Lyubertsy House of Culture poster for January. Tickets to the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture. Circus performance “How Ivan saved Santa Claus”

Fabulous show“Golden light of the moon” in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture Mother’s Day in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture New Year’s tree in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture Gala concert of a competition among English schoolchildren Open festival-competition “Oh, you, the prowess of Lyubertsy” Opening of the exhibition of the Crimean artist Larisa Sergeeva Gala evening dedicated to the anniversary Great Victory in Lyubertsy Award ceremony for young intellectuals of the district “Zvezdochki-2016” Festival children's creativity"Rainbow-2016" in Lyubertsy "Rainbow-2016" blossomed on the Lyubertsy skyline Concert of the Children's Choreographic School dedicated to the birthday of A.S. Pushkin Social Worker's Day was celebrated in the district recreation center. Day of Russia was celebrated in the district recreation center by Lyubertsy residents celebrated in the district recreation center. “Golden” medalists of the Lyubertsy region “Lyubertsy Panorama”, “Radio of the Lyubertsy Region”, the site “InfoLyubertsy” celebrated the anniversary Friends of the site InfoLyubertsy at the festival “ Great traditions- big anniversaries" Teacher's Day was celebrated in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture. Photo exhibition of Nikolai Tokarev, dedicated to the Year Russian cinema Mother's Day was celebrated at the Lyubertsy House of Culture. Part 1 Mother's Day was celebrated at the Lyubertsy House of Culture. Part 2 Festival “On the Roads of Vysotsky” Anniversary of the Lyubertsy Palace of Children and youth creativity at the regional Palace of Culture Concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow Celebrations on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the creation of the Regional Civil Registry Office Christmas tree, organized for children by the party " United Russia» Hearings on the improvement of courtyard areas of the Lyubertsy urban district Conference of the local branch of the UNITED RUSSIA party in the Lyubertsy urban district 20th interzonal open dance festival-competition “Oh, you, the prowess of Lyubertsy!” Rally of defrauded shareholders of the Kraskovo-Olympiysky residential complex Moscow regional festival-competition Russian performers folk dance“Carousel of Muscovy” Concert by Lyuberetsky academic choir“Choral” Publication of the final report of the Public Chamber of the Lyubertsy region Awarding the winners children's competition"Rays-2017" Festival of children's creativity "Rainbow" for Children's Day A ceremonial event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Civil Defense of the Moscow Region in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture The first film festival "Yeralash" was held in Lyubertsy Teacher's Day in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture Lyubertsy residents celebrated the 100th anniversary October revolution Summing up the football season in the urban district of Lyubertsy New Year's performance in the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture The first meeting of the head of the Lyubertsy district with residents in the New Year Concert dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland In the urban district of Lyubertsy, they congratulated cultural workers at the 2018 Medalists Ball in the city. Lyubertsy A charity concert Denis Maidanov Day of the Elderly in the city. Lyubertsy Teacher's Day in the city. Lyubertsy Competition "Lyubertsy Girl 2019" Report concert of the Lyubertsy children's choreographic school

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Lyubertsy district palace culture- a famous center of art and creativity, located in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow. This site was opened in the mid-twentieth century. It is located in a building specially built for these needs, located in central region city ​​on Oktyabrsky Avenue near the city park. Since its foundation, numerous clubs and sections in various types of creativity and sports disciplines began to work here. At the same time, classes were organized here for both children and adults. In addition, very quickly the palace managed to become a real concert center, where many performed famous artists and Soviet-era performers. IN different years on this stage one could see such famous figures of Russian art as Vladimir Vysotsky, Nikolai Rastorguev and many others. The famous Lyubertsy pop orchestra also worked here. And not far from the building there was a dance floor, where since the 80s of the last century not only traditional dance evenings, but also punk parties, as well as concerts began to take place popular rock- performers of that time. And in 1986, the first bodybuilding tournament in the Soviet Union took place in the palace.

Today this site is one of the most important and main cultural centers of this city near Moscow. IN Lyubertsy Palace of Culture There are many creative clubs and studios for children and adults, where you can learn various types of dances, vocal art, learn to play musical instruments or get the basics acting skills. At the same time, the four existing this place collectives bear the title of folk. This - academic choir"Chorale", youth chamber orchestra"Rondo", choreographic ensemble "Russia" and Theatre of Drama, widely known far beyond Lyubertsy. Also, at this site, a famous weightlifting school has been operating since the 70s of the last century. This center constantly hosts demonstration performances by existing circles and creative teams. But at the same time, on his posters you can often see information about the performances of popular domestic performers various directions and genres. Tickets Such concerts are always in high demand among large audiences. In addition, this site is perfect for organizing theatrical productions, creative evenings, children's New Year's and other performances. Many other types of events can be held here.

Currently, this place is one of the popular and beloved cultural centers of this city. Works here all the time various types creativity and sports for many children and adults. And connoisseurs of cultural recreation can always find themselves interesting event to your liking.

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