Which program is the best. Most-most: talented, bright children in the show "Best of all!" on the first. Show "Best of all" cheating the audience: children receive unequal gifts

Talent can be possessed not only by adults, but also by children, and it is for them that this TV show was created. Every child has the right to declare himself and to demonstrate his gift to the whole country. It doesn't matter in which particular area you are the best, the main thing is to be able to do something in a way that many others cannot. The project is open to: young singers, athletes, musicians, dancers, magicians and other talented guys who are not afraid to go on stage and show everyone what they are capable of. The skills of young talents will be assessed by an unbiased jury, which will approach this task with all responsibility.
The talent show is hosted by the unsurpassed Maxim Galkin. He will make every effort to cheer the participants and set them up for a good performance, because it is important that the baby feels comfortable during the performance. These kids sometimes amaze much more than many of the older generation! However, only one who will prove himself the best will win the competition. But this does not mean that the rest of the contestants are not capable of anything, it is just that this time luck smiled not at them.

Casting for the popular show of children's talents has started on the First Channel. It is enough to fill out the form and wait for an invitation from the producers.

Channel One has announced a casting for the children's show "Best of all!"

“Best of all” is a show in which a child demonstrates to others everything that he is capable of. However, it is important not only to be able to amaze with talents, but also to mark the "hanging tongue".

“If your child is showing extraordinary aptitude for creativity, sports or science. If he sings, dances, stands on his head better than others, performs tricks, mints a ball or knows how to do something bright and amazing. If he feels comfortable in a dialogue with an adult, dreams of a big stage and is ready to take part in a new project on Channel One! Take part in the casting! Fill out the form on the website of the First Channel! " - call the authors of the program.

The project leader was Maksim Galkin, who easily found an approach to the young participants. And the children who appeared in the project have already become All-Russian celebrities. Three-year-old chess player Misha Osipov caused genuine tears of affection from the audience. But the real star of last season, without a doubt, was the charming cook. Polina Simonova from Lyubertsy, who captivated the audience with her serious approach to the preparation of Olivier salad and her pink cap.

Whose ambitions are satisfied by the children who appear in television shows, who and how do they manage to get there, how does this change the lives of young talents and their parents? Maria Portnyagina recorded the story of a person who has a rich and varied experience of participating in such projects

The hit of the TV season is a show with gifted children. As soon as they appeared, these programs immediately broke into the top TV ratings. The new fashion on TV, exploiting parental ambition and spectator sentimentality, has generated not only a chain reaction (similar competitions are now taking place both in cities and at the regional level), but also an entire industry - the market for services for promoting small stars has already formed and is growing rapidly. "Ogonyok" researched the phenomenon and found out that the new hobby is far from harmless. First of all for children.

Apollinaria Rtischeva, who knows her from personal experience, told Ogonyok about the kitchen of children's television: she starred in a well-known project as a child, now works on TV, and recently her little daughter took part in a TV show.

About personal and general

About casting for the program "Best of all!" I found out on TV that talented children were looking for a new show. There were also posts and re-posts on Facebook. My daughter, she is 4 years old, reads poetry well. I shot a video, sent it, we were called to the casting. Parents are not allowed to audition in front of the camera, even with the smallest. As a result, the daughter did not tell poetry, but her fairy tales, which she sometimes comes up with for her younger brother, he is 2 years old. I was sure that she would not be taken on the shoot, but it turned out that the concept of the program was not for children to read poetry and dance (this is really interesting for parents only in the performance of their own child), but in creating unusual numbers. For example, one wonderful girl Nicole read many different poems, and at the end - the words from Baskov's song as if it were the poetry of the Silver Age, at least. It turned out funny. They came up with the "Puppet Theater" number for my daughter. She had to, together with Galkin, compose a story about doll characters. The script was not sent to us, from the side of the daughter there was supposed to be an improvisation. We tried to prepare at home, composed stories with toys, but I did not think that the tale would be about a traffic cop and ... again, Baskov. On the day of shooting, we arrived at 4 o'clock, but we got to the shooting only at 8 pm, and then we were allowed out of line. Editors and directors, I must say, are not to blame for such delays. Over the years of working on television and in films, I have never met a project where everything would happen on schedule, for many reasons. For my part, I am grateful to the director and editor for their patience and kind attitude towards Yulenka. The director for me will forever remain a model of patience and love for children. He even personally carried a handkerchief to one little girl when she announced that she wanted to blow her nose.

As a result, Julia, who at home cheerfully composes stories and sprinkles pearls, smiled happily in front of the camera and did not give out anything particularly funny. And now I don't even know if it will even be included in one of the episodes of the program. As a mother, I, of course, am proud of her: in any case, she won her fatigue, got the first serious experience of performing, was not afraid, did not run away. It is impossible to demand improvisation from a child. One can only hope for those same children's pearls. Yulka herself was delighted with the filming, felt like a queen and enjoyed every moment. She seemed to be in a fairy tale, where a performance is shown for her and she is applauded. Such numbers look touching, because it is impossible to outplay small children.

I have not seen a single unfortunate kid, depressed by parents or by the atmosphere of the filming, behind the scenes of the project. There are really a lot of talented children, and no one forces them to perform. Children also have ambitions from an early age. And when they succeed, they shine with happiness.

As a child, I myself starred in Yeralash. Although she did not become an actress, the immersion in the world of cinema played a role: now I am a screenwriter on TV. I remember my childhood shootings as the brightest and happiest episodes. And I want my children to receive the same emotions as possible. Of course, if my daughter cried at the word "poetry" or at the sight of the camera, I would not force her. But she herself said that she wants to be an actress, asks to film her at home on video.

About casting and scammers

There are open castings, which are announced on the channel, on the website, editors post information about them in social networks. There is classified information. It mainly deals with small actors and models. These are, for example, auditions for advertising. If parents want the child to be filmed, they need to post the baby's profile in acting agencies. This is a paid service. There is an indefinite placement, it happens for a year. The portfolio needs to be constantly updated: children grow up quickly, so every six months they need to take pictures. A professional portfolio in Moscow costs from 5 thousand rubles. The first selection is always based on a photo. Then the children are invited to auditions. And here everything is like with adults: you can go a hundred times, stand in two-hour lines, but never get to the shooting. Parents of child actors are reluctant to share information: the fewer competitors, the more chances. But there are also very sociable mothers who understand that the choice of the child is based on the type. If, for example, her son does not fit, then he will not be hired anyway. And the more information you have, the more chances you have to get somewhere else.

There is also an outright divorce for money. Basically, these are projects with descriptions like "urgent, casting, for the main role, children from 3 to 16 years old." Think how many main roles there can be? And how can there be such a blurry age? And after the casting, they still call back, praise the child, offer to do a photo shoot for 25 thousand rubles or take courses in order to get the role for sure. And the price tag is already from 80 thousand. Obsessed with fame, not the realization of children, parents are often led to this. The contract states that the children will be provided with photographs or training, and not guarantees of filming in the main role. After training, the parents are told that their child is a fine fellow, but another was approved for the role. There are no claims: the service was performed according to the contract.

About moms with ambition

Parents often try to realize their ambitions in their children. According to the principle "but my child will have the opportunity", But more often it is not an opportunity that comes out, but hard labor. I know this by my example. I went to a music school for 8 years, because my mother dreamed of playing the piano as a child. I never got an ear for music, and after finishing my studies at the instrument I never sat down again. At the same time, I tell my daughter about musical instruments, she has a toy piano, and if she wants to learn to play the piano, I will take her to a music school. The path "just not like my childhood" is also wrong.

Mothers with buried ambitions, most often modeling and acting, it is better not to give up on themselves and study music themselves or even go to auditions for non-professional actors. There are many opportunities now for adults to learn something from scratch. And torturing children is cruel. Especially expectations of high results, griefs like "Well, they didn't take you again, you probably forgot the text again, I rehearsed with you all night." This suppresses children's self-esteem, then, when the child grows up, he will feel like zero in any failure.

About parental stress

Parents, it happens, watch enough TV shows and run to "train" the child. And then they are being told from all sides: "It's already too late after three." When a child develops an interest in football and you take his seven-year-old to the section, it turns out that he is going to a group for beginners, and the guys who started playing at the age of 2 are running around. Naturally, if they have already reached seven, they will create fierce competition. And so you look at a three-month-old baby and think: “It seems to react to music. Maybe singing for one-year-olds? it turns out that she is too large, she will have to start from scratch in something in which everyone will be successful for five years already! "

About superepisodes

In Soviet times, many films were shot with the participation of children. There are memories of how, for the sake of a convincing shot, children were brought to tears, they were greatly frightened. It didn't seem like something abnormal. Is it any wonder that almost all child actors didn't become actors? Now there are laws to protect the rights of children. They are required to be fed on the set, not to be filmed for more than a certain number of hours. Now no one will insult the child, yell at him. But you shouldn't relax either. It must be remembered that on television, first of all, you need a show, something that evokes vivid emotions. In the same project "Best of all!" showed a little chess player who lost to Karpov and burst into tears. For the program it was a superepisode, then everyone "posted" it, discussed it. Of course, it's touching. Is it good for the child? He is clearly not able to appreciate that he was put to play with an obviously stronger opponent and defeat was inevitable. Perhaps such a loss and the grief experienced will motivate him to play even better. Maybe he will have a feeling of helplessness, which will later come back to haunt in adulthood. Maybe he will watch this video with a laugh when he grows up, or maybe he will be offended by his parents that they put him on public display in such a situation. We cannot know this.

Parents who take their child to the show must understand that they are taking responsibility for their child, his psyche, his future. And ultimately for the attitude towards them when he grows up.

About surprises

After "Best of all!" Yulia was invited to take part in Andrey Malakhov's program "Tonight": the birthday of Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk was celebrated there. Julia had to read poetry, congratulate the director. The beginning was laid when Roman Grigorievich remembered the first girl, who was 4 years old, and he touched her nipples. It is clear that this is shocking, but it jarred me. When Julia went out to congratulate, Roman Grigorievich did not let her read poetry, but began to teach her to kiss. Julia was confused. I was shocked. The editors were shocked. All this looked like shocking and jokes, I myself joked to somehow defuse the situation. Viktyuk is a brilliant director, but a big child and a well-known provocateur. At heart, he is no older than my daughter. And in his eyes I saw that he definitely didn’t want to offend the child. He wanted to misbehave. But Julia experienced stress, she read poetry without inspiration. For me, this is a very controversial story. How did the four-year-old girl take the situation? She was surprised and now she doesn't remember anything. But when she grows up, suddenly it will be disgusting for her to kiss, even if the incident itself is erased from memory? I have a feeling that I could not protect my child. Although it was not right to make a scandal either. For someone on TV, this story will look like pedophilia, for someone as a unique chance for a child to communicate with a genius. I take extremes, but in any case there will be many opinions, and not all are pleasant.

On command, the young chefs raise their hands up: now their dishes will be judged by the judges. And the guys are accustomed to shout in chorus: "Yes, chief!"

I blame myself for allowing such a situation, and concluded: Julia will no longer participate in adult programs. As for children's programs ... No matter how much they would like to get there, I advise parents to first find out what the show is about, how best to prepare a child. It is important to remember that in such a program, you and your child are part of the show. Whatever they say to you before shooting, after the command "Motor!" everything can go wrong and you can't stop it. And either you have to settle for surprises that you do not expect, or not start. It's bad that we decide for the children, but they can't decide. If parents take upon themselves this responsibility, one must be prepared for reproaches both for “Mom, why did you drag me around to shoot,” and “Mom, why did they take others, but you didn’t.”

About investments

High hopes

Parents who are far from the world of television and cinema often take their children to such programs in the hope that they will be noticed and called to the cinema. Someone wants to show off. Someone to get compensation for sleepless nights, for investing in a child. Many sincerely admire their child and want the whole world to share this admiration. Parents have the right to ambition and moral reward. I do not think that this somehow infringes upon children, if it does not turn into terror ("you will study for 8 hours every day") and humiliation in case of failure. There are parents who believe that this is how they develop their child and provide them with more opportunities. The main thing is not to break the child, not to place too high hopes, which he will then painfully try to justify. Parents set this line on their own responsibility.

Parents take their children to TV shows in the hope that they will be noticed and called to the movies

Prepared by Maria Portnyagina


Minute of glory

According to the majority, the participation of a child in a TV show is a rash step of the parents.

Parents who send their children to television shows ...

    The best show provides an opportunity to choose the best children in their opinion. To vote, you need to go to the official website of the first channel, the TV show section, the show is the best, voting. After that, the right to choose will be available. Exactly one week after the release. As for the voices - three voices. You can give them away for different children; it is not possible to give them away for one child. A week later, a new vote. Among the leaders the most will be chosen.

    To vote for the participant you like from the program Best of all just go to the website of the federal first channel, select the tab voting and give your vote and it is completely free, unlike SMS. Each has 3 votes available and you can vote for one participant at intervals or make three children happy with your vote. As a rule, there are three participants and it is from them that the best one must be chosen, which will win after passing to the next round. Voting lasts a week from Sunday to Sunday.

    Yesterday I watched the third issue and some miracles are happening. Soon we will probably see one-year-old children: flying under the dome, dancing in different styles and playing what, where, when;. In the last episode, karateka Polinka gave a rustle. You can watch and vote here: www.1tv.ru/shows/luchshie-deti-strany-obedinyaytes/golosovanie.

    There are photographs of the participants, such faces are impossible to look at. Even if you go to this site with a specific surname, candidacy, as I entered, all the same, confusion is inevitable. So they are all pretty, capable, talented and smart, so I would have eaten them all out of love and pride. What kids are growing up, what happiness to parents, what a wonderful future!

    You can follow this link in order to vote for the most talented child in your opinion. But I have not voted even once, because it seems to me that all the children there are very talented. Nowadays, not every adult can boast of such abilities.

    This time, their votes are cast not via SMS, but via the official website of the federal channel. Moreover, even three votes can be given, not one. You can choose three children who participated in one episode and distribute the votes among them.

    For example, I remember very much Ivan Bogov. A very serious three-year-old motorcyclist, and his name is the same).

    If only Little Bella brought , she would definitely have smitten everyone with her knowledge).

    In the show Best of all every Sunday talented children in the age category from three to 12 years old show their abilities for 5-10 minutes, while Maxim Galkin is conducting the program. 2 editions have already passed, there were many interesting and unexpected meetings, the second edition was the most successful - a 3-year-old chess player Mikhail Osipov was a participant in it, who played live with the world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR Anatoly Karpov and lost a game to him! !!, but just time. Having lost, the kid showed amazing self-control, but then he still could not hold back his tears, which moved the whole audience and viewers. Three children are chosen as the best for the show by voting of viewers. You can vote on the website of Channel One, here, simply by clicking on the vote button. You can also watch a video fragment there.

    Vote for children participating in a TV show called Best of all absolutely free. And the voting itself is carried out online right on the site of the first channel. To vote for the best child in your opinion, follow this link.

    It is safe to say about these children that they are all great and deserve victory. After all, they not only have abilities, but are also very courageous, once they decided to go on television.

    Voting is available only in the section TV projects -> Best of all -> Voting on the official website of Channel One, which actually broadcasts this show every Sunday.

    It should be noted that in one issue they show talented children for whom voting is open in the interval

    Each TV viewer has only three votes, which are related to one episode. Thus, you can express your sympathy towards three children.

    Also on this site you can refresh in memory of the numbers not only of the last issue, but also of the current and previous seasons.

    In addition, if you are sure that your child is endowed with a unique talent, then you can also leave an application for participation on this site, which will be considered without fail.

    Channel One recently launched a new show called Best of all , but now this program is one of the highest rated.

    In addition to the fact that many viewers watch this program, even more children and their parents want to take part (so that their children become participants) in the project of the first channel.

    Very talented children appear on the stage for each program.

“Doctor of all sciences in the world. Professor Emeritus and Corresponding Member. Candidate of Science in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with a literary bias. Mega Brain. Alexander Kravchenko! " - this is how Maxim Galkin introduced the participant of the portal "Gifted Children" on the air of the program "Best of all!".

The day before the broadcast, an interesting entry appeared on the blog of the hero of the program, which attracted the attention of all users of the Gifted Children website: “On December 18, I will be shown on Channel One in the“ Best of All ”program with Maxim Galkin! This program is dedicated to children with different talents. And although I know what will be there and how, I can't wait for the broadcast! Watch Channel One! It will be interesting!"

Of course, the active participants of the portal responded to the good news and amicably promised not to miss such an event. After all, the guys, like a real team, worry about each other in crucial life moments, support their peers and sincerely rejoice at their successes. So, users have repeatedly helped friends with useful advice, suggested how to improve the created work or project, shared valuable information that helped schoolchildren achieve success in various intellectual competitions. And now, under the blog of Sasha Kravchenko, enthusiastic comments lined up with a single message - joy and pride for the gifted participant of the portal!

On Sunday evening, December 18, both the participants and the team of the "Gifted Children" project, like a big friendly family, sat down, it would seem, in front of the same TV set, but in different cities of Russia. The guys were looking forward to the appearance on the screen of the main character - Sasha Kravchenko. Finally, his finest hour struck: the young scientist appeared on the stage and immediately delighted the audience, who were amazed at the preschooler's abilities. Indeed, at the age of 5, Sasha has knowledge in the field of such exact sciences as mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, cosmology! “You need to go to the Russian Academy of Sciences, not to the show“ Best of All ”. What will I do with you? I can't support any topic, ”Maxim Galkin was confused when he learned about the interests of the child prodigy.

By the way, the hero of the program, despite his young age, felt confident and comfortable on stage. Sasha did not try to look like an adult professor, demonstrate his knowledge in various fields and speak exclusively in a scientific language. On the contrary, the young scientist easily communicated with the host of the program, talking about his hobbies: “I like to watch the periodic table and play. I also study string theory and try to understand what quantum mathematics is. " Maxim Galkin tried to find out from the prodigy what can be seen interesting at the age of 5 in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, except for the familiar numbers. But the gifted preschooler explained that he was studying the chemical elements located in it, and the audience burst into enthusiastic applause. Sasha also spoke in more detail about the perplexing leading string theory of the Universe: "This theory says that the Universe is a huge instrument that plays ultrasounds for us."

Sasha's hobbies amazed and delighted the audience, but the applause died down, and a mute question hung in the hall, which was guessed and voiced by Maxim Galkin: “Why do you need so much knowledge at your age? Once you become a deputy, you won't need it at all. " But the child prodigy is firmly convinced that the acquired knowledge will definitely be needed in the future, because he dreams of mastering the skills of more than one profession, working as an agent, scientist, magician, builder and investigator! In addition, the desire to master several specialties at once in a gifted preschooler is so great that he would like to go to college right now, bypassing school.

During the whole conversation, Sasha joked, radiated positive and cheerfulness. And the funny stories shared by the young scientist made the audience and the host of the program smile: “Aunties in minibuses call me a prodigy. When I drive, I chat about something scientific. Well, for example, how my time machine works. I invented it, but I haven’t done it yet. ”

Already this conversation between the presenter and the participant in the program proved not only to the audience, but to the whole country that five-year-old Sasha Kravchenko from the city of Torzhok, Tver region, has amazing abilities and extraordinary intelligence. However, the organizers of the Best of All! traditionally, they prepared an assignment for a young scientist using an unusual technique - “show within a show”, and modeled a well-known program that can test knowledge in any field. So, Sasha was able to take part in two programs at once: "Best of all!" and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

You can watch the broadcast of the program, and look behind the scenes of the program right here and now, together with Sasha's mother, Lydia Kravchenko, who told us in more detail about the fascinating filming process and the valuable experience gained.

- How did you manage to take part in the show?

- Sasha himself expressed a desire to participate in the project. He really likes to perform in public, so he asked me to help and send a questionnaire, as well as to make a video with a "self-presentation", where he shared what he knows and can do.

Sasha promised that if he was invited to the show, he would tell Fermat's theorem and the Big Bang theory. By the way, he really knows it (not only that, of course, but in particular). The questionnaire interested the TV crew: literally within a day we received a call from Moscow and invited to come to the audition. However, we were not able to suddenly go to the capital, since Sasha was involved in the holiday concerts. Then, as an alternative, we were offered to shoot a small video where Sasha answers some questions and talks, but not about what he is going to tell, but just about everything. We completed this task, and we were approved for filming without casting, as the organizers really liked Sasha's behavior and speech.

When we arrived in Moscow, the editor was even more delighted, because the organizers were looking for such a child! They wanted the participant to be erudite and smart, but at the same time remained a child, not a little old man.

- How did you prepare for filming? Did everything go according to a prepared scenario?

- Sasha is a very active boy. Without knowing him, one cannot think of what is going on in his head. In order for the children to simply get used to the place, the organizers conduct short technical rehearsals, during which they acquaint children with the structure of the studio, show them where to go, where to sit. They also talk a little with them and try to win them over to adults, so that the children are comfortable and they can show their best side. No polls and even more rehearsals of numbers are not carried out (if only with musicians and athletes). As for the test of knowledge: the organizers try not to "train" the child, therefore they simply check the general level of erudition.

Sasha did not know that he was going to play a game show, and I did not specifically show him the program so that he would not be afraid of difficult questions and would not refuse to participate in the event when the time came.

Just before the shooting, I told him that there is a game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", and it was once played by Maxim Galkin. Now the program is being hosted by another person who will play with Sasha today. This is all my son knew.

- What's left behind the scenes?

- Questions for the quiz were selected according to the level of Sasha's erudition, of course, because he does not know everything in the world. But the goal was not to play for real, but to show the spectrum of his knowledge. What happened can be seen in the TV version. However, in addition to this, Sasha recited the periodic table by heart, listing all the elements that it contains. He learned the table completely on his own, by the way. But this part was not included in the show, apparently due to the time limit.

Filming lasted about two hours in total, so a lot was cut out. It's a pity, because the conversation with Maxim Galkin was very interesting and varied. Sasha spoke not only about his knowledge, but also about other hobbies, for example, that he loves magic tricks. By the way, on another shoot, he even showed a trick with a coin to real professionals in this field - the Safronov brothers (the video can be found on Sergey Safronov's instagram). Sasha really liked filming, so he wants to continue to take part in various shows and programs. Although, as it turned out, this is a rather difficult and sometimes insanely tedious job.

Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, student of the Faculty of Journalism, IGUMO

December 29, 2016
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