Research project "origin of surnames". Project About the origin of surnames.doc - Student project "History of the origin of surnames" Project my surname how to register

Mikhailovsky district

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Novochesnokovsk secondary school"

Fifth open regional design and research conference for students “Where the Motherland Begins”


"My last name and I"

Nikulin Vladislav Dmitrievich .

Head: primary school teacher.

Astrakhantseva Sofya Viktorovna .



1. Introduction.

2. Main part:

A) Anthroponymy is a special science;

B) The history of the origin of the word “surname”;

C) My last name is Nikulin;

D) Famous Nikulins.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of used literature

Annex 1


At our Vasily's

There is a first and last name.

Today first graders

Enrolled in class

Vasenka was not at a loss

And he immediately declared:

- I have a last name!

I'm Vasya Chistyakov.-

They added Vasily in a flash

Among the students.

Yes, first and last name -

Not a piece of cake

Isn't it interesting to know the origin of your last name?

This question interested me. And I decided to conduct research on the topic “My last name and I.” Relevance I define my research by insufficient knowledge of the very subject of study - the origin and meaning of my surname. To know the history of your family name is to know the history of your relatives. A person’s last name and first name play a very important role in his fate. Therefore in Lately There is an increasing interest in one’s ancestry and the origin of one’s surname.

Hypothesis: It would seem that if a person lives in Russia, then his surname should be originally Russian. Therefore, I can assume that the surname Nikulin is of Russian origin

Novelty my research work is that the research conducted made it possible to determine the origin and meaning of my surname.

Target My job is to find out what secrets my last name holds, to determine its history and origin.


    Get acquainted with the science that deals with the origin of surnames.

    Find out what the word “surname” means?

    Give an interpretation of yoursurnames.

    Determine the frequency and distribution of your surname.

Region my research is anthroponymy, and subject - my family's last name.

While writing my research paper, I used the followingmethods: collection of information and materials on this topic, analysis of the collected materials, survey of classmates, study and descriptions of the origin and meaning of the surname Nikulin.

While working on this topic, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about my last name, its origin and meaning. I discovered a new science - anthroponymy.

First of all, I began my research by learning that the origin of surnames is studied by the science of anthroponymy; then I turned to historical reference literature and dictionaries, which allowed me to learn a lot about the origin of the word “surname” itself and about my surname in particular. In addition, I became interested in which famous people also bear the surname Nikulin-Nikulina. In the process of work, I learned how changes in surnames are related to the history of the language. Trying to involve my classmates in discussions, I conducted a survey among them on the topic: “Where did your last name come from?”Of course, Internet resources provided me with great assistance in writing my work:www. SeeName. ru .

The origin of my last name is only a small part of the past. The history of the surname is the history of my ancestors, the history of my family. I believe that getting in touch with the history and origin of a family name is taking a step towards understanding your family.

Main part

Anthroponymy is a special science.

A special science studies surnames - anthroponymy, which also covers other types of proper names of people - individual names, patronymics, nicknames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc. Together with anthroponyms, all proper names and the branches of science that study them constitute onomastics.

Anthroponymy as a science abroad developed in the first half of our century; Some earlier works are still useful for their material and some observations. Today, the literature on anthroponymy is enormous. Fundamental works of Albert Doz (France), Adolf Bach (Germany), Witold Taszycki (Poland); Dictionaries of surnames have been published in many countries around the world.

At the beginning of the century, academicians worked on Russian anthroponymy. A. I. Sobolevsky, N. M. Tupikov, later A. M. Selishchev and his student V. K. Chichagov. The beginning of a broad study of Russian surnames in Soviet time established in 1968 by the First All-Union Anthroponymic Conference and the works of O. N. Trubachev on the etymology of surnames in Russia. Numerous works on anthroponymy were published in the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Moldavian, Estonian Union Republics

The history of the origin of the word "surname".

After studying various sources of information, I learned what the word “surname” itself means. It is Latin in origin, and came into the Russian language from the languages ​​of Western Europe. At first in Russia this word was used to mean “family, family members, household members.” Hereentry from the Census Book of the city of Rostov the Great for 1678: “In Rodionko's yard, nickname Bogdashko, Fadeev's son Tretyakov, Nevo has children: Ivashko, Petrushka, Garanka, U Ivashka’s son Maksimka is 4 years old, and grandson Bogdashkov Fedotka Ivanov son Lapshin.”

A surname is a family name added to a person’s first and patronymic. Our parents chose a name for each of us. The patronymic is formed from the name of the father, which, in turn, was given to him by his parents - our grandparents. Our surname, as a rule, is also paternal, and passed on to the father from the grandfather, to the grandfather from the great-grandfather... Who first came up with it, where did it come from?

Surnames in the Russian nominal formula appeared quite late, most of them came from patronymics (by the baptismal or secular name of one of the ancestors), nicknames (by occupation, place of origin or some other feature of the ancestor) or other family names. The first people in the Russian lands to acquire surnames were the citizens of Veliky Novgorod, who probably adopted this custom from Western Europe. Then, in the 14th and 15th centuries, Moscow appanage princes and boyars acquired surnames. As a rule, Russian surnames were single and passed down through the male line. In the mid-19th century, especially after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, surnames were formed for the majority of peasants. The process of acquiring surnames was largely completed only by the 30s of the 20th century.

Also looking through various sources, I saw that surnames can be represented in the formsuch groups:

    Surnames formed from given names;

    surnames derived from the names of professions;

    surnames derived from the names of body parts;

    surnames derived fromnicknames;

    surnames derived from the names of animals;

    surnames derived from botanical terms;

    surnames derived from household itemseveryday life.

    Surnames of non-Russian origin.

My last name is Nikulin.

The surname Nikulin in one third of cases has Russian origin, there is also a small chance that the surname is of Belarusian or Ukrainian origin. In approximately a quarter of cases, it originated from the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (Buryat, Mordovian, Tatar, Bashkir, etc.). It is also possible that 20% have Jewish roots, and 20% are Russified versions of Latvian surnames. Most likely, this surname comes from the nickname, name or profession of a distant ancestor of its bearer, moreover, in most cases through the male line, although there are cases when the surname also occurs through the female line.

The surname Nikulin belongs to a type that is not common in Russia and neighboring countries. In very old records that have survived to this day, bearers of the surname belonged to the high society of the Russian Vladimir nobility in the 15th and 16th centuries, who held great state privilege.

A historical mention of the surname can be found in the census table of Ancient Rus' during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The sovereign had a special register of privileged and beautiful surnames, which were given to those close to them in case of special favor or reward. One of these surnames was the surname Nikulin, so it carried its own original meaning and is rare.

The surname Nikulin was based on the worldly name Nikula. The fact is that church names were initially perceived by the ancient Slavs as alien, since their sound was unusual for Russian people. In addition, there were relatively few baptismal names, and they were often repeated, thereby creating difficulties in communication between people. Therefore, the ancient Slavs solved the problem of identification by adding a secular name to a church name. This allowed them not only to easily distinguish a person in society, but also to indicate his belonging to a certain clan.

According to ancient Slavic tradition The duality of the worldly name served as a kind of amulet that protected a person from evil spirits. So, the surname Nikulin is derived from the canonical name Nikolai, which translated from Greek means “victor of nations.” Nikula is in the past the everyday Russian speech form of this name.

It is less likely that the surname comes from a nickname from the common noun “nikul”, i.e. "whistle" In this case, the ancestor of the owner of this surname could have been making whistles.

Intensive introduction of surnames in Rus' in the 15th-17th centuries. was associated with the strengthening of a new social stratum that became the ruling one - the landowners. Initially, these were possessive adjectives with the suffixes –ov/-ev, -in, indicating the name of the head of the family. As a result, a descendant of a person with the name Nikula eventually received the surname Nikulin.

The tradition of giving a child, in addition to the official baptismal name, another, secular name, was maintained until the 17th century. and led to the fact that surnames formed from worldly names made up a significant part of the total number of Russian surnames.

Famous Nikulins.

Among the owners of the surname Nikulin there are many outstanding and famous people:

  • Annex 1

    The results of a survey of classmates in the graph.

    “Where did your last name come from?”

Branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO "Pervouralskaya SKOSH" -

"Pervouralskaya SKOSHI"


"The History of My Last Name"


9th grade student

Grivacheva Olga

Project Manager

Manteeva N.V.

Novoutkinsk village



Project topic : "The family tree of my family"

Project managers : Manteeva N.V., biology teacher, highest qualification category.

Academic subject : extracurricular activities.

Composition of the project team : 9th grade student Olga Grivacheva

Project type : informational.

Duration: 1 month

Project goals:

    Practical goal: to study the history of the origin of the surname “Grivachev”,

    Pedagogical goal: education of patriotism, a sense of pride in one’s family, a sense of beauty, the development of such educational skills as: the ability to interact with any partner (adult, classmate), monologue speech skills, the ability to confidently behave when presenting a project

Project objectives:

1. Study the history of the surname

2.Learn to find information on the Internet and select what you need.

    Provide a presentation of the project.

Project issues:

    How did my last name come about?

    What is my last name famous for?

Necessary equipment : a computer connected to the Internet;Project abstract : The project reveals the history of the surname, compiled family tree surname Grivachev. The relevance is that in modern world Roots and knowledge about ancestors are increasingly being lost. This project is aimed at introducing young people to the history of their family, their Motherland, and the Fatherland.

Intended project products : information about the history of the surname, pedigree of the Grivachev surname

Stages of work on the project:


1. Decide on the topic of the project.

2. Draw up a work plan for the project.

3. Select the necessary photos.

4. Collect information about relatives and family history.

5. Prepare a passport and project portfolio.

6. Protect the project.

I have a very big family. It includes the Grivachev, Paderin, and Svetlakov families. And so far I know little about them. Therefore, I decided to study the history of my family, the origins of my ancestors, to establish family ties, make a pedigree.

I decided to start compiling my family tree by researching the history of the origin of my surname - Grivacheva, which I am proud of and cherish.

One of the oldest historical sciences, which searches for people's ancestors, is called genealogy, which in Greek means " pedigree " Man has always been interested in his ancestors. A surname is not just a distinctive sign of a person. This binding thread with ancestors, revealing the secrets of the family’s fate.Purpose our work was to restore and study the family pedigree as completely as possible. In the process of restoring the pedigree, questions were raisedtasks: explore the history of the origin of the Grivachev family.

Surnames - the most interesting part Russian language and culture. The history of their origin extends over several centuries. Therefore, the surnames reflected the realities of both centuries ago and the beginning of the 20th century. In the Russian language, surnames usually appear in the form of nouns and adjectives (although the original word that became the basis of the surname could also represent another part of speech, for example, an adverb). A surname, like any proper or common noun, has certain properties: grammatical gender (masculine, feminine), can be declined (changed by cases) and used in the singular and in plural. But there are also many differences in the properties of surnames from common nouns.

A surname is a hereditary family name, indicating that a person belongs to the same family, originating from one common ancestor.

There are several versions of the origin of my last name.

One version suggests that the surname Grivachev is derived from the baptismal name Grigory. After 988, every Slav received a baptismal name from the priest during an official baptism ceremony. This naming made it possible to solve the problem of definition: identifying specific person from society. Therefore, it was church names that became the active basis for creating surnames.
The name Griva is one of several colloquial forms of the name Gregory. Translated from Greek, it means “awake, awake, alert.”
The name Gregory is one of the popular Christian names. So, in the calendar there are at least thirty patron saints of this name.
Of these, the most famous are Gregory the Wonderworker - the author of the “Creed” and “Canonical Rules”, Gregory the Theologian - the bishop of Constantinople who defended Christianity, Gregory the Illuminator - the first bishop of Armenia who was tortured by the Armenian king Tiridates.

According to another version, the surname “Grivachev” is derived from the nickname Griva. One of the meanings of the common noun “mane” is “long, luxuriant hair.” Accordingly, the owner of lush, long hair could receive such a nickname.
The third version claims that the surname “Grivachev” came from the nickname “Grivach”, which means a seasoned wolf with a mane.
It is less likely that the surname Grivachev has Latvian roots. So in Latvian the wordgrivameans "river mouth". Thus, it can be assumed that the nickname Mane was given to a person who lived near the mouth of the river.

Most likely, the formation of the Grivachev surname began around XIVcentury, which is due to historical processes.

The first mention of the Grivachev surname was in 1445.The surname Grivachev came to light from Knyazevo (Tver regionhappenedt). In the library of the Pronsk settlement - serf Stanislav Grivachev (1455). Writing -Grivachievor nickname Grivach (seasoned wolf with a mane).

On social media There are 27,847 people registered in networks with the surname Grivachev.

Anyone who is interested in the history of their family and tries to research their origins sooner or later comes across the concept of “Genealogy”. What is hidden behind this seemingly mysterious word?


Like many other scientific terms, the word “genealogy” is of Greek origin and is translated into Russian as “pedigree”. If you dig deeper, you can break down the original Greek “genealogia” into two parts: “genea”, which means “family”, and “logos”, which means “science”. That is, genealogy is the “science of family.”

The Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of this concept: “Genealogy is a systematic collection of information about the origin, continuity and relationship of clans and surnames.”

And the definition of the Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary reads: “Genealogy is an auxiliary historical discipline (which emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries), studying the origin, history and kinship ties of clans and families; practical branch of knowledge, compilation of genealogies.”

My family members.

Grandmother - Svetlakova Alexandra Ivanovna (May 15, 1934). During the war, she worked in the fields and educated younger brother. She worked in kindergarten No. 52 “Beryozka” (cook). Received four commendations and two certificates of honor.

Grandfather - Svetlakov Anatoly Fedorovich (June 19, 1935). I helped my dad sew clothes for the soldiers. Worked at Rai-Po (carpenter).

Marriage in 1953.

Grandmother - Grivacheva Nadezhda Ivanovna. (22 August 1924). She worked at the Iskra Factory (painter).

Grandfather - Grivachev Fedor Afanasyevich. (September 23, 1928). Worked at the Iskra Plant (fitter and assembler).

Marriage in 1952.

Papa - Grivachev Vladimir Fedorovich (January 9, 1958). Worked at the Iskra Plant (electrician).

Mom - Svetlakova Nina Anatolyevna. (October 11, 1958). She worked in kindergarten No. 52 (junior teacher). In 2008, she received the 1st class motherhood medal, because... She raised and is raising 12 children.

Brother - Svetlakov (Melnikov) Andrey Sergeevich. (November 22, 1977). Works as a framer at a sawmill.

My sister's husband is Smagin Sergey Vladislavovich. (September 7, 1977). Working (frameworker).

Niece - Paderina Nadezhda Sergeevna. (March 20, 1999). 8th grade schoolgirl.

Niece - Smagina Evgenia Sergeevna. (September 25, 2005). Schoolgirl 2nd grade.

Sister - Paderina Elena Sergeevna. (January 11, 1981). Works at hospital No. 9 (nurse). 11 years of experience.

Sister's husband - Willisov Igor Vladimirovich (November 26, 1981). Works as a mechanic.

My sister's husband is Zhigirov Alexander Dmitrevich. (December 22, 1983). Novotrubny Zavod (Rolling Plant) is in operation.

Brother's wife - Vissorionova Victoria Vasilievna. (February 23, 1990). Working (seller).

Sister - Paderina Ekaterina Sergeevna. (August 22, 1985). Works at Hospital No. 9 (younger sister).

Brother's wife - Paderina (Gorbunova) Ekaterina Andreevna. (June 10, 1983). Works in the city of Yekaterinburg in a hospital (nurse).

Brother's wife - Paderina (Viracheva) Tatyana Mikhailovna. (November 23, 1992). Working (seller).

Brother - Svetlakov Alexey Sergeevich. (January 11, 1996). Studying at a technical school to become a welder.

conclusions : While working on the project, I managed to find out the history of my surname. In order to answer the question “What is my family famous for?” I talked a lot with relatives, listened to their stories. These conversations brought our family even closer together. And this is very important, especially in the age of information technology, when family ties are lost. I am satisfied with the work on the project. I accomplished the goals and tasks that were set before me. I liked this job.

Research project “Origin of Russian surnames”

Direction: Russian language.

Completed by students of grade 8a of the municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh

Andreeva Victoria, Gorbunova Elizaveta, Kosheleva Karina

Head Trubacheva T.M.

teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh

2013-2014 academic year

Subject of study

origin of surnames of 8th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Kipenskaya Secondary School

Goal of the work :

to reveal the essence of the origin and formation of Russian surnames.

Research objectives:

  • 1) study the literature on this issue;
  • 2) describe the history of the issue of the origin of Russian surnames;
  • 3) identify the peculiarities of the origin of Russian surnames;
  • 4) determine the methods of origin of Russian surnames;
  • 5) determine the origin of Russian surnames, taking into account the mixture of nationalities;
  • 6) analyze the features of the origin and meaning of the surnames of students in grade 8a of the Kipenskaya sosh municipal educational institution.


The research will help us learn more about our distant ancestors and our family roots.

Relevance of the topic:

studying the origin of surnames can give useful information both for historians and for researchers of the Russian language, because some words that disappeared from the Russian language could remain in the surname.

Results of a survey of students of the Municipal Educational Institution Kipenskaya Secondary School

They are interested in the history of their surname and can explain its origin

They are interested in the history of their surname, but cannot explain its formation

Never thought about it

They love their last name

Indifferent to their surname


  • Word "surname" - of Latin origin. In the Roman Empire, it denoted a community consisting of a family of masters and their slaves. In the general case A surname is a hereditary family name that indicates a person’s belonging to a specific clan.

Formation of surnames

  • Most often, surnames are formed from personal names through possessive adjectives. Russian surnames often have suffixes -ov/-ev, -in , from the answer to the question “whose?”

Formation of surnames

  • The difference is purely formal: -s added to nicknames or names with a hard consonant ( Bogdan - Bogdanov , Mikhail - Mikhailov )
  • -ev to names or nicknames with a soft consonant ( Ignatius - Ignatiev , Golodyay - Golodyaev ), -in to the basics on -and I (Erema - Eremin , Ilya - Ilyin ).

Formation of surnames

  • Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names settlements, church holidays and names of saints using a suffix and ending -sky/-tsky (Ilyinsky , Christmas - from Elias, Nativity Church, Makovetsky - owner of Makovets, Gorsky - owner Gore).

Surname structure

  • The surname consists, first of all, of the root stem (which has or has had in the past some lexical meaning), but can also include prefixes, suffixes and endings.
  • The basis of a surname often comes from a personal name or a nickname that carries one or another lexical meaning.
  • Prefix and ending

Family prefix. Family ending

Male and female surnames

  • From male Russian surnames to -s , -ev , -in, inflected according to the paradigm of short possessive adjectives, the forms are formed female surnames with inflection -A, inflected according to the paradigm of short feminine possessive adjectives (for example, “at Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova”).

Male and female surnames

  • From last names to -th , th , -Ouch, inflected according to the paradigm of full adjectives, forms of female surnames with inflection are formed -and I, inflected according to the paradigm of full feminine adjectives (for example, “from Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya”).

Male and female surnames

  • For others (except Slavic surnames on -and I, inflected according to the paradigm of nouns of the 1st declension) of surnames, the feminine form coincides with the masculine, and is not declined, even if it is declined in masculine(for example, “at Anna Pavlovna Sherer’s”).

Ivanov is the son of Ivanov. This also includes surnames derived from nicknames associated with the profession: Goncharov, Melnikov, Krasilnikov. "width="640"

Meaning and etymology

  • Russian surnames are mainly formed as patronymics from ecclesiastical or non-ecclesiastical personal names or nicknames, for example, Ivan Ivanov son of Ivanov . This also includes surnames derived from nicknames associated with the profession: Goncharov, Melnikov, Krasilnikov.

Meaning and etymology

  • Much less often - from the names of the area, for example Belozersky from Beloozero. This method of formation is especially characteristic of princely families, however (unlike Western Europe) it is not typical of noble families.

Meaning and etymology

  • It should be noted here that in Old Russian system names were also common for babies security names , amulets- names with negative content - for protection, scaring away evil forces or for the reverse action of the name. This is how it is still customary to scold those taking an exam, or to wish a hunter “no feather, no feather.” It was believed that Dur will grow up smart Nekras handsome, and Hunger will always be full. Security names then they became familiar nicknames, and then a surname.

The origin of Russian surnames

  • In various social strata, surnames appeared in different time. The first in the Russian lands to acquire surnames were citizens of Veliky Novgorod and its vast possessions in the north, stretching from Baltic Sea to the Ural ridge.

The origin of Russian surnames

  • Somewhat later, in XIV - XV centuries, family names appeared among princes and boyars. The princes were nicknamed by the name of their inheritance, and the moment of the emergence of the surname should be considered the moment when the prince, having lost his inheritance, still retained its name as a nickname for himself and his descendants: Shuisky , Obolensky , Vyazemsky etc. A minority of princely surnames come from nicknames: Loons, Humpbacks, Big-Eyed, Lykovs, Scriabins etc. Surnames like Lobanov-Rostovsky connect the name of the reign with the nickname. Boyar and noble families were also formed from nicknames or from the names of their ancestors.

The origin of Russian surnames

At the end 15th century Among Russian nobles, the first surnames of foreign origin appear, primarily Polish-Lithuanian and Greek surnames (for example. Philosophical) immigrants; V XVII century to them are added such surnames of Western origin as Fonvizins , Lermontovs . The surnames of the descendants of Tatar immigrants were reminiscent of the names of these immigrants: Yusupov , Akhmatov , Kara-Murza Karamzin (also from Kara-Murza). However, it should be noted that the eastern origin of a surname does not always indicate eastern origin its bearers: in some cases, they come from Tatar nicknames that were in fashion in Muscovite Rus'.

The origin of Russian surnames

During this period, peasants usually did not have surnames; their function was performed by nicknames and patronymics, as well as the mention of their owner. : “Ivan Mikitin’s son, and his nickname is Menshik,” recording 1568 : “Onton Mikiforov’s son, and his nickname is Zhdan” Peasants northern Russia, former Novgorod possessions, could have real surnames in this era, since serfdom did not apply to these areas. Probably the most famous example of such kind - Mikhailo Lomonosov. You can also remember Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva- Novgorod peasant woman, Pushkin’s nanny.

The origin of Russian surnames

Finally, the entire population of the USSR began to have surnames only in the 1930s. XX century in the era of universal certification .

Last name and nationality

The linguistic affiliation of names and surnames is determined not so much by the foundations of which language they are composed of, but by the language in which they are used. It turns out that the most traditional Russian name Ivan of Hebrew origin, and formed from numerous folk forms this name is like a surname Ivakin, Ivanaev, Ivanyaev, Vankaev, Vankin, Vanshin, Ivashkin may belong not only to Russians, but also to Chuvash, Mordvins, Mari and other peoples inhabiting Russian Federation. They are used both in Russian and in the languages ​​of other peoples. Thus, a person’s nationality and the linguistic affiliation of his surname often do not coincide.

Last name and nationality

  • The main thing for the assimilation of foreigners was the act of baptism. They learned the Russian language, their children were brought up in Russian culture, and only the surname reminded them of the origin of their fathers.
  • Many figures of Russian culture were born from mixed marriages. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was the son of a Russian nobleman and a captured Turkish woman, and received his surname from his godfather. The mother of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen was a German woman who was not legally married to his father, and his surname was invented from the German word “herzen” - “heartfelt” as a symbol of the parents’ heartfelt affection.

Last name and nationality

  • Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a descendant of a knight of the Order of the Sword, captured under Ivan the Terrible. The father of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov came from the Scottish family Leirmont. One of the representatives of this family, Georg Lermont, switched to Russian service in 1613. “The Sun of Russian Poetry,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was a descendant of Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal, the Arab of Peter the Great.

Last name and nationality

  • As a result of the interaction of languages different nations Some surnames of Russian citizens cannot be unambiguously interpreted as coming from some word. The multitude of languages ​​involved in their formation, fairly short stems, an abundance of homonyms and folk etymology have contributed to the fact that sometimes surnames have up to five possible interpretations.

Last name and nationality

Babin, Babich, Babichev- these surnames can come from the Russian word woman- “woman, wife”, also from Turkic woman'- “father, grandfather.”

  • Goryunov- from goryun(grieving person), but there is also an archaic ethnic group of Goryuny in Polesie.
  • The examples can be continued. But this is enough to show the complexity of defining the concept "Russian surname" .

the most common Russian surnames

  • Smirnov
  • Ivanov
  • Kuznetsov
  • Sokolov
  • Popov
  • Lebedev
  • Kozlov
  • Novikov
  • Morozov
  • Solovyov

Frequency of Russian surnames in the municipal educational institution Kipenskaya sosh.

  • Smirnov (6 people)
  • Ivanov (4 people)
  • Alekseev, Lugachev, Tychkin (3 people each)

Analysis of the names of students in grade 8a, Kipenskaya secondary school

The basis of the surname was the church canonical name

The basis of the surname was a nickname, which is one of the professional names

Andreeva, Emelyanova, Ivanova, Ilyina, Ishutin, Matyushkin, Mikhailova, Osipov, Filimonov, Yakimova, Yakovlev

The surname was based on a street nickname

Blagochinov, Tokareva (1), Trubacheva

The basis of the surname was the name of the place of residence

Bormatova, Gorbunova, Dolganov (1), Zelenaya, Komarov, Kosheleva, Lugachev

The surname was based on a secular name

Zazersky, Dolganov (2)

Tokareva (2)

Andreeva Victoria

The basis of the surname Andreev was church name Andrey. The surname Andreev goes back to the canonical male name Andrei, which translated from ancient Greek means “courageous”. This is the name of one of the apostles of Jesus Christ - Andrew the First-Called.

Blagochinov Kirill

Most likely, the nickname Dean is one of the “professional” titles and indicates the person’s occupation. IN Orthodox Church dean - a special position intended to oversee order in a certain church district within the diocese. However, it is possible that the nickname Dean indicated the character of the person. Thus, a devout, pious parishioner could be called Dean. Dean, eventually received the surname Blagochinnov.

Bormatova Yulia

The surname BormOtov is derived from the nickname Bormot, which goes back to the verb “to mumble.” Its meaning by V.I. Dal in “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" is defined as "speaking indistinctly, quickly and under one's breath; grumble, coo." According to this, the founder of the Bormotov family could have poor diction. It is less likely that the nickname Murmur is derived from the name of one of the varieties of crested hairy-footed pigeons - the mumbling pigeon or mumbling pigeon. In this case, such a nickname could be received by a person who has unusual appearance

Gorbunova Elizaveta

The nickname underlying the surname goes back to the common nouns “hump”, “humpbacked” - “stooped, crooked, curved”. The nickname Hunchback can be associated with the word “hunchback” in another meaning: in Siberian dialects this was the name for a runaway tramp. Similar nicknames were widespread in Rus' in all segments of the population. Hunchback, eventually received the surname Gorbunov.

Dolganov Igor

The surname Dolganov comes from the nickname Dolgan: this is how he called tall people, tall people. However, this word also has another meaning. The Dolgans are a people living in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. In this case, the nickname Dolgan could be received by a representative of this nationality or by someone who lived among the Dolgans for some time.

Emelyanova Anna

The basis of the Emelyanov surname was the church name Emelyan. The surname Emelyanov comes from the church male name Emelyan. This name is of Greek origin and translates as “flattering.” Emelyan, eventually received the surname Emelyanov.

Zazersky Danil

The surname Zazersky is derived from the place of residence - beyond the lake. During numerous censuses of surnames, the vowel o at the base was lost.

Green Yana

The surname Zelenaya is derived from the nickname Green. It originates from a similar adjective. It is possible that this nickname had a special meaning associated with the symbolism of the color green, which in the ideas of many peoples personified spring, ripening, fertility, resurrection, and life. Besides, green color signified continuity. The expression “evergreen” already in ancient times implied immortality, as a derivative of a mixture of yellow (earth) and blue (sky). However, green is the color of immaturity. Therefore, the nickname Green could be given to a young, inexperienced person.

Ivanova Irina

The surname Ivanov is a common type of Russian surname and is derived from the baptismal name. The surname Ivanov goes back to the Russian version of the canonical male name John (from Hebrew - “mercy of God”). It is known that in ancient Judea it was pronounced Yohanaan. The Russian name probably comes from the progenitor of the Slavs, Van, since in ancient times all the Slavs were called “Vani.” Christianity added only one letter “and” to the name.

Ilyina Ksenia

The basis of the surname Ilyin was the church name Ilya. The surname Ilyina comes from the male baptismal name Ilya, which is a modified form biblical name Eliyahu. The latter is translated from Hebrew as “my God is the Lord,” that is, “My God is the true God.” The patron of this name is Elijah the Prophet - a legendary figure in the Jewish and Christian tradition, a miracle worker and soothsayer, a formidable denouncer of idolatry.

Ishutin Ivan

The surname Ishutin is formed from the name Ishuta, diminutive form male personal name Ivan. It historically goes back to the canonical male personal name John, which translated from Hebrew means “mercy of God.”

Komarov Artyom

Surnames derived from the names of insects are few in number compared to “bird” and “animal” surnames. Nevertheless, the surname Komarov entered the top hundred most common Russian surnames. It goes back to the nickname Mosquito. This could be the name given to a person who was short, had a thin voice, or was somewhat annoying.

Kosheleva Karina

The surname Koshelev, according to one hypothesis, goes back to the noun “purse” meaning “a bag for storing money.” In this case, the nickname Koshel could be given to a rich but stingy person. However, most likely, the surname originates from the nickname Koshel, which was given to a clumsy, awkward person. Koshel eventually received the surname Koshelev.

Lugachev Vitaly

The nickname Lugach most likely goes back to the common noun “meadow” - “small grass plain”. Consequently, this could be the nickname for both the owner of the meadow and the person who lived in the meadow or in a settlement with a name derived from the word “meadow”. Lugach, eventually received the surname Lugachev.

Matyushkin Denis

The basis of the surname Matyushkin was the church name Matvey. The surname Matyushkin goes back to the male name Matyushka, a colloquial diminutive form of the baptismal name Matvey. Translated from Hebrew language it means "man of God."

Mikhailova Ksenia

The basis of the Mikhailov surname was the church name Mikhail. The male baptismal name Michael translated from Hebrew means “equal, like God.” The basis of the surname Mikhailov was his ancient casual uniform- Mikhailo.

Osipov Denis

The surname Osipov is most likely formed from the name Osip, the popular form of the baptismal male name Joseph. It, in turn, is of Hebrew origin and translated means “God will increase” or “God will add.”

Tokareva Anastasia

The surname Tokarev probably comes from the nickname Tokar, which goes back to a similar common noun. Obviously, such a nickname refers to the so-called “professional” names, indicating the type of activity of a person: most likely, the founder of the Tokarev family was a master engaged in turning. According to another hypothesis, the surname Tokarev is based not on a nickname, but on the worldly name Tokar, which goes back to the common noun “turner” - popular name black grouse birds.

Trubacheva Tatyana Mikhailovna (class teacher).

The surname Trubachev is derived from the nickname Trubach. Most likely, it refers to the so-called “professional” names, containing an indication of the person’s occupation. Typically, in the past, a trumpet player was a musician who played the trumpet, then a chimney sweep, and in the 19th century, a fireman who blew a trumpet when the team was leaving. It is also possible that the seller had this nickname musical instruments or a master who makes them. The trumpeter eventually received the surname Trubachev.

Filimonov Konstantin

The basis of the Filimonov surname was the church name Filimon. The surname Filimonov goes back to the church male name Filimon. This name came into Russian from ancient Greek and is derived from the verb “phileo”, which means “to love”. Filimon eventually received the surname Filimonov.

Yakimova Anastasia

The basis of the Yakimov surname was the church name Joachim. The name Yakim is a common variant of the male name Joachim, which translated from Hebrew means “ordained by God.” Initially, the name Joakim in the Russian language began to sound like Akim, and in some areas, under the influence of “ekka” or “yak” dialects, as Ekim or Yakim. One should also not exclude the possibility of the formation of the surname Yakimov from the nickname Yakim: sometimes this name was used as a common noun meaning “simpleton.”

Yakovlev Alexey

The surname Yakovlev comes from the baptismal male name Yakov, which is the secular analogue of the church name Jacob. This name is translated from Hebrew as “second-born.” Most likely, the founder of the Yakovlev family received this name from his parents in honor of the patron saint of James Zebedee, the apostle of Jesus Christ.


Research work has convinced us that surnames can be most interesting source for historical, sociological, linguistic research, since they reflect time and man - his social status and the spiritual world.

Personal attitude towards the work done

With our work we would like to encourage people to study the origins of their surname. After all, this is a very educational, exciting and interesting activity. Ancient Russian surnames, including the surnames of our classmates, provide rich material for studying the historical past of both our country and each of us. History is written in the language of the people. And what, no matter how proper names (surnames, given names), can give us answers to many questions!

Hypothesis proven

We learned about the origins of our surnames, this allowed us to expand our understanding of family roots, of our distant ancestors.


  • Barashkov V. F. Surnames with calendar names as a basis / V. F. Barashkov // Anthroponymics. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - P. 110-114.
  • Ganzhina I.M. Dictionary of modern Russian surnames. - M.: Astrel, AST, 2001. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-271-00127-X, ISBN 5-237-04101-9.
  • Nikonov V. A. Dictionary of Russian surnames / Comp. E. L. Krushelnitsky; preface R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - M.: Shkola-Press, 1993. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-88527-011-2.
  • Nikonov V. A. Geography of surnames / Rep. ed. S. I. Brook; preface R. Sh. Dzharylgasinova. - 3rd ed., stereotypical. - M.: KomKniga, 2007. - 200 p. - ISBN 978-5-484-00762-2.
  • Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world: Sat. Art. - M.: Science (GRVL), 1989.

  • Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V. Modern Russian surnames / Rep. ed. Corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences F. P. Filin - M.: Nauka, 1981/1984. - 176 p. - (Literary criticism and linguistics). - Additional, shooting range, 100,000 copies. (region)
  • Unbegaun B.O. Russian surnames = Russian surnames / Transl. from English: L. Kurkina, V. Neroznak, E. Squires; total ed. B. A. Uspensky. - M., 1989. - 448 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-01-001045-3 (reg.)
  • Unbegaun B.O. Russian surnames = Russian surnames / Transl. from English; total ed. B. A. Uspensky. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Progress Publishing Group, 1995. - 448 p. -50,000 copies - ISBN 5-01-004266-5 (super region)
  • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: Popular etymological dictionary. - 5th ed. - M.: Flint, The science, 2004. - 240 p. - ISBN 5-89349-216-1, ISBN 5-02-002782-0.; - 6th ed., rev. - M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2004. - 240 s.

Ukhobotova Ekaterina

Research work "The origin of the surnames of my classmates." Purpose of the work: to find out the meaning and origin of the surnames of 7th grade students at MBOU Secondary School No. 10. Objectives: find out what anthroponymy is; find out how and when Russian surnames appeared; find out into which groups all surnames can be divided.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 10 of Nadezhdinsky district"

Primorsky Krai

Research topic:

“The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates”

Ukhobotova Ekaterina

Head: teacher

Russian language and literature

Tuleshova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Razdolnoe village



2. Main part

2.1. The meaning of the word “surname”_________________4

2.2. The science that studies surnames________________4

2.3. Anthroponymist scientists_________________5

2.4. History of the origin of surnames______________________________5

2.5.Analysis of the origin of classmates’ surnames_____8

2.6. Classification of the names of my classmates________15

3. Conclusion_______________________________________________17

4. References_______________________________________________18



The topic of my research work is “The origin and meaning of the surnames of my classmates.”The relevance of my topic is obvious, since it has now become fashionable to be interested in one’s ancestors and to create a family (genealogical) tree. After all, it is so important for everyone to feel not like an individual, but part of a whole family, a link in a chain of generations.I decided to find out the history of the origin of the surnames of my classmates, including mine.

The purpose of my work:find out the meanings and origins of my classmates' surnames.

Tasks: -find out what ANTHROPONYMY is;

Find out how and when Russian surnames appeared;

Find out the meaning and origin of some of my surnames


I also put forward hypothesis: I think that the history of surnames is closely connected with the history of the people and their language. And I assume that most of my classmates’ surnames are derived from proper names.

Object of study:anthroponymy: Russian surnames, literature on surnames, Internet data.

Subject of study:surnames of 7th grade students at our school.

Research methods:search, research.

2. Main part

The secret of the surname will tell a lot,

He will certainly tell someone’s fate,

You need to know the meaning of surnames for a long time,

No one can hide a secret!

2.1.Meaning of the word “surname”

The history of the word “surname” itself is interesting. It is Latin in origin and came into the Russian language as part of borrowed languages ​​from Western Europe. But in Russia, the word surname was initially used to mean “family.” And only in the 19th century the word surname in the Russian language gradually acquired its second meaning, which then became the main one. As you know, a surname is a hereditary family name used together with a personal name. That is, it is passed down from generation to generation, from older family members to younger ones.

Accordingly, in order to find out what the meaning and secret of a surname is, you need to turn to its origins, understand what their history and origin are. A surname is a very valuable material for research in various fields of knowledge.

2.2.Science studying surnames

Anthroponymy is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames), their origin, patterns and functioning. Anthroponymy emerged from onomastics in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century.

Onomastics - from Greek " onomastike", which in ancient times was translated into our language simply as “the art of giving names.

2.3. Scientists are anthroponymists.

The development of the main issues of anthroponymy was carried out by V.D. Bondaletov, N.A. Baskakov, S.I. Zinin, A.A. Reformatsky and others. Domestic anthroponymy in the 1980-90s of the 20th century was replenished with the works of I.M. Ganzhina, M. V. Gorbanevsky, Yu. A. Karpenko, I. A. Korolev, T. N. Kondratieva, V. A. Nikonov, N. N. Parfenova, N. V. Podolskaya, B. O. Unbegun, N. K. Frolova

Anthroponymist scientists emphasize that studying the origin of surnames can provide useful information for both historians and researchers of the Russian language, because some words that have disappeared from the modern language could remain in the surname. By restoring such words, we can restore some details of the life of our ancestors.

Russian anthroponymic researchers have been studying Russian surnames relatively recently; among the works devoted to this topic, one can name the dictionary by Yu. A. Fedosyuk “Russian surnames”, the collection of V. A. Nikonov “Name and Society”, “Onomasticon” by S. B. Veselovsky From these works I was able to learn that the first Russian surnames are found in ancient Russian documents that have come down to us from the 15th century, but they could have existed earlier. In the 19th century, almost every Russian already had a surname. But they received strict heredity and legal status in 1930.

2.4. History of the origin of Russian surnames.

Surnames in Russian nominal formulashowed up quite late. Most of them came frompatronymics(according to baptismal or secularnameone of the ancestors)nicknames(by occupation, place of origin or some other characteristic of the ancestor) or other generic names.

Citizens were the first to acquire surnames in Russian landsVeliky Novgorod, probably adopted this custom from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Then inXIV- centuries purchased surnamesMoscow specificprinces And boyars. To end XVIII- middle 19th centurymost of the population central Russia had no surnames. As a rule, Russian surnames were single and passed down only through the male line. In the middleXIXc., especially after the abolition of serfdom ing., surnames are formed among the majority of peasants. The process of acquiring surnames was largely completed only by the 30sXX century.

Another group of Russian surnames was formed from the names of settlements, church holidays and names of saints using the suffix and ending -sky/-ky (Ilyinsky, Christmas- from Elias, Nativity Church,Makovetsky- owner of Makovets,Gorsky- owner Gore). Such surnames are historically associated withclergyor Western Russian gentryGrand Duchy of Lithuania.

Most Russian surnames come from dedichestvo, the father's temporary surname, that is, the grandfather's name, thus cementing the hereditary name in the third generation. This made it easier to designate families of the same root. If the grandfather, whose name formed the basis of the established surname, had two names - one baptismal, the other everyday, then the surname was formed from the second, since baptismal names did not differ in variety. It should be noted that the grandfather’s name was written down by Russian officials at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries and surnames for residents of the national outskirts, thus the majority of surnames in Transcaucasia arose and Central Asia. Surnames derived from the names of representatives of the animal world. Hence the Zaitsevs, Vorobyovs, Medvedevs, etc.

So, Russian surnames by origin can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Surnames formed from canonical and various popular forms of names received at baptism: Ivanov, Petrov, etc.
  2. Until the 13th century, most Russian people also bore a secular, non-church name: Besson, Nechai, etc. Often descendants received a surname from this common name or nickname.
  3. Surnames formed from the name of the area where one of the ancestors was from (the basis of such surnames was various geographical names - cities, villages, villages, rivers, lakes, etc.): Meshcheryakov, Novgorod, etc.
  4. Surnames derived from the professional nicknames of their ancestors, telling who of them did what. Hence the Goncharovs, Ovsyannikovs, Kovalis, etc.
  5. A group of surnames that students of religious institutions received; these were either the names of parishes or foreign words, decorated with Russian suffixes, or some exotic names, or church holidays. Hence the Trinity, Rozhdestvensky, Giatsintov and Kiparisov.

After reading several works on the origin of Russian surnames, I decided to conduct my own research, the subject of which would be the surnames of my classmates. To successfully complete this task, I needed existing dictionaries of Russian surnames and the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”

V.I. Dal, in which I was looking for a surname, or the word that formed the basis of the surname.

Analysis of the names of my classmates.

Having learned the origins of surnames, I decided to conduct a survey in the class “Where did your surname come from?” There are 18 students in my class. As a result of the survey, I was able to find out that almost the majority of the class never thought about the origin of their last name (14 people), someone guessed where his last name came from (3 people), and only 1 person was able to answer where his last name came from.

Survey results:

1.Have not thought about the origin of their last name - 14 (78%)

2. Guess where their last name came from – 3(17%)

3. Know the history of the surname – 1(5%)

I found out what words their surnames came from, and what groups these surnames can be divided into. In total I had a list of 16 names. I learned the following about the names of my classmates:

  1. The basis of the Matveev surname served as the church name Matvey.

This name of Hebrew origin means

“given by God.” The surname Matveeva is quite common. The earliest mention of it dates back to early XVII century. Artamon Sergeevich Matveeva was a boyar, one of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich’s close associates. This person is probably one of the earliest ancestors of the bearers of this surname. Matvey eventually received the surname Matveev.

  1. Last name Sulzhenko originates from the nickname Sulga. The nickname is based on the dialect word “shulga”, i.e. left hand. Most likely, Sulga was a left-handed person. In popular belief, “left” has always been associated with evil, evil spirits, untruth, with everything bad and hostile. Therefore, Sulga could be nicknamed not only a left-handed person, but also a deceiver, a rogue in general.
  2. The basis of the surname Fedyakin served as the church name Theodore. Fedyaka is a derivative form of the name Theodore, which is derived from the ancient Greek Theodoros - “gifted by God.” The combination of sounds “eo”, which is uncharacteristic for the Russian language, disappeared, and therefore the Russian version of the name Theodore began to sound like Fedor. Since the mid-20th century, this name has been used very rarely, although in the 16th-17th centuries it was one of the most common among Russians: in frequency of use, the name Fedor was second only to Ivan and Vasily. Hence the huge number of derivative forms of this name: Fedor, Fedya, Fedka, Fedyash, Fedyak, Fedurka, Fedyanya, Fedyunya, Fedenya and others. In the history of Christianity, about 30 martyrs bore the name Theodore. One of the patron saints of this name is considered to be the Great Martyr Fyodor Tiron, that is, a warrior recruit.

During the persecution of Christians in the 4th century, he accepted the faith of Christ and burned one pagan temple, for which, after great torment, he was burned at the stake. Fedyaka, eventually received the surname Fedyakin.

  1. The basis of the surname Dronin served as the church name Andron. The surname Dronin goes back to the baptismal male name Andron. This name came into Russian from Greek and translated into Russian means “courageous.” This name had many derivative forms: Dronka, Drosha, Dronyai, Dron, Dron, Drondey, Dronnik, Dronya. The latter formed the basis of the surname. In ancient times, the name Andron was borne by a Roman slave, touching story which is told by the ancient historians Helius and Elian. If you believe this legend, Andron fled from his master, the Roman proconsul in Africa, to the Libyan desert, where he met a limping lion, from whose paw he took a splinter. In gratitude for this, the lion became faithful to him, like a dog, and for three years shared his prey with him. Andron was then captured and brought to Rome; the same fate befell the lion; both had to fight in the arena of the Roman circus, but the lion, instead of rushing at Andron, caressed him, lay down at his feet. Struck by this strange sight, Emperor Tiberius gave the slave both freedom and a lion. Most likely, the founder of the Dronin family came from a working or peasant background.
  2. The basis of the surname Fedorov served as the church name Theodore. The name Theodore is derived from the ancient Greek Theodoros - “gift of the gods.” In the XVI-XVII centuries. it was one of the most common Russian names and was second in frequency of use only to Ivan and Vasily.

In everyday pronunciation, the complex combination of vowels “eo” has disappeared. Fedor, over time, received the surname Fedorov. Among the most famous namesakes- Ivan Fedorovich Fedorov (c. 1510-1583), founder of Russian book printing in Russia and Ukraine, as well as Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov (1829-1903), Russian religious thinker and philosopher.

  1. Last name Majuga originates from the nickname Mazhuga. The nickname Mazhuga goes back to the word “mazha” - “Chumak cart, cart”, as well as “a measure of weight or volume that is equal to the capacity of one Chumatsky cart.” In the old days, bread was transported to Crimea and the Don, and fish and salt were taken. It is quite possible that one of these cab drivers was a man nicknamed Mazhuga. According to another, less plausible version, this surname is associated with the word “smear.” In this case, Mazhuga was mockingly called a bad, mediocre artist or simply a sloppy, unkempt person. Among the famous owners of the surname is Yuri Nikolaevich Mazhuga (b. 1931), Ukrainian actor, National artist USSR (1981), professor at the Kyiv Institute theatrical arts(since 1985).
  2. Based on the surname Beletskaya lies the name of the toponym. Apparently, the Beletsky ancestor was from the village or village of Beloe, Belovo, for which he received the nickname Beletsky. According to another, less plausible version, this nickname was given to a fair man, blond with pale skin.
  3. Last name Voltova originally could have belonged to the inhabitants of Volyn - a historical region in Western Ukraine. However, if the ancestors of the Volyntsevs are from the Ryazan lands, then their surname most likely came from the nickname Volyntsev - a reveler, a self-willed person.
  1. Last name Zorin According to one version, it originated from the nickname Zorya, which is associated with the word “sharp-sighted.” Therefore, it could be obtained either by a person with keen eyesight or by an attentive and insightful observer. It is also possible that parents could affectionately call their child Zorya. It is less likely that Zorya is a diminutive form of the names Nazar (translated from Hebrew - “dedicated to God”), Zakhar (translated from Hebrew - “God’s memory”), Lazar (translated from Hebrew - “God’s help”).

In “Onomasticon” S.B. Veselovsky mentions Zorya Vasily, peasant, 1624, Nizhny Novgorod; Zorya Igumnov, landowner, 1598, Arzamas. Zorya, over time received the name Zorina.

  1. Last name Galchik originates from the nickname Galets. The nickname Galets goes back to the Ukrainian word “Galitsya”. This is a folk-poetic version of the noun “daw”. Most likely, a person could be called Galts vertically challenged. However, often the nickname Galets was received by a native of the Galician district of the Kostroma region. It is also possible that the nickname Galets originates from the name of the fish “galets”. In this case, we can assume that the Galtsovs’ ancestor was a fisherman. According to a less plausible hypothesis of another version, this surname could be formed from female name Galina (from the Greek galene - “serenity, calmness”), or rather from the diminutive form - Galka.
  2. Last name Ostapenko formed from a proper name and belongs to the common type Ukrainian surnames. The basis of the surname Ostapenko was the church name Ostap. The surname Ostapenko was common in the western regions of Ukraine.

Obviously, it is formed from the Slavic male name Ostap, which was short form such canonical names as Eustathius (from the ancient Greek eustatheros - “stable, durable”) and Eustachius (eustathos - “lush, eared”).

  1. Last name Torchinsky originates from the nickname Torch. The surname Torchinsky is derived from the Ukrainian word “torch” - “a fence in the form of sticks of brushwood, fixed vertically.” According to this, it can be assumed that the founder of the Torchinsky family was a thin and tall man. Later, the nickname Torch was Torchinsky.
  2. Nesterovs - noble family, originating, according to legend, from the ““honest husband”” Oblagini, who left Sweden for Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy in 1375, whose grandson, Nestor Yuryevich, became the ancestor of Nesterov. The Nesterov surname goes back to the canonical male ancient Greek name Nestor, which translated means “returned home.” The surname was based on the derivative form of this name - Nester. The patron saint of the name Nestor was considered the martyr Nestor of Thessalonica (c. 306), a disciple of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Having received his blessing, Nestor entered into a gladiatorial match with the emperor’s favorite strongman, the German Liem. Usually Leah threw the defeated from the platform onto the spears of the warriors, but with Nestor the opposite happened. Strengthened by the almighty power of God, the Christian youth, to the shame of the pagans, defeated Leah and threw him off the platform onto spears. The enraged emperor ordered Nestor to be executed immediately, for which he was numbered among the martyrs.
  3. Last name Dymov comes from a nickname.

In the old days, smoke was called a hut or a yard. Thus, the nickname Smoke could be given to someone who separated from his parents and lived with his own family. However, one cannot exclude a connection between the nickname and the verb “smoke” in the meaning “to smoke.” In this case, Smoke could be nicknamed someone who lived in a smoking hut and fired the stove “black” (when the smoke comes out not through a chimney, but through a window and door). This surname is quite ancient. It has been found in documents since the 15th century: Dym Afonya, peasant, 1605, Arzamas; Dymov Vasily Semenovich Krivoy, late 15th century, Novgorod; Dymov Mikhail, executed in the oprichnina. Dym eventually received the surname Dymov.

  1. Last name Klushina formed from the nickname Klusha. This was usually the name given to a mother hen. In a figurative sense, the nickname meant “a poorly dressed or muffled woman.” In Tver and Pskov dialects, the nickname Klusha was assigned to a woman with gray, quick eyes. According to this hypothesis, Klushina belongs to the group of surnames formed from women's nicknames. Surnames of this type are few in number, since traditionally the nickname or name of the father as the ancestor and head of the family was taken as the basis. The mother's nickname became the basis of the surname only if the child was born illegally. There is also a version that the nickname Klusha originates from the word “klushi”, which in Tver dialects meant “black card suit with a spear, wine, spades.” In this case, the nickname was ironic and was intended to reflect the unpleasant sides of a person, his bad habits: a passion for gambling. Klusha, eventually received the surname Klushina.

My last name meaning:

  1. The surname Ukhobotov is derived from the nickname Ukhobot.

It most likely goes back to the Russian word “earbot”. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” V.I. Dahl defines “earbot” as “chaff, weeds and light grains.” Most likely, this nickname was one of the “professional” names and indicated the person’s occupation. So, Ukhobot could be called the one who was engaged in processing, weaving grain. Ukhobot formed the basis of the surname Ukhobotov. Ukhobot eventually received the surname Ukhobotov.

2.6. Classification of the names of my classmates.

Most anthroponymic scientists, when compiling dictionaries of Russian surnames, note that there are a lot of surnames, and it is unthinkable to find out the meaning of each, therefore it is very important to identify groups according to the meaning of the words underlying the surnames, and to correlate this or that surname with these groups. I divided the names of my classmates into the following groups:

1. Surnames formed from personal names - Matveeva, Fedyakin, Fedorov, Ostapenko, Dronin, Nesterov.

2. Surnames derived from geographical names - Beletskaya, Voltova.

3. Surnames formed from nicknames - Mazhuga, Galchik, Zorin, Torchinskaya, Dymov, Ukhobotova, Klushina, Sulzhenko.

In Rus', as is known, in addition to personal names, nicknames were also widespread, which also became a source for the formation of surnames. Moreover, the range of nicknames was extremely wide, and they were very popular among the urban and rural population of the Russian state. In this case, we can assume that the secret of the surname is hidden behind the shadow of the nickname.

Consequently, having understood what this or that nickname means, we can find out the meaning of the surname.

The secret of your last name can be revealed by the symbols that each last name contains. In other words, to find out the secret of a surname you need to analyze the letters included in it

(see Appendix 1)

3. Conclusion.

Let's return to the hypothesis of my work, each surname is a riddle that can be solved if you are very attentive to the word; a unique and inimitable phenomenon of our culture, living history. I assumed that most surnames are formed from personal names, but as a result of the research, I came to the conclusion that of the surnames I studied, the majority were formed from nicknames. My hypothesis, unfortunately, was not confirmed. Surnames formed from given names make up - 33%

This work can be continued in several directions, the list of surnames studied can be significantly expanded, a more accurate classification of surnames can be compiled, the meanings of those surnames that I could not determine within the framework of this work can be found out, for this additional dictionaries will be needed. I think this work is very interesting and exciting.

Research work convinced me that surnames can be an interesting source for research, since they reflect time and a person - his social position and spiritual world.


1. Grushko E. A., Medvedev Yu. M., Surnames... (encyclopedia). - Moscow, Iris Press Rolf, 1998

2.Dal V.I. “Dictionary of the living Great Russian language in 4 volumes,” M. “Russian language”, 1982

3. Kalakutskaya L.P., Declension of surnames and personal names in Russian literary language. - Moscow, Science, 1984

4. Mikhailov D. What’s in my name for you. M., Terra, 1998

5. Nikonov V. A., Dictionary of Russian surnames. - Moscow, School – Press, 1993

6.Polyakova E.N. From the history of Russian names and surnames - M., education, 1975 - 160 pages.

7.Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A.V., Modern Russian surnames. - Moscow, Science, 1981.

8. Uspensky L. A word about words. L., Lenizdat, 1962

9. Gendre A. secret code of fate. – St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 2007-320 pp.

10. Internet sites: http: //

Appendix 1. Find out the secret by letter



A- symbolizes the beginning - the creator, discoverer, creator of the idea

E – self-criticism, self-expression,

And - peace-loving nature, kind and vulnerable soul

O - the desire to understand everything, originality, generosity

E – hot temper, lack of restraint

Life laws and purposes, ability to reason

U – a tendency to openly express one’s thoughts, generosity

E – vanity and inappropriate display, curiosity, nosy

Yu – love for social sciences, ability to commit cruel acts

I am the ability to achieve goals and defend my positions

B – financial independence

IN - creative person, communication skills

G – curiosity, desire for greater knowledge

D – thoughtfulness, caution in making any decisions, goodwill

F – lofty views, reserved nature

Z – cowardice, excellent intuition

K – ability to keep everything to oneself, secretive nature

L – the desire to find and fulfill one’s destiny

M – great love for nature, practicality

N – self-sufficiency, pride, creative hidden abilities

P - a large number of ideas, initiative, tendency to generalize

P – self-confidence, intelligence, courage, determination

C – irritability, dissatisfaction with others, short temper, but quick release

T – inability to soberly assess one’s capabilities, maximalism

F – exaggeration of the significance of one’s personality, tendency to feel oneself as the center of the universe, deceit

X – stability, strength, good financial position, independence

C – ambition, arrogant nature

H – the predominance of collectivism to the detriment of the individual, a developed sense of duty, altruism

Ш - the ability to hold your head high, a sense of the importance of your own person

Ш – desire to always help, generosity, ability to lead

My surname, my family.

Project completed

Kovalchuk Daniil,

students of 3 "B" class of MAOU "Lyceum"

Head: Artemova V.S.


Latin origin from familia , which translated into Russian means “family”.

  • 14th - 15th centuries - princes, boyars
  • 16th - 18th centuries - nobles
  • The end of the 19th century (until the 30s of the 20th century) - peasants

  • type of Ukrainian-Belarusian surnames
  • formed from a personal nickname, from a Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian dialect word "koval" - "blacksmith".

  • English Smith (English smith - blacksmith),
  • German Schmidt (German schmidt - blacksmith),
  • French Ferrand (French Forgeron - blacksmith),
  • Spanish Herrero (Spanish herrero - blacksmith),
  • Russian Kuznetsov, Kovalev

In ancient documents there are:

Kovalenok Peter, peasant, 1628 Belev; Koval, peasant, 1545 Novgorod; Kovanka Stepan, peasant, 1624 Kurmysh; Kovach Ermak, peasant, beginning of XV Beloozero; Ivan Kovachev, peasant, 1627 Belev.

My outstanding namesakes

Ilya Valerievich Kovalchuk - Russian hockey player

Anna Kovalchuk -

theater and film actress

My outstanding namesakes

Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk -

Russian physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Yulia Kovalchuk -

Russian singer, TV presenter.

My outstanding namesakes

Boris Mikhailovich Kovalchuk - Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexander Sergeevich Kovalchuk - leader of the Soviet and Russian Navy, rear admiral

My family tree.

Kovalchuk Daniil Denisovich

Kovalchuk Victoria Sergeevna

Kovalchuk Denis Dmitrievich


Individual entrepreneur

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 4 “Sunny”

Kovalchuk Tatyana Leontievna

Kovalchuk Dmitry Anatolievich

Chief engineer of the Kashtanovsky grain farm

Technology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Kashtanovskaya Secondary School

Pankov Leonty Mikheevich

Nekrasova Lidiya Gavrilovna

Kovalchuk Antonina Davydovna


Kovalchuk Anatoly Antonovich

Foreman of the Kashtanovsky grain farm

Pankov Mikhey Leontievich

Gitalo Irina

Kovalchuk Anton Dmitrievich


Nekrasov Gavriil Gavrilovich

Trunova Lyubov Yakovlevna

Solodkov David Alekseevich

Sinyapkina Arina Mikhailovna

Me with my grandfather Dmitry Anatolyevich Kovalchuk

My great-grandfather Anatoly Antonovich Kovalchuk

with my dad Kovalchuk Denis Dmitrievich

Me with my father Denis Dmitrievich Kovalchuk and my mother Victoria Sergeevna

My grandmother Kovalchuk (Pankova) Tatyana Leontievna and me

From left to right:

Kovalchuk Anatoly Antonovich (my great-grandfather)

Gitalo Irina Matveevna (my great-great-grandmother)

Garapshina (Kovalchuk) Klavdiya Anatolyevna

Kovalchuk Anton Dmitrievich (my great-great-grandfather)

Kovalchuk (Solodkova) Antonina Davydovna (my great-grandmother)

My great-grandmother is Kovalchuk (Solodkova) Antonina Davydovna

Passport Office

City Civil Registry Office

In Uryupinsk and the region, 207 people bear the surname Kovalchuk

1. Do you know the origin of your last name?

1. Do you know the origin of your last name?

Survey of classmates and parents

2. Can you name your famous namesakes?

2. Can you name your famous namesakes?

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