Anime guys werewolves. The best anime about vampires

Perhaps the most famous vampire anime in the world. The reason, perhaps, is that the cartoon was released back in the 80s, and he had a lot of time to win the audience. According to the manga about the half-vampire D, not a single series has been filmed, only two full meters, the other, in 2000, is called "D: Bloodlust". So this very curious post-apocalyptic story can be learned a little faster than its TV rivals.

2001 / Fantasy, Anime, Action, Cartoon / Japan

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    The hero of this franchise is Count Dracula himself. True, now his name is Alucard, because van Hellsing caught him long ago and forced him to serve his family for centuries. Alucard is an invincible warrior, who, in addition to the well-known vampire abilities, also has teleportation and the ability to summon the souls of killed people in his arsenal. And he also has a charming partner Victoria, whom Alucard personally turned into a vampire and who now helps him in battles.

1997 / Horror, Anime, Cartoon / Japan

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    Miyu only looks like a teenager. In fact, for many hundreds of years, she and her devoted protector Larva have been forced to wander around the world, sending evil demons in human form - Shinma - to the other world. She drinks blood only from those people who are eager to reunite with their loved ones, after which the victim goes into the world of dreams, experiencing, though illusory, but still happiness.

2003 / Anime, Cartoon / Japan

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    Arcueid is from the tribe from which the vampires went, although she is a beauty, and just a very bright character, but still, in originality, she is inferior to her friend Shiki. His unique ability is that he sees lines connecting being. And if you draw along such a line, being will break apart, and there will be no thing, a person or, for example, a monster. Shiki is burdened by his gift, but together with Arcueid, he can direct him to serve the forces of good. The film is based on computer game Tsukihime.

2006 / Fantasy, Anime, Action, Cartoon / Japan

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    The Mochizuki brothers are vampires, and the eldest of them, Jiro, the bearer of ancient vampiric power, as well as the master of the silver katana and the ruthless enemy of the dangerous order of the Children of the Cleaver, who have their own, very sinister, plans for our world. Jiro is a personality of unique destiny, he is afraid not only of light, but also of water. He became a vampire relatively recently, but the so-called blood of the Sage flows through his veins, and he knows that one day he will have to pass it on to his brother.

2008 / Fantasy, Anime, Cartoon, Comedy / Japan

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    You enter a magic school, you will like a girl, and then it turns out that she is a supreme vampire. And you, a simple guy without any special abilities, what should you do? Yes, the same thing that all men do, let her drink your blood and not be offended. Such is its nature, there is nothing to be done. But young Tsukune swims well, and vampires are afraid of water. At least in some way he can give his girlfriend a head start. So here are the easy creators of this anime from the eternal bloody history about vampires made a wonderful fantasy etty, where a full harem of the hero is provided in advance.

2008 / Action, Drama, Cartoon, Anime / Japan

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    It is simply impossible not to fall in love with the young vampire Kaname. However, when the magical veil of vampire charm falls from your eyes, you switch to other things, for example, how the creators of this anime are trying to overcome the xenophobia that has arisen in this world. According to the plot - in one school, one, daytime, class is normal, and in another, at night, vampires study, this inevitably causes friction, although the classes are isolated from each other. But there is only one school, you need to somehow get along, and here everything is in the hands of the headmen of the school, Yuki and Zero, who are having a very hard time, especially considering that Yuki is in love with Kanabe, and Zero cannot stand vampires.

2010 / Drama, Anime, Cartoon, Horror / Japan

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    It is difficult to say how the inhabitants of this quiet mountainous Japanese village deserve such a disaster. But the fact remains - a terrible epidemic exhausts people, and after a few days they die. This misterious story intertwines the fate of a young temple minister and part-time mystic writer, an unsociable youth with bright purple hair, and a young doctor who is trying to uncover the reason terrible disease... True, there is still a fragile girl who came to the village with her family, but it’s better not to talk about her, otherwise you never know.

2010 / Cartoon, Anime, Action, Drama / Japan

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    The older the vampire is, the younger and more beautiful she is, let us remember at least little Claudia from the cult film Interview with the Vampire. In the anime, this tradition is preserved, and therefore Princess Mina, who rules all vampires, looks like an inexperienced schoolgirl, especially against the background of her werewolf bodyguard Akira. Mina, although she dresses too frivolously, is doing serious political work, creating ghettos for vampires where they will learn to live openly in order to subsequently integrate into the human world. But not everyone likes her work, and an energetic vampire will have to face a number of problems.

2013 / Cartoon, Anime, Action, Comedy / Japan

Vampires are one of oldest creatures who lived (or are still living) on ​​our planet. Fear, horror, panic, mysticism and many other things that excite the blood are always associated with vampires. However, despite all the horror that takes place on the screen, the viewer is always attracted to this genre and they are ready to watch anime about vampires for hours on end.

We are all accustomed to the fact that vampires are basically nocturnal creatures that cannot stand daylight and do only the most terrible deeds. Of course, for thrill-seekers who love stories where vampires appear in their true guise of bloodthirsty killers, there is a whole collection of anime about vampires. But, but for those who love more romantic stories where warm feelings are tied or strong friendship between humans and vampires, we have many vampire and love anime.

Huge library of vampire anime

Our site contains the most large collection anime about vampires, which you can watch online absolutely free in good quality. We offer animation only in best quality so that our viewers can get the maximum number of impressions from our proposed anime. After all, only in quality you can see the fullness of colors, all that horror, and feel all the experiences of the heroes from the plot that Japanese scriptwriters and artists offer us.

In addition to horror, mysticism and thrillers, we also offer to plunge into the world of romance, eroticism and shojo, which also combined the genre of anime about vampires.

How vampires are manifested in anime

After the world went crazy with various stories about vampires, Japanese writers also decided to contribute to this genre. The knowledge of people about vampires is based only on information from mythology and folklore. Nobody really knows anything. However, the appearance of vampires in the anime turned the whole concept of these creatures upside down.

Here we will see not only bloodthirsty killers with fantastic abilities and skills, but also cute and helping people vampires who live their personal lives and their problems. Choose anime according to your preferences and enjoy watching with us.

Anime about wolves or anime about werewolves are quite rare genres in the Japanese industry. You can remember many TV shows where wolves and werewolves appear only on background and play secondary roles. The works, where all the screen time is given to shaggy animals and demi-humans, can be counted on one hand. Let's try to give a top list of famous and popular works that are most closely related to our topic today.

Wolf "s Rain

The anime about wolves is an adaptation of the manga of the same name by Nobumoto Keiko in the genre: post-apocalypse, dystopia, road movie, parable.

The world after numerous wars and battles has turned into a kind of wasteland, with lifeless ruins and debris of the past. The most influential were a handful of aristocrats. The majority of ordinary people, however, have no choice but to try to survive in this lifeless world tending to its decline.

The main character, a wolf named Kiba, is a loner who makes his way to the city of Freeze. The moon flower, which Kiba smelled, is the key to the mythical Paradise. Faced with three other wolves who have arrived in the city with exactly the same goal as himself, Kiba encounters an enemy there. A former sheriff and now a werewolf hunter, he is obsessed with catching his prey.

Cheza, the flower maiden, is the one who will have to lead the wolves to Paradise. However, things take an unexpected turn when Chezu is kidnapped before meeting the werewolves.

Anime studio "Bones".

Spice and Wolf

An anime about a wolf and a wandering merchant, which is an adaptation of the eponymous light novel by Hasekura Isun in the genre: Middle Ages, economics, trade, mysticism.

Life is unpredictable. What places a person can visit, what kind of people he can meet - this is known only to God. The young itinerant trader Craft Lawrence never strayed from the path of a true businessman. Do not get involved in dangerous adventures and do business only in a proven way - this is the motto of Lawrence. Well, the life of a wandering merchant, as you know, is just a series of meetings and partings.

That is what Lawrence thought until he met in his cart the she-wolf and the goddess of the harvest, Horo, who took the form of a young girl. For the past ten centuries, Horo has guarded crops in one of the southern villages. Once glorified, but now long forgotten and abandoned by people, she dreams of returning to her homeland, to the north. Where she once left her fellow wolves. It is after this fateful meeting that the story of the long journey of the she-wolf and the merchant to the north begins, where dangerous adventures await on their way.

Anime studio "IMAGIN" and "Brains Base".

Wolf Children

Anime about wolves that is original full-length film.

Han's girlfriend, who is a nineteen-year-old student, meets a young werewolf and falls in love with him. Soon the lovers have children, but the wolf father dies. While trying to raise young children (Ame and Yuki) on her own, Hana faces many difficulties, most of which are related to the need to hide the true nature of her children. The constant howl cannot but arouse suspicion among the neighbors and Hana has no choice but to move to the outback, away from numerous eyes.

Here Hana begins to work hard, trying to give a new and unencumbered life to her children, to teach them to be both humans and wolves at the same time, accepting themselves as they are, without fear of other people. Observing the tenacity of a single mother, good-natured and hospitable neighbors soon begin to increasingly visit and help Hana. This makes it harder and harder to keep the secret of their home.

Anime studio "Studio Chizu".

Luger Code 1951 (Luger Code 1951)

An anime about wolves and werewolves, which is an adaptation of the manga of the same name, hastily written by Haneki Haruto in the genre: alternate world, werewolves, military.

Tetsa became a young university professor and is an expert in linguistics. Together with their boss Ross, they are tasked with decrypting the werewolf audio code. But here's the trouble - the werewolf encryption code is nothing more than a wolf howl. In order to crack the code Test comes to the only solution - to capture one of the werewolves. As a result, the missing piece in their plan is a young wolf girl named Yonaga.

Anime studio "DEEN"

Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf

An anime about wolves, which is an adaptation of the game of the same name.

Student Kuzumi and his family are moving from the metropolis to a quiet and peaceful town. Here the life of people is distinguished by its traditions and foundations, which over time acquire similar hinterland. What traditions are inherent in such cities and what secrets such places can keep, probably only the locals know. A provincial and small mountain town becomes just such a place - quiet and mysterious.

The protagonist quickly masters at school and joins the everyday stream. However, some mysterious things start to bother him. His new house is not such an ideal place of residence, there is a headman in his class, which, for some reason, is bypassed, and the locals are full of oddities. Soon, Kuzumi begins to understand that all the threads lead to mysterious ancient rituals somehow connected with wolves.

Anime studio "AIC".

Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade (Werewolves)

Anime is an original full-length film in the genre: alternative history, dystopia, political intrigue.

Alternative universe. Tokyo. After the victory of Nazi Germany in World War II, Japan was the loser. On the streets, protests, riots and armed clashes with the police are taking place everywhere. Local law enforcement agencies are unable to contain the mass riots. In this regard, a detachment called "Cerberus" is created. This is a special rapid reaction unit, the main purpose of which is to assist the police in eliminating unrest and dangerous situations.

Anime studio "Production I.G".

In the list of the best anime about vampires, you will find many fantastic action-packed stories about creatures whose life begins at nightfall. However, not all the heroes of the paintings know that it is best to wait out a dark night at home, behind a reliable bolt by a warm hearth. When a collision with immortals is inevitable, hunters, eager for the death of bloodsuckers, come out to protect people. Whole legions of charming brave heroes with superpowers are striving for the embrasure. They are capable of any feats for the sake of their charges and are even ready to sacrifice their own lives. They have no time for reflection or respite: destinies are decided in a split second. Believe me, vampire cartoons from the list of the best anime are continuous, fast-paced action, a hurricane of battles and a whirlpool of serious passions!

Hellsing: War on Scum (TV series 2001 - 2002) (2001)
Since the time of the legendary vampire hunter, Professor Van Helsing, a secret organization of the Royal Protestant Knights, inheriting the name of its founder - "Hellsing", successfully fights against vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits on the shores of foggy Albion. The organization is now headed by the cold-blooded Integra, the great-granddaughter of Van Helsing. It is she who will lead real war with the offspring of the mysterious enemies of humanity.

Hellsing: War with Scum (TV series 2001 - 2002) / Herushingu (2001)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): October 10, 2001
The country: Japan

Starring: Joji Nakata, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Fumiko Orikasa, Takehito Koyasu, Craig Robert Young, Nachi Nozawa, Isaac S. Singleton Jr., Takumi Yamazaki, Akiko Hiramatsu, Akure Wall

Monster Stories (TV series 2009 - 2013) (2009)
Somehow a graduate of Koyomi Araragi walked in native school up the stairs, thinking about his own, and then, out of nowhere, from above falls on him beautiful girl... Since her flight was long, Koyomi managed to recognize Hitagi Senjougahara's classmate, who is unsociable and silent in life. Putting his hands up, the guy strained himself, thinking that he would be imprinted on the floor, but Hitagi was no heavier ... a school textbook. And soon Koyomi realized that Hitagi was keeping quiet not out of natural modesty, but because the character was painfully tough and harsh.

Monster stories (TV series 2009 - 2013) / Bakemonogatari (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): July 3, 2009
The country: Japan

Starring: Hiroshi Kamiya, Kitamura Eri, Yuka Iguchi, Saito Chiva, Sakurai Takahiro, Yui Horie, Emiri Kato, Miyuki Sawashiro, Kana Hanazawa, Fumihiko Tachiki

The Departed (TV series) (2010)
The village of Sotoba, lost in the Japanese mountain wilderness, does not surrender to the advancing civilization at the end of the 20th century. Yes, the old people leave, and some young people, like the tenth grader Megumi Shimizu, dream of running away to the metropolis right after school. But there are others - for example, 32-year-old Toshio Ozaki returned to his homeland and headed a rural clinic, and the Natsuno family generally moved from the city closer to nature. Life in the hinterland flows quietly and serenely, but the appearance of the inhabitants shook the area.

The departed (TV series) / Shiki (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): July 8, 2010
The country: Japan

Starring: Kayla Carlisle, Brian Massey, Choru Okawa, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Nozomi Sasaki, Wataru Takagi, Aoi Yuki

D: Bloodlust (2000)

Premiere (world): August 25, 2000
The country: Japan, USA


Blood + (TV series 2005 - 2006) (2005)
For many centuries, in the shadow of history, a little-known brutal war does not stop for a moment. Immortal werewolf monsters, feeding on human blood, are opposed by the Red Shield organization, designed to expose dangerous creatures and destroy them. Nowadays, this eternal struggle takes an even more serious turn, in the center of which is, at first glance, an ordinary schoolgirl from Okinawa. The beauty and sportswoman Saya Otonashi lives quietly and peacefully with her father and brothers.

Blood + (TV series 2005 - 2006) / Blood + (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, action, drama, adventure
Premiere (world): October 8, 2005
The country: Japan

Starring: Olivia Hack, Liz Term, Daisuke Ono, Kiriko Aoyama, Akari Higuchi, Kenichi Ogata, David Resner, Jin Domon, Jun Fukuyama, Fumio Matsuoka

Vampire Knight Guilty (TV series) (2008)
The best students and simply handsome men study at the night department of the prestigious Cross Academy. Few people know that they are actually vampires. Yuki and Zero, the children of the rector of the academy and students of the day department, are the guards of the school, their task is to make sure that the secret remains a secret. Yuuki does her job day after day, but her past is also full of secrets, she only remembers herself since she was five years old. The past Zero, who hates vampires with all his heart, hides an even more terrible secret ...

Vampire Knight: Guilty (TV series) / Vanpaia naito: Girut & icirс; (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): October 6, 2008
The country: Japan

Starring: Yui Horie, Daizuke Kishio, Mamoru Miyano

Bloody guy (TV series) (2013)
A summary of the animated series "Bloody Guy". Hell is a place where evil spirits live; it looks more like a metropolis consisting of continuous ghettos. Each district has its own gang and its own boss. Vlad Charlie Staz is a ruthless and terrible vegetarian vampire who rules in one of these counties. Sleeping in a coffin, hunting for pretty girls and drinking their blood is not for him, because he is a downtrodden otaku who is interested in manga, games, anime and female roundness.

Bloody guy (TV) / Blood Lad (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure, comedy
Premiere (world): July 7, 2013
The country: Japan

Starring: Zach Aguilar

Bloodstroke (TV series 2013 - ...) (2013)
The action takes place in an alternative reality, where the existence of demons has long been recognized; v the pacific there is even an island - "Itogamijima", where demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojo for some unknown reason turned into a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. A young girl named Himeragi Yukina begins to follow him.

Strike the Blood (TV series 2013 - ...) / Strike the Blood (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 4, 2013
The country: Japan

Trinity Blood (TV series) (2005)
The distant future on planet Earth is not at all so colorful and cloudless. Episodes of the Trinity Blood series tell that apart from ordinary people two more races appeared - vampires and crusniks. Vampires are those people whose body has ceased to produce hemoglobin, and crushers are artificial human-like organisms, into whose blood nano-machines got into and swallowed their minds. Watch the TV series Trinity Blood online, enjoying the perfectly traced landscapes of the apocalypse.

Trinity Blood (TV series) / Trinity Blood (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, fantasy, action, drama
Premiere (world): April 28, 2005
The country: Japan

Starring: Russell Waite, Hiroki Tochi, Mamiko Noto, Takako Honda, Hitomi Nabatame, Kazuya Nakai, Choru Okawa, Junko Minagawa, Yoshinori Fujita, Tetsu Inada

Karin (TV series 2005 - 2006) (2005)
Karin Marker is the daughter of vampires, the sister of vampires and a vampire herself. But the family has its black sheep, and this freak is, alas, exactly Karin. Firstly, she loves daylight, poorly navigates in the dark and goes to school with pleasure. Secondly, she does not know how to cast a spell on the bitten and make them forget that they were victims of a vampire. Thirdly (and this is the most inconvenient!), Poor Karin not so much uses as produces blood: she is a vampire-producer! Should she get really excited ...

Karin (TV series 2005 - 2006) / Karin (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): November 3, 2005
The country: Japan

Starring: Hillary Blazer, Sayuri Yahagi, Katsuyuki Konishi, Janpei Takiguchi, Chelsea Kerto, Paul Pistore, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Inokuchi Yuka, Junichi Suwabe, Emi Shinohara

Rosario + Vampire 2 (TV series) (2008)
Tsukune Aono returns to the Ghost Academy after a short spring break. And how not to return if in a new academic year in the school that has become his own, they are waiting for him best friends... Now all of them are high school students, members of the Press Club, famous and respected people at the school. Unsurprisingly, the joy of reuniting with dear Tsukune for the vampire Moki, the succubus Kurumu, the snow maiden Mizore and the witch Yukari is overshadowed by the harassment of the first years, vying with each other to express their admiration.

Rosario + Vampire 2 (TV series) / Rosario to Vampire Capu2 (2008)

Premiere (world): October 1, 2008
The country: Japan

Starring: Nana Mizuki, Daizuke Kishio, Tia Lynn Ballard, Shelley Karlin-Black, Lea Clarke, Colleen Klinkenbird, Todd Haberkorn, William Arthur Jenkins, Jerry Jewell, Brina Palencia

Brotherhood of Black Blood (TV series) (2006)
The full moon shines in the sky. A red shadow in the dark is like a gust of wind ... With a katana in his hands, he easily jumps from one building to another. He runs to get his brother back, to fulfill his dream ... When he sees the enemy, he grins, and his fangs glisten in the light of the moon. He knows that now he can defeat anyone. The Secret Zone is the only place where vampires, supposedly exterminated, and humans can coexist together. The fates of two vampires and a human are intertwined, changing each other.

Brotherhood of black blood (TV) / Black Blood Brothers (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy
Premiere (world): September 8, 2006
The country: Japan

Starring: Michael Tatum, Lucy Christian, Hisao Egawa, Jun Fukuyama, Mami Kosuge, Motoko Kumai, Takashi Matsuyama, Omi Minami, Mugihito, Ryoko Nagata

Rosario + Vampire (TV series) (2008)
15-year-old slob Tsukune Aono flunked entrance exams to high school, where all his friends went. The guy would have disappeared for a whole year, but his father got an invitation to a certain Ghost Academy, where they take it with any grades. Happy parents immediately gathered their son on the road, but it would be worth thinking. Tsukune realized this when the bus emerged from a long tunnel into a world worthy of Lovecraft, where the sky is red. cellular and talking mice fly. However, our hero forgot about everything.

Rosario + Vampire (TV series) / Rosario + Vampire (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy, fantasy
Premiere (world): January 3, 2008
The country: Japan

Starring: Daizuke Kishio, Nana Mizuki, Misato Fukuen, Kimiko Koyama, Rie Kugimiya, Kikuko Inoe, Tomokazu Seki, Saeko Chiba, Takehito Koyasu, Haruhi Nanao

Descendants of darkness (TV series 2000 - 2008) (2000)
When people die, they face a great judgment. The court decides whether a person is worthy to be reborn or punishment awaits him. People call the place where the dead go, Meifu - "Inferno", and the place that deals with the trial of people - Ju-O-Cho. There are ten different departments in the Ju-O-Cho organization. The anime is dedicated to Asato Tsuzuki, an employee of the Shokan Division of the Enma-Cho Department, which employs 18 people. The task of these people is to collect and deliver the souls of the dead to the court.

Descendants of darkness (TV series 2000 - 2008) / Yami no Matsuei (2000)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): October 2, 2000
The country: Japan

Starring: Miki Shinichiro, Mayumi Asano, Toshihiko Seki, Sho Hayami, Morikawa Toshiyuki, David Brimmer, Tristan Goddard, Dan Green, Rachel Lillis, Ed McLeod

D: Bloodlust (2000)
Once upon a time, vampires ruled the world ... and now, even almost exterminated, they are still stronger than people... The family of the girl kidnapped by the vampire hires hunters to bring her back alive, or kill if it's too late to save ... But the relationship between Beauty and the Beast is not at all as simple as it seems to people. The adaptation of Hideyuki Kikuchi's novels, faithful to the spirit of the outstanding illustrator Yoshitaka Amano, brilliantly conveys the dark-luxurious atmosphere of the original - gothic horror transported to the distant future.

D: Bloodlust / Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)

Genre: anime, cartoon, science fiction, fantasy, action, thriller, romance, adventure
Premiere (world): August 25, 2000
The country: Japan, USA

Starring: Hideuki Tanaka, Ikiro Nagai, Koichi Yamadera, Megumi Hayashibara, Emi Shinohara, Yusaku Yara, Hohu Yutsuka, Rintaro Nishi, Keiji Fujiwara, Yoko Soumi

Moon phase (TV series 2004 - 2006) (2004)
Morioka Kouhei is a cute dumbass with a strange connection to the other world. He is an orphan and lives with his grandfather. Although Kouhei dreamed of becoming a photographer since childhood, there were problems with work - the presence of otherworldly forces was noticeable in all his photographs! On the instructions of an occult magazine, Kouhei visited an ancient German castle, where he met a charming young vampire Hazuki, a prisoner of the mysterious Count Kinkel. A blood pact held together by a vampire's bite makes the victim a slave to the one who has bitten.

Moon Phase (TV series 2004 - 2006) / Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase (2004)

Genre: anime, fantasy, action, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 4, 2004
The country: Japan

Starring: Saito Chiva, Hiroshi Kamiya, Sakurai Takahiro, Michiko Neya, Fumihiko Tachiki, Jamie Marchi, Jason Liebrecht, Monica Real


Blood-C: The Last Dark (2012)
The new century brings new dangers. Digital slavery, which was not so long ago an inflamed fantasy dark forces, becomes a reality. Among those who are fighting him are the Surat group, trying to uncover the ins and outs of a man named Fumito Nanahara, a figure who has taken over Tokyo, whose political influence is not limited by the law. And at the moment when it seems that a bloody crisis is inevitable, Saya enters the stage - a Japanese schoolgirl with a sword, who once lost everything that was dear to her in life.

Blood-C: The Last Dark / Gekijouban Blood-C: The Last Dark (2012)

Premiere (world): June 2, 2012
Premiere (RF): November 1, 2012, "Reanimedia"
The country: Japan

Starring: Atsushi Abe, Masumi Asano, Tia Lynn Ballard, Colleen Klinkenbird, Justin Cook, Keiji Fujiwara, Misato Fukuen, Todd Haberkorn, Martha Harms, Robert McCollum

Vampire in Brooklyn (1994)
The imposing Caribbean vampire Maximilian decides to pay a visit to the city of New York. He wants to fulfill his old dream - to acquire a charming companion who will help him brighten up the centuries-old vampire loneliness. Moreover, only a woman in whose family there are vampires can become a friend of a bloodsucker. And the black vampire was lucky to find a suitable girl in Brooklyn, in the person of the beautiful Rita. But the joy of the ghoul was overshadowed by the fact that Rita turned out to be a lady in all respects.

Vampire in Brooklyn (1994)

Genre: horror, melodrama, comedy
Budget: $14 000 000
Premiere (world): January 23, 1995
The country: USA

Starring: Eddie Murphy, Angela Bassett, Allen Payne, Kadim Hardison, John Witherspoon, Zakes Mokae, Joanna Cassidy, Simbi Hali, Messiri Freeman, Kelly Sinnant

Vampire Princess Miyu (TV series 1997 - 1998) (1997)
The human world is closely connected with the Dark World, from where the Sinma come - a magical race that feeds on the emotions and life force of mortals. People, in principle, know about them, considering who are gods, who are demons. The worlds reflect each other so closely that even Sinma have a culture and nationality - there are, for example, Japanese, Chinese and Western. Like human society, Sinma are organized beings.

Vampire Princess Miyu (TV series 1997 - 1998) / Kyûketsuki Miyu (1997)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, drama
Premiere (world): October 6, 1997
The country: Japan

Starring: Miki Nagasawa, Miki Shinichiro, Megumi Ogata, Emi Ogata, Asako Shirakura, Chiharu Tezuka, Mika Kanai, Kokoro Shindô, Ryan Alosio, Dorothy Elias-Fan

The Tale of the Moon Princess (TV series) (2003)
Shiki Tohno, 17, returns to his home after an 8-year absence. Once this decision was made by his father - a tough and unyielding head ancient kind Tohno, and his sister Akiha canceled the exile, who became the new leader of the clan after her father's death. Although Shiki, who grew up in the care of his aunt and uncle, is a gentle and sickly young man accustomed to quiet life, even he is surprised by the strict rules introduced by his sister, which are more suitable for a besieged fortress than for the mansion of an influential family.

The Tale of the Moon Princess (TV series) / Shingetsutan tsukihime (2003)

Premiere (world): October 9, 2003
The country: Japan

Starring: Kenichi Suzumura, Hitomi Nabatame, Fumiko Orikasa, Shizuka Ito, Yumi Kakazu, Kana Ueda, Sakurai Takahiro, Kaori Tanaka, Akiko Kimura, Daisuke Ono

Princess of the Monsters (TV series 2007 - 2008) (2007)
Since Hiro's parents died, he and his sister have lived separately. But as soon as her sister got a new job as caretaker of a creepy old mansion, she sent Hiro a letter asking him to come and live with her. Arriving and meeting no one at the mansion, Hiro goes to town to find his sister. Instead, he confronts the new owner of the mansion and rescues her. Unfortunately, this heroic deed badly affected his health, and Hiro dies.

Princess of the Monsters (TV series 2007 - 2008) / Kaibutsu ôjo (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, comedy
Premiere (world): April 12, 2007
The country: Japan

Starring: Ayako Kawasumi, Fuyuka Oura, Yuko Minaguchi, Shiho Kwaragi, Yuko Kaida, Mamiko Noto, Akio Kato, Kenya Horiuchi, Ai Shimizu, Mitsuo Senda

Magic teacher Nagima! (video) (2006)
Nagy Springfield is a ten-year-old boy genius who graduated with honors from his studies and came from England for an internship as an English teacher at the Mahora Academy, famous in Japan. In early childhood, the young prodigy was left without parents and his entire adult life (we will assume that it has already begun) lived with his older sister. But he firmly believes that his father, who disappeared many years ago, is still alive. Negi-sensei's dream is to become like Nagi, his father ... a great wizard, then one day ...

Magic teacher Nagima! (video) / Mahou Sensei Negima! OVA Natsu (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, short film, fantasy, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): November 22, 2006
The country: Japan

Starring: Greg Ayres, Laura Bailey, Keith Bristol, Mikeen Ballard, Chris Cason, Lucy Christian, Lea Clarke, Colleen Klinkenbird, Amber Cotton, Cynthia Kranz

Magic Pokan (TV series) (2006)
The story revolves around four adorable girls - princesses who arrived from another world. Pakira is a vampire, Yuma is a witch, Lyru the Werewolf, and Aika is an android. Four princesses are forced to survive in human world and also live in Garakut's house. The action itself takes place in the fictional Japanese city of Hikarigaoka. Girls will have to face such problems as existence in society, ignorance of human culture and, of course, boyfriends.

Magical Pokan (TV Series) / Renkin Sankyû Magical? Pokân (2006)

Starring: Momoko Saito, Aya Hirano, Hitomi Nabatame, Satomi Akesaka, Kisho Taniyama, Hatano Wataru, Nomico, Keiichi Sonobe, Shouko Tsuda, Shiho Hisajima

Kurozuka (TV series) (2008)
While fleeing from his brother who has just ascended the throne, Yoshitsune, along with his servant, encounters a house in the middle of a desolate mountain. Strange, but in this godforsaken place lives a lonely woman who seems to have a very dark and sinister past. This meeting becomes the starting point of a 1000-year history in which Yoshitsune loses his memory and begins to search for answers - why he became immortal and who was the woman he met in the ominous house ...

Kurozuka (TV series) / Kurozuka (2008)

Genre: anime, horror, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (world): October 7, 2008
The country: Japan

Starring: Mamoru Miyano, Park Romi, Joji Nakata, Hoko Kuwashima, Keiji Fujiwara, Miki Shinichiro, Irino Miyu, Kazuhiko Inoe, Choru Okawa, Banjo Ginga

Night Wanderer (TV series) (1998)
A summary of the animated crime series "Night Wanderer". "Night Wanderer" is a detective who keeps one secret. He is a vampire with great strength. Together with his secretary and partner, he solves crimes and fights off demons trying to take over his city. At the same time, he must be able to save his loved ones from the mysterious forces directed against him. But everything is fine only as long as he has a human appearance.

Nightwalker (TV series) / Mayonaka no tantei Nightwalker (1998)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, comedy, crime, detective
Premiere (world): July 9, 1998
The country: Japan

Starring: Takumi Yamazaki, Maaya Sakamoto, Richard Kansino, Jane Alan, Dorothy Elias-Fan, Emi Shinohara, Sandy Fox, Alexis Lange, Debbie Rothstein, Hideuki Tanaka

Blood: The Last Vampire (2000)
The action takes place at the American Yokota Air Force Base in post-war Japan, a few months before the start of the Vietnam War. main character- a girl named Saya, who works for some secret agency of the United States government, destroying vampire demons with a katana. Agent David becomes aware of three demons who have settled in the area of ​​Yokota Airbase, and he injects Saiya in a school for children of base workers under the guise of a new student with the task of finding and destroying the demons.

Blood: The Last Vampire (2000)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, action film
Premiere (world): July 28, 2000
The country: Japan, USA

Starring: Yuki Kudo, Saemi Nakamura, Joe Romersa, Rebecca Forstadt, Stuart Robinson, Akira Koyayama, Tom Charles, Fitz Houston, Stephen Bloom, Paul Carr

Fork Fortune (TV series) (2010)
Kohei Hasekura is a typical " migrant". Due to the work of his parents, he changed more than 20 schools, learned to be easy-going and not to be attached to people. But by the age of 17, the guy was tired of the nomadic life and, when his parents went abroad, he entered Shutikan, a prestigious boarding school on Tamatsu Island, hoping to spend the rest of his school years there. However, fortune decreed otherwise, and from the very first days at the academy, Kohei found himself in the thick of things, hitting the women's bath on the way ...

Fork fortune (TV series) / Fortune Arterial: Akai yakusoku (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, romance
Premiere (world): October 8, 2010
The country: Japan

Starring: Ryo Kanno, Yukari Minegishi, Hitomi Nabatame, Erika Narumi, Daisuke Ono, Junichi Suwabe, Hiroko Taguchi

The Rocky Horror Show (1975)
Having set off on a trip to America, the newlyweds Jannet and Brad stop for the night in the huge old mansion of the eccentric Dr. Frank-n-Furter. The doctor introduces the guys to his new work, a young man named Rocky Horror. From that moment on, events unfolded around them at a frantic pace. This house and all its inhabitants exist according to their own special laws. Here, with energetic music, everything is possible that is unacceptable in a decent society.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

Genre: musical, fantasy, drama, comedy
Budget: $1 200 000
Premiere (world): August 14, 1975
The country: UK, USA

Starring: Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O'Brien, Patricia Quinn, Nell Campbell, Jonathan Adams, Peter Hinwood, Meath Loaf, Charles Gray

The eternal demoness and her black rabbit (TV series) (2011)
Tenth grader Taito Kurogane is a prominent guy who has been practicing karate since childhood and has achieved considerable success. Due to injury, training had to be quit, but in Miyasaka High School, the handsome blond got a lot of female attention, especially from Haruka's classmate. Taito himself did not mind, but he suddenly became interested in the president of the school council, Gekko Kurenai, a self-styled genius and psychopathic narcissist with delusions of grandeur.

The eternal demoness and her black rabbit (TV series) / Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, thriller, romance, comedy, adventure
Premiere (world): July 9, 2011
The country: Japan

Blood-S (TV series) (2011)
In the city, rich in picturesque landscapes, there is a temple of the gods of the lake, the Ukashima temple. The Kisaragi family leads a quiet, measured life at the temple, fulfilling spiritual duties, each with their own: Kisaragi Tadayoshi is the abbot, his daughter Saya is a priestess. Saya is in her second grade at Sanbar High School, goes to class and spends time with her classmates like a normal girl at her age. But that is only one side of her life, because she still needs to fulfill the mission that her father laid on the fragile shoulders.

Blood-C (TV series) / Blood-C (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, detective
Premiere (world): July 2, 2011
The country: Japan

Starring: Alexis Tipton, Scott Freeman, Todd Haberkorn, William Arthur Jenkins, Lydia McKay, Robert McCollum, Chris Barnett, Martha Harms, Lindsay Seidel, Jamie Marchi

Our Neighbors Yamada (1999)
The film tells about the peculiarities of life and everyday adventures of the Japanese Yamada family - Takashi's husband, Matsuko's wife, her mother Shige, the eldest son Noboru and youngest daughter Nonoko. Despite the comic presentation and Japanese flavor, the demonstrated situations are understandable not only to the Japanese. The plot consists of separate, not connected by a continuous narrative, episodes, each of which consists of one or more short stories... Each episode is dedicated to one family member.

Our Neighbors Yamada / Houhokekyo tonari no Yamada-kun (1999)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, family
Budget:¥ 2,000,000,000
Premiere (world): July 17, 1999
The country: Japan

Starring: Hayato Isohata, Masako Araki, Naomi Uno, Tooru Masuoka, Yukiji Asaoka, Akiko Yano, Kosanji Yanagiya, James Belushi, Jeff Bennett, Alex Buck

Blade (TV series) (2011)
The harsh African-Englishman Eric Brooks, nicknamed Blade, is a skillful and ruthless hunter for the true Lords of the Night, who have kept humanity in fear and ignorance for many millennia. Born in a London slum from a woman bitten by a vampire, he received similar mystical abilities and an unquenchable hatred for his "unwilling relatives." Long years Blade, nicknamed the Day Wanderer, is waging a war with Deacon Frost - once a great scientist, then a powerful vampire ...

Blade (TV series) / Blade (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): July 1, 2011
The country: USA, Japan

Starring: Akio Yutsuka, Maaya Sakamoto, Osamu Saka, Isobe Tsutomu, Atsuko Tanaka, Yasunori Matsumoto, Masahiko Tanaka

Devil Lovers (TV series) (2013)
Yui Komori is the young daughter of a priest. Due to the departure of her father, the girl has to move to a mysterious mansion with her distant relatives... There she meets the six Sakamaki brothers, who turn out to be the most real sadistic vampires. However, the brothers immediately let the girl understand: Yui for them is just a blood vessel. First, Komori tries to escape, but it immediately becomes clear that it is unrealistic to do so. Moreover, if this happens again ...

Diabolik Lovers (TV series) / Diabolik Lovers (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): September 16, 2013
The country: Japan

Starring: Daisuke Hirakawa, Takashi Kondo, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kosuke Toriumi, Yuuki Kaji, Hikaru Midorikawa, Rie Suegara

The Legend of Duo (TV series) (2004)
The audience sees a world in which not only people live, but also vampires. At the same time, it is difficult to understand who is the true master of their destiny, because a battle ensued, which could turn into the complete extinction of all people. The series "The Legend of Duo" is constant clashes and skirmishes, battles and surprises that the main actors... But the bulk of the story revolves around a confrontation between two vampires.

Legend Duo (TV series) / Rejendo obu duo (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (world): October 27, 2004
The country: Japan

Starring: Yu Amano, Nobuhisa Nakamoto, Tomokazu Sugita

History of wounds (2015)
A summary of the film.In this anime, viewers will hear almost fantastic story Araragi, who is the protagonist of Stories, in which he tells how this whole magical and confusing story began. We will meet a mysterious, silent girl named Shinobu Oshino, who is actually not an ordinary blonde beauty. This "girl", as it turned out, is more than six hundred years old and she is a real vampire!

History of wounds / Kizumonogatari (2015)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure
The country: Japan

Starring: Hiroshi Kamiya, Maaya Sakamoto, Yui Horie

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(about 70%), consisting of a number of individual components. Any analysis of the structure of M.O. related to component private structures ...

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