A romantic story-tale about sublime love (based on A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”). Read an essay on the topic of dreams coming true in the story Scarlet Sails, Green for free

Topic: A. Green " Scarlet Sails».

Lesson objectives: introduction to writer's fate A. Green, artistic analysis of the work “Scarlet Sails”, related to the adventure genre (to introduce the features of the extravaganza genre), work on portrait characteristic hero, teaching expressive reading skills, developing an active attitude towards life in students, nurturing nobility.

Planned results: cognitive UUD: search and selection of necessary information; conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form; reading; meaningful perception of texts.

Personal UUD: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, ability to self-assess one’s actions.

Regulatory learning activities: goal setting, self-regulation, identification and awareness by the student of what has already been learned.

Communicative learning activities: planning educational collaboration with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one’s point of view.

Teaching aids: computer, projector, illustrations for the work, Internet resources, social network of educators.

During the classes:

“Isn’t Scarlet Sails a modern thing?”

“You’re inattentive, really.”

I. Organizational moment.

II. introduction: - Today's lesson is a journey into the adventurous world of magic and wish fulfillment.

A. Green is a man with a difficult but very happy fate. He gives hope for a miracle to everyone who believes in love, loyalty and dreams.

Poem by V. Nekipelov “In Memory of Green”.

Fate did not give me a meeting with him

And only recently the late flowers,

I laid on a narrow grave

The illustrious knight of dreams.

But since childhood, since the first time

I entered the world of miracles created by him.

They walk next to me as if they were alive

Cheerful heroes of his books.

They live in the plains of Zurbagan,

Where is the young one generous Earth.

Open to the winds and hurricanes

Like a deck big ship.

Let that world, alien and ancient

Far from our modern times

Are you reading the amazing Greene -

And a warm fire warms the soul.

And he comes, a cheerful, kind companion

Everywhere with us in a friendly formation.

And brings it into our creative everyday life

A melodious stream of romance.

A student's message about the writer's life.

Still, he is an amazing, wonderful writer, a true romantic and writer of incredible stories, the likes of which are few in all of world literature!

GREEN ( real name- Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932), prose writer.

Born on August 11 (23 NS) in the city of Slobodsky, Vyatka province, in the family of an employee, a Pole, exiled as a 16-year-old boy to Siberia for participating in the Polish uprising of 1863. His mother, a Russian woman, died when Green was 13 years old.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka City School, he left for Odessa. Since childhood, I loved books about sailors and travel, so I hoped to fulfill my dream - to go to sea on some ship as a sailor. However, first of all he had to wander around in search of work. I was “lucky” several times: I was hired as a sailor on the Odessa-Batumi-Odessa route. After returning, he realized that this “career” was not for him. He tried many professions: he was a fisherman, a laborer, a lumberjack and a gold miner in the Urals, and a soldier. While serving in the reserve infantry battalion, he joined the Social Revolutionaries, with the help of whom he deserted with military service.

In 1903 in Sevastopol he was first arrested for propaganda work among sailors. For attempting to escape, he served a strict regime sentence of about two years (released under an amnesty). In 1906, in St. Petersburg, he was captured again and sent for 4 years to the Tobolsk province, from where he fled to Vyatka, where he was able to get someone else’s passport, with which he left hometown forever. Arrived in Moscow. Here his first story “The Merit of Private Panteleev” (propaganda brochure signed by A.S.G.) was born, written at the request of his party comrades for distribution among the soldiers. The circulation was confiscated from the printing house and burned. Only under the story “Case” (1907) did the signature of A. S. Green first appear. In 1908, the first collection “The Invisible Cap” was published with the subtitle “Stories about Revolutionaries.”

Greene wrote many stories before he found “his” hero. The writer began to create romantic short stories, the events of which develop in artificial, often exotic circumstances. He considered the first such novella to be “Reno Island” (1909). A series of similar stories followed: “The Lanphier Colony” (1910), “The Zurbagan Shooter” (1913), “Captain Duke” (1915), etc.

In 1917, having learned about February Revolution, Green came to Petrograd with the hope of quick changes in the country. His essay “On Foot for the Revolution” is permeated with this mood, but the following stories speak of his disappointment and irritation (“Uprising”, “Birth of Thunder”, “Pendulum of the Soul”).

In 1919 Green served in the Red Army as a signalman. During these years he was published in the magazine "Flame" (editor A. Lunacharsky).

Green believed that everything beautiful on earth depends on the will of strong, pure-hearted people; his works “Scarlet Sails” (1923), “The Shining World”, “Running on the Waves” (1928) are about this.

In 1930 the novel “The Road to Nowhere” was written, in 1931 - “Autobiographical Tale”.

A. Green died in Feodosia.

In 1920, in Petrograd, while walking around the city, A. Green conceived this captivating and fabulous book, which he later called “Scarlet Sails.”

Is a person capable of performing miracles with his own hands? (We will make this answer and conclusion at the end of the lesson.)

To answer this question, we will look at the novel - Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails". This genre was defined by the author himself and has two meanings:

Theatrical performance with stage effect;

A magical, fabulous spectacle.

“Scarlet Sails” is a work that affirms the strength of the human spirit. A person, in a rush to happiness, is capable of doing the impossible and the fantastic with his own hands.

Greene had his own opinion about fiction. He believed that a writer should use the extraordinary only to attract attention and start a conversation about the ordinary.

III. Work in pairs on the text:

Assignment to the first pair: make a diagram of the plot.

Assignment for the second group: tell us about Longren and Menners. What did you learn about Longren’s past? What was the reason for the conflict with the residents of the town? How did they perceive Longren’s act? Whose side is the author on? (artistic means used by the author in describing the characters - Chapter 3 -4).

Assignment to the third couple: Assol. What is her charm? What shaped her dreaminess and spirituality? Why did the mysterious stranger manage to engender a dream of happiness in her soul? Egle’s prediction. Why did Assol make this prediction. What role did the innkeeper-father and his son play in Assol’s life? (they mocked her, laughed at them, incited others)

Assignment for the fourth pair: Gray’s story. The environment in which Gray grew up. What did Gray especially like, what did he strive for? (write down epithets characterizing the way of life of Gray’s family. Ch. 3) What left an imprint on his future fate? (dream of becoming a ship captain, painting in my father’s office). He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He didn't look like an aristocrat. He was a man with a living soul. How did his open soul manifest itself? (they tell about the incidents with the maid)

What prompted Arthur's escape from his father's house? (He didn’t want to live like his father, he really valued freedom. And most of all he loved the sea and really wanted to become the captain of his ship)

Assignment for the fifth pair: meeting Gray and Assol. What feelings did Gray experience when he saw Assol? (the description of the landscape is based on an antithesis. Chapter 4). Find a portrait of Assol in Chapter 4. (artistic means used by the author)

Assignment for the sixth pair: Images - symbols: scarlet sails - the embodiment of Assol's dream. Name the color epithets used by the author. What color becomes defining? What did the innkeeper's son do when he saw the ship with Scarlet Sails? (out of anger and envy, I didn’t want to let Assol near the ship).

IV. Summarizing.

So the lesson has come to an end.

A wonderful ending to the story, just like any other. fairy tale. Well, let's go back to our question that was asked at the beginning of the lesson. (question on screen) Is a person capable of performing miracles with his own hands?

Like any fairy tale this work has a happy ending. This magic would not have happened if the person himself had not started to create a miracle that could change life for the better.

This is exactly how V. Lanzberg reveals the meaning of this work in his song (the song sounds):

Not three eyes, because this is not a dream.
And the scarlet sail, however, flies proudly
In the bay where brave Gray found his Assol,
In the bay where Assol waited for Gray.

It's easier to cross the sea with friends
And eat the sea salt that we got.
And without friends in the world it would be very difficult to live
And even the scarlet sail would turn gray.

Guys, you have to believe in miracles!
Someday early in the spring morning
Scarlet sails will rise above the ocean,
And the violin will sing over the ocean.

To rest your eyes, you can, without getting up, look up, down, right, left, draw a circle or the first letter of your name with your eyes. It is very good when the exercises are accompanied by a poetic text.

The eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
It is possible to see everything with the eye -
Where is the window and where is the cinema?
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.

Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times. Close your eyes tightly (count to 3), open, look into the distance (count to 5). Repeat 4-5 times.

Homework: write a mini-essay “My Dreams.”

1. author of the title of the poem.
2.history of the creation of the poem
3.topic (about what?)
4. idea, main idea of ​​the poem (what the author wanted to say)
5. artistic images poems
6.what artistic means the theme, main idea, or idea of ​​the poem is revealed, images are drawn (analysis of the tropes and figures of speech used).
7. composition of the poem (analysis of stanzas, rhymes, sizes)
8.image of a lyrical hero.

Choose the correct answer, it may not be the only one: 1. The theme of the work is a) the main idea b) the main subject


c) the specific situation described

2.The problematic of the work is

a) the range of issues raised in the work

b) the main theme of the work

3. The idea of ​​the work is

b) moral “lesson” of the work

c) the main general idea of ​​the work

4. Can they rise in one work of art? different problems:

c) it is impossible to answer unambiguously

5. Actor work of art is

a) in a way

b) character

c) a lyrical hero

6. The character of the work can be

a) only a person

b) only animate object

c) any object or phenomenon

7.The character system includes

a) heroes and their prototypes

b) main, secondary and episodic characters

b) yes, principled

c) yes, but insignificant

9. The lyrical hero is

a) the poet himself

b) the character of the poem

c) the image of a person whose feelings, moods, experiences the author seeks to express

10. The means of creating the character of a literary hero can be

A) artistic detail

b) the hero’s speech

c) the actions of the hero

11. Portrait details are a variety

a) details of appearance

b) landscape details

c) clothing parts

12. Psychological details reflect

a) the inner world of a person

b) behavioral features

c) its origin

13. “Horn glasses, long nose. White striped trousers. Long, skinny” - what portrait is this?

a) portrait description

b) portrait-comparison

c) portrait impression

14. “No trees, no bushes, nothing, except a gray sea of ​​mosses, where only occasionally gray boulders, gray lakes and gray streams could be seen” - what kind of landscape is this?

a) landscape-description

b) landscape-comparison

c) landscape-impression

I option 1. Art by its nature: a) rational; b) emotionally; c) combines

itself both rational and emotional principles.

2. The character of a work of art is called:

a) way;

b) character;

3. The theme of the work is:

A) main idea;

b) object of reflection;

c) the specific situation described.

4. The idea of ​​the work is:

b) the moral “lesson” of the work;

c) the main general idea of ​​the work.

5. Can one topic cover different problems?

c) the question cannot be answered unambiguously.

6. Composition is:

a) sequence of events and actions;

b) the movement of the work from beginning to end;

c) the sequence of parts and elements of the work.

a) biography;

b) autobiography;

a) mezzanine;

b) picture;

c) remark.

9. To whom from literary heroes belong to the words: “To execute like this, to execute like this, to have mercy like this - this is my custom.”?

a) Mishka Kopylev, “The Return of Kopylev”, L. Leonov

b) Pugachev, “The Captain’s Daughter”, A.S. Pushkin

c) Ammos Fedorovich, “The Inspector General”, N.V. Gogol

10. Which heroine wore a white scarf with a pink belt, white kid gloves and white satin shoes at the ball?

a) Anna Andreevna

b) Asya Gagina

c) Varenka B.

11. Which hero sat with his son at the microscope for hours, studying microbes?

a) Andrey Erin

b) Peter Grinev

c) Mishka Kopylev

12. Where is N.N. Did you meet the Gagins?

a) In England

b) In Germany

c) In Russia

13. What poem are the lines taken from and who is their author?

In the state of daisies, at the edge,

Where the stream, panting, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning.

Throwing your face back into the sky.

a) S. Yesenin “Beloved Land”

c) M. Lermontov “Caucasus”

14. What poem are the lines taken from and who is their author?

I am happy with you, mountain gorges,

Five years have flown by: I still miss you.

There I saw a pair of divine eyes;

And my heart babbles, remembering that look...

a) N. Rubtsov “During a thunderstorm”

b) N. Zabolotsky “I was brought up by harsh nature”

c) M. Lermontov “Caucasus”

15. What was M. Gorky’s last name?

a) Peshkov

c) Gorky

16. Narration in " The captain's daughter"conducted on behalf of:

b) narrator;

c) Peter Grinev.

17. Epigraph to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Mtsyri" is taken from:

a) epics;

b) the Bible;

c) ancient Russian chronicles.

18. Which one literary direction can be attributed to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"?

a) sentimentalism;

b) realism;

c) romanticism.

19. Which artistic device is the basis for the composition of the story “After the Ball”?

a) antithesis;

b) retrospective;

c) the sequence of events described.

20. What type of composition is the story “After the Ball”?

a) a story within a story;

b) first-person narration;

21. Vasily Terkin:

A) historical figure;

b) fairy tale hero;

c) a collective image.

22. Which type of comic genre is mainly used in the comedy “The Inspector General”?

b) sarcasm;

I understood one simple truth. She is in
to make miracles with your own hands.
A. Green

“Not only children, but also adults need a fairy tale,” said Konstantin Paustovsky. This is precisely the tale that A. Green composed, a seeker of the miraculous, delirious of the sea and sails, a man about whom legends arose from his first steps in literature. He wrote an extravaganza-fairy tale about how happiness is a matter of own hands a person that it is useless to wait for a dream - you need to boldly meet it halfway.

Scarlet Sails - first appears before us as a concrete object - a toy made for sale by Longren, father main character Assol. Famous collector folk legends Egle, seeing an amazing toy in the girl’s hands - a sailboat with scarlet sails, told her an amazing thing: “You will be big, Assol. One morning, in the distant sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you... The handsome prince will put you in a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your birthday. arrival."

The storyteller planted the seed of a dream of a miracle in the soul of young Assol. In the midst of colorless everyday life, she was supported by faith in a miracle, and her miracle came true. But Assol, with her dream of a prince and scarlet sails, lives surrounded by evil people - the inhabitants of Kaperna, absolutely insensitive to beauty. The inhabitants of Kaperna did not tell tales, did not sing songs, they thought only about everyday affairs. Assol also thinks about her daily bread, but her dream lifts her above everyday life. Green's characters are different from those around them. Residents of Kaperna live down to earth. And those who wanted to live differently sometimes could not withstand the pressure of the environment and broke down: thus, a good coal miner became a drunkard, who, thanks to Assol, was able to see the delicate paintings on the rods of an old coal basket. In the world of injustice in which Greene's heroes live, goodness is as unusual as scarlet sails.

The main conflict of “Scarlet Sails” is the conflict between Assol’s dreams and reality, sublime nature with real life. The image of a sail has been used many times in Literature. The sail seems to be calling to unknown distances, where a wonderful future and happiness await the hero. But sails are usually made of rough canvas gray, and here - scarlet and silk. Such sails can be sewn, but in life such wastefulness is not often encountered. This is a miracle, but a man-made one. Scarlet sails are a symbol of a dream come true, the inevitable triumph of the forces of good over the forces of evil. Mentally turning to his daughter, Longren thinks: “In the future you will have to see a lot of not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails; from a distance - smart and white, close up - torn and arrogant.”

The scarlet color takes on a special meaning in the work. Red is the color of life. Scarlet color for A. Green's heroes is symbolic meaning: he says that you can achieve the impossible, turn a fairy tale into reality. Scarlet sails are the work of man himself. Captain Gray will say wonderful words: “I understood one simple truth. It’s about doing so-called miracles with your own hands.” Scarlet Sails is a fairy tale that has come true, a miracle so simply made by a person for another person. Gray found his happiness when he gave Assol her childhood dream. Material from the site

The ending of the story sounds like a hymn to a dream, like a triumph spiritual origin in man. Greene argues that a person's path must be sanctified by a great cherished goal. She will give him perseverance and nobility in the fight against the adversities of life. Fairytale scarlet sails lead the reader to the conclusion that man’s high calling is “to do so-called miracles with his own hands.”

Many generations of readers read this wonderful fairy tale with enthusiasm. And every time Green convinces us that a person cannot live without a high dream, that every heart has its own scarlet sails. They approach the shore that awaits them, and every moment many hopes, big and small, are fulfilled.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • romantic fairy tales
  • scarlet sails conflicts works
  • what kept Assol dreaming of scarlet sails
  • essay on scarlet sails on the topic dreams come true
  • A.P. Chekhov read the story "Scarlet Sails"

The purpose of the lesson: to outline the role and significance of conducting non-standard literature lessons, their impact on increasing the effectiveness of teaching and education, and the development of creative self-expression of the individual.

Lesson objectives.

Expand and deepen knowledge about the features of the works of A.S. Green, improve the ability to analyze the work read, find answers to the questions posed; generalize, draw conclusions, develop the ability to evaluate characters and their actions, improve the skill of expressive and conscious reading.

Develop oral speech, memory, ability to express one's own opinion.

Cultivate responsibility for one’s actions, a sense of responsiveness, caring and caring attitude towards each other.

Equipment: portrait of A. Green, portraits of the heroes of the work, fragments of the film “Scarlet Sails”, V. Lanzberg’s song “Scarlet Sails”, printouts of tasks for working in pairs, white sailboat ( reverse side red sails), on board of which are written the words of N. Tikhonov: “... he loved a living, beautiful, strong life; his heroes seek justice, freedom, believe in the height of human exploits, quests, the height of the spirit,” texts of poems by S. Narovchatov, N. Matveeva and N. Varley, biography of A. Green in pictures (presentation for the lesson), E. Grieg “Morning ” from the First Suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”.

Lesson Plan

1. Musical accompaniment(performance of V. Lanzberg’s song “Scarlet Sails”).

2. Introductory speech by the teacher (biography of A. Green in pictures (presentation for the lesson).

3. Vocabulary work.

4. Conversation on the work (completing tasks).

5. Verbal portrait heroes by imagination.

6. Watching a video clip from the movie “Scarlet Sails”.

7. Analysis of the poems by N. Matveeva “The Prediction of Aigle”, S. Narovchatova “Scarlet Sails”, N. Varley “Assol” (music accompaniment by E. Grieg “Morning” from the First Suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”.

8. Conversation on issues.

9. Completing a crossword puzzle based on the “Scarlet Sails” extravaganza.

10. Lesson summary.

During the classes

Organizing time.

The lesson begins with the creative group of children performing the song “Scarlet Sails”.

Song “Scarlet Sails” (phonogram of the song in audio recording).

The words and music of Vladimir Lanzberg sound.

Guys, you have to believe in miracles!
Someday early in the spring morning
Scarlet sails will rise above the ocean,
And the violin will sing over the ocean...

2. Introductory speech by the teacher. (Biography of A. Green in pictures. Presentation for the lesson).

Today we continue to work on A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”. The author created a book about a dream that transforms the lives of two people, about a fairy tale that has become life. During the lesson, we will summarize what we have read, talk about the amazing heroes of the work, and follow them on the path to realizing their dreams. A. Green himself called his work an extravaganza (a magical fairy-tale spectacle). Let's think and answer the question: “What is a dream? Does a person need a dream?”

3. Vocabulary work. (On the desks is S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary)

Remember what word Greene associates with the concept "dream"? (Dream - Fairy Tale - Miracle).

What do these concepts have in common? Which of these words do you think is unambiguous and why? (Miracle)


1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined.

2. The object of desires, aspirations.

Fairy tale

1. A narrative based on fiction, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.

2. Same as a miracle.

A miracle is something astounding, surprising in its extraordinaryness.

Which of these words is closest to you and why?

Anatole France once said: “ Dreams give the world interest and meaning. Dreams, if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create real world in your own image and likeness.”

How can one comment on the words of the French writer if they are transferred to A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails?”

Indeed, dreams are the most valuable thing a person has; they light a fire in his soul. Dreams make a person perform miracles.

4. Conversation based on the story(work on the perception of the work).

1. What is unusual about the story?

2. What mood are you in?

3. What impression does it leave after reading?

Assignment: distribute excerpts from the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” in sequential order (work in groups), explain your choice.

The groups are given sheets of paper with printed extracts from different parts excerpt.

4. What does the color scarlet mean to you? (Color of dreams, miracles, love). Three main themes are revealed in the story: pure and bright love, a dream come true, a miracle come true)

Teacher's word:

The scarlet color of the sails carrying dreams on their wings is a symbol of reflection spiritual world Assol and Gray. Let's discover this world for ourselves and walk the path to dreams and happiness that the heroes of the story Assol and Gray took. Green's "Scarlet Sails" personifies the magical power of human dreams. To sail in life under a scarlet sail means to set high goals for yourself, to dream, to strive to fulfill your plans.

5. Verbal portrait of heroes according to imagination. (Work on options)

Why were Longren and Assol not liked in Kapern?

What was Assol like for the residents of Kaperna? (Different, strange, not like them, but even these people felt that she was better than them.)

Why couldn’t Assol play with her peers?

Who helped Assol not to become embittered against people, to stay kind girl? (Longren, her father, big and strong man. He taught her how to love, he told her peculiar fantastic stories about life and people, so her head was full of wonderful dreams. She lived more in a dream world.)

How did Assol grow up? (She grew up reading fairy tales, walking through the forest, along the seashore, making friends with animals and birds, with trees.)

How did Longren treat her? (He loved her. But the people from Kaperna did not know how to love.)

What do you think love is?

Does Assol know how to love? (Yes. She feels sorry for people. She loves all living things on earth. In the forest she “felt at home; she greeted the trees as if they were people, that is, shaking their wide leaves...” “I’m coming, brothers, I’m in a hurry, let me go, I recognize you all, remember and honor you all...”)

How did people in Kaperna react to this fairy tale?

If you found yourself in this crowd, how would you behave? (Would have protected)

In the story there is a hero who wants to protect the weak and defenseless. This is Gray. Remember the actions of the little count, which speak of him as a knight, a defender of the weak: 1) he covered up the wounds of Christ in the picture with paint; 2) in order to survive the suffering of others, he deliberately scalded his hand; 3) gave money to Betsy on behalf of Robin Hood.

How are the fates of Assol and Gray similar? (Loneliness. Dream. Strangeness, difference. Desire for miracles. Expectation of a miracle. Thirst for adventure. Love of nature. Kindness and selflessness.)

The dream of a miracle and the expectation of love are the main things in the character of both heroes.

Did they meet by chance in life? (Both by chance and not by chance. They were looking for each other - two kindred spirits.)

Fate itself brought them together. Remember Gray’s anxious feeling on the eve of his first meeting with Assol in the evening and his joyful awakening in the morning: “With amazement he saw the happy sparkle of the morning, the cliff of the shore among the bright branches and the flaming blue distance...”.

What did Assol experience the night before the meeting? (“There was no sleep, as if she had not fallen asleep at all. A feeling of novelty, joy and the desire to do something warmed her... Suddenly something like a distant call shook her inside and outside, and she seemed to wake up once again from obvious reality to what is clearer and more certain. From that moment on, the jubilant wealth of consciousness did not leave her.”)

How did she see the scarlet sails? Read this passage. (“She shuddered,

This speaks of the kinship of their souls. Why didn’t Assol tell anyone about the ring? (Taught by the bitter experience of life... I was afraid to scare away happiness...)

How did she see the scarlet sails? Read this passage. (“She shuddered, leaned back, froze; then she jumped up sharply, with her heart falling dizzily, breaking into uncontrollable tears of inspired shock.”)

How did people in Kaperna react to the appearance of scarlet sails? (With anxiety, angry fear; “stunned women sobbed like a snake hiss”)

So, Assol found her happiness. What helped her achieve her dream? (Sincerity, openness, sincerity, dreaminess, kindness...)

6. Watch the video. (Fragment of the film “Scarlet Sails”)

1. Watch a video clip in which old man Egl prophesied the fate of Assol. What fate did old man Egle predict for Assol? Why does Egle give Assol his fairy tale? (“Involuntary expectation of beauty” Egle saw in the girl’s face)

2. What especially stands out in Assol’s description? (“Dark eyes, tinged with a sad question”, “serious eyes, cheerful, shone with confidence”)

3. Why did Assol believe in this fairy tale? (“A dangerous wizard, of course, would not talk like that.”)

7. Analysis of the poems by N. Matveeva “Prediction of Egle”, S. Narovchatov “Scarlet Sails” by N. Varley “Assol”.

(After answering, the student reads the poem by heart Novels by Matveeva “Aigle’s Prediction” .)

Come to me, I see drops of tears in your eyes.
There is a lot of evil in the world, but you don’t have to take everything seriously.
Don't trust the earth, callous and dry, trust the wave of the seas.
Let it slide, tease and threaten - there is more truth in it.

The years will pass in quick succession, like water in a stream.
You see that cliff and the expanse of the sea - look there.
There, in the distance of the sea, you will see the shine of scarlet sails.
From the steep banks exactly at five o'clock you will see them.

This will be a brig from distant countries, from other latitudes.
Exactly at five o'clock the boat will depart from its sides,
And the handsome prince, the fairy-tale hero, your betrothed,
Cheerful and smart, slim and tall, he will step on the sand.

Listen, he will only come to save you.
If he doesn’t find you right away, forgive him!
Steps onto the sand - the joy on his face is as strong as pain -
He will say: “Good afternoon!” He will ask: “Where does Assol live here?”

Don't be sad, don't cry. Don’t hide your clear eyes, wipe away the tears from them.
Believe my words, look at the sea more often in the morning.
Trust the wave of the seas. Believe in your destiny. Your time will come.
You will see the shine of scarlet sails - it’s behind you.

In 1984, at the Central Children's Theater in Moscow, N. Matveeva's play “Egle's Prediction” was staged - a fantasy based on the works of Alexander Green, containing 33 songs by Novella Nikolaevna.

Teacher's word:

- “Scarlet Sails” by Green can be confidently classified as a “modern classic”, because this work, like Arthur Gray’s ship under scarlet sails, triumphantly passed through all the storms of the events of the last century and retained the love and interest of readers, almost 100 years after it was written .

At this stage of the lesson we will try to unite all those who have ever been inspired by A.S. Green’s fairy tale. Wonderful love poem Narovchatov Sergei , which leaves an indelible mark on the soul and heart of people in love. (The reading of the poem is accompanied by the music of E. Grieg, we take a fragment of “Morning” from the first suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”, at first the music sounds quietly, then the volume gradually increases)

Scarlet Sails

I tell my daughter and I with fairy tales
Every day the evening dawn:
I braid the horses' manes in the stalls,
I give rings to red girls.

And from the feathers of a caught firebird
My fingers are burning,
And the star in the forehead of the Tsar Maiden
Shines at night brighter than the light of day.

But my daughter looks straight into my eyes:
- Tell me the story again,
A fairy tale that once you and mom
They fell in love in their youth.

Oh, how I don’t like these requests!...
Still, I have to tell you. Please,
So. Once upon a time there lived
A girl named Assol.

She was a strange girl -
She only directed her gaze to the sea,
Taking every boat
For the crimson-sailed frigate.

The dress is a patch on a patch.
But the insolent mouth was stubbornly clenched;
"The captain will arrive on a frigate,
And he’ll take me with him!”

How difficult life was for this girl,
Life was easier even for Cinderella!
But what a deep dream!
And in dreams there is both joy and anger.

Anger towards friends, towards petty neighbors,
For whom a fairy tale is just a deception,
Who says: "He will never come
Your great captain."

Envy didn’t even need an answer!..
The wind brought sea salt,
And, having inhaled it, at dawn
Assol ran ashore.

The sea kissed her feet,
And she, easily running into the surf,
She even drowned out the cry of the seagulls,
And the helmsman heard her.

The splashes of the waves wet her skirt,
The morning fog was cold...
But the boat was already rushing towards,
And the captain stood on the boat.

He only asked Assol her name,
And then, blinding my eyes,
The cursed tale is upon them
Scarlet sails fluttered!

This is how I entertain my daughter at night...
Let them talk about us with a smile,
What remains of the sails are shreds
And a frigate ran into the stones.

And on these shreds there are only holes,
Yes, and those, they say, were carved by moths,
What are rugs for an apartment?
Assol threw them at her feet.

What, they say, the captain is now retired,
His path is not really, but at random...
Daughter! We will make our own amendments:
People are telling lies!

The daughter answers: - What’s the point!
We will disperse them in half an hour.
I can do it myself without a needle,
Sew such sails again,

That the ship will immediately run aground,
Will fly into the blue sea...-
If only we wanted to together
Remember this fairy tale in reality!

Natalya Varley , a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, was also inspired by A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”, she wrote the poem “Assol”. That's what she said N.Varley about myself: “We actors are terrible bores. No matter how an actor’s fate turns out, we will always find an excuse to complain about it. I starred in 61 films, all the roles are very different. But after “Prisoner of the Caucasus” I was treated like a circus performer for a very long time. This role was a barrier that prevented many directors, and most importantly, the audience from seeing me as an actress of a different type. In real life people began to associate me with Nina, although I am not at all like my “captive” ”, by nature I am more of a lyricist, a kind of romantic Assol. But I’ve gotten used to the name Nina, I’m proud and I’m not offended. When I was 9 years old, I read “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Greene and forever fell in love with this author, the book and its characters. Green proved that there is nothing more important in the world than the “life of the heart,” the human soul; that selflessness, honesty, kindness, love endow a person with a powerful, all-conquering force of moral perfection. After few years I watched the film “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Ptushko. And the image of Assol was forever united in my mind with the image created by the most charming Anastasia Vertinskaya. And another one meeting with Assol is a pastel reproduction of a portrait work by Yuri Masyutin.

The artist depicted a tanned woman girl With hair bleached by the southern sun and the not childishly serious look of big blue eyes. What is in this “sparkle of fresh eyes”: sadness, thoughtfulness, dreaminess? Her adolescent soul is filled with trust in people and the world. Her feelings are light, like cirrus clouds that, rising high in the sky, never portend storms and bad weather. Everything, good and bad, lies ahead in her life. In the meantime, the girl captivates with the naive charm of childhood and faith in the feasibility of dreams. She is Assol by state of mind. Always close to Green’s “eyes and soul” were his favorite Crimean cities - Feodosia, Gurzuf, Sevastopol. After all, in the end, it is not so important where a person was born - in Vyatka or Saratov. It is much more important that he has a place on the vast... earth with which he is connected by a special spiritual kinship, to which he feels a constant attraction.”

Listen to him, please.. (Reads by heart by a student prepared in advance)


Life passes like a dream, like pain.
Dreams give up and grow old.
And the aged Assol
He leaves without waiting for Gray.

Just a glimpse of scarlet sails
It seems like a bitter tear,
When broken pride
Will answer the call again.

And again she will run into the wave,
With outstretched mournful arms,
The inevitable hour of separation
As if trying to push away...

A moment of happiness will spin you around,
Will make you believe patiently...
While the dry reality of the ebb
The bottom will not reveal hope...

And, deceived by the silence,
The mirage creaking of masts and oars,
Saying goodbye to the sea and to myself,
She goes into the night - without springs.

8. Conversation on issues

What do all these verses have in common?

What heroes are found in them?

What means of expression does the author use to show the idea of ​​his work?

What characterizes the dream here? (Willingness to act for the sake of achievement, inherent feelings of passionate desire, believes in its realization, and believes that he can realize it, a person feels the need to make a dream come true)

What would happen to the main characters if they didn't have a dream?

2. The history of the creation of the poem / when it was written, for what reason, to whom it is dedicated/.

3. Theme, idea, main idea / what the poem is about /. Quotes from the text to support conclusions.

4. By what artistic means is the author’s main idea, theme and idea of ​​the poem revealed:

1) Select “key” words and examples in the text that reveal main idea poet, create “chains” of keywords.

2) Analyze the artistic techniques that he uses

9. Completing a crossword puzzle on the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” (mutual check)

1. How did people in Kaperna react to the appearance of scarlet sails? (Anxiety)

2. Who helped Assol not to become embittered against people, to remain a good girl? (Longren)

3. How are the fates of Assol and Gray similar? (Loneliness)

4. One of the main characters of the work. (Gray)

5. Assol lived more in peace…. (Dreams)

6. What helped her achieve her dream? (Sincerity, openness, sincerity, dreaminess, kindness...)

10. Lesson summary.

What do Assol’s portrait, extravaganza, poetry, and Grieg’s music have in common? (They are united by faith in dreams, love, miracles, friendship).

To be able to dream is a wonderful spiritual quality, and to be able to turn a dream into reality is the greatest human talent.

Let’s read the key lines of the story: “...I understood one simple truth. It is about doing so-called miracles with your own hands. When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. New soul he will have it and you will... But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness and - the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.”

Here's what the famous guy said Russian writer Daniil Granin : “When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood.”

Let the scarlet sails remain a symbol of a dream come true for you forever.

The magical power of dreams (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green "Scarlet Sails").


All children believe in fairy tales and miracles, but few manage to maintain this belief when entering adult life. Immersed in everyday life everyday problems, they become boring, gloomy, predictable ordinary people.

The main character of A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" Assol is a happy exception to this rule. Having grown up among down-to-earth, embittered people, she managed not only to withstand their barbs and offensive ridicule, but also not to doubt her fate.

WITH early childhood Assol loved to listen to fascinating stories about sea adventures that her father, an experienced sailor, told her. Going to a city not far from Kaperna to “carry goods” to the store, she often plunged into a fantasy world, talking with the inhabitants of the ships and houses that Longren made. During one of these walks, the girl met the wandering storyteller Egle, who predicted that a prince from a distant country would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and she would become a princess.

From that day on, the expectation of a miracle settled in Assol's soul - and it was so sincere, childishly innocent, that it found a response in the surrounding space.

At this time, far from the fishing village, in a family castle, a romantic and dreamy boy grew up, in love with the sea and ships. Being a purposeful, courageous and strong-willed person, the grown-up Gray decided to leave his father’s house in order to fulfill his dream. While still a cabin boy, he managed to gain the respect and approval of the experienced crew. Quickly accumulating knowledge in the field of navigation and acquiring the necessary skills, the young man eventually became a captain. His heart remained open to miracles, therefore, seeing Assol sleeping in a forest clearing, and then learning her story and prediction, he realized how dear she was to him, and decided to make the long-awaited fairy tale come true: “... when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, do "It's a miracle for him if you're able. He'll have a new soul and you'll have a new one."

So Magic power dreams made two kind and loving people happy.

Essay “Dream and Reality” based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”

Assol was a poor girl. Her mother died and she lived with her father. No one in the city liked them, especially their father. Her father used to be a sailor, and when he returned, he began to make wooden Toys. One day Assol went to the store to give her father’s toys to the seller, and noticed a very beautiful boat with scarlet sails in the basket. Assol lowered him into the water, and suddenly the current caught him and carried him forward. Assol rushed after the boat. The toy led the girl to a man who introduced himself as a wizard. He predicted to her that one day a beautiful ship with scarlet sails, on which a handsome prince would sail, would sail to the shores of Kaperna. A boat will separate from the ship to the sound of beautiful music. And the handsome prince will put her on a ship, and she will leave forever for a beautiful country. Assol was a dreamy girl and believed in this prediction. Since then, the city began to consider her completely crazy. But Assol didn’t care. She lived this dream. She really believed that one day a prince would sail for her under scarlet sails. At the same time, Arthur Gray was born far from Assol. He came into a rich, wealthy family and could have lived a calm, balanced life, but he was not like his parents. Gray was thirsty for adventure and one day he ran away from home and joined a ship as a cabin boy. Arthur tried very hard, practiced, and after a certain period of time he became a captain on his own ship from a cabin boy. One day he went fishing with his sailor. Gray saw a sleeping girl there. He really liked her. He took the most expensive beautiful ring from his finger and put it on her finger. Then he went with the sailor to a nearby tavern. There he learned about Assol and the prediction. He wanted to fulfill it. In this a wonderful fairy tale, as in all others, a good and happy ending. Gray sailed to Assol under scarlet sails, put her on a ship, and they sailed away forever to a beautiful country. This work can partially be called a fairy tale. Firstly, Green has an area that does not exist on the map, names that do not exist in this world. And there, as in all fairy tales, there is a happy ending. There is another moment of magic in this work: the fact that the wizard’s prediction came true, although when he said this, he did not suspect that this would be exactly the case. He just wanted to please Assol. But, on the other hand, this is not about magic. After all, the main characters themselves ensured that the wizard’s prediction came true. The essence of this fairy tale is that if you really believe and make an effort, everything will come true. Although this work is more about idealism, I believe that in the real world this is impossible. And in general, in this fairy tale everything is very simple, but in life it is not.

The triumph of poetic love and sublime dreams in A. Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails".


Children and adults all over the world know and love A. Green's wonderful story-extravaganza "Scarlet Sails". It was published more than a hundred times in Russian alone. Why are people so attracted to such “fiction” and “fables”?

"Scarlet Sails" is a story about a sublime dream and poetic love of two people who believe in miracles. At the same time, the author himself calls his work an extravaganza, a fairy tale, which means that the events described in it could never have happened in reality. I don't want to agree with this. Couldn’t a girl with a bright poetic soul live in the world, believing more in goodness and love than in the misunderstanding and dullness surrounding her? Was there never a young man who loved to dream, whose heart belonged to the sea from childhood, and couldn’t he, having become an adult, realize what he had planned a long time ago? And couldn’t they have met: Assol and Gray, who believes in a miracle and seeks this faith, awaiting her destiny and managing to become destiny himself? Maybe they had a different name. Maybe Assol was not the daughter of a sailor, but a lumberjack, and Gray was not the heir noble family, but a wandering storyteller, like a collector of songs and legends Aigle. All this does not matter when there are people who are able to selflessly love, selflessly dream and believe in miracles with all their hearts

A bright and joyful feeling remains in your soul when you finish reading Scarlet Sails. This feeling brings adults back to childhood, and convinces children that miracles are in their later life depend on themselves. That is why this work will never have indifferent and yawning readers.

A Tale of Love (based on A. Green's extravaganza story "Scarlet Sails").


The romantic story "Scarlet Sails" is one of best works Alexandra Green. The path to creating this story was long. The author repeatedly changed and rewrote the text until he achieved what he wanted. He sought to create perfect world, where wonderful heroes live and where love, dreams, and fairy tales can defeat rudeness and callousness. And he achieved his goal. The writer depicted "extraordinary circumstances in which something decisive had to happen." "Scarlet Sails" is a fairy tale about poetic love, about an all-conquering sublime dream.

The life of the heroine of the story, young Assol, is quite unhappy: she had no friends, children avoided her, and adults transferred their dislike for her father to her. They laughed at the girl and insulted her. But the kind Longren encouraged his daughter: “Eh, Assol,” he said, “do they know how to love? They must be able to love, but they can’t do that.” And he took the girl in his arms and kissed her deeply. Under the influence of her father, who adored her, Assol created for herself a kind of dream world in which everything was beautiful, all people were kind and loved each other. And one day in the forest, captivated by playing with a toy ship and a story she had invented, the girl accidentally met a stranger who introduced himself as “the most important wizard” and told her incredible story, about what awaits her in the future. “One morning, in the distant sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you... Then you will see a brave, handsome prince... “Hello, Assol! - he will say. “Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom... And you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.” And the girl believed the mysterious wizard. And all subsequent years she continued to live with this faith and wait for her prince to come for her. She waited, not paying attention to the laughter, teasing and mockery of people.

And at this time, somewhere far away, a boy was growing up, dreaming of becoming a captain and not yet knowing that he was destined to fulfill the lifelong dream of one beautiful girl. Gray also lived in his wonderful world. He dreamed of the sea, lived this dream, which for him constituted the only possible happiness, combining “danger, risk, the power of nature, the light of a distant country, wonderful uncertainty, flickering love, blooming with rendezvous and separation; a fascinating ebullience of meetings, faces, events ; the immense variety of life..."

They lived like this for seven long years, each living their own dreams, not knowing that they were gradually moving towards each other. And, of course, one day the day came when they met. Gray saw a girl sleeping in the shadow of the branches, and “everything moved, everything smiled in him.” She immediately captivated the young man’s heart, and, succumbing to his feelings, he took the ring off his finger and carefully put it on Assol’s little finger. The girl didn't feel anything. But when she woke up and found a ring on her finger, she no longer doubted that it belonged to her prince. Meanwhile, Gray accidentally learned about the girl's dream, and this pushed him to action. With unprecedented inspiration, he set about implementing his idea - and a few days later, a beautiful ship with scarlet sails was ready to take on board the most important jewel.

Gray made Assol's dream come true and achieved his own happiness. He knew that his happiness was this beautiful girl who helped him understand the truth. And this truth lies in “doing so-called miracles with your own hands.” Thanks to the power of love, sincere faith in their dream, the destinies of two people were united into one, which will now forever remain for them “in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depth of the heart, which knows what love is.”

The world of dreamers and the world of ordinary people in A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails".


The ancient Greeks believed that desire already creates and creates on its own. The forces of desire and dreams can turn life in a new direction and change the person himself. Alexander Green founded the the whole world, in which live brave, frank and sincere men, poetic and beautiful women, where towns with wonderful names are located by the sea - Liss, Zurbagan.

Green knew the power of dreams and the power of love. All his stories about love end with one phrase - “They lived long and died on the same day.” The most important thing is to meet and find each other.

In Alexander Green's fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" a sharp division of people into two worlds is clearly visible. This is the world of the dreamer Assol and the world of the inhabitants around her. Assol lost her mother early, and her father began making a living by making and selling toys. The world of toys in which Assol lived naturally shaped her character. And in life she had to face gossip and evil. It was quite natural that the real world scared her. Running away from him, trying to keep a sense of beauty in her heart, she believed in the beautiful fairy tale about scarlet sails that was told to her kind person. This kind but unhappy man undoubtedly wished her well, but his fairy tale turned out to be suffering for her. And yet, it was the fairy tale that helped her not to sink into the swamp of philistine life.

There, in this swamp, lived people for whom dreams were inaccessible. They were ready to mock any person who lived, thought, and felt differently from the way they lived, thought, and felt. Therefore, Assol, with her beautiful inner world, with her a magical dream, they considered the village fool. It seems to me that these people were deeply unhappy. They thought and felt limitedly, their very desires were limited, but subconsciously they suffered from the thought that they were missing something. This “something” was not food, shelter, although for many even this was not what they would like, no, it was a person’s spiritual need to at least occasionally see the beautiful, to come into contact with the beautiful. It seems to me that this need in a person cannot be eradicated by anything.

And it is not their crime, but their misfortune that they have become so coarse in soul that they have not learned to see beauty in thoughts and feelings. They saw only a dirty world and lived in this reality. Assol lived in another, fictional world, incomprehensible and therefore not accepted by the average person. Dream and reality collided. This contradiction ruined Assol.

This fact of life, probably experienced by the writer himself. Very often, people who do not understand another person, perhaps even a great and beautiful one, consider him a fool. It's easier for them this way.

Assol was lucky in that Gray found her. Also a dreamer by nature, he still did not think about anything unrealizable. His dreams were supported by a rich family. It was easier for him than Assol, incomparably easier, but still he understood her, understood her impossible dream, which she could not refuse, understood when even biological father didn't understand my daughter. But her father was a man of great soul, but he too was sucked in and crippled by the maelstrom of philistine life.

Little Assol, an outcast child raised by a kind and loving father, lives a solitary life. She is pushed away by her peers and disliked by adults, transferring their dislike for her father onto the girl. One day he meets her in the forest a strange man, tells a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails, and from that moment fate begins its work. Assol believed in the fairy tale and made it part of her soul. The girl was ready for a miracle - and a miracle found her.

Green shows how, through intricate paths, two people, created for each other, move towards a meeting. Gray lives in a completely different world. Wealth, luxury, power are given to him by birthright. And in the soul there lives a dream not about jewelry and feasts, but about the sea and sails. In defiance of his family, he becomes a sailor, sails around the world, and one day an accident brings him to the tavern of the village where Assol lives. Like a crude joke, they tell Gray the story of a madwoman who is waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

It was as if two strings sounded together... Soon the morning will come when the ship approaches the shore, and Assol will shout: “I’m here! Here I am!” - and starts running straight through the water.

A dream, if you believe in it, that is, give your life to it, no matter what “reasonable” people say, becomes a powerful creative force.

Green's work is excellent for its optimism, unshakable faith in the dream, the victory of the dream over the bourgeois, philistine environment. Excellent because it gives hope for life in a society of people who are able to hear and understand each other. Assol, accustomed to mockery and ridicule of herself, nevertheless flew out of that ugly world and sailed to the ship, proving to everyone that any dream can come true if you strongly believe in it, do not change it, do not doubt it. And perhaps this made someone much better, more noble, more chaste in soul, who in this story was ranked among the social “swamp” and who will crawl out of it for the new story about castles in the air.

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