Composition-description of the painting March sun of Yuon (grade 8). Description of the painting by K.F. Yuona "The March sun The history of the creation of the painting by Yuon the March sun

March sun

March ... The month of the year when winter is slowly losing its power, and spring comes into legal rights. This time of year was portrayed by the famous Russian artist Konstantin Yuon on his canvas "March Sun" in 1915.

The first glance at the painting creates a positive impression and a positive attitude. The whole space is brightly lit by the spring sun, which peeps out from the sometimes floating light white clouds. The bright blue sky betrays the coming spring. The ground and rooftops are still covered with snow, glistening like delicate diamond chips in the sun.

A pair of riders on black horses rides along a wide country road, past well-felled huts standing in a dense row. The riders are dressed in dark sheepskin coats, and on their heads they have hats matching the tone of their clothes. A little further off a two-colored horse is trudging, next to which a dog is running.

Along the road there are tall trees, which seem to touch the heavenly height with their tops. Branched birches merge with their whiteness with snowdrifts. In the snow, you can see a lot of footprints from the hooves, with which the path is trodden. The sun is already high above the horizon as trees and riders are already casting shadows. The painting depicts a small village, low, but beautiful houses can be seen both in the foreground and in the distance, behind the hill. The wide roofs of the houses are strewn with snow shimmering in the rays of the sun. The deserted street suggests that today is a day off, and all people, except for two occasional riders, are resting at home. The picture of awakening nature, not burdened with a large number of people, pleases the eye.

Konstantin Yuon's painting "The March Sun" bewitches and attracts. The snow still lies on the ground in a dense layer, but the approach of spring hovering in the air is already felt.

Description of the painting for grade 3

The March sun is so beautiful! It's still winter, but the sun is so bright. And joyful. The sun smiles. And horses are running along the snowy road. Children on them are also joyful. They all feel that spring is coming.

The sun will warm and melt all the snow. And under the snow, the grass is green! And flowers! Horses feel it. Horses of different colors: black, red, blonde ... And the dog is still there. She runs after them. Dogs run after everything that moves.

If in the spring you sit by the window in the sun, you can (close your eyes) imagine that it is summer. Here, too.

There are still pretty houses and trees in the picture. The trees are all big and beautiful! This is the edge of the village. The sky is bright and beautiful. Few white clouds. And also such shadows as flying saucers!

There are many shadows in the picture, that is, the sun is not at the top, but on the side. Here are the shadows from the trees, that is, the forest is hidden on the left. But we now know that he is there!

Composition on the picture March sun Yuona grade 8

In the works of K.F. Yuon, the theme of spring, natural revival is found on at least two canvases. One of them is "March Sun".

If not for the name, would the viewer be able to understand the artist's intention and see the image of springtime? I think I could. At first glance, it is difficult to notice not such a clear awakening of nature, but upon closer examination, everything falls into place. Even if there are no buds and leaves on the trees, but on the ground of thawed patches and streams, thanks to the bright sun that floods everything around, and the clear sky, we can easily guess the natural state.

Compositionally, the picture has three plans (like three spring months). On the far side, there is a village that has not yet woken up after the winter blizzards - there is snow on the roofs, the inhabitants are not visible and the path has not yet been beaten. The central plane allegorically reflects the gradual emergence, the breath of life in both animals and riders. They are like the central link connecting the sleepy village with the awakening nature. And the third plane, the closest to the viewer, is the trees reaching out for the light, perked up by their "spirit" and ready to be reborn with the arrival of warmth. Thus, the picture depicts three active "faces" - nature, animals and people, united in one impulse - to bring warm days closer as soon as possible.

The color scheme is laconic. One color fills the whole picture - subtle blue. Both snow and sky are shown in blue. The feeling of mirroring is created. As if the sky "looks" at its own reflection on the ground. Blue is a color that is pleasing to the eye, inspiring hope. The houses, although they have facades of different colors, are all covered with snow and have become virtually one whole. What can not be said about nature - even birch trees each have their own individual shapes and shades. Everything in nature is unique and this is its charm.

As for the animals and people depicted by the artist, here the color component fades into the background, since it was important for the author to show the dynamics. Horses are depicted in motion - we can see this by the fluttering manes and by lagging behind the small procession of the foal. The dynamics ends with a dog barking after the stallion, trying to fit, to notify everyone around about its joy from the coming of spring.

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Composition based on the painting: KF Yuona "March Sun".
March is a special month when spring is just coming into its own. Melted snow is still lying on the roadside. He basks in the rays of the March sun, laughs merrily - and imperceptibly melts. The trees are rejoicing at the arrival of spring, but they are not yet ready to acquire luxurious foliage. It's just that everyone understands that the March sun is a deceptive warmth that is not ready to please itself for a long time.
Yuon's painting "The March Sun" depicts horsemen who are quickly riding through the melted snow. A small dog runs next to the horses, constantly looking up. She is afraid to be left behind - and at the same time hopes for some kind of treat or encouragement.
The riders have recently left the village. This is evidenced by a fresh path from the footprints, which leaves in the direction of simple peasant houses. Although these houses can be called simple only conditionally, since they are decorated with patterns. I must say that the peasants showed a rich imagination when decorating their homes, so every peasant house was a real work of art.
A clear, cloudless sky is watching the village from above. It pleases with beauty and clarity, from which a feeling of lightness and serenity arises. Probably, because of this unusual sensation, the picture conquered me - and will remain in my memory for a long time.

Description of the painting by K.F. Yuona "March Sun".
The painting "March Sun", painted by KF Yuon in 1915, is one of the most famous in the work of the famous artist.
On this canvas, showing the viewer the native nature of the Moscow region, the peculiarities of Yuon's painting are especially fully embodied.
"March Sun" is a cheerful open-air landscape. The painter captured on the canvas that state of nature when the snowdrifts had not yet melted and the snow crunched under his boots, but in the bright blue sky, in the transparent air, there was already a barely perceptible feeling of spring warmth.
The trees seem to be drawn to the light pouring from the sky with their gnarled branches. The sun is still almost not warm, but brightly illuminates the roofs of wooden houses, spreading poplars, tall birches, creating a cheerful, upbeat mood.
An important part of the painting "The March Sun" is a genre scene. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine this landscape without these horses, a perky shaggy dog ​​and cheerful kids.
The painting "March Sun" develops the traditional landscape theme, giving it a new interpretation. The composition of the work is distinguished by its particular perfection. The intensity of color, decorativeness of the canvas does not exclude the feeling of vitality, reality, spatial depth.
The bright colors of the canvas - combinations of blue, gold, pink, lilac - help the painter to convey the feeling of the first spring warmth and light. All this together sets the theme of the landscape - the theme of the joyful and solemn awakening of nature.

"March sun".
Before us is the famous painting by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon - "The March Sun". This landscape reveals to us the joyful feeling of the imminent arrival of spring, although the whole earth is wrapped in a snow-white blanket of snow. White-faced birches, gathered in a circle, are eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring, which will give them bright green, new clothes. And old hornbeams, meandering, slowly stretch their heavy branches to the sunlight. March rays gilded and dazzled rooftops and bare tree tops. Carved country houses, bending a little, expose their sides to the warm March sun, knowing for sure that, although the warmth is deceiving, spring will soon come into its own.
On a country road riders are riding - village children. Who knows, maybe on behalf of one of the parents, or maybe saddled horses without asking. Snow clearly leaves traces of horse hooves and it seems as if we hear the crackling of snow crusts. The peasant children have just left the village. We see a black dog barking happily behind us, playing with a bright red foal that has strayed from the courtyard, as if urging him to return home.
The sky is filled with a bright azure color, because of this, the canvas acquires an incredible brightness of colors! Transparent snow-white clouds slowly float after the children, as if seeing off the little riders. A vigorous spring spirit hangs in the air, the whole picture is thoroughly penetrated by it. I would like to breathe deeply the creaky frosty March air! Soon, very soon, streams will flow from the village roofs, birds will happily chirp in all voices, the first buds will cut through the trees and the real, long-awaited spring will come!

Composition based on the painting by K.F. Yuona "March Sun"

The painting "March Sun" was painted by K. F. Yuon in 1915. It depicts the Moscow region, the artist's native places.

The painting depicts one of the first days of spring. We see village houses, trees looking upward, boys rejoicing in the rays of the spring sun. There is still snow on the ground, but "spring is already asking for the soul." Snow is dazzling blue, pearl, sparkling, crisp. The sun joyfully plays on it with its rays, while long dull shadows stretch from the trees. The sky here practically merges with the ground. It is also pale blue, very clean, ringing, almost without clouds. In the foreground, we see village boys galloping along the path on horses. They have fun talking to each other. Old mighty trees grow to the side of the path. Their powerful crowns are directed straight into the sky.

In the background are village houses. There is still snow on their roofs. Birches grow nearby. The dog and the foal play merrily near the master's houses.

The picture leaves a joyful feeling of spring, sun, warmth.

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  • composition based on the painting the March sun
  • composition based on Yuon's painting the March sun
  • composition based on the painting by kf yuon the march sun

Description of the painting by Yuon "March sun"

Yuon loved to paint sunny landscapes, and this picture was no exception.
The canvas "March Sun" depicts a warm day in an ordinary village.
Although March is considered the month of spring, it is still winter on our streets.
The snow is just beginning to melt a little, and the sun gives its warmth.
The sky becomes somehow light and weightless, not at all like in winter, when it is cloudy and heavy.

Here are horses with young riders walking along a trampled path.
Snow crunches under their hooves, melting in the sun.
They are followed by another horse, next to which is a black dog.
She tries to play with the horse, yapping at it with glee.
Tall trees line the path, stretching up towards the clear blue sky.
Thin birches expose their branches to the sun, trying to keep warm after a long winter.
The snow will melt very soon, and they will regain a new life, spreading the leaves.

On the hillock one can see houses, the roofs of which are still covered with a snow cap.
The houses are cozy and warm, although on the street, despite the drifts, the spring sun warms so pleasantly.
Except for animals and children, there is no one to see.
Everyone is busy with their own business.
Although along the path it can be assumed that quite recently, literally in front of the young riders, other horses galloped.
The path is trodden, and therefore it is easy for the guys to control the horses, directing them where necessary.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a winter landscape.
The snow sparkles and shimmers under the sun's rays, but one feels that the sun is already warm, springtime.
The snowdrifts seem to be covered with a melted crust and very soon the long-awaited streams will run.
Nature wakes up from hibernation, and spring comes into its own.
Yuon surprisingly accurately conveyed both the warmth of the sun and the spring translucent weightless sky, along which small air clouds float.

Before us is a picture of the Russian painter Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon "March Sun". Rectangular canvas painted in oil in 1915. The painting is dedicated to the beauty of the artist's native land. Yuon depicted a rural landscape in the suburbs. The picture shows early spring. The canvas is bathed in warm sun.

In the center of the picture are two riders on horseback. If you look closely, these are young, cheerful boys. The guys are dressed in black sheepskin coats and dark hats. One rides on a chestnut horse, the other on a red one. Horsemen ride the well-trodden road on the outskirts of the village. A bay foal gallops behind them, urged on by a small black dog with its barking. Her tail wags merrily. Having survived a long winter, the guys can't wait to race.

Tall, bare trees look majestic against the turquoise sky. Slender birches stand in a circle, whispering like girlfriends. Perennial hornbeams widely and fancifully spread their heavy branches. The clear high sky is flooded with light. Cumulus clouds give the painting a soft feel. The clear air smells like thawed spring.

The roofs of houses covered with snow are visible in the background. The village houses are in a straight line along the street. The street is deserted. Settled snow covers the ground. The ice crust sparkles in the sun. Trails and notches are visible in the snow. A little more of these sunny days, and nature will begin to awaken from winter.

The compositional center of the picture unites nature, people and animals. The village is spacious, at ease. The low-horizon composition creates a monumental canvas impression. The trees seem to touch the sky. The juxtaposition of large trees and small horses enhances the expressiveness of the picture. Dark horses on a white background draw attention to themselves. The rhythm in the composition is set by the horses: they walk at a brisk pace. In the snow there are shadows from riders and trees. The trunks of trees do not appear black: they are illuminated by rays. The bluish snow plain merges with the bright blue sky to create a unified background. In his work, Konstantin Fedorovich used rich colors.

The piece looks realistic. The idea of ​​the picture is to convey the beauty of Russian nature, freedom, the vastness of the Russian person.

The canvas evokes pleasant feelings, a smile, fills the heart with joy. The high March sun gives hope. The heart skips a beat in anticipation of spring.

The theme of spring, Yuon shone several paintings. They all inspire and delight.

Description 2

We see the work of Yuon "March Sun" on it depicts a spring day, most likely the beginning of the arrival of spring, when there is still snow on the ground. Winter still does not want to give up its place in spring, but spring is already eager to get it, fighting for warm weather. This painting is in the Tretyakov Gallery, and if possible, you can see it in its original version in it.

Wonderful weather, almost noon. There is still snow on the street, but a warm spring is already felt, a bright light is sparkling, from which the name of the picture was invented. In the foreground, you can see a couple of kids jumping on horses. The boys are still quite small, under them are as small horses as they are. But they behave proudly and confidently, boldly move forward. After them a large red cow and a dog dragged along, a black dog rages with a young cow standing next to it. Behind them, in the distance, you can see a small village, houses, the roofs of which are wrapped in blankets of snow. Apart from children and animals, there is no one else on the street. Therefore, the picture looks very quiet.

The main thing is to turn your gaze to the nearby trees. The author portrays them as very large and majestic, which makes you want to look at them and look at them. The birches on the composition are beautiful and delicate, their thin trunks still rise to the spring luminary. The birches have already removed the winter blanket from themselves and are waiting with hope for new green leaves to grow on their branches. There are other trees on the right, it is difficult to tell the name of this tree by their trunk. They also have their high trunks and branches, like ropes smoke in different turns.

This composition is filled with bright and sunshine, despite the fact that spring has just arrived, the sun is chasing more quickly to warm the icy land soaked in cold. To make small cheerful streams flow faster along it, fresh grass appeared, and flowers bloomed. In the sun, the snow sparkles in different shades of the rainbow, there are houses nearby and shadows emanate from them. The sky is no longer as cold and cloudy as in the frost season, it is very light and delicate, there are not even clouds on it. When creating a canvas, the artist takes more blue and white colors. The sky, snow, and trees are in these colors. The picture evokes good and kind emotions, pleases the beginning of the arrival of spring, brave boys who independently wanted to ride horses.

Yuon March sun - composition

Spring is the most magical and wonderful time of the year, when the snow melts and crystal-clear streams flow, when children run through puddles, and ringing drops begin. I really like this period and my favorite spring month can be safely called March. After all, it is at this time that the first, truly, bright sun appears, which will go with us until the beginning of the next long and gloomy winter. The sun constantly saturates us with its energy. If it were not for it, then we would not be able to exist, due to the lack of vitamin D and heat.

I really like the way the artists show the March weather, as it turns out very realistic and extraordinary! They transmit all the heat that emanates from the painting. My favorite landscape is "March Sun" by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon.

Konstantin Fedorovich is a Russian painter, author of landscape, theater artist and art theorist. He painted one of the most famous animated films of the Soviet era - "Kashtanka", as well as about 20 films.

The March Sun is one of the most popular landscapes of this writer. When you look at it, you are transported to 1915 - the year this picture was painted.

She is depicted in light blue colors. The bright sky gives the picture a positive mood, and the white clouds, like cotton wool, lightness. Thin white birches are drawn to the light, to the sun, to life. You can see that the path is not well trampled by animals and people, which is shown by the snow that fell that night.

Two riders on dark brown horses are riding along a country road. From their clothes, we can understand that it is quite cold outside. A horse and a dog walk behind them. The background depicts a village with small wooden houses. Their roofs are covered with glistening snow. On the windows of houses, you can see various trims, giving bright spots to the "white canvas".

But why is the painting called "The March Sun", even though it is not depicted in the landscape? But because even though the sun is not on the canvas, it is pronounced through the light blue sky. The whole picture seems to smell like spring.

This landscape managed to touch my heart. For the first time I see a picture in which winter rural nature is shown so vividly. She feels the joy of the long-awaited spring.

Composition 4

The artist Yuon, who actually painted the painting "March Sun", was born in the Moscow region, where he studied the art of depicting a landscape on canvas. He very often went out into the street as a child and simply copied everything he saw. Because of this passion, he became one of the best and most skillful landscape painters in Russia. He also very often went on long hikes to sketch this or that place, since he had very little that he had in his native village, however, even from those simple things that were in his village, he could make wonderful piece of art. An example of such a painting, inspired by simple phenomena, is his painting "The March Sun".

In this picture, we see, oddly enough, the genre characteristic of the author - a landscape. It depicts the author's native village, in the Moscow region, but this picture shows the sunrise, which adds color to the work. Bright combinations of orange and yellow create a rather strong impression of the entire emotional component of the picture, and therefore the person evaluating it will draw the most wonderful conclusions about it. The exposition itself depicts two horsemen, in a winter landscape, who are apparently going to collect brushwood in the forest in order to subsequently heat their homes. Also in the background we see huts typical of the architecture of that time. It can also be concluded from this that the author made the landscape of his native area, since he did not particularly like to travel anywhere, because he was an ardent couch potato and simply adored his country, and in particular his native village, in which he is also very often wrote his works.

It should also be noted the problematic of this work of art. In it, the author, most likely, did not try to express any burning topic, because it is simply a landscape of his own village. Most likely, through this picture, the author tried to express his love for the place where he was born, grew up, and lived all his life. Therefore, the work can be attributed to the works that in one way or another glorify their native country, causing the viewer to feel a sense of pride.

Thus, we have before us a work written by the hand of a wonderful landscape painter, who, without leaving his native village, painted almost all his life paintings that glorified his place of birth, including glorifying his country.


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