Traveling to Japan: practical advice for tourists. How to travel to Japan on a budget

Before you go to Japan, you need to carefully study all the items on the list of possible expenses. Integral among them will be: accommodation, transportation, food and shopping.


Living in Japan is an expensive proposition. This is the item that will take you the most Money.

The most expensive option would be a hotel. A day will cost 100 - 120 $. However, it is worth noting that the price will not depend on the location. Whether it's a room with a view imperial palace or a place behind the airport near some village, the price will not change. In addition, cleanliness and order are of the same quality everywhere.

A cheaper option are ryokan hotels in Japanese style. They are rooms with tatami and a mattress. A day will cost 40 – 60 $.

If this also seems expensive to you, then you can stay in special hotels - capsules. They cost $25 per knock.


The price of a flight Moscow – Japan – Moscow will depend primarily on the city in which you arrive. For example, getting to Tokyo by the most conservative standards will cost 27,000 rubles. It’s more expensive to fly to Osaka – 32,000, and to Nagasaki – 37,000.

Traveling in Japan, like living, will cost you a significant amount.

Bus fares vary depending on the number of stops you plan to travel. So, the cheapest ticket will cost $2.50 - the price for one stop. The further you go, the more expensive it is.

A trip to the metro will cost a little less. However, it is always full, and during rush hour you may not be able to fit into the car at all.

Electric trains are another option, but tickets for long distances are very expensive. The prices of some of them are comparable to the price of a plane ticket. Traveling from Tokyo to Osaka will cost you $100. The price will be the same.


Food in Japan is relatively inexpensive. For those who are planning a budget vacation, supermarkets are suitable, the prices in which are not much different from Russian ones. In addition, there is a chain of "100 yen" stores. You can buy any product from them for this price.

There are many cheap eateries in this country. You can have a hearty and tasty meal for $5 – $10, and by paying $2, you can order any number of drinks.


The Japanese are often considered workaholics. Stores across the country confirm this. Most of them are open every day, including weekends and national holidays.

The average price for clothes is low - about $30. This is explained by the fact that the lion's share of products are made in China and from inexpensive materials.

A special mention should be made about the aforementioned “100 yen” stores. You can buy absolutely any product there: food, household chemicals, personal hygiene items, clothing, appliances and much more.

Is cherished dream many Russians. However, not everyone is able to complete it due to the high cost of this trip. A country rising sun is considered one of the most expensive in the world, and Tokyo has been in the top five most expensive cities for tourists for several years now. But still, nothing can stop someone who wants to see Fuji and the cherry blossoms in spring with their own eyes. Our article is specifically for such travelers; here we collect the most important information, which will allow you to spend an inexpensive and interesting vacation in original Japan.

A little about the country

If you're planning a trip to Japan, prepare to be amazed. You will have to do this constantly, because the Land of the Rising Sun cannot compare with other Asian countries. There is nothing here from China, Vietnam or Thailand, but, nevertheless, traveling through Japan, you seem to penetrate into the very heart of Asia and hear its beating on every street of noisy metropolises.

Tourists are attracted here by an incredible combination modern technologies with ancient traditions that are strictly observed by every generation of the Japanese family. If you are lucky, you will be able to see a colorful festival dedicated to, for example, kokeshi. Or sit quietly in the garden, enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms at dawn or sunset. And in big cities you will be greeted by numerous cafes, shops and shopping centers. Here you can buy something, have lunch, and in some even stay overnight. In general, a trip to Japan will be the biggest and most significant adventure of your life. And what’s doubly nice is that you will never regret the money spent on it.

Japan: solo or group trip?

First of all, before traveling to the Land of the Rising Sun, you need to decide on your budget and travel options. And there are not many of them - a group trip to Japan or an independent one. What to choose? This directly depends on your budget and capabilities.

Traveling to Japan on your own is quite possible, but will require very careful preparation. You will have to think through absolutely everything:

  • flight to Japan;
  • hotel reservation;
  • travel route around the country;
  • food outlets and excursion program;
  • money exchange options;
  • types of communication with the local population.

All these aspects of a good trip will take you a lot of time and will also require some experience in independent trips. In addition, on the road you will encounter certain difficulties that only unspoiled and sociable tourists can overcome. For example, it is worth knowing that in Japan, few of the local population speak English. Therefore, you won’t be able to simply ask directions from a passerby. Perhaps after some time you will come across a young Japanese who knows the basics in English, but there is a high probability that this will not happen. In addition, the inscriptions in the country are not duplicated; they are all written in hieroglyphs. This fact significantly complicates holidays in Japan.

If the above difficulties scare you, then it is better to buy a travel package. Of course, it is not cheap, but you will be free from all worries, including visa issues.

Travel cost

If you are planning a flight from Moscow, then two weeks in Japan will cost you one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. This amount includes flights, travel around the country, accommodation and several excursions. Meals are served according to the breakfast system; the remaining meals must be paid for by the tourist himself. Traveling to Japan from Vladivostok is much cheaper. Our compatriots can choose a ferry tour, which on average costs about sixty thousand rubles. From Vladivostok you can get to the Land of the Rising Sun in different ways and with various travel packages on hand. U local residents it is the most popular tourist destination.

Reviews about independent travel in Japan they allow you to plan your trip perfectly and save on a lot. On average, brave tourists can spend thirty to forty thousand less on a trip than when purchasing a tour. This money will be very useful to you on vacation, because you can bring quite a lot of useful things home from the Land of the Rising Sun. We’ll tell you how to plan a budget trip to Japan on your own a little later. Now let’s try to find out the most important aspects of preparing for the trip.

When to go to Japan?

A big trip to Japan can be planned for any time of the year, but traditionally tourists try to visit the country in spring or autumn. During these seasons, the Land of the Rising Sun appears in a special beautiful view. In the spring she is dressed in pink foam of sakura flowers, and in the fall the red ones simply hurt her eyes maple leaves. It seems that they are everywhere here, and the Japanese have even come up with several special rituals for observing this beauty.

You can go skiing in Japan in winter; several major resorts offer high comfort and equipment. last word technology. But for those who are not attracted to skiing, it will be quite uncomfortable to explore Japanese sights and enjoy the trip in winter. In addition, during the winter season the country can be very windy, which is quite unusual for most of our compatriots.

In summer the country is very hot and stuffy. Air conditioning is everywhere in cities, and tourists suffer from temperature changes. Many people take sweaters or jackets with them to wear in restaurants or shopping centers. But if you prefer a beach holiday, then go to Okinawa. Here you will receive an incredible level of service and enjoy swimming under the hot sun.

Where to go in Japan?

If you take the trouble to study reviews of independent travel in Japan, you can easily create your own travel itinerary. For the first time, a week will be enough for you to get acquainted with the Land of the Rising Sun. The following cities are suitable for this:

  • Tokyo.
  • Nara.
  • Kyoto.

Moving between settlements on high-speed trains, you will explore in seven days beautiful parks, swim in hot springs, visit the most famous temples and, of course, taste the bustling and noisy life of big cities.

If you are already a little familiar with travel, you can choose slightly different ones, and increase your stay in this country to two weeks. During this period, tourists will be able to see Hiroshima, Osaka, Kobe and other extraordinary places. In general, you can plan to explore one city per day. In this case, the trip program will be very eventful.

Visa application: nuances and features

Any trip to Japan begins with the most difficult thing - obtaining a visa. Not everyone, even a very experienced tourist, can do this. The thing is that to obtain a visa, Russians need a special letter on official letterhead. In addition to this, you will need to confirm your hotel reservation (and this is quite problematic when traveling on your own) and send a package of documents using special mail (postage cost will be at least seventy dollars).

Many of our compatriots negotiate with travel companies and pay them for visas. This usually takes two weeks and saves a lot of time.

Accommodation in Japan: where is the best place to stay?

To remember your trip to Japan for a long time, you need to take photos almost everywhere. Hotels and small inns deserve special attention. It is worth noting that the Land of the Rising Sun has quite a large selection of places to stay. But, if you want to save a little money, then they will all be very unusual and entertaining.

Many tourists stay overnight at spa centers. Don't be surprised, this is quite common in Japan. For about thirty-five dollars you will get a small room with a bath and a lounger. There will also be a TV and all other amenities, and you can go down to the restaurant for dinner. Guests can enjoy a variety of treatments and massages.

This is exotic for Russians. They are quite inexpensive and have very high level comfort. For travelers married couples There are even double capsules. This pleasure will cost approximately thirty-five dollars per night.

Hotels for love seem very unusual place in order to spend the night. These buildings are intended for love dates and provide the possibility of renting from one hour to several days. These hotels are decorated quite exotically, but equipped to the highest class. In addition, they are much cheaper than regular rooms. A night in such a hotel will cost from eighty to one hundred and fifty dollars.

Meals while traveling

Of course, you can eat in restaurants every day, but a budget holiday does not imply such luxury. Therefore, make your choice in favor of Japanese fast food, it is extremely healthy and tasty. No hamburgers or fries, just seaweed, sushi and seafood. This pleasure will cost approximately 5-6 dollars.

If the choice of dishes in a cafe confuses you a little big amount unclear names, then buy a ready-made lunch at the supermarket. Its cost will be the same as in a cafe, and through the transparent film you will always see the contents of the package.

Gourmet trip

Experienced tourists choose a special type of vacation - a culinary trip to Japan. It is worth noting that this is something incredible. Of course, there are still few Russians willing to spend money on such a tour, but their number is increasing every year. What attracts gourmets so much to the Land of the Rising Sun? Of course, restaurants with Michelin stars.

The fact is that as soon as Tokyo was included in the Michelin guide, restaurants with stars appeared in it. And tourists flocked to them, wanting to experience gastronomic delight. The number of gourmet restaurants increases every year, and Tokyo has already significantly surpassed the recognized gastronomic center of Paris in terms of these characteristics.

For example, in the oldest quarter of Tokyo, Ginza, there are sushi restaurants with three Michelin stars. Chef Jiro works in one of them, about whom they even filmed art films. His work seems like real art, and the price of the dishes he prepares exceeds several thousand dollars.

Every city in Japan has its own culinary traditions, so gourmets can travel all over the country in search of a special taste. One of the most popular Japanese foods is noodles. There are simply a lot of options for preparing it - boiling, frying, steaming and the like. Each region in the country has its own recipe. We can say that a culinary tour allows tourists to discover new facets of an already familiar country.

Money exchange

Many inexperienced tourists often have problems exchanging money. Keep in mind that the best place to buy yen is at home. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, because many ATMs and terminals may not accept a European payment system card. This is due to the fact that Japanese terminals operate in their own way. own system. Only a few ATMs in large shopping centers easily accept absolutely all bank cards.

It will not always be possible to exchange money at a bank, because tourists can get caught holidays, and it is impossible to exist in Japan without money. Therefore, experienced travelers advise bringing the main amount of money in cash, and bank card leave funds to pay for restaurants and purchases.

When going to the Land of the Rising Sun, tourists need to know a few simple rules stays in Japan that will make your travel easier. We have collected the most important recommendations:

  • Don't try to tip in Japan, it's not worth it. There is no tipping system throughout the country.
  • In Japanese bars, in honor of friendship, it is customary to pour alcoholic drinks from your own bottle, so if you are awarded such an honor, be sure to return the gesture of respect.
  • Never point your finger at objects or people - this is extremely impolite, but you can point at yourself.
  • In a restaurant, all you have to do is wave your palm in front of your nose and the waiter will remove the dirty plates.
  • In the Land of the Rising Sun, it is customary to take off your shoes in many rooms. You may be asked to take off your shoes in certain areas of a restaurant, hotel, apartment building, temple, etc. It is considered especially indecent to step on a mat with a shod foot; this is perceived as an insult.

  • When going to the hot springs, keep in mind that those with tattoos on their bodies are escorted to separate baths. They are not allowed to be in a common area with other vacationers.
  • When you receive an invitation, be sure to bring a gift with you. This is considered a sign of politeness and respect.

Of course, it is difficult to list all the nuances of traveling in the Land of the Rising Sun, because a lot can be learned only after an independent trip.

Japan, travel: reviews

Not a single tourist had an angry comment about Japan, at least we didn’t encounter any. This means only one thing - you can and should go to this country. It will reveal a lot of interesting things even to those who are very poorly informed about the culture and traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Experienced tourists prefer Japan to all other Asian countries. Ask them why. We think the explanation will take several hours. After all, to describe this amazing country and its people in a nutshell is simply impossible. Travelers are delighted with historical monuments Japan, its cities, cuisine and original traditions. Tourists say that you can come here many times and each time find something unusually exciting for yourself.

What do you need to decide to travel to the Land of the Rising Sun? Yes, quite a bit - desire, spirit of adventurism and more money. And then you can tell your friends when you return home about what incredible journey in Japan you had.

I'll tell you how much my trip to Japan cost me. I collected all the expenses in one place so that you can estimate how much it costs to travel to Japan on your own.

While we were preparing for our trip to Japan, we could hear lamentations from everywhere that this was a very expensive country. Go broke, my friends told me. So far, it feels like the entire cost of the country depends on the flight. Perhaps this opinion will turn out to be wrong. In this post I will collect all my expenses for the trip. Let's see how much it costs to travel to Japan on your own.

Travel dates: 2 - 14.
Number of days in Japan: 12 + 1 day in China.
Prices in rubles.

  1. : 33,292 ₽.
  2. : 10,753 ₽.
  3. : 5,977 ₽.
  4. : For free.
  5. : 1,072 ₽.
  6. Lonely Planet guide: RUB 1,400.
  7. : 16,345 ₽.
  8. Purchase of water and coffee: 2,865 ₽.
  9. Electric trains from Osaka to Nara and Kyoto: 3,875 ₽.
  10. in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo: 3,445 ₽.
  11. Entrance to temples, zoo and aquarium: 2,150 ₽.
  12. and a ride on the monorail at the zoo: 375 ₽.
  13. Luggage storage: 400 ₽.
  14. Shopping and souvenirs: 13,458 ₽.

Total: 95,500 ₽.

Important Note: We felt completely at ease on the trip. We bought food for the most part in supermarkets and did not deny ourselves anything. If you want sushi with red caviar for breakfast, we take it. I liked the ready-made lunch with meat and pasta - no problem.

How could you save money?

  1. Flights - 6,000 ₽.
    I bought tickets for a specific flight, so I had to spend more. We were on other dates for 27 thousand rubles with a transfer in Singapore, not Beijing.
  2. Housing - 0 ₽.
    We found housing very successfully. It turned out cheap because we were traveling big company and rented entire apartments.
  3. Intercity buses - 0 ₽.
    Tickets were purchased well in advance and at minimal prices. It was even cheaper to leave only with hand luggage. No luggage.
  4. Visa - 0 ₽.
  5. Insurance - 0 ₽.
    Perhaps if you searched more carefully, you could find cheaper offers. They took the best deal at that time.
  6. Guide - 1,400 ₽.
    From experience, knowledge from the Internet was enough. A guidebook is a useful, but optional thing when traveling around Japan, if you prepare well for the trip.
  7. Meals - 5,000 ₽.
    Most often we bought ready-made meals in supermarkets. They rarely sat in cafes and markets. I think that we could save about five thousand if we cooked at home, fortunately there were kitchens everywhere.
  8. Water and coffee - 1500 ₽.
    There was an excellent coffee shop near my house in Osaka, where they prepared very tasty coffee. True, it was also very expensive. Plus, in Japan there are soda fountains everywhere. It’s convenient to put small change there, which is what we did.
  9. Electric trains - 1,875 ₽.
    I bought some tickets for two people, so you can save about this amount to get an idea of ​​what you would spend on one person.
  10. Metro - 1,445 ₽.
    The savings figure is hypothetical. It's difficult to calculate accurately. We could have bought special metro passes, but we didn’t, and they are really cheaper than single trips.
  11. Entrance to temples, zoo and aquarium - 0 ₽.
    Tourists can see the sights a little cheaper, but they need an international card.
  12. Food for deer and a ride on the monorail at the zoo - 0 ₽.
    It would be possible not to spend money on this item at all, but 375 rubles are worth these emotions.
  13. Luggage storage - 0 ₽.
  14. Shopping and souvenirs - 13,458 ₽.
    If you want to fly to Japan cheaper, you will have to give up souvenirs and purchases. This is the most obvious way to save money. I could not get!

It feels quite possible to save about 30 thousand rubles. In this case, a trip to Japan for 2 weeks will cost about 65-70 thousand rubles.

Today I will tell you about how to pick up and go to Japan. This is a wonderful country, about which I have already written a lot in my blog. And now I offer you a simple guide with which you can organize your own trip. If you like to plan your own trips, but are more used to traveling around Europe, this post is for you - here I will explain what is worth seeing on your first trip to the Land of the Rising Sun.

And if you have already been to Japan, also scroll through this text to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Or vice versa, give me advice!

There are many links here to other posts that describe in more detail certain aspects of a trip to Japan. But I tried to build this post as simply as possible to give general concept how to ride for the first time. If you have friends who are going to Japan, feel free to send them to read this post, and if you yourself are not ready yet, but would like to go in the future, it is better to bookmark it for the future!

My friends often ask me: “I’m going to Japan for the first time. Where to go? What to see? How about security? Internet? English?” I also compiled this post so that in the future they could simply give them a link! (Yes, friends, this is for you!)

When is the best time to go to Japan?

I have visited Japan in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I am happy to say that any season is... good time in order to visit this country. It’s hot here at the end of July and August; if heat is not your thing, then it’s probably better to choose some other time.

The main tourist seasons are (usually early April) and (late November). These are approximate numbers for Tokyo and Kyoto. Japan is incredibly beautiful during these two periods, but because of this there will be a lot of tourists everywhere and many hotels will be booked in advance.

Summer is a great time to go if you are walking (I did it at the very end of June, a few days before the official season opened). And winter will give you the opportunity, this is also a very beautiful sight.

If it doesn’t work out for so long, then in general it’s not a problem either; any time spent in Japan will make you feel that you need to come here for longer.

Where to go in Japan?

You will most likely arrive at one of the airports, as this is where most international flights arrive. In addition to the capital of the country, you should definitely visit, this is the city that has preserved the old Japanese culture the best.

If you don’t have too much time, try to spend at least 2-3 days in Kyoto, and then see how Tokyo turns out. If you have more time, then it’s worth traveling around the country, and maybe even going to one of the islands besides the main Honshu (there are four main islands in Japan).

How to get around the country?

Here you can give a definite answer. You will ride trains. Japan has the most developed rail transport network in the world. There are numerous subways and trains running in and around the cities, and for long journeys there are trains that can cover 450 km between Tokyo and Kyoto in two and a half hours!

Trains run strictly on schedule and can take you wherever you need to go - the Japanese love of rail transport shows itself on a national scale.

True, shinkansen are an expensive pleasure. A one-way ticket from Tokyo to Kyoto costs about $100! To save money on these moves, you should order yourself in advance JR-Pass, a pass that allows you to use most trains for 7, 14 or 21 days. A seven-day pass costs about $250 (depending on the yen exchange rate), and generally pays for itself if you go to Kyoto and do some shorter driving. Please note that it can only be ordered before arriving in Japan! ()

If you come to Japan for 10 days, then it is better to spend the first two in Tokyo, and then, having activated the seven-day JR-Pass, go to Kyoto and further. Then return back to the capital in the evening of the seventh day, when the pass expires.

And for those moments when the JR-Pass is not activated, or for private metro lines where it is not accepted, I advise you to purchase a card Suica. Suika costs 500 yen, which you can get back if you return it before leaving. Then cash is put on it, and the card is used to pay for trains, and a bunch of other things. Suika accepts more and more points of sale, it is convenient to pay with them throughout the country.

Unlike the JR Pass, the Suika can be purchased upon arrival in Japan at any train ticket office. Don't forget to put money on it and it will make your trip a lot easier.

Is it safe there? Will I get lost?

Safely. You won't get lost. All train stations have excellent navigation and signs to the main attractions. And in cities where tourists often come, there are information departments right at the railway stations, where they will give you a map of the area and explain in English what you can see in the area.

Plus, Google Maps knows everything about Japanese streets and trains. You can point at a point on the map, and Google will tell you the best way to get there by public transport, when the next train is, and how much it will cost! ( .)

In addition to this, Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. Nothing bad will happen to you.

Tell us about Tokyo!

Tokyo is a huge, bustling metropolis. What's the best way to watch it? You won't be able to live in its center, because Tokyo has at least five different centers! Ask any resident of the city, and he will tell you that even a week is not enough to study it properly! But for the first time you will have enough three days. I wrote a post that talks about how to watch them in two days!

“So for two, or for three?!” you ask. "Yes!" I will answer you.

The whole secret is that upon arrival in Tokyo you need to rent a hotel in the area Ueno- It’s convenient to get here by express from Narita Airport. Ueno is a relatively inexpensive and relatively quiet area. On your first day in Tokyo (let's say it's Friday), you can see its eastern part, moving from Ueno to the south, or going down to Ginza, and rising north. Your JR-Pass won't be valid yet, so you'll have to use Suika to get around.

And on the second day (Saturday), you will go to Kamakura- one of the ancient capitals of the Japanese Empire. This is a wonderful place an hour's drive from central regions Tokyo, here Coast, ancient temples and the Big Buddha statue. Here you can spend most days, and even ride on.

Well, on Sunday your JR-Pass will begin to operate, you will board the Shinkansen and head towards . It is important to take seats by the window on right! You don't want to miss this view:

You will return back to the capital by the evening of the seventh day (Saturday), when the railway pass comes to an end. And this time you will live in the west of Tokyo, in an area called Shibuya.

If you've ever seen a picture of Japan where crowds are running through a huge pedestrian crossing, then this is exactly what Shibuya is. There is a crazy drive here, and there seems to be an endless number of people, but spend an evening here and you will be drawn into this crazy zen. .

The next morning - it's time to go explore the western part of the city - this is the second half of my guide. We'll see the fashion district Harajuku, the shrine of Emperor Meiji, and located next to it Yoyogi Park. Oh, did you notice that we ended up here on Sunday? This is not easy! It is on Sundays that they pass in front of the entrance to the park!

Well, by evening you can get to Shinjuku, the area where it is located! After an evening spent here, you will not mind flying home.

What about Kyoto?

For a thousand years, Kyoto was the capital of the Japanese Empire. Built on the model of the Chinese capital (), it has a rectangular structure uncharacteristic for Japan. The city is located in a beautiful valley between two mountain ranges, and has preserved many aspects cultural heritage feudal Japan.

But besides the temples, you should just stroll along the old streets of the city. Here you will meet Japanese people in beautiful traditional clothes (most likely they are tourists, like you), and you will be able to taste the old local cuisine, And .

I advise you to settle in the area Sanjo Ohashi Bridge and spend in Kyoto approx. four days. No, you won't be walking around temples all this time. There is a lot to see in Kyoto and beyond. Here are just a few of the nearby attractions (you can spend half a day or a whole day on each):

  • with huge wooden temple and tame deer
  • - red gate sanctuary
  • Arashiyama- a mountain in the north-west of the city, where the famous bamboo grove is located
  • Philosopher's Path in the northeast, cherry blossoms bloom especially beautifully along it, and there are many ancient temples.

About other places.

You can usually squeeze one or two places from this section into a 10-day trip. Choose! There are two directions here...

If you have a few extra days of the JR Pass and want to see some more unique places, feel free to take the Shinkansen to Kyoto and head further southwest!

And between Osaka and Himeji there is also Kobe, the city that .

As you can see, there is enough choice to fill out a seven-day, 14-day, or even a 21-day JR-Pass. And what’s great: all these places are easily accessible by train!

What's with the money?

Perhaps it’s worth saying a few words about money. Japanese currency is yen. The exchange rate is constantly changing, but you can estimate that one hundred yen is somewhere around a dollar (in fact, in Lately yen is cheaper).

You can often hear that Japan is expensive. Compared to the rest of Asia, no doubt. But if we compare, for example, with Europe, then in Japan only housing and trains are expensive, and even then they are not much more expensive than European ones. We have already saved on trains with the help of the JR-Pass, but you will have to pay for housing if you want to live in the center of everything (I recommended exactly these places). But if you want, you can save money here too. Yes, in Japan there are a lot of high-quality expensive things - restaurants, clothes, etc., but if you want, you can make your way here on a modest budget.

One problem is that credit cards are not accepted everywhere (especially away from cities). Cash will help us out, but there are few exchangers, and some ATMs refuse to understand Western cards. Fortunately, ATMs at 7-Eleven are ready to dispense money to tourists from Europe and America. And there are plenty of these 7-Elevens in Japan. (Not everyone has ATMs, but many have them.) They also say there are friendly ATMs in post offices.

Hotels? Ryokans? Apartments?

As I said, housing in Japan is not cheap. But some are more expensive than others. Let's look in order:

Ryokan: These are classic Japanese bunkhouses, in a traditional style. It is because of this that staying in them is the most expensive option. But this is very cool: you can sleep on straw mats tatami(don't worry, they will lay out a mattress for you) and dress in. Many ryokan have traditional hot baths - onsens, and the opportunity to dine the way the Japanese ate back in feudal times. In short, a ryokan is a complete immersion. But they also cost starting from $100 per person per night! One room in a ryokan can accommodate up to 4-5 people, although the price for each person will not drop much, since payment is made based on the number of people.

The best ryokan stay in Kyoto. But I advise you to book them in advance, since places in those that are relatively affordable may become occupied several months in advance.

Next we have rented apartments on sites like AirBnB. (and sometimes -!) but the price may be lower than comparable hotels. The apartment may be not a bad option for Tokyo, especially if you are traveling in a group of 3-4 people, it will be cheaper than taking several hotel rooms.

Regular Western-style hotels in Japanese cities are quite expensive. Personally, I try to avoid these. But I love filming. They're relatively inexpensive, and I love how well thought out everything is to squeeze all the amenities into a small space. It is profitable to rent such hotels in small towns, where a room for two can cost $60-80, or in Tokyo, where they will cost $80-120.

In Japanese hostels I've never stopped, but I know they are there. Although if you really decide to save money, I would recommend it to you. They cost $20-$30 a night, many have great onsens, and overall it's a great experience Japanese culture. The only thing is that they are usually either only male or only female (there are fewer of the latter).

Every kind of everyday life - food, internet, English.

Well, let's talk about a few more things that are not included in other departments:

Sockets: Japanese sockets are similar to North American sockets, with two flat prongs. Most plugs from the USA, Canada or China can be plugged in without adapters (the exception is plugs where one of the pins is wider than the other). But Russians and other Europeans will definitely need adapters.

Here you go. I hope it’s now somewhat clear to you how to go to Japan and what to see there. If you have any questions or comments, I will be glad to hear them in the comments. I will also update this post as needed.

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