Story analysis plan. Main aspects. We write well: from idea to book

In the process of learning, students will have to complete many tasks, among which is the preparation of their own oral story on the subject given by the teacher. For example, it could be small text about a pet or retelling classical work. In order for everything to work out as it should, you should know how to draw up a story plan, what must be included in it. Our material will help you figure it out.

What it is

A plan is a set of structural elements that will be present in the narrative itself, while the more detailed and detailed the list is, the easier it becomes to connect the elements together and recreate a coherent detailed text. The school will have to compile a lot of such “lists”: detailed and short, citation and thesis, despite the seeming complexity, this form of work is very useful, because it contributes to detailed elaboration and memorization of the material.

Operating procedure

Consider how to plan a story (grade 2) so that it reflects all the elements required by the teacher. There are several stages of work:

  • Read the work itself.
  • Determine its main idea, as stated in the text. What events are described by the author, how the text begins and ends.
  • Divide the text into semantic parts (an example will be given later). Each of them must be complete in meaning.
  • In the highlighted parts, indicate the most important, the main actions of the characters.
  • Re-reading each of the fragments, inventing a subtitle and main (key) words for it. There should not be a lot of them, it is enough to write out proper names and 2-3 essential nouns or adjectives.
  • Detailed retelling.

This is the sequence of work that allows you to answer the question, the story. Next, we present specific example, let's analyze the text from the second grade program of L. N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

In London, they showed wild animals and took money or dogs and cats for food for wild animals.

One man wanted to look at the animals: he grabbed a little dog in the street and brought it to the menagerie. They let him watch, but they took the little dog and threw it into a cage to be eaten by a lion.

The dog tucked its tail between its legs and snuggled into the corner of the cage. The lion walked up to her and sniffed her.

The dog lay on its back, raised its paws and began to wag its tail.

The lion touched her with his paw and turned her over.

The dog jumped up and stood in front of the lion on its hind legs.

The lion looked at the dog, turned its head from side to side and did not touch it.

When the owner threw meat to the lion, the lion tore off a piece and left it for the dog.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed, the dog lay down beside him and laid her head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her.

Once the master came to the menagerie and recognized his little dog; he said that the dog was his own, and asked the owner of the menagerie to give it to him. The owner wanted to give it back, but as soon as they began to call the dog to take it out of the cage, the lion bristled and growled.

So lived the lion and the dog whole year in one cell.

A year later, the dog fell ill and died. The lion stopped eating, but kept sniffing, licking the dog and touching it with his paw.

When he realized that she was dead, he suddenly jumped up, bristled, began to whip his tail on the sides, threw himself on the wall of the cage and began to gnaw the bolts and the floor.

All day he fought, tossed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and fell silent. The owner wanted to carry away the dead dog, but the lion would not let anyone near it.

The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief if he was given another dog, and let a live dog into his cage; but the lion immediately tore her to pieces. Then he hugged the dead dog with his paws and lay like that for five days.

On the sixth day the lion died.

Topic definition

After reading a short text, you should determine its topic, that is, say what the work says. It's easy - in Tolstoy's story we are talking about a lion and a little dog, their amazing friendship. The author describes the devotion of the lion to his unexpected friend with undisguised sympathy.

  • The beginning - for the sake of a joke, the master decides to throw his little dog into a cage with a predator. But unexpectedly for everyone, the lion did not tear the unfortunate woman apart, but showed sympathy, then - he sincerely became attached to her.
  • The end is the death of both animals.

Therefore, when retelling, it is important to ensure that you start with a meeting, and end with the death of the heroes.

Isolation of semantic parts

When considering how to plan a story, several fragments should be distinguished in the text, each of which is a complete narrative. The text is re-read again, with a pencil mark where one thought of the author ended and another began. You can also determine the end of each semantic part by the appearance of new heroes or by the beginning of a new action.

In the story "The Lion and the Dog" we highlight the following fragments:

  1. Introduction - features of zoos of the described time (fees were charged by animals that were fed to predators).
  2. The man wanted to see wild animals and brought his dog.
  3. The animal was thrown into a lion's cage.
  4. The predator took pity on the poor man.
  5. An unexpected friendship between a lion and a dog.
  6. The owner is trying to get the pet back. Terrible discontent predator.
  7. A year later, the dog fell ill and died.
  8. The lion refused food, grieved, did not accept another dog, which was given to him by the owner, and soon died.

Thus, it turned out 8 parts, each of which is complete in meaning. After dividing the text, you should carefully re-read each part and think about whether it is necessary to highlight any other “piece”.


Considering how to plan the story, we came to the next stage of work - capaciously title each of the previously selected fragments. You should strive to present the content in 2-4 words. In our case, we get the following headers:

  1. London Zoo Life.
  2. Cruel owner.
  3. Dangerous meeting.
  4. Predator kinder people.
  5. Strange friendship.
  6. The strong protect the weak.
  7. Illness and death of a dog.
  8. Despair and death of a lion.

It also turned out 8 subheadings, each of which represents a point of the plan. Using it, you can easily retell the text, since all the main events that Tolstoy described are presented in it.

complex plan

Sometimes the task becomes more complicated, for example, the structure may not be simple, but expanded. Consider how to plan the story in this case. First, semantic parts are also distinguished, but one or two of them should be divided even more fractionally. In the text "The Lion and the Dog" you can work out parts 3 and 8 in more detail. When drawing up a retelling plan, these fragments, in turn, can be subdivided as follows:

3. Dangerous meeting.

  • 3.1 Behavior of the dog (huddled in a corner, afraid, waving its tail).
  • 3.2 Reaction of a predator (sniffed, touched, gave meat).

8. Despair and death of a lion.

  • 8.1 The predator realized that his dog had died.
  • 8.2 Refusal of food, flour and torment.
  • 8.3 Reaction to someone else's dog.
  • 8.4 Death.

Such a detailed plan, of course, requires more careful preparation, however, it is much easier to retell it.

Basic Mistakes

Having considered about the animal, we will analyze the main mistakes that schoolchildren can make. There are several of them:

  • The selection of a very large or, conversely, a very small number of semantic parts.
  • Violation of logic, rearrangement of parts in places.
  • Lack of necessary components: introductions, climaxes and denouements.
  • Incorrect selection of headings for paragraphs. It is necessary to name parts of the text in such a way that, when reading the title, it is immediately possible to remember what is being said in this fragment.

Competent and thoughtful work on the text, its repeated re-reading with a pencil in hand will help to avoid these mistakes. Of course, the second class is only the second step. elementary school. Children will have enough time to learn how to analyze the work, but the sooner you start, the better the result on the exam will be. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the work on drawing up a text plan, it helps to highlight the main thing and weed out minor details, trains thinking, logic and memory.

We examined how to draw up a story plan (Grade 2), what stages the work should consist of. If something does not work out the first time, do not lose heart, you have to work hard, then the result will not be long in coming.

Today's topic is directly related to the topic of the blog. Namely, - how to work with a book.

It's no secret that quite often you read something - you immediately forget. Either immediately or later. All attempts to remember what I read about end in vain.

Why is this happening?

There are several reasons:

the inconsistency of our reading. We read everything in a row that comes across, without pursuing a specific goal. “To be aware”, “to enjoy reading”, “to……”. new information there is simply nothing to cling to, there is no information tree, which I wrote about

- our distraction and inattention. We read and think about something of our own. I even wrote a book about attention.

- wrong reading. This is closer to our topic. After all, we can all read. So we think. Actually this is not true.

More often than not, we only know how to put letters into words, words into sentences. While reading, for example, artistic text- more important is the ability to create images from read words, sentences.

By the way, the images that we see from the TV screen are ready-made images that the brain simply reads without doing any work. Therefore, the benefits for mental development- few. The brain must itself create images, then it develops, and this happens precisely when reading.

What a pity it is when, after reading something fascinating, after a few days you forget - both the names of the characters and what was said in the book.

I wrote about one method to avoid this in the article "".

Today, let's look at another way. It is quite applicable to any textual information, including non-fiction.

What is important when reading non-fiction text?

It is important to understand the structure of what you read: separate blocks and central idea that combines these blocks.

A plan can help with this. We will talk about it below.

Psychology suggests that what is written down is more complete and better absorbed, promotes memorization. The absorption rate will be higher if after reading 1,000 words, then summarize it in 50 words. Information folding is a necessary skill when there is a lot of information.

You can collapse the information in the form of a plan. Although there are many other ways of writing fixation, which I wrote about in my articles:

The easiest way is to make a plan for the book you read. This technique will help you better understand and assimilate what you read.

Why is this happening?

Because it connects mental activity. We mentally process the text, try to understand its structure, then to put it on paper. We think, we strain, and this affects understanding and memorization.

What is the outline of a book or article?

This is a list of main thoughts, arranged in a sequence that reflects the logic of what the author is talking about.

The plan is simple and complex.

Simple, consists of main points.

Difficult, also includes subsections. It reveals the content of the text more when one thought is revealed through several others, highlighted in subparagraphs:

The plan helps to develop the ability to succinctly take notes, express your thoughts, and also quickly restore what you read in your memory.

For information: I will only say that in addition to simple and complex type plan, there are also such: question, name, thesis, plan - reference circuit, combined. But we will focus on the simplest types.

How to make a plan?

To make a plan, you need to consistently ask yourself in the process of reading the question “what is it talking about?”. And then using this question to identify the main thoughts and write them down in the form of points of the plan.

General Approach:

1. You need to read the text.

2. Divide the text into parts and highlight the main thoughts in these parts.

3. These thoughts will serve as headings for the plan.

4. Check whether all the main ideas are included in the plan. To do this, go over the text again.

I note that the plan does not convey the actual content of the text, but only points to it. But when understanding the essence of the content, this is enough to restore individual details from memory.

Two points are significant:

1. Text analysis and highlighting the main parts.
2. Finding out the main thought / idea in each part.

Useful here following skills:
- the ability to highlight the essential and not to be confused with the secondary.
- the ability to express thoughts in your own words.

Writing a story plan is a mandatory element of school education. It's hard to write without a good plan nice story, so you need to figure out how to properly plan the story.

Drawing up a story plan

If you decide to start writing your own literary work, then, first of all, you need to organize your ideas. Don't forget to write down all information related to your work. Keeping a lot of information in your head is difficult, and not getting confused in it is even more difficult.

  1. Decide on the topic of the story.
  2. Think about what subtopics you want to explore in your work.
  3. make a list actors: their names, occupation, features of appearance and character, relationships with each other. For each hero you need to prepare brief description. The list of characteristics should resemble the one that precedes the plays, for example, Igor Ignatievich, landowner, 48 years old. Married to Natalya Igorevna. Loves hunting. After the upheavals experienced in the war, he stutters.
  4. Starting from the main subtopics, write a detailed outline of the story. It should include not only main points, but also sub-points of the second and third levels. To facilitate the work, immediately write down the approximate volume of each part. The plan should be harmonious, its parts are interconnected in a logical sequence. Work it out carefully, then further work will go easier, and the result will be better. Good plan should concisely and accurately convey the content of the story.
  5. Try not to “lose” your heroes while writing the story and bring storyline each of them to their logical conclusion. One of the main keys to the success of writing a story is a successful climax and denouement. After all, they remain in the reader's memory after the completion of reading the work.
  6. After the work on the plan is completed, you need to carefully check your plan (and later the story) for the presence of various kinds of errors.

Finished text plan

Making a plan - required component analysis of an already written story. It helps to remember the content of the work, to structure its events in a logical sequence, to determine the relationship between the individual parts.

  1. To get started, read the story, determine its main theme, highlight the names of the main characters.
  2. Divide the text into four parts:
  3. eyeball;
  4. plot development;
  5. climax;
  6. denouement.
  7. These points will be the backbone of your plan. If necessary, divide each of these parts into several smaller ones, marking in your mind or in the text the beginning of each of them.
  8. Reread the first part. Title it. The title should be concise and capacious. Try to convey the very essence of this fragment of the story in one sentence.
  9. Do the same for the other parts.

Types of plans

Sometimes the task requires a plan certain type. In order to cope with this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main four types of plans:

  • question. Each paragraph of the plan is a question, the answer to which conveys the essence this fragment(Where did Taras go after school?);
  • thesis. The content of the paragraph is expressed through the theses of the verb structure - a brief formulation of the main provision of a particular part, containing verbs (Taras went to the stadium);
  • nominal. Plan of theses, which are expressed by nouns (Taras at the stadium);
  • basic plan. This plan consists of fragments of sentences that carry the main semantic load (Taras' plan - a trip to the stadium);
  • combined. Such a plan may contain several different types plans.

Text composition

When drawing up a story plan, you should adhere to the classical composition:

  1. Introduction - in this section it is necessary to acquaint the reader with the place and time of the action, as well as some of the key characters.
  2. Outset - describe the event that led to further development stories.
  3. The development of actions is the largest part of the story.
  4. Climax - highest point development of events.
  5. The denouement is a conclusion that tells what their actions turned out to be for the heroes.

As you can see, the ability to correctly draw up a plan is an indispensable skill in analyzing and memorizing texts. Writing a good story will not be easy if its structure is not clearly and logically presented in the form of a list of points and sub-points.

When the plan is ready, you can start writing a story, useful information on writing a story can be found in the article.

Attention, only TODAY!


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What it is?

Artistic literary work? This is a concise summary of what has been read. It is impossible to write it separately from a fairy tale or story without starting to read it.

Who can use the plan

And who needs to know how to plan a fairy tale and why? First of all, such questions are of interest to teachers of literature. In this way, they will be able to determine how thoughtfully the student read the work. In addition, knowledge is useful for the students themselves. Having a plan in front of your eyes, you can easily remember the events and make a competent retelling in the lesson.

Drawing up a plan on a specific example

You can practice and imagine that you have received a task: to draw up a plan for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”.

To do this, you need to carefully study the text of the task. What should be the plan? Detailed, concise, with or without quotes.

If we dwell on the detailed version, then such a plan should look like this.

  1. Royal order to sons.
  2. A good choice of older brothers.
  3. Frog in the brides of Ivan Tsarevich.
  4. The king tests the skills of daughters-in-law in baking bread.
  5. Can daughters-in-law weave carpets?
  6. Sons must bring their wives to the feast.
  7. Royal feast.
  8. Ivan Tsarevich burns the skin of a frog.
  9. Ivan Tsarevich meets an old man.
  10. How animals help Ivan.
  11. Ivan Tsarevich and Baba Yaga.
  12. Oak Kashchei.
  13. Return of Ivan Tsarevich.

That's all, making a plan for the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" turned out to be not so difficult. Often students are asked to analyze the works. You should not be afraid of this, since he also has his own scheme, that is, a strict list of what should be discussed in this type of work.

Development of the ability to analyze

So, let's look at it directly. At the very beginning, we can say what type of fairy tale it belongs to. this work. They can be magical, domestic or about animals. This topic is studied in great detail in the "Fairy Tales" section of the school curriculum for literature in the 5th grade. Then, you should name all the main characters of the work and designate the fabulous action that can be considered the main one.

Now it is important to define distinctive features fairy tales as a genre: the occurring number "three", instructive statements, the beginning - a fabulous beginning and a logical conclusion - a happy ending. All traits defined, oh acting characters told. The last thing remains: the conclusion and what kind of morality of behavior readers should take out of the work.

In a simplified version of the tale, it will look like this:

  • name and type;
  • fairy-tale heroes;
  • action to which everything is subordinated;
  • fabulous features;
  • fabulous teaching.

Children's works should teach the child to be kind, to fight evil. And in order to accurately point out the corresponding instructive moments, it is necessary to disassemble the tale, as they say, “by the bones”. Break it down into individual components for easy use folk wisdom contained in it. And for the children who read school curriculum, we must fight for positive marks in the literature. And if you are also given the task to write an essay based on the text you have read, then you certainly cannot do without a plan. That's why you need to know how to plan a fairy tale.

Quotes will help

The next type of work quote plan Fairy tales are very interesting to compose. It is necessary to select several excerpts from the text for the finished brief scheme. They must confirm what is said in each paragraph.

The quotation plan of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" will look like this.

  1. "In a certain kingdom-state lived a king."
  2. "The king took it into his head to see his sons married."
  3. "The sons did as the father commanded."
  4. "Ivan Tsarevich launched his arrow right into the swamp, into the paws of a frog ..."
  5. "The carpet is good! Yes, we saw it better, in the stable, for horses!"
  6. "Don't be frightened, guests! This is my frog in her little box!"
  7. "Oh, Ivan! Why did you burn my skin? You didn't have to take it off!"
  8. "Don't touch me, Ivan Tsarevich! Have pity! I'll serve you!"
  9. "Turn around, hut, towards me with a red porch, in front of you is a clear falcon!"

And so in the case of any other fairy tale, you need to choose suitable excerpts from the text, according to the plan. The work turns out to be interesting, the more it seems that the work is read in an abbreviated version.

It's hard to imagine a fairy tale

When students have learned how to plan a fairy tale, you can try to give more creative task- compose your own work. Undoubtedly, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, in your own creation, you will need a plan for compiling a fairy tale.

Why is it so necessary? Human thought is so fast that it requires very vigilant observation. You won’t remember where the hero was supposed to be, since it wasn’t written down on time and it wasn’t included in the plan - that’s all, the fabulous bunch was broken. And when something does not work out, all desire to continue what has been started disappears. Children should be able to fantasize and try to compose fairy tales with traditional kind characters. In them, goodness should always be bright and all-conquering.

Planning a fairy tale

Plan fairy tale little different from the usual. It should only be remembered that the work has the status of a magical one, therefore, the work should contain paragraphs that tell about those fabulous objects and transformations that distinguish it from the rest. The plan should reveal the meaning of magic, who performs it, and what role it played for the character.

Before starting work, it is necessary to understand what the features of a fairy tale are. The task of the genre in this case is: arouse admiration in the reader goodie and condemn the negative, thus expressing confidence in the triumph of good.

The type of conflict serves as a criterion by which fairy tales are divided into:

Heroic (the fight of the hero with magical power);

Socio-class (the struggle of the hero against the injustice of the representative of the upper class - the gentleman, the king);

Family (tell about the conflict in the family and are moralizing in nature).

In terms of a fairy tale, the heroes are opposed in terms of belonging to one of the types: intercessors, villains, sufferers, helpers. When drafting, include items that point to the obvious fantasy, magic and wonder inherent in this genre.

The plan for retelling the tale will differ from all previous types. It should concentrate quoting, characterization of the characters, a very detailed transmission of the content. In conclusion, an opinion should be expressed about what was liked in the work, and what was not liked, and why. A separate person retells the tale with his own vision of the situation, the problem. That is, in this case, the narrative can be subjective.

Tale of a little girl

In this section, we will try to draw up a plan for the fairy tale "Thumbelina", in order to once again focus on the main stages of work when performing this kind of task.

For those who are familiar with the theory of drawing up different plans, this will not be difficult. Most importantly, read the story itself. And now it's up to the small: remember the sequence of events taking place in the fairy tale and write them down in the form of plan items.

  1. The birth of a little girl from a tulip.
  2. Thumbelina's life in the house.
  3. Toad saw in Thumbelina a wife for her son.
  4. Thumbelina sets out on a journey down the river.
  5. Maybug fell in love.
  6. Alone in a big forest.
  7. The cold winter is coming.
  8. Thumbelina lives at
  9. Preparing for the wedding with the Mole.
  10. Sick Swallow.
  11. Thumbelina takes care of the bird.
  12. The girl flew away with the Swallow.
  13. Acquaintance with the king of elves.
  14. Thumbelina marries the elf king and receives wings as a gift

Joint creativity

Modern educational programs involve the integration of various fields of knowledge and subjects. Therefore, within the framework homework children often receive tasks like: "Thumbelina". Make a picture plan of the story.

You need to take a brush, paints and an album, seat the baby, remember the fairy tale step by step. Try to draw what you just remembered. This is the first option. But there is also a second one. With current technology, it is easy to find illustrations for any fairy tale. And Andersen's fairy tale will be no exception. You can use the search on the Internet, find pictures for a fairy tale and arrange them in a certain sequence, each with its own number.

The first option is interesting because parents and children are engaged in creativity together. The child himself creates the image of the fragile Thumbelina and the nasty Mole, the ugly Toad and the stupid May Beetle. In the drawing, he expresses his attitude to fairy tale characters. This is very important for the development creativity baby.

Picture story

The second option is also good. It makes the child think logically. In addition, there are a number of leading questions that you can ask while working with each picture. By answering them, the child will learn to give correctly formulated answers.

  • What season is shown in the picture?
  • Why can't two pictures be swapped?
  • How can you tell about the character of Thumbelina, Swallows from the image?

In the picture plan, the retelling of the tale is based on reference images. Using this type of work, parents solve an important task of developing the ability to follow the sequence in the development of events, as well as developing the skill to correctly select the right words when comparing two objects to describe their forms. The student will learn to talk about his feelings and build phrases correctly.

complex plan

The complex plan of a fairy tale or any other work is drawn up according to the principle of "story within a story". One is titled first most of, it is divided again into small segments, but of a smaller volume, which also have their own name. Such a plan has a complex numbering and should not miss a single important detail. Its accuracy will help in the future to write good essay with the help of literary material.

A fairy tale is the same text that has its own characteristics. The plan for compiling a fairy tale can be considered in the context of working with a regular text. Just in the process, you need to pay attention to giving the tale the main genre characteristics.


Let us summarize and summarize in a few sentences the main points that need to be considered when working on drawing up a fairy tale plan.

The work must be read. If it contains words that you do not understand, you should find out their meaning. The theme of the fairy tale text and its main idea are determined. The work is divided into semantic parts, titles are selected for them. It is recommended to make a draft first, as adjustments may need to be made during the process of creating the plan. Then the outlined plan must be compared with the text in order to check the sequence of the points indicated in the work with the events reflected in the fairy tale. Next, you should try to reproduce the work yourself according to the drawn up scheme. If it succeeded and remained noticed important details, the work was a success.

Plans are completely different, it all depends on the purpose and nature of the task. They can be simple or complex, they can consist of questions or only quotes. Also, they can be of a thesis nature or consist only of In any case, drawing up a plan involves reading the work and understanding its meaning.

Writing a story plan is a mandatory element of school education. It's hard to write a good story without a good plan, so it's important to figure out how to plan your story properly. Outlining a Story If you decide to start writing your own literary work, the first thing you need to do is organize your ideas. Don't forget to write down all information related to your work. It’s difficult to keep a lot of information in your head, and it’s even more difficult not to get confused in it. Decide on the topic of the story. Think about what subtopics you want to reveal in your work. Make a list of characters: their names, occupation, features of appearance and character, relationships with each other . For each character, you need to prepare a brief description. The list of characteristics should resemble the one that precedes the plays, for example, Igor Ignatievich, landowner, 48 years old. Married to Natalya Igorevna. Loves hunting. Stutters after the upheavals experienced in the war. Starting from the main subtopics, write a detailed outline of the story. It should include not only main points, but also sub-points of the second and third levels. To facilitate the work, immediately write down the approximate volume of each part. The plan should be harmonious, its parts are interconnected in a logical sequence. Work it out carefully, then further work will go easier, and the result will be better. A good plan should concisely and accurately convey the content of the story. Try not to “lose” your characters while writing the story and bring the storyline of each of them to its logical conclusion. One of the main keys to the success of writing a story is a successful climax and denouement. After all, it is they who remain in the reader’s memory after the completion of reading the work. After the work on the plan is completed, you need to carefully check your plan (and later the story) for various kinds of errors. story. It helps to remember the content of the work, to structure its events in a logical sequence, to determine the relationship between the individual parts. First, read the story, determine its main theme, highlight the names of the main characters. Divide the text into four parts: plot; plot development; climax; denouement. These points and will be the backbone of your plan. If necessary, divide each of these parts into several smaller ones, marking in your mind or in the text the beginning of each of them. Reread the first part. Title it. The title should be concise and capacious. Try to convey the very essence of this fragment of the story in one sentence. Do the same procedures with other parts. Types of plans Sometimes the task requires you to draw up a plan of a certain type. In order to cope with this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main four types of plans: question. Each point of the plan is a question, the answer to which conveys the essence of this fragment (Where did Taras go after school?); thesis. The content of the paragraph is expressed through the theses of the verbal system - a brief formulation of the main provision of a particular part, containing verbs (Taras went to the stadium); nominal. Plan of theses, which are expressed by nouns (Taras at the stadium); plan-support scheme. This plan consists of fragments of sentences that carry the main semantic load (Taras Plan - a trip to the stadium); combined. Such a plan may contain several different types of plans. Text composition When drawing up a story plan, one should adhere to the classical composition: Introduction - in this section it is necessary to familiarize the reader with the place and time of the action, as well as some of the key characters. development of history. The development of actions is the largest part of the story. The climax is the highest point in the development of events. The denouement is the conclusion that tells what their actions turned out to be for the heroes. As you can see, the ability to correctly draw up a plan is an indispensable skill in analyzing and memorizing texts. Writing a good story will not be easy if its structure is not clearly and logically presented in the form of a list of points and sub-points.

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