Art culture concept constituent elements. Art culture

The word "culture" is in the list of the most used in modern language... But this fact does not indicate the study of this concept, but about the ambiguity of the meanings hidden behind it, used both in everyday life and in scientific definitions.

Most of all, we are used to talking about spiritual and material culture. At the same time, it becomes clear to everyone that it comes about theater, religion, music, gardening, agriculture and more. However, the concept of culture is not at all limited only to these areas. The versatility of this word will be discussed in this article.

Definition of the term

The concept of culture includes a certain historical level in the development of society, as well as the abilities and forces of a person, which are expressed in the forms and types of organization of life. We also understand this term as spiritual and material values ​​created by people.

The world of culture, any of its phenomena and objects are not the result of natural forces. It is the result of human effort. That is why culture and society must be considered in an inextricable connection. Only this will allow us to understand the essence of this phenomenon.

Main components

All types of culture that exist in society include three main components. Namely:

  1. Concepts. These elements are usually found in the language, helping the person to organize and organize own experience... Each of us perceives the world through the taste, color and shape of objects. However, it is known that in different cultures reality is organized in different ways. And in this regard, language and culture become inseparable concepts. A person studies the words that he needs for orientation in the world around him through the assimilation, accumulation and organization of his experience. How closely language and culture are linked can be judged by the fact that some peoples believe that "who" is only a person, and "what" is not only inanimate objects the surrounding world, but also animals. And here it is worth considering. After all, people who value dogs and cats as a thing will not be able to treat them in the same way as those who see animals as their smaller brothers.
  2. Relationship. The formation of culture occurs not only through the description of those concepts that indicate to a person what the world consists of. This process also involves certain ideas about how all objects are interconnected in time, in space, according to their purpose. So, the culture of the people of this or that country is different own views on the concepts of not only the real, but also the supernatural world.
  3. Values. This element is also inherent in culture and represents the beliefs existing in society regarding the goals that a person needs to strive for. Values ​​are different in different cultures. And it depends on the social structure. Society itself makes a choice of what is considered value for it and what is not.

Material culture

Modern culture is a rather complex phenomenon, which for the sake of completeness of the concept is considered in two aspects - static and dynamic. Only in this case, a synchronous approach is achieved, which makes it possible to study this concept as accurately as possible.

Statics brings the structure of culture, dividing it into material, spiritual, artistic and physical. Let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

And let's start with the material culture. This definition is understood as the environment that surrounds a person. Every day, thanks to the applied work of each of us, material culture is being improved and renewed. All this leads to the emergence of a new standard of living that changes the needs of society.

The peculiarities of culture of a material nature lie in the fact that its objects are the means and tools of labor, everyday life and housing, that is, everything that is the result production activities person. At the same time, there are several of the most important directions... The first of these is agriculture. This area includes animal breeds and plant varieties bred as a result of breeding work. This also includes soil cultivation. From these links material culture the survival of a person directly depends, since from them he receives not only food, but also raw materials used in industrial production.

Also, buildings are part of the structure of material culture. These are places intended for human life, in which they are realized various forms being and various activities of a person. The area of ​​material culture also includes structures designed to improve living conditions.

To ensure the whole variety of types of mental and physical labor, a person uses various tools. They are also one of the elements of material culture. With the help of tools, people directly affect the processed materials in all branches of their activity - in communications, transport, industry, agriculture, etc.

Transport and all available means of communication are a part of material culture. These include:

  • bridges, roads, airport runways, embankments;
  • all transport - pipeline, water, air, rail, car-drawn;
  • railway stations, ports, airports, harbors, etc., built to support the operation of the vehicle.

With the participation of this area of ​​material culture, the exchange of goods and people between settlements and regions. This, in turn, contributes to the development of society.

Another area of ​​material culture is communication. It includes mail and telegraph, radio and telephone, computer networks. Communication, like transport, connects people with each other, giving them the opportunity to exchange information.

Another essential component of material culture is skills and knowledge. They are technologies that find application in each of the above areas.

Spiritual culture

This area is based on a creative and rational type of activity. Spiritual culture, in contrast to material culture, finds its expression in a subjective form. At the same time, it satisfies the secondary needs of people. The elements of spiritual culture are morality, spiritual communication, art (artistic creation). Religion is one of its important components.

Spiritual culture is nothing more than the ideal side of a person's material labor. After all, any thing created by people was originally designed and subsequently embodied certain knowledge. And being called upon to satisfy certain human needs, any product becomes a value for us. Thus, the material and spiritual forms of culture become inseparable from each other. This is especially evident in the example of any of the works of art.

Due to the fact that the material and spiritual types of culture have such subtle differences, there are criteria for the exact assignment of this or that result of activity to a particular area. For this, the assessment of objects is used for their immediate purpose. A thing or phenomenon designed to satisfy the secondary needs of people is referred to as spiritual culture. And vice versa. If objects are necessary to meet the primary or biological needs of a person, then they are classified as material culture.

The spiritual realm has complex composition... It includes the following types of culture:

Moral, which includes ethics, morality and morality;

Religious, which includes modern teachings and cults, ethnographic religiosity, traditional denominations and confessions;

Political, representing traditional political regimes, ideology and norms of interaction between political subjects;

Legal, which includes legislation, legal proceedings, law abidance and the executive system;

Pedagogical, viewed as the practice and ideals of upbringing and education;

Intellectual in the form of science, history and philosophy.

It should be borne in mind that cultural institutions such as museums and libraries, concert halls and courts, cinemas and schools also refer to the spirit world.

This sphere has one more gradation. It includes the following areas:

  1. Projective activity. She offers blueprints and ideal models machines, structures, technical structures, as well as projects of social transformations and new forms political system... Everything that is created at the same time has the greatest cultural value. Today, projective activity is classified in accordance with the objects it creates into engineering, social and pedagogical.
  2. A set of knowledge about society, nature, man and his inner world. Knowledge is the most important element of spiritual culture. Moreover, the scientific sphere represents them most fully.
  3. Value-based activity. This is the third area of ​​spiritual culture that is directly related to knowledge. It serves to evaluate objects and phenomena, filling the human world with meanings and meanings. This area is subdivided into the following types of culture: moral, artistic and religious.
  4. Spiritual communication of people. It takes place in all forms determined by the subjects of communication. The emotional contact that exists between partners, in the process of which information is exchanged, is the greatest cultural value. However, such communication takes place not only on a personal level. The results of the spiritual activity of society, which make up its cultural fund accumulated over many years, find their expression in books, speech and works of art.

Communication of people with each other is extremely important for the development of culture and society. That is why it is worth considering in a little more detail.

Human communication

The concept of speech culture determines the level of a person's spiritual development. In addition, she talks about the value of the spiritual wealth of society. The culture of speech is an expression of respect and love for one's own native language directly related to the traditions and history of the country. The main elements of this area are not only literacy, but also adherence to generally recognized norms of the literary word.

The culture of speech includes the correct use of many other means of language. Among them: stylistics and phonetics, vocabulary, etc. So, truly cultural speech is not only correct, but also rich. And it depends on the lexical knowledge of the person. In order to improve the culture of speech, it is important to constantly replenish your vocabulary, as well as read works of various thematic and stylistic directions. Such work will allow you to change the direction of thoughts from which words are formed.

Modern culture of speech is a very broad concept. It includes not only the linguistic ability of a person. This sphere cannot be considered without a general culture of the individual, which has its own psychological and aesthetic perception of people and the world around them.

Communication for a person is one of the most important points his life. And in order to create a normal communication channel, each of us needs to constantly maintain the culture of our speech. V in this case it will consist in politeness and attentiveness, as well as in the ability to support the interlocutor and any conversation. The culture of speech will make communication free and easy. After all, she will allow you to express your opinion, without offending or hurting anyone. Well-chosen, beautiful words contains stronger power physical strength... Speech culture and society are closely related to each other. Indeed, the level of the linguistic spiritual sphere reflects the way of life of the entire people.

Art culture

As mentioned above, in each of the specific objects of the surrounding world, two spheres are simultaneously present - material and spiritual. This can be said about artistic culture, which is based on a creative, irrational type of human activity and satisfies his secondary needs. What gave rise to this phenomenon? The ability of a person to be creative and emotionally sensual perception of the surrounding world.

Artistic culture is an integral part of the spiritual sphere. Its main essence lies in the display of society and nature. For this, artistic images are used.

This type of culture includes:

  • art (group and individual);
  • artistic values ​​and works;
  • cultural institutions that ensure its dissemination, development and preservation (demonstration sites, creative organizations, educational institutions etc.);
  • spiritual atmosphere, that is, society's perception of art, public policy in this area, etc.

In a narrow sense, artistic culture is expressed by graphics and painting, literature and music, architecture and dance, circus, photography and theater. All these are objects of professional and household art... Within the framework of each of them, works are created artistic character- plays and films, books and paintings, sculptures, etc.

Culture and art, which is its integral part, contribute to the transfer of people their subjective vision of the world, and also help a person to assimilate the experience accumulated by society, and the correct perception of collective attitudes and moral values.

Spiritual culture and art, in which all its functions are represented, are an important part of the life of society. So, in artistic creation there is a transforming human activity. The transmission of information is reflected in culture in the form of human consumption of works of art. Value-based activity serves to evaluate creations. Art is also open to cognitive activity. The latter manifests itself in the form of a specific interest in works.

Artistic also includes such forms of culture as mass, elite, folk. This also includes the aesthetic side of legal, economic, political activity and much more.

World and national culture

The level of material and spiritual development of society has another gradation. It is distinguished by its carrier. In this regard, there are such main types of culture as world and national. The first of them is a synthesis of the most best achievements peoples living on our planet.

World culture is diverse in space and time. It is practically inexhaustible in its directions, each of which is striking in its richness of forms. Today this concept includes such types of cultures as bourgeois and socialist, developing countries, etc.

The pinnacle of the level of world civilization is the success in the field of science, the latest technologies developed, achievements in the arts.

But national culture is the highest form of development of ethnic culture, which is appreciated by world civilization. This includes the totality of spiritual and material values of this or that people, as well as the methods of interaction with the social environment and nature practiced by it. Manifestations national culture can be clearly seen in the activities of society, its spiritual values, moral norms, peculiarities of the way of life and language, as well as in the work of state and social institutions.

Types of crops according to the principle of distribution

There is one more gradation of material and spiritual values. According to the principle of their distribution, the following are distinguished: dominant culture, subculture and counterculture. The first of them includes the totality of customs, beliefs, traditions and values ​​that govern the bulk of members of society. But at the same time, any nation includes many groups of national, demographic, professional, social and other nature. Each of them develops its own system of rules of behavior and values. Such small worlds are referred to as subcultures. This form can be youth and urban, rural, professional, etc.

A subculture may differ from the dominant one in demeanor, language, or outlook on life. But these two categories are never opposed to each other.

If any of the small cultural strata is in conflict with the values ​​that dominate in society, then it is called a counterculture.

Graduation of material and spiritual values ​​by level and origins

In addition to those listed above, there are such forms of culture as elite, folk and mass. This gradation characterizes the level of values ​​and their creator.

For example, elite culture (high) is the fruit of the activities of the privileged part of society or professional creators who worked on its order. This is the so-called pure art, which is ahead of all art products existing in society in its perception.

Popular culture, in contrast to elite culture, is created by anonymous creators who have no professional training. That is why this type of culture is sometimes called amateur or collective. In this case, a term such as folklore is also applicable.

Unlike the two previous types, mass culture is not the bearer of either the spirituality of the people or the delights of the aristocracy. The greatest development this trend began in the middle of the 20th century. It was during this period that the penetration of funds began mass media to most countries.

Popular culture is inextricably linked with the market. This is an art for everyone. That is why it takes into account the needs and tastes of the entire society. The value of mass culture is incomparably lower than that of elite and popular culture. She satisfies the immediate needs of members of society, quickly reacting to every event in the life of the people and reflecting it in her works.

Physical education

This is a creative, rational type of human activity, expressed in a bodily (subjective) form. Its main focus is health promotion with the simultaneous development of physical abilities. This activity includes:

  • culture physical development from general health exercises to professional sports;
  • a recreational culture that maintains and restores health, which includes tourism and medicine.

The concept of "culture" is so ambiguous that there is still no single definition. We talk " greek culture"," Work culture "," artistic culture ". To better understand the meaning of this word, let us turn to its origin.

Originally latin word « cultura » meant "cultivation of the land" and was contrasted with the meaning of "natura", i.e. nature. The term "culture" can be used in other close meanings: education, development, improvement.

Thus, the concept of "culture" means everything that is created by human labor as a result of the transformation of nature in an effort to achieve perfection. This is both the result and the process itself. creative activity people to transform nature, based on highly conscious activities. This is why culture does not exist outside of a person and his activities... The history of human society is the history of world art culture.

Culture is a historically defined level of development of society and a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people.

Culture is a set of genetically non-inherited information in the field of human behavior.

Culture is the total volume of human creativity.

Culture is an aggregate of material and spiritual values ​​made by mankind throughout history.

Rice. 1. Conventional division of culture by types.

National culture - it is a set of symbols, beliefs, beliefs, values, norms of patterns of behavior that characterize the spiritual life of the human community in a particular country or state.

World culture Is a synthesis of the best achievements of all national cultures different nations, from ancient civilizations to the present day.

Spiritual culture- the totality of all human knowledge and methods of activity to create spiritual values. The main types of spiritual creation are science, religion, art.

Material culture Is a culture, the objects of which are tools of labor, means of production, clothing, everyday life, housing, means of communication - everything that is a process and result of a person's material activity.

Folk culture - this is the culture of the broad masses, which has been formed from the moment of formation nation state transmitted from generation to generation in the process of direct interaction. Folk culture is created by the people themselves, often unknown authors... It includes: fairy tales, songs, folklore, myths, traditions, customs.

Mass culture- culture of everyday life, entertainment and information, prevailing in modern society... It includes such phenomena as mass media (TV and radio), sports, cinema, music, popular literature, visual arts, etc.

Elite culture Is a culture of privileged groups of society, characterized by closeness, aristocracy and self-sufficiency.

Culture is an integral part of the life of society, it is inseparable from a person as a social being: culture is a process of active human activity aimed at assimilating, cognizing and transforming the world. The degree of development of culture always depends on the specific historical stage of society. the main role culture in the life of society is that culture acts as a means of storing and transmitting human experience.

Hence the main functions of culture:


In addition to the presented types of culture (Fig. 1), artistic culture is separately distinguished.

Art culture- one of the types of culture, problem solver intellectual and sensory display of being in artistic images.

This position of artistic culture is based on the ability inherent only to a person for artistic creativity, which distinguishes him from other living beings. It is impossible to reduce artistic culture only to art or to identify it with cultural activity in general.

Rice. 2 An example of a work of art by a primitive man. Rock painting bull from Altamira cave (Spain).

Art is central to artistic culture. Art is a type of artistic assimilation of reality by a person, with the goal of forming and developing his ability to creatively transform the world and himself according to the laws of beauty.

We refer to art: literature, painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, art photography, arts and crafts, theater, circus, cinema, etc. Each of them creates works of art - books, paintings, sculptures, plays, films, etc.

Each nation has its own culture, and together, all the peoples of the world have created a world culture.

World Art- not a simple sum of cultures of equal peoples. It is a constant interaction of cultures. Each nation "speaks" with other nations, with people separated from it for centuries, the language of its culture. And this universal language of culture should be understandable to you and me, like the language of mathematics or physics, as foreign language, the knowledge of which makes a person especially educated. Of course, we must learn to understand the language of culture.

Review questions:
  1. Think about how culture affects a person?
  2. Think about how a person influences culture?
  3. What kinds of art do you know?
  4. Using additional sources, find out what physical culture has to do with culture?
After acquaintance with the presented materials, it is necessary to complete the verification and control tasks presented here. If necessary, control materials sent to email teacher at: [email protected]

1. Artistic culture as a special area of ​​culture

Forms of material embodiment, the basis and nature of artistic culture

Internal structure artistic culture. Art as the central link of artistic culture

List of sources used


With level aesthetic development individuals and society, with the ability of a person to respond to beauty and create according to the laws of beauty, is naturally associated with the progress of mankind in all spheres of life, the most effective manifestations of people's creative energy and initiative, clearly represented in the various achievements of world culture.

Aesthetic and artistic culture are the most important components of the spiritual image of a person. From their presence and the degree of development in a person depends on his intelligence, the creative direction of aspirations and activities, the special spirituality of relations to the world and other people. Without a developed ability for aesthetic feeling, experience, humanity could hardly realize itself in such a versatile rich and wonderful world"Second nature", that is, culture. However, their formation is the result of a purposeful impact, i.e. aesthetic education.

The artistic culture of the individual acts as an important factor in the organization and the very process of material transforming activity, in all labor practice. Her focus on creativity, on the achievement of artistic and figurative expressiveness of the created objects, on skill and skill, in the past allowed the best representatives to create genuine masterpieces that are not inferior in their artistic merit. wonderful works high art.

This pattern, with a well-known correction for the massification of production, the deepening of the division of labor and specialization, is still valid today.

Skill, artistic flair, dexterity and inspiration allow modern ordinary workers to achieve often wonderful results, which give reason to qualify their work as an activity according to the laws of beauty.

All that has been said above about the artistic culture of the individual brings us to the idea of ​​the extreme importance of its purposeful formation in people, about the place and role of aesthetic and artistic education in the social reproduction of a person.

Artistic culture as a special area of ​​culture

Artistic culture is a kind of culture of society, consisting in the imaginative and creative reproduction of nature, society and the life of people by means of folk art culture and professional art.

It includes:

· the functioning of specialized artistic creation - art;

· folk art culture;

· popular culture- professional and commercialized artistic creation for large masses of people and the consumption of its product on the basis of supply and demand;

· elite artistic culture;

· artistic subcultures of the regions,

· professional associations, youth, etc .;

· artistic and aesthetic aspects of economic, political, legal and other activities.

Reflecting in the minds of people, artistic culture forms aesthetic consciousness and its cultural forms. The formation and development of the aesthetic culture of the individual is a step-by-step process, proceeding under the influence of demographic, social, socio-psychological and other factors. It involves mechanisms of both a spontaneous and a conscious (purposeful) nature, determined as a whole by the environment of communication and the conditions of the activity of individuals, their aesthetic parameters.

In the case of a targeted impact on the personality, subject to all other conditions and factors of the organization and content of aesthetic education, in principle, it is feasible to approach a high degree of formation of all components aesthetic culture personality elements.

The place of artistic culture in culture as a whole is determined by significant differences between material, spiritual and artistic forms of activity. Their differences should not be understood in the sense that one is only purely material, the other is only purely spiritual, the third is not material and not spiritual. There is no doubt that the products of spiritual activity must be materialized - otherwise they simply could not exist, as well as the fact that spiritual goals, plans, models are embodied in material activity. As for artistic creativity, it contains spiritual and material penetrate each other, forming something third, for they do not simply unite, as in the spheres of material and spiritual production, but organically merge, are mutually identified... This spiritual and material integrity is called "artistry". Consequently, artistic creation should be interpreted not as the material embodiment inherent in the fruits of a person's spiritual activity as the result of the work of his thinking, but how thinking in material, i.e. through the representation of color, plasticity, sound. That is why such thinking cannot be recoded, i.e. translate into another material language, it is impossible to retell by word or language, another kind of art.

The functions of artistic culture, as well as the functions of culture as a whole, are determined by the fact that it lives in space and in time. V social space, i.e. in the simultaneous life of the people of the country, region, of all mankind, artistic culture is designed to ensure the maximum efficiency of the processes of creativity, the creation of artistic values, and the processes of their perception by the public, in accordance with their various spiritual needs. If we consider historical life artistic culture, i.e. her existence in time, then we will see that its main functions are to ensure the protection of artistic values, their transmission from generation to generation, since historical variability social life does not lead to the destruction of the artistic heritage, but requires its actualization, its inclusion in the spiritual life of each new era... At the same time, artistic culture must provide constant renewal art in accordance with the changes taking place in public life, in other areas of culture, by the logic of art's own development.

Thus, artistic culture is designed to transmit traditions, creative experience, accumulated over the centuries ways of artistic development of the world and ensure the constant movement of art, its renewal, improvement.

Forms of material embodiment, the basis and nature of artistic culture

Culture encompasses the forms of organizing artistic life as a system of social institutions. In the history of culture, this system took shape gradually.

Initially, artistic culture did not stand out in any way from the general context of culture, since artistic activity was dissolved in all processes practical activities The further development of culture is associated with the processes of internal differentiation of its subsystems, in particular, with the isolation and self-determination of artistic culture. This entailed an increasingly clear identification and institutionalization of its various blocks, since only internal organization could provide artistic culture with the possibility of self-government, which it needed despite the external influence from the economy, state, church, and ideological concepts.

The functional organization of artistic culture is expressed in the interaction of its following institutions:

) artistic production that creates works of art as carriers of artistic values;

) artistic consumption, organizing the perception of a work of art;

) art criticism providing self-government of artistic culture as a process of artistic communication between people in accordance with the requirements for art by each type of society and culture.

Art production, organized in one way or another, ensures the real fulfillment of the artist's need to create, for this requires material conditions - for example, the presence of publishing houses, printing houses, exhibitions of film factories, etc. A special branch of art production is the organization of the reproduction of the creators of art values ​​themselves - a system of training and education of new generations of artists, ways of their introduction to the existing culture.

Artistic consumption is a concrete historical form of organizing the public's perception of artistic creations, that is, the very process of communication between people and works of art in theaters and cinemas, concert halls and museums. The presence of primary and secondary (performing) creativity in artistic production gives rise to two types of consumption of artistic values ​​- individual and collective. The first is typical for the perception of works of literature, easel art forms, the second - for the perception of works requiring performance (stage, musical, cinematic), as well as works of architecture and associated monumental and decorative visual arts.

Criticism is an important element of artistic culture, designed to solve two problems:

) connect art creators with the public, helping them to understand the content of the works and feel them true value;

) to connect artistic culture with other aspects of the spiritual life of society - political, moral, religious, i.e. either by applying to art the ideological requirements presented to it by society, or, on the contrary, trying to isolate art from them, to enclose it in the framework of "art for art."

The internal structure of artistic culture. Art as the central link of artistic culture

Until now, there are many approaches to defining the essence, structure and function of culture. This is explained, first of all, by the complexity of the very composition of culture, the heterogeneity of cultural phenomena, which gives rise to and different approaches to study it. At the same time, an integrative concept is being developed, based on the application to the analysis of culture. systems approach.

Its essence lies in the fact that the essence of culture is revealed as a result of its consideration in an integral system of being, one of the forms of which is culture. The original form of being is nature, and at a certain stage of development of nature, a new, different from natural, form of existence is born - human society. In society, being passes from a natural, natural, spontaneous form of existence to a different type of functioning and development, which is manifested not by biological imperatives of behavior hereditarily transmitted from generation to generation, but by the principles of activity developed by people during their lifetime. Therefore, the third form of being is man himself, synthesizing natural and social laws in his existence and behavior, man as an embodied dialectical unity of nature and society. But by linking nature and society in this way, man becomes a central link in the chain of basic forms of being. artistic art culture

How, then, is it possible for a person to organically combine the natural and social of their mutual identification? This possibility is explained by the fact that man is such an animal whose existence is not spontaneous - active, but activity... It is necessary that the experience accumulated by humanity be separated from the people themselves, acquire an independent objective existence, i.e. objectified, which made it possible to preserve the knowledge, values ​​and skills obtained by him in an objectified, detached from the person himself - and therefore not disappearing with his death. This is how a new - the fourth - form of being - culture is born, while a person turns out to be, respectively, a three-sided - bio - sociocultural being.

Thus, culture appears before us as an active and historical unfolding process, covering:

a ) the quality of the person himself as a subject of activity

the quality of the supernatural, i.e. those that, relying on the opportunities given to him from nature, are formed in the course of the formation of mankind and are recreated each time again in the biography of each individual (according to the law, "ontogeny" repeats "phylogeny";

b) ways of human activity, not innate to him - neither to the species nor to the individual, but invented by him, improved and passed on from generation to generation thanks to training, education and upbringing; on the philosophical language this activity is called "objectification of the essential forces of man";

v) variety of objects - material, spiritual, artistic- in which the processes of activity are objectified, forming, so to speak, the "second nature", created from the material of the "first", genuine nature, in order to satisfy supernatural specifically human needs and serve as a transmitter of the experience accumulated by mankind from generation to generation; this cultural objectivity turns out to be other being of a person, because it separates from it and acquires other, different from human, forms of existence - forms of tools of labor, scientific treatises, ideological concepts, works of art;

G) secondary modes of activitythat serve not to "objectify", but to "de-objectify" those human qualities that are stored in the objective being of culture, that is, their assimilation and appropriation by people; in cultural objects, the process of their creation "fades away" in order to "ignite" in a new activity extracting from them the human content contained in them;

e) man againwhose second role in culture is expressed in the fact that, thanks to de-objectification, it enriches, develops, takes possession of the culture and thereby becomes its creation;

e)the force that connects person to person in culture is communicationpeople, and then their communication with natural phenomena, things, works of art;

Culture therefore has three modalities:

  • human,in which it appears as the cultural potential of a person (both humanity and personality), acting as the creator of culture and its creation;
  • procedural activity, in which culture acts as a way of human activity - in the activity of de-objectification and in the activity of communication of people participating in both processes;
  • subjectin which culture embraces the diversity of material, spiritual and artistic creations that form second nature - man-made the world artificial objects: world of things , world of ideas and the world of images .

In this three-dimensionality of culture, it really lives, functions and develops as integral system

Tasks modern cultural studies, based on a systemic-dialectical approach to being, history, culture, is to overcome all these one-sided models of world culture and develop such a historical and theoretical model that is in accordance with the wealth of facts and taking into account the essential differences local civilizations (Western and Eastern, Christian and Muslim, etc.), would reveal the logic of the historical and cultural process, the same for mankind, with all the variety of specific forms in which it takes place.

To achieve this goal, one must proceed from the fact that the dynamics of culture is determined by interaction externalfor her and internalforces. External are changes in nature and society. The former have an episodic but catastrophic character throughout the history of culture - say, world glaciation, climate change in Africa, the flood that destroyed Atlantis or the death of Pompeian culture as a result of a volcanic eruption, etc. In general, changes in nature occur so slowly that they do not affect the dynamics of culture. Another thing is a change in social relations, social structure, although their pace is much different than the speed of transformation of cultural forms, the latter are directly affected by transformation public structures, economic and political life.

At the same time, the direct driving force of the history of culture is its own inner strength... Since culture is not a simple conglomerate of parallel forms of activity, not their mechanical sum, but an integral, systemic formation, its integrity is ensured by the connection of all components of culture, subsystems and elements, i.e. ... the structural system... This means that the change in culture as a whole is determined by how it changes and contentits various subsystems, components, and their relationship, i.e. specific weight of each in the integral life of culture.

Structural changes in the history of culture are expressed, first of all, in the fact that the ratio of its main layers - material, spiritual and artistic - changes (but at the same time the main functions of each of them are preserved). For the cultural historian, the functions of artistic activity are especially important, since art is cultural identity, i.e. recreates the content and structure of each of its historical type and every regional, national, and social, etc. states. Therefore, the study of the history of artistic culture is of interest not only for a deeper understanding of the history of all arts, but also how main source studying the history of culture, the macrocosm of which is reflected in the microcosm of art images. The theoretical and historical study of artistic culture helps to understand the place that art occupies in culture as a whole.

Artistic activity is a kind of human activity that is distinguished by the organic fusion of what is in all other types activities - cognitive, value-orientational, transformative and communication- calculated and specialized. She does not know the division into material and spiritual, for the artist's work is spiritual and material at the same time; it does not know the division into practical and theoretical, for it is practically-spiritual, figuratively re-creating life reality, that is, "practice in the spirit" and its fruits are therefore directed to the same holistic spiritual perception - contemplation, experience, comprehension, interpretation, which is characteristic of the human perception of reality, but at the same time what distinguishes “ artistic reality»As a world of fiction from the real life of people. From this point, it becomes clear why, both in phologenesis and in ontogenesis (i.e., in the history of mankind and in the biography of an individual), the ability for full-fledged artistic activity is formed earlier than developed forms of differentiated activity: human childhood, as well as childhood of humanity syncretic (not yet dismembered) integrity of consciousness and behavior is characteristic.

Art as the fruit of artistic activity thereby captures general character culture in which it is created, to which it belongs and which it represents - say, primitive culture, ancient, medieval, Renaissance, etc., in particular each of them, therefore, represents culture not one-sidedly, but holistically. In other words, it is isomorphic to culture, i.e. has a similar structure, for it figuratively reveals that which connects culture with nature, with society and with man.


1.Bryusov V. About art. - M., 1975.

.Viktorov V.V. Culturology. - M .: Exam, 2002.

.Culture and Culturology: Dictionary / Edited by A.I. Kravchenko - M., 2003.

.Korostelev Yu.A. Culturology. - Khabarovsk: Priamagrobusiness, 2003.

.Kravchenko A.I. Culturology: Tutorial... - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect, 2003.

.Petrov M.K. Story European culture tradition and its problems. - M .: Russian political encyclopedia, 2004.


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One of the most important components of the spiritual culture of mankind is artistic culture, which, together with cognitive, religious, moral, economic, political culture is designed to shape the inner world of a person, to promote the development of a person as a creator cultural property... Artistic culture also represents a certain type of human activity, a specific way of realizing a person's creative potential. Artistic culture can be understood both in essence and functionally in the context of the entire spiritual culture.
Artistic culture is the culture of the production of art, the culture of its dissemination, propaganda, the culture of its perception, understanding, the culture of enjoying art.
The life and social functioning of artistic culture are characterized by processes inherent in all types of social production, namely:
- production of artistic values;
- the functioning of artistic values.
These processes concern both art institutions and art itself.
No social phenomenon cannot be understood within the framework of only one specific group of phenomena. The concept of artistic culture expresses a fundamentally new attitude to art, focuses on its social functioning and connectivity with the system of organizations that manage the artistic process, distribute and store its products, and train artistic personnel. That is why the concept of "artistic culture" should work within the framework of understanding the entire social context in which art functions. A work of art is a product not only of artistic activity, but of the entire process of the social functioning of art in society. Considering any work of art, one should take into account the forms of its inclusion in society and in cultural life.
The sphere of artistic culture is the sphere of artistic values ​​representing the highest man-made forms. aesthetic values... Aesthetic values ​​are somehow always involved in culture, although they can retain their natural autonomy (beauty in nature). In this case, the involvement of aesthetic values ​​in culture is explained by the fact that social practice, the activities of people put this a natural phenomenon into a certain value attitude towards humanity.
In the system of artistic culture, there are three of its subsystems, namely:
artistic production and its subjects (i.e. professional and amateur artists). Artistic production is the creative production of artistic values. For the effective functioning of the subjects of artistic production, an important role is played by organizational forms artistic activity (creative unions and amateur groups. This also includes the system arts education(art universities and other educational institutions that train professional personnel for art), as well as various kinds of encouragement, stimulation of professional and amateur art creators (reviews, competitions, awards, honorary titles and etc.).
Artistic production is both a productive and active-driving principle of artistic culture, the state of which is primarily determined by the level of development of art. At the same time, the potential of artistic culture also depends on people's attitude to art and on the nature of their value attitudes towards works of art. An important role is also played by the factor associated with "the temporal possibilities of artistic life, since the influence of art on people is carried out in a certain time interval."
artistic consumption and their subjects (viewers, readers, listeners). The sphere of artistic consumption is a huge world of artistic needs, tastes, assessments, ideals, a complex world of individual and personal perception of artistic values, due to various determinants (social status, education, age, material possibilities of satisfying artistic needs, etc.);
reproduction, replication and distribution of already made artistic values. In other words, it is an industry for the replication of works of art. These are art institutions and means of popularizing art values, this is the propaganda of art culture, aesthetic education, etc. In fact, this subsystem performs "intermediary" functions between art production and art consumption, between the subjects of art production and the subjects of art consumption.

The most important component of the existence and functioning of artistic culture in society is the process of creativity.
The American philosopher E. Fromm calls the need for creativity one of the most important human needs... The animal is characterized by a passive adaptation to the world, while people try to transform it. The creative act is always a process of liberation and overcoming. There is an experience of power in it. That is why creativity is integral to freedom. Only a free person can create, the philosopher notes.
A person cannot rise above the everyday prose of life without an inner readiness for the sublime, for a romantic impulse. According to Fromm, this requirement is dictated by the presence creative forces in each individual, among which imagination and emotionality occupy a special place. In the act of creativity, the individual unites himself with the world, breaks the framework of the passivity of his existence, enters the kingdom of freedom, only in which he can truly feel like a human being.
However, the deepest essence of the creative act unfolds in art, in artistic creation. Art in general is predominantly a creative sphere. Any creative artistic act is a partial transformation of life. A different world is revealed in a creative artistic attitude to the world. However, the process and result of creativity carry a certain element of tragedy, which is expressed in the discrepancy between the concept and its implementation. The tremendous creative energy of great artists can never be fully realized in their works.
Artistic works, as a rule, are considered as the result of a specifically spiritual perception of reality by the artist and, based on this, his self-expression. At the same time, works of art are a means of spiritual communication between people. Artistic culture, as a part of spiritual culture, is a means of preparing and attracting potential viewers, listeners, readers to art, which leads (immediately or indirectly) to a change in their inner world. That is why the process of reproducing artistic values ​​is a process that allows everyone to engage in communication through works of art. large quantity people, allows you to maintain, reproduce the masterpieces of world art.
New phenomena of artistic culture are born in the context of a given historical era, national culture, social structure of society, etc. And by his birth, and artistic content they represent a complex fusion of the temporary and the enduring, the national and the universal. Truly new artistic phenomena, in a certain sense, are ahead of their epoch, since they are called to "serve" not only the present, but also the future. They outgrow the level of artistic needs of their time and quite often turn out to be incomprehensible for this era. Therefore, one of the directions and manifestations artistic development is the gradual overcoming of contradictions between artwork and his perception, understanding, assessment.
The artistic culture of each era includes phenomena, the social and cultural meaning of which is different, and sometimes even the opposite. Some artistic phenomena are cultural relics, leftovers art systems, structures, styles that disappear. At the same time, such deep tendencies of social and artistic progress are found in artistic culture, which do not yet have a direct connection with the current tasks of the time.

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