought and action; cognition and knowledge are a consequence of overcoming difficulties.

The principle of continuity (continuity between all levels of education at the level of technology content).

The principle of psychological comfort.

The principle of creativity and variability.

The principle of taking into account the age characteristics of children (selection of methods and techniques appropriate to the child’s age).

The principle of phasing,which entails the distribution of activities between all participants in the pedagogical process:

3. Distribution of activities

between participants in the pedagogical process (stages of implementation)

Table 1

Children's activities





1. Express diagnostic stage.

Selection of diagnostic methods and techniques aimed at identifying in children the formation of preferences for engaging in constructive activities and technical creativity. Monitoring (Appendix 1).

Participation in diagnostic examination.

Parental consent to the diagnosis of children.

Processing of monitoring results.

Studying the results.

2. Stage of technology development and implementation

Development of technology for the development of cognitive, research and constructive activities, technical creativity through light engineering and robotics. Introducing ideas proposed by parents into the content of technology.

Familiarization with technology. Propose your ideas in this area.

3. Planning stage for upcoming activities

Activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions

Activities of parents as assistants

Children's activities

Joint discussion of the level of preparation for upcoming activities:

Choosing a topic, goal, taking into account the developed example forward planning(Appendix 2);

Selection of methods, techniques and content of material;

Determining the place and time of educational activities;

Preparation of practical material (preparation of visual, didactic, handouts in the form of diagrams, models, creation of computer slides, programs, etc.);

Identification of technological features in the construction of the educational process for the development of “cognitive - research and constructive activities, technical creativity through light engineering and robotics.”

Organization of the educational process by the teacher, coordination, practical assistance, control, adjustment at the practical stage.

Adopting a partnership position.

4. Practical stage

Activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions

Children's activities

Activities of parents as assistants

Activities to develop cognitive, research and constructive activities, technical creativity through light engineering and robotics in preschoolers are built in the following sequence:

Stage 1.A minute of entry into the day (to raise the emotional mood of children and their positive attitude used in activities

Stage 2.Motivation for upcoming activities. To attract the interest and attention of preschoolers to the upcoming activity, a different range of methodological techniques is used, for example: a game and a surprise moment (the appearance of some fairy tale hero in early preschool age and asking riddles in older preschool age), creating problematic situations that arouse the child’s interest and state of joyful anticipation of what lies ahead.

Stage 3.Analysis of constructed modeling objects:

a) highlighting and naming the main details in the constructed object (the degree of detail can be different, it depends on how much the child knows terminology: highlighting the main objects and their details and highlighting only the main objects. To determine the details of one object, you can use such a game technique as “Hunt for details", when children are asked to name and describe the details of the main object. And also at this stage, a method is used - conversation, which promotes the analysis of buildings, descriptive characteristics of objects. These techniques and methods are aimed at enhancing the cognitive, research and constructive activity of preschool children. (With In this case, the teacher must show a keen interest and react emotionally to the children’s answers);

b) constructive modeling of basic objects (children are asked to carefully look at the graphic objects presented in front of them and choose exactly the one with which they will model);

c) highlighting and naming secondary objects (you can use the same techniques and methods as when highlighting the main objects;

e) connecting primary and secondary objects to build a plot (invite children to connect and then model the plot. The teacher here needs to:

  • lead preschoolers to brief discussions. They should be arranged in the following order: first it is said what will be connected to what, what parts are used, then why - analytical reasoning: why this way and not otherwise, what will happen if you change the sequence of fastening the parts
  • If the child finds it difficult to find relationships between objects, additional questions can be used to prompt him to a specific choice of objects;

f) completion of the construction of an object, a plot (after establishing the relationships between the main and secondary objects, the teacher invites the children to independently build, create, any thematic plot they like).

Stage 4.Presentation of the constructed object, plot (at this stage you can use techniques such as:; technique of fantasy, independent communicative presentation; “Pride” and “Chance” techniques, where each child gets a chance to be the center of everyone’s attention and demonstrate their construction, an object used in general plot, while receiving universal approval).

Stage 6.Children coming up with a descriptive story for a building, object, plot (this stage involves both the development of communicative competence and the disclosure creative imagination preschoolers.

Adopting a partnership position and an active participant as an assistant.

5. Reflection stage

Activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions

Children's activities

Activities of parents as assistants

Receipt feedback. Conclusions “Tell me what has been done”, “What caused the difficulty”, “What did you do to solve the difficulties that arose”, “What feelings are overwhelming you now.”

Reflection begins with children concentrating on the emotional aspect, the feelings they experienced in the process and as a result of the activity.

Your suggestions and comments.

Middle group

Senior group

Preparatory group

1.Acquaintance with new parts of the Lego Duplo constructor, consolidation of knowledge about those already known to children.

2. Teach children to create plot composition on the board.

3.Continue to teach how to build according to your own plans.

4. Learn to plan your work, be able to tell.

5. Continue to introduce children to the concept of stability of a building, its strength.

6. Teach children to analyze a building from a picture, highlight the main structural parts in it.

7. Continue to teach how to work in a team, learn how to build a joint building, and plan the stages of its creation.

8. Learn to convey the shape of an object using Lego constructors, select parts according to shape, size and stability in accordance with the content.

9. Learn to follow the teacher’s instructions.

10.Give the concept of symmetry.

11.Continue to teach children to work according to the model.

12.Continue to develop the ability to navigate in space (on a plane), to use words denoting spatial relationships.

13.Continue to introduce children to various ways of fastening Lego pieces.

14.Continue to introduce children to Lego mosaics, teach them to distinguish geometric shapes, their color location in space.

15. Learn to distinguish geometric figures Regardless of their color and location, learn to combine shapes by color and shape.

16. Give children the opportunity to experiment with Legos.

1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of Lego construction sets, distinguish and name them.

2. Introduce children to the Lego Dacta constructor and its details. Compare it with Lego Duplo.

3. Continue to teach children to examine objects and samples, analyze finished buildings; identify essential features in different designs, group them according to the similarity of the main features, understand that differences in features in shape and size depend on the purpose of the objects; cultivate the ability to show creativity and inventiveness in work; learn to plan the stages of creating a building.

4. Continue to teach children to work collectively.

5. Teach mentally, change the spatial position of the constructed object, its parts, details, imagine what position they will occupy after the change.

6. Learn to analyze the operating conditions of the future structure, establish a sequence and, based on this, create an image of the object.

7. Teach children to design according to the scheme proposed by an adult and build a diagram of the future structure.

8. Learn to construct according to the conditions set by adults, the plot of the game.

The use of LEGO technologies in correctional and speech therapy work with children with special needs development

At the present stage of development of integration processes in education, the problem of adaptation of children with special needs to the conditions of a comprehensive school is of priority importance. Integration into public schools of children with this speech disorder is successful only if there is sufficient high level speech development.
Considering that the main types of activities in preschool age are playful and constructive activities, much attention is given to the development and implementation of pedagogical technologies that have a pronounced modeling character. They provide an opportunity to develop both speech and related non-speech activities in children with speech disorders.
By training our fingers, we have a powerful impact on the performance of the cerebral cortex, and consequently on the development of speech. Therefore, the use of LEGO technologies focused on the development of fine motor skills are indispensable in speech therapy work.
When using LEGO technologies, we can note some of their advantages over other innovative constructive play techniques used for speech development:
A child can play with crafts made from LEGO construction sets and touch them without the risk of spoiling them. The constructor is safe: there is no risk of cutting yourself or swallowing poisonous chemical composition, such as glue. The child’s hands remain clean, and the crafts can be put away quickly and easily.
When using a LEGO constructor, a child can create colorful and attractive designs, regardless of his or her skills. He is experiencing mental condition success.
When working with a LEGO constructor, a child develops a sense of security, since construction is a world under his control.
The LEGO constructor does not cause a negative attitude in the child and all speech therapy work is perceived by him as a game.
Since the construction set can be placed not only on the table, but also on the floor, on the carpet, and even on the wall, the child does not need to maintain a static sitting position during classes, which is especially important for somatically weakened children.
Working with LEGO allows you to reveal the individuality of each child, resolve his psychological difficulties, develop the ability to realize his desires and the possibility of realizing them.
The prospects for using these methods and techniques are directly dependent on the development of proper methodological equipment, without which they cannot be fully used in the educational process. Therefore, we would like to talk about the experience of using Lego technologies for the development and correction of speech of children in our kindergarten.
The basis of correctional work using Lego technologies is the construction of scenery, the reproduction of character actions with dubbing, the construction of models with their subsequent description, the use of preceding, accompanying and concluding speech, as well as the use of constructed models for the development of the lexical and grammatical component of speech.
Working on lexical topics with the help of a LEGO constructor, which has a wide selection of sets, allows children with ODD to memorize new words using tactile and visual analyzers. The best way for such children to accumulate vocabulary is through what they see and understand.
For example, working with children on the topic “Our City” surprised us with its effectiveness. Children created designs on both fantasy themes and real stories. The emotional component of the game contributed to the activation of dialogues during the work process. Compiling stories based on the constructed scenery, and then combining them into a common big narrative, helped children trace the spatio-temporal relationships necessary for the coherence of the statement. The same work was carried out on the topic “Space” and other topics. The children worked with great motivation.
The ability to perform independent actions with the elements of the constructor, their descriptions and comparisons contribute to the formation of an interconnected complex of semantic, sound, morphological and rhythmic operations that carry out a word search, which makes it possible, in addition to increasing the vocabulary, to transfer words from a passive dictionary to an active one.
The use of LEGO technologies in the speech therapy process makes it possible to carry out correction with the greatest psychological comfort. Work on retelling, story, dialogue becomes more effective. Retelling the story not according to the plot picture, but according to the three-dimensional image of the scenery from the construction set, helps the child to better understand the plot, which makes the retelling more detailed and logical. At the same time, work on coherent speech is carried out in order of increasing complexity, with a gradual decrease in clarity.
Since correctional work is not only on the “external” speech defect of the child, but also on his communication skills, as well as on changing personal characteristics, one of the most effective methods restoration of communication in the process of dialogue is a logopsychocorrectional LEGO game (dramatization games, plot-based role-playing games)
It was held in our garden interesting job based on the retelling of the fairy tale “Morozko”. First, the play “Morozko” was shown by teachers and kindergarten teachers. After that the children preparatory group They themselves made large sets from construction sets, assigned roles and presented their own version of the play, where dialogues from the fairy tale were successfully retold. The next stage was the construction of standard sets set designer and fairy tale retelling (children of the middle and senior groups took part in this work).
Children often create decorations themselves, in design classes, in their free time, and sometimes at home with their parents. It should be noted that the speech therapist, participating in the creation of structures, works with children who have the most complex speech defects, in which it is necessary to pronounce their own actions or use reflected speech. When the design is completed, work begins with the whole group.
When working with a construction set, it’s good to practice grammatical structures: coordinating numerals with nouns (how many windows are there in your house? How many berries are there on a bush? How does a lion roar in a cage? Are there many people in your zoo?).
Designing animal figures helps children learn to identify parts of a whole and practice case endings (a kitten without what? Without a tail.) Composing parts of different animals helps develop understanding of the formation of complex words (The game “Magic Zoo” where the head of a crocodile and the body of a tiger are connected and you get a crocotiger).
Work on speech development using Lego technologies has made the correctional speech therapy process more effective. The children perceived the classes as a game; it did not cause negativity in them; it taught children to be attentive, persevering, and accurately following instructions. This helped to better assimilate correctional material. The more diverse the methods of speech therapy for children with speech pathology, the more successful the formation of speech will be.
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