Autobiography of a judge sample. How to compose: step-by-step instructions. Additional points in your CV when applying for a job

When applying for a job, it would seem that the most difficult thing has been done - the coveted position has been obtained, but not everything is so simple; often another obstacle stands in your way. I need to write an autobiography. This matter confuses many. Everything is like everyone else: born, studied, what to write so that it looks businesslike, pleases the employer and helps in future career? Now we will look at what an autobiography is, give basic tips on how to write it correctly and help you avoid standard mistakes.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is your vision of your life with a professional focus.

Here are five basic rules that are suitable for drawing it up in any place and must be followed:

  • Written on album sheet usually by hand and always in the first person. You can type the text, but it is more common and preferable for the employer to fill it out in your own hand;
  • The standard size is 1 A4 sheet, in rare cases when you really have something to write, you can stretch it to two pages. Keep in mind that more often than not no one reads this form in its entirety, it is skimmed diagonally, so the first impression it creates, the overall appearance, is important;

Clear time sequence. Dates can be specified in several ways:

  • in parentheses at the end of each event;
  • at the beginning of a sentence, using the prepositions “with”, “to”;
  • through a dash.

You need to choose them depending on the style of the narrative, but if you prefer one option, then stick to it until the end of the autobiography, without changing it along the way;

Contains official data:

  • place and date of birth according to passport;
  • educational institutions - for a school the name and address are enough, but a university or technical school needs to be described in more detail. Don’t get too carried away, because what is important to the employer is the fact of your training, and not the detailed title of all the essays you wrote and the grades for them;
  • work activity - indicate places of work, starting from the very first, name of organization, position. The emphasis should be on professional responsibilities and skills; in the last place it would be useful to write the reason for dismissal. If it was not possible to leave without a conflict with the previous management, then outline the motive for leaving without emotions, as diplomatically as possible, without presenting yourself in a negative light;
  • if any, indicate awards, additional knowledge;
  • residential address, phone number;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • information about the closest relatives: full name, date of birth, place of residence, type of employment;
  • for women, you can indicate whether there was maternity leave, for men - military service, military duty;
  • relations with the law, participation in elected bodies;
  • If you wish, you can add something else, but be careful - do not write too personal, compromising information that is not related to the essence of the future work.

Business style of narration, without grammatical and factual errors, everything should be logical and consistent.

Some companies offer their own CV form. It may indicate the main points that need to be covered in it. Then the matter becomes much simpler; you need to follow the plan and logically connect all the points together so that reading is easy and interesting.

Why does an employer need your autobiography?

Usually, autobiographies when applying for a job are required to be filled out by large public or private companies, which indicates a serious attitude to the matter on their part.

Please keep in mind that this document contains your personal data, their safety and rules for handling them are enshrined in law, therefore they can be processed or used only with your written consent.

An employer needs an autobiography not only to put it in his personal file and store it as dead weight. She creates your common psychological picture, allows you to determine whether you are suitable for this position or not, form a general opinion about you as an employee and a person, determine your level of literacy and business writing skills.

It is important to remember that, by and large, the most important thing for an employer is not what is written, but how it is written. Here, handwriting, emphasis on certain facts, and the language of presentation are taken into account. There is a high probability that your CV will be further reviewed not only by the HR department, but also by other departments, for example, the security service, psychologists, etc.

To really write good autobiography It is not enough just to follow the standard rules, you need to approach this matter creatively, but remember that this is still an official document - fantasies and lyrical digressions are not allowed here.

Let's give some useful tips:

  • For each new place you need new form. It is necessary to emphasize precisely those points that are consonant with the future position;
  • Be selective in your description of events; no one requires you to write everything down; you don’t have to indicate something, or describe something very briefly. It is better to omit unfavorable nuances if they are insignificant, or describe them laconically and streamlinedly. You should be careful here, because deliberate concealment important facts will not go unnoticed - in large companies personal data is always verified;
  • Describe all events briefly but accurately, clearly expressing your thoughts;
  • Use verbs in active form, avoid passive voices and unclear wording, as this creates an image of an insecure and uninitiative employee;
  • When writing your autobiography, imagine that you are talking to specific person and tell him the story of your working life. You must show yourself to your advantage, make an unobtrusive advertising presentation;
  • Attach your photo. You need to be careful with his choice: of course, there should be no swimsuits, bright landscapes, only business style, the photo is designed to create a pleasant impression.

Common mistakes when writing an autobiography

So, the biography has been written and everything seems to be fine, but don’t rush to immediately present it to your future employer. Read it again and check for common mistakes:

  • unsystematic presentation, omissions significant facts, long periods of time;
  • the use of complex structures, a lot of introductory words, long incomprehensible sentences, large paragraphs;
  • sloppy writing, errors, blots;
  • shabby appearance, creases on the sheet;
  • large amount of text;
  • jargon, abbreviations, too personal, emotional facts.

All this can create an unfavorable impression, and even the most prominent events in your biography will not affect the negative perception.


To better understand how to put all these useful instructions into practice, here is an example of compilation:


From 1997 to 2008 she studied at secondary school No. 33, graduated from 11 classes with honors.

From 2008 to 2013 she studied at the Moscow State University state university at the Faculty of Economics and Management. Upon graduation, she received a degree in Economist.

From 2013 to 2015 she worked as an economist at Orchid LLC. Since 2016, she has been transferred to the position of leading economist. Performed planning of the organization's activities and analysis of financial statements.

Awarded a certificate of honor for success in work. I quit due to a change of residence.

Currently I live at St. Petersburg, st. Sovetskaya, 1, apt. 1. Phone 8 495 123 45 67.

Not married, no children.

Mother: Rosa Ivanovna Tsvetochkina, born in 1960, teacher primary school. Lives in Moscow.

Father: Tsvetochkin Salekhard Ivanovich, born in 1954, industrial engineer. Lives in Moscow.

She has not been convicted and has not taken part in elected bodies.

Tsvetochkina L. S.

So, we have looked at what an autobiography is, how to write it correctly, and what mistakes to avoid.

If you did everything right, your autobiography will be an excellent assistant in your career advancement. career ladder, a kind of advertising of your candidacy, will create a favorable impression and draw attention to your merits. By following our tips and avoiding common mistakes, it won't be difficult for you to write a really good autobiography.

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An autobiography is a document in which a citizen independently, in chronological order, describes his life, this document indicates professional activity person, marital status, profession, etc.

An autobiography may usually be required: when applying for a job, when documentation citizenships of any kind are strange, as well as for traveling abroad. In legislation Russian Federation No strict rules compiling an autobiography, therefore in office work it is generally accepted to compile an autobiography in free form. The main requirement when drawing up this document is the most complete statement of facts from a person’s life, although this is rather not a requirement, but rather a recommendation from personnel officers for drawing up an autobiography.

How to write an autobiography.

1. The first thing you need to start from when writing an autobiography, as mentioned above, is that the document is compiled in chronological order. The spelling may be as follows:

An example of the correct compilation of an autobiography: 1998-2001 - studied at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical College named after. I.P. Bardin, Novokuznetsk or 1998-2001 - studied at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical College named after I.P. Bardin, the city of Novokuznetsk, both examples of writing an autobiography are correct!

When indicating the date, the following form is also allowed: - From 1998 to 2001, he was trained

2. Description of subsequent events:

For example:

Entered the Kuznetsk Metallurgical College named after. I.P. Bardin of Novokuznetsk in 1998. After graduating from college in 2001, he entered the Eastern Institute of Economics, humanities, management and law

Autobiography writing format and syntax:

  • Last name first name patronymic, date of birth, place of birth is indicated as follows: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born June 2, 1983 in Moscow
  • Information about parents or close relatives is indicated in a similar format: full name, degree of relationship, date of birth.
  • Education information is listed in chronological order from school days and so on. Format: duration of study, name of educational institution and graduation results educational institution. (here you can also indicate merits: Golden medal, red diploma..)
  • Work activities are listed chronologically, indicating the dates of work in organizations or enterprises, indicating the position held by work book. In cases of promotion, it will not be superfluous to indicate this information.
  • It is important to indicate: marital status, presence of children. For men, information about serving in the armed forces, for women - periods of maternity leave.
  • Since Russian legislation does not have any rules for writing an autobiography, you should try to indicate in it as many merits that positively characterize you as possible, for example: certificates, incentives from work, letters of gratitude, orders and medals.

    As a sample autobiography, you can download the official autobiography form of the Federal Migration Service of Russia:

    Memo to adoptive parents

    Principles and sequence of compiling an autobiography and a sample of its writing

    An autobiography is a personal written account of the main stages of life, written in a certain sequence.

    The autobiography is written in free form by hand, on typewriter or typed on a computer.

    The size of the autobiography is one or two pages of printed text. If you write by hand or on a typewriter, make several copies at once so that you don’t have to make them separately for the guardianship authority and the court later.

    Writing sequence

  • Full Name.
  • Nationality (if desired). It can be useful to indicate if you want to adopt a child of your own nationality, and receive priority on this basis (according to clause 1, article 123 of the Family Code).
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Current place of residence. You can also indicate your previous places of residence.
  • Education: which educational institutions*, where and when they graduated.
  • Current place of work and position held. If any previous place of work was associated with activities that characterize you positively, sometimes it makes sense to indicate this.
  • Family status. It is required to indicate information about the wife (husband), children and other immediate relatives (parents, brothers and sisters), their last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. The residential address is indicated for those who live separately. If there are adopted children.
  • If the author changed his last name, for example, due to marriage, etc., then the previous last name and the date of its change are indicated.
  • Additional information. Additional education, experience with children, special interests.
  • Signature and date of writing. The date is placed on the left, the signature on the right under the text of the autobiography.

    * Names of organizations, institutions, names of settlements must be written in full, indicating the name that existed at the time of the event being described. If there is a need to give a new name, valid at the time of writing the autobiography, then it is given in brackets, for example: In July 1988 she entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) named after. Bauman (now Moscow State University named after Bauman).

    Autobiography sample

    I live in Moscow, st. Bersenevskaya embankment 12, apt. 43.

    In 1985 she graduated from high school No. 4 in Pavlovsk and entered City Technical School No. 1 with a degree in “Radio-electronic equipment installer.” In 1988 she graduated from college with honors.

    In July 1988 she entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) named after. Bauman (now Moscow State University named after Bauman) with a degree in Design and technology of radio-electronic equipment (200800).

    From October 1993 to September 1994 she was in academic leave in connection with the birth of a child. In April 1995 she graduated from the University.

    In January 1997, she joined the Second Moscow Watch Factory as a design engineer of the third category in the electromechanical watch design department.

    Currently I work there as a deputy head of the department.

    Married to Dmitry Leonidovich Epifanov, born in 1965, since March 1992. Maiden name- Funtikova, changed her last name on April 17, 1992 due to marriage. Before that, she didn’t change her last name and wasn’t in any other marriages. I have a married son, Andrey Dmitrievich Epifanov, born on October 19, 1993. I live with my husband and child in my husband’s apartment at the address: Moscow st. Bakuninskaya 5, apt. 38. My husband’s stepfather lives with us - Nikolai Ilyich Vorontsov, born in 1934.

    Other relatives:

  • Husband's parents: Husband's mother - Margarita Evgenievna Epifanova, born in 1934, died in 2001. Epifanov's father, Leonid Ivanovich, born in 1933, died in 1967 while serving in the airborne troops.
  • My parents: mother - Funtikova Elena Anatolyevna, born in 1949. father - Funtikov Sergey Nikolaevich born 1947 Both live in Pavlovsk at the address: Pavlovsk, st. Stakhanovsky breakthrough 3, apt. 6.
  • Brother Funtikov Anton Sergeevich born 1972 midshipman navy Russian Federation, serves in the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, HF No. 7312.
  • In August 2000, I completed the Bereginya nursing course at the Red Cross.

    I teach classes at the Second Watch Factory Club and run a creative sewing studio for children. I am a member of the board of trustees of the Folk Art Crafts Foundation of the Russian Federation, and with members of the Foundation we regularly go to orphanages to teach girls artistic sewing and organize workshops.

    School of foster parents.


    When applying for employment in serious commercial companies, for permission to travel abroad. as well as in government agencies You will need to compose your autobiography. The accuracy and reliability of this document can have a significant impact on the decision to hire, especially in commercial structures. At state enterprises, this document is required rather for completing a personal file.

    Sample of filling out an autobiography

    The autobiography is compiled in one’s own hand and contains a description of the main events of life in chronological order. The employer has the opportunity to learn more about a person’s personality, gets an idea of ​​his environment, and draws conclusions about his advantages, preferences, and disadvantages. What is of particular value in an autobiography is not the facts from life themselves, but how a person manages to present and describe them. Confused, unsystematic presentation of thoughts, the presence of gross grammatical errors and similar shortcomings in the preparation of this document will make a negative impression, even if your resume is written brilliantly.

    It is quite possible that you will have to write your autobiography directly in the HR department, in the presence of employees; in this case, preliminary work on drawing up the document will help you not to get confused.

    How to write an autobiography correctly

    There is no single standard for writing an autobiography. Different personnel services are interested in a different set of required information; accordingly, the writing sample is adjusted in each specific case. However, you should always keep in mind some rules for writing an autobiography:

    Autobiography writing sample (option 1) (Size: 24.5 KiB | Downloads: 43,030)

    Example of an autobiography (option 2) (Size: 27.0 KiB | Downloads: 24,694)

    Sample autobiography for a student (Size: 25.5 KiB | Downloads: 10,180)

    Sample autobiography when applying for a job (Size: 24.0 KiB | Downloads: 28,047)

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    Autobiography - writing sample

    An autobiography is a document in which a person describes his life path.

    The document may be necessary when obtaining citizenship or getting a job, and in a number of other cases.

    When composing an autobiography, you should try to describe the events in as much detail as possible; the description is done in free form on ordinary A4 sheets.

    How to write an autobiography

    The description should be in chronological order.

    There are three options for presenting periods:

    1. At the beginning of the line, write the period without a hyphen.

    example: "1992-2002 Study at secondary school No. 1 in Moscow"

    2. Specifying a period using a preposition

    example: “I studied from 1992 to 2002.”

    3. Time is indicated after the event.

    example: “Entered the Moscow Academy of Management (2000). After graduating from the academy, I completed an internship in my specialty at Romashka LLC (2006).”

    Autobiography structure

    1. Full name, date of birth, place of birth.

    example: “I, Sidorova Anna Ivanovna, was born on February 15, 1984, place of birth: Moscow”

    2. Information about parents and close relatives - full name, date of birth, degree of relationship.

    3. Education. Data starting from school, in chronological order, indicating the period of study, the name of the institution, results, achievements achieved during the learning process.

    4. Labor activity. Indication of full names of organizations, periods

    work indicating the positions held. Information about career growth, if there was one, is indicated with dates.

    These sections are the main ones, but you can add others, such as: military service, marital status, number of children, etc.

    There are no restrictions in compiling an autobiography, therefore various additions from yourself are allowed, unlike compiling a resume or application form.


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    An autobiography is a document written personally, in legible handwriting, with detailed description the main stages of your life. This document will subsequently become part of the employee’s personal file. It is written in any form, by hand, or text typed on a computer and printed is provided.

    The autobiography is compiled in a certain sequence and generally complements psychological characteristics employee. It presents the life path by date, as well as personal qualities a person applying for a vacancy.

    It is by the information reflected here regarding education, origin, and previous employment that the employer can judge whether this applicant is suitable for him or not. In addition, it is desirable to reflect the facts in this document social activities person and hobby.

    The size of the autobiography text should not be voluminous, no more than two pages of printed text. If you have already written this document correctly, make several copies of it in advance for future reference.

    An example of writing an autobiography may be needed by any person working on the creation of such a document. It is not necessary to compile it every day, and a lot of questions often arise: are there any special rules for writing an autobiography, what data must be included in it, and much more.

    Rules for writing an autobiography

    The document may be needed when you get a job, go to school, and also for the personnel department of an enterprise, as a document that must be included in your personal file. And if in the personnel department of the enterprise where you already work, this document will be looked at as a formality, then in a commercial structure, whether you will be offered a job or not depends on its competent preparation. Everyone should know how to write an autobiography and how to do it correctly.

    There are no legal requirements for the preparation of this type of document; therefore, you must be guided by the rules of office work. In the case of an autobiography, this is a rule for composing business letters.

    • The biography should form a clear idea of life path and the main biographical events of the compiler. It is written in any form in the first person directly by the compiler, on an A4 sheet, by hand or in printed form. It should begin with the words “I, last name, middle name...”.
    • The autobiographical document should not be too large in volume. When presenting events and facts, try to be brief. Its volume should not exceed 1-2 sheets. Experience shows that a long autobiography does not achieve the result for which it was created, but gives the exact opposite effect.
    • The manner of presentation must correspond business style. When reading your biography, attention will be paid not only to its content, but also to its design, style of speech, and of course, the absence of grammatical, stylistic and punctuation errors in it. All this will give you additional bonuses.
    • It is important in compiling this document to maintain chronological order. You need to present all the events of your life in order, without jumping from one event to another and without skipping anything.
    • The information you present in your autobiography must be accurate. By including erroneous or unreliable information about yourself in a document, you can ruin your business reputation, which will prevent you from getting the job you are looking for or achieving another goal you have set.

    Autobiography sample

    In order to get an idea of ​​how to correctly compose an autobiography and make it easier for you to work on them, we will give an example of compiling an autobiography.

    Autobiography writing sample

    “I, Ekaterina Ivanovna Morgatyuk, born on August 8, 1989, a native of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory. In 1996 she entered secondary school No. 5. In 2006 she graduated from school. In 2006, she entered the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Philology. In 2011, she graduated from the institute with honors. From August 2011 to the present, I have been working as a journalist in the magazine “Life of Vladivostok.” I have no previous convictions. Married.

    Husband Morgatyuk Petr Valerievich, born May 31, 1980. A native of Vladivostok, has higher education and works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. We have no previous convictions.

    Mother: Ivanova Galina Petrovna, born in 1967, higher education, works as a teacher. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

    Father: Ivanov Ivan Arkadyevich, born in 1967, higher education, works as a doctor. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

    Sister: Ivanova Alina Ivanovna, born in 1995, native of Vladivostok in currently studying at Eastern national university with a degree in Programmer. Lives at the address: Vladivostok, Sovetskaya street, building 4, apartment 25. No previous convictions.

    Any other autobiographical document is compiled according to exactly the same scheme and the information that is indicated in it is adapted for specific purposes. For example, if a student’s autobiography is being compiled. It is advisable to indicate in the text information about academic achievements, participation in competitions, thanks and certificates, participation in competitions and other school life. You can also talk about sports achievements, if any, clubs attended and electives.

    In the student’s autobiography, it is accordingly necessary to tell about the conferences attended, participation in scientific works that took place during the training period. Participation in public life educational institution. It is advisable to indicate information about your internship. Reflect life position, which the student adheres to. Describe the level of theoretical training. Tell about the competitions in which the student represented his university.

    N writing an autobiography for work

    The scheme for compiling an autobiography for employment is not much different from the scheme proposed above for compiling a general autobiography. However, there are still some peculiarities of its writing:

    • To get a job, such a document should focus on the qualities that are important to the employer, in accordance with the position that you plan to occupy. This will be a kind of advertisement of your working qualities, and can play a positive role in the decision to hire you.
    • Describe projects in which you have participated and which best reflect your professional qualities. Give examples from practice that characterize the level of your professional training, flexibility of thinking, ability to work in a team, get along with a team, etc.
    • List all the places of your training and advanced training, but do not focus on this, unless you are a newly graduated young specialist with no work experience. You should not talk about the specifics of your training, as this information is unlikely to be of interest to the employer. This will most likely be discussed at the interview if the employer shows interest in it.
    • It is advisable to immediately, without hiding, reflect your wishes and preferences regarding future work. If you are not a team person and cannot work in a team, be sure to indicate this fact; there is no need to break yourself, waste time and try to build team relationships. As a rule, this still ends in dismissal. Not only are you interested in getting a job, the employer also needs an employee. Indicate the amount of payment that suits you, as well as certain working conditions that are acceptable to you. Consider attending business trips and whether this is acceptable to you. if you have Small child, which will not allow you to go on long trips, you should definitely indicate this. It is not advisable to hide such a fact; you will only waste both yours and your employer’s time.
    • Rate yours business qualities, describe the positive aspects. Pay attention to your qualities such as sociability, responsibility, commitment, etc.

    Sample autobiography for work

    Let's consider the scheme for compiling a sample of writing an autobiography for work:

    Autobiography example

    “I, Savelyev Roman Andreevich, was born on April 1, 1980. (The following sample corresponds to the one provided above, listing education and marital status until you reach seniority).

    Since January 2012 I have been working for the newspaper “Life of Vladivostok”. Some of my articles written for the newspaper were particularly popular. These include “Ecology or Ten Years of Change”, “Building Materials Kill”, “Roman Statues”, published in issues No. 9, 14, 28. During the period of my work in the editorial office of the newspaper, labor collective, under my leadership, the project “Specialist Report” was developed, which was subsequently implemented on the official website of the publication.

    Based on the results of traffic monitoring, it was concluded that page traffic increased by 10%, which increased the popularity of the publication. Thanks to the implementation of this project the newspaper took first place in the “Best Newspaper of 2015” competition and received a certificate of honor and a prize.”

    Autobiographies indicate not only your work achievements, but also the reasons why you left your previous job. Expressions that don’t say anything, for example, “by family circumstances“It’s not worth indicating, unless, of course, this was the real reason for leaving. When giving reasons, be tactful and polite. If the reason for leaving was a conflict with the administration of the enterprise, then you should not talk about the stupid, picky director who forced you to leave your job. Touch on this issue tactfully and streamlinedly, but in such a way that you cannot be caught in lies and bad manners.

    For example, you can indicate that the reason for dismissal was a change in working conditions. If you are asked what specific working conditions did not suit you, explain that it was a change domestic policy enterprises, for example, an increase in the volume of labor, a change in the level of responsibility, etc., which has become unacceptable to you.

    Additional information in the autobiography

    An autobiography compiled by a job seeker is usually called a resume. Distinctive feature This document differs from the example of writing an autobiography discussed above only that in the resume there is no need to disclose information about the husband, parents and other family members in such detail. This issue can be touched upon very briefly. Otherwise, these two documents do not differ. The main task of a resume is not to reveal all aspects of your life, but to focus specifically on your work qualities and previous work career, which will enable the employer to evaluate you as a future potential employee.

    Nowadays there is a fashion to supplement your resume with your photos. There are no special requirements for photography, but the style of clothing in which you are photographed and your hairstyle must be businesslike. And the background should be neutral. Palm trees and the sea, of course, will not do.

    A good addition to your resume would be testimonials and recommendations from your previous job. As a rule, such documents are drawn up by the head of the enterprise. This can be an additional bonus when hiring you. Such documents are especially useful for workers in the humanitarian professions and workers with a narrow specialization.

    In an autobiographical document, it is advisable to mention military service for men, maternity leave and childbirth, for women. At the end of the autobiography, the signature of the person who compiled the document and the date of its compilation are placed. Please indicate your passport details and exact postal address. Now you know how to write an autobiography for work,

    Add to list necessary documents when entering the civil service it often includes - short description a person in his life in chronological order.

    How to write an autobiography for civil service

    The autobiography must indicate:
    • title of the document - AUTOBIOGRAPHY;
    • Full name, date and place of birth (city, village, district, region, country). For example: “I, Sergeev Petr Ivanovich, was born on May 30, 1970 in the city of Pushkino, Moscow region”;
    • information about education (full name of all educational institutions in which the training took place, years of study);
    • information about labor activity(places of work and positions held);
    • information about different types social activities;
    • family composition (full names of parents, spouses, their type of activity, names and years of birth of children);
    • date of writing and signature of the author.

    In order to facilitate the task of compiling your biography, a sample of filling out an autobiography for the civil service has been created.

    Sample autobiography for civil service


    In 1979 I went to first grade high school No. 124 Moscow. After finishing 9 classes in 1986, he entered the Moscow Legal Lyceum, from which he graduated in 1988 with a medal.

    Since 1989 he studied at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov on Faculty of Law, who graduated in 1994 and received a full higher education with a degree in Law. While studying at the university, he was the head of the group.

    From October 1994 to March 2005, he worked as a lawyer at Vozrozhdenie LLC. Since April 2005, he has been appointed to the position of legal adviser at Stroyconsulting LLC, where I still work.

    Family composition:
    wife - Liliya Sergeevna Tikhonova, born in 1974, director of a beauty salon;
    son - Egor Yaroslavovich Tikhonov, born in 1999, 9th grade student at secondary school No. 39 in Moscow.

    Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record.

    March 23, 2013 Tikhonov ME AND. Tikhonov

    1. The name of the document is placed in the middle of the line and written in capital letters: AUTOBIOGRAPHY. There is no period after the word "autobiography".

    2. The text of the autobiography is written by hand.

    I, (last name, first name, patronymic), was born (specify day, month and year of birth) in (specify exact location birth - city, republic, region, district, locality) in the family (workers, collective farmers, employees). When changing your last name, indicate the place, time and reasons for changing your last name.
    In (specify year) entered and in (specify year) graduated (name and location of educational institution) in the specialty (graduates from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions - indicate qualifications). The same form provides information about completed or unfinished (indicating the reason) studies in other educational institutions. All educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education are listed in chronological order.
    For those who have undergone postgraduate training and/or advanced training, it is necessary to indicate its types, terms, and topics; qualifications obtained as a result of specialization. If available, indicate academic degrees, titles, topic and year of the dissertation defense; number and topics of published scientific works.
    I and my immediate family (parents; spouses, including ex-wife; children; brothers and sisters) were not brought to justice. If you were involved, please indicate when and for what.
    For those who participated in elected bodies, indicate when and to which bodies they were elected.
    For those who have government awards, indicate which ones and when they were received.
    I live in the city of (specify) at the address: (give detailed address indicating the postal code and area of ​​residence and real place residence; home phone).
    Briefly describe your work activity from the moment it began, indicating places of work, positions held, circle official duties, reasons for dismissal.
    For those with experience in their intended work activity, indicate the enterprises (organizations) in which they worked, positions held, official responsibilities and nature of the work, years of work.
    Last place work: (indicate the full name of the institution/organization, its address, position held).
    Describe in detail the range of official responsibilities; if there are administrative functions, describe the powers and responsibilities, indicate the number of subordinate units/employees; last name, first name, patronymic, position and telephone number of the immediate supervisor. Those who are not currently working additionally indicate the reason and date of dismissal.
    Marital status: (single, single, married, married, divorced, widowed), in a relationship civil marriage- mark as necessary).
    I provide the following information about relatives: (example) wife - (last names (including maiden name), first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence and place of work or study are given). According to the above scheme, information is provided about all living relatives: spouses (including former ones), children, parents, siblings. For non-working relatives, instead of the place of work, the following is indicated: pensioner, disabled person, housewife, unemployed, or other.

    In addition to the above, you can provide any other information about yourself that you deem necessary.

    3. Signature of the compiler (right).

    4. Date of writing the autobiography (also on the right). The date, month and year are written in numbers.

    In autobiography how business paper epithets, lyrical digressions, and colloquial language are inappropriate. The autobiography must be strictly in an official business style.
    Literary autobiographies are written differently. Author literary autobiography free to choose material and linguistic means. This may be broken chronological sequence presentation of events, lyrical digressions and memories are appropriate.

    Language rules for registering place of birth, education, work

    When writing an autobiography, we inevitably face the question of how to write correctly: was born in the city of Moscow or in the city of Moscow? in the city Nizhny Novgorod or in the city of Nizhny Novgorod? in the city of Nizhyn of the Republic of Ukraine or in the city of Nizhyn of the Republic of Ukraine?

    Remember the following rules:

    1. The names of cities, villages, hamlets, towns, expressed by an inflected noun, as a rule, agree in case with the word being defined, for example: in the city of Moscow, in the city of Smolensk, in the city of Saratov, in the city of Gorky, in the village of Ivanovka, in the village of Korobovka , in the village of Ilinskoye.
    2. The above names do not agree if they are expressed:
    a) a phrase: in the city of Krivoy Rog, in the village of Chisty Klyuch, in the village of Kholodny Spring, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod;
    b) shape plural: in the city of Mytishchi, in the village of Goryachiye Ugli, in the village of Serebryanye Prudy, in the city of Mineralnye Vody;
    c) proper names, the gender of which does not coincide with the main concept: in the city of Rivne, in the village of Borodino, in the village of Uglich, in the village of Aprelevka;
    d) proper names in -ovo (-evo), -yno (ino): in the city of Odintsovo, in the village of Pushkino, in the Sviblovo region, in the village of Malino.
    3. The official names of republics usually agree with the word republic if they have the form female, ending in -я and -я: in city N of the Republic of Slovakia, the Republic of Korea.
    They do not agree if they have a masculine form or a feminine form ending in -a and without an ending: in the Republic of Cuba, in the Republic of Vietnam, in the Republic of Belarus, in the Republic of Ukraine (born in the city of Nizhyn, Republic of Ukraine).

    Autobiography writing sample No. 1


    I, Natalya Sergeevna Epifanova, was born in Pavlovsk on January 5, 1968.
    I live in Moscow, st. Bersenevskaya embankment 12, apt. 43.
    In 1985 she graduated from high school No. 4 in Pavlovsk and entered City Technical School No. 1 with a degree in “Radio-electronic equipment installer.” In 1988 she graduated from college with honors.
    In July 1988 she entered the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) named after. Bauman (now Moscow State University named after Bauman) with a degree in Design and technology of radio-electronic equipment (200800).
    From October 1993 to September 1994 she was on academic leave due to the birth of a child. In April 1995 she graduated from the University.
    From May 1995 to December 1996 she was on maternity leave.
    In January 1997, she joined the Second Moscow Watch Factory as a design engineer of the third category in the electromechanical watch design department.
    Currently I work there as a deputy head of the department.
    Married to Dmitry Leonidovich Epifanov, born in 1965, since March 1992. Maiden name - Funtikova, changed her name on April 17, 1992 due to marriage. Before that, she didn’t change her last name and wasn’t in any other marriages. I have a married son, Andrey Dmitrievich Epifanov, born on October 19, 1993. I live with my husband and child in my husband’s apartment at the address: Moscow st. Bakuninskaya 5, apt. 38. My husband’s stepfather lives with us - Nikolai Ilyich Vorontsov, born in 1934.
    Other relatives:
    Husband's parents: Husband's mother - Epifanova Margarita Evgenievna, born in 1934, died in 2001. Epifanov's father, Leonid Ivanovich, born in 1933, died in 1967 while serving in the airborne troops.
    My parents: mother – Funtikova Elena Anatolyevna, born in 1949; father - Funtikov Sergey Nikolaevich born 1947 Both live in Pavlovsk at the address: Pavlovsk, st. Stakhanovsky breakthrough 3, apt. 6.
    Brother Funtikov Anton Sergeevich born 1972 Midshipman of the Russian Navy, serves in the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, HF No. 7312.
    In August 2000, I graduated from the Bereginya nursing course at the Red Cross.
    I teach classes at the Second Watch Factory Club and run a creative sewing studio for children. I am a member of the board of trustees of the Folk Art Crafts Foundation of the Russian Federation, and with members of the Foundation we regularly go to orphanages to teach girls artistic sewing and organize workshops.

    Date Signature

    Autobiography writing sample No. 2


    I, Igor Ivanovich Ivanov, was born into a family of workers on February 24, 1972 in the village of Vorgashor in the city of Vorkuta, Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
    Parents: Ivanov Ivan Vasilievich (born in 1949) and Ivanova (nee Vasilieva) Vasilisa Ivanovna (born in 1950). My father worked as a foreman in the oxygen shop of the Vorkuta Mechanical Plant of the Vorkutaugol Combine. Mother worked as a foreman of sewing machine operators at the Vorkuta garment factory. In 2000, my mother retired due to old age, and in 2004 my father retired.
    In 1979, I entered the first grade of secondary school No. 40 in the city of Vorkuta. While studying at school, he carried various social responsibilities: he was a squad leader, participated in school amateur performances, was the editor of the class wall newspaper, participated in school competitions in physics and mathematics, was a Komsomol organizer and political informant. He graduated from school in 1989 with a silver medal.
    In July 1989, he got a job as a proofreader at the Vorkuta city printing house.
    In April 1990 he was called up for active duty military service into the ranks Armed Forces Soviet army. Served in the Guards Division missile forces USSR in the city of Biysk Altai Territory. In October 1990, he graduated from sergeant school and was appointed platoon commander by the command of a military unit. During his years of service in the army, he acquired military specialties: missile crew commander, meteorologist, translator (English and Chinese languages). He was awarded the badges "Excellence in military training, 1st degree", "Warrior-athlete, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees. In November 1991, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, he was awarded a diploma of honor for the distinction shown in the exercises. He was demobilized from service in May 1992 with the rank foreman of the Soviet Army.
    In June 1992, he entered the Institute of Economics and Law in the city of Balashikha, Moscow Region. He was the head of the group, participated in student amateur performances and sports competitions (running, shooting and chess). He graduated from the institute in 1997 with honors ("Diploma with honors", average diploma score: 4.95).
    In July 1997, he got a job as a deputy for legal issues General Director JSC "Lavr" (Moscow). He worked in this position until August 2001, after which he was appointed to the position of director of economic security. During his work at OJSC "Lavr" he was repeatedly encouraged by the management of the organization with valuable gifts, certificates of honor, letters of gratitude and cash bonuses. Resigned from the company at will August 21, 2004.
    In August-September 2004, I took courses at the training center at the Moscow State University of Peoples' Friendship in English(with an economic bias) for people who are fluent in it.
    From September 2004 to December 2007, he worked at MOS Consulting Group OJSC as director for organizational issues. Over the years of work in the company, he was repeatedly rewarded by management. He left the company in December 2007 of his own free will (for family reasons, due to his move to St. Petersburg). Upon dismissal, I received a letter of recommendation, which highly appreciated my work in the company and recommended that I continue to work in the legal field of any large Russian or joint venture.
    In December 2007, he entered into a legal marriage with Ivanova (nee Petrova) Olga Ivanovna.
    Date Signature

    Autobiography writing sample No. 3


    I, Sergeeva Elena Anatolyevna, was born on June 25, 1984 in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region.
    In 1991 she was enrolled in the 1st grade of secondary school secondary school No. 123 Moscow. In 2001, she graduated from this school with a silver medal. In the same year, she entered the Moscow State Regional University at the Faculty of Economics, majoring in “Organization Management.” In 2006 she graduated from the university and received a specialist diploma.
    After graduating from university, she worked as an operator at Beeline OJSC. Since August 2007, I have been working as a logistics manager at Remeer LLC.
    Relationship status: Single.
    Father, Sergeev Igor Vladimirovich, was born on June 19, 1960 in Moscow. Works as chief engineer at ZAO "EngineerEnergoProekt" in Moscow. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35.
    Mother, Sergeeva Maria Vasilievna, was born on September 22, 1963 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. Works as chief economist at Vostokkhimvolokno LLC in Moscow. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35.
    Brother, Sergeev Ivan Denisovich, was born on October 29, 1987 in Moscow. On this moment is a 5th year student at Moscow State Regional University. Lives at: Moscow, st. Pushkina, 23, apt. 35.
    Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under trial or investigation.
    There are no relatives outside the CIS.

    Date Signature

    Help in writing autobiographies

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