How Yuri Khoi died. Yuri Khoy learned about his imminent death a year before the tragic date

The biography of Yuri Khoy is mirrored like the biography of every Soviet informal. Yuri Khoy (Klinskikh) was born in Voronezh, on July 27, 1964, in the family of an ordinary one hundred and twenty ruble engineer.

Yura studied disgustingly at school, preferring unnecessary mathematics, and without school lessons the well-known Russian language yard concerts on the guitar.
Other lessons were of considerable importance in his later life - own father, in love with Russian poetry, and not realizing himself in rhyming, managed to convey both his passion for it and knowledge to his own son.

After school, the biography of Yuri Khoy also went along the standard path for a C grade student: the future graduate with difficulty sings and the musician went into the army, and when he returned, he worked first as a traffic police inspector, and then got a job at an ordinary plant, of which there were a great many in Voronezh at that time. Material goods he was little occupied - then he would have remained a road guard. And he didn’t care about his career - it’s not built in factories.

"" - the group he created - was born almost simultaneously with the Voronezh rock club. Its name is of secondary importance to Palestine. Then everyone heard this phrase, because the eastern conflict was constantly repeated in the television news, and locals the Voronezh industrial zone was named the Gaza Strip, in fact, on the territory of which the rock club was located. Glory came to the team in the dashing nineties, when the policy of publicity aroused great interest in everything that was previously forbidden. Informal Russian expressions that have become integral part Russian folk rock hymns written by Khoy. Three-story mats and obscene themes came to the court. Music merchants even signed a contract with the group, but they never made money on it. But the team has achieved wide popularity.

Contrary to the well-established popular image of a lone rebel, Yuri Khoy was firmly married to Galina Klinskikh, they had two daughters, Irina and Lilya.

Actually, this is where the biography of Yuri Khoy ends. The people spread various rumors about him tragic death- as if he had an accident, or he was brutally killed. Apparently, I wanted to focus on the premature departure of the beloved idol. By official version he died of a heart attack. There is information that Hoy took drugs and fell ill with hepatitis, which became true reason of death. In one of his songs, he prophetically sang: "The gas sector - here you will not live to see forty." And he did not live 23 days before his thirty-sixth birthday.

300 rebounds, of which 7 this month


"Sector Gaza" is a rock band created by Yuri Klinskikh in 1987 in Voronezh.

"Gaza Strip" - named after the district in Voronezh where Yuri Khoy lived. Explanation - there were many factories in the area, which is why it was nicknamed the "Gas Sector". The group joins a local rock club and is rapidly gaining popularity not only in their hometown, but also beyond. The songs of the Klinsky, describing the life and everyday life of ordinary representatives of working youth, found a response in the hearts of that very youth. The hits of the "Gaza Strip" are sung in the gateways and basements of the whole country, while the group is completely ignored by the mass media of the USSR. Klinskikh himself works at the plant as an ordinary worker. All-Union fame does not bring any financial resources to Yuri. For the habit, taken from Yegor Letov, to shout from the stage: "Hoy!", Fans give him the nickname "Yura Hoy".

At the same time, one of the first recording companies of the post-perestroika USSR "Gala Records" is engaged in the promotion of the team. Albums of the group are released one after another. According to unofficial data, "Gaza Strip" is the leader in the music distribution, Hoy and the company are touring the CIS. With the participation of the group, the release of the famous "Program A" even goes on air.

In fact, "Gaza Strip" is Yuri Klinskikh + constantly changing composition of musicians. At one time, Tatyana Fateeva worked in the group, successfully complementing Khoy in backing vocals.

Throughout the 90s, the "Gaza Strip", which was actually ignored not only by the media, but also by brothers in the rock shop ( best example to that - the lack of information about S.G. in the rock encyclopedia "Who's Who in Soviet Rock" 1991). She enjoyed immense popularity among the so-called “gopniks” among the “lower strata” of society. At the same time, Hoy's peppery work had enough admirers in more intellectual circles. The group also performed in foreign countries: in Germany, Israel.

On July 4, 2000, his body could not stand it, liver failure occurred, and Klinskikh died of a heart attack in an apartment with a friend in Voronezh. Soon the band's last album, Hellraiser, was released.

Then a wave of followers of the Klinsky began. Former musicians SG or simply Yuri's acquaintances create groups using the themes developed by Hoy and the name "Gaza Strip". Many consider this "inheritance" to be a violation of moral rights. Moreover, Yuri's epigones could not fill the niche that arose after the death of the Klinsky.

This is not surprising - the popularity of the "Gaza Strip" was largely a consequence of the era in which the group developed. People the former USSR the stage of cultural development that caused the popularity of the group has already passed. The "painful" emotions were released and did not need to be repeated. However, there is a simpler explanation - the group's epigones never reached the level of the Klinskys, either in terms of text, or in terms of music, and even more so - in popularity.

Although the ex-Gaza Strip (founded by Igor Kushchev) and the Gas Attack Sector (founded by Sergei Guznin (Kim) and Tatyana Fateeva) have become quite popular. The last group collaborated with "Red Mold" on the creation of the punk musical "Little Red Riding Hood" (2001).

Yuri Klinskikh emerged from the typical environment of the Soviet workers' quarters. He was a bad student and after graduating from school and the army did not stay long at any workplace. Klinskikh did not go to prison, but his closest relatives went through this school of life. Klinskikh was not only a witness, but also a participant in brawls and group fights typical for residential areas. At the same time, Yuri was fond of music from childhood, played the guitar and was quite intelligent, thinking man... Having absorbed specific culture his entourage, he splashed the acquired experience into songs. Keeping the jargon and following the concepts of the lumpen milo close to him, Hoy brilliantly recreated reality, rhyming it into verse. The heroes of his songs are simple guys "in the neighborhood", workers (sometimes on the contrary - they are villagers, "collective farmers"), alcoholics, homeless people, people of a criminal or semi-criminal nature. They are interested in everyday problems - who to drink with, who to sleep with, what to do later. It was this simplicity and obviousness of the characters that so liked the very people about whom Klinsky wrote his songs.

In addition, a large layer of the Klinsky's creativity is devoted to the topic afterlife... The plots of these songs usually develop in countryside... The heroes of the songs are all the same "collective farmers" or "hard workers".

However, Yuri did not stand in one place, developing as a musician and poet. He willingly experimented with the theme and form of songs, in musically gracefully parodying well-known motives. A striking example is his rock tale (punk opera) "Kashchei the Immortal". Klinskikh was fond of various musical trends from hard rock to black rap, which was reflected in his songs. Hoy's best incorruptible girls include not only the early hits of the Gaza Strip stuffed with obscenities, but also such serious songs as Fog, Home, Life, and 30 Years.

Yuri Klinsky honored the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, often drew parallels between himself and the legendary bard. The song "The Night Before Christmas" was written by Yura, obviously under the influence of Vysotsky's song "The Pursuit".

The Gaza Strip was mistakenly thought to be a punk band. Klinskikh really initially used punk attributes on stage, thereby creating a precedent for such an opinion. However, the arrangements of SG's songs have nothing to do with punk-rock: the “dead” drums on studio recordings, the dominance of synthesizers and “heavy” guitar solos gave the band's sound a rather “pop” flavor. Nihilism in the lyrics is also insufficient to qualify Sector as a punk band, since the songs actually lack outrage or open protest. Klinskikh himself later expressed dissatisfaction with the general studio sound, musical style the group, in turn, was characterized as "fusion". Considering that the lyrics of the Klinskys gradually became more and more in-depth, the attempts of Hoy's so-called friends, who allegedly revive the "Gaza Strip" after the death of the Klinskys, look especially pale against his background.

The last years of his life, Yuri, who abused not only alcohol, but also heroin, suffered from hepatitis C. However, the death of the Klinsky came as a surprise to many fans. Yuri was not a rich man, his family was practically left without Money, as a result of which a large-scale action took place on the Internet to raise money for the Klinsky monument.

Group founder, vocals, music and songwriter, acoustic guitar, guitar, keyboards: Klinskikh Yuri Nikolaevich (Hoy), July 27, 1964 - July 4, 2000. Until 1989 he worked as a solo artist, sometimes at rock club festivals with session musicians. The first records of Yuri Klinsky are dated 1981.

First line-up: (1989 - 1991)

Titievsky Semyon Vsevolodovich, January 20, 1968 - bass guitar
Kryuchkov Oleg "Kryuk" - drums
Kushchev Igor Gennadievich "Kushch", July 23, 1959 - lead guitar
Yakushev Alexander Vasilievich, June 21, 1965 - drums
Deltsov Andrey Kimovich (Faeton), February 23, 1963 - sound engineer (sometimes guitar at concerts)
There is a mention of a certain guitarist Max, who completed 7 performances in 89 and disappeared in an unknown direction.

Tupikin Sergei Ivanovich, January 23, 1965 - guitar leader
Alexey Ushakov (Faeton), May 12, 1963 - keyboards
Sukochev (or Suchkov?) Vitaly Vasilievich "Python", February 15, 1965 - bass guitar
Fateeva Tatyana Evgenievna (group School), September 14, 1968 - vocals

Second line-up: (1991-1993)

Lobanov Vladimir Mikhailovich, September 8, 1964 - guitar leader
Tupikin Sergey Ivanovich - bass guitar

Fateeva Tatiana - vocals
Popov Albert Mikhailovich "Red Cucumber" - Voronezh punk bard. Works on warm-up.

The session musicians of this period:

Third line-up: (1993-1995)

Glukhov Vadim Alekseevich, 25 August 1965 - guitar leader
Ushakov Alexey Alekseevich - keyboards
Yakushev Alexander Vasilievich - drums
Deltsov Andrey Kimovich - sound engineer

Fourth composition: (1995-1997)

Chernykh Vasily Ivanovich "Samodelkin", December 3, 1965 - April 8, 2008 tragically died after being hit by a car - guitar
Anikeev Igor Alekseevich "Cat" - keyboards
Yakushev Alexander Vasilievich - drums
Deltsov Andrey Kimovich - sound engineer

The session musicians of this period:

Podzorov Valery Viktorovich, 23 August 1964 - bass guitar
Ushakov Alexey Alekseevich - keyboards (sometimes replaces Igor Anikeev)

Final line-up: (1997-2000)

Glukhov Vadim Alekseevich - guitar leader
Anikeev Igor Alekseevich "Cat" - keys, rhythm section
Deltsov Andrey Kimovich - sound engineer

Studio staff:

Titievsky Semyon Vsevolodovich - bass guitar (Plugi-Woogie, Collective farm punk-1989, Evil Dead, Yadryona Vosh)
Kryukov Oleg "Kryuk" - drums (Plows-Woogie, Collective farm punk-1989)
Yakushev Alexander Vasilievich - drums (Plows-Woogie, Collective farm punk-1989)
Kushchev Igor Gennadievich "Kushch" - guitar leader (Plows-Woogie, Collective farm punk-1989, Evil Dead, Yadryona Louse, Christmas Eve)
Ushakov Alexey Alekseevich - keyboards (Yadryona Vosh, Evil Dead, The Night Before Christmas, Press the Gas, Fairy Tale, Dancing after the Bang), voice (Fairy Tale)
Fateeva Tatyana Evgenievna - vocals (Evil Dead, Yadryona Vosh, Walk a Man)
Zhirnov Igor Mikhailovich "Egor" (group Joker, Black Obelisk, Rondo), September 21, 1964 in Tomsk - guitar leader (all albums starting with Gulyai Muzhik)
Tupikin Sergey Ivanovich - bass guitar (Walk, man, Press the gas, Kolkhoz Punk-92), leader guitar (Plows Woogie, Kolkhoz Punk-89)
Cherkezov Elbrus Dzhahangirovich "Bruce" (edge ​​of the Blade), September 7, 1968 - bass guitar (N.U.M)
Dronov Vasily (Mongol Shuudan) - bass guitar (Hellraiser)
Pukhonina Irina "Bukharina" - vocals (Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Fairy Tale)
Nikiforova Veronika Vsevolodovna (DJ of Russian Radio Voronezh), August 29, 1976 - vocals in the songs "Come on, Come on" and "In the Evening on the Bench" in the remix album.
Bryantsev Alexander (or Alexey?) Ivanovich "DJ Krot", March 13, 1973
- remix producer
Anikeev Igor Alekseevich "Cat" - keyboards (based on a song in N.U.M and Hellraiser)
Glukhov Vadim Alekseevich - guitar ("Fog" - Gas Attack)

Koltakov Andrey "Boniface" - recording and mixing
Tamanov Valery - recording and mixing
Bogdanov Yuri - recording and mixing
Deltsov Andrey Kimovich - sound engineer

Samborsky Dmitry Yaroslavovich, May 30, 1970 - artist, design
Pokrovsky Dmitry O. - album design Collective farm punk, Yadryona Vosh, The Night Before Christmas, Walk, man, Dancing after the Bang
Radimov Sergey - album design Narcological University of millions
Pavlov Sergey - design
Zhuravlev Sergey - design
Lipatov Alexander - design "Collection"
Zolotarev Oleg (NTV-Voronezh) - operator of "Fairy Tales"
Velikanov Dmitry - cameraman of the video Tuman
Larionov Denis - director of the video Tuman
Belilovskaya Ekaterina - photographer
Guznin Alexander - photographer
Ukhin Alexey - photographer

Group management:

Kocherga Alexander Ivanovich "Ukhvat", September 2, 1961 - arranged concerts for the group in 1989-1990. Founder of the Voronezh Rock Club.
Simonov Fidel - director of the group in 1991, the creator of the "left" Sectors.
Savin Sergey Nikolaevich - Group Director (1992-1995)
Lyakhov Konstantin - Group Director (1995-2000)
Alexey Kabanov - administrator (1995-2000)
Privalov Alexey Vladimirovich, was born on May 23, 1972 in Moscow. Collaborated with Yura from 1996 to 2000. At first he was the director of the concert department of the Gala company, with which the Sector had a concert contract. Privalov organized concerts around the country and traveled with the group as a tour manager. But after a while he left "Gala", but continued cooperation with Yurts.
Kurbanov Aslan - administrator of the official website of the group - ( from 1998 to the present).

All of the band's albums, except Plowy-Woogie (1989), Kolkhoz Punk (1989) and The Gaza Strip (1993), were released through S.B.A / Gala Records. The albums were also recorded at the studios "Blackbox" (Voronezh), "Mir" (Moscow), Gala Records (Moscow).

Original albums

* 1989 - Woogie Plows
* 1989 - Collective farm punk [original version]
* 1990 - Evil Dead
* 1990 - Kernel louse
* 1991 - The Night Before Christmas
* 1991 - Collective farm punk [main version]
* 1992 - Take a walk, man!
* 1993 - Step on the gas
* 1993 - Gaza Strip
* 1994 - Dancing after the Bang
* 1994 - Kashchei the Immortal
* 1996 - Gas attack
* 1997 - University of Millions of Drugs
* 1997 - Gaza Strip [re-recording]
* 2000 - Hellraiser

Compilations, remixes
* 1996 - Favorites
* 1997 - Favorites 2
* 1998 - Ballads
* 1999 - Extasy (remixes by Alexey Bryantsev (DJ Krot))
* 1999 - Steb House (remixes by Alexey Bryantsev (DJ Krot))
* 2001 - Favorites 3

Yuri Nikolaevich Klinskikh, better known as Yuri Khoy, was born on July 27, 1964 in the city of Voronezh, and died on July 4, 2000 at the age of 35. In spite of short life, the singer and his group "Gaza Strip" gained immense popularity in the musical field and became cult figures of the Russian ruk. The reason for the sudden death of the soloist still excites his fans.

Yuri Klinskikh came from an ordinary working-class family... He inherited his love of poetry from his father, who himself wrote poetry in his spare time. At school, Hoi did not make much progress, preferring to spend his leisure time with a guitar.

After school, Yuri went to the army. After serving in tank troops on Far East, in 1984 he returned to hometown and began to work in the traffic police. There he served for 3 years, then quit and got a job at the plant, like his parents.

In 1987 when the first Voronezh rock club opened, Hoy first began performing on stage. The first time he sang songs own composition solo, but over time he had like-minded people, and he became the leader of the group. As the name of the group, the guy chose popular name one of the Voronezh districts, full of smoking factories, where the club in which the team played was located. This is how the "Gaza Strip" was born.

Long time music remained a hobby for Yuri, and he did not think about more. But that all changed in 1990 with the release of the "Evil Dead" and "Yadryona Louse" albums. Thanks to the perestroika of Gorbachev's times, the rude style and acutely social themes of Hoy's songs, due to which the group was once called underground, made it famous.

Hoy's work

At the mention of the Gaza Strip, most people associate with punk and swearing. Yuri Khoy himself, despite the image of a classic punk, never considered himself as such. In his songs, he was not limited to any one direction, so the group has a wide and varied repertoire: from horror to humorous ditties and rap... Music fans prefer to call their specific style "collective farm rock".

Hoy's texts often have a highly social connotation. He also often chose folk tales as themes of songs, everyday subjects and Mystic stories about the afterlife. Yuri used profanity when necessary to emphasize the character of the characters.

Since the mid 90s the style of the group, and especially the image of the Klinsky, have undergone great changes. His poems became more restrained and deep, and he himself replaced the typical attributes of punk, such as leather jackets and worn army boots, for shoes and classic suits.

Despite the popularity of the group and numerous tours, music has never brought much profit to the members of the "Gaza Strip". About 99% of the total records sold were pirated.


Over the 13 years of its existence, the Gaza Strip group has released 15 albums:

  • "Plows Woogie" and "Collective Farm Punk" are the first albums of the group, released unofficially in 1989.
  • "Evil Dead" and "Louse" are the first official albums to make the band famous. Recorded in 1990 and re-recorded in 1994 under Gala Records.
  • "Christmas Eve" and "Kolkhoz Punk" were released in 1991. The fourth numbered album includes songs from the first unofficial recordings.
  • "Take a walk, man!" was released in 1992 and became the band's fifth official album.
  • "Push the Gas" and "Gas Sector" were produced in 1993.
  • 1994 saw the release of Dances After Bang and the rock opera Kashchei the Immortal, consisting of 9 arias.
  • "Gas Attack" (1996) is the only album where there is no mystical motives.
  • "Narcological University of Millions" and a remake of "Gas Sector" with a greatly modified musical part came out in 1997.
  • Hoy's career was completed by the album Hellraiser, released in 2000 after the death of the soloist.

In this video - short story about the life of Yuri Khoy.

Death of Yuri Klinsky

According to official figures, Yuri Klinskikh died on July 4, 2000 at 12:37, not having reached his 36th birthday, only 23 days old. The doctors determined that the death was due to a heart attack. Hoy's relatives found it strange, since the man never had heart problems. However, no investigation was carried out, and there is no autopsy data either.

Some believe that the cause of death was drug addiction coupled with severe alcoholism.

Hepatitis C virus was found in the man's blood, which could also play a role. Hoi himself assured his acquaintances that he had long ago given up drugs, so this conjecture remains unproven.

But fans did their own investigation. of this case and found inconsistencies in the testimony of Olga Samarina, Khoy's mistress, who was with him on the day of his death. With the girl, Yuri met openly, despite the fact that he was married and had two daughters. Friends said that it was she who put him on hard drugs.

According to her, on July 4, they planned to complete the shooting of the video for "Night of Fear". On that day, Klinskikh felt bad from the very morning, but still did not cancel his plans. The shooting itself was supposed to take place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Before that, Yuri needed to visit the Theater young viewer to apply makeup. He went there with his girlfriend in a car at noon.

Olga said that on the way, Hoy decided to stop by his friend, who lived nearby. But if you compare the addresses on the map, you can see that the Youth Theater was halfway from the Klinsky house to the place where his friend lived, and where the singer met his death. In addition to this, people from Voronezh claim that that house is known among the locals as a drug den.

Let everyone draw conclusions from this story for himself. The hypothesis that Hoy was killed by drugs has no evidence, but it certainly sounds more convincing than a heart attack or the theory popular among mysticists about the intervention of otherworldly forces. The latter originated from the fact that many of Yuri's songs were dedicated to the afterlife and various evil spirits.

Supporters of the mystical theory in disputes mention the mysterious behavior of the Klinsky shortly before his death. For example, during the last concert he could not perform the song "Demobilization" to a minus and silently left the stage. Later, he insisted that this song be included in the album "Hellraiser", which they recorded at that time, as he was afraid not to live until the next. So, however, it happened. After all, the man died just at the time when the 13th song from the last 13th album of the group was being recorded, which existed for 13 years.

Group materials

For fans of Hoy, who turned out to be the one "who dies young" there are many interesting materials opening it from a new side.

  • "The Adventures of Yura Khoy in the Kingdom of Evil" - comic strip by Dmitry Samborsky in 1999.
  • Literature: "Hoi!" Epitaph of rock-gouging (Vladimir Tikhomirov), “Gaza Strip” through the eyes of loved ones ”(Roman Gnoevoy),“ Hoy says: Direct speech of Yuri Klinskikh ”(Aslan Kurbanov).
  • The programs "The Tower" and "How the idols left." Are dedicated to Hoy's memory. Yuri Klinskikh ".
  • The late singer was also devoted to the broadcasts of such programs as “ Sincere confession», « The main character"And" The battle of psychics ".

"Gaza Strip" is a group that has made a significant contribution to the development of Russian rock music. Our today's hero is the founder and permanent leader of this collective - Yuri Klinskikh, better known as Yura Khoy. The article provides the history of his life, creative development and tragic death.

Biography: childhood and adolescence

Yuri Klinskikh was born in 1964 (July 27) in Voronezh. In what family was the future idol of millions of people brought up? His father, Nikolai Mitrofanovich, received higher education with a degree in engineer. For many years, the man worked for Yuri's mother, Maria Kuzminichna, was a catering worker.

Yura grew up an active and inquisitive child. In 1971 he went to first grade. He has always had problems with behavior and academic performance. Parents often had to blush for their offspring.

Yura graduated from high school with one "four" in the certificate. In other subjects he had "Cs", even in singing and physical education.

Love for music and other talents

The main defenders of Yura were two older brothers. It was they who instilled in him a love of music. In the Klinsky house, compositions in the style of rock and roll were often sounded. All three brothers were fans of such foreign groups, how The beatles and Deep purple... First they bought records, and then they switched to reels.

The father also contributed to creative development youngest son... He taught Yura to poetry. For the summer, the boy went to the village to visit his grandparents. There he began to write poetry. Horror films were another source of his inspiration. It is not only about foreign paintings, but also about the Soviet. For example, Yuri liked the film Viy.

As a schoolboy, Klinskikh Jr. learned to play the guitar. Absence music education did not prevent him from composing and performing dozens of songs.

Military service

After receiving the certificate, Yura was in no hurry to enter a technical school or vocational school. He knew that he would be taken into the army and was ready for this. The guy managed to unlearn in DOSAAF. He was given a driver's license for a ZIL-130. And then came the Younger representative of the Klinsky family was sent to the Far East. He was a driver-mechanic in the tank forces. His mother often sent him letters, but the guy did not always succeed in answering her in time.


In 1984, our hero returned to civilian life. Yuri did not go to his parents. He got a job in the traffic police. The car inspector turned out to be strict and fair. Only the salary was low. Therefore, a year later, Yura went to work in the non-departmental security. Although the guy did not stay there for a long time either. In subsequent years, he mastered such professions as a loader, a milling machine operator, and soon our hero realized that his main vocation was the stage.

Musical career

In 1987, a rock club was opened in Voronezh. Yuri Klinskikh became one of its first visitors. On the stage of this institution, he performed songs of his own composition. The local audience accepted his performances with a bang.

Gas Sector is a group that was formed in December 1987. The idea of ​​creating a rock band belonged to Yuri Klinskikh. It was he who led the team. When musical materials were prepared, the first performances of the group called "Gaza Strip" began. The composition of the group at that time was a quintet - bass guitarists Semyon Titievsky and Misha Fink, drummer Oleg Kryuchkov, guitarist Sergei Tupikin and our hero. During performances, Yuri Klinsky, who was a soloist, author of words and music, often shouted "Hoy!" So this nickname stuck to him.

At first, the musicians from the "Gaza Strip" acted as the opening act for such Voronezh groups as "Children", " civil defense"And" Sounds of Mu ". But soon they had their own army of fans.

Yuri Khoy and his friends learned about all-Russian fame in 1990. It happened after the release of the albums "Evil Dead" and "Lousy". The entire circulation of the records was sold out in a few weeks.

During its existence, the Gaza Strip group has released 15 studio albums, shot 8 clips and gave hundreds of concerts throughout Russia. Also, 4 books have been released dedicated to the permanent leader of this rock band.

Personal life

The Gaza Strip soloist never complained about the lack of female attention. Already in high school, girls were running after him. And after he created his group, the number of his fans increased significantly.

The musician met his future wife Galina even before the army. A pretty and modest girl immediately liked Yuri. He did his best to win her favor. In the mid-1980s, the lovers got married. The celebration was modest. But the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness.

In August 1986, Yura and Galya became parents for the first time. Their daughter Irina was born. Young father in a crumb. And in January 1995, another replenishment happened in the Klinsky family. The second daughter was born. Girl got beautiful name Lily. Many believed Yuri an exemplary family man... However, he, like most men, had his sins.

In 1991, while on tour in Moscow, the Gaza Strip soloist met the attractive blonde Olga Samarina. He met her last years own life. Galina's wife knew about the existence of a mistress. She wanted to save the family, so she did not arrange scandals and scenes of jealousy.

Yuri Klinskikh: cause of death

Our hero made grandiose plans for further life and creativity. Unfortunately, they were not destined to come true. On July 4, 2000, Yuri Khoy left this world. His lifeless body was found in one of the private houses on the street. Barnaulskaya in Voronezh.

On this day, the soloist of the "Gaza Strip" was supposed to go to the shooting of the next video. But something went wrong. For unknown reasons, the rock musician changed his plans. He was visiting citizens unfamiliar to him. He felt bad. People in the house called an ambulance. But the doctors arrived too late.

What did Yuri Klinskikh die from? The cause of death is a heart attack. To many of Hoy's friends and relatives, this version seemed unconvincing. After all, he never had heart problems. Almost immediately there were rumors that the singer was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Experts do not confirm this information in any way.

The Gaza Strip soloist found his last shelter at the Levoberezhnoye cemetery in Voronezh. Today at the grave famous rock artist two monuments of black marble were installed. One shows the years of his life and death. And the second monument depicts Yuri Khoy himself with a guitar in his hands. Fans don't forget their idol. They look after his grave, bring natural and artificial flowers there.


Now you know what path to fame was made by the leader of the Gaza Strip group. Yuri Klinskikh lived a short, but eventful life. Blessed memory of him ...


Date of death Country

the USSR

Professions Instruments Genres Aliases

Hoy, Yura Hoy

Collectives Labels

"S.B.A./GALA Records"

Yuri Nikolaevich Klinsky (Hoy)(July 27, Voronezh - July 4, Voronezh) - Soviet and Russian musician, poet, composer, founder and leader of the Gaza Strip group.



Yuri Klinskikh was born in Voronezh in the family of Nikolai Mitrofanovich and Maria Kuzminichna Klinskikh, an engineer at the Voronezh Aviation Plant. At school, Yuri studied poorly, mainly in triplets, but he had an irresistible passion for music. A passion for versification was instilled in him by his father, who wrote poetry and tried to be published. Yura learned about the existence of Western rock culture early, as rock and roll often sounded in the Klinsky family. Soon after, he decided to master the guitar on his own. Dad's lessons were not in vain, so Yura began to compose poems, from which later his first songs were composed.

Youth and early career

Served Klinskikh in the Far East in the tank forces. Demobilized in 1984. After serving in the army, Yuri worked for three years as a traffic police inspector and one year in the non-departmental security, then as a milling machine operator, CNC machine operator on the Voronezh "Videophone", as a loader, and wrote songs at his leisure. He perceived his work as a hobby, without even dreaming about big stage... After opening a rock club in Voronezh, he became a regular. In the spring of 1987, a concert took place in the club, at which Yuri performed several songs of his own composition. For two years he performed solo or with guest musicians. The first composition of the group, which received the name "Gas Sector", met on December 5, 1987 and subsequently changed frequently. The group got its name thanks to the nickname of a part of the Left Bank district of Voronezh, known for its tense ecological situation and criminality. As for the pseudonym, it came from Yuri's corporate cry: "Hoy!", Which he often uttered during his performances.

Yuri Klinskikh at a concert in 1996

At first, Sector Gaza acted as the opening act for groups that came to Voronezh, such as Sounds of Mu and Children. Due to the abundance of profanity in the lyrics, the "Gas Sector" remained in the underground for a long time. Yuri Klinskikh in those years worked first at a consumer electronics plant, then as a loader; music did not bring earnings. Outside Voronezh, the group did not give concerts, the recordings of the "Gas Sector" were distributed throughout the country through the efforts of fans.


The group gained universal fame only in 1990 after the release of the albums "Evil Dead" and "Yadryona Louse", which Yura sent to Moscow with the help of his friend. In 1991, "Sector Gas" got the opportunity to record an album in Moscow at the "Mir" studio, soon the group's recordings were published by one of the first commercial recording companies in Russia, "Gala Records", after which the group's popularity increased significantly and it was able to legally give concerts ... The albums were officially released in Voronezh by the Black Box studio, and the Moscow studio Gala Records published them in 1994 and republished in 1997. The albums "Kolkhoz Punk" and "Press the Gas" were released in 1991 and 1993 on LP, CD and cassettes, respectively.

In June 1994, Yuri recorded the punk opera Kashchei the Immortal as a new album. Later, Yuri wanted to create a video version of this album, but this was prevented by his death. He managed to shoot only a few scenes, and now there are video versions of the tracks on the Internet: "Aria of Ivan and the Frog", "Second Aria of Ivan" and "Third Aria of Ivan".

Klinskikh did not earn much money, due to the prosperity of "piracy", which affected the number of licensed discs sold, accounting for about 1% of the total. However, the group and its leader have become quite famous in Russia and the CIS. Despite the fact that the later lyrics of the group were more restrained, the majority of fans and representatives music industry The gas sector was associated with foul language and obscene songs. During creative activity the group went on tour in many cities of Russia and abroad.


On July 4, 2000, at 11 o'clock in the morning in Voronezh, Yuri died. On this day, he was going to go to the shooting of the video clip "Night of Fear". There are many rumors about the death of Yuri: according to the official version, he died of a heart attack, although he had never had any heart problems before. According to an unofficial version, Yuri took drugs and suffered from hepatitis, which was the cause of death. Until now, the true circumstances of his death remain a mystery. The last studio work of the Gas Sector group was the HellRaiser album, released after the death of Yuri Klinskikh.

The death of Yuri was preceded by strange circumstances... So, on your own last concert he tried to perform the song "Demobilization" with a phonogram, but he could not do it and simply left the stage. During the recording of the last album "Hellraiser", the band's sound engineer Andrei Deltsov recommended that the same song be included in the next album (it allegedly did not fit the style), but Yuri convinced the sound engineer not to do this, fearing not to live to see the next album. In one of the songs, he also sang: "The gas sector - here you will not live to be forty", and by coincidence, he did not live to see his 36th birthday, 23 days.

Personal life

  • Contrary to his image of a lone rebel, Yuri "Khoy" Klinskikh was married and has two daughters, Irina (born 1986) and Lilya (born 1995).
  • In 1991, at his concert, Yuri met Olga Samarina, whom he later met, in the last years of his life, not hiding it from his wife Galina. According to close people, it was Olga who made Yuri addicted to drug use.
  • In 1999, Yura Khoy became a character in the comic strip “The Adventures of Yura Khoy in the Kingdom of Evil”. The comic consists of fabulous adventures, the hero of which is the leader of the "Gas Sector", collecting his albums. Comic book author Dmitry Samborsky.
  • Klinskikh has never been a member of any party. Despite this, the Sector Gaz group performed for some time at the LDPR propaganda concerts. Yuri commented on this as follows:



  • Alekseev A. Who is who in Russian rock music. - M.:
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