Essay on literature: the life of Peter Grinev in the fortress. Essay on the topic: “Belogorsk fortress in the life of Pyotr Grinev

When starting to analyze the image of Pyotr Grinev, the main character in the family chronicle, we should first of all pay attention to Grinev’s special place in the work. This is not only one of the main characters, but also the “author” of the notes, the narrator. Finally, behind the image of the narrator (the same Grinev in old age, in early XIX c.), “shines through” the face of the true author of the “notes”) - Pushkin. To some extent, in judgments about life, in the narrator’s relationship to events, a purely Pushkinian perception of reality will appear.

It is difficult, and it does not make sense, to deal with the question of what Grinev’s reasoning is before us. young hero novels, in which the real author is, but one should be aware of the complexity of the image of Grinev. It would be equally erroneous to identify Grinev’s views with Pushkin’s worldview (it is immeasurably more serious, more progressive, deeper; Grinev is very simple and limited), and to completely ignore in Grinev’s worldview some elements of Pushkin’s views on life (for example, in Grinev’s judgments about people, which he encounters in some judgments about Pugachev, in his assessments of the government camp of the fighting forces).

Let us also note that in the composition of Grinev’s image, from the very beginning of the narrative, the focus is on clarity and simplicity. Wait, a story about interesting and not quite ordinary adventures of youth. Lots of events, few thoughts. Psychology is transmitted through actions and actions. The actions and adventures are told very simply. This is how a grandfather tells his grandson about his experience. This simplicity and artlessness, however, is characteristic of Pushkin’s prose in general. When analyzing Grinev’s image, all this must be taken into account. And do not lose sight of the difference between two points of view on the events depicted: the point of view of the narrator and the point of view of Pushkin. Examples of measures will be indicated below.

Revealing the hero in successively developing life events, in actions, in relationships with people around him, leads us to a plan of analysis:

1) childhood and adolescence, the environment that raised the hero;

2) manifestation of character upon first entry into independent life;

3) attitude towards others during the period peaceful life in the Belogorsk fortress;

4) a love story for Marya Ivanovna and

5) history of relations with Pugachev (character develops and manifests itself fully and views on life are determined);

6) final generalization: the main personality traits of the hero, the typicality of the image, its place in the composition of the novel.

Speaking about Grinev’s childhood and youth, one should pay attention to the various influences that influenced him and shaped his personality. The father is a retired prime minister, a limited and powerful landowner and head of the family, at the same time he has a strict attitude towards moral issues, instills in his son a high understanding of issues of honor in the noble sense, he considers officer service not a means for establishing a career, but the duty of a nobleman before the state.

His discussions about St. Petersburg, about the promotion of his former comrades, smack of a certain opposition to the order established in areas close to the government and court. All this has an impact on my son. Little is said about Peter Grinev’s mother, but the appearance of a loving and caring woman, meek and gentle, emerges from the little that we learn about her. Its influence will be felt later, when the character of Pyotr Grinev begins to reveal itself.

The Frenchman Beaupré “was a hairdresser in his fatherland”; he was “discharged from Moscow along with a year’s supply of wine and Provençal oil.” The figure is colorful and quite typical, touching on a theme well known to students from “The Minor,” “I’m on Fire,” and “Eugene Onegin.”

A large place in the upbringing of Pyotr Grinev was obviously occupied by the serf uncle Savelich, an honest, intelligent and literate man, but, however, very limited. His image reflects the centuries-old slave position of courtyard servants. These are the people surrounding Pyotr Grinev. Petr Grinev's lifestyle in parental home typical of a noble undergrowth: “I lived as an undergrowth, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys.” “He’s done running around the girls’ rooms and climbing into dovecotes,” says the father. First steps independent life(episode with 3urine) reveal the traits of a developing personality. Students will easily understand them, remembering Grinev’s behavior. Here is the frivolity and rudeness of the landowner’s son towards the old devoted servant (“I am your master, and you are my servant”): at the same time, in an effort to give back the money, the debt, it would seem, is not very serious - a loss in a billiard game - we see a certain idea of ​​the need to keep one's word, of honesty. Following this is a cordial conversation and peace with Savelich, revealing the warmth and kindness in Grinev.

What does the story about his peaceful life in the Belogorsk fortress give for the development of Grinev’s image? Let us note that the Mironov family suited him perfectly: simplicity, good nature, modesty and unpretentiousness, cordiality and sincerity of relationships - all this cannot but affect Grinev. His mental demands are small, his attitude towards goes to service according to the formula “don’t ask for service; don’t talk yourself out of serving.”

Grinev is of little concern that “in the God-saved fortress there were no inspections, no exercises, no guards and that the only cannon was clogged with pebbles and rubbish. But in the subtext, the reader feels the attitude of the author of the novel to what is being described: the task of protecting the outskirts of a huge empire is poorly handled. This is one example of the presence of two angles of view in the depiction of reality. Having nothing better to do, Grinev reads French books taken from Shvabrin (it turns out that Beaupre also came in handy for something).

The nascent love for Masha Mironova evokes a desire for poetic pursuits. “My experiences were considerable for those times,” the narrator narrates, and gives an example: Destroying the thought of love, I strive to forget the beautiful... etc. The poems are bad. Pushkin took them from a collection published by neither. Novikov: “New and full meeting Russian songs", 1780 - 1781, slightly changing individual lines. One of the researchers notes: “The poem belongs to those that Pushkin in “The History of the Village of Goryukhin” described as composed by “soldiers, clerks and boyar servants.” As we can see, the hero’s mediocrity is repeatedly noted throughout the narrative. He does not amaze us with either a brilliant mind, or extraordinary aspirations, or strong passions. That's not his attraction.

The quarrel, and then the duel with Shvabrin, speaks of Grinev’s nobility: he stood up for the honor of a girl whose love for himself is still unknown. He was outraged by Shvabrin's vulgarity. Grinev’s love for Masha Mironova reveals what is valuable in his nature, and the vicissitudes of his struggle for happiness help these valuable traits to manifest and strengthen. We will not dwell on the episodes of Grinev’s love story, which reveal the positive aspects of his character, thanks to which he attracts the reader’s sympathy. Sincerity and directness, the ability to have deep and tender feelings, courage, fidelity in love - these are these traits.

Before the start of the trials that await two loving hearts, the novel notes the significance of his feeling for Grinev. Pugachev’s troops approached the Belogorsk fortress. Dangerous days are coming. It was decided to send Masha Mironov to Orenburg. After a tender farewell before parting, the narrator talks about his state of mind at that time: “I felt a great change in myself: the excitement of my soul was much less painful to me than the despondency in which I had recently been immersed. With the sadness of separation, vague but sweet hopes, an impatient expectation of danger, and feelings of noble ambition merged in me.” The narrator remarks about his state of mind during the long days of separation from his beloved: “The unknown about the fate of Marya Ivanovna tormented me most of all.” When a letter with news about Marya Ivanovna is finally received in besieged Orenburg, the narrator says: “After reading this letter, I almost went crazy.” A touching story is told about the union of lovers: “I grabbed her hand and for a long time could not utter a single word. We were both silent from the fullness of our hearts. Everything was forgotten."

Savelich takes a significant part in the love story of Grinev and Masha Mironova. The essence of this image gradually becomes clear to the reader: a serf servant, devoted to his beloved master, who has absorbed with his mother’s milk a psychology in which there is something slavish and base; Savelich at the same time is not devoid of feeling human dignity, which sounds both in his letter to Grinev’s father and in all his behavior. Moral servility in him is overcome by natural intelligence and humanity of feelings. Between him and Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, ties develop and strengthen, which are by no means covered by the relationship between servant and master. “You are my friend, Arkhip Savelich,” I told him. - Don’t refuse, be my benefactor... I won’t be calm if Marya Ivanovna goes on the road without you... I rely on you. Father and mother believe you: you will intercede for us, won’t you?” Image of Savelich ambiguous, complex.

It is useful to remember the old nanny Egorovna from Dubrovsky - Savelich has a lot in common with her character. Marya Ivanovna was sent with Savelich to Grinev’s parents. Now he recalls his duties as an officer: “I ... felt that a duty of honor required my presence in the army of the Empress.” Grinev remains in Zurin’s detachment. Then - arrest and trial, and Grinev understands what charges can be brought against him: “my unauthorized absence from Orenburg” and “my friendly relations with Pugachev.” But he does not feel seriously guilty, and if he does not make excuses. that's just because. that he doesn’t want to “get (Marya Ivanovna’s) name mixed up among the vile reports of villains and bring her herself to confrontation" This is Grinev in Pushkin’s novel.

Despite the mistakes of the hero of the novel, which were mentioned above, the reader appears before the image of an honest, kind and brave man capable of great feeling, true to love and - ultimately - to his duty, but at the same time frivolous in his youth and limited in his views and understanding of the true meaning of those great events in which he was a participant.

K. Lakhostsky

Characteristics of Grinev

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Petr Andreevich Grinev - central character story "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev’s whole life is a model of behavior young man, who thought early about his destiny, honor, dignity, and loyalty to his word. The life lessons that Andrei Petrovich’s son received, from the point of view of the modern reader, are very cruel and difficult. In fact, young Grinev was prepared to withstand the test of strength, to confirm the right to be called an officer, a man.

From the first pages of the story, Pyotr Grinev is described as a person brought up in an atmosphere of rigor and increased attention to the family’s reputation. This is the influence of the father. Peter was dearly loved by his mother, as the only surviving son, and this love for a long time protected him from all storms and adversity. Finally, the boy was greatly influenced by Arkhip Savelich, a former aspirant, an expert in oral folk art, well versed in horses and dogs, an intelligent, far-sighted and exceptionally devoted person to his family. He gave the barchuk freedom, and he grew up, “chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys.” Thus, the formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev took place under the influence of all these factors in combination.

To understand the image of the hero, it is necessary to carefully examine all stages of his biography.
There are at least four turning points when Peter had to make a decision to pass a kind of exam. First key episode- Losing a game of billiards to Captain Zurov. It is quite possible that the reveler Zurov would forgive the foolish child who played dangerously. Relying on this, the good-natured Savelich tearfully begs the young master not to compensate for the damage. But Grinev the man doesn’t need any concessions. He commits his first serious act: “The debt must be paid!”

Second key moment- a conversation with Shvabrin, from whose lips came insults against a chaste girl. Leaving such an act unnoticed is unmanly. Grinev stands up for Masha’s honor, and as a result receives a severe penetrating wound to the shoulder. The pages that describe Grinev, recovering from a serious illness, are truly touching.

Third important point: freeing the bride from captivity. No one was going to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by the rebels, but for Pyotr Grinev there are no barriers. He's hot and reckless in a good way.

Finally, the fourth episode. The defendant Grinev is threatened with being sent to eternal settlement in Siberia if he fails to justify himself. Helped the rebels? Spied for Pugachev? Why did you meet with the chieftain of the robbers? Peter refuses to defend himself because he does not want to discredit or “tarnish” the name of the bride. He agrees to go to hard labor, but the daughter of Captain Mironov, who laid down his life for the Fatherland, will remain pure before people. He will not tolerate gossip.

Self-denial in the name of love, in the name of the highest justice, leads the young nobleman along the path of truth and forever takes him away from the crooked path of dishonor and oblivion. It is not for nothing that the image of Grinev in the story The Captain's Daughter is considered one of the most expressive in Russian fiction. He is able to excite readers and awaken a kind response in their souls in the 21st century.

Work test

The story “The Captain's Daughter” is written in the form of memoirs of the main character, Pyotr Grinev. Petrusha’s childhood was free and free, he “lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys.” But upon reaching the age of sixteen, his father decides to send Peter to serve in the army. Petrusha was happy about this, because he hoped to serve in St. Petersburg, in the guard, and was sure that life there would be as easy and carefree as in his home. The father rightly judged that Petersburg can only teach a young man to “wind and hang around,” so he sends his son to the general with a letter in which he asks his old friend to assign Peter to serve in a safe place and to be stricter with him.

Thus, Pyotr Grinev, upset by the far from encouraging prospects for his future, ends up in the Belogorsk fortress. At first, he expected to see a “dead fortress” on the border of the Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes: with formidable bastions, towers and ramparts. Peter imagined Captain Mironov as “a strict, angry old man who knew nothing but his service.” Imagine Peter’s amazement when he approached the real Belogorsk fortress - “a village surrounded by a log fence”! Of all the formidable weapons, there is only an old cast-iron cannon, which serves not so much for the defense of the fortress, but for children’s games. The commandant turns out to be an affectionate, kind old man of “tall stature”; he goes out to conduct exercises dressed at home - “in a cap and a Chinese robe.” No less a surprise for Peter was the sight of the brave army - the defenders of the fortress: “about twenty old disabled people with long braids and in three-cornered hats,” of which most could not remember where the right was and where the left was.

Very little time passed, and Grinev was already glad that fate had brought him to this “God-saved” village. The commandant and his family turned out to be sweet, simple, kind and honest people, to whom Peter became attached with all his soul and became a frequent and long-awaited guest in this house.

In the fortress “there were no reviews, no exercises, no guards,” and nevertheless, the young man, not burdened with service, was promoted to officer.

Communication with pleasant and sweet people, literature studies, and especially the love that awoke in Peter’s heart for Masha Mironova played an important role in shaping the character of the young officer. With readiness and determination, Pyotr Grinev stands up to defend his feelings and Masha’s good name in front of the vile and dishonest Shvabrin. Shvabrin's dishonest blow in a duel brought Grinev not only a serious wound, but also the attention and care of Masha. Peter’s successful recovery brings the young people together, and Grinev proposes to the girl, having previously confessed his love. However, Masha’s pride and nobility do not allow her to marry Peter without the consent and blessing of his parents. Unfortunately, Grinev’s father believes that this love is just a whim of a young man, and does not give his consent to the marriage. Material from the site

The arrival of Pugachev with his “gang of bandits and rebels” destroyed the lives of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. During this period, they reveal best features and moral qualities of Pyotr Grinev. He sacredly fulfills his father’s behest: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” He boldly refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev even after the commandant and many other defenders of the Belogorsk fortress were killed before his eyes. With his kind-heartedness, honesty, directness and decency, Peter managed to earn the respect and favor of Pugachev himself.

Peter’s heart does not hurt for himself during his participation in the military actions. He worries about the fate of his beloved, who was first left an orphan, then captured by the defector Shvabrin. Grinev feels that, having once confessed his feelings to Masha, he took responsibility for the future of a lonely and defenseless girl.

Thus, we see how important the period he spent in the Belogorsk fortress played in the life of Pyotr Grinev. During this time, the hero managed to grow and mature, he thought about the meaning and value of human life, and in communication with by different people all the wealth was revealed moral purity hero.

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Famous story Pushkina A.S. "The Captain's Daughter" captivates the reader from the very first moment. In this work, the destinies of heroes with different aspirations and characters intertwine, and a sincere and pure love against the backdrop of the ongoing riot.

One of the best representatives of the nobility of that era is Grinev Peter. Peter's childhood was the same as that of his peers who lived in provincial cities. Grinev received the basics of his education from Savelich, who worked on his father’s estate. Under his guidance, by the age of twelve, the teenager had learned Russian and could tell a lot about greyhounds. The Frenchman Beaupré took over the child’s further education; he was specially brought from Moscow.

Already as a young man, Grinev goes to serve Her Majesty, at the behest of his father, to defend his fatherland. At seventeen, he already knew the value of the words honor and conscience. This period became very important episode in the life of Pyotr Grinev. While in the Belgorod fortress, he became fascinated by writing poetry and an event occurred that influenced his entire life: Peter fell in love with Masha Mironova.

Nobility is not an empty phrase for Grinev; the young man is ready to die in a duel with the scoundrel Shvabrin just to prevent the scoundrel from discrediting the name of his beloved. The continuation of the story convinces even more of the sense of duty and devotion to one’s homeland. His refusal to go over to the side of Pugachev, who came to the fortress, is based on the fact that Grinev has already sworn allegiance to the empress and, as a real officer and nobleman, cannot break his word.

A very striking episode of Pushkin’s work is, without the slightest delay or hesitation, coming to the aid of Masha, who was being held captive by the scoundrel Shvabrin.

But still, describing Grinev as a positive character, Pushkin does not for a moment allow us to consider that the hero of the story is ideal. Despite the fact that Pyotr Grinev treated Savelich very well, he always saw him as his servant, not allowing him to forget his pedigree. Like all nobles, Grinev enjoyed all the privileges of his rank granted to him, and did not think about the injustice of serfdom, which made serfs practically slaves. You can’t find any sympathy for ordinary people in the work either. The only person he really did not treat as lower class was Pugachev. Of course, you can understand and forgive the hero a lot, attributing his shortcomings to his youth and ardent love for a girl. Otherwise, why would the genius of Pushkin invest so much time and effort into this work, revealing to the readers the soul of Grinev.

Even more, in positive image Peter, convinces another character in the story, nobleman Shvabrin. This is an angry, vindictive and vile man, ready to sacrifice everything, even his feelings for his beloved Masha, to achieve his goal.

Without possessing any outstanding virtues, strength or resourcefulness, Peter captivates with his sincerity and nobility. The image of Peter Grinev, revealed in detail in the work, will not leave even the most sophisticated reader indifferent.

Even more essays on the topic: “Peter Andreevich Grinev”:

There is probably no person who does not know the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Everyone knows that Pushkin was a famous outstanding writer, a great man whose works were read, are being read, and will continue to be read.

A.S. Pushkin was fond of studying Russian history. He was especially attracted to stories about peasant riots and uprisings.

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is a shining example historical work. The story talks in detail about the events of the 18th century, about the peasant war, led by Emelyan Pugachev.

"The Captain's Daughter" was written in 1833-1836. The plot of the story is captivating, and the characters are remembered for a long time and remain in the hearts of readers.

One of the main characters is Pyotr Grinev. This character " The captain's daughter“I liked it more than all the others.

The epigraph of “The Captain's Daughter” is the Russian proverb “take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age,” and Pushkin chose this proverb not by chance. These words accompanied Pyotr Grinev throughout his life.

From childhood, Pyotr Andreevich was brought up according to strict rules and orders. His father was a moral man and wanted to cultivate in him the qualities of a true patriot, to teach Peter to live according to the laws of honor and conscience. And despite everything, Grinev Jr. became such a person and remained so until the end. He was kind and romantic, noble and generous. Getting into various life situations, he behaves with dignity, as befits a Russian officer. Peter will never betray anyone, neither his beloved girl nor his friend. for his homeland, for what is dear and close to his heart, he will give anything.

Grinev was undoubtedly positive hero this novel, you need to learn from his actions, take an example from him. And if in our time there were more people like him, then life would become easier.


Petr Grinev - the main thing actor A. S. Pushkin's story “The Captain's Daughter”. The entire life path the main character, the formation of his personality, his attitude to the ongoing events in which he is a participant is revealed.

The kindness of his mother and the simplicity of life of the Grinev family developed gentleness and even sensitivity in Petrusha. He is eager to go to the Semenovsky regiment, where he was assigned from birth, but his dreams of life in St. Petersburg are not destined to come true - the father decides to send his son to Orenburg.

And here is Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Instead of formidable, impregnable bastions there is a village surrounded by a log fence, with thatched huts. Instead of a stern, angry boss, there is a commandant who went out for training in a cap and robe. Instead of a brave army, there are elderly disabled people. Instead of a deadly weapon, there is an old cannon, clogged with garbage.

Life in the Belogorsk fortress reveals to young men the beauty of simple life good people, gives rise to the joy of communicating with them. “There was no other society in the fortress; but I didn’t want anything else,” recalls Grinev, the author of the notes. It is not military service, not shows and parades that attract a young officer, but conversations with loved ones, ordinary people, literature studies, love experiences. It is here, in the “God-saved fortress”, in the atmosphere of patriarchal life, that the best inclinations of Pyotr Grinev are strengthened.

The young man fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha Mironova. Faith in her feelings, sincerity and honesty became the reason for the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin: Shvabrin dared to laugh at the feelings of Masha and Peter. The duel ended unsuccessfully for the main character. During her recovery, Masha looked after Peter and this served to bring the two young people closer together. However, their desire to get married was opposed by Grinev’s father, who was angry about his son’s duel and did not give his blessing to the marriage.

The quiet and measured life of the inhabitants of the distant fortress was interrupted by Pugachev’s uprising. Participation in hostilities shook up Pyotr Grinev and made him think about the meaning human existence. Honest, decent, noble man turned out to be the son of a retired major, he was not afraid of the menacing appearance of the leader of a “gang of bandits and rebels”, he dared to stand up for his beloved girl, who one day became an orphan. Hatred and disgust for cruelty and inhumanity, Grinev’s humanity and kindness allowed him not only to save his life and the life of Masha Mironova, but also to earn the respect of Emelyan Pugachev - the leader of the uprising, rebel, enemy.

Honesty, straightforwardness, loyalty to the oath, a sense of duty - these are the character traits that Pyotr Grinev acquired while serving in the Belogorsk fortress.


A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” written in 1873, contains a story about the honor and duty of the young officer Petrusha Grinev. From the first chapters of this story, it is clear how responsibly Petrusha behaved in repaying his debt to Zurin. His father’s parting words were not in vain for Grinev; the feelings of the protagonist are filled with love for the fatherland and duty to the empress.

Peter, without being afraid, appeared before Pugachev, allowing him to decide his fate himself, thereby receiving Pugachev’s respect and pardon. Pugachev also helped Pyotr Grineev with the proceeds of Maria Mironova, repaying him favor for service. Even the dirty tricks of Alexei Shvabrin did not break the strong spirit of Pyotr Grineev. His betrayal and slander made one feel the full taste of injustice and the cruel life of the young officer. But even here Peter does not give up, recognized as a traitor and accomplice of Pugachev, he boldly accepts punishment.

Fortunately, Greneyev’s beloved Maria Mironova decides to go to the empress herself to prove her beloved’s innocence. Maria's usual simplicity and sincerity helps her defend the honor of her lover and the fate of the main characters turns out to be quite happy.

I think this story talks about the honor of duty and the right to choose. Using the example of the main characters, A.S. Pushken makes it clear that a person is not always free to control his destiny, but the choice always remains with the person and his future destiny depends on the decision he makes.


Petr Grinev - main character story. He is 17 years old and a Russian nobleman who has just entered the military service. One of Grinev’s main qualities is sincerity. He is sincere with the characters of the novel and with the readers. Talking about his life, he did not try to embellish it. On the eve of the duel with Shvabrin, he is excited and does not hide it: “I admit, I did not have that composure that those in my position almost always boast of.” He also speaks directly and simply about his state before the conversation with Pugachev on the day of his capture of the Belogorsk fortress: “The reader can easily imagine that I was not completely cold-blooded.”

Grinev does not hide his negative actions (an incident in a tavern, during a snowstorm, in a conversation with the Orenburg general). Gross mistakes are atoned for by his repentance (the case of Savelch).

Grinev’s soul has not yet hardened in military service. He shuddered at the sight of a mutilated Bashkir captured while distributing Pugachev’s leaflets. Strong impression The singing of the Pugachevites affects him: “It is impossible to tell what effect this simple song about the gallows, sung by people doomed to the gallows, had on me. Their menacing faces, slender voices, the sad expression they gave to words that were already expressive - everything shocked me with some kind of poetic horror.”

Grinev was not a coward. He accepts the challenge to a duel without hesitation. He is one of the few who comes to the defense of the Belogorsk fortress when, despite the commandant’s command, “the timid garrison does not budge.” He returns for Savelich, who has lagged behind.

These actions also characterize Grinev as a person capable of love. Grinev is not vindictive, he sincerely puts up with Shvabrin. He is not characterized by gloating. Leaving the Belogorsk fortress, with Masha freed by order of Pugachev, he sees Shvabrin and turns away, not wanting to “triumph over the humiliated enemy.”

A distinctive feature of Grinev is the habit of paying good for good with the ability to be grateful. He gives Pugachev his sheepskin coat and thanks him for saving Masha.

Many consider “The Captain's Daughter” to be a story, an ordinary story about life, love, and the Pugachev uprising. In my opinion, this is not entirely accurate. If in school curriculum introduced a life story, "The Captain's Daughter" would be the most true textbook. In this story a little boy Petrusha turns into the adult and courageous Pyotr Grinev. He came to the Belogorsk fortress as a “mama’s boy”, dreamed of a beautiful life in St. Petersburg, he was not worried about his own future. However, he leaves her as a determined, brave man.

Of course, this transformation was influenced by many factors, one of which was his love for Masha Mironova. He did not immediately fall in love with this girl, since Peter’s new acquaintance, Shvabrin, presented Masha as an extreme fool. But later Grinev realized that Shvabrin’s actions were controlled by unrequited love to Masha. It seems to me that Peter immediately liked Maria, but he believed Shvabrin so much that he was afraid to admit it even to himself.

There were many obstacles on the way of Masha and Peter. Shvabrin, who once seemed a very interesting and nice person, dramatically changed Grinev’s attitude towards himself. He continued to disgrace Masha, Grinev could not stand it. The duel with Shvabrin shows how strong his feeling for Masha was. But Grinev’s parents did not understand this. The father was categorically against his son's wedding.

The unexpected attack of the Pugachevites changed Grinev’s entire fate. If he had not been in the Belogorsk fortress, he would never have known true loyalty to his homeland, his beloved girl, would not have experienced the trials of life, would not have fully understood who Pugachev really was. Acquaintance with Pugachev unexpectedly played a big role in Pugachev’s pardoning of Grinev. If earlier Pugachev seemed to Peter as an impostor who only cared about power, now he turned out to be an ordinary person, who has his weaknesses, is quite kind. And when Grinev came to ask him for help, he did not refuse, despite Peter’s slightly impudent response to Pugachev’s request not to fight against him.

Shvabrin turned out to be not only a traitor to his country, but also a shameless hypocrite who took advantage of Grinev’s departure to Orenburg. But for this he was punished by Pugachev, who learned from Peter that Shvabrin wanted to forcibly marry Masha.

Compared to Grinev, Shvabrin seems like a person devoid of all the qualities that Peter was endowed with. He was not familiar with such concepts as duty, honor, dignity. He did not respect the rights of women, and one might even say that he did not know how to love.

The story about Grinev’s life in the Belogorsk fortress took a lot of time. great place in his notes. After all, it was in the Belogorsk fortress that Grinev learned to truly love, respect his country, and persevere through obstacles. And this is what made him a real man.


/ Works / Pushkin A.S. / The captain’s daughter / Belogorsk fortress in Grinev’s life

Belogorsk fortress in the life of Pyotr Grinev (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

Belogorsk fortress in the life of Pyotr Grinev (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

But the Belogorsk fortress played a big role not only in the fate of Pugachev and his troops. It also became important for Pyotr Grinev, on whose behalf the novel is narrated.

It is in this fortress that the young hero ends up after going to military service. He was counting on a brilliant and easy service in St. Petersburg, but his father ordered differently: “No, let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him smell gunpowder, let him be a soldier, not a chamaton.”

Before leaving, the priest blessed Peter with the words: “... remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” It was they who helped the hero pass with honor all the trials that befell him.

In the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev met his love and made a blood enemy. Peter with all his soul fell in love with the daughter of the captain of the fortress, Masha Mironova. Modest and quiet girl answered him the same. But Alexei Shvabrin, Grinev’s friend from the fortress, did not like this. After all, he also showed signs of attention to Masha, but received a decisive refusal.

The envious and vile Shvabrin began to take revenge on the girl in the most base ways and did everything to prevent the marriage of the young people from taking place. For some time he succeeded. Shvabrin wrote a letter to Grinev’s father, in which he talked about his son’s wound, which he received in a duel because of Masha. This news made Peter's family very angry and his father forbade Grinev to marry Masha.

However, love continued to live in the hearts of young people. It intensified even more when something happened in their lives terrible event– The Belogorsk fortress was captured by rebels led by Pugachev. Masha’s parents were killed before her eyes, and Peter had to swear allegiance to the impostor: “The turn was behind me. I looked boldly at Pugachev, preparing to repeat the answer of my generous comrades.”

At the very last moment, the rebel recognized Uncle Grinev and remembered him - on the way to the fortress, Peter gave Pugachev his sheepskin coat: “Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately untied me and left me. “Our father has mercy on you,” they told me.”

Fate brought Grinev together with the impostor more than once. It was to this hero that Pugachev opened up most fully. In him Peter saw an adventurer, ready to go to the end: “Isn’t there good luck for the daring? Didn’t Grishka Otrepiev reign in the old days? Think what you want about me..."

The impostor invites Peter to break his oath and come over to his side. But Grinev is firm in his decision: “No,” I answered firmly. “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.”

Such courage and sincerity inspire respect in Pugachev. Having released Grinev from the fortress, he reveals himself as a man of a broad soul, capable of appreciating a noble deed.

But this does not break the hero’s connection with the Belogorsk fortress. He returns here once again, to the lair of the rebels, to save Masha.

Peter learns that his beloved is being held captive by the scoundrel Shvabrin. Overcoming many obstacles, Grinev makes his way into the fortress and asks Pugachev himself for justice: “I was going to the Belogorsk fortress to save an orphan who was being abused there.

And Pugachev responds to the request of his old friend: “Pugachev’s eyes sparkled. “Which of my people dares to offend an orphan?”

Peter manages to rescue Masha from Shvabrin’s captivity and take her away from the Belogorsk fortress. And very soon Masha will “thank” Grinev for her salvation - she will ask for mercy for her beloved from Catherine the Second herself.

At the end of the novel, the characters will finally be happy and together. We can say with complete confidence that it was the Belogorsk fortress that played a huge role in the fate of these heroes.

She gave Peter Grinev love, but also brought enormous trials, great life experience which the hero shares on the pages of the novel. And Grinev was helped to survive and maintain his dignity by a proverb once said by his father: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

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/ Works / Pushkin A.S. / The Captain’s Daughter / Belogorsk Fortress in the life of Pyotr Grinev (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

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