Nikolaev A.I. Fundamentals of literary criticism. Literary movements and currents

Option 1

A. Classicism

B. Sentimentalism

B. Romanticism

G. Realism

1. Reflection of the idea of ​​harmony, strict orderliness of the world, faith in the human mind.

2. Contains a contrast between reality and dreams.

3. Opposes the abstraction and rationality of the works of classicism. It reflects the desire to depict human psychology.

4. Main character lonely and not understood by others, opposed to society.

5. The actions and actions of the heroes are determined from the point of view of feelings, the sensitivity of the heroes is exaggerated.

6. The plot and composition are subordinate accepted rules (rule of three unities: places of time, actions).

7. Portrayal of typical characters in typical circumstances.

8. Main genres - comedy, ode.

9. Idealization of the village way of life, the heroes are ordinary people.

10. The name of the direction in translation means “material, real.”

11. Replaces classicism.

12. Civil (educational) orientation of the works.

13. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

14. G.R. Derzhavin Ode "Felitsa"

15. N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls»

16. V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

17. M.V. Lomonosov

18. N.M. Karamzin

19. D.I. Fonvizin

20. L.N. Tolstoy

Test on the topic " Literary directions»

Option 2

When answering test questions, indicate only the letter that corresponds to the literary direction.

A. Classicism

B. Sentimentalism

B. Romanticism

G. Realism

I. Which literary movement does the characteristic correspond to?

1. The actions and deeds of the heroes are determined from the point of view of reason.

2. Idealization of the natural world (a special landscape).

3. An exceptional hero acts in exceptional circumstances.

4. Main genres - elegy, ballad.

5. The hero is individual and at the same time embodies typical traits.

6. The name of the direction in translation means “Exemplary”

7. Representatives of the lower classes are endowed with a rich spiritual world.

8. Replaces romanticism and exists to this day.

9. Unusual and exotic depiction of events, landscapes, people.

10. Dividing comedy heroes into positive and negative.

11. The work shows a special interest in the surrounding reality, the ideal world is contrasted with the real.

12. A hero is judged by how he can show feelings, and not by the benefit he brings to the state.

II. What literary movement do the works belong to?

13. V.A. Zhukovsky Elegy “Sea”

14. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

15. M.V. Lomonosov “Ode on the day of Elizabeth Petrovna’s accession to the throne”

16. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

III. Which literary movement does the writer's work belong to?

17. G.R. Derzhavin

18. A.P. Chekhov

19. M.V. Lomonosov

20. N.M. Karamzin

Option 1

Option 2

Evaluation criteria

"5" - 18-20 points (90% correct answers)

"4" - 14-17 points (70%-89% correct answers)

"3" - 10-13 points (50%-69% correct answers)

"2" - 0-9 points (less than 49% correct answers)

Literature like no other form creative activity human, connected with social and historical life people, being a bright and imaginative source of its reflection. Fiction develops along with society, in a certain historical sequence and we can say that it is a direct example artistic development civilization. Each historical era is characterized certain moods, views, attitude and worldview, which inevitably manifests itself in literary works.

A common worldview, supported by common artistic principles creation of a literary work separate groups writers, forms various literary trends. It is worth saying that the classification and identification of such trends in the history of literature is very conditional. Writers, creating their works in different historical eras, did not even suspect that literary scholars would, over the years, classify them as belonging to any literary movement. Nevertheless, for the convenience of historical analysis in literary criticism, such a classification is necessary. It helps to understand more clearly and structuredly complex processes development of literature and art.

Main literary trends

Each of them is characterized by the presence of a number famous writers, which are united by a clear ideological and aesthetic concept set out in theoretical works, and a general view of the principles of creating a work of art or artistic method, which, in turn, acquires historical and social traits, inherent in a certain direction.

In the history of literature, it is customary to distinguish the following main literary trends:

Classicism. It was formed as an artistic style and worldview to XVII century. It is based on a passion for ancient art, which was taken as a role model. In an effort to achieve simplicity of perfection, similar to ancient models, the classicists developed strict canons of art, such as the unity of time, place and action in drama, which had to be strictly followed. Literary work was emphatically artificial, reasonably and logically organized, rationally constructed.

All genres were divided into high (tragedy, ode, epic), which glorified heroic events and mythological subjects, and low - depicting everyday life people of the lower classes (comedy, satire, fable). The classicists preferred drama and created many works specifically for theatrical stage, using not only words to express ideas, but also visual images, a certain way of structured plot, facial expressions and gestures, scenery and costumes. The entire seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries passed under the shadow of classicism, which was replaced by another direction after the destructive power of the French.

Romanticism is a comprehensive concept that has powerfully manifested itself not only in literature, but also in painting, philosophy and music, and in each European country it had its own specific features. Romantic writers were united by a subjective view of reality and dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality, which forced them to construct different pictures of the world that lead away from reality. Heroes romantic works- powerful, extraordinary personalities, rebels who challenge the imperfections of the world, universal evil and die in the struggle for happiness and universal harmony. Unusual heroes and unusual life circumstances, fantasy worlds and unrealistically strong deep experiences the writers conveyed with the help certain language their works are very emotional and sublime.

Realism. The pathos and elation of romanticism gave way to this direction, the main principle of which was the depiction of life in all its earthly manifestations, very real typical heroes in real typical circumstances. Literature, according to realist writers, was supposed to become a textbook of life, so heroes were depicted in all aspects of personality manifestation - social, psychological, historical. The main source influencing a person, shaping his character and worldview, becomes environment, real life circumstances with which the heroes constantly come into conflict due to deep contradictions. Life and images are given in development, showing a certain trend.

Literary trends reflect the most general parameters and features artistic creativity during a certain historical period in the development of society. In turn, within any direction, several movements can be distinguished, which are represented by writers with similar ideological and artistic attitudes, moral and ethical views, and artistic and aesthetic techniques. Thus, within the framework of romanticism there were such movements as civil romanticism. Realist writers were also adherents of various movements. In Russian realism it is customary to distinguish philosophical and sociological movements.

Literary movements and movements are a classification created within the framework of literary theories. It is based on the philosophical, political and aesthetic views of eras and generations of people at a certain historical stage in the development of society. However, literary trends can go beyond just one historical era, therefore they are often identified with artistic method, common to a group of writers who lived in different times, but expressing similar spiritual and ethical principles.

LITERARY DIRECTION (METHOD)- a set of basic features of creativity that were formed and repeated during a certain historical period in the development of art.

At the same time, the features this direction can be traced among authors who worked in the eras preceding the formation of the movement itself (traits of romanticism in Shakespeare, features of realism in Fonvizin’s “The Minor”), as well as in subsequent eras (traits of romanticism in Gorky).

There are four main literary trends:CLASSICISM, ROMANTICISM, REALISM, MODERNISM.

LITERARY CURRENT- finer division compared to the direction; currents either represent branches of one direction ( German romanticism, French romanticism, Byronism in England, Karamzinism in Russia), or arise during the transition from one direction to another (sentimentalism).



The main literary movement in Russia XVIII century.

Main features

  1. Imitation of examples of ancient culture.
  2. Strict construction rules works of art.Chapter II. Literary trends (methods) and currents 9
  3. Strict hierarchy of genres: high (ode, epic poem, tragedy); medium (satire, love letter); low (fable, comedy).
  4. Rigid boundaries between genders and genres.
  5. Creating the Ideal Circuit social life And ideal images members of society (enlightened monarch, statesman, military, woman).

Main genres in poetry

Ode, satire, historical poem.

The main rules for constructing dramatic works

  1. The rule of “three unities”: place, time, action.
  2. Division into positive and negative characters.
  3. The presence of a hero-reasoner (a character expressing the author’s position).
  4. Traditional roles: reasoner (hero-reasoner), first lover (hero-lover), second lover, ingénue, soubrette, deceived father, etc.
  5. Traditional denouement: the triumph of virtue and the punishment of vice.
  6. Five actions.
  7. Speaking names.
  8. Long moralizing monologues.

Main representatives

Europe - writer and thinker Voltaire; playwrights Corneille, Racine, Moliere; fabulist La Fontaine; poet Guys (France).

Russia - poets Lomonosov, Derzhavin, playwright Fonvizin (comedies "The Brigadier", 1769 and "The Minor", 1782).

Traditions of classicism in the literature of the 19th century

Krylov . Genre traditions classicism in fables.

Griboyedov . Features of classicism in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

The main literary movement in Russia in the first third of the 19th century.

Main features

  1. Creation ideal world dreams that are fundamentally incompatible with real life, opposed to it.
  2. In the center of the image - human personality, her inner world, its attitude to the surrounding reality.
  3. Portrayal of an exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances.
  4. Denial of all the rules of classicism.
  5. The use of fiction, symbolism, the absence of everyday and historical motivations.

Main genres

Lyric poem, poem, tragedy, novel.

Main genres in Russian poetry

Elegy, message, song, ballad, poem.

Main representatives

Europe - Goethe, Heine, Schiller (Germany), Byron (England).

Russia - Zhukovsky.

Traditions of romanticism in the literature of the 19th-20th centuries

Griboyedov . Romantic traits in the characters of Sofia and Chatsky; a parody of Zhukovsky's ballads (Sofia's dream) in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

Pushkin . Romantic period creativity (1813--1824); the image of the romantic poet Lensky and discussions of romanticism in the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"; unfinished novel "Dubrovsky".

Lermontov . Romantic period of creativity (1828-І836); elements of romanticism in poems of the mature period (1837-1841); romantic motifs in the poems “Song about... the merchant Kalashnikov”, “Mtsyri”, “Demon”, in the novel “Hero of Our Time”; the image of the romantic poet Lensky in the poem "The Death of a Poet".

The main literary direction of the 2nd half of the XIX-XX centuries.

Main features

  1. Creation of typical (regular) characters.
  2. These characters act in typical everyday and historical settings.
  3. Life-like verisimilitude, fidelity to details (in combination with conventional forms artistic fantasy: symbol, grotesque, fantasy, myth).

In Russia, the emergence of realism began in the 1820s:

Krylov. Fables.

Griboyedov . Comedy "Woe from Wit" (1822 -1824).

Pushkin . Mikhailovsky (1824-1826) and late (1826-1836) periods of creativity: the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831), the tragedy "Boris Godunov" (1825), "Belkin's Tales" (1830), the poem " Bronze Horseman"(1833), story" Captain's daughter"(1833-1836); late lyrics.

Lermontov . Period mature creativity(1837-1841): novel “A Hero of Our Time” (1839-1841), late lyrics.

Gogol . "Petersburg Tales" (1835-1842; "The Overcoat", 1842), the comedy "The Inspector General" (1835), the poem "Dead Souls" (1st volume: 1835-1842).

Tyutchev, Fet . Features of realism in lyrics.

In the years 1839-1847, Russian realism was formed into a special literary movement, called the “natural school” or “Gogolian direction.” Natural school became the first stage in the development of a new movement in realism - Russian critical realism.

Programmatic works of writers of critical realism


Goncharov . Novel "Oblomov" (1848-1858).

Turgenev . The story "Asya" (1858), the novel "Fathers and Sons" (1861).

Dostoevsky . Novel "Crime and Punishment" (1866).

Lev Tolstoy . Epic novel "War and Peace" (1863-1869).

Saltykov-Shchedrin . "The History of a City" (1869--1870), "Tales" (1869-1886).

Leskov . The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" (1879), the story "Lefty" (1881).


Ostrovsky . Drama “The Thunderstorm” (1859), comedy “Forest” (1870).


Nekrasov . Lyrics, poems “Peasant Children” (1861), “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1863-1877).

The development of critical realism ends at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century:

Chekhov . Stories "Death of an Official" (1883), "Chameleon" (1884), "Student" (1894), "House with a Mezzanine" (1896), "Ionych", "Man in a Case", "Gooseberry", "About Love" , "Darling" (all 1898), "Lady with a Dog" (1899), comedy " The Cherry Orchard" (1904).

Bitter . Feature article " Former people"(1897), the story "Ice drift" (1912), the play "At the Bottom" (1902).

Bunin . The stories "Anton's Apples" (1900), "The Gentleman from San Francisco" (1915).

Kuprin . The story "Olesya" (1898), " Garnet bracelet" (1910).

After October revolution the term " socialist realism". However, creativity best writers post-revolutionary period does not fit into the narrow framework of this trend and retains traditional features Russian realism:

Sholokhov . Novel " Quiet Don"(1925-1940), story "The Fate of Man" (1956).

Bulgakov . Tale " dog's heart"(1925), novels" White Guard"(1922-1924), "The Master and Margarita" (1929-1940), the play "Days of the Turbins" (1925-1926).

Zamyatin . Dystopian novel "We" (1929).

Platonov . The story "The Pit" (1930).

Tvardovsky . Poems, poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945).

Parsnip . Late lyrics, novel "Doctor Zhivago" (1945--1955).

Solzhenitsyn . The story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", story " Matrenin Dvor" (1959).

Shalamov . Cycle " Kolyma stories" (1954--1973).

Astafiev . The story "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess" (1967-1989).

Trifonov . The story "The Old Man" (1978).

Shukshin. Stories.

Rasputin . The story "Farewell to Matera" (1976).


Modernism - a literary movement that unites various movements in art of the late 19th-20th centuries, engaged in experiments with the form of works of art (symbolism, Acmeism, futurism, cubism, constructivism, avant-gardeism, abstract art, etc.).

IMAGINISM (imago - image) is a literary movement in Russian poetry between 1919 and 1925, whose representatives stated that the goal of creativity is to create an image. Basics means of expression Imagists - metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. The creator of the movement is Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof. Sergei Yesenin, who was a member of it, brought fame to the Imagist group.

POSTMODERNISM - various movements in the art of the 2nd half XX-beginning XXI centuries (conceptualism, pop art, social art, body art, graffiti, etc.), which put the denial of the integrity of life and art at all levels at the forefront. In Russian literature, the era of postmodernism opens with the almanac "Metropol", 1979; most famous authors almanac:V.P. Aksenov, B.A. Akhmadulina, A.G. Bitov, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, F.A. Iskander.

A literary movement is something that is often identified with a school or literary group. Means group creative personalities, they are characterized by programmatic and aesthetic unity, as well as ideological and artistic intimacy.

In other words, this is a certain variety (as if a subgroup). In relation, for example, to Russian romanticism, one speaks of “psychological”, “philosophical” and “civil” movements. In Russians literary movements Scientists distinguish between “sociological” and “psychological” directions.


Literary movements of the 20th century

First of all, this is an orientation towards classical, archaic and everyday mythology; cyclic time model; mythological bricolages - works are constructed as collages of reminiscences and quotes from famous works.

The literary movement of that time has 10 components:

1. Neomythologism.

2. Autism.

3. Illusion / reality.

4. Priority of style over subject.

5. Text within text.

6. Destruction of the plot.

7. Pragmatics, not semantics.

8. Syntax, not vocabulary.

9. Observer.

10. Violation of the principles of text coherence.

The concepts of “direction”, “current”, “school” refer to terms that describe the literary process - the development and functioning of literature on a historical scale. Their definitions are debatable in literary studies.

In the 19th century, direction was understood as general character content, ideas of all national literature or any period of its development. At first XIX century the literary trend was generally associated with the “dominant trend of minds.”

Thus, I. V. Kireevsky in his article “The Nineteenth Century” (1832) wrote that the dominant trend of minds late XVIII century is destructive, and the new consists in “the desire for a soothing equation of the new spirit with the ruins of old times...

In literature, the result of this trend was the desire to harmonize imagination with reality, correctness of forms with freedom of content... in a word, what is in vain called classicism, with what is even more incorrectly called romanticism.”

Even earlier, in 1824, V.K. Kuchelbecker declared the direction of poetry as its main content in the article “On the direction of our poetry, especially lyrical, in last decade" Ks. A. Polevoy was the first in Russian criticism to apply the word “direction” to certain stages in the development of literature.

In the article “On trends and parties in literature,” he called a direction “that internal striving of literature, often invisible to contemporaries, which gives character to all or at least very many of its works in the known given time... Its basis, in a general sense, is the idea of ​​the modern era.”

For " real criticism" - N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov - the direction correlated with the ideological position of the writer or group of writers. In general, the direction was understood as a variety of literary communities.

But the main feature that unites them is that the unity of the most general principles incarnations artistic content, the commonality of the deep foundations of the artistic worldview.

This unity is often due to the similarity of cultural and historical traditions, and is often associated with the type of consciousness literary era, some scientists believe that the unity of direction is due to the unity creative method writers.

There is no set list of literary trends, since the development of literature is connected with the specifics of the historical, cultural, social life of society, national and regional features this or that literature. However, traditionally there are such trends as classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, symbolism, each of which is characterized by its own set of formal and content features.

For example, within the framework of the romantic worldview, general features of romanticism can be identified, such as motives for the destruction of customary boundaries and hierarchies, ideas of “spiritualizing” synthesis that replaced the rationalistic concept of “connection” and “order”, awareness of man as the center and mystery of existence , open and creative personality, etc.

But the specific expression of these general philosophical and aesthetic foundations of worldview in the works of writers and their worldview itself are different.

Thus, within romanticism, the problem of the embodiment of universal, new, non-rational ideals was embodied, on the one hand, in the idea of ​​rebellion, a radical reorganization of the existing world order (D. G. Byron, A. Mitskevich, P. B. Shelley, K. F. Ryleev) , and on the other hand, in the search for one’s inner “I” (V. A. Zhukovsky), harmony of nature and spirit (W. Wordsworth), religious self-improvement (F. R. Chateaubriand).

As we see, such a community of principles is international, largely of different quality, and exists in rather vague chronological framework, which is largely due to national and regional specifics literary process.

The same sequence of changing directions in different countries usually serves as proof of their supranational character. This or that direction in each country acts as a national variety of the corresponding international (European) literary community.

According to this point of view, French, German, Russian classicism are considered varieties of the international literary movement - European classicism, which is a set of the most common typological features inherent in all varieties of direction.

But you should definitely take into account that often national characteristics of one direction or another can manifest themselves much more clearly than the typological similarity of varieties. In generalization there is some schematism that can distort real historical facts literary process.

For example, classicism manifested itself most clearly in France, where it is presented as a complete system of both substantive and formal features of works, codified by theoretical normative poetics (“ Poetic art" N. Boileau). In addition, there are significant artistic achievements, which influenced other European literatures.

In Spain and Italy, where the historical situation was different, classicism turned out to be a largely imitative direction. Baroque literature turned out to be leading in these countries.

Russian classicism is becoming a central trend in literature, also not without the influence French classicism, but acquires its own national sound, crystallizes in the struggle between the “Lomonosov” and “Sumarokov” movements. IN national varieties There are many differences in classicism; even more problems are associated with the definition of romanticism as a single pan-European movement, within which very different phenomena are often found.

Thus, the construction of pan-European and “world” models of trends as the largest units of the functioning and development of literature seems to be a very difficult task.

Gradually, along with “direction”, the term “flow” comes into circulation, often used synonymously with “direction”. Thus, D. S. Merezhkovsky, in an extensive article “On the causes of the decline and new trends in modern Russian literature” (1893), writes that “between writers with different, sometimes opposite temperaments, special mental currents, a special air, are established, like between opposite poles, full of creative trends." It is this, according to the critic, that accounts for the similarity of “poetic phenomena” and the works of different writers.

Often the “direction” is recognized generic concept in relation to "flow". Both concepts denote the unity of leading spiritual, meaningful and aesthetic principles, covering the work of many writers.

The term “direction” in literature is understood as the creative unity of writers of a certain historical era who use common ideological and aesthetic principles for depicting reality.

Direction in literature is considered as a general category of the literary process, as one of the forms of artistic worldview, aesthetic views, ways of displaying life associated with a unique artistic style. In history national literatures European peoples There are such trends as classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, naturalism, symbolism.

Introduction to literary criticism (N.L. Vershinina, E.V. Volkova, A.A. Ilyushin, etc.) / Ed. L.M. Krupchanov. - M, 2005

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