Signs inherent in the genre of the novel captain's daughter. "The Captain's Daughter" - Novel or Tale

When defining the genre of The Captain's Daughter (1836), researchers face some difficulties. The fact is that the "Captain's Daughter" is inherent genre features and the story, and the novel, and Pushkin himself called his work either a story or a novel. Therefore, it will not be a fundamental mistake to call The Captain's Daughter a novel. Genre originality Pushkin's novel is that, on the one hand, it is a chronicle of the noble Grinev family, and on the other, historical work. In other words, " Captain's daughter is a socio-historical novel.

The novel describes the love story of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova, at first it was closely intertwined with the events of the Pugachev uprising (1773 - 1775). Pushkin gave the work the form of memoirs, or "family notes" (X), composed by Pyotr Andreevich Grinev in adulthood for grandchildren. In the family chronicle of Pushkin, he is not interested in everyday details, but in the problem moral choice young people at critical moments in their lives. The novel contains portraits of two families: the Grinevs (including Savelich) and the Mironovs (including Palashka). The life of both families is clearly drawn with an eye on Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", which is also emphasized by the epigraph to the third chapter - the remark of Mrs. Prostakova: "Old people, my father." However, the sharp satire characteristic of D.I. Fonvizin when describing "bad landowners", Pushkin softened: the life of two provincial families is depicted in connection with the best traditions of the advanced noble culture XVIII century - saving your human dignity, strict adherence to the laws of duty and honor.

In these heroes, Pushkin showed "simple greatness ordinary people”(N.V. Gogol “What, finally, is the essence of Russian poetry and what is its peculiarity” 1846): they, with all the shortcomings that the author does not hide, live in conscience, in family harmony, are true to traditions, and therefore can stoically and even heroically overcome the most serious life tests. A striking example this is the rescue of Masha, in which they take part: the priest Akulina Pamfilovna (hides the girl during the assault on the Belogorsk fortress), the lively servant Palashka (does not leave her young lady when she lives in a home prison under the rule of Shvabrin), Grinev (departs at the risk of his life to the rebel camp to ask Pugachev for help). Innocent, sincere, moral heroes opposed to Shvabrin, who in his selfish self-affirmation does not stop at meanness (deliberately slanders Masha; in a duel he injures Grinev at the moment when he turns away), or before betrayal (switching to the side of the rebels for selfish reasons).

Historical events - episodes of the peasant war led by E.I. Pugachev - attract the attention of the writer not on their own (Three years ago, Pushkin already wrote "The History of Pugachev"), but in connection with reflections on the situation in modern Russian society, more precisely in connection with the question of the relationship between the nobility, to which Pushkin himself belonged, and the people. The social idea of ​​the "Captain's Daughter" can be formulated as follows: within the framework of one nation, the nobility and the common people diverged so far that their representatives ceased to understand each other. This idea has long occupied Pushkin. In particular, it was reflected in the unfinished story "Dubrovsky" (1833).

The protagonist of this story, Vladimir Dubrovsky, in order to avenge the death of his father and his ruin, collects a band of robbers from serfs. Dubrovsky punishes his offenders (trial assessors, perjurers), but in Pushkin's history about noble robber(works of this kind were very popular in European literature early XIX century) an important place is occupied by the problem of relations between a nobleman and his peasants. It becomes clearer in the final scene of the story: Dubrovsky, realizing that his gang will be defeated by government troops, collects last time all the robbers and announces to them that he is disbanding the gang. He advises them to change their way of life: “You have grown rich under my command, each of you has the appearance with which he can safely make his way to some remote province and spend the rest of his life there in honest labor and abundance. But you are all swindlers and probably will not want to leave your trade” (XIX). This phrase shows that Dubrovsky did not understand his peasants at all: in his opinion, they joined the gang only in order to free themselves from hard peasant work and have easy money from robbery. Pushkin, while depicting peasants, shows that their actions were driven by completely different motives. They joined the young master because they so wanted to express their protest against the injustice committed by Kirila Petrovich Troekurov against the landowners Dubrovsky. Consequently, Pushkin emphasizes the misunderstanding that separates the nobleman and his peasants.

The author reveals the same idea in The Captain's Daughter. It is confirmed not only by the fact of the peasant war against the noble state, but also by the history of personal relationships between the two main characters of the novel. Honor of the nobility, the most important moral basis for Grinev, does not allow him to serve in the Pugachev army, although Pugachev, as a person, evokes sincere sympathy in the young nobleman.

In the novel, Pushkin describes the most successful period of the peasant war, when the Pugachev army tried to capture Orenburg. The work contains both historical characters (Pugachev, Catherine II, mediocre Orenburg generals, Pugachev's associates), and fictional characters (the Grinev family, Shvabrin, the Mironov family). For Pushkin, it was interesting to depict a critical moment in the history of Russia, in which the characters of the Russian people were most fully manifested.

Show Pugachev as historical figure- this is one of the important tasks of the author in the novel. Creating the image of the people's leader, Pushkin uses different ways images: portrait, speech, actions of the hero, comparison with Empress Catherine, complex perception by another character - Pyotr Grinev. Grinev, as it should be for a decent "natural nobleman" of the 18th century, contemptuously calls Pugachev a "villain" (VIII, X, XII), a "swindler" (VIII, IX), an "impostor" (VII, X), a "drunkard" (VIII ), a “monster” (XII), but throughout the novel Pugachev behaves towards young hero very generous. The impostor and rebel in relations with Grinev appears as a person who remembers the good. Several times, when deciding what to do with Grinev, the impostor says his favorite saying: execute like this, execute like that, favor like that (VIII, XII) - and each time he helps the young officer. In fact, Grinev and Masha owe their happiness to the generous deeds of Pugachev. Pushkin's image of the "peasant tsar" violated the literary tradition, when the impostor was portrayed as a "gloomy villain", " mad dog"," a monster of nature "(A. P. Sumarokov).

According to The Captain's Daughter, one can judge the views of Pushkin the historian on people's war under the leadership of Pugachev. The writer acknowledges the seriousness of the causes of the uprising (primarily serfdom, which drove the peasants to despair, and the unreasonable management of the Cossack regions), but calls the uprising "a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless" (XIII).

Summing up, it should be noted that the novel "The Captain's Daughter", as always happens with Pushkin, has a deep content. It closely intertwines and equally important family and historical issues, therefore it would be wrong to reduce its content only to a family chronicle or only to a historical narrative. In the novel, the historical content is "the most extensive frame" (A.S. Pushkin "Composition of Mr. M.N. Zagoskin" Yuri Miloslavsky "") for a fictional family history.

The author in his socio-historical work brings to the fore the images fictional characters(private people), by the will of fate drawn into the maelstrom of historical events. It is in them that Pushkin sees true greatness: the simplicity of their life, sincerity of relations, inviolability moral principles make them, from the point of view of the author, goodies. This is how philosophical problems are posed and resolved in the novel. moral questions about the purpose and meaning of human life.

The positive characters of the novel, being whole people, do not share in themselves the social ( public service) and private (family duty, honor and relationships). The order of service in the Belogorsk fortress, according to Grinev's witty observations, has signs family life: the order to arrest Grinev and Shvabrin for the failed duel is given by Vasilisa Yegorovna, Palashka takes the swords into the closet; before the assault, Captain Mironov, turning to the soldiers, says: “Well, kids, let’s stand up for the mother empress today” (VII). Even the image of Pugachev is presented in the work, so to speak, “at home”. If in the "History of Pugachev" Pushkin portrays the leader of the popular uprising as historical figure, then in The Captain's Daughter - as a private person who shows mercy towards the young Grinev in response to his kindness (at the beginning of the novel, the nobleman gave the future impostor a hare sheepskin coat and called him "brother"). The desire, perhaps even unconscious, of "family" heroes for order, harmony in own life and around himself, Pushkin contrasts the boundless egoism of individual characters (Shvabrin) and the cruelty of the surrounding world in general.

Historical persons (the leader of the peasant war Pugachev, Empress Catherine) are included in the historical background - events in which the main characters show their characters. The depiction of historical events in the novel enables Pushkin to express his understanding of the key problems of the philosophy of history: the role of the individual in a historical event, the expediency of violent (revolutionary) actions in historical process, a fair structure of the state, etc.


in literature (test)

Option 1.

Level 1 Tasks that allow you to check how much a student can repeat new information.

1. The genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter".

A. Roman

B. Historical chronicle

B. Historical tale

2. In what century does the story "The Captain's Daughter" take place?

A. In the 17th century B. In the 16th century

B. In the 18th century D. In the early 19th century

3. Mark the points at which the action of the story "The Captain's Daughter" takes place.

A. St. Petersburg G. Belogorsk fortress

B. Tatishchevaya fortress D. Orenburg

V. Kazan E. Simbirsk

4. The name of which king did Emelyan Pugachev appropriate for himself?

A. PeterIB. PeterIIIV. PavelIG. IvanIV

5. The work "The Captain's Daughter" is written in the form.

A. Peter Grinev's story to the author

B. Memoirs of Peter Grinev

B. Marya Ivanovna's story

6. Match the names and patronymics so that you get the right combinations for the characters

works: Vasilisa Andreevich

Maria Kuzmich

Ivan Egorovna

Peter Ivanovna

Alexey Ignatievich


7. Name the key moments of the story. A. Grinev's childhood

B. Buran

B. The execution of Captain Mironov and the rescue of Grinev

D. Conversations between Grinev and Savelich D. Meeting of Masha and the Empress

8. Which of the heroes of the work amazes the reader with mysterious strength, sharpness, poetry of struggle and courage.

A. Captain Mironov B. Pugachev V. Grinev

9. The images of Grinev and Shvabrin are introduced into the narrative according to the principle:

A. Antitheses

B. Mappings

B. Complements

10. “Short stature, with a swarthy face and remarkably ugly, but extremely lively” is a portrait:

A. Zurina B. Pugacheva V. Shvabrina

11. Which chapter is preceded by an epigraph: “At that time, the lion was full, even though he was ferocious from his birth. “Why did you deign to come to my den?” he asked kindly.

A. "Court" B. "Arrest" C. "Attack" D. "Uninvited guest" E. "Rebellious settlement"

12. Note how the epigraphs and the content of the chapters in the story correlate. A. The epigraph precedes the appearance of the hero

B. The epigraph reveals the content of the chapter C. The epigraph serves to reveal the character of the hero and his fate

1. What is the main problem of the story "The Captain's Daughter". A. The problem of love B. The problem of honor, duty, mercy C. The problem of the role of the people in the development of society D. The problem of comparing tribal and service nobility.

2. Correlate the qualities of Pugachev's personality with the episodes in which they appear.

1) Mind, sharpness A) Grinev's release

2) Breadth of nature B) Buran

3) Feeling of gratitude C) Pugachev's trial scene

4) Courage, courage D) The release of Masha Mironova

5) Naivety, weakness for flattery D) Tale of an old Kalmyk woman

6) Love of freedom E) Capture of the Belogorsk fortress

7) Cruelty G) The scene of Grinev's conversation with Pugachev in

rebellious settlement

3. Mark the storyline in which the theme of mercy can be traced.

A. Ekaterina - Masha Mironova

B. Shvabrin - Grinev

V. Pugachev - Grinev

4. In revealing the image of Pugachev special role plays. A. Information received by Captain Mironov about the rebel B. Folklore (songs, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings) C. Scene at the military council

5. The tale told by Pugachev to Grinev is :

A. Irony B. Allegory C. Satire

6. How is Savelich shown in the work? A. Downtrodden, mute serfs B. Obedient, slavishly devoted to their masters C. Deep, endowed with self-esteem D. Loving, caring assistant and adviser.7.

7. Mark the correct judgment about the role of insert elements. A. They help to reveal the characters of the characters

B. They predetermine the fate of heroes

B. They make the story interesting

D. They stylize the story as an 18th century document


in literature (test)

Option 2.

Level 1. Tasks that allow you to check how much a student can repeat new information.

1. Mark the correct judgment.

A. "Captain's daughter" - historical tale

B. "The Captain's Daughter" - memoir

V. "Captain's daughter" - a historical story, stylized by the author as a memoir

2. Mark in what period the action of the story "The Captain's Daughter" takes place?

A. At the beginning of the 18th century B. In the middle of the 19th century

B. In the middle of the 18th century D. At the end of the 18th century

3. What is the epigraph to the work "The Captain's Daughter".

A. "We were shooting"

B. "Take care of honor from a young age"

V. "An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar"

4. Mark the main scene in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

A. St. Petersburg

B. Berdskaya Sloboda

To the Belogorsk fortress

G. Simbirsk province

D. Orenburg province

5. Note on whose behalf the narration is being conducted.

B. Petr Andreevich Grinev G. Several characters

6.Mark historical persons mentioned in the story.

A. Pugachev V. Prince Golitsyn D. EkaterinaI

B. Count Minich G. Grigory Orlov E. EkaterinaII

7.Mark military rank Peter Grinev.

A. Cornet B. Ensign

B. Lieutenant G. Sergeant

8. In the work closest to the people in terms of their property status

cultural level, views on life, on people.

A. Petr Grinev's family

B. Captain Mironov's family

V. Shvabrin

9. Indicate the title of the chapter in which Peter Grinev meets Pugachev. A) "Sergeant of the Guard" C) "Pugachevshchina" B) "Uninvited Guest" D) "Counselor"

10. Who owns the statement "God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless ..."? A) To the author B) Savelich B) EkaterinaIID) Petr Grinev

11. Whose portrait is this? “She was in a white morning dress, in a night cap and in a shower jacket. She seemed to be forty years old. Her face, full and ruddy, expressed importance and calmness, and blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm ... "

A. Masha Mironova B. Vasilisa Egorovna V. EkaterinaII G. Anna Vlasyevna

12 . “His face had an expression rather pleasant, but roguish. Hair cut in circle » - this is the portrait:

A. Grineva B. Pugacheva V. Shvabrina

Level 2. Tasks that allow you to check how much the student understood and learned to apply new knowledge.

1. What is the meaning of the name "The Captain's Daughter"? Masha Mironova - this is A. The only one female character works B. The ideological and artistic center of the work

2. Correlate the motives of behavior with the characters in their relationship with Pugachev

A. Grinev B. Shvabrin

1) cowardice, 2) fear, 3) honesty, 4) deceit, 5) contempt, 6) respect, 7) honor

3. Mark the storyline in which the theme of honor and dignity can be traced.

A. Pugachev - Grinev

B. Grinev - Shvabrin

V. Grinev - Savelich

4. Mark the correct interpretation of the meaning of Captain Mironov's phrase: “Well, that's enough! Go, go home; Yes, if you have time, put a sundress on Masha.

A. Yes, if you have time, put a sundress on Masha.

B. Yes, if you have time, put on Masha all the best.

V. Yes, if you have time, dress Masha as a peasant woman.

5. Match the elements of the composition and the elements of the development of a love story.

A) exposure

1) the scene of the duel with Shvabrin, letter from the father

B) tie

2) the release of Grinev, marriage to Masha

B) climax

3) Petrusha's childhood in the family estate

D) denouement

4) Grinev's acquaintance with main character novel

6. What are the features of the Russian national character showing A.S. Pushkin in the image of Pugachev? A. Mind, sharpness C. Daring, breadth of nature B. Laziness, inactivity D. Memory for kindness, gratitude

7. For what purpose is Petrusha's dream introduced into the novel? A. Characterizes Grinev B. Foreshadows the development of relations between two characters

B. Characterizes Pugachev G. Emphasizes the bloodthirstiness of Pugachev.

Right answers

Option 1.

Level 1

1. Correct answer:AT Score - 1 point

2 . Correct answer:B Score - 1 point

3. Correct answers:A, C, D, D, E Score - 1 point

4. Correct answer:B Score - 1 point

5. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point

6. Correct ratios: Score - 1 point

Vasilisa Egorovna

Maria Ivanovna

Ivan Ivanovich

Ivan Kuzmich

Ivan Ignatievich

Pyotr Andreevich

Alexey Ivanovich

7. Correct answers: B, C, D Score - 1 point

8. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point

9. Correct answer: AND Score - 1 point

10. Correct answer: AT Score - 1 point

11. Correct answer: D Score - 1 point

12. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point

Level 2

1. Correct answer: B Score - 2 points

2. Correct ratios: Score - 3 points

1. B (for 6-7 correct combinations)

2. D Score - 2 points

3. A (for 4-5 correct combinations)

4. E Score - 1 point

5. F (for 2-3 correct combinations)

6. D

7. In

3. Correct answers: A, B Score - 2 points 4. Correct answer: B Score - 2 points 5. Correct answer: B Score - 2 points 6. Correct answer: G Score - 2 points 7. Correct answers: A, B Score - 2 points 8. It was important for Pushkin to reveal the character of Pugachev as artistic image, which required a different approach to historical events. Correct answer to this question evaluated from 1 to 3 points

Option 2.

Level 1 1. Correct answer: AT Score - 1 point 2 . Correct answer: G Score - 1 point3. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point 4. Correct answer: AT Score - 1 point 5. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point 6. Correct answers: A, B, C, E Score - 1 point 7. Correct answer: AT Score - 1 point

8. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point

9. Correct answer: G Score - 1 point

10. Correct answer: G Score - 1 point

11. Correct answer: AT Score - 1 point

12. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point

Level 2

1. Correct answer: B Score - 1 point 2. Correct ratios: Score - 2 points

AND: 3, 6, 7

B: 1, 2, 4, 5

3. Correct answers: A, B Score - 2 points 4. Correct answer: AT Score - 2 points 5. Correct ratios: Score - 4 points

1. B (1 point for each correct combination)

2. G

3. A

4. B 6. Correct answers: A, B, G Score - 2 points

7. Correct answer: B Score - 2 points 8. Genres of oral folk art used in the story of A.S. Pushkin: a fairy tale, songs, proverbs and sayings. The tale demonstrates Pugachev's mind, love of freedom, expresses author's position. The songs recreate the historical setting. Sayings and proverbs serve to speech characteristics characters. 2»)

15 to 20 points

The topic has been satisfactorily3 »)

21 to 26 points

The topic is well understood4 »)

27 to 30 points

The topic is fully understood5 »)

Maximum score- 30 points

The topic has been well received5 »)

Previously, schoolchildren did not have questions about what prose genre "The Captain's Daughter" belongs to. Is this a novel or a short story? "Of course, the second one!" - so would have answered any teenager ten years ago. Indeed, in the old textbooks on literature, the genre of "The Captain's Daughter" (story or novel) was not questioned.

In modern literary criticism

Today, most researchers believe that the story of Captain Grinev is a novel. But what is the difference between these two genres? "The Captain's Daughter" - a story or a novel? Why did Pushkin himself call his work a story, and modern researchers refuted his statement? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the features of both the story and the novel. Let's start with the largest form a prose work can have.


Today, this genre is the most common type. epic literature. The novel describes a significant period in the life of the characters. There are many characters in it. And often in the plot there are completely unexpected images and, it would seem, have no effect on the overall course of events. In reality in real literature nothing more can be. And a rather gross mistake is made by one who reads "War and Peace" and " Quiet Don" skipping chapters, devoted to the war. But back to The Captain's Daughter.

Is this a novel or a short story? This question comes up often, and not only when we are talking About The Captain's Daughter. The fact is that there are no clear genre boundaries. But there are features, the presence of which indicates belonging to one or another type of prose. Recall the plot of Pushkin's work. A considerable period of time covers "The Captain's Daughter". "Is this a novel or a short story?" In answering this question, one should remember how the main character appeared before readers at the beginning of the work.

The story of the life of an officer

Landowner Pyotr Grinev recalls his early years. In his youth, he was naive and even somewhat frivolous. But the events that he had to go through - meeting with the robber Pugachev, meeting Masha Mironova and her parents, Shvabrin's betrayal - changed him. He knew that honor must be preserved from a young age. But he understood the true value of these words only at the end of his misadventures. The personality of the protagonist has undergone significant changes. Before us - salient feature novel. But why, then, was the work "The Captain's Daughter" attributed to another genre for so long?

Story or novel?

There are not many differences between these genres. The story is a kind of intermediate link between the novel and the short story. There are several characters in the work of short prose, the events cover a small time period. There are more characters in the story, there are also secondary characters that do not play an important role in the main character. storyline. In such a work, the author does not show the hero in different periods his life (in childhood, adolescence, youth). So, "The Captain's Daughter" - is it a novel or a story "? Perhaps the second.

The story is told on behalf of the protagonist, who is already at an advanced age. But almost nothing is said about the life of the landowner Pyotr Andreevich (only that he was widowed). The protagonist is a young officer, but not the middle-aged nobleman who acts as the narrator.

Events in the work cover only a few years. So this is a story? Not at all. As already mentioned above, feature novel is the development of the protagonist's personality. And this is not just present in The Captain's Daughter. This is main theme. After all, it is no coincidence that Pushkin used a wise Russian proverb as an epigraph.

"Is the captain's daughter a novel or a story? To give the most accurate answer to this question, you should know the basic facts from the history of writing this work.

Book about Pugachev

In the thirties of the 19th century, the novels of Walter Scott were very popular in Russia. Inspired by creativity English writer, Pushkin decided to write a work that would reflect events from the history of Russia. The theme of rebellion has long attracted Alexander Sergeevich, as evidenced by the story "Dubrovsky". However, the story of Pugachev is a completely different matter.

Pushkin created a controversial image. Pugachev in his book is not only an impostor and a criminal, but also a man who is not without nobility. One day he meets a young officer, and he presents him with a sheepskin coat. The point, of course, is not in the gift, but in relation to Emelyan, the offspring of a noble family. Pyotr Grinev did not show the arrogance characteristic of the representatives of his class. And then, during the capture of the fortress, he acted like a true nobleman.

As is often the case with writers, in the process of working on a work, Pushkin somewhat departed from the original plan. Initially, he planned to make Pugachev the main character. Then - an officer who went over to the side of the impostor. The writer scrupulously collected information about the Pugachev era. He traveled to Southern Urals, where the main events of this period took place, and talked with eyewitnesses. But later the writer decided to give his work a memoir form, and introduced the image of a noble young nobleman as the main character. So the work "The Captain's Daughter" was born.

Historical novel or historical novel?

So after all, what genre does Pushkin's work belong to? In the nineteenth century, a story was called what is called a story today. The concept of "novel" by that time, of course, was known to Russian writers. But Pushkin nevertheless called his work a story. If you do not analyze the work "The Captain's Daughter", it really can hardly be called a novel. After all, this genre is associated for many with the famous books of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky. And everything that is in volume fewer novels"War and Peace", "Idiot", "Anna Karenina", according to the generally accepted opinion, is a story or a story.

But it is worth mentioning one more feature of the novel. In a work of this genre, the narrative cannot be focused on one hero. In The Captain's Daughter, the author paid great attention to Pugachev. In addition, he introduced another historical figure into the plot - Empress Catherine II. So, "The Captain's Daughter" is a historical novel.

What is the genre of The Captain's Daughter? Is this a novel or a historical story?

The Captain's Daughter has signs of both genres.

Pushkin himself defined it as historical novel, however, many researchers believe that this is a story. Pushkin wrote to the censor, passing him the manuscript: “The name of the maiden Mironova is fictitious. My novel is based on a legend…”. Pushkin explained what a novel is like this: “In our time, by the word novel we mean historical era, developed in fictional narrative". That is, Pushkin considered his work a historical novel.

How to determine the genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter"? Is this a story or a novel? The Captain's Daughter tells the story of the life of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev from childhood to the wedding, and the epilogue also tells about his later life. family history is included in a wide-ranging depiction of historical events, covering a wide range of phenomena. The theme of the Pugachev uprising is presented, for all the brevity of the story, quite fully and completely: from the beginning of the uprising (hints of preparation for it are already in the sayings of a passerby and the owner of the inn) to the defeat and death of Pugachev.

Artistic depiction in the epic form of any phenomena of private or public life in all their development from beginning to end - covering a wide range life is the main a sign of romance. "The Captain's Daughter" meets these requirements of the genre. Therefore, we have a novel. Since the main theme of it is the image important events history, we'll call it a historical novel.

Let us recall Pushkin's definition given already in the introductory conversation: "... By the word novel we mean a historical epoch developed in a fictional narrative." However, due to the small volume, "The Captain's Daughter" is often called a story. This cannot be seen as some kind of gross mistake, since the novel and the story are related genres, the exact boundary cannot always be established. Signs of the story - in the center of the event, the average volume, chronicle plot, the minimum number of side storylines.

Let us pay attention to the form of Pushkin's novel: "family notes" (Pushkin's expression), memoirs. The story is told from the point of view of the hero. Why was it convenient for the author? Because the author can attribute a number of judgments and thoughts to the account of his hero, relieve himself of responsibility for them. This is convenient for working on such a political hot topic. For us, this is important because, when analyzing a novel, we must keep in mind, as it were, two angles, two points of view on the events described: the point of view of the narrator and the point of view of the author.

The genre of "The Captain's Daughter" is a historical novel (because throughout the novel a narrative of historical events is presented and real historical persons are involved in the plot)

The value of the contribution of A.S. Pushkin in Russian culture hard to overestimate. It is for this reason that many articles and monographs are devoted to the study of his work.

As is known, the outstanding Russian writer worked in different genres. He is the author of novels, fairy tales, poems.

The genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" cannot be unequivocally determined. There are reasons for this, as we shall see later. Some researchers claim, others define it as a novel. So, let's try to understand what the genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" is.

Why is it necessary to define the genre of this work

The most popular judgments about the genre of this book contradict each other. This applies equally to both the definition of the main genre (story or novel) and its features. It's easier to say, if you nevertheless characterize this work as a novel, then you need to understand what it is: historical, family, love.

So, let's try to analyze how this book combines the features of various genres. Also, we will try to come to a certain conclusion that will make you feel more knowledgeable if someone suddenly asks you: "Indicate the genre of the work" The Captain's Daughter ".

Understanding "The Captain's Daughter" as a story

So, we need to understand what genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" is. Let's try to figure out whether this is a novel or a story. Researchers who adhere to the first opinion proceed from the fact that this work is small in volume and covers a short period. The first adherent of this point of view is considered to be V.G. Belinsky, who finds Grinev and his entourage mediocre and colorless.

Definition of The Captain's Daughter as a Novel of Education

The Captain's Daughter can be considered a kind of parenting novel. The main character changes a lot in a relatively short period of time. Constantly facing dangers, Grinev learns to overcome them. According to literary traditions, the presence of an adventure at the beginning of the work and the motive of the road (the symbol is characteristic of an educational novel. If you re-revise the work, then make sure that most time the main character is on the road.

So, the genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin A.S. can rightly be defined as a novel of education.

Features of a love story in The Captain's Daughter

It should be noted that there is a love affair in the novel. In addition, this work has an invariable feature of this genre - a love triangle.

However, the theme of love in the work is not the leading one, although, undoubtedly, it shows the birth of the feeling of Peter and Masha, the duel for her beloved, separation, the union of Grinev and Mary at the end of the book. Nevertheless love theme in the book, rather, goes by the wayside. She is not the main one.

So, the genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" cannot be defined as love story, although the theme of love is present in the work.

Historical novel "The Captain's Daughter"

A significant part of literary critics define this work as a "historical novel". Indeed, it is dedicated to a specific historical event, namely the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev. The work contains historical characters: Catherine the Great and When writing the novel, Pushkin turned to documents, talked with eyewitnesses of that time. The author, of course, managed to convey the atmosphere of this historical period.

For this reason, if there is a task "Specify the genre of the work" The Captain's Daughter "", it is quite possible to answer that this is a historical novel. However, Pushkin's work differs in a number of features from other works of this type.

As B. Tomashevsky, a researcher of the writer's work, notes, Pushkin created his novel under the influence of the events of the present, trying to see and convey what united the two eras.

It is worth noting another feature of this work. Pushkin wrote The Captain's Daughter in memoir form. main reason, according to which he decided to narrate on behalf of Grinev, most researchers consider the desire to circumvent censorship.

IN AND. Lavretskaya notes that this form of presentation helped the author hide his attitude to. There is also an opinion that Pushkin, using a memoir method of presentation, sought to show Grinev's controversial position. This allowed the writer to reveal the complexity of the image of Emelyan Pugachev and emphasize not only his ruthlessness, but also the nobility of his soul.

The third reason why the author chooses the memoir form, as Lotman points out, is the writer's desire to show historical characters in ordinary life. For example, he depicts the Empress as a lady "in a night cap". Pugachev is also shown by the author in a relaxed atmosphere.

The genre of the work "The Captain's Daughter" cannot be a story. This is a novel, because it depicts the background of which are important historical events for Russia.

Thus, the work combines the features of an educational novel, a novel about love, historical novel. The memoir form gives this work an everyday flavor.

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