"A minute of fame" or life: the biggest scandals on a talent show. "Television does not like a man": Viewers about the scandal at "Minute of Glory Who chose the song of Vika Starikova

The performance of eight-year-old Victoria Starikova caused a public outcry. The viewers of the program were outraged by the tough refereeing of the girl's performance.

Program judges Renata Litvinova, Vladimir Pozner and Sergei Yursky have repeatedly stated that they are against children in the program. Sergei Svetlakov, on the contrary, tried to protect the young performer. “We were immediately told that the girl herself wanted to go on stage. But the song shows the great talent of this child. At 8 years old, she can be more mature than all of us, ”Svetlakov said.


Victoria decided to perform Zemfira's song "To live in your head". The jury members considered that such a composition is not suitable for a first grader who does not understand what she is singing about. Renata Litvinova was surprised that Victoria, having chosen this song for the competition, did not know Zemfira's other works. “I internally protest against this. Some kind of a forbidden move. Excuse me, you are a good girl, ”said Litvinova.

On the show, the opinions of the judges were divided: two for, two against. When the actor Yursky pressed the red button, the girl had already started crying, but no one thought to calm her down. Vladimir Pozner also spoke sharply about the performance: “I am against children on stage. This is more parental vanity - parents want their children to come out and they can brag about them. An eight-year-old man sings a song that was not written by an eight-year-old.

When asked by Renata Litvinova if she understands the meaning of the song, Victoria replied: "This is a song about how if you love a person, you shouldn't offend him." Later, in an interview with Life.ru, Victoria admitted: "We chose this song for the project because we wanted to make a pleasant surprise for Renata Muratovna."

Images from the program "Minute of Glory"

Renata Litvinova explained her position to Kp.ru: “The girl is so small, only eight years old. I think there is something wrong with this case. Rather, it is the influence of parents, really their pride, some kind of under-fulfillment. I know that if children do not go further, it becomes such a terrible trauma! They cannot come to their senses. I would not let them enter such contests, no matter how talented a person is ... Circus is another matter. They start very early, because, as they say, “and when, if not at this age” ... Or gymnasts who have to be very thin to fly. And so - no, I'm against it. There is still life ahead. There is no need to inflict moral trauma on children. Still, I think it's best not to start earlier than 12 years old. Well, in my opinion. "

The performance of Vika Starikova, an 8-year-old girl from Nizhny Tagil, became one of the most touching on the Minutes of Glory show. The schoolgirl, playing the piano, sang Zemfira's song "To live in your head." Vladimir Pozner, Sergey Yursky and Renata Litvinova sharply criticized the girl for choosing such a song. And the schoolgirl could not hold back her tears. This caused outrage in the audience. But by a happy coincidence, Vika made it to the second round. The girl's mother told about how the schoolgirl began her creative career and how the second test "KP-Yekaterinburg" went for the child.


Vika has been singing and playing the piano since she was 4, - recalls Anna Starikova. - My daughter had a tablet on which a piano "tutorial" was installed. She pressed keys and listened to sounds. She really liked it. Over time, Vika began to ask us to buy her a real piano. To be honest, I was against it, because I know what a colossal work it is - I graduated from music school myself. For a whole month my daughter asked every day: "Have you bought me a piano?" Imagine, a person at the age of four insistently demands a piano from you. And we bought her an instrument.

- After that, you sent Vika to a music school?

At 4 years old, no music schools, of course, will take a child. And the piano won't just stand there. Therefore, we began to learn children's songs with Vika. Her first performance is "If you like it, then do it." Vika learned the melody and played it with one finger on the piano. Then it captured us. We began to sing songs from our childhood: "Beautiful is far away", "Katyusha". We offered her, asked her what she liked, and the daughter had already chosen herself.

- And how did Vika start her journey to the big stage?

Our relatives live abroad. And one of them asked Vika to sing the song "Brown Button". My daughter learned it and performed it on his birthday. After that, relatives began to ask us to send other songs of our daughter. It was difficult to send videos via email, so we started uploading videos to YouTube. And suddenly people began to subscribe to the channel, they became interested in the child's creativity. So Vika has been developing for four years now, making people happy.


- Then Vika began to study music professionally?

Now my daughter is attending the second grade of a music school in the direction of the piano. But at the same time she studies at the polytechnic gymnasium, and also attends the circus collective "Anshlag". We do not claim to be a prodigy. She's just a girl who loves to sing and do what she likes. Vika, for example, became an air gymnast at the age of four.

- Is Zemfira's song not the only adult song by Vika?

Vika also sings a song from Viktor Tsoi's repertoire "Cuckoo". She performs songs from different repertoires. The daughter made a cover of the compositions "Basta". I don't understand what a difficult song means. At school, they are given difficult poems about the war when they go to the competition. And children understand these verses in their own way. We explain to them the meaning of these verses in a childish way. Also the songs. We explained the song of Zemfira to her in our interpretation, but my daughter did not consider it necessary to talk about it. She told about her vision of this song.

- What are your plans now?

- Now our plans are to return to the usual track, because because of the show, our life stopped for a month and a half. Therefore, today we went to school with pleasure, tomorrow we will go to a music school. Vika really wants to take part in some other competition. And we have already been invited to the festival in St. Petersburg. For the project “Voice. Children ”we do not want ourselves, so as not to traumatize the psyche of the child.

- Are you going to move to Moscow now?

Sergei Svetlakov asked Vika: "Would you like to move to Moscow?" She said, "I don't know." It is clear that it would be easier and easier to take part in such competitions. But we didn’t think about it. We have a job. We cannot give up everything. But we will support our daughter in any of her desires. Vika is now happy attending school. Everyone there supports her. She has no psychological trauma.

Victoria Starikova - Live in your head (Minute of glory). Victoria Starikova sings Zemfira's song "To live in your head".

8-year-old singer Vika Starikova from Nizhny Tagil performed at the "Minute of Glory" and suddenly received a tough rebuff from the star jury.

The girl sang Zemfira's song "To live in your head". She and her mother chose the song on purpose, knowing that the jury would be an actress, director and friend of Zemfira Renata Litvinova. But she did not react the way the Starikovs expected: she was indignant that the girl did not know the other songs of the singer and she was still too young to understand such serious texts. She was supported by TV presenter Vladimir Pozner - he complained about the ambitions and vanity of parents who bring their children to competitions. And the actor and director Sergei Yursky commented that he was making money on the red button out of the best intentions, they say, for the good of the child.

After his words, the baby burst into tears. Litvinova and Yursky voted against, Sergei Svetlakov - for. Posner's voice was decisive. At first I was going to press the red button too. But Vika burst into tears so moved the presenter that he invited her to throw a coin. Luck turned out to be on the side of Vika Starikova, and she went on to the next round.

This little girl has shot hundreds of TV viewers

The audience was divided into two camps. Some condemned the girl's parents for wanting to promote themselves at the expense of their daughter, others were shocked by the cruelty of the jury towards the child. . We will see the next issue, in which Vika Starikova will appear, only in a month. But the girl had a hard time. Vika's mother, economist Anna Vladimirovna, told Woman`s Day how they survived this scandal.

How Vika decided to become a musician

Vika got an interest in music at the age of 4

All modern kids have tablets, Vikulya is no exception. We downloaded a lot of educational games for her, but most of all she was hooked by the program - a piano simulator. She was delighted when, after pressing a key, a ringing sound was heard. Since then, Vika began to ask to buy her a real instrument. Imagine: you come home, and a four-year-old child asks: "Did you buy me a piano?" I myself have a piano-class music school under my belt, so at first I resisted: I understood what a colossal work was behind this.

But in the end she gave up. A piano appeared in our house. I picked up the notes of simple songs, like "Katyusha", "Beautiful is far away", "Goodbye, our affectionate Misha." Vika tapped a melody with one finger, then with two ... After a while, she began to play complex melodies with both hands.

We outgrew children's songs and began to perform adults who liked her. I clearly explained their meaning. They looked for sheet music on the Internet, and then began to order - not all scores were freely available.

I think we succeeded, because at the age of four they still do not take to a music school, and we did not learn scales and etudes, but did what Vika liked.

How the baby became popular

The baby sang thanks to her family

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Starikova

How Vika sang

Vika in the concert "SuperChildren"

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Starikova

Several years ago I saw an invitation to the casting of the music competition of the Khabensky charitable foundation in Moscow. The video had to be uploaded and the producers would have appreciated it. There were two days left until the end, but we took a chance. Three days later they called us back, said that Vika Starikova had won, and was invited to come to Moscow for a concert.

There she was congratulated on stage, presented with a huge bear. At the end of the evening, the daughter, along with other participants, sang the final song. It was her stage debut as a soloist. Our life has changed - Vika wanted to perform.

Around the same time, we received a call from the correspondent of the "You Won't Believe" program on NTV Dima Boldin, whom we now call the Godfather: he saw Vika's cover version of the song "Snow" by Irina Bilyk. Came to us in Tagil, took an interview for "You Won't Believe" - ​​the very first thing for us!

How the girl got to the "Minute of Glory"

Vika with her mother at the "Minute of Glory"

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Starikova

After that, the producers of the music competition invited us to take part in the Super Children Generation M concert in Sochi. And then we decided to try ourselves in the "Minute of Glory" project.

Having learned that Renata Litvinova was on the jury, I wanted to make a gift to this tactful, gentle, vulnerable woman. We presented it based on the image of "Little Red Riding Hood", which the parodist Maxim Galkin showed on the stage many years ago. I can't say that we are her fans, we just thought that the song “Live in your head” by Zemfira, in the video for which she starred, performed by a little angel will delight her. The surprise failed ...

Before going on stage, Vikulya said: "Mom, I am so worried that even arms and legs are shaking." It is understandable - even an adult in her place would be scared.

Sergey Svetlakov supported his compatriot most of all!

Photo: Personal archive of Victoria Starikova

After the speech, the debate began ... At first, Renata doubted, consulted with Posner. She reasoned: did the little girl understand the deep meaning of the song being performed? I am still at home, when we were practicing the composition, I explained it like this: “Vikul, my dad and I love you, and you are always in our heads. You love us, so we are always in yours. And since we love each other, we should not offend. " On stage, Vika was talking about this!

Victoria Starikova came to Moscow from Nizhny Tagil to take part in the "Minute of Glory" competition. The girl sang Zemfira's song "To live in your head". The performance of the schoolgirl was assessed by Sergey Yursky, Vladimir Pozner, Sergey Svetlakov and Renata Litvinova. Knowing Zemfira closely, Litvinova criticized the girl's performance. The actress emphasized that Victoria chose the song "too adult", the meaning of which she does not understand. Vladimir Pozner sided with Litvinova and suggested that parents could simply be promoting at the expense of their daughter. Writes about it TV channel "360".

Despite the criticism, the girl went to the next round of the competition, where she sang Sergei Trofimov's song "Rodina" with her mother. But the jury members were again unhappy with the performance of the young singer. Mom Anna Starikova said that her daughter is very worried about what happened. In particular, she does not understand why the parents were attacked.

The viewers' opinion on this situation was divided: some stood up for the young singer and called the decision of Litvinova and Posner unfair. Others joined in criticizing Starikova.

After Victoria took part in the show, in Nizhny Tagil she was awarded the “Person of the Year” award in the category “Children Who Glorified the City”. Now the girl is studying in two schools: ordinary and music. She combines her studies with performances. So, last summer, the schoolgirl took third place in the international festival "Generation NEXT 2017".

A real scandal happened on the program "Minute of Glory", which is shown on Channel One. One of the participants - 8-year-old Victoria Starikova - played the piano and sang Zemfira's song "Live in your head". She did not expect that after the performance a flurry of negativity from the jury would fall upon her.

The little girl was accused of not understanding what she was singing, that her parents were vain people. Victoria could not hold back her tears when she heard a continuous negative about her performance. And a member of the jury, Renata Litvinova, who starred in the singer's video, said at all that this should not be on stage. Nobody even tried to calm the girl down.

Ultimately, the child was forced to flip a coin to determine whether it stays on or not. By the will of this coin, the girl still remained on the project, however, after entering the stage, she burst into tears and said that she wanted the judges to choose her, and not a soulless coin.

Now the whole Internet discusses the story of Vika Starikova. Netizens sided with the child and accuse the jury of heartlessness.

Her first reaction was, of course, strong. Did you see that she was crying? But she's a fighter by nature. And a perfectionist. She is Leo by her zodiac sign. She always wants everything to work out for her. It is not my desire for her to perform, but hers. This was our first time on stage. In her life, there have never been such colossal refusals. It was the first time she performed at the competition, and even with such a serious jury. Therefore, she had such a reaction. And she later explained to me why she roared. When the judge presses the button, the people in the studio say “oo-oo-oo-oo” - and she was frightened of this hum.

She did not understand that in this way the viewers react to the assessment, show their disapproval of the actions of the judges. She thought this hum was personal to her. We drove to the hotel, and I finally let her eat ice cream. She could not do this for a week, so that her throat would not hurt. Then we went with her to the pool, she relaxed and calmed down. I asked her right after the show: “Vika, are we going to the next tour? It will be the same there. " She said, "I don't know, maybe not." But the next day she woke up with peace of mind. We went to the airport. She says, “No, Mom. We'll go anyway. I liked the very feeling on stage. " I say: “But they will say“ no ”to you again. In general, it was her decision again.

  • This year, the jury of the Minute of Glory competition included actress Renata Litvinova, TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, showman Sergei Svetlakov and actor Sergei Yursky.
  • The winner of the show receives a large cash prize.
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