Foreign classics authors. The Secret World of a Book Lover: List of Foreign Literature

The section contains 715 audiobooks

"Romeo and Juliet" is classic story tragic love, which is one of the central dramatic works European culture. This play came from the pen of Shakespeare at the end of the 16th century, and soon became one of the most widely circulated works. The plot of two star-crossed lovers who are not destined to be together has inspired books, operas, ballets, musicals and...

It’s impossible to create drama without Shakespeare, English writer, who brought so much to this direction of literature. In turn, Shakespeare’s work is unimaginable without the tragedy “Hamlet,” perhaps his most famous work. " Tragic story Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" was written in the very early XVII centuries and has not left the stage since then. The greatest actors sought to play...

"One for all and all for one!" Each of us is familiar with this motto. And it’s hard to imagine a person who hasn’t at least once watched the film “The Three Musketeers” with Mikhail Boyarsky in the title role (in fact, in the world on this moment More than 100 film adaptations of the novel have been released). However, not everyone read the original book, written by Alexandre Dumas in the mid-19th century, but now you have the opportunity to listen...

Most adapted novel English writer Jane Austen can now be listened to online. “Pride and Prejudice” immerses us in the world of the English village at the end of the century before last. Manners and traditions rule the show here, and the only path to self-realization for a woman is a successful marriage. For the Bennett family, marriage is more than a pressing topic, because they have five daughters growing up. At the center of the story...

Classical adventure novel Alexandre Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo” can be listened to online on our website. This novel is one of the most popular books in French literature, besides, it inspired many movies and even several musicals. The universal love for this work is quite understandable. The plot of the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” is so tightly twisted that it doesn’t let go until the last...

It is impossible to imagine French drama without famous comedies the great Moliere. He wrote his plays during the Grand Age of French Culture under the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King. The monarch even honored with his presence some of the premieres of Moliere, for example, the comedy-ballet “The Bourgeois in the Nobility.” Let us note that at that premiere show the playwright himself performed main role, Mr. Jourdain. God...

\"Life on Loans\" is one of the most poignant novels German writer Erich Maria Remarque. It was published in 1959 and deeply impressed readers with its frankness and swiftness. At the center of the story is a strange pair of desperate people. She is dying of tuberculosis and counting her remaining days. He recklessly races in a racing car along the most dangerous tracks, with no hope of steering to a sharp turn...

If you think that ancient literature- this is something dull and uninteresting, then we suggest you listen online to one of ancient monuments literature, the Iliad. The creation of the Iliad is attributed to Homer; it is believed that it was created on the basis of tales and legends of an even earlier time. The plot of The Iliad contains all the elements of a popular story: love, kidnapping, battles, revenge and despair. Kr...

One of the greatest works of the Middle Ages can be listened to online in a convenient audio format - “The Divine Comedy” is now on our website. This monumental poem was written in the 14th century by the incomparable Dante Alighieri and is considered one of the most significant works in the Italian language. Don’t let the word “comedy” confuse you, because according to the medieval classification, all literary works were called that...

English literature mid-19th century gave the world a number of brilliant women writers, and Charlotte Bronte is rightfully considered one of the brightest. Her most famous novel is Jane Eyre, a book about a strong and determined woman. The fate of Jane Eyre, which is described in the work, is complex and tragic in many ways, but the strength of character of the main character allows her to overcome everything on the way to her...

The well-known story about a man who was shipwrecked and stuck alone on an island far from the continents is now on our website! This wonderful book by Daniel Dafoe is a diary young man with a desire for long-distance travel. Contrary to the words of his parents, who prepared for their son successful career in York, Robinson goes to sea and ends up...

What is the meaning of life when the world around you is collapsing? Is there any reason to continue to exist when it brings only pain, loss and misfortune? What does it mean to be a good man in a world that has gone bad? Writers of the lost generation are trying to find answers to these questions, one of the most prominent representatives of which is the German novelist Erich Maria Remarque. These questions are extremely pressing...

The story of Faust, a man who sells his soul to the devil, is traditional in European art. But, despite the abundance of versions, the tragedy written by Johann Wolfgang Goethe is a true masterpiece of world literature. Faust is a doctor, his medicines save lives, but he himself is dissatisfied with life. He despises everything and everyone, he is filled with pride and anger. One day a certain Mephistoph appears to him...

“Where are you going, Odysseus, from your wife, from your children?” Many people know this line from the song, but not many know where Odysseus really went and how he returned to his wife. You can find out by starting to listen online poem"Odyssey". It is believed that it was written by the ancient Greek poet Homer, although it is not known for certain who its author is or even whether it was created in written or oral form. The plot of the epic...

At the center of the American Dream is the self-made man, who through hard work and self-belief achieves success no matter the circumstances. The novel “Martin Eden,” which Jack London published in 1909, tells the story of just such a man. Title character comes from a poor family, with youth he worked as a sailor on a ship and managed to be in various troubles, he is strong and...

It is unlikely that one can find a more sparkling writer in world literature than Oscar Wilde. This English prose writer of the early twentieth century became famous not only for his brilliant works, but also for his ability to subtly look through the vices of society and notice them in the most amusing form. Many of his works were scattered into aphorisms, for example, “We cannot stand people with the same shortcomings as ours.” This is a quote...

\"Three Comrades\" - one of the most readable novels German writer Erich Maria Remarque and one of the most striking works about " lost generation\". The main characters of the book are three friends who, as young men, went through the horrors of the First World War. Now they are about thirty years old, they lead a peaceful life and work in a car repair shop, but their military past haunts them in nightmares. The central plot...

Some may not like feminists, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that thanks to their movement, most women now have the opportunity to realize themselves in life not only in a successful marriage. At the beginning of the 19th century, if you were the orphaned daughter of a drunken artist and dancer, you had virtually no chance of a normal position in society. However, Rebecca Sharp, main character novel "Fair...

The novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” was written by Cervantes back in 1605, but is still one of the most popular works in the world. It has been translated into many languages, and in 2002 it was even recognized best novel in history. Indeed, many are familiar with such names as Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Dulcinea and Rocinante and, for example, the episode with the windmills, but few can boast...

After reading the novel "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris", it becomes clear that no one can compare with Victor Hugo in the skill of description medieval France. He managed not only to captivate readers with his fascinating style and dramatic, vibrant plot, but also to realize a noble intention: the preservation of Gothic culture in its original form. Victor Hugo was inspired to create the novel...

    If you want to listen to English literature online, then our website is ready to offer you a huge selection. First of all, it is necessary to name such a master of British literature as Charles Dickens. Listen to novels like A Tale of Two Cities or Great Expectations to enjoy the monumentality and emotion of a true classic. If you are interested in unraveling the secret of the famous English humor, then we suggest you pay attention to “” by Jerome K. Jerome.

    Listen to French books online They will prefer sensual and romantic natures. Tragic stories love, for example, "" by Stendhal or "Manon Lescaut" by Antoine-François Prevost will definitely stir your blood. If you prefer adventures of a different kind, then there are magnificent classic books"The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo".

    You can start getting acquainted with American literature with the stories of the famous representative of the Gothic and the creator of the detective genre. His audiobooks in good quality will make your blood run cold. An equally dramatic, but much more realistic direction is represented by Theodore Dreiser and his “The Financier,” which shows the underside of a prosperous American society.

    The literature of whatever country or whatever era appeals to you, in our library you can listen to classical foreign literature online for free and without registration, when it is convenient for you. This section is constantly updated with pearls foreign prose, so we encourage you to stay tuned for updates.

When a person hears the term “foreign classics,” pictures of balls, duels, etc. appear in his head. Often, famous British writers are remembered, who contributed to the creation of such a romantic image. At least, such associations arise in the heads of girls.

First, you need to understand what is meant by the concept of “foreign classics”. We are talking about those works, mainly of European literature, which are considered the standard literary creativity for a particular era. In turn, the authors who created such masterpieces are perceived as classics, masters of words. Each historical period is famous for its writers, who were the best at that time, so even modern generation There are exemplary authors who clearly demonstrate the features of a certain historical period.

Whether a book is a representative of a foreign classic is influenced by many factors, including the level of popularity, information load, emotional content, relevance a certain genre And so on. Such books, as a rule, do not go unnoticed, so many connoisseurs of quality literature pay attention to them, and the author who gave the world such an incredible work goes down in history and acquires the status of one of the most talented writers.

Also in ancient times The first creations of this kind appeared and many have probably heard about them. Some remember it from their school days, while others decided as adults to get acquainted with the masterpieces of foreign classics and enjoy their depth. In any case, today it is difficult to find at least one person who was left indifferent by such works. This is the secret of the “durability” of literary creations, because they are not only interesting, but also leave a certain mark on the soul of every reader.

It is worth noting that there are entire series that are worthy of attention, and you can familiarize yourself with them on the website portal, which allows all connoisseurs of quality literature to read online or download for free and without registration famous books in epub, fb2, pdf, rtf, txt formats. Thanks to the existence of the site, there is no need to run to the bookstore and buy foreign classics; you can quickly and easily download or open the file and enjoy amazing stories, created by the masters of the literary world.

Homer. Iliad, Odyssey (Gnedich, Zhukovsky).
Giovanni Boccaccio - “The Decameron” - Renaissance, frivolous short stories.
Lion Feichtwanger - “Goya” - a historical novel about the great Spanish artist, the times of the Inquisition.
Miguel de Cervantes - “Don Quixote” is a philosophical parody of chivalric romances.
Jonathan Swift - “Gulliver's Adventures” - a classic of adventure literature + satire.
Daniel Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe" - a classic of adventure literature.
Fenimore Cooper - “The Last of the Mohicans”, “Deerslayer”, “Pathfinder” - classics of adventure literature.
Louis Boussenard - “Captain Rip-Off” is a classic of adventure literature.
Anatole France – “Thais”, “Balthasar” - classics of historical adventure literature.
Haggard - "King Solomon's Mines", "The Brothers", "Cleopatra" - classics of adventure literature.
Rafael Sabatini - "Captain Blood's Odyssey" is a classic of adventure literature.
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Beaumarchais - “A Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe - "Faust".
THIS. Hoffman - " Worldly views Kota Murra", "Golden Pot", "Little Tsakhes"
Victor Hugo - "Notre Dame Cathedral"
Washington Irving - "Rip Van Winkle", stories.
Charles De Coster - The Legend of Ulenspiegel is a masterpiece.
Ethel Voynich - "The Gadfly".
Raspe - “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” is a classic of adventure humorous literature.
Mark Twain - "Life on the Mississippi"
Edgar Allan Poe's stories are the very first detective stories, classics of the genre, unexpected fruits of romanticism.
Gilbert Keith Chesteron - stories, "The Man Who Was Thursday" - a classic of a smart detective story.
Stefan Zweig - short stories.
Honore de Balzac - " Shagreen leather“You will understand for yourself.
Gustave Flaubert - “Salammbô” is a classic of historical adventure literature.
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray, " Ideal husband", fairy tales are refined philosophical.
George Bernard Shaw - “Pygmalion”, “Heartbreak House” - classics of English drama.
George Orwell - Animal Farm, 1984 - one of the first dystopias.
Aldous Huxley - "O wondrous one, new world" - the most famous dystopia.
Franz Kafka – “The Trial”, “Metamorphosis”, “Castle” - a genius of surrealism and absurdity; more than one author’s imagination was so boundless.
Jack London - "Martin Eden", "White Fang", stories - classics of world literature
Erich Maria Remarque – “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Three Comrades”, “ Triumphal Arch", "Night in Lisbon" - pre-war, post-war, second World War.
Richard Aldington - "Death of a Hero", "All Men Are Enemies" - World War I.
Anne Frank - "Diary", "Diary of a Girl" - World War II.
Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea - 1960s classics.
Gabriel García Márquez – “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, stories – classics of Latin American prose, world classics.
Jorge Luis Borges is a classic of Latin American mystical, fantastic, and philosophical prose.
Julio Cortazar – “Hopscotch” - classic Latin American literature, one of the most unusual novels of the twentieth century.
Herman Melville - "Moby Dick" - a classic of adventure literature.
Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a 60's classic.
Richard Bach - “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, “Illusions” - a philosophical view from heaven.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery - " A little prince" - another masterpiece from a professional pilot.
William Somerset Maugham- "Theater"
Akutagawa Ryunosuke – novels – Japanese modern prose, classic.
Knut Hamsun is a strong psychological Danish prose.
Jaroslav Hasek - “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk” is a classic of satire and humor.
Karel Capek - “War with the Newts”, “Factory of the Absolute” - classics of science fiction. It was Capek who coined the word “robot.”
Jerome Klapka Jerome – “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, stories – classics of satire and humor
Rudyard Kipling - stories, poems, The Jungle Book.
Ephraim Sevela - “Monya Tsatske is the standard bearer”, “Stop the plane - I’ll get off”, “Why is there no heaven on Earth”, etc. - modern satirical and humorous literature.
Umberto Eco – “The Name of the Rose”.
Jean-Paul Sartre – “Nausea”, “Sloa” - classics of existentialism
Albert Camus – “The Stranger”, “The Myth of Sisyphus”, “The Plague”, “First Man” - existentialism, philosophy. During his lifetime, Camus received the common name “Conscience of the West.”
Erland Lu – “Naive. Super.”, “Doppler” - modern Norwegian classic, humor.
Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange is a stunning 20th-century novel and a modern classic.
Patrick Suskind - "Perfume" - a modern classic.
Golding - Lord of the Flies - classic
Ray Bradbury – “Dandelion Wine” - a world classic
Selinger - “The Catcher in the Rye” - a world classic
John Fowles - "The Collector" - a modern classic
After the first course, I read a lot more, but I didn’t make lists. From the artistic side I can also recommend (it doesn’t seem to be on the list)
Daniel Wallace - "Big Fish", based on which Timothy Burton made the film, is read in one sitting
Lou, although it’s on the list, I highly recommend the novel “Doppler” - very funny in my opinion
Erich's remark to Maria - (he really is a man) I recommend all the books, but the literature is heavy and leaves a residue. There was a time, after reading all his books, I could not read other literature, everything seemed somehow empty.
I will not recommend Chuck Palahniuk, H. Thompson, Burroughs and other orange covers. Once upon a time at school, I was crazy about “Fight Club”, I liked all this literature in the ninth and tenth grade, but then I realized that with books like “One Hundred Years of Solitude” they would never stand anywhere near. Therefore, I stopped getting carried away with alt-Ernative literature, which most often is chernukha and nothing more, without any deep meanings. Well, maybe only if the author is wildly high, then sometimes something comes out.
Julio Cortazar "Game in the classics" - for all those who love unusual literature. There you can read in order, without order, the book is killer.
Grishkovets also writes books, his stories are good: “Rivers”, “Shirt” can be read, of course, for reference, “Traces on Me” is interesting. What happened next was crap, in my opinion.
For lovers of surrealism - books by Salvador Dali (yes, he also wrote books). Only for fans and to broaden your horizons. He writes, for example, that today he went to the toilet very well, and feces came out in the correct shape... he was a strange man and a genius.
London I recommend the entire collection, it has extremely insightful and powerful stories. One 20-page story can give you more than a dozen books by Akunin or Coelho (or whatever his name is).

Books are one of the greatest legacies of humanity. And if before the invention of printing, books were available only to a select caste of people, then books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation were born talented writers who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works have reached us, but we are reading the classics less and less. The literary portal Buklya presents to your attention 100 best books of all times and peoples, which is a must read. In this list you will find not only classical works, but also modern books who left their mark on history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. This story mixes philosophy and everyday life, theology and fantasy, mysticism and realism, mysticism and lyricism. And all these components are intertwined with skillful hands into one piece and bright story, which can turn your world upside down. And yes, this is Bookly’s favorite book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Book from school curriculum, which is difficult to understand in the tender teenage years. The writer showed duality human soul when black intertwines with white. The story is about Raskolnikov, who is going through an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A small story that contains a huge life meaning. A story that makes you look at familiar things differently.

4 Michael Bulgakov

A surprisingly subtle and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story is about an experiment that proved that you can make a human out of an animal, but you cannot take an “animal” out of a human.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

It is impossible to tell what this novel is about. You need to read the novel, and then you will understand that this is not just a story, but a confession. Confession about love, friendship, pain. A story of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager who shows with his own eyes his perception of the world, his point of view, his renunciation of the usual principles and principles of morality of society that do not fit into his individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

A lyrical and psychological novel that tells the story of a man with a complex character. The author shows it from different sides. And the disrupted chronology of events makes you completely immerse yourself in the narrative.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

The legendary investigations of the great detective Sherlock, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories told by friend and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

A story about pride, selfishness and a strong soul. A story that clearly shows what can happen to a person’s soul tormented by vices.

10 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

A fantastic trilogy about people and non-humans who fell under the power of the One Ring and its lord Sauron. The story is about those who are ready to sacrifice the most precious things and even their lives for the sake of friendship and saving the world.

11 Mario Puzo

A novel about one of the most powerful mafia families America of the last century - the Corleone family. Many people know the film, so it’s time to start reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After the First World War, many emigrants ended up in France. Among them is the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the backdrop of the war he experienced.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The story of the Russian soul and stupidity. And the author’s amazing style and language makes the sentences sparkle with colors and shades that fully reveal the history of our people.

14 Colin McCullough

A stunning novel that tells not only about the love of a man and a woman and complex relationships, but also about feelings for family, native places and nature.

15 Emily Brontë

A family lives on a secluded estate and there is a tense atmosphere in their home. Difficult relationships have deep roots that are hidden in the past. The story of Heathcliff and Catherine will not leave any reader indifferent.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

A book about the war from the perspective of a simple soldier. The book is about how war breaks and cripples the souls of innocent people.

17 Hermann Hesse

The book simply turns all ideas about life upside down. After reading it, it is no longer possible to get rid of the feeling that you are one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King

Paul Edgecombe is a former prison officer who served in the convict block death penalty. It tells the life story of suicide bombers who were destined to walk the Green Mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris 15th century. On one side it is full of grandeur, and on the other it looks like a sewer. Against the backdrop of historical events, a love story unfolds - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo.

21 Daniel Defoe

The diary of a sailor who was shipwrecked and lived alone on an island for 28 years. He had to go through too many trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

Strange and misterious story about a girl who, in pursuit of a white rabbit, finds herself in a different and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

There is war on the pages of the book, but even in a world full of pain and fear, there is a place for beauty. To a wonderful feeling called love, which makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love do? Martin's love for the beautiful Ruth made him struggle. He overcame many obstacles to become something great. A story about spiritual development and personality formation.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic and fascinating fairy tale in which magic intertwines with reality.

26 We are Evgeny Zamyatin

The novel is a dystopia, which describes an ideal society where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens according to schedule. But even in such a society there is a place for freethinkers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick volunteered to go to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary unit, where even the air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

Beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian Empire has already embarked on the path of revolution. The story is about the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book raises questions of religion and touches on the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

A cautionary tale about people who betrayed their ideals. A book about how bright and wonderful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work that draws you into the story of Faust, who sold his soul to the Devil. By reading this book you can walk the path of learning about life.

31 Dante Alighieri

The work consists of three parts. First we go to Hell to complete all 9 circles. Then Purgatory awaits us, through which we can atone for our sins. And only by reaching the top can you enter Paradise.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows human nature. A story about how you can make an obedient and silent doll out of any person.

33 Victor Pelevin

A complex story that is difficult to understand the first time. A story about the life of a decadent poet who is looking for his own path, and Chapaev leads Peter to enlightenment.

34 William Golding

What will happen to the children if they find themselves completely alone? Children have a delicate nature, which is quite susceptible to vices. And sweet, kind children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Camus

36 James Clavell

The story of an English sailor who, by the will of fate, ended up in Japan. An epic novel with historical realities, intrigue, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of science fiction stories telling about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the Earth, but what awaits the other planet?

38 Stanislav Lem

There is an Ocean on this planet. He is alive and he has a mind. Researchers face the difficult task of transferring knowledge to the ocean. And he will help make their dreams come true...

39 Hermann Hesse

The book is about an internal crisis that can happen to anyone. Inner devastation can destroy a person if one day you don’t meet a person on the way who will give you just one book...

40 Milan Kundera

Plunge into the world of sensations and feelings of the libertine Tomas, who is used to changing women, so that no one dares to take away his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each of the group of friends has their own destiny. Everything goes easy and simple. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy your usual life.

42 Iain Banks

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world, which can collapse at any moment. Unexpected turning points in the plot add a special flavor to the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book raises themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, betrayal and betrayal. This is the world we live in with all the problems and shortcomings.

44 Michael Ondaatje

This book contains many themes - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotif is loneliness, which can take on a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books are our future, but what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question is given by a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Suskind

The story of a mad genius. His whole life is wrapped in smells. He will go to any lengths to create the perfect scent.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. The world is hateful, but there are people who can still resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska at the end of the 19th century. The era of the gold rush. And among human greed lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Austen

The Bennett family has only daughters, and the heir is a distant relative. And once the head of the family dies, the young girls will be left with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who doesn’t know Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures, which are associated with the search for ill-fated diamonds.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlotte Bronte

Jane became an orphan early, and life in her aunt's house was far from happy. And love for a strict and gloomy man is far from a romantic story.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A short story from the life of an ordinary person. But reading this work, you penetrate into an amazing world that is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A great novel that is filled with feelings. On the pages of the book awaits the beginning of the 20th century, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story is about life values And true love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of d'Artagnan and his closest friends. A book about friendship, honor, devotion, fidelity and love. And of course, like other works of the author, it was not without intrigue.

57 Ken Kesey

This story will be told to the reader by the patient psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy ends up in prison, in a psychiatric ward. But some people think that he is simply faking his illness.

59 Victor Hugo

The novel describes the life of an escaped convict who is hiding from the authorities. After escaping, he had to endure a lot of hardships, but he was able to change his life. But police inspector Javert is ready to do anything to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The actor-philosopher met on his way a disfigured boy and a blind girl. He takes them under his wing. Against the background of physical defects, the perfection and purity of souls is clearly visible. It’s also a great contrast to the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

The novel tightens its unhealthy web of passions and unhealthy love. The main characters gradually go crazy, subject to their base desires, like all of them. the world. This book definitely won't have a happy ending.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of stalker Redrick Shewhart, who extracts extraterrestrial artifacts from anomalous Zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can get bored gray life, and the routine has become boring. And then Chaika devotes her life to her dream. The seagull gives his whole soul on the way to his cherished goal.

64 Bernard Werber

Michel ended up at the court of the archangels, where he will have to undergo the weighing of his soul. After the trial, he faces a choice - to go to earth in a new incarnation or become an angel. The path of an angel is not simple, just like the life of mere mortals.

65 Ethel Lilian Voynich

A story about freedom, duty and honor. And also about different types love. In the first case, it is the love of a father for his son, which has survived many trials and will pass through generations. In the second case, it is love between a man and a woman, which is like a fire, then goes out, then flares up again.

66 John Fowles

He is a simple town hall servant, lonely and lost. He has a passion - collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted to add to his collection a girl who captivated his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The narrative of the novel will take readers into the distant past. During the time of Richard the Lionheart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels, which everyone should read.

68 Bernhard Schlink

There are a lot of questions in the book that remain unanswered. The book makes you think and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand

Socialists come to power and set a course for equal opportunities. The authorities believe that the talented and rich should improve the well-being of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is plunging into chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of an actress who has worked in the theater all her life. And what is reality for her: acting on stage or acting in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Aldous Huxley

Dystopian novel. Satire novel. A world where Henry Ford became a god, and the creation of the first Ford T car is considered the beginning of time. People are simply raised, but they don’t know anything about feelings.

75 Albert Camus

Meursault lives a detached life. It seems that his life does not belong to him at all. He is indifferent to everything and even his actions are saturated with loneliness and renunciation of life.

76 Somerset Maugham

Philip's life story. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only searches for the meaning of life, but also for himself. And the main thing is to understand the world and people around us.

77 Irvine Welsh

The story of friends who one day discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite smart. They valued life and friendship, but only until the moment when heroin came first.

78 Herman Melville

Ahab, the captain of a whaling ship, set the goal of his life to take revenge on a whale named Moby Dick. Wit ruined too many lives to let him live. But as soon as the captain starts hunting, mysterious and sometimes terrible events begin to happen on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books about World War II. In it, the author was able to show the senselessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state machine.

80 William Faulkner

Four characters, each telling their own version of events. And to understand what we're talking about, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will fit into a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

A classic of the fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle you can find travel in space and time, wars, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Andrzej Sapkowski

One of the best fantasy series. The series includes 8 books, with the last one being “Season of Thunderstorms”, which is best read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and also about the girl Ciri, who can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about limitless and sacrificial love father to children. About love that was never mutual. About the love that destroyed Father Goriot.

86 Gunther Grass

The story is about a boy named Oskar Matzerath, who, when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, refuses to grow up in protest. Thus, he expresses his protest to the changes in German society.

87 Boris Vasiliev

A poignant story of war. About true love for parents, friends, and the Motherland. This story must be read to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Stendhal

The story is about Julien Sorel and the soul, in which there is a confrontation between two feelings: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that it is often impossible to distinguish between them.

89 Lev Tolstoy

An epic novel that describes an entire era, delving into the historical realities and artistic world of that time. War will be replaced by peace, and peaceful life characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique personalities.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized greatest work world literature. Emma Bovary dreams of a beautiful social life, but her husband, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her requests. She finds lovers, but will they be able to fulfill Madame Bovary's dream?

91 Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how much the work of this author is criticized, it cannot be denied that his book “ Fight club"is one of the symbols of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. The story is about a man who was able to resist the system.

92 Markus Zusak

Winter Germany in 1939, when Death has too much work, and after six months the work will increase significantly. A story about Liesel, about fanatical Germans, about a Jewish fighter, about thefts and about the power of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

The novel in verse tells the story of the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and selfishness. And at the center of the story is a love story without a happy ending.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world ruled by kings and dragons. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, all for the sake of power.

95 David Mitchell

History of past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of our entire world.

96 Stephen King

A fantastic series of novels by the master of horrors. This series interweaves genres. The books closely coexist with horror, western, Science fiction and other genres. This is the story of the gunslinger Roland, who is searching for the Dark Tower.

97 Haruki Murakami

A story about human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. A story about human loss. Memoirs of Tooru, which will introduce the reader to different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weir

By chance, an astronaut is left alone at a space base on Mars. He has a limited amount of resources, but no connection with people. But he doesn’t give up, he believes that they will come back for him.

100 Samuel Beckett

An amazing play where everyone decides for themselves mysterious person Godot. The author gives you the opportunity to find the answer to the question “who is he?” A specific person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

I would like to include many more books in this top. That's why, dear readers, write in the comments about the books that you think are the best. We will add books to the top and, with your help, expand it to the 1000 best books of all times.

Foreign literature scores

To score 4 points in foreign literature, you need to prepare 1 speech and speak 1 time. Student performances must be to different writers and from various works. Save the speech in file No. 2.

Speech plan

1. Talk about the writer (1 sheet of A4 or 2 pages of notebook). Attach a portrait of the writer. Attach the speech and portrait to file No. 2.

2. Retell the work (briefly). Answer questions about the work (see list of questions below). Attach the retelling and answers to file No. 2.

4. Choose an illustration for the work. Attach to file No. 2.

List of questions for the work

1) When was the work written?

2) How much storylines? Transfer characters, events.

3) Indicate the plot scheme (not all components will necessarily be present):

exposure - conditions and circumstances that led to the conflict; outset - the beginning or manifestation and aggravation of a conflict; action development; climax; interchange; epilogue.

4) Describe the composition: the sequence and interconnectedness of all parts of the work (sections, episodes, scenes, introductory episodes, lyrical digressions, paintings, images), unfolding of actions and grouping and arrangement of characters

Types of composition: direct sequential, direct, parallel, reverse, circular, repeating.

5) Genre features: an epic in general is an alternation of plot events.

the story is a small epic form: in the center there is 1 event, the characters are grouped around it, the characters of the characters are formed, there are few descriptions and they are laconic, not big size works (usually several pages);

short story - small epic form: in the center - 1 unusual event, unexpected ending, brevity. Kinds:

story of events - O'Henry, J. London, I. Babel, J. Collier;

"mood" short story with a psychological plot - A. Chekhov, Maupassant, Akutagawa Ryunosuke;

story - average epic form: 1 storyline, the life story of 1 person in collisions with the destinies of other people, covers a relatively short period of time in the lives of the heroes;

the novel is a large epic form: several plot lines, large size, many characters, the history of the formation of the characters of many characters is revealed, life events are widely covered. The novel is the most common epic genre variety in the 20th century, conventionally distinguished:

social and everyday - person and social environment, socially conditioned forms of being;

moral and psychological - collisions between a person’s inner world and the outer world;

historical - about events of the past;

philosophical - revealing the main problems of human existence, creating a holistic picture of the world;

novel-myth - the creation of a symbolic model of the existence of man and humanity ("One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Marquez);

a dystopian novel (H. Wells), a parable novel ("The Plague" by A. Camus), a chronicle novel of one family ("The Thibault Family" by R.M. du Gard), an anecdote novel ("The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" V. Voinovich), etc.

epic - large space actions, a large number of characters, often covers all segments of the population, significant volume, a moment in history is selected that is important for the fate of the people/state (required!).

List of questions for the passage

1. How can you title the passage?

2. What event forms the basis of the passage?

3. Name the main (or only) participants in the episode and briefly explain:

a) who are they? b) what is their place in the system of characters (main, secondary)?

4. Where does the passage begin and end?

5. Formulate the question, the problem of the passage that is in the spotlight:

6. Identify and characterize the contradiction (in other words, mini-conflict) underlying the episode.

7. Characterize the characters participating in the episode: · their attitude to the event; to the question (problem); · to each other; briefly analyze the speech of the participants in the dialogue; analyze the author's explanations of speech, gestures, facial expressions, and poses of the characters; identify the characteristics of the characters’ behavior, the motivation for their actions (the author’s or the reader’s); · determine the balance of forces, grouping or regrouping of heroes depending on the course of events in the episode.

8. Characterize the structure of the episode (what micro-episodes can it be divided into?); conduct a brief analysis of the compositional elements of the episode: its beginning, climax, denouement.

9. Identify artistic details in the episode and determine their significance.

10. Determine availability artistic descriptions: portrait, landscape, interior; characterize the features and significance of these elements of the episode.

12. Formulate the main thought (idea) of the episode.

13. Analyze the plot, figurative and ideological connection of this episode with other episodes or other elements of the structure of the work (with the author’s prefaces, prologue, epilogue, dedication, epigraph, inserted fragments, etc.).

List of works of foreign literature

1 "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri

2 "Gargantua and Pantagruel" by Francois Rabelais

3 "Don Quixote" Miguel de Cervantes

4 "Tartuffe" by Jean-Baptiste Moliere

5 "Citizen of the World" Oliver Goldsmith

6" Shagreen leather Honore de Balzac

7 "Melmoth the Wanderer" Charles Robert Maturin

8 "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe

9 "In Search of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust

10 "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas

11 "Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" Charles Dickens

12 "Les Miserables" Victor Hugo

13 "Faust" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

14 "Red and Black" Stendhal

15 "Ivanhoe" Walter Scott

16 "Hamlet" William Shakespeare

17 "The Last of the Mohicans" Fenimore Cooper

18 "Morality of the 21st Century" Dario Salas Sommer

19 "Captain Grant's Children" by Jules Verne

20 "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain

21 "Pumpkin" Guy de Maupassant

22 "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Oscar Wilde

23 "Thus Spake Zarathustra" Friedrich Nietzsche

24 "The Catcher in the Rye" by Jerome Salinger

25 "Treasure Island" Robert Stevenson

26 "Quo vadis" Henryk Sienkiewicz

27 "Three Comrades" Erich Maria Remarque

28 "Böhlendorf. Lithuanian claviers" Johannes Bobrovsky

29 "Death of a Hero" Richard Aldington

30 "Castle Brodie" Archibald Cronin

31 "Blue bird"Maurice Maeterlinck

33 "Tatar Desert" by Dino Buzzati

34 "Spartak" Raffaello Giovagnoli

35 "The Forsyte Saga" John Galsworthy

36 "Kings and Cabbages" by O. Henry

37 "Adventures of a Good Soldier" Svejk Jaroslav Hasek

38 "The Last Inch" James Aldridge

39 "Planet of People" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

40 "The Immoralist" by Andre Gide

41 Lord of the Flies William Golding

42 "War of the Worlds" H.G. Wells

43 "The Moon and the Penny" Somerset Maugham

44 "Young Parka" Paul Valerie

45 King Solomon's Mines by Henry Rider Haggard

46 Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

47 "Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata

48 "Through the Eyes of a Clown" Heinrich Böll

49 Tender is the Night by Francis Scott Fitzgerald

50 "Murder in the Rue Morgue" by Edgar Poe

51 "Germinal" Emile Zola

52 "Penguin Island" Anatole France

53 "Pygmalion" Bernard Shaw

54 "Castle" by Franz Kafka

55 "The Glass Bead Game" by Hermann Hesse

56 "The Stoic" Theodore Dreiser

57 "The Trajectory of the Crab" by Günter Grass

58 "Jean-Christophe" Romain Rolland

59 "Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge" Lion Feuchtwanger

60 "A Farewell to Arms" by Ernest Hemingway

61 "Blinding Darkness" Arthur Koestler

62 "Lust for Life" by Irving Stone

63 Plague Albert Camus

64 Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre

65 The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera

66 Our Man in Havana Graham Greene

67 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold John le Carré

68 Rooster and Harlequin Jean Cocteau

69 1984 George Orwell

70 April Fool's Day Josip Novakovic

71,451° Fahrenheit Ray Bradbury

72 Sartoris William Faulkner

73 Golem Gustav Meyrink

74 Elementary particles by Michel Houellebecq

75 I, robot A. Azimov

76 The Infamy of J.M. Coetzee

77 Independent people Halldor Laxness

78 The Lord of the Rings J. Tolkien

79 In a world of silence Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Frederic Dumas

80 Moby Dick Herman Melville

81 Farewell, brother! John Cheever

82 Palm Piper Amos Tutuola

83 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey

84 A little sun in cold water Francoise Sagan

85 Rabbit Run John Updike

86 Boarded Window Ambrose Bierce

87 Notes on the cat city of Lao She

88 Famine Road Ben Okri

89 The Winter of Our Trouble John Steinbeck

90 Museum of Innocence Orhan Pamuk

91 No Later Than Midnight Daphne du Maurier

92 Ulysses James Joyce

93 Molloy Samuel Beckett

94 Alchemy of the word Jan Parandovsky

95 Name of the Rose Umberto Eco

97 "King Matt I" Janusz Korczak

98 "Avel Sanchez" Miguel de Unamuno

99 "The Flood" Robert Penn Warren

100 Career of Arturo Ui Bertolt Brecht

101 "The Robbers" Schiller

102 "Consuella" Georges Sand

103 "Arc de Triomphe" Erich Maya Remarque

104 "The Alchemist" Paolo Coelho

105 "The House In Which" Mariam Petrosyan

106 "Dear Friend" Guy de Maupassant

107 "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare

108 "The Disappearance of the Elephant" by Haruko Murakami

109 "Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka

110 "gone With the Wind" Margarett Mitchell

111 "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

112 "Notre Dame Cathedral" Victor Hugo

113 "The Man Who Laughs" Victor Hugo

114 "Golden Bug" E.A. By

115 "Orient Express" Agatha Christie

116 "Queen Margot" Alexandre Dumas

117 "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll

118 "The Legend of Ulenspiegel" Charles de Coster

119 "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Robert Stevenson

120 "The Man Who Was Thursday" Gilbert K. Chesterton

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