Senior Adviser of Justice. Functions of law enforcement officers

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§ 4. Assignment of class ranks and military ranks to employees of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office

In accordance with the Federal Law on the Prosecutor's Office, prosecutors and investigators, scientific and teaching workers of bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office are assigned class ranks. These ranks are assigned in accordance with official position and for life. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation has the right to assign class ranks to other employees.
The procedure for assigning class ranks is determined by the Regulations on the class ranks of prosecutorial employees, approved by the President Russian Federation. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 1997 No. 659 approved the Regulations on class ranks, and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 1996 No. 352 approved the standards for issuing and description of insignia and uniform prosecutors, investigators, scientific and teaching workers with class ranks.
Class rank is a special official rank, the personal rank of a prosecutor as a civil servant, which is assigned taking into account the position held, length of service (length of service), knowledge and experience, as well as the results of work to strengthen law and order. Class ranks are assigned to prosecutors and investigators, scientific and teaching staff of scientific and educational institutions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. The positions for which prosecutors and investigators are awarded class ranks are listed in Art. 14-16 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office.
The following class ranks have been established: actual state councilor of justice, state councilor of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes, senior adviser of justice, adviser of justice, junior adviser of justice, lawyer of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes, junior lawyer.
The class rank of actual state counselor of justice is assigned to the Prosecutor General by the President of the Russian Federation. The class ranks of State Counselor of Justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes are assigned by the President on the recommendation of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to prosecutors who have a higher legal education. The initial class rank, the class ranks of senior adviser and justice adviser to all prosecutorial employees of the prosecutor's office, as well as class ranks to prosecutorial employees of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and class ranks to prosecutorial employees of scientific and educational institutions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation are assigned by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
Other class ranks are assigned by prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Federation.
The procedure for nominating employees of the prosecutor's office for assignment of class ranks is determined by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation No. 6-11 of December 25, 1997.
Assignment of class rank is carried out in sequential order when positive characteristics, in accordance with the position held and upon expiration of the period of stay in class rank.
Assignment of a class rank without observing the sequence, but no more than one rank higher than the one in which the employee is, is allowed in cases of exemplary performance of his official duty and for achievements achieved in work to strengthen the rule of law, as well as when promoting to the highest position. Class ranks are assigned to specialists of the prosecutor's office if they have higher, incomplete higher or secondary specialized education or have more than three years of work experience in their specialty.
Employees who have passed certification and have the following length of service in their position are eligible for the initial class rank: prosecutors and investigators, employees of institutes of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation - at least six months; specialists, heads of offices with higher, incomplete higher or secondary special education- at least one year; specialists, heads of offices with secondary education - over three years.
Employees who have a higher legal education and have transferred to work in the prosecutor's office from other law enforcement agencies, the bar, the notary office, legislative, executive and judicial authorities, local governments, educational institutions of higher education vocational education legal profile, scientific legal institutions, advanced training institutions and legal services of enterprises, a class rank can be assigned taking into account the position held and qualifications before the expiration of six months of work, in accordance with the position held.
Persons appointed to the positions of prosecutor or investigator after graduating from law faculties educational institutions higher professional education and is awarded the class rank of 3rd class lawyer.
Persons who previously served in the military prosecutor's office, are in the reserve (retired) and entered work in the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, prosecutor's offices of the constituent entities of the Federation, cities and regions, specialized prosecutor's offices, as well as scientific and educational institutions system of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for positions for which the assignment of class ranks up to and including senior justice adviser is provided, class ranks are assigned in accordance with the position held, but not lower than their existing military ranks. Persons who are in reserve (retired) and have military ranks Colonel General of Justice, Lieutenant General of Justice, Major General of Justice, class ranks are assigned in accordance with the position, but not lower than the rank of senior adviser to justice.
Class ranks and military ranks are in the following ratio:

Rank name

Military rank

Junior Associate

junior lieutenant of justice

3rd class lawyer

Lieutenant of Justice

lawyer 2nd class

senior lieutenant of justice

1st class lawyer

captain of justice

Junior Counselor of Justice

Major of Justice

Counselor of Justice

Lieutenant Colonel of Justice

senior justice adviser

Colonel of Justice

State Counselor of Justice 3rd class

Major General of Justice

State Counselor of Justice 2nd class

Lieutenant General of Justice

State Counselor of Justice 1st class

Colonel General of Justice

actual state councilor of justice

army General

Upon dismissal of officers of the military prosecutor's office (up to and including colonel) from military service and entry into service in territorial or specialized bodies The prosecutor's office assigns them class ranks corresponding to their military rank, and when appointing prosecutors and investigators with class ranks (up to and including senior adviser of justice) to military service, they are assigned the corresponding military ranks.
When transferred to the territorial and specialized prosecutor's offices, employees of the military prosecutor's office transferred to the reserve are assigned an initial class rank without certification, compliance with established deadlines, and is not limited to the maximum permissible for their position, with the exception of class ranks assigned by the President of the Russian Federation.
The assignment of the next class rank is made upon expiration of the following period of stay in the previous class rank: junior lawyer - 1 year or until receiving a higher legal education; 3rd class lawyer - 2 years; 2nd class lawyer - 2 years; 1st class lawyer - 3 years; junior counselor of justice - 3 years; Counselor of Justice - 4 years.
The terms of tenure in the ranks of senior adviser of justice, state adviser of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes are not established. The assignment of the next rank of these classes can only be in cases of promotion and for special differences in work.
Employees of the prosecutor's office who have been assigned class ranks are members for life. Deprivation of class rank may occur when an employee is dismissed from the prosecutor's office for a defamatory act. If an employee of the prosecutor's office commits gross violations of official duty or unworthy behavior, he may be demoted in rank. Reinstatement of employees to their previous class rank is carried out in accordance with the certification procedure.
For employees who transferred to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation from the prosecutor's office of the CIS countries, only the class ranks assigned to them by the Prosecutor General of the USSR during the existence of the unified system of prosecutor's offices of the USSR are taken into account.
Employees of the prosecutor's office who have disciplinary action those who have not passed certification are not submitted for assignment of a class rank until the penalty is lifted, as well as those who have serious shortcomings and omissions in their work, which were the subject of discussion at the board or operational meeting with the head of the prosecutor's office or heads of structural units, until they are recognized in the certification procedure as corresponding to the position held or their performance indicators improve.
Extracts from orders for assigning class ranks are handed to employees, placed in their personal files and transferred to the accounting department for calculating additional payments for class ranks.
The reasons for the delay in submission for assignment of class ranks must be motivated.
Failure to comply with the deadlines for submitting employees for assignment of class ranks in accordance with the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is considered a violation official duties, entailing bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Time spent by the prosecutor's employee on military service by conscription or contract in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” is counted towards the length of service, which gives the right to be awarded the next class rank.
The time of study of a prosecutor's employee in full-time graduate school in a legal specialty, as well as retraining or advanced training with a break from service, if the employee was sent there from bodies or institutions of the prosecutor's office with retention of pay, subject to subsequent return to these bodies, is counted in the length of service giving the right to assign the next class rank.
Wearing uniforms is permitted to prosecutors and investigators, scientific and teaching workers with class ranks, as well as persons dismissed from the prosecutor's office, with the exception of those dismissed for committing acts that discredit them.
When participating in judicial consideration of criminal, civil and arbitration cases, in other cases of official representation of the prosecutor's office, wearing uniforms Necessarily.

Employees of the prosecutor's office supervise the implementation of the laws of the Russian Federation. Let's look at what requirements prosecutors have the right to make of citizens of the Russian Federation. Let's also look at their responsibilities.

Functions of law enforcement officers

  • execution of the laws of the country;
  • supervision or control over the work of government agencies;
  • drawing up acts of response to enterprise errors;
  • consideration of letters, statements from citizens or enterprises about work disruptions;
  • monitoring the implementation of laws, conducting investigations;
  • actions on the side of the prosecutor or the state.

Legal status of prosecutors

An employee of such an organization must be a citizen of the country for which he works. At the same time, have complete higher education, some professions require experience and work experience. The employee must have appropriate physical training. Upon taking office, an employee undergoes probation(up to 6 months). If the duties of the position include additional assistance to a law enforcement officer, then students studying at the Faculty of Law may apply for such a job.

The future prosecutor must be over 25 years old and have at least 3 years of work experience in such an organization. Employees are persons who protect the state. They themselves also fall under his protection. Employees of the prosecutor's office are obliged to carry out the orders of the prosecutor in their activities. They must properly organize the collection of statistical data and certificates. Documents and their copies must be provided upon request of the prosecutor. The prosecutor's duty is to attend local meetings of city leaders, as well as to take a direct part in the life of the city or district.

Features of cooperation

When taking up a position, a future employee must be given a professional uniform or uniform. The finished form is not for sale, so you won’t be able to buy it. An employee of the prosecutor's office must have a set of blue uniforms. She is considered a worker. Dress uniform has a white color. The clothing set includes trousers for men and a skirt for women, uniform shirts in white and blue colors with short and long sleeves, uniform tie, cap, jacket with shoulder straps. To confirm the position held, the employee is issued a certificate Investigative Committee. The document looks like a small red folding book. This document is very important for the law enforcement officer, as it contains all the information about the person. Identification cannot be given to third parties. You should always take it with you before going to work. Without this certificate, a prosecutor's office employee has the right to refuse to provide information.

Employees of the prosecutor's office are assigned ranks and titles. The position is assigned for life. Only the Prosecutor General can assign the title by order. The assigned title is a professional service distinction, which is awarded taking into account length of service, experience, and work results. When awarding a rank, one of the conditions is a mandatory period of service in the authorities of at least 3 years. If the awarded title has high status, then 10 years of service is required.

Employee titles and benefits

In our country, there are a number of titles for prosecutors and justice:

  • Acting advisor to the prosecutor's office.
  • State Counselor of Justice 1st, 2nd, 3rd class.
  • Senior Advisor.
  • Advisor to the Prosecutor's Office.
  • Junior adviser 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade.
  • Junior Associate.

Employees with the legal status of prosecutors are awarded class ranks, which go along with the military classification. Let's take a closer look at the correspondence between rank and military rank:

  1. An active advisor is equal to a general.
  2. 1st Class Advisor is equal to a Colonel General.
  3. Advisor 2nd class is equal to lieutenant general.
  4. A 3rd class advisor is equal to a major general.
  5. The senior adviser is equal to a colonel.
  6. The Counselor of Justice is equal to a lieutenant colonel.
  7. A junior advisor is equal to a major.
  8. A 1st class lawyer is equal to a captain.
  9. Lawyer 2nd class is equal to senior lieutenant.
  10. Lawyer 3rd class is equal to lieutenant.
  11. A junior lawyer is equivalent to a junior lieutenant.

Law enforcement officials are entitled to benefits.

  • Employees have the right to legal immunity.
  • Employees of the prosecutor's office are constantly under the protection of the country, this also applies to their relatives (Law "On state protection judges, law enforcement officials and regulatory authorities").
  • Employees are allowed to carry weapons and dangerous means.
  • Employees are insured and have the right to undergo free treatment in medical institutions.
  • Employees are entitled to free use of certain types of transport.
  • Employees are entitled to free housing.
  • Employees of the prosecutor's office are entitled to annual vouchers (for themselves, their children and relatives).

Law enforcement officers do not have the right to join political parties.

Can't study entrepreneurial activity and have additional sources income.

Behavior rules

Court employees must adhere to certain rules of conduct.

The rules of conduct for court staff are regulated by Russian legislation, namely the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

General rules:

  • When working with colleagues and visitors, you must remain calm, do not raise your voice, and avoid unnecessary gestures.
  • An employee should not respond if he is insulted or accused, and he must not show aggression.
  • When communicating with a judge, it is necessary to show tact and respect; you cannot discuss colleagues in law enforcement agencies or spread rumors about them.
  • The appearance of a prosecutor's office employee must be neat. Must wear a chest strap business card indicating the full name, rank and position. Must be worn service uniform or business clothes, you must always have your ID with you.
  • Each court employee is responsible for his or her workplace and is obliged to keep it clean and tidy, and to be responsible for the safety of equipment and equipment. Nothing can be removed from the building without appropriate permission.
  • A court employee at the workplace must adhere to safety regulations and comply with fire safety rules.
  • An employee of the prosecutor's office must not smoke in in public places and being at work while intoxicated.

Rules of professional ethics:

  • An employee should not influence the judicial process through his activities.
  • When conducting a case, an employee is not allowed to discriminate against a person under investigation on the basis of nationality, religion, sexual orientation etc.
  • Personal criticism or someone else's opinion should not influence the prosecution.
  • It is necessary to take into account the opinions of all people who go to court.
  • The employee must strictly adhere to the rules of non-disclosure of classified information.
  • The court official must correctly control the transfer of data to public speaking and when providing information to the press.
  • An employee must not use his position for gain.

An employee of the prosecutor's office must be aware of his responsibility to the state and its citizens. Personal problems should not affect his professional activities.

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated March 25, 1996 N 352


The insignia is shoulder straps.

The semi-soft shoulder strap is an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper end ends with a cut obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge.

The length of the shoulder strap is 11-12 cm, the width of the shoulder strap for persons with class ranks from full-time State Counselor of Justice to State Counselor of Justice 3rd class inclusive is 4.5 cm, and for persons with class ranks from senior counselor of justice to junior lawyer inclusive, -4 cm.

The edges of the shoulder straps, except for the bottom, are edged with dark green cloth, the edge width is 2.5 mm.

Shoulder straps of an active state adviser of justice, state advisers of justice 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes

Shoulder straps are made from blue fiber of a special weave without a gap in the cloth lining.

On the field of the shoulder strap of the active state councilor of justice in the middle there is gilded embroidery National emblem Russian Federation, 3 cm high and below it - a gilded convex five-pointed star with a diameter of 3 cm. 5 rays are embroidered between the edges of the star.

On the shoulder strap of the 1st class State Counselor of Justice, 3 gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 2.5 cm each are embroidered in the middle along the shoulder strap.

On the shoulder strap of the 2nd class State Counselor of Justice, 2 gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 2.5 cm are embroidered in the middle along the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the first star is 4 cm, between the stars along the shoulder strap is 3.5 cm.

On the shoulder strap of the 3rd class State Counselor of Justice, one gilded five-pointed convex star with a diameter of 2.5 cm is embroidered in the middle of the shoulder strap at a distance of 4.5 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star.

Shoulder straps on a jacket white Actual State Counselor of Justice are made from golden-colored fiber of a special weave without a gap in the cloth lining.

On the field of the golden shoulder strap of the actual State Counselor of Justice, a gilded convex five-pointed star is edged with a red silk thread.

Shoulder straps are made of blue wool on a cloth lining. On the shoulder strap there are 2 dark green gaps.

On the shoulder strap of the senior justice adviser, 3 gilded five-pointed stars with a diameter of 2 cm are attached (of which 2 stars are on the gaps, 1 is between the gaps).

On the shoulder strap of the adviser of justice, 2 five-pointed gilded stars with a diameter of 2 cm are attached to the gaps.

The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the first sprocket is 2 cm, between the stars along the shoulder strap is 2.5 cm.

On the shoulder strap of the junior justice adviser, a gilded five-pointed star with a diameter of 2 cm is attached between the gaps at a distance of 4.5 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star.

Shoulder straps for lawyers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes and junior lawyer

Shoulder straps are made of blue wool on a cloth lining.

On the shoulder strap there is one dark green gap.

On the shoulder strap of a 1st class lawyer, 4 gold-plated stars with a diameter of 1.3 cm are attached (of which 2 stars are at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars is 2.5 cm, 2 stars in the gap along the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars -2.5 cm).

On the field of the shoulder strap of a 2nd class lawyer, 3 gold-plated stars with a diameter of 1.3 cm are attached (of which 2 stars are at a distance of 3 cm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars is 2.5 cm, 2 stars in the gap along the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars -2.5 cm).

On the field of the shoulder strap of a 2nd class lawyer, 3 gilded stars with a diameter of 1.3 cm are attached (of which 2 stars are at a distance of 3 cm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars is 2.5 cm, 1 is in the gap at a distance of 2.5 cm between centers of the stars).

On the field of the shoulder strap of a 3rd class lawyer, 2 gold-plated stars with a diameter of 1.3 cm are attached at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap, the distance between the centers of the stars is 2.5 cm. On the field of the shoulder strap of a junior lawyer, a gold-plated star with a diameter of 1.3 cm is attached to a distance of 4.5 cm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap.


A cap made of blue fabric with a black velvet band, dark green piping along the band and crown, a double braided filigree cord and a gilded cockade are attached to the band with two buttons. The visor is black, varnished. For persons with senior class ranks, above the visor on the band, in addition to a gilded filigree cord, there is a gold embroidered decoration in the form of two symmetrically located oak branches.

Persons holding senior class ranks are given a fur hat.

Single-breasted jacket fastened with three uniform gilded buttons with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, semi-fitting cut, smooth brim, stitched back, slit, turn-down collar and two-seam sleeves. For persons with senior and senior class ranks, a double-breasted jacket, a back without a slit. The jacket has side welt pockets covered with flaps and a chest welt pocket. The jacket for persons with senior class ranks and the rank of senior justice adviser is made of blue (white) gabardine, for other employees with senior and middle class ranks - from suit fabric of blue color. The collar and cuffs of the jacket are edged with dark green piping, piping width 2.5 mm. There are two small buttons on the cuffs. The collar and cuffs of the white jacket of the Active State Counselor of Justice are edged with a red edging, the width of the edging is 2.5 mm, along the edging of the collar there is a golden braided thread.

Trousers made of blue fabric, straight, untucked, without cuffs. For persons with senior and middle ranks, the trousers are edged with a dark green edging 2.5 mm wide. On trousers for persons holding senior ranks, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges along the outer seam along the entire length of the trousers, dark green stripes 2.2 cm wide are attached. On the trousers, the white jacket of the actual state adviser of justice for Red stripes 2.2 cm wide are attached to the outer seam along the entire length of the trousers.

Boots (low shoes) black and Brown. For persons with senior and senior class ranks, boots (low shoes) are made of chevro, for persons with middle class ranks - from chrome.

For women, the jacket shape is the same, with a fastener on the left side; instead of trousers and boots, a skirt and shoes are issued, respectively.

White and light blue shirt with a soft or hard collar. For summer uniform instead of a jacket, a shirt with a light blue belt is issued, for women - a blouse. The tie is black or dark blue.

Coat with six gilded buttons and four gilded buttons on a tab. The distance between the buttons is 16-17 cm. For persons with senior class ranks, the coat is made of drape gray, for senior and middle composition - from blue drape.

The cloak is made of dark blue fabric.

Shoulder straps are worn on a coat, raincoat, jacket, and overshirt.

At the corners of the collar, in addition to the top shirt, a departmental emblem 2.5 cm high and 2 cm wide is placed. For persons with class ranks from full-time state counselor to state councilor of justice 3rd class inclusive, the emblem is gilded, embroidered, 2.9 cm high, 1.8 cm wide, bordered with gilded embroidery in the form of laurel leaves.

Cockade with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. The state emblem of the Russian Federation is golden in color with ruby ​​red and blue enamel framed by oak leaves. The height of the emblem is 5 cm, the width of the oval is 5.2 cm. back side two metal legs are welded. The cockade is fixed in the center of the cap (cap) or on the forehead of the cap.

In connection with the publication of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2016 No. 855 “On the uniform of prosecutorial employees of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation”, guided by Article 17 Federal Law"On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", I order:

1. Approve and put into effect the provision of uniforms to prosecutors of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, the procedure for wearing, recording, storing and issuing them.

2. Consider as invalid the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2005 No. 10-11 “On the implementation of the Instructions on the procedure for the supply, accounting and issuance of uniforms,” as well as paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2007 No. 198 “On class ranks and uniforms of prosecutors.”

4. Ensuring the execution of this order is entrusted to the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office, and control over its execution is to be entrusted to the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, who oversees the activities of the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office.

The order should be sent to the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, heads of main departments, directorates and departments (with the rights of departments) of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the rector of the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, equivalent military prosecutors and prosecutors of other specialized prosecutor's offices, prosecutors of CATUs the city of Mezhgorye and the Baikonur complex, which will bring its contents to the attention of subordinate employees.


Prosecutor General
Russian Federation
dated 05/31/2017 No. 372

on the provision of uniforms to prosecutorial workers of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, on the procedure for wearing, recording, storing and issuing them

1. General Provisions

1.1. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", prosecutors are provided with uniforms in the manner and according to the standards established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2016 No. 855 "On the uniforms of prosecutors employees of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation."

1.2. The supply of uniforms to bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office and their acquisition are carried out Prosecutor General's Office Russian Federation in a centralized manner.

1.3. Receipt of materials and uniform items for prosecutors must be carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction and support standards.

1.4. The period for wearing uniforms is the period established by the security standards, during which the item must be used for its intended purpose. The time spent storing uniforms in warehouses does not count toward the wear period. Uniforms are not issued, and the periods for wearing them are not calculated during the period of removal of a prosecutor's employee from office in the prescribed manner and when the prosecutor's employee is on maternity leave, parental leave, as well as when a prosecutor's employee who has adopted a child is on leave. specified holidays.

The period for wearing (operating) items of uniform by a prosecutor's employee of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office is calculated from the date the employee has the right to receive them.

When transferring a prosecutor's employee to serve in another prosecutor's office, the period of wearing and the date of first issue of uniforms are taken into account on the basis of a certificate issued by the financial body of the prosecutor's office, which reflects the quantity and timing of the received uniforms for each item. For information, it is indicated whether the employee was paid the cost of sewing uniforms in the current year, and also the date of assignment of the first class rank or the date of entry into service in the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office is given.

1.5. In order to timely and uninterrupted supply Prosecutor's employees with uniform items established a standard for the carryover stock of uniform items for prosecutor's employees of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office in the amount of 10 percent of the annual consumption of this uniform.

1.6. Providing uniforms for prosecutorial employees for personal use can be primary and subsequent. Primary support is provided in case of assignment of the first class rank. At the same time, all uniform items required by security standards are issued. Subsequent provision is carried out by issuing individual items of uniform to prosecutors whose wear period has expired.

1.7. In the event that new items of uniform are introduced into the provision standards or changes are made to the description of existing items of uniform, their issuance to prosecutorial employees is carried out taking into account the wearing time of previously issued corresponding items of uniform and after the remaining items of uniform have been completely used up.

1.8. Materials issued from the warehouse for use cannot be returned or exchanged, and uniform items can be replaced with items of the same name within 10 working days.

1.9. It is allowed to tailor uniform items to individual orders for prosecutors who have the class ranks of full-time state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of classes 1, 2 and 3. Tailoring of uniforms according to individual orders for other prosecutorial employees is carried out in case of discrepancy between anthropometric data standard sizes with the permission of the head of the relevant body and organization of the prosecutor's office, as well as preliminary approval of the issue of individual tailoring with the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office.

Payment of compensation for sewing uniform items is carried out in the manner established by the organizational and administrative documents of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. The basis for payment of compensation for sewing uniform items from issued materials is a receipt (invoice) from the studio, certified by a seal, or a receipt individual entrepreneur, as well as written consent (permission) of the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office.

1.10. Advance payments for personal tailoring for individual orders are not permitted.

1.11. Tailoring of uniform items for individual orders is carried out within a year from the date of issue of materials.

1.12. When organizing centralized tailoring of uniform items, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation concludes a state contract.

1.13. When assigning the next class ranks, prosecutorial employees are provided with uniform items in accordance with the assigned class ranks, and in the case of assignment of the class ranks of junior counselor of justice or state counselor of justice of the 3rd class, they are given uniform items taking into account the assigned class ranks and security standards, regardless of the date previous issue.

1.14. Cash compensation in lieu of the required uniform is issued for the last calendar year of service upon dismissal of prosecutorial employees entitled to a pension for length of service, upon dismissal, upon reaching age limit being in service, for disability and health reasons, as well as in connection with organizational and staffing measures in the amount of the cost of these items. Compensation is paid for items of uniform, the right to receive which has arisen in accordance with applicable standards and deadlines. The amount of compensation is established by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation based on the cost of uniform items stipulated by the current government contract.

1.15. Upon dismissal of prosecutorial employees from bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office, at will, for violation of the Prosecutor's Oath, as well as for committing offenses that discredit the honor of a prosecutor's employee, no monetary compensation is paid.

2. Description of uniform items and insignia

Uniform items for prosecutors include:

2.1. Uniforms, including:

long leather jacket, black, insulated, with a turn-down removable collar made of black sheepskin (for men and women with the class ranks of full-time state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes, - from purebred gray astrakhan fur), with a removable lining , with shoulder straps (with a widened belt loop);

a dark blue raincoat, double-breasted, with a belt (for men - without a belt), with a turn-down collar at the stand and lapels, with shoulder straps with removable muffs;

jacket made of blue woolen fabric, lined, with a detachable belt, with a zipper on the side, with a turn-down collar, with belt loops in the shoulder area for removable shoulder straps, with detachable shoulder straps;

jacket (for women - a jacket) ceremonial double-breasted made of white woolen fabric on a lining, with an offset side fastening on uniform buttons and finishing uniform buttons, with a turn-down collar, with sewing and shoulder straps (intended for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice 1 , 2nd and 3rd grades);

jacket (for women - a jacket) double-breasted from blue wool fabric on a lining, with an offset side fastening on uniform buttons and finishing uniform buttons, with a turn-down collar and lapels, dark green piping along the cuffs and collar, with metallic embroidery at the corners of the collar golden thread (for an active state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes - with sewing), with sewn shoulder straps (for an active state councilor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes, senior advisers of justice, advisers of justice and junior justice advisers);

jacket (for women - a jacket) single-breasted from blue wool fabric with a lining, with a side fastening with uniform buttons, with a turn-down collar and lapels, a dark green piping along the collar, with embroidery at the corners of the collar with metallic golden thread, with sewn shoulder straps (intended for lawyers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes and junior lawyers);

men's trousers made of blue woolen fabric, lined, straight, untucked, with a belt, with piping (for an active state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes - with piping and stripes) dark green on the side seams;

men's trousers made of lightweight blue wool fabric, lined, straight, untucked, with a belt, with piping (for an active state councilor of justice, state councilor of justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes - with piping and stripes) dark green on the side seams;

skirt made of blue wool fabric, lined, straight cut, belted, with a vent at the back;

shirt (for women - blouse) uniform blue (white) with long (short) sleeves, with a belt or straight, with top patch pockets (for women - with a top patch pocket), with a side button fastener (for women - with an inside side button fastening), turn-down collar, with belt loops in the shoulder area for removable shoulder straps, with shoulder straps;

black leather trouser belt with metal buckle;

gray wool muffler;

black leather gloves, lined;

a "regatta" tie (for women - a bow tie) of a dark blue color, fastened with an elastic band and metal fittings attached to it.

2.2. Headwear, including:

a fur hat made of black leather and black sheepskin with a visor and a cockade (for men who have the class ranks of an active state counselor of justice, state advisers of justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes - a gray astrakhan fur hat with a cockade, for women who have class ranks of active state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes, - a fur hat made of gray astrakhan fur with a cockade);

uniform ceremonial cap made of white woolen fabric, with a black lacquered visor, with a black cloth band, dark green piping, with a braided cord, cockade and sewing (intended for men who have the class ranks of an actual state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice 1, 2 and 3 classes);

uniform cap made of blue woolen fabric, with a black lacquered visor, with a black cloth band, dark green piping, with a braided cord, a cockade and a golden emblem (for men with the class ranks of an actual state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice 1, 2 and 3 classes, - with cockade and sewing). For women - a blue felt hat without a brim with a cockade (for women who have the class ranks of an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes - a blue felt hat without a brim with a cockade and sewing).

2.3. Shoes, including:

low shoes (for women - shoes) black leather;

ankle boots (for women - boots) insulated black leather, with a zipper on the inside boots

2.4. Shoulder straps, including:

sewn shoulder straps with a field of blue (white) color on a jacket, without an emblem, in the form of an elongated quadrangle with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular and the upper ends cut off acute angle. The edges of the shoulder straps, except for the bottom ones, are edged with dark green cloth (for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes);

shoulder straps are removable for a jacket and a raincoat with a wide belt loop, with an emblem in the form of an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper end ends with a cut off obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge, with a through cut in the middle in the upper part of the shoulder strap ( for an actual state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes);

removable shoulder straps with a field of blue (white) color for the shirt, with a strap, with an emblem in the form of an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper ends with a cut off obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge, with a through perforation in the middle at the top of the shoulder strap (for an actual state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes);

sewn shoulder straps with a blue field, with one (two) dark green gap in the form of an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper ends with a cut obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge, with a through cut in the middle in the top of the shoulder strap. The edges of the shoulder straps, except for the bottom, are edged with dark green cloth;

removable shoulder straps with a wide belt loop, with a blue field, with one (two) dark green gap in the form of an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper ends with a cut obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge, with a through cut in the middle at the top of the shoulder strap. The edges of the shoulder straps, except for the bottom, are edged with dark green cloth;

removable shoulder straps with a strap, with a blue field, with one (two) dark green gap in the form of an elongated hexagon with parallel long sides, the lower end of which is rectangular, and the upper ends with a cut obtuse angle with the cut side parallel to the lower edge, with a through with a notch in the middle at the top of the shoulder strap. The edges of the shoulder straps, except for the bottom, are edged with dark green cloth.

Sewn shoulder straps are intended for jackets and jackets, removable shoulder straps with a wide belt loop are for leather jackets, removable shoulder straps with a strap are for woolen jackets, shirts and blouses. Raincoats are made with shoulder straps.

2.5. Insignia and accessories:

metal emblems of golden color, 26 millimeters high and 16 millimeters wide (lapel insignia), stamped, in the form of a shield superimposed on 2 crossed swords without sheaths, located with the tips down. In the center reverse side there is a device for attaching to clothing and shoulder straps in the form of a clasp;

metal emblems of golden color, 16 millimeters high and 13 millimeters wide (lapel insignia), stamped, in the form of a shield superimposed on two crossed swords without sheaths, located with the tips down. In the center of the reverse side there is a device for attaching to clothing and shoulder straps in the form of a clasp;

metal stars of golden color with a diameter of 20 millimeters, stamped, in the form of a five-pointed star, the upper front part is convex with relief stripes, in the center of the reverse side there is a device for attaching to shoulder straps in the form of a clasp;

metal stars of golden color with a diameter of 13 millimeters, stamped, in the form of a five-pointed star, the upper front part is convex with relief stripes, in the center of the reverse side there is a device for attaching to shoulder straps in the form of a clasp.

3. Dress code, procedure and rules for wearing uniforms of prosecutors

3.1. A set of winter uniform items for men, for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes:

a gray astrakhan fur hat with a cockade (it is allowed to wear blue and white caps);

black leather jacket with shoulder straps, with a detachable gray astrakhan collar (when wearing a cap - fur collar comes unfastened);

jacket with a zipper made of woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

double-breasted jacket made of blue wool fabric with sewing and shoulder straps (used for official protocol events, as well as for everyday wear);

double-breasted formal jacket made of white wool fabric with embroidery and shoulder straps (used only for official protocol events);

blue wool trousers with dark green piping and stripes;

insulated black ankle boots;

gray wool muffler;

dark blue tie;

trouser belt

3.2. A set of women's winter uniform items, for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes:

a gray astrakhan fur hat with a cockade (it is allowed to wear a blue felt hat with a cockade and sewing);

black leather jacket with shoulder straps, with a detachable gray astrakhan collar (when wearing a felt hat, the fur collar is detachable);

double-breasted jacket made of blue wool fabric with sewing and shoulder straps (used for official protocol events and for everyday wear);

a blue (white) blouse with long sleeves, with shoulder straps (a white blouse is used for official protocol events);

gray wool muffler;

black leather gloves;

3.3. A set of summer uniform items for men, for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes:

white ceremonial cap with a black band and dark green piping, with a cockade and embroidery (worn only with a ceremonial white jacket and white shirt);

a blue cap with a black band and dark green piping, with a cockade and embroidery (worn only with a blue jacket, white and blue shirt);

a jacket with a zipper made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

double-breasted formal jacket made of white wool fabric with embroidery and shoulder straps;

double-breasted jacket made of blue wool with embroidery and shoulder straps;

trousers made of blue wool with dark green piping and stripes (including trousers made of lightweight fabric);

a blue and white shirt with long sleeves (a white shirt is used for official protocol events);

trouser belt

3.4. A set of items of summer uniform for women, for an active state councilor of justice, state councilors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes:

blue felt hat with cockade and embroidery;

dark blue raincoat with shoulder straps;

a jacket with a zipper made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

double-breasted formal jacket made of white woolen fabric with embroidery and shoulder straps (used only for official protocol events);

double-breasted jacket made of blue wool with embroidery and shoulder straps;

skirt made of blue woolen fabric (including a skirt made of lightweight fabric);

a blue (white) blouse with long sleeves, with shoulder straps (a white blouse is used for official protocol events);

black leather shoes;

3.5. A set of winter uniform items for men, senior and middle personnel:

black leather jacket with shoulder straps, with a detachable black sheepskin collar (in accordance with weather conditions, a cap may be worn when worn);

jacket with a zipper made of woolen fabric (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

blue wool trousers with dark green piping;

a blue (white) shirt with long sleeves, with shoulder straps (a white shirt is used for official protocol events);

insulated leather ankle boots, black;

gray wool muffler;

black leather gloves;

dark blue tie;

trouser belt

3.6. A set of winter uniform items for women, senior and middle personnel:

black sheepskin fur hat with cockade;

black leather jacket with shoulder straps, with a detachable black sheepskin collar (when wearing a felt hat, the fur collar is detachable);

a jacket with a zipper made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

blue wool skirt;

a blue (white) blouse with long sleeves (a white blouse is used for official protocol events);

insulated black leather boots;

gray wool muffler;

black leather gloves;

dark blue bow tie.

3.7. A set of summer uniform items for men, senior and middle personnel:

a blue cap with a black band and dark green piping, with a cockade and emblem;

dark blue raincoat with shoulder straps;

a jacket with a zipper made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

a jacket made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (senior justice advisers, justice advisers, junior justice advisers wear a double-breasted jacket, lawyers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes wear a single-breasted jacket);

trousers made of blue wool with dark green piping (including trousers made of lightweight fabric);

a blue (white) shirt with long and short sleeves (a white shirt is used for official protocol events);

blue (white) shirt with short sleeves, with shoulder straps (used only in summer time year in accordance with weather conditions, worn without a tie);

black leather low shoes;

a dark blue tie (when wearing short-sleeved shirts, the tie is not worn);

trouser belt

3.8. A set of summer uniform items for women, senior and middle personnel:

blue felt hat with cockade;

dark blue raincoat;

a jacket with a zipper made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (used for everyday wear, not for protocol and official events);

a jacket made of blue woolen fabric with shoulder straps (senior justice advisers, justice advisers, junior justice advisers wear a double-breasted jacket, lawyers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes wear a single-breasted jacket);

skirt made of blue woolen fabric (including lightweight fabric);

a blue (white) blouse with long and short sleeves (a white blouse is used for official protocol events);

a blue (white) blouse with short sleeves, with shoulder straps (used only in the summer season in accordance with weather conditions, worn without a tie);

black leather shoes;

dark blue bow tie (when wearing blouses with short sleeves, the bow tie is not worn).

4. Rank insignia and wearing rules

4.1. Patch shoulder straps of an active state adviser of justice, state advisers of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes.

The gilded State Emblem of the Russian Federation with a height of 30 mm is embroidered on the field of the shoulder strap of an active state counselor of justice; below it is a gilded five-pointed convex star with a diameter of 30 mm. 7 rays are embroidered between the edges of the star. The center of the star is located at a distance of 45 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap. The distance between the centers of the coat of arms and the star on sewn shoulder straps is 55 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 1st class State Counselor of Justice, in the middle along the shoulder strap, the gilded emblem of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is embroidered, below it are three gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 25 mm each. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the bottom star is 25 mm. The distance between the stars is 25 mm. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the emblem is 105 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 2nd class State Counselor of Justice, in the middle along the shoulder strap, the gilded emblem of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is embroidered, below it are two gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 25 mm each. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the bottom star is 25 mm. The distance between the stars is 25 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 3rd class State Counselor of Justice, in the middle along the shoulder strap, the gilded emblem of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is embroidered, below it is one gilded five-pointed convex star with a diameter of 25 mm. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star is 45 mm.

4.2. Shoulder straps for senior justice advisers, justice advisers and junior justice advisers.

The shoulder straps are made of blue galloon with two dark green gaps and have edging on the sides and top sides of dark green cloth, which goes into the lower part of the shoulder strap.

On the shoulder strap of the senior justice adviser are attached three gilded five pointed stars with a diameter of 20 mm, two stars are located parallel on the gaps at a distance of 25 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star and one between the gaps in the middle of the shoulder strap. The distance between the centers of the stars is 25 mm.

Two gilded five-pointed stars with a diameter of 20 mm are attached to the field of the shoulder strap of the adviser of justice; the stars are located parallel to the gaps of the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of each star is 25 mm. The distance between the centers of the stars is 25 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the junior justice adviser, one gilded five-pointed star with a diameter of 20 mm is attached, between the gaps in the middle of the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star is 45 mm.

4.3. Shoulder straps for lawyers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes.

The shoulder straps are made of blue braid with one dark green gap and have edging on the sides and top sides of dark green cloth, which goes into the lower part of the shoulder strap.

Four gilded five-pointed stars with a diameter of 13 mm are attached to the field of the shoulder strap of a 1st class lawyer, two stars are located in the gap along the shoulder strap and two in parallel on both sides of the gap at a distance of 25 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star. The distance between the centers of the stars vertically and horizontally is 25 mm.

Three gilded five-pointed stars with a diameter of 13 mm are attached to the field of the shoulder strap of a 2nd class lawyer, one star is located in the gap along the shoulder strap and two parallel on both sides of the gap at a distance of 25 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star. The distance between the centers of the stars vertically and horizontally is 25 mm.

On the field of the shoulder strap of a 3rd class lawyer, two gilded five-pointed stars with a diameter of 13 mm are attached, the stars are located parallel on both sides of the gap at a distance of 25 mm from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star.

4.4. Removable shoulder straps for active state counselor of justice, state counselors of justice of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes.

Shoulder straps are made of blue and white galun of a special weave without gaps.

On the field of the shoulder strap of an active state counselor of justice is embroidered the gilded State Emblem of the Russian Federation with a height of 30 mm and below it a gilded five-pointed convex star with a diameter of 30 mm. Seven rays are embroidered between the edges of the star. The star is located at a distance of 35 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap. The distance between the centers of the coat of arms and the star on the shoulder straps is 55 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 1st class State Counselor of Justice, three gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 25 mm each are embroidered in the middle along the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the bottom star is 25 mm. The distance between the stars is 25 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 2nd class State Counselor of Justice, two gilded five-pointed convex stars with a diameter of 25 mm each are embroidered in the middle along the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the bottom star is 25 mm. The distance between the stars is 25 mm.

On the shoulder strap of the 3rd class State Counselor of Justice, one five-pointed convex star with a diameter of 25 mm is embroidered in the middle of the shoulder strap. The distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the star is 45 mm.

5. The procedure for wearing awards on uniform items

5.1. Awards of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (badges, insignia and medals) on uniform items for prosecutors of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office are placed together with state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR, awards of other organizations, awards of foreign states.

5.2. Wearing state awards is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on state awards of the Russian Federation, statutes of orders of the Russian Federation, regulations on insignia of the Russian Federation, medals of the Russian Federation, honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve state award system of the Russian Federation".

5.3. State awards of the Russian Federation and awards of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation are worn on jackets and double-breasted jackets in white and blue, jackets and single-breasted jackets in blue.

5.4. Wearing awards of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2007 No. 393-k "On awards of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and the provisions on awards.

5.5. The order of wearing and placement of awards (award ribbons) is determined in the regulations on them. Breastplates and insignia of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation are worn on right side chest and in the presence of state awards of the Russian Federation, which are intended to be worn on the right side of the chest, are located after the badges "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation" and "Honored Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" in the sequence: badge "Honored Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", badge "For impeccable service in the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and the insignia "For loyalty to the law." Medals of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation are worn on the left side of the chest after the state awards of the Russian Federation, which are to be worn on the left side of the chest, in the sequence: medal "For interaction", medal "Veteran of the Prosecutor's Office", medal "Rudenko", medal "290 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia". If employees have other awards (except for state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR), medals, badges and insignia of other organizations are located below the awards of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.

5.6. Medals of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, intended to be worn on blocks, are placed horizontally in a row from left to right, from top to bottom in the order listed above. When wearing two or more medals, they are connected in a row onto a common block. In this case, no more than five medals (including state awards) can be placed on one block. Subsequent medals are placed on the second and subsequent blocks, located one below the other.

The medal blocks of the second row must go under the medals of the first row, while the upper edge of the blocks of the bottom row is placed 35 mm below the upper edge of the blocks of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order.

Awards of other organizations are placed after state awards of the Russian Federation, the USSR and awards of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.

5.7. State awards and medals of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, intended to be worn on stocks, are placed in the following order:

on jackets and double-breasted jackets in white and blue so that the upper edge of the medal block of the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner;

on jackets and single-breasted blue jackets so that the upper edge of the medal block of the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

5.8. Ribbons of state awards, medals of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and other organizations are placed on the bars:

on double-breasted jackets in white and blue and double-breasted jackets in white and blue so that the upper edge of the medal block of the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner;

on single-breasted blue jackets, single-breasted jackets so that the upper edge of the medal block of the first row is located 90 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

Wearing ribbons of orders and medals together with the insignia of the corresponding orders and medals is not allowed.

5.9. Ribbons of state awards, medals of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and other organizations on the straps are arranged horizontally in a row from top to bottom from the center of the chest to the edge. There should be no more than five ribbons on the slats in a row. Ribbons that do not fit into one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows and are positioned symmetrically relative to the middle of the full previous row.

5.10. The badges of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation are placed on the right side of the chest.

5.11. The badges of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation are arranged horizontally in a row from left to right from the center of the chest to the edge. The distance between characters is 5 mm. The total number of badges in a row should not exceed three.

5.12. Wearing a badge of graduation from an educational organization is mandatory. If the employee has two or more completion signs educational organizations Professional education only wears one badge, which is located after the departmental badges and insignia.

5.13. Wearing state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR, awards of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation and other organizations on other items of uniform, as well as wearing awards and signs of public and religious organizations (associations) and signs not approved in the prescribed manner is prohibited.

6. The procedure for creating the need for uniforms. Deadlines and procedure for submitting application reports and specifications by bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office

6.1. In order to create a unified need for uniforms for the planned (next to the current) year, bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office submit reports, applications and specifications for uniforms of established samples to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The application report and specification of uniforms for bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office are submitted to the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office before November 1 of the current year.

6.3. The form, date and procedure for submitting the application report and specifications are established by the Main Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Bodies and Organizations of the Prosecutor's Office.

6.4. The application report and specification of uniform items for the planned (next to the current) year are submitted annually to in electronic format. A certified document must also be submitted electronic form the first page (APPROVED) of the application report and specification with the signature of the prosecutor (supervising deputy prosecutor), chief (supervising deputy chief) or rector (supervising vice-rector). Sending printed forms of the application report and specifications by mail is not required.

6.5. When calculating the need for uniforms for the planned year, it is necessary to be guided by paragraph 8 of the Rules for providing uniforms to prosecutorial workers of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2016 No. 855 "On uniforms of prosecutorial workers of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation Federation", in terms of individual tailoring of uniforms, as well as standards for provision and terms of wearing items of uniforms.

7. Acceptance of uniform items according to quality

7.1. Acceptance of uniforms in terms of quality, completeness and compliance with the declared size data is carried out by a commission formed by the heads of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office, based on an application from the supplier or a freight forwarding company that delivers products to the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office.

7.2. Acceptance of uniforms in terms of quality, completeness and compliance with the declared size data is carried out in accordance with the technical descriptions of uniform items in the government contract; if necessary, the supplier may be asked for documents confirming information about the manufacturer of the goods, its legal address and the country of origin of the goods. If necessary, and by agreement of the parties, certificates (declarations) of conformity, as well as protocols and other documents for materials used in the production of finished products, may be requested.

7.3. Acceptance of uniforms in terms of quality, completeness and compliance with the stated size data is carried out on a commission basis, within three working days from the date of receipt of the goods to the recipient.

7.4. The quality and characteristics of the supplied uniform items must meet the requirements of government contracts. Uniform items that do not meet the requirements of government contracts are considered undelivered and are accepted for safekeeping upon delivery by a freight forwarding company or returned to the supplier upon delivery by the supplier's vehicles.

7.5. Identification and elimination of deficiencies, documenting the fact of delivery of low-quality uniforms, as well as the presentation of penalties are carried out in accordance with the terms of the current government contract.

7.6. If necessary, selective acceptance of uniform items is carried out based on quality and completeness with the distribution of the acceptance results to the entire batch. In this case, the customer or an authorized person has the right to make claims to the supplier in relation to the entire batch or part of the batch if, during the complete acceptance of the batch of uniform items, deficiencies are identified that were not identified during selective acceptance.

7.7. Quality acceptance of uniforms is carried out using the organoleptic method in accordance with technical descriptions of uniform items, samples approved for delivery, as well as other regulatory and technical documentation applied to delivery.

7.8. If it is necessary to carry out quality acceptance or if controversial issues arise, the recipient of the property has the right to request from the supplier a sample approved by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation as a guideline for delivery under the concluded government contract.

7.9. In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs,” when assessing the compliance of the supplied goods with the requirements of the state contract, the recipient may conduct an examination. The examination can be carried out by the recipient on its own or with the involvement of experts and expert organizations. When involving expert organizations (experts), the recipient notifies the supplier about the date and place of the examination, as well as about the expert organization (expert) carrying out the examination. Upon the need to conduct an examination or involve an expert organization (expert), the recipient informs the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation about the expected date of the examination and its cost.

7.10. When accepting uniforms, recipients are guided by the Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quantity, approved by Resolution of the USSR State Arbitration Court of June 15, 1965 No. P-6, and the Instructions on the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods consumption by quality, approved by Resolution of the USSR State Arbitration Court of April 25, 1966 No. P-7.

8. The procedure for budget accounting of uniforms

8.1. In accordance with the Instructions for the use of the Unified Chart of Accounts accounting for public authorities ( government agencies), local government bodies, state government bodies off-budget funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n, and the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for Budget Accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 6, 2010 No. 162n (hereinafter referred to as Instruction 162n ), uniforms are taken into account on account 1.10535.000 "Soft inventory" in the part inventories in the warehouse, as well as in off-balance sheet account 27 “Material assets issued for personal use to employees (employees)” in terms of clothing provided to employees.

8.2. Reflection in budget accounting of transactions of receipt and issue of uniforms is carried out by bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office using the correspondence of accounts defined in Section 1 of Appendix No. 2 to Instruction 162n and in Appendix No. 3 "Instructions for reflecting the facts of economic life and correspondence of budget accounting accounts" to the departmental accounting policy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2016 No. 86r/10.

8.3. Providing bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office with uniform items is carried out by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation centrally, taking into account the requirements of section 6 of Instruction 162n and Appendix No. 5 "Procedure for accounting for operations for the centralized supply of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office with material assets" to the departmental accounting policy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2016 No. 86r/10. In operations related to centralized procurement material assets, The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation acts as the customer, and the prosecutor's office is the consignee.

Based on the supporting documents received from the supplier for the material assets sent to the consignees, the customer, represented by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, sends a notice to the prosecutor's office (consignee) (f. 0504805).

The notice is sent to the consignee in two copies, accompanied by copies of delivery notes and (or) acceptance certificates (with object-by-object descriptions of the transferred property in the context of consignees) of the supplier for material assets sent to the prosecutor's office. To ensure timely reflection of the facts of economic life in budget accounting and ensure the consolidation of interrelated indicators in budget reporting when organizing document flow between the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the bodies (organizations) of the prosecutor's office, additional provision is made for the transfer of documents (notices) and transactions for intradepartmental settlements in electronic form using telecommunications communication channels.

The prosecutor's office (consignee), upon receipt of two copies of the notice and copies of the supplier's documents about sending material assets to his address, controls their receipt and informs the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (customer) about the posting of material assets and their reflection in budget accounting, while a message is sent to the customer second copy of the notice.

8.4. The posting of uniforms is reflected in the budget accounting registers based on primary documents(notices, supplier invoices, etc.) with mandatory registration receipt order for acceptance of material assets (non-financial assets) (f. 0504207).

If there is a quantitative and (or) qualitative discrepancy, as well as a discrepancy between the range of accepted material assets and the accompanying documents of the sender (supplier), the institution’s commission for the receipt and disposal of assets draws up an act of acceptance of materials (material assets) (f. 0504220).

Accounting for the receipt of uniforms is carried out at actual cost.

8.5. Accounting for uniforms by materially responsible persons (in the warehouse) is kept in a material assets accounting card (f. 0504043) or a material assets accounting book (f. 0504042).

8.6. Accounting for uniform items issued for personal use to an employee is kept by name and quantity of items issued for each recipient in the card (book) recording the issuance of property for use (f. 0504206). Accounting is carried out on off-balance sheet account 27 at the book value of soft inventory, taking into account the requirements of Appendix No. 7 "Instructions for maintaining off-balance sheet accounting in bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office" to the departmental accounting policy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2016. No. 86r/10.

Write-offs from off-balance sheet accounting are carried out on the basis of primary accounting documents after the expiration of the established period for wearing uniforms at the cost at which the items were previously accepted for off-balance sheet accounting.

8.7. The issuance of new uniform items is carried out after the expiration of the wearing period of previously issued uniforms and write-off from off-balance sheet accounting.

8.8. Accounting for operations on the issuance and movement of uniforms is kept in the journal of operations on the disposal and movement of non-financial assets (f. 0504071).

8.9. Returning items and materials of uniforms to the financially responsible person (to the warehouse) after issue is not permitted.

8.10. Inventory of uniform items and materials is carried out by bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

8.11. Marking of uniforms is not carried out, with the exception of fabric from the financially responsible person (in the warehouse), which is marked in rolls.

9. The procedure for writing off uniforms

9.1. When organizing the write-off of uniforms in case of unsuitability for further use for their intended purpose due to complete or partial loss of consumer properties or obsolescence, shortage and damage, liquidation due to an accident, natural disaster and others emergency situations bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office are guided by the order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2012 No. 70 "On approval of the procedure for approval by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation of the decision to write off federal property assigned to the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation with the right of operational management, taking into account subsequent changes" .

9.2. Write-off of uniform items from the balance sheet (account with simultaneous entry into off-balance sheet account 27 is carried out when issued to employees on the basis of the statement of issue of material assets for the needs of the institution (f. 0504210) or the act of writing off inventories (f. 0504230). If the issuance of inventories is carried out on the basis of documents approved by the head of the body and organization of the prosecutor's office, these documents (for example, invoice requirements) are attached to the act of writing off inventories.

Uniforms are written off from the balance sheet account at the average actual cost. The assessment of material inventories at the average actual cost is carried out for each item of uniform item by dividing the actual cost of the item of material inventories by the quantity.

10. Procedure for storing uniforms

10.1. Uniforms and warm clothes are stored on racks in factory packaging, placed in packaging bags, boxes, crates or bundles.

Sewing products from which packs, boxes, boxes are assembled must be of the same article, grade, material, and uniforms, in addition, are assembled according to size and height.

Packages should be as uniform in length, width and height as possible. The packs are tightly tied with braid, cord, twine, etc. The packaging must ensure safety appearance sewing products.

10.2. Raincoats are laid back down. The left half is placed on the right, matching the half-skid lines. The sleeves are straightened and laid along the product. Then the product is folded across with the back inward and placed in boxes of 10 pieces.

10.3. Blazers and jackets are laid back down, the left shelf is placed on the right, and the flaps of the side pockets should be completely located on the front of the products. The sleeves are placed on shelves along the product. Then the product is folded across, along the waist line, with the shelves inward. Five sets are placed in cardboard boxes.

10.4. The trousers are folded along the ironed folds, matching the crotch seams, and folded across. Placed in boxes or cardboard boxes of 50 pcs.

10.5. Skirts are folded in half lengthwise with the front panel facing inward, folded across and placed in packs of 10 pieces. The bundles are tied crosswise. Four packs are placed in a packaging bag.

10.6. Fur hats are stored in boxes or cardboard boxes.

10.7. Caps (hats) are stored in boxes with partitions or on special cage racks. Caps are placed in boxes or cardboard boxes of 36 pieces.

10.8. Hats are placed in round cardboard boxes and stored on racks.

10.9. Jackets are zipped and laid with the front down, the sides from the shoulder seams to the bottom are folded and laid on the back. The sleeves are straightened and laid along the back. The product is folded across towards the back and placed in packs of 10 pieces. The bundles are tied crosswise. Three packs are placed in a packaging bag.

10.10. Shirts and blouses are buttoned and laid with the front down, the sides from the shoulder seams to the bottom are folded over and folded onto the back. The sleeves are straightened and laid along the back. The product is folded across the middle towards the back and placed in a plastic bag. Ten products are placed in a cardboard box.

10.11. Ties (bow ties) are packaged flat and placed in packs of 50 pieces. The packs are placed in cardboard boxes.

10.12. The shoulder straps (each pair) are folded with the front side inward and wrapped in paper. Shoulder straps are placed in packs of 10 pairs and tied in two places, and then in packs of 50 pairs and also tied in two places. The packs are wrapped in thick paper and packed in boxes of 500 pairs.

10.13. Warehouses also allow storage of property in original packaging.

10.14. Caps (hats) and shirts (blouses) are stored in racks.

10.15. Items of uniform for state justice advisers, as well as all leather jackets, are stored only hanging on hangers in closed cabinet-type racks. Products are hung on hangers as a set or individually.

10.16. If there are a sufficient number of cabinet-type shelves or floor hangers, all woolen uniforms are stored on them, hung on hangers.

10.17. Leather shoes (boots, ankle boots, shoes, low shoes) are stored sorted by type, type and category, size and completeness, and also depending on the material from which they are made. Shoes are stored in factory-made cardboard boxes, which are placed on racks in stacks no more than 1 m high.

10.18. It is allowed to store leather shoes in their original packaging.

10.19. Belts are stored on racks sorted by type, category, and height.

10.20. Leather gloves are stored sorted by size, placed in racks. Gloves are stacked in packs of 10 pairs.

Document overview

Presented new instructions on the provision of uniforms to prosecutors of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office, on the procedure for wearing, recording, storing and issuing them. Let us remind you that general rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (resolution dated August 27, 2016 N 855).

A description of clothing items and insignia is given, and wearing periods are established. Monetary compensation is provided in exchange for the required uniform. The issues of wearing awards have been resolved.

The rules for storing and writing off items are established.

The previous instruction was declared invalid.

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