Musical works about nature: a selection of good music with a story about it. Winter in painting and music (music) Works by composers about winter

Albina Solovyova
Winter's Tale in Russian classical music

Musically-literary living room


in works Russian classical music

Leisure scenario for children Russian and Bashkir groups and parents

Target: instill love for classical music(P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. K. Lyadov, G. Sviridov, contemporary composer Gennady Gladkov; to the work of poets - classics(A. S. Pushkin, Yesenin, Ivan Demyanov, I. Surikov; through the synthesis of arts (music, poetry).

Tasks: develop musical and creativity children:

Learn to independently determine character and content piece of music, respond emotionally to it; convey character musical works through movement, develop motor qualities and skills; develop singing skills, ear for music;

Improve the ability to play in an orchestra, use a variety of playing techniques for children's musical instruments; expand musical horizons;

Develop love for Russian artistic expression; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; foster a culture of communication during joint activities children and adults.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the characteristic signs and signs of winter;

Selection and learning songs and poems about winter;

Getting to know the works of composers and poets who wrote works about winter;

Listening to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky « Winter morning» , "Christmas time", "Waltz of Snow Flakes", G. Sviridova "Blizzard";

Conversations about the nature of the audition music;

Working with children musical orchestra(play "Dance of the Ice" A.K. Lyadov.)

Leisure progress.

Sounds "Waltz" G. Sviridova from the film "Blizzard".

Children and parents enter the hall and sit down (slide - winter forest)

Leading: Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to our cozy music room, where we will meet with music and poetry. I suggest we talk about winter today, let's listen and see how we talk about winter musicians and poets tell. What do composers write? (children: music) . And the poets? (poetry) What signs of winter do we know? (the sun shines little, the day is very short and long night There's snow everywhere, it's very cold. there are no leaves on the trees, no butterflies and birds, no insects, the water on the river has turned into ice, many animals hid in holes from the cold, birds flew away to warmer lands) That's right, well done! Everything around is white, the same (slides 2 - 4) How boring and uninteresting must this be? Why does nature need so much snow? (children's answers) Now Gleb F. and his mother will tell us about this (listen)

Poem "Blanket" performed by Gleb F. mom:

Daughter - Why, dear, does it snow in winter?

Mom - Nature weaves a blanket out of it!

Daughter - Blanket, mom? Why is it?

Mom - Without him, the ground would become cold!

Daughter - And who, dear one, should look for warmth in her!

Mom - For those who will have to spend the winter spend the winter:

Little seeds, grains of bread,

Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.

Tell us, what is winter like? (Answers children: cold, harsh, blizzard, fluffy, soft, beautiful, there is often a storm, blizzard, blizzard) Listen to what verbal portrait The poet A. S. Pushkin painted winters in her poem « Winter evening» (slide No. 5 portrait of A. S. Pushkin)


The storm covers the sky with darkness, snow whirls twisting:

Then she will howl like a beast, then she will cry like a child,

Then straw suddenly rustles across the dilapidated roof,

Like a belated traveler, he will knock on our window.

Our dilapidated shack is both sad and dark.

Why are you, my old lady, silent at the window?

Or are you, my friend, tired of the howling storm,

Or are you dozing under the buzz of your spindle?

Sing me a song about how a tit lived quietly across the sea;

Sing me a song like the girl went to fetch water in the morning.

The storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds;

Then, like a beast, she will howl. then she will cry like a child.

A. S. Pushkin (slides No. 6 – 10)

M.R.: To these verses Russian composer Yakovlev wrote a romance « Winter evening» . Performed by singer Hvorostovsky (listening to the romance « Winter evening» )

M.R.: If you listen carefully to more poems, you will hear new definitions of winter and snow. Reading poems by Liza Bulgakova, Vika Kosmylina, Timur Ishbulatov (she covered herself with snow. Like silver. The tassels bloomed with white fringe, sprinkles the branches with new silver, the bushes are gray to the twig; winter is descending on white parachutes; Snowflakes are stars)

Sergey Yesenin

White birch tree under my window

She covered herself with snow, like silver.

On fluffy branches with a snow border

The tassels bloomed with white fringe.

And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,

And snowflakes burn in golden fire.

And the dawn, lazily walking around,

Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

Ivan Demyanov "First Snow"

The bushes are gray to the twig. On land and houses

Winter is coming down on white parachutes!

Snowflakes-stars are flying. I look from under hands:

Whirling, dancing in the air, fluffy and light!

The street became brighter, the village more elegant.

Snowflakes are flying, circling, everything is white and white all around!

White snow fluffy spinning in the air

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat

And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly.

God's days are short, the sun shines little, -

Now the frosts have arrived - and winter has come.

I. Surikov (slides No. 11 – 20)

M. r.: Leading: In winter, the weather is different, when the bright sun is shining, a light frost pricks your cheeks, and the snow crunches under your feet. Beauty! They're waiting for us winter fun . What can you do in winter? (children have fun sledding, skating, skiing, building snowmen, fortresses, playing snowballs. (slide number 21) Let's go sledding and skiing. skating (under music rolls around the hall) . What song do we know about winter? ( Russian group performing a song "New Year's Song" Gladkova, Bashkir group "?ish babay" S. S2lm2nov music3s

Ya8y yildy8 yuldaryn 3ibelg2n a7 7ar ik2n.

Ysh babay6y8 ?ar4ylyu6y8 A7bu6aty bar ik2n

Ysh babay kil2 ik2n, 7ar3ylyu k0l2 ik2n.

Ysh babay6y8 ?ar4ylyu6y8 A7bu6aty bar ik2n.

Music hands There are a lot winter tales . The most famous is probably New Year's fairy tale -"Nutcracker". Great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote a ballet based on this fairy tale. Ballet is a work in which it sounds music and storyline dancers show us - ballerinas. And in this ballet there is a scene in which the composer described winter snow. It is called "Waltz winter cereal» . Let us watch and listen to it (listen to recording) What instruments perform the waltz? (symphonic orchestra: flute, violins, cellos, harp, triangle, choir sings) What a character music(anxious, restless, jerky) (slides No. 22 – 24) What happens to the river water in winter? ( answers: it turns into transparent ice, and water droplets into ice floes) Let's play orchestra together with our mothers "Dance of the Ice" Russian composer Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov (slide number 25)

(we hand out bells, a triangle, metallophones, play by recording)

M.R.: I suggest you remember winter months(called on Russian and Bashkir languages ) What the the music is playing now? (The play plays "December" P.I. Tchaikovsky) What instruments is this piece performed on? (piano) (slide number 26 picture of a piano)

Children. The play was performed "December" composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons". Then they listen to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s plays from the album "Seasons. January. At the fireplace" At the time when Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky lived there was no steam heating. Heated with a stove or fireplace. Sitting by the fireplace means sitting by the fireplace or stove, looking at the fire. The music sounds calm, leisurely. melodious (define melodious, smooth character, performs Symphony Orchestra(slides No. 39, "February. Maslenitsa"

(listen). They define a fast-paced, joyful, playful, perky character, the whole picture of a noisy, crowded holiday. In this music the composer used folk melodies.

And on such fabulous, on a magical note I would like to finish our living room today. Did you guys like it? Did you like the winter you saw and heard today? You have a very good opportunity - to go out for a walk now and make sure that the winter we are talking about today the poets told, composers and artists - real, Russian, and you and I can enjoy all its delights with great joy. See you again! (Sounds "Waltz" G. Sviridova from k/ "Blizzard" parents and children leave the hall)

Tatyana Skorodko


1. Project topic:

“The Sorceress - winter in the works of artists, composers and poets”

2 . Relevance:

Preschool age - the most important stage development and education personalities, the most favorable for the formation of artistic and aesthetic culture. It is at this age that positive emotions predominate in the child, special sensitivity to linguistic and cultural manifestations, personal activity appear, and qualitative changes occur in creative activity.

Emotionally creative the development of a child’s personality is one of the leading components pedagogical process. Only emotionally charged, deeply spiritual experienced A child’s knowledge can become an effective regulator of his development. In this regard, it is understandable to pay attention to the emotional and spiritual sphere of a person just entering great life. Modern parents pay attention mainly to cognitive, intellectual development his child, which cannot help but go to damage his emotional and personal development. Already in early age the baby may show interest in music, works visual arts, poetry, theatrical productions, is able to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world. Namely these early impressions enrich the emotional sphere of the child with special experiences that form the basis of his aesthetic worldview and contribute to the formation of moral guidelines.

The most important task adult - to help the child enter the world of art, to introduce him to beautiful. Of particular importance in aesthetic education children have their acquaintance with works of art. And the sooner the child meets this world, the better. It is very important to draw the child’s attention to beauty nature in all its manifestations (beautiful autumn leaves, sparkling frost in winter, a multi-colored rainbow, etc., teach a child to feel nature, to see its various shades.

Combination three types of art, music, painting and poetry, allows children to form an aesthetic attitude towards the world and promote artistic development child using art based on works about winter. The interaction of colors and sounds, music and painting has existed for a long time, both in nature and in art. Aristotle also wrote that colors in beauty and harmony can correlate with each other like musical harmonies.

Poetry expands ideas about the environment, develops the ability to subtly sense artistic form, melody and rhythm native language. Poetic works evoke emotional emotions in children. response. Reading and memorizing poems allows children to grasp the consonance and melody of speech, and also solves the problem of forming sound culture of speech: helps master the means of sound expressiveness (tone, timbre of voice, tempo, voice strength, intonation, contributes to the development of clear diction.).

In a similar combination World of Art, its imagery can be most fully and accessiblely conveyed to preschoolers using modern techniques, technology, ICT in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: in poems, musical works, pictorial illustrations of poets, composers, artists. This combination is especially valuable when conducting themed leisure activities and holidays associated with the seasons with children.

In this regard, we considered it appropriate to carry out joint project with kids middle group, their parents, teachers and musical director, and, as a result of the project, conducting evenings music and poetry "Winter-Winter".

3. Project goal: arouse cognitive interest in various types of art in preschoolers, introduce children to the basics of poetic, pictorial and musical culture, awaken creative initiative.

4. Tasks:

Use elements of interpenetration (integration) in different types artistic and aesthetic activities;

To instill in children a desire to listen to musical works, to teach them to see the image in picturesque picture, in music and poetry;

Develop the child’s artistic abilities: musical, literary, visual, theatrical;

Interact with the family to ensure the child’s artistic and aesthetic creativity.

Expected results:

1 . Children's horizons about art expand: painting, music, poetry, and their artistic and aesthetic taste is formed;

2 . Children's vocabulary on the lexical topic is enriched and activated: “Winter”; improves the skill of learning poems by heart;

3 . Children will gain public speaking skills;

4. Parents will receive information about aesthetic education in preschool age and experience of joint practical activities.

6. Project type

* by dominant activity: artistic and creative;

* by the nature of contacts: joint;

* by the nature of the content: complex, integrated;

* by number of participants: group;

* by duration: average duration (3 weeks)

7. Implementation deadlines:(01/11/2018 – 01/31/2018) (3 weeks)

8. Project participants: children of the middle group (age 4-5 years, parents, teacher, music director.

9. Form of conduct: educational activities, integrated and comprehensive activities, conversations, viewing paintings on a winter theme, leisure, entertainment, didactic themed games, independent activity children, working with parents.

10. Working with parents:

1) Conversation on parent meeting about artistic and aesthetic education in a child’s life “ Aesthetic development child in the family";

2) Consultation for parents “Influence classical music for the development of the child";

3) Consultation “How to learn a poem for the holiday”;

4) Exhibition of joint works by children and parents on the theme “Walk in the Winter Park”;

Preparatory work: conversations about the characteristic signs and signs of winter; selection and learning of songs and poems about winter; getting to know the works of composers and poets who wrote works about winter; listening to fragments musical works on a winter theme, conducting integrated and comprehensive classes, selecting reproductions of paintings by artists winter theme, children learning poems by Russian poets about winter, photographs of winter landscapes, organizing an exhibition of drawings and crafts about winter, decorating a music room; writing a script and holding a joint evening of music and poetry, etc.

12. Routing project:

Type of children's activity

Reading (perception) of fiction Reading (perception) of fiction

Examination of the painting “Winter” by I. Shishkin; compiling a story - description based on the painting “Winter” by I. Shishkin; - Reading N. Nosov’s story “On the Hill”;

Compiling the story “Why I like winter?”;

Conversation “How forest animals spend the winter in the forest”;

Reading and free retelling of the story “The Snow Bun” by N. Kalinina.

Poetry competition about winter.

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational areas

Productive, cognitive and research activities, social and communicative development, cognitive - speech development, artistic - aesthetic development

Handmade “Herringbone” (from loops);

Drawing “Fir branch”;

Application “Beautiful Christmas trees”;

Drawing "Who lives in winter forest»;

Handmade “Invitation card for the Christmas tree”;

Modeling, making paper toys for the role-playing game “Shop” Christmas decorations»;

“Snowman” drawings for gifts for kids.

- “Creative workshop” drawing, modeling according to children’s plans.

Role-playing games: “Christmas tree toys store”, “We have guests”.

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational areas

Musical and artistic. Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development


1. Introduce children to the work of the great composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

2. Contribute to the development of children's dance creativity;

3. Enrich children's auditory and visual experience.

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to musical works of a different nature;

5. Create a script for a joint evening of music and poetry “Winter-winter”

Listening to works: “January. At the Fireplace” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “December. Christmastide” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Waltz “Blizzard” by G. Sviridov, “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Conversations about the nature of the music listened to,

Repetition winter songs and games: (song “Hello, Santa Claus”, game “Snowball”)

Development of dance creativity: “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P. I. Tchaikovsky - dance etude;

Repetition of previously learned musical material: “Dance of the Stars and the Moon”, “Playing with a Snowball”.

Looking at paintings about winter:

“Winter in the Yard” by A. Averin, “Bullfinches” by N. Rogulin, “Winter has come. Childhood"

S. A. Tutunova,

"By the Fireplace" by Lisey Martin

Type of children's activity

Integration of educational areas

Motor. Speech development, Physical development, Cognitive development

Dance of the Stars and the Moon;

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Game, Speech development, Physical development, Cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Outdoor games: “Snowball fight”, “Snowflakes and the wind”

Didactic game: “What happens or doesn’t happen in winter”

13. Project result.

As a result of the project, children developed a steady interest in perceiving works of poetic, artistic and musical genres, a desire to expand their horizons on this topic, a desire to identify and delve into the connections and relationships that exist in nature. In the process of becoming acquainted with music, painting and literary works, the children’s vocabulary expanded, they began to express themselves more competently, and took part in collective conversation with great pleasure; there was a desire to engage in creativity on my own, to express my feelings, a positive attitude towards the world. All this contributes to the development of children’s aesthetic consciousness and the formation of their worldview.

One of the important components of this project is artistic and aesthetic education: instilling in children good aesthetic taste, the desire to listen, contemplate, recognize, react emotionally, understand, and develop creatively. The children got acquainted with works of art on this topic from various types of art - music, painting, poetry. They learned to receive aesthetic pleasure from communicating with beauty, they became more receptive, sensitive, and emotional. Children can more skillfully convey their feelings: with facial expressions, gestures in their stories, drawings, and in musical and rhythmic movements.

14. Project final product

Joint evening of music and poetry “Zimushka - winter”

Master class “Winter evening”. See Attachment

Evening of music and poetry “Zimushka – winter”

Joint leisure time with parents and children of the middle group

Target: revealing the unique to children through the synthesis of arts fairy tale image winter.


1. Summarize children's knowledge about winter, consolidate the names of the winter months, broaden their horizons, enrich the auditory and visual experience of preschoolers, improve the aesthetic perception of works of art, help children feel the beauty winter nature;

2. Continue to develop speech, thinking, perception, musical memory, children’s interest in fiction and classical music;

3. Build a skill expressive reading and public speaking;

4. Arouse interest in joint communication between children and parents, develop skills in joint activities.


Projector, screen, music center,

Glowing stars for dancing (6 pcs.)

Costumes for dance performers “Dance of the Month and Stars”,

Snowball (large inflatable ball covered with cotton wool,

Presentation “Winter” (paintings: “Winter in the yard” by A. Averin, “Bullfinches” by N. Rogulin, “Winter has come. Childhood” by S. A. Tutunov, “By the fireplace” by Lizzie Martin)

Musical fragments: Waltz “Blizzard” by G. Sviridov, “January. At the Fireplace" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "December. Christmastide" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Waltz of Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Song “Hello, Santa Claus” by V. Semenov,

Cartoon “Once Upon a Frosty Winter”

- “Dance of the Month and the Stars” (overture to the musical “Because Winter is Great”


- material for application:

oilcloth, PVA glue, brush, scissors, semolina, templates (Christmas trees, window, frame, for window, square, triangle, blue A5 cardboard, colored paper(green, brown, silver, black, shiny stars.

Preliminary work: learning poems about winter, reading “winter” fairy tales “Morozko”, “Two Frosts”, “Mistress Blizzard”, listening to classical and modern music about winter, etc.

Progress of the event.

Part 1 – introductory

“Christmastide” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds, children and parents enter the music room and sit in the seats prepared in advance. Slide 1.

LEADING Good evening, Guys! Good evening, dear adults! For the first time we gathered in the music hall with this composition in the new year. The holidays are over, we met New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, but winter continues and many more winter days await us ahead. Guys, do you like winter? (Children's response) Me too. It is mine favorite time of the year. After all, in winter nature is incredibly beautiful. Everything turns white and sparkles. The trees dress up in fluffy snow-white clothes. Everything around seems to be covered with a white blanket, and winter draws bizarre patterns on the glass. Many poets have sung the beauty and magic of winter.

Part 2 – main

Our guys also did not stand aside and learned poems about winter for our meeting today. Let's welcome the first reader.

POETRY:“Winter has come” by V. Fetisov, “Winter is winter” by T. Bokov, “Winter” by I. Surikov, “Winter” by I. Tokmakov, “Winter is not far” by T. Dmitriev, “Swept by a snowstorm” by S. Yesenin.

LEADING Please look at the screen. Slide 2. This is a painting by the artist S. A. Tutunov “Winter has come” Who do we see? Right, little boy who stands thoughtfully at the window. And outside the window it just opens extraordinary picture, because just yesterday evening the entire yard of the house was a nondescript dark black color, and today this same yard looks like a snow-white downy scarf, since everything around is covered with snow-white snow. White snow swirls in large flakes and dances slowly and very quietly.

Let's listen to the poems about snow and snowfall that we have learned (names of child readers).

POETRY:“Snowfall” by V., “Merry winter has come” by I. Chernitskaya.

Our guys talked about the snowfall, and a real blizzard began outside the window. Let's hear how she sweeps everything around.

“Blizzard” by G. Sviridov is playing, children and parents are listening to a musical fragment T.

LEADING I know that you want to turn into white light snowflakes and spin in a beautiful dance. Come out guys and perform the Snowflakes Waltz.

“Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” dance - improvisation

Slide 3

LEADING In this weather you want to sit in country house next to the fireplace and dream. Imagine a quiet winter evening. The wood in the fireplace crackles faintly. Warmth spreads throughout the room. Illustration “By the fireplace”. A fragment of “At the Fireplace” by P. Tchaikovsky is played.

The presenter speaks against the background of music. And snowflakes are falling outside the window. So white! So beautiful! And you can watch the snowflakes fall. They are so beautiful! Let's imagine ourselves in this room and listen to poems about snowflakes.

POETRY “We are snowflakes, we are fluff.” M. Lesna-Raunio; “Snowflakes” I. Bursov.

Sly d 4

LEADING Guys, look, while we were sitting and warming ourselves by the fire, these birds flew to us. Do you know them? Right! These are bullfinches. In winter, when everything is covered with snow, it is difficult not to notice such a beautiful songbird. Let's listen to (the child's name, he will talk about winter and bullfinches.

POETRY: “Snow Everywhere” A. Bordovs cue

LEADING Guys, do you know what the winter months are called?

Children December, January, February.

LEADING What is the name of the first month of winter? December. (child's name) will tell us about this month.

POEM: “December” S. Ya. Marsh ak.

LEADING And let’s listen to a poem about February that (child’s name) will tell us.

POEM: “February” (from the cycle “All Year Round”) S. Ya. Marsh ak.

LEADING February is the snowiest month of winter, with snowstorms and blizzards. But it is this month that you can play snowballs to your heart’s content, go sledding, skiing, and skating.

Slide 5.

Examination of the painting “Winter in the Yard” by A. Averin.

LEADING Let's look at this picture. What do you think the guys are doing? That's right, they're making a snowman. We won’t build a snowman, but we will play with a snowball. Everyone come out in a circle.

SNOWBALL PLAY(a/record s)

LEADING Guys and respected adults, please listen to my riddle.

Our windows are brushed white

At night he painted.

He dressed the pole with snow,

The garden was covered in snow.

Shouldn't we get used to the snow?

Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?

As soon as we come out, we shout:

Hello,. !

They prepared a poem for us about frost (children's names)

POETRY: “Frost” by V. Orlov, “Walking the Street” by S. Drozhzhin, an excerpt from the poem “Frost, Red Nose” by N. Nekrasov.

LEADING Let's, guys, remember how we met Santa Claus and sing a song about him.

SONG-ROUND DANCE "Hello, Santa Claus"

LEADING Would you guys like to be in a winter forest now? Admire the snow-covered edges and fluffy spruce paws? Aren't you afraid of meeting a bear? That's right, in winter bears sleep in a den. But this is what happened in one forest... Please look at the screen.

CARTOON “Once Upon a Frosty Winter”

LEADING Such miracles sometimes happen. And I would like to invite you to listen to (child’s name), because she prepared a poem about the winter forest.

Slide 6.

POETRY: “Birch” by S. Yesenin, “Enchantress in Winter” by F. Tyutchev.

LEADING: Yes, it is extremely beautiful in winter! Look what beautiful stars lit up in the sky! Come out, moon, stars, show us your beautiful dance!


Part 3 – final

LEADING Thank you, Moon, thank you, Stars! Thank you guys for such wonderful poems about winter. Thank you, dear parents, for helping your children prepare for today’s poetry evening. Today, with the help of music, poetry and beautiful paintings, we were able to feel the beauty of winter nature. Did you like our music room? What do you remember most? (Answers from children and adults)

LEADING But our evening does not end, and we invite you to take part in the creation collaboration called "Winter Evening". You can show your imagination and depict your impressions of what you saw in joint work.

MASTER CLASS together with parents to produce work using non-traditional materials"Winter evening".

LEADING gives detailed instructions on the production of a joint work, shows a possible version of the execution, at the end of the event he praises and invites everyone to go to the center of the music hall and demonstrate their work.

LEADING I hope that you enjoyed this evening, from communicating with the children, from seeing wonderful paintings and classical music. Thank you for your attention! Come to us again. Goodbye! Until new creative meetings!


Caesar Cui. Winter
Robert Schumann. in winter
Antonio Vivaldi. Seasons - Winter

1st lesson

Program content. To instill in children a sense of the beauty of nature and music.

Progress of the lesson:

P a g o g Nature is so beautiful in winter! Everything around turns white and silver. The trees dress up in fluffy white snow clothes:

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The sorceress winter is coming.
She came and fell apart; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Wonderful Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi has four concertos for violin and orchestra called “The Four Seasons”. These concerts have names: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter”. Each concert consists of three parts. Let's listen to one of the parts of another concert - “Winter”. What kind of winter do you see when you hear this music? (The second part of the concert sounds.)

Children. Beautiful, sparkling snowflakes.

Pedagogical: What is the nature of music?

Children. Delicate, light.

P e d a g o g Yes. In the orchestra you can hear abrupt sounds that flicker and glow, like a magical winter outfit of nature. Against this background, violins sing warmly, tenderly, sincerely. (A fragment sounds.) The Russian poet Sergei Yesenin has a poem in which he talks about the Russian birch tree in winter with tenderness, love, and admiration. When you listen to this part of A. Vivaldi’s concerto, you remember the lines:

White birch
Below my window
Covered myself with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

2nd lesson

Program content. Teach children to distinguish the nature of musical works that have similar names.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: You listened to one of the parts of A. Vivaldi’s concert “Winter”. What kind of music suits your mood? (A fragment plays.)

Children. Delicate, light, beautiful, like snowflakes flickering in the sun.

P a g o g This music was written for orchestra and solo violin. Now you will hear two works with similar names. One of them is for piano. This is R. Schumann's play “In Winter”. The other is for voice and piano. This is a song by the Russian composer Ts. Cui based on the poems of the poet E. Baratynsky “Winter”. What mood is conveyed in these works? (Both works are performed.) What does Ts. Cui’s song sound like?

Children. Sad, mournful, pitiful.

Educator: The picture of a harsh winter evokes despondency and regret about the summer: the stream is frozen under ice, an evil wind is blowing, nature is numb. (A song is performed.) And what is R. Schumann’s play? (Does it.)

Children. Also sad, plaintive.

P a g o g Yes, these works are very similar in mood. One of them is vocal, the other is piano. In R. Schumann's play, the mood brightens only in the middle part. It seems that the sun is peeking through or snowflakes are flickering, shimmering. (Performs a fragment.) But then the sad, plaintive intonations return again (a fragment is played). How consonant with this music is the poem of the poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet!

Just yesterday, blazing in the sun,
The forest was the last to tremble its leaves,
And the winter, turning lushly green,
She lay like a velvet carpet.
Today summer suddenly disappeared;
White, lifeless all around,
Earth and sky are all dressed
Some kind of dull silver.
Fields without herds, forests dull,
No scanty leaves, no grass.
I don't recognize the growing strength
In the diamond ghosts of foliage.
As if in a gray cloud of smoke
From the kingdom of cereals by the will of fairies
Transported incomprehensibly
We are in the kingdom of rock crystals.

Draw at home the picture of winter that seemed to you when you listened to the music of C. Cui, R. Schumann and A. Vivaldi.

3rd lesson

Program content. Teach children to distinguish between shades of mood and changes in the nature of music in works.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. You listened various works about winter - a bright, gentle concert by A. Vivaldi, its second part (a fragment is played), the sad, mournful play by R. Schumann “In Winter” (performs a fragment) and a sad, plaintive song of Ts. Cui, similar in nature (performs a fragment) . Sometimes in winter it blows in bad weather strong wind, the blizzard howls:

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Or Sergei Yesenin has the following lines:

The blizzard sweeps the white path.
He wants to drown in the soft snow.
The playful wind fell asleep on the way;
Nor go to the forest,
Neither pass.

In the first part of A. Vivaldi’s concert “Winter,” which you will now get acquainted with, a picture of a harsh winter, stormy and blizzard, is depicted. (The first part plays.)
At the beginning you heard uniform abrupt chords, annoying sounds of a blizzard, sharp short gusts of wind; The snow is blowing, stinging snowflakes are falling. Nature, shackled by the cold, is frozen in a daze (sounds fragment).

Against this mysterious background, a violin sings piercingly, anxiously, confusedly, plaintively (a fragment sounds). Gusts of wind and a blizzard suddenly arrive. The music sounds insistently, excitedly and furiously (a fragment and the entire part are performed).

Antonio Vivaldi himself wrote the following poems for this music:

Numb over the fresh snow,
Under the sharp wind blowing in the pipe,
Run, stamping your boots.
And shivering and shivering in the cold.

(Reproductions of paintings that are consonant and contrasting in mood with the music can be used.)


1. Presentation - 15 slides, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
A. Vivaldi. Seasons - Winter. Part 1, mp3;
A. Vivaldi. Seasons - Winter. Part 2, mp3;
C. Cui. Winter (performed by children's choir"Harmony"), mp3;
C. Cui. Winter. Solo, mp3;
R. Schumann. Winter (piano performance), mp3;
R. Schumann. Winter (in symphonic performance), mp3;
3. Accompanying article - lesson notes, docx;
4. Sheet music for independent performance by the teacher, jpg.

Listening to the beautiful winter music and remember her story.


Pyotr Tchaikovsky completed the music for the ballet “The Nutcracker” in December 1892. The premiere took place at the same time. Mariinsky Theater . In “The Nutcracker,” the celesta, the youngest percussion-keyboard musical instrument, invented 6 years earlier by the Frenchman Auguste Mustel, was performed for the first time on the Russian stage. Tchaikovsky, captivated by the delicate sound of the celesta, personally brought it from Paris. It was perfect for a musical Christmas story. Celeste was performed in the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, the sophisticated mistress of sweets in Confitenburg. The crystal chimes and airy dance of the Italian Antonietta Delera conveyed both the charm and fragility of the fairy-tale world.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from the ballet “The Nutcracker”


Opera "The Night Before Christmas" Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov created in 1895. The composer wrote the libretto for “there was a carol” himself, based on the story of the same name Nikolai Gogol . He introduced a lot of fantastic and pagan elements into the plot:“Being interested in myths and combining them with Gogol’s story is, of course, my mistake, but this mistake made it possible to write a lot interesting music» . The premiere of The Night Before Christmas took place at the Mariinsky Theater in December 1895.

The polonaise with choir in the opera sounds when Vakula flies to the royal palace. Pathetic music contrasts with other melodies of the opera - carols on folk motives, graceful “Dance of the Stars” and soulful arias of Oksana and Vakula. After all, there is a festive ball in the palace - courtiers in magnificent dresses and wigs perform a ceremonial dance.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Polonaise from the opera "The Night Before Christmas"


Vladimir Rebikov decided to write the opera “The Christmas Tree” in the early 1900s. Her libretto is based on two works - “The Little Match Girl” Hans Christian Andersen and a Christmas story Fyodor Dostoevsky "The boy at Christ's Christmas tree." Their plots are similar: a child from a poor family does not find shelter on a festive evening and ends up freezing to death on an icy street.

The opera by Vladimir Rebikov was a great success: it was staged many times in Russia and abroad. The most famous melody from “Yolka” was the climactic waltz. The main character heard touching and sad music during her enchanting visions, after which she never woke up.

Vladimir Rebikov. Waltz from the opera "The Christmas Tree"


The text of the popular children's song was written by Russian poet Raisa Kudasheva in 1903. The poem was first published in the December issue of the magazine “Malyutka” - it was published in St. Petersburg. A few years later, agronomist Leonid Bekman created music for the words. He composed it for his little daughter, and since the scientist did not know how to read music, his wife recorded the melody.

“Herringbone” has gone through several births. In the 1900s, it became a very popular Christmas carol, sung at home parties, in high schools, and in orphanages. IN World War I when Christmas noted with restraint, the melody was a little forgotten. After the revolution, the anthem of the religious holiday was completely unofficially banned. “Yolochka” returned to the third generation of Soviet children - in the 1930s - and became not a Christmas song, but a New Year's song.

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Words by Raisa Kudasheva, music by Leonid Bekman


The lively song about the last five minutes of the passing year is already 60 years old. In 1956 the whole country listened to her: the film“Carnival Night” by Eldar Ryazanov watched by almost 50 million Soviet viewers, and the melody itself sounded from every radio. It remains one of the New Year's song traditions today.

The music for “Five Minutes” was written by composer Anatoly Lepin, and the words by Vladimir Livshits. In the film, the song of Lenochka Krylova - the heroine Gurchenko — lasted five minutes and ended with the chimes. A decoration was made especially for the room: a huge alarm clock, on either side of which were musicians from the orchestra. “Carnival” watches also became a New Year’s trend long years- bright Christmas tree decorations - “five minutes before” - soon appeared in every Soviet home.

Song "Five Minutes" from the movie " Carnival Night"(1956). Words by Vladimir Livshits, music by Anatoly Lepin


Music for the film "Blizzard" based on the same name stories by Alexander Pushkin Georgy Sviridov wrote in 1964. Waltz and “Troika”, “Military March” and “Wedding” were performed on the radio and put on television programs. 10 years after the film was released, Sviridov edited the score. It became an independent work - “Musical illustrations for the story by A.S. Pushkin "Blizzard".

At the same time solemn and tender, the waltz sounds at the very beginning of the film, during the ball. Here main character- Marya Gavrilovna - for the first time, even if only briefly, she saw the one with whom she would mistakenly marry. The audience also hears the muted motives of this melody at the end of the film, when the heroes miraculously meet again and get to know each other.

Film "Sorcerers" script Strugatsky brothers Konstantin Bromberg filmed it in 1982. It was shown on television on the last day of the year. The music for the film was written by Evgeny Krylatov, and the lyrics by Leonid Derbenev. Later she released all the compositions on one disc Melodiya company.

One of musical symbols New Year's Eve was “Song about a Snowflake,” or “Snowflake,” from the movie “Sorcerers.” A song about how to correctly make a wish at the magical midnight was sung by Olga Rozhdestvenskaya with the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Good Fellows.” "Snowflake" began to appear in blue lights, at holiday discos and even children's matinees. And for more than three decades now it has been heard before the New Year on all radio stations and television channels.

“Song about a Snowflake” from the movie “Sorcerers” (1982). Words by Leonid Derbenev, music by Evgeny Krylatov

The change of seasons is a theme that from time immemorial has attracted the attention of artists working in various types art. Meanwhile, musicians, as well as poets, often interpret it in a philosophical manner, drawing a parallel between objective weather changes and the subjective feeling of the transience of human life.

They pay special attention to winter, depicting it as the last stage of existence before going into oblivion. In their imagination, with the onset of winter, the earth falls under the power of destructive elements, and from the depths of the human subconscious the black forces of universal loneliness creep out. However, there are authors who perceive winter cheerfully, finding in it a source of such pleasures as sleigh rides, masquerades, New Year's Eve, Maslenitsa celebrations...

Let's try to trace the path along which composers of the 18th-20th centuries moved, depicting winter in their instrumental opuses. The dominance of “pure music” in these works in most cases forces the authors to direct the right direction associative thinking performers and listeners with the help of preliminary texts. For these purposes, they often use poetic epigraphs or titles, occasionally indicating the connection of their music with any specific plot (libretto, script).

XVIII century

“Winter is hard, but moments of joy

Sometimes they soften her harsh face...

How happy is the one whom warmth and light

She sheltered her native hearth from the winter cold, -

Let the snow and the wind be angry there, outside..." - these lines are included in the sonnet, which is preceded by one of the most famous works classical music dedicated to winter. They are the program for Antonio Vivaldi’s fourth violin concerto, which concludes his four-movement cycle “The Seasons”.

A. Vivaldi (1678–1741) – the largest representative Italian music High Baroque era. In his instrumental concerts, in particular in “Winter,” the principles of program symphony, which a hundred years later would be embodied in “ Pastoral Symphony» Beethoven. In the 19th century they were developed by romantic composers, and in the 20th century by the impressionists.

The themes of the three-movement violin concerto “Winter” by A. Vivaldi are unusually clear, concrete, emotional and melodic in Italian style. Anxiety and sublime enlightenment, dramatic tension and the charm of peace are replaced in this work so talentedly that even after the end of listening they continue to excite the imagination. It is also important that the musical language of this work echoes the language of the best works of the authors of the 20th century, created in line with neoclassicism. That is why any of the violin concertos combined by A. Vivaldi into the “Seasons” cycle is currently in demand by listeners.

19th century

“I no longer live in myself, I am part of what I see,” these lines are from a poem by J. Byron, which he often quoted greatest romantic composer Franz Liszt (1811–1886), may be the epigraph to many of his works created during the period creative flourishing. The final edition of “Etudes of Higher Performance”, a cycle consisting of 12 virtuoso plays, the final of which is “Blizzard,” belongs to this time. This composition makes us remember the composer’s amazing confession: “... some vague, but very real relationship, an inexplicable but true relationship, has been established between me and natural phenomena.”

In the above-mentioned sketch, the author clearly embodies the romantic idea of ​​a proud and suffering personality, finding an echo of his own tossing in natural phenomena. Compositionally, this is expressed quite clearly: in the composition one can clearly hear the interdependence of the melody-recitation, which bears the imprint of a personal tragedy, and the texture, depicting the surrounding world, engulfed in a snowy whirlwind. All this was done so skillfully and talentedly that it gives reason to consider “Blizzard” one of the most striking musical sketches of the romantic era.

In Russian music of the XIX centuries, perhaps the most interesting pages dedicated to winter belong to the pen of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). His attitude towards this time of year was already evident in his first symphony, created at the age of 26. Two parts of this work have programmatic titles: “Dreams on a Winter Road” and “Gloomy Land, Foggy Land.” In none of the next five symphonies will Tchaikovsky decide to resort to words, since even without this his inner life will be in plain sight for everyone. Meanwhile, the very first fragment of the author’s first symphony indicates that we have before us a composer of a lyrical direction. In this regard, it is significant that, already a recognized master, Tchaikovsky wrote: “The symphony... is the most lyrical of all musical forms... Shouldn’t it express everything that there are no words for, but that asks from the soul and that wants to be expressed?

Many researchers of P. Tchaikovsky’s work associate the images of his first symphony with the paintings of I. Levitan. It is known that the second part of the symphony was created by the composer under the impression of his trip along Lake Ladoga to the island of Valaam and a trip to the Imatra Falls in the summer of 1860. It is significant that in both parts of this work the image winter road, running along a gloomy edge, merges with the lyrical reflections of the hero. About this work, art critic G. Sherikhova writes: “Tchaikovsky begins his first symphony with the most delicate watercolor, complementing it with subtle pen strokes... Through this unsteady drawing of nature, the unprotected beauty of the living shines through human soul, for which every brutal intrusion is as destructive as for the natural world.”

P. Tchaikovsky creates no less visual pictures of winter in the piano cycle “The Seasons,” where a piece with a literary epigraph is dedicated to each month. Thus, January (“At the Fireplace”) is preceded by A. Pushkin’s lines from the poem “The Dreamer” (1815):

And a peaceful corner

The night has dressed itself in darkness,

The fire in the fireplace goes out,

And the candle burned out.

February - “Maslenitsa” - lines by P. Vyazemsky from the poem “Maslenitsa on the Other Side” (1853):

Soon Maslenitsa is brisk

A wide feast will begin.

December - “Christmas time” - words from V. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” (1811):

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls wondered:

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it away.

These plays are a kind of catalog musical language author. “At the Fireplace” is a composition in which the confidential intonations characteristic of the composer’s operatic arias can be traced. “Maslenitsa” bears the imprint of the author’s symphonic scherzos, and “Christmastide” is one of the most captivating waltzes for which P. Tchaikovsky is so famous.

Another instrumental waltz that became last decade business card Russian genius, is the “Snow Flake Waltz” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”. A new surge of interest in this work was facilitated by the talent outstanding artist Andrei Shemyakin (b. 1943): he, together with conductor Valery Gergiev, performed at the Mariinsky Theater in 2001 new production"The Nutcracker". In it, A. Shemyakin not only immersed the audience in the bizarre and terrible world of images of Hoffmann’s fairy tale, but also confronted him with the fact of outright “sacrilege” - he released “snowflakes” onto the stage, dressed in black tights, dotted with dazzling white mugs. As a result, the artist achieved an incredible visual effect: against the dark background of the scenery, the outlines of the dancers’ figures seemed to dissolve, and the “snowballs” scattered across their clothes sparkled and swirled, creating the illusion of a blizzard of unimaginable beauty. Shemyakin said that the image of black snowflakes was born to him after he saw a snow whirlwind through the window against the background of the night sky.

Composers of the Russian school have always been close to the images of the fatal element that dominates human life, and in the paintings of winter they found a worthy embodiment for them. In the list of works related to this topic, one can fully include Rachmaninov’s etude-painting in E flat minor op. 33, Scriabin's study in F sharp major op. 42, blizzard scene from Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “Kashchei the Immortal”.

Meanwhile, there is a work dedicated to the seasons, in which winter found its devoted admirer. It's about about Alexander Glazunov (1865–1936) and his ballet “The Seasons” (1900), conceived in the spirit of performances at the French court of the 16th-17th centuries. Glazunov's talent as a “musical painter” brightly illuminated this entire work, but was revealed with particular force when describing the images of winter. It is known that N. L. Rimsky-Korsakov, the author of the operas “The Snow Maiden” and “The Night Before Christmas,” after the rehearsal of Glazunov’s first film “The Seasons,” said: “This is one of the best winters in Russian music!” In this regard, I would like to quote the words of A. Glazunov, written by him in Paris shortly before his death: “There was no snow...”, “I miss the northern winter, you won’t get snow here...”, “It’s a pity that I won’t see the northern winter again.” and the sleigh, which I really miss!”

The founder of impressionism in European music was Claude Debussy (1862–1918), a French composer and music critic. A convinced pantheist, he repeatedly voiced his creative credo: “the beauty of nature can excite the artistic imagination of a composer.”

Debussy's need to convey in sounds the changing state of nature and magic colors her elusive beauty pushed the composer to search for new means of expression. This affected not only the musical language in the narrow sense of the word, but also the images themselves, which in his works are full of various symbolism. The author’s goal is to excite the imagination of listeners, directing it into the sphere of all kinds of associations. A clear illustration of this is his prelude “Steps in the Snow.” The theme of the play is “a frozen step, as if “frozen” into the texture, which hypnotizes the listener, does not let go of his attention, forcing him to continuously watch how the trajectory of the mournful path along the snow-covered plain is drawn and lost in the distance” (E. Denisov). Many researchers believe that this degree of concentration of expressiveness elevates the motif of “Steps” to the level of “allegory of Time and Fate.”

Unlike “Steps in the Snow,” which is considered perhaps the most mysterious and strange prelude by C. Debussy, his play “The Snow Is Dancing” from the suite “ Children's Corner» is clear and understandable. Complementing the author’s series of various toccatas, it is notable for its unusual impressionistic coloring, which “allows it to be classified as one of the most interesting and innovative pages cycle." The piano writing of the play “Snow is Dancing” is transparent and elegant, which is most likely due to the “childish” nature of this music. In style it is close to the clavier works of composers of the 17th century, in particular the miniatures of L. Couperin (1626–1661).

XX century

The music of the outstanding Russian composer Georgy Sviridov (1915–1998), created for the film based on Pushkin’s story “Blizzard,” is also associated with images of winter. The orchestral suite, compiled by the author in 1974 from the music for this film, brought its author popular love. Of this work, “Waltz” is the most popular - it perfectly matches the spirit of Pushkin’s story, revealing the innocence of its heroes, who are characterized by an integral, harmonious perception of life.

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