Methodological competence of a dhow educator. Material on the topic: Professional competence of a preschool teacher

An essential component of a person's professionalism is professional competence. The issues of professional competence are considered in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists. Modern approaches and interpretations of professional competence are very different. The definitions of professional competence that exist today in foreign literature as “in-depth knowledge”, “the state of adequate task performance”, “ability to actual performance of activities”.

The problem of professional competence is being actively studied by domestic scientists. Most often, this concept is used intuitively to express a high level of qualifications and professionalism. Professional competence is considered as a characteristic of the quality of specialist training, the potential for the effectiveness of labor activity. In pedagogy, this category is considered either as a derived component from “general cultural competence” (N. Rozov, E.V. Bondarevskaya), or as “the level of education of a specialist” (B.S.Gershunsky, A.D. Schekatunova). If we try to determine the place of competence in the system of levels of professional skill, then it is between diligence and perfection.

The professional competence of a teacher is a multifactorial phenomenon that includes a system of theoretical knowledge of a teacher and methods of their application in specific pedagogical situations, value orientations of a teacher, as well as integrative indicators of his culture (speech, communication style, attitude towards himself and his activities, to related areas knowledge, etc.).

One of the most important components of professional competence is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to use them in practice. Society today is experiencing the deepest and most rapid changes in its history. The old style of life, when one education was enough for a lifetime, is being replaced by a new standard of living: "EDUCATION FOR ALL, EDUCATION THROUGH THE WHOLE LIFE ...". One of the indicators of the professional competence of an educator is his ability for self-education, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfection of the current state of the educational process and the desire for growth and self-improvement. An educator of the 21st century is: - A harmoniously developed, internally rich personality, striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection; - Who knows how to select the most effective methods, means and technologies of teaching and education for the implementation of the tasks; -Able to organize reflective activity; - Possessing a high degree of professional competence, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, have a variety of interests.

Professional competence- this is the teacher's ability to solve professional problems, tasks in the conditions of professional activity, it is the sum of knowledge and skills that determines the effectiveness and efficiency of labor, it is a combination of personal and professional qualities.

Competence is a personal characteristic, and competence is a set of specific professional qualities.

The main components of the professional competence of a preschool teacher include(authors: N. A. Kochetova, T. V. Komardina, S. V. Shaposhnikova, N. N. Gladysheva):

1. Competence in the conduct of the educational process;

2. ICT competence;

3. Competence in organizing educational work;

4. Competence in establishing contacts with parents;

5. Competence in building an individual educational route for pupils;

6. Competence in the development and implementation of modified and copyright educational programs;

7. Competence in mastering modern educational technologies;

8. Competence of professional and personal development;

9. Creative competence of a teacher;

10. Competence in organizing health-preserving conditions of the educational process;

11. Competence in creating a subject-spatial environment.

In accordance with the definition of the concept of "professional competence", it is proposed to assess the level of professional competence of teaching staff using three criteria:

1. Possession of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activities.

2. Willingness to solve professional subject problems.

3. Ability to control their activities in accordance with the accepted rules and regulations.

Conditions for professional growth: Self-educational work Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature. Review on the Internet Attendance at seminars, conferences, GCD colleagues. Discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues. Systematic passing of refresher courses. Conducting open sessions for analysis by colleagues. Study of information and computer technologies. Communication with colleagues in MDOU, city and on the Internet. Participation in competitions on the Internet. Placement of their developments on sites on the Internet. Effectiveness: For a young teacher, independent work on self-education will allow them to replenish and concretize their knowledge, to carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children. The teachers will develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, the flexibility of thinking, the ability to model and predict the educational process will be formed, and their creative potential will be revealed. A teacher who has the skills of independent work will have the opportunity to prepare and move on to purposeful scientific and practical, research activities, which indicates a higher professional, educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of pedagogical activity generally.

FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The modernization of the education system in Russia brings the issues of the formation of professional competence of a teacher to one of the leading places. Professional competence is a condition for the effectiveness of the organization of the upbringing and educational process. The study of various approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "professional competence" makes it possible to present it as the ability to effectively perform professional activities, determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and emotional-value attitude to teaching. It assumes possession of theoretical knowledge, professional skills, professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities. Many researchers, along with the concept of pedagogical (professional) competence, consider such concepts as pedagogical skill, pedagogical technique, and pedagogical skills. The problem of pedagogical skill is widely developed in domestic pedagogy and psychology (Yu.P. Azarov, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov, N.V. Kuzmina and others). According to literary sources, pedagogical skill is a constantly improving art of education and training, available to every teacher who works by vocation and loves children. Pedagogical skill is characterized as a high level of mastery of pedagogical activity. N.V. Kuzmina, the content of pedagogical skills includes such components as psychological and pedagogical erudition, skills in the field of pedagogical technology, the ability to influence the psyche of another person, and personal characteristics. V.A. Slastenin includes theoretical knowledge and skills based on it. Pedagogical technique is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities for effective interaction with people in any situations (speech skills, pantomime, self-management, a benevolent, optimistic attitude, elements of the skills of an actor and director) (L. I. Ruvinsky). Pedagogical technique is a component of pedagogical excellence and pedagogical competence. Thus, pedagogical excellence is viewed as a high level of mastering professional knowledge and pedagogical technique. Pedagogical competence will be a component of pedagogical skill, as it presupposes possession of knowledge, developed skills and professionally significant personal qualities, which in pedagogical skill are brought to a high and constantly improved art. In the course of the analysis of literary sources on the problem of professional competence, the following components were identified: epistemological, value-semantic and activity-related. The epistemological component of the teacher's professional competence includes: knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of certain sciences, knowledge of modern information technologies, knowledge of the requirements for a modern teacher, knowledge of regulatory documents related to professional activities, the breadth and depth of additional knowledge. The value-semantic (personal) component of professional competence includes: readiness to show personal initiative, value attitude to the profession, readiness to work in a team. The activity component (skills) of professional competence includes the following skills: gnostic, design, communication, informational, creative, analytical, organizational, developmental. Competence is formed in activity and always manifests itself in organic unity with human values, since only under the condition of a value attitude to activity, personal interest, a high professional result is achieved. The data available in the literature indicate that the issue of assessing professional competence is currently unclear, since it is not clear how it is necessary to determine the existing changes in the level of professional competence. Since there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of "professional competence" and there is no generally accepted model for assessing the increase in the level of professional competence of preschool teachers, it became necessary to determine their positions within a preschool institution. To determine the levels of professional competence, we used the following methods: observation, questioning, interviews, testing, introspection. Based on the monitoring results, a summary map was drawn up for assessing the levels of professional competence and professionally significant qualities of teachers. Each criterion of this map was assessed with a certain number of points: from 0 to 5. All criteria were attributed to certain parameters, such as the teacher's performance, the teacher's knowledge level, the presence of skills, abilities, etc. At the end of the monitoring, the level of competence of each teacher was deduced: low, medium or high. As a result, the following data were obtained: teachers with a high level of competence - 40%, with an average - 45%, with a low level of 15%. All teachers have the necessary theoretical knowledge, are passionate about their profession, and are conscientious about their teaching activities. The following problem areas were identified: some teachers experience difficulties in organizing the activities of parents, including them in the pedagogical process, in the use of information technologies (organizational skills), the vision of each child in the group (communication skills), in the selection of forms, methods and means of teaching and education for obtaining a high-quality pedagogical result (design skills), inability to see problems and contradictions and inability to find the necessary and original solution (creative skills). Some teachers need to develop the skills of pedagogical technique. Thus, many components of the professional competence of teachers in our institution require further development. To ensure the development of the professional competence of teachers, we have built a certain system of methodological work with pedagogical personnel, which implies an active form of training and interaction of teachers in kindergarten. This system is an element of postgraduate pedagogical education and is aimed at: - the inclusion of teachers in experimental and innovative activities and awareness of its need; - informing teachers about the achievements of modern pedagogical science and practice through regulatory documents, software, methodological and didactic support; - creation of conditions for continuous development and self-development of professional competence. The system of methodical work in MDOU is built in three directions:. In relation to a specific teacher, where the main task is to form an individual, author's system of the teacher's pedagogical activity. For this, individual plans for improving the qualifications of teachers have been developed. ... In relation to the teaching staff. In this direction, methodological work is aimed at identifying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. ... In relation to the system of continuing education, which implies the comprehension of regulatory documents, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices. All methodical activities are divided by us into blocks. Block 1. Activities aimed at increasing the level of theoretical knowledge and scientific and methodological creativity. ... The work of teachers in creative and problem groups. Such groups include teachers with high pedagogical abilities, the main conductors of new technologies. The main activity of these groups is the development of innovations, the development and implementation of new projects and creative results, as well as the identification and solution of problems in the activities of the team. ... Attendance by teachers of refresher courses. It makes no sense to talk about the significance of this form of teacher training. It is important that a teacher who has completed advanced training courses shares his knowledge with colleagues. ... Participation of teachers in city methodological associations, seminars and scientific and practical conferences. The main activities of such events are the identification, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, the exchange of positive work experience among city teachers. ... Consulting. Consultations are one of the most effective forms of methodological work, as they broaden the horizons of teachers, help to overcome difficulties in work, introduce innovative materials and literature, and make work creative. ... Pedagogical readings. The main activity of pedagogical readings is aimed at mastering and accumulating psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the development of the preschool education system, scientific and practical innovations in preschool pedagogy and child psychology. Various forms of work with teachers are used: lectures, work with psychological and pedagogical literature, regulatory documents. Block 2. Activities aimed at increasing the value attitude to the profession, the formation of harmonious relationships with colleagues. ... Psychological and pedagogical trainings. Training in a training group has a number of undeniable advantages. Teachers learn to accept the point of view of their colleagues, show a willingness to change their attitudes; learn to express their experiences, aspirations, goals and expectations; the activity and initiative in the search for original solutions increases. ... The use of methods of moral encouragement and reward. A person will do a lot for a good material reward, and even more for sincere recognition and approval. Trying without recognition leads to frustration, so even the smallest successes of educators need to be celebrated and supported. ... Informal collective events. At such events, there is an opportunity not only to form a team of like-minded people, but also to better know the abilities of each teacher, to assess their pedagogical potential. ... Providing confidence in assigning responsible matters, delegation of powers in order to form a talent pool for leading personnel. Each institution has its own unique teaching staff, which may be known outside of their preschool institution. Others follow such teachers, adopting their experience of communicating with children and parents. These educators form an idea of ​​the institution in society. The administration's sincere interest in the professional growth of such teachers will contribute to the preservation and development of the pedagogical elite of the preschool educational institution. Block 3. Activities aimed at developing professional skills and teaching techniques. ... Weeks of teaching excellence. Experienced educators showcase their experience with originality and personal style. This contributes to the fact that educators value the individuality of each teacher, enrich their experience, working on the search for their own author's handwriting. ... Master classes. They contribute to the activation of the personality of each teacher, the development of creative abilities, the ability to find optimal and original solutions. ... Pedagogical advice. The use of such methods of conducting teachers' councils as discussions, auctions, round tables, pedagogical living rooms, provides a frank exchange of views, helps to unite the team, and build up the creative potential of each teacher. The Pedagogical Council provides organizational, motivational and emotional unity of the teaching staff, which creates a field of moral and intellectual unity, without which a group of teachers cannot function as a collective. ... Workshops. Includes practical tasks, observations of the work of colleagues, followed by discussion. It provides for the possibility of discussing different points of view, discussions, the creation of problematic situations, which ultimately make it possible to develop a unified position on the issue under consideration. ... Business games. They are associated with the solution of pedagogical problems containing a description of specific situations, require participants to take a certain role and choose ways of interaction. They help teachers learn the technology of conducting classes and educational activities. ... Mentoring. The path of a young specialist to professional skills is not easy. It is necessary to orient a young teacher to master advanced methods and techniques of work, to replenish his knowledge. An experienced teacher will help you comprehend the secrets of the profession with a clear example. Thus, methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a part of the system of continuous education of teachers, based on the achievements of the science of practice, aimed at increasing the level of professional skill of teachers and focused on achieving and maintaining a high quality of the pedagogical process. Not every educator can rise to the pinnacle of innovation. But love for their profession, children, good professional knowledge, developed pedagogical abilities and pedagogical technique, constant work on their development are a necessary condition for a teacher to achieve professional skills.

REFERENCES 1. Atmahova L. New approaches, qualifications, skill. Methodical service as a condition for the development of professional competence of preschool teachers. // Preschool education. 2008. No. 3. P. 15 - 17. 2. Atmahova L. New approaches, qualifications, skill. Methodological service as a condition for the development of professional competence of preschool teachers. // Preschool education. 2008. No. 4. P. 24 - 31. 3. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work at the preschool educational institution. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. Creative center. M., 2008. 4. Introduction to pedagogical activity. Textbook for students of higher. ped. study. institutions / A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leontiev, I.G. Shaposhnikova and others - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. 5. Lukyanova M.I. Professional competence of a teacher: theoretical analysis of the concept. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2007. No. 1. P. 15 - 21. 6. Mayer A.A. Model of professional competence of a preschool teacher. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2007. No. 1. P. 8 - 14. 7. Pankova E.P. We increase the professional competence of educators. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2008. No. 8, pp. 28 - 33.

The professional competence of an educator is a necessary condition for improving the quality of the pedagogical process.

The professional activity of preschool educational institutions is multifaceted and requires certain knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities. In modern pedagogical literature, these knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities are united by such a concept as "professional competence". Based on the analysis of various definitions of this concept, taking into account the characteristics of the teacher's activity, the following option can be synthesized: the professional competence of the teacher of a preschool educational institution is the ability to effectively perform professional activity, determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and an emotional-value attitude to pedagogical activity. It assumes possession of professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities.

The new social order addressed to lifelong pedagogical education is expressed in the form of requirements for the qualifications of teachers who are capable of independent development in innovations in the field of education of preschool children.

For the qualitative formation of the teacher's competence, basic knowledge, skills, abilities are needed, which will be improved in the process of self-education.

The teacher must be competent in the organization and content of activities in the following areas:

- upbringing and educational;

- educational and methodical;

- social and pedagogical.

Upbringing and educational activity presupposes the following criteria of competence: implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of the life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of the teacher's competence: knowledge of goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing of preschoolers; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program; the ability to manage the main activities of preschoolers; the ability to interact with preschoolers.

The educational and methodological activity of the educator assumes the following criteria of competence: planning of educational and educational work; design of pedagogical activities based on the analysis of the results achieved. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methods of development of various types of activities of children; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; possession of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

The socio-pedagogical activity of an educator assumes the following competence criteria: consulting assistance to parents; creating conditions for the socialization of children; protection of the interests and rights of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators:

Knowledge of basic documents about the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults in relation to children; the ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents, preschool education specialists.

In our preschool educational institution, when opening new 3 groups, we were faced with the fact that the educators who had started to work with a pedagogical education did not have or it was insufficient. For this purpose, the School of Young Specialists was organized, the purpose of which is to help novice teachers in improving their professional competence. At the first stage, we carried out diagnostics of young specialists, determination of the level of professional competence of educators.

The purpose of the diagnostics: how well the teacher is theoretically prepared, whether he has experience of practical work with children, what results he wants to achieve in his professional activity, whether he wants to continue his education. The diagnostic results showed that teachers have insufficient knowledge in the field of age characteristics of preschool children; communication difficulties; the orientation of the majority of teachers towards the educational and disciplinary model of interaction with children, a low level of information skills was noted. We tried to solve these difficulties.

At the second stage, various forms of improving professional skills were used: these are traditional methods such as consultations, lectures - discussions, round tables, the work of creative micro groups, various contests, as well as systematic training sessions with an emphasis on professionally significant qualities and skills. For the formation of communicative competence, training sessions were conducted aimed at acquiring communicative experience “The most difficult parent. The most pleasant parent "," Talk to me "," When the soul speaks to the soul ", etc. During the lessons, various techniques were used: solving pedagogical situations, the method of imitating the teacher's working day," brainstorming ", etc. Seminars were held - workshops : "Age characteristics of preschool children", "Secrets of good discipline", etc.

The purpose of such classes was the unity of theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity, which characterizes the professionalism of the educator.

The results of the School for Young Professionals represent the following:

a) the acquisition by the participants of knowledge and skills in the field of self-diagnosis: the development of reflection as introspection;

b) acquisition of skills and abilities of effective communication;

c) the appearance of motivation among teachers for self-improvement, mastering deeper knowledge.

Such active forms and methods of the School for Young Specialists are already yielding results. Work in this direction will continue as the professional competence of the teacher must be improved to the level of professional skill, and this is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education.

Professional competence of a teacher as a factor in improving the quality of preschool education.

The problem of the quality of preschool education is very relevant in modern conditions of reforming the educational system. The interest in this issue reflects the attempts of society to rebuild the system of transferring the vast experience of human knowledge to the younger generation. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to the content of quality.

Determining the conditions that ensure the quality of preschool education, it is necessary to highlight the most important of them:

 use of health-preserving technologies that will allow organizing the educational process in such a way that the child can develop without undue physical and mental stress that undermines health;

 a high level of quality of educational programs and their methodological support, the content of which will allow teachers to build the educational process in accordance with modern requirements and levels of development of society;

 enrichment of the subject-developing environment, the filling of which will provide the child with an opportunity for self-development;

 a high level of competence of the teacher, the main function of which is to help the child adapt to life in the world around him, developing such significant abilities as the ability to cognize the world, actions in the world, manifestation of an attitude to the world.

All of the above positions are priority in ensuring the quality of preschool education. At the same time, in our opinion, the implementation of each condition is impossible without the participation of a competent teacher who ensures the organization of the child's successful development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Analysis of existing approaches to determining the professional competence of a preschool teacher (A.M. Borodich, R.S. Bure, A.I. Vasilieva, E.A. Grebenshchikova, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, E.A. Panko, V.A. Petrovsky, L.V. Pozdnyak, L.G. Semushina, V.I. Yadeshko, etc.) made it possible to single out several qualities that a modern teacher should have:

 striving for personal development and creativity;

 motivation and willingness to innovate;

 understanding of the current priorities of preschool education;

• ability and need for reflection.

S.M. Godnik by professional competence means a set of professional knowledge and skills, as well as ways of performing professional activities. At the same time, he emphasizes that the professional competence of a specialist is determined not only by the scientific knowledge acquired in the process of education, but also by value orientations, motives of activity, understanding of oneself in the world and the world around, style of relationship with people, general culture, and the ability to develop creative potential.

The professional competence of a preschool teacher is defined by us as the level of his knowledge and professionalism, which allows him to make the right decisions in each specific situation when organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. The competence component in the structure of a specialist's preparedness is defined as a set of professionally, socially and personally significant results of education in the language of competencies. Therefore, in order to successfully support the educational process in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to highlight the components of the teacher's professional competence, namely:

Organizational and methodological;



The organizational and methodological component of the competence of a preschool teacher lies in the variability of the content of the educational process, the selection of technologies, regulation in the system of the teacher's activity, and is also aimed at resolving contradictions that arise in the process of interaction with children, colleagues, parents, administration, at ensuring their cooperation and achievement. joint goals in the development, education and socialization of preschool children.

The educational component of competence involves the teacher's possession of didactic theory, a system of professional knowledge, skills, and social experience. Theoretical and practical aspects of educational competence ensure the mastery of the substantive and organizational and methodological foundations of education, teaching children during preschool childhood, as well as the spiritual and personal development of a child in a preschool educational institution. The implementation of educational activities presupposes an effective and creative approach to creating conditions for the harmonious development and education of a preschooler.

The research component of competence orients the teacher in the diverse flow of psychological, pedagogical and methodological information is the basis for improving his future activities.

The modern system of vocational education requires a teacher to master the reflective component of competence, associated not only with understanding his own pedagogical activity, but also with assessing the personal qualities of the “reflective” one by other teachers and leaders. The effectiveness of the implementation of this component is associated with the presence of the teacher such qualities as critical thinking, striving and analysis, the validity and evidence of his position, readiness for adequate perception of information.

Thus, all structural components of professional competence are aimed at the practical activities of a preschool teacher in the form of the ability to resolve specific pedagogical situations. Professional readiness of a teacher, that is, his general ability to mobilize existing knowledge, experience, personal and social qualities and values ​​that are acquired in the process of educational activities and constitute his professional competence, and, therefore, are a fundamental factor in improving the quality of preschool education.


1. Volkova G.V. Increasing the level of professional competence of the teaching staff. // Head teacher, 1999, №7.

2. Godnik S.M. Formation of teacher's professional competence: Textbook / S.M. Godnik, G.A. Kozberg. - Voronezh, 2004.

3. Zeer E., Symaniuk E. Competence-based approach to the modernization of vocational education // Higher education in Russia. - 2005. - No. 4.

4. Competence-based approach in pedagogical education: Collective monograph / Ed. prof. V.A. Kozyrev and prof. N.F. Radionova. - SPb .: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2004.

5. Lebedev O.E. Competence approach in education. http:// www. nekrasovspb/ ru/ publikation/

6. Potashnik M.M. Quality management of education. M., 2000.

7. Semushina L.G. Study of the professional functions of the educator: Author's abstract of thesis for Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - M., 1979.

Pedagogical Council

"Professional competence of an educator"


Updating the development of the professional competence of the educator;

Activate the form of advanced training for teachers;

Analysis of the professional competence of teachers and the general culture of educators

Board of Education Plan

1. Professional competence of the educator

1.2. Intellectual - creative game "Professional competence of a teacher".

1.3. Game "Qualities"

2. Tips for educators on creating a portfolio.

2.1. Portfolio purpose

3. Scheduling mutual visits

1.1. Professional competence of the educator

1.1. Report “Professional competence of an educator is a necessary condition for improving the quality of the pedagogical process.

Speaker O. V. Sokolova

The professional activity of preschool educational institutions is multifaceted and requires certain knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities. In modern pedagogical literature, these knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities are united by such a concept as "professional competence". Based on the analysis of various definitions of this concept, taking into account the characteristics of the teacher's activities, the following option can be synthesized: the professional competence of the teacher of a preschool educational institution is the ability to effectively perform professional activities, determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and emotional-value attitude to pedagogical activity. It assumes possession of professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities.

The new social order addressed to lifelong pedagogical education is expressed in the form of requirements for the qualifications of teachers who are capable of independent development in innovations in the field of education of preschool children.

For the qualitative formation of the teacher's competence, basic knowledge, skills, abilities are needed, which will be improved in the process of self-education.

The teacher must be competent in the organization and content of activities in the following areas:

Educational and educational;

Educational and methodical;


Upbringing and educational activity presupposes the following criteria of competence: implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of the life and health of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of the teacher's competence: knowledge of goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and upbringing of preschoolers; the ability to effectively form knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program; the ability to manage the main activities of preschoolers; the ability to interact with preschoolers.

The educational and methodological activity of the educator assumes the following criteria of competence: planning of educational and educational work; design of pedagogical activities based on the analysis of the results achieved. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methods of development of various types of activities of children; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; possession of research technologies, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

The socio-pedagogical activity of an educator assumes the following competence criteria: consulting assistance to parents; creating conditions for the socialization of children; protection of the interests and rights of children. These criteria are supported by the following indicators:

Knowledge of basic documents about the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults in relation to children; the ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents, preschool education specialists.

1.2. Intellectually creative play

"Professional competence of an educator."

Purpose: To activate the form of professional development of teachers. In a playful way, analyze the professional competence of teaching staff and the general culture of preschool educators.

At this stage of the work of the pedagogical council, it is necessary to organize an analytical group that will evaluate the responses of the teams and conduct the game itself. This group includes the head of the school and two educators, the rest of the educators are divided into three microgroups (yellow, red, blue).

Each microgroup is asked a question in turn, the time for thinking is 30 seconds. One member from the whole team is responsible.

The review team evaluates the responses according to the following criteria.

5 points - full, detailed, correct answer.

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but not complete.

0 points - no answer or it is wrong.

Here, teachers' knowledge of the main legislative documents in the field of preschool education is analyzed and tested (this includes knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, knowledge of the content of regulatory documents in the field of education).

1 BLOCK "Knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements"

1. What is the maximum occupancy in the yas. groups (from 1 to 3 years old) (no more than 15 people)

2. What is the maximum number of groups for children 3-7 years old? (no more than 20 people)

3. What is the maximum occupancy rate in different age groups if there are children in the group of any three ages 3-7 years old? (no more than 10 people)

4. What is the daily duration of a walk for children in the preschool educational institution? (not less than 4-4, 5g.)

5. What is the total daily sleep duration for preschool children? (12-12, 5 hours of which 2.0 - 2.5 hours are allotted for daytime sleep).

6. How is daytime sleep organized for children from 1, 5 to 3 years old? (once, lasting at least 3 hours).

7. How much time in the daily routine for children 3-4 years old is independent activity (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene? (At least 3-4 hours)

8. What is the rate of lessons per week for children from 1, 5-3 years old and how long? (no more than 10 lessons per week: speech development, didactic games, movement development, musical games, etc. lasting no more than 8-10 minutes.)

9. What is the maximum allowable number of lessons in the morning in the senior and preparatory groups? (no more than 3x).

10. What is the duration of classes for children of the 5th year of life? (no more than 20 minutes)

11. What is the duration of classes for children of the 7th year of life? no more than 30 min.

12. On what days of the week and at what time of the day is it necessary to conduct classes that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children? (in the first half and on the days of the highest working capacity of children - Tuesday, Wednesday).

2 BLOCK "Basic regulatory documents in the field of education"

1. What regulatory documents can you name that should be in kindergarten? (Model provision of a preschool educational institution, the Constitution, the Family Code, the Labor Code, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law on Education, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the Parental Agreement)

2. Remember the convention on rights and name the rights of the child.

For education in a family environment

Adequate food

To an acceptable standard of living

For medical care

Disabled children - for special care and education.

To rest

For free education

To a safe living environment, the right not to be mistreated or ill-treated.

Children should not be used as cheap labor.

They have the right to speak their own language, their culture.

Express ones opinion.

3. Indicate from which document the next extract “Parents are the first educators of the child. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of his personality in infancy.

From the Standard Regulation of the DOE

From a textbook on pedagogy

From the Constitution of the Russian Federation

From the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

From the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Art. 18. p. 1.

4. The main act governing the relationship of family law is?

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Family code

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Agreement between children and parents

5. What characterizes the professional competence of an educator?

Ability to think pedagogically

Ability to punish children

The ability to learn the opinion of parents about their child

Ability to make connections with businessmen.

6. Who is prohibited from teaching in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? (persons to whom this activity is prohibited by a court verdict or for medical reasons)

7. What is the duration of the working time of teaching staff, established by Art. 333 labor. of the RF Code (no more than 36 hours per week, depending on the position and specialty, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the duration of the working time is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation).

1.3. Game "Qualities"

Each of the teachers must choose three qualities that are most manifested in him, considering that those around him also see these qualities in him. Each quality is recorded by educators on separate sheets in advance. All qualities are folded into three bags (according to the number of microgroups). Each participant in turn pulls out a piece of paper and gives it to the one who, in his opinion, possesses this quality. As a result, each participant receives a different number of sheets, and hence qualities. At the end of the game, a question is asked to educators “How can the assigned qualities help in professional activity? ".

2. Tips for educators on creating a portfolio

2.1. Portfolio purpose.

The portfolio is intended for:

Self-assessment and stimulation of professional growth and activities of a preschool educational institution;

Assessment of the qualification level and quality of professional activity (during certification, determining the amount of incentive bonuses and incentive payments, etc.).

The main approaches to developing and maintaining a Portfolio are:

Competence-based approach (assessment based on the results of the teacher's implementation of the main professional functions and competencies);

Activity-based approach (assessment of the implementation of the main types of activities: educational and educational, constructive and evaluative, health-preserving and health-forming, educational and methodological, innovative, socio-pedagogical);

A systematic approach (assessment of the level of a set of professional achievements: structural analysis, which helps to identify system-forming connections and relationships, to determine the internal organization of the teacher's Portfolio; functional analysis, which allows to reveal the functions of the Portfolio as a whole and its individual components).

The main principles of the formation and maintenance of the Portfolio are:

The principle of continuity (constant systematic and consistent replenishment of the Portfolio);

The principle of diagnostic and prognostic orientation (reflection of the state of professional growth, the presence of parameters of professional activity);

The principle of interaction (providing effective feedback with the subjects of the educational space);

The principle of scientific character (substantiation of the expediency of building a Portfolio on the basis of competence-based, activity-based, systemic approaches);

The principle of an individually differentiated focus (assessment of professionalism in accordance with the requirements of the performance of the preschool teacher).

2. Features Portfolio of a preschool educational institution as a form of certification.

The portfolio is a working folder containing diverse information that documents the existing experience of the preschool teacher and reflects the totality of his individual achievements; it is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the educator's creative achievements, including the integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments of pedagogical activity; this is a set of documents confirming the performance of the kindergarten teacher, updating the reflection of his own activities. Portfolio is a form of attestation, during which the educator submits materials confirming his professionalism in the form of a structured cumulative document.

3. The system for assessing the individual achievements of preschool educational institutions.

The Portfolio presents and evaluates the totality of indicators of the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity: qualifications and professionalism, productivity (effectiveness).

The main requirements for evaluating a Portfolio are:

Unified assessment procedure and technology;

The presence of the dynamics of professional growth and the results of the teacher's activity;

The reliability of the data used;

Compliance with moral and ethical standards in the collection and assessment of the information provided, the criteria for their assessment, which are reflected in formalized supporting and other documents (expert list).

4. Portfolio structure



Professional achievements folder

Student achievements folder

Folder of supporting documents

In the "Introduction" section, the educator provides information about professional status, work experience, education, personal data. This information helps the educator to form the head of the preschool educational institution.

In the "Portrait" section, the teacher includes an essay "Me and my profession."

In the essay "I and my profession", a teacher in free form can reflect the following aspects: motives for choosing a profession, ideas about the qualities necessary for a successful professional activity, stages of professional development, personal and professional interests, prospects and achievements, set out the pedagogical credo, give introspection professional competence, identify topics of innovative and experimental activities, reflect creative achievements, etc.

... The "folder of professional achievements" includes the following materials: plans for educational and educational work with children, reports, messages on methodological and pedagogical councils, publications, a description of work experience, illustrations and self-analysis of the developing environment, summaries of open classes, a list of developed didactic and methodological aids , texts of projects of different directions, systems of notes of classes or other forms of organizing work with children, self-report on the results of work for the academic year, video recordings of various forms of work with children, parents, colleagues, results of questionnaires and feedback from parents, etc. This material serves as illustrations and confirmation of professional achievements, allows the educator to create a personal bank of creative and methodological materials of various nature and significance. In the course of work on the content of this section of the Portfolio, the educator has the opportunity to improve a number of pedagogical skills: analytical, prognostic, reflective, etc.

... The Pupils Achievements Folder includes certificates of pupils' participation in various competitions, sporting events, quantitative and qualitatively elaborated diagnostic data on the progress of children in the educational process, products of children's creativity, certificates of participation of children and a teacher in projects of various levels and directions. The materials in this section of the Portfolio can indirectly testify to the quality, level, content of the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity, serve as an illustration of his professional creativity, activity, and competence.

... The "folder of documents" is filled with certificates of participation in conferences, round tables, professional and creative competitions, documented evidence of advanced training courses, internships, diplomas of professional retraining or additional vocational education, certificates for the successful implementation of professional - pedagogical or social activities. The materials of this part of the Portfolio can reliably confirm the level of professionalism and competence of a specialist, as well as the level of his claims, official status.

... The "folder of expert assessments" includes external and internal reviews, reviews, letters of thanks, official reviews on the implementation of copyright technologies, patents, etc. These documents are various and objective forms of assessing the effectiveness of the teacher's activities and can stimulate him to further professional growth ...

2.2. Electronic portfolio at

On the example of the electronic portfolio of the senior educator Shchukina O.N.

3. Scheduling mutual visits.

Continue the practice of mutual visits to different educational areas.

Continue the work of seminars, master classes aimed at the formation and development of key competencies of educators.

At the end of the school year, educators present a self-education analysis.

Related entries:

Questions for introspection of the preschool educational institution teacher.

1. Analyze the improvement in children's health relative to baseline data. (The initial and final indicators are compared: health index; the number of frequently ill children).

2. Analyze the development environment in the context of the implementation of the variability of education (creative transformation of the environment, the development of author's games, manuals, teaching aids).

3. Show the implementation of personality-oriented interaction with children (possession of tools for diagnosing individual characteristics, diagnosing the development of children).

4. Expand the results of individual correctional and developmental work with children.

5. Show the organization of the optimal motor regime in the group, the results of work with children of low and high mobility.

6. Expand the participation of parents in the life of the group, activities in the preschool educational institution.

7. Evaluate the level of your professional skills (mastery of a set of pedagogical technologies, technology of developmental education and upbringing, development of new pedagogical technologies and methods, participation in research experimental activities).

8. Analyze the creation of emotional comfort and psychological protection of the child.

Questions for introspection of the musical director of the preschool educational institution.

1. Conduct an analysis of the conditions for organizing musical and rhythmic activities and creative self-expression of children (creative transformation of the developmental environment in groups, the development of teaching aids, musical games, special equipment).

2. Expand the organization of the development of the child's musical abilities (the formation of subgroups of children, taking into account their abilities, possession of diagnostics of the development of musical abilities, the formation of the creative abilities of each child).

3. Show the results of individual, subgroup music-rhythmic work with children.

4. Expand the participation of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution

6. Analyze the creation of emotional comfort and psychological protection of the child.

7. Expand the improvement of your professional skills (mastering a variety of modern methods of musical education and training, the use of your own methods, the development of your own original methods of musical development of children).

A sample memo for introspection of the lesson

1. What features and capabilities of children have you taken into account when planning classes?

2. Was preliminary work done with the children? What is the connection between the topics of this lesson and the previous ones?

3. What tasks were solved: educational, upbringing, developmental? Was their completeness and interconnection ensured?

4. Has the structure, time, place, and form of organization of the lesson been rationally chosen?

5. Evaluate the content, methods and techniques used. Give reasons for the chosen teaching methods.

6. What is the manifestation of a differentiated approach to children? What training tools did you use?

7. List the forms of organization of children's activities, due to which the efficiency and interest of children were ensured during the entire lesson?

8. Did you manage to fully implement the tasks set? If not, which ones and why?

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the pedagogical activity of the senior educator (deputy head for teaching and educational work)

1. Analyze the system of planning methodical work.

2. Show the final results of the methodological work of the educational institution.

3. Conduct an analysis of the conditions of productive activity.

4. Show the degree of satisfaction with the results of your work as teachers.

5. Expand the forms of methodical work. What forms and mechanisms are used in educational institutions to increase the creative activity of teachers and their responsibility for the final result.

6. Form the indicators by which you judge the success of the methodological work. What problems do you see here?

7. Correlate the obtained assessment of the system of methodical work with the proposed criteria of K. Yu. Belaya.

The first criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work can be considered achieved if the results of children's development grow, reaching the optimal level for each child or approaching it, within the allotted time without overloading the children.

The second criterion of social time consumption, efficiency of methodological work is achieved where the growth of teachers' skill occurs with reasonable expenditure of time and conditions for methodological work and self-education.

The third criterion that stimulates the role of methodological work is that the team is experiencing an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers and their satisfaction with the results of their work.

Competence is one of the forms of professional activity, which means the availability of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.

The preschool educational institution must have the following social and professional competencies that will allow for the cognitive development of children:

1. Social competencies include the exchange of information between individuals, the statement of their interests and needs, the manifestation of tolerance towards other people and their opinions, the ability to work in a team and provide various assistance to other people, possessing emotional stability;

2. Cognitive competencies are expressed in the independent processing and structuring of information, the search for new sources of information, concentration on studies or work, the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in various situations;

3. Operational competencies - defining the goal and the order of work, the ability to resist uncertainty and uncertainty, the ability to make and implement decisions, to generalize the results of work, to determine the time schedule of work;

4. Special competencies include planning methods for solving a problem, exercising self-control, being active in professional activities, adapting to new situations, evaluating and adjusting plans, identifying errors and adequate ways to eliminate them.

So, professional competencies, being the foundation for the introduction of a competency-based approach into the pedagogical process, help the preschool teacher integrate knowledge, skills and abilities in the implementation of innovative activities and the use of modern educational technologies in practice.

7... Professionally significant qualities of a preschool teacher

The preschool educational institution educator is one of the mass modern pedagogical professions. It originated in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the modern sense, an educator is a person who carries out upbringing, accepting responsibility for the condition of life and the development of another person's personality.

The teacher must have: benevolent, sincere, sociable, kind, have a sense of humor, patience, be able to establish relationships with children, prevent and resolve conflicts, replenish their knowledge through self-education, must know the method of preschool upbringing and education.

For the effective performance of activities, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, patient, show a tendency to work with children. The teacher must have steady and voluminous attention. Also, the educator must have the nature of mental activity: verbal-logical memory, by the nature of the goals of the activity: involuntary memory, according to the duration of the preservation of the material: short-term memory.

Communication qualities

We need a general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-placed voice, the ability to manage a team, high communication skills

Emotional and volitional qualities

Stress resistance, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, a strong nervous system are required: although the work of the educator is not accompanied by increased physical exertion, it proceeds in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

So, educator, he himself must be a very smart, decent and kind person so that he can raise more than one generation of children in the same way.

Professional competence of a preschool teacher

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

In accordance with the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation," preschool education for the first time became an independent level of general education. On the one hand, this is the recognition of the importance of preschool education in the development of the child, on the other hand, it is an increase in the requirements for preschool education, including through the adoption of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, they, in one way or another, are locked on a specific performer - a kindergarten teacher. It is the teacher-practitioner who implements the main innovations and innovations in education. For the successful introduction of innovations into practice and the effective implementation of the assigned tasks in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, a teacher needs a high level of professional pedagogical competence.

Professional and pedagogical competence of teachers is not a simple sum of subject knowledge, information from pedagogy and psychology, the ability to conduct classes or events. It is acquired and manifested in specific psychological, pedagogical and communicative situations, in situations of real solving professional problems that constantly arise in the educational process.

What are the requirements for the personality of a modern educator and his competence?

In the system of preschool education, the process of interaction between the teacher and the child is a priority. Modern processes of modernization of preschool education highlight not the formal affiliation of the educator to the profession, but the personal position he occupies, which ensures an attitude towards pedagogical work. It is this position that orients the teacher towards understanding the ways of interacting with the child.

Currently, not just an educator is in demand, but a teacher-researcher, teacher-psychologist, teacher-technologist. These qualities in a teacher can develop only in the conditions of a creatively, problem-solving and technologically organized educational process in a preschool institution. Moreover, provided that the teacher is actively engaged in scientific-methodological, search, experimental, innovative work, learns to look for his "professional face", his pedagogical tool.

Today, every teacher needs to acquire and develop competencies that make him a creatively active participant in interaction with children:

    Humane pedagogical position;

    Deep understanding of the tasks of preschool education;

    The need and ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, the preservation of the physical and mental health of pupils;

    Attention to the individuality of each child;

    Willingness and ability to create and creatively enrich a subject-developing and cultural-information educational environment;

    Ability to purposefully work with modern pedagogical technologies, willingness to experiment, introducing them;

    The ability for self-education and conscious self-development of the individual, the willingness to learn throughout the entire labor activity.

Currently, the "Professional standard for a teacher" is being finalized, which was supposed to take effect from January 1, 2015. However, the All-Russian The Education Trade Union sent a letter to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation with a request to postpone the date of its introduction to January 1, 2018. According to the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, the hasty introduction of a professional standard can cause numerous conflicts of a legal nature, in connection with which the official postponement of the date of the beginning of the application of the professional standard of a teacher to a later date may become a reasonable, balanced and objective step on the part of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

So, in the professional standard in clause 4.5, the professional competencies of a preschool teacher (educator) are listed.

1. Know the specifics of preschool education and the specifics of organizing educational work with children.

2. Know the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities at an early and preschool age.

3. To be able to organize the leading types of activity in preschool age: subject-manipulative and play, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

4. To master the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children.

5. Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

6. Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on the results of monitoring, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child.

8. Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children's lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the emotional well-being of the child.

9. Possess the methods and means of analysis of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of the development of educational programs by children, the degree of formation of the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children, necessary for further education and development in primary school.

10. Own methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.

11. Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children.

What is the Role of competency assessment in the professional development of teachers?

Today there is a serious discrepancy between the real and the necessary level of professional competence of teachers.

How it manifests itself in practice:

    The educational and disciplinary model still prevails in the work of preschool educational institutions, and teachers are not always able to build subject-subject relationships with children and their parents. In order for a child to become a subject of the educational process, he must meet a subject in the person of a teacher - this is the whole essence of pedagogical work;

    Many teachers, especially experienced ones with extensive work experience, are focused primarily on the performance of official duties. And today educators who are able to independently plan and build an appropriate system of work are more in demand.

    There are many teachers who, having once received a specialized education, limit themselves to attending refresher courses. At the same time, the realities of today require professionals to engage in self-education throughout their lives. Therefore, one of the significant indicators of the professional competence of an educator is his readiness for self-education and self-development, as well as the ability to creatively apply new knowledge and skills in practice. The effectiveness of his work directly depends on the teacher's awareness of the need to constantly improve the level of professional qualifications.

Regular assessment of the professional competencies of ECE teachers will stimulate their desire for self-education and professional self-improvement (and the teacher's self-esteem).

Today, preschool teachers are required to actively engage in innovative activities, in the process of introducing new programs and technologies for interacting with children and parents. In these conditions, a comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers is of particular importance.

Formation and development of professional competencies of a teacher

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the professional competencies of a teacher:

Work in methodological associations, problem-creative groups;

Research, experimental and design activities;

Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of psychological and pedagogical support, both for young teachers and for experienced teachers, mentoring;

Open views and mutual attendance of classes;

Pedagogical rings - orientates teachers to the study of the latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, helps to identify various approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of one's position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness, a sense of humor;

Active participation in professional competitions of various levels;

Generalization of their own pedagogical experience at city events and in the Internet space;

The work of teachers with scientific and methodological literature and didactic materials;

Organization of practical seminars, practical classes, general education;

Trainings: personal growth; with elements of reflection; development of creativity;

Psychological and pedagogical living rooms, business games, master classes, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. For this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the teacher realizes the need to improve the level of his professional qualities.

It should be noted that the formation and development of professional competence, an increase in the level of skill of teachers is a priority area of ​​activity not only for the preschool administration, but also for the social and psychological service as a whole, since it occupies a special place in the preschool institution management system and represents an important link in the integral system of promotion. professionalism of teaching staff, as, first of all, coordinates the work of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Thus, a modern kindergarten needs a teacher who will not be a “teacher”, but a senior partner for children, contributing to the development of the personality of pupils; a teacher who is able to competently plan and build an educational and educational process, focusing on the interests of the children themselves, but at the same time not being afraid to deviate from the intended plan and adapt to real situations; a teacher who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, as well as capable of cooperation, possessing psychological and pedagogical knowledge, modern information and communication technologies, capable of self-education and introspection. The higher the level of professional competence of teachers, the higher the level of quality of education in a preschool educational institution, and a well-built system of interactive forms of work with pedagogical personnel leads not only to the development of professional competence of teachers, but also unites the team.

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