Tribe, nationality, nation belong to social communities. I. Ethnic structure of society - clan, tribe, nationality, nation


Along with religion and art in primitive society, the formation of another form takes place. public consciousness– mythology. Myths are the leading form verbal, speech expressions of worldview primitive man. Myth translated from Greek means “tradition,” i.e. knowledge passed on by ancestors. In myths, accumulated knowledge was consolidated and passed on to new generations in a vivid, figurative form. Myths did not just tell about the past, but explained the existing order of things and approved it, referring to the authority of ancestors. Since the rate of development of history was extremely low and for many generations people’s lives remained essentially unchanged, the experience of their ancestors seemed to be an indisputable truth and an example to follow. The myth could give a very naive explanation of the world around us from our point of view, but it practically “worked” and was sufficient for primitive man. Myths are closely related to magic and religion, since it was in myths that magical and religious ceremonies. However, mythology is broader in content than religion. Myths reflected not only ideas of a religious nature, but also everyday experience of people.

The myths of the most backward peoples of the modern world, for example the aborigines of Australia, give an idea of ​​the mythology of primitive society. Australian Aboriginal myths are closely related to all important parties life of the race. They explain rituals, hunting rituals. During the ritual, myth interacts with song and dance. They are all dedicated to the same theme and purpose.

This close connection, indivisibility various aspects social consciousness (art, religion, mythology) is a characteristic feature of the culture of primitive man. In science this trait is called syncretism(from the Greek synkretismos - connection). As culture develops, there will be a process of separation of different forms of social creation.

According to his biological qualities, a person could not survive alone or within very small group. The earliest form social organization people were what anthropologists called the “primitive herd”, which was characterized by promiscuity - promiscuity.

Gradually this form social life changed primitive community. A characteristic feature of the latter exogamy, that is, a ban on marriages between close relatives, and then on marriages within the same clan, because they led to the weakening of the offspring and extinction. Exogamy contributed to the formation of a couple families, since women were conquered or exchanged and therefore assigned to certain men. The formation of a couple family contributed to the raising of children. But not the family, but the clan remained the main social and production unit among hunters and gatherers, since, as already noted, the family could not survive alone. The needs of survival dictated two main features of the tribal system: joint production and joint consumption.

All members of the community performed certain work in accordance with age, gender, personal abilities and made different contributions to the common cause. However, the consumption of obtained food was joint and largely equalizing character. The reason is simple: the clan could survive if everyone shared their spoils with everyone. At the same time, equalization was not absolute. A successful hunter always had the right to the best pieces of meat, a spear, etc. Consequently, we can say that the community combined two principles of distribution: egalitarian and according to work, according to merit.

The tribal collective had its own leader - leader. A person became a leader due to his personal qualities. In science it's called meritocracy- ruling by merit. At some stage, the role of the leader was consolidated in religious ideas. This was facilitated by the fact that the leader often performed important religious and magical rituals. It was believed that the leader was connected with a special power and was under its protection.

The leader relied on the advice and authority of the most experienced men. Important issues were resolved by all men of the clan, perhaps by women too. Matriarchy as a stage of female dominance in a family or clan has not been recorded. Among hunter-gatherers, the role of men as the main breadwinner and protector was undeniable.

An equally important role in regulating the life of the community was played by customs and established traditions - the result of cumulative experience. Their power was greater than the power of the leader, who relied on customs and ensured that they were carried out. Communal democracy should not be idealized either. It manifested itself in the relative equality of men’s rights when deciding important issues, in particular when choosing a leader, but then the leader’s power could be quite authoritarian, and control from below was included only in the event of gross mistakes by the leader that threatened the very existence of the community.

Trends in the development of the genus. Dimensions of the Primordial labor collective were determined by specific needs for combining the efforts of clan members in their economic activity. For hunters, the optimal community size was 30–50 people. As soon as the genus went beyond this optimum, it split into two, and they, as a rule, did not lose contact with each other. This is how a new, broader form of social organization of people arose - a union of several clans, which is usually denoted by the term tribe.

The tribe performs two main functions. Firstly, marriages take place within the tribe, since the clan was exogamous. Secondly, the tribal union could play an important role in the joint defense of the territory from outsiders. Where this problem is relevant, the role of intercommunity ties and the tribal leader grew: military danger required the concentration of power.

Another trend in the development of the clan was the strengthening of the role families. As labor productivity grew, conditions arose for the family to become the main production unit, since the family could provide itself with everything necessary. We can talk about a pattern: the higher the degree of development of the productive forces, the greater the degree of isolation of families within the clan. In other words, the degree of collectivism was determined by the objective needs of people’s survival. Hunters and gatherers did not go beyond the clan system. The clan was the main social unit at this stage of the development of society. It retained its significance for a long time. And now there are many peoples in the world who have strong ancestral ties.

Primitive society ended its existence as a result Neolithic or Agrarian Revolution: the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry. This transition radically changed the way people lived. Hunting and gathering objectively separated people, who were forced to live in small groups and constantly move around large areas. Agriculture and cattle breeding enabled people to transition to a sedentary lifestyle. They provided greater opportunities to feed more people in a smaller area. Man began to live in large settlements, and this stimulated progress: the experience and achievements of individual people quickly became the property of many. This created the prerequisites for the emergence of ancient civilizations.

Chapter 2. Culture Ancient Sumer

The transition to agriculture and livestock breeding began earliest in the Middle East region. There were already large settlements there in the 6th millennium, whose inhabitants possessed secrets farming, pottery and weaving. By the turn of the 3rd millennium, the first civilizations began to take shape in this region.

As already noted, the founder of anthropology L. G. Morgan used concept of "civilization" to denote a higher stage of development of society than barbarism. IN modern science The concept of civilization is used to designate the stage of development of society at which there are: cities, class society, state and law, writing.

Those features that distinguish civilization from the primitive era arose in the 4th millennium, and fully manifested themselves in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the lives of people who developed the valleys of rivers flowing in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Later, in the middle of the 3rd millennium, civilizations began to emerge in the Indus River Valley (in the territory of modern Pakistan) and in the Yellow River Valley (China).

Let us trace the process of formation and development of the first civilizations using the example of the Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer.

The social structure of society is formed by large, more or less stable social associations of people and the relationships between them. These associations are formed under the direct influence of labor and the economic life of society as a whole.

In the socio-economic structure of society, a distinction is made between first and second order structures. The first-order structure includes large, historical social associations of individuals, called historical communities of people. In the second-order structure, classes are distinguished first of all.

Historical communities of people are large, stable associations that reveal common features life, material and spiritual culture, language, etc.

There are 3 types of historical communities of people.

1. Rod. Its basis is blood family ties. Economic relations appear here in the shell of family ties. This also includes a tribe as an association of several clans.

2. Nationality. Occurs in slaveholding and feudal societies. Economic basis The formation of a nationality is served by private labor and private property. Nationality develops as a result of the merger of different tribes, their loss of economic, territorial, linguistic independence and the formation on their basis of a common material and spiritual culture, a single territory, language, and later a state.

3. Nation. Nations are formed from people of different tribes and nationalities as a result of the socialization of production and the creation of a single market. A nation is characterized by a common economic life, territory, language, mental makeup, manifested in national character and culture. Its inherent economic community has a deeper and more universal character due to the dominance of capitalist commodity production with its inherent division and cooperation of labor and commodity-money relations. The nation is a product of the bourgeois era.

Nation and nationality

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of nation and nationality. Nationality is identified with ethnos, ethnic origin.

Ethnicity is a collection of people who have genetically determined and more or less pronounced common typical external signs, common culture, language, ethnic identity, common territory, which a given ethnic group perceives as its country.

There are different concepts in understanding a nation:

Semyonov: civil concept of the nation. A nation is a collection of people living in a country.

Tishkov: instrumental concept. A nation is a concept that politicians came up with to solve their political problems. The nation is a means for the political mobilization of the population.

A nation is a historically stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, culture and mental makeup.

Previously, nation and nationality coincided, but with the development of economic relations and migration, these concepts separated. Main feature nations - a community of economic structure.

3 periods in the formation of nations.

1. The era of the formation of capitalism. At this time, the nationality turns into a nation.

2. The spread of capitalism from developed countries. It's connected with colonial policy, when the colonies were deprived of the opportunity to form their own nation.

3. Collapse of the colonial system. The former colonies gained independence, this completed the formation of nations.

2 trends in the development of nations under capitalism:

· formation of nations, awakening national life

· strengthening ties between states breaks down national borders and makes them transparent.

There is such a thing as globalization.

National problems modernity

In modern society there are many national problems.

Nationalism: tends to exaggerate national characteristics. There is a praise of the national, but at the same time disdain for other nations and nationalities.

Chauvinism is an extreme form of nationalism. Hatred of other nationalities, the desire to destroy other peoples as a species.

Nationalism is often combined with racism.

Cosmopolitanism: ignores all national characteristics, rejects their essential significance. This is a kind of imposition of one’s way of life on other countries.

But there is also such a thing as internationalism, which manifests itself in mutual respect national characteristics any nationalities.

There are 2 models of integration of multiethnic populations:

1. assimilation (integration) model: one state - one nation. People coming to a country can integrate into society if they internalize the national culture.

2. multicultural model. Leaves the right to national minorities to have their own national characteristics.

Russia's national problems arose in the 80-90s. Of course, even under tsarism the policy of inequality prevailed, but the problem was not so acute.

USSR: a voluntary association of equal peoples. But during Stalin's reign, the ethnic structure of the state was simplified through the resettlement of peoples.

Contemporary issues Russia:

1. unregulated ethnic migration, mainly due to the CIS countries, China, Korea).

2. indigenous problem small nationalities. They received the status of autonomous districts, their population is dying from alcoholism.

There are also inter-ethnic contradictions between nationalities. There is also ethnophobia of Russians, for example, in the Baltic states.

Also a significant problem is the population decline, mainly due to Russians.

Marriage and family, family functions

Marriage is a historically determined, sanctioned, and socially regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and responsibilities towards each other and towards their children.

Family – small based on marriage and consanguinity social group, whose members are connected by a commonality of life, mutual responsibility and mutual assistance.

Family signs:

1. Consanguineous.

2. Unified economic framework.

3. Living together and sharing responsibilities in the family.

4. Special attitude and care of family members for each other.

Family functions:

1. Reproduction of the species.

2. Economic unit of society.

3. Educational.

4. Recreational (restorative).

IN modern world There are about 40 million families, i.e. 90% of people live in families.

There is also a tendency to simplify the family structure:

Spouse + 1 child.

12% of families live with relatives, 13% of single-parent families.

Interesting fact is that average age number of people getting married is growing. Also, 25% of families do not intend to have children, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the birth rate.

Compared to the 90s, the number of divorces has increased from 30% to 50% (Perm - 80%).

43% of children in the Perm region are born out of wedlock. The average birth rate per family is 1.2 children.

Out of 100 thousand people, 221 die from accidents, in Perm 318 out of 100 thousand, of which 54 are from alcohol, 55 are suicides.

But since 2000 There is a surge in the birth rate.

300 thousand children are considered missing, 3-6 million. street children.

Factors influencing the birth rate:


Living conditions

State aid level

Monthly benefit – 70 rubles per child.

Maternity benefit – 8000 rubles, for the 1st – 1500, for the 2nd – 3000.

There is a fairly high infant and maternal mortality rate due to medical care; by the way, 7 out of 10 pregnant women have an abortion.

Age and gender structure of society:

Women - men = 10 million people.

Life expectancy for men is 58 years, for women - 72, in Perm 56 and 67 years, respectively.

A terrifying fact: the number of deaths in the Russian Federation now doubles more people what is born. From 1991-2001 The population decline was 7.9 million. Human.

60 thousand suicides per year are observed in our country, by 2025. There will already be 125 million of us. people, and by 2050 - 100.

The specificity of the sociological approach to the study of ethnic groups lies, first of all, in the fact that, unlike ethnography, which has a pronounced historical and descriptive nature, in sociology ethnic communities are considered as elements of the social structure of society , in close connection with other social groups - classes, strata, territorial communities and various social institutions. In this regard, the problem of ethnic stratification arises as an independent topic, since ethnicity, nationality in the modern world, especially in our country, is an important indicator of the social position of an individual and his ethnic group as a whole. In addition, ethnic groups and relationships are analyzed within the framework of a conceptual model accepted in sociology, which expresses the relationship between three main levels - culture, social system and personality. In other words, the life activity of an ethnic group is considered within the framework of systemic-structural concepts, and ethnic community- as one of the subsystems of society as a whole, it is in connection and relationships with other social subsystems and social institutions.

The peculiarities of the culture and life of various ethnic groups are the subject of close study by ethnographers. In sociology, ethnographic material is used by scientists to construct general theoretical concepts and typologies.

It should be noted that until recently, sociologists had little interest in the study of ethnic groups, which usually belonged to the area of ​​so-called “social problems”, which have a purely applied, practical significance, and not scientific-cognitive. Over the past 20-30 years, the situation has changed radically. Due to a number of reasons - economic, political, sociocultural, psychological, demographic, etc., issues of studying national-ethnic relations in the modern world have acquired such relevance and significance that this issue has become the object of large-scale research -niy. The wave of national-ethnic conflicts that have swept across the world in recent decades has prompted sociologists, as well as representatives of other social sciences, to build new explanations for the phenomenon of national-ethnic relations, which seemed to many scientists solved and explained, since the process of education nation states in the leading countries of the world was completed. Exacerbation of national-ethnic processes in countries former USSR can be considered as an integral part of this worldwide process of “return to ethnicity,” although here it certainly has its own characteristics.

It is customary to distinguish three main types of ethnic groups - tribe, nationality and nation, which differ from each other in the level of development of culture, economy, knowledge, etc.

Tribe- this is a kind of association of people that is inherent in primitive formations and is characterized by consanguinity ties between people. A tribe is formed on the basis of several clans or clans, leading a common descent from one ancestor. People are also united into a tribe by common religious beliefs- fetishism, totemism, etc., the presence of a common spoken dialect, the beginnings of political power (council of elders, leaders, etc.), common territory of residence. The leading form of economic activity at this historical stage was hunting and gathering.

Nationality differs from the tribal organization more high level economic development, the formation of a certain economic structure, the presence of folklore, that is folk culture in the form of myths, legends, rituals and customs. The nationality has an already formed language (written), in a special way life, religious consciousness, institutions of power, self-awareness expressed in its name. More than a hundred different nationalities lived on the territory of the former USSR, administratively and territorially assigned to autonomous republics and districts. Many of them remain part of the Russian Federation.

Process of creation nation, as the most developed form of an ethnic group, occurs during the period of the final formation of statehood, the widespread development of economic relations in the territory previously occupied by several nationalities, and general psychology ( national character), a special culture, language and writing, developed ethnic identity. Nations that come together create states. In Europe, this process took place during the transition from feudalism to capitalism and finally ended during the creation of a mature capitalist economy and the creation national culture in the main countries of the European continent - France, Germany, Spain, etc.. In Russia, a similar process of nation formation began in the pre-revolutionary period, but it did not receive its natural completion and was interrupted October Revolution, after which the national question began to be resolved from the positions of Marxist-Leninist ideology, within the framework of a totalitarian system of power.

Of the three indicated varieties of ethnicity, sociologists pay primary attention to the study of nations and national relations, since this type of ethnicity prevails in the modern world, including on the territory of our country. Therefore, in the sociological literature, the terms “ethnic” and “national” are often used as synonyms or in the phrase “national-ethnic”.

Ethnographers studying the life and culture of various ethnic groups today argue about whether living on a common territory is an essential feature of an ethnic community. It is known from world practice that representatives of any ethnic group do not always live in the same territory and form a separate state. Quite often it happens that representatives of one ethnic group can live in the territories of other states and ethnic groups (indigenous nations), while maintaining character traits of their own ethnicity - customs, traditions, behavioral stereotypes, not to mention a common language. Therefore, in fact, there are no states in the world within whose borders only representatives of one ethnic group would live. Even within the framework of European mononational states - France, Germany, Sweden, etc., representatives of different ethnic groups live within the boundaries of one political entity. The “nationality” column is not used at all in many Western countries; they talk about French, German, American, etc. citizenship, and not about nationality, since the national and political characteristics of the ethnic community coincide here. -The term “American,” for example, means not so much ethnicity as citizenship.

Ethnicity is a historically established group of people. Ethnic - connection, belonging to any nation. Rod -1st ethnic group pre-class society., having a common origin, a common language, customs, beliefs, etc. The economic basis of the clan was primitive communal property and equal distribution of products. A tribe is a larger community. It consisted of several clans, where, along with the property of the clan, there was also the property of the tribe. The top management appeared. Nationality is a form of community in which people living in the same territory are bound by the peculiarities of culture, norms of life, which are enshrined in customs and traditions. Nationality developed, as a rule, in slave-owning societies. A nation is a stable collection of people who are connected by a common language, territory and community of economic life, as well as a feature of psychology enshrined in the cultural traits of a given people. Here we see clear differences between one people and another.

FAMILY - the smallest consanguineous group of people connected by a common origin (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, children). In the course of further cultural and economic development tribes were transformed into nationalities, and those - at higher stages of development - into nations. Nationality - an ethnic community occupying the ladder social development place between tribes and nation. Nations arise during the era of slavery and represent a linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural community. A NATION is an autonomous political grouping not limited by territorial boundaries, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have a common ancestor and common origin. They don't have to have mutual language, religion, but the nationality that unites them was formed thanks to general history and culture.

National relations in the world are one of the most important and in some areas the most restless, causing wars, revolutions, etc. And along with them, of course, the ideology (justification) of these relations - nationalism - plays a huge role. It can be defined as worldwide praise of one’s people, country, religion, etc. Nations that do not have their own state sometimes strive to create one, and on the contrary, dominant peoples strive to suppress such desires.

In different places, certain indicators may come to the fore: religion, language, customs, etc. National relations lie in how these differences coexist; whether there is enmity, hatred, confrontation, or, on the contrary, peace, harmony, mutual understanding; do they look at a person first of all from the position of who he is by nationality, or, on the contrary, this is the last thing; How do they treat interethnic marriages, etc. Forms of support for national characteristics are also important

Family is the most important element of social life. structures. The position of the family shows the degree of its progress towards providing its citizens real possibilities for social development. To strengthen the position of the family, the governments of many countries are adopting special measures. measures. They include various types of benefits and financial benefits, leave to care for small children, the creation of preschool children's institutions, and adaptation of working hours to the needs of families.

The concept and conditions for the emergence of political relations in society. The concept of political power. The political system of society and its elements.

Politics arises where different interests arise. Politics is about the struggle for power.

Power is the imposition of the will of one subject on another or other subjects.

Power can be both formal and informal.

Types of power: material (economic), social, political.

Political system of society:

Political subject (individuals, party, nation, state)

Political relations (any relationship related to the struggle for power)

Political ideas (communist, fascist, monarch.)

Political culture(knowledge + money)

Political interests

Politics is the relationship between states, classes, nations, social. groups about power

The state, its essence, origin and functions performed in society.

State is a special organization of society, united by common social and cultural interests, occupying a certain territory, having own system management, security system and having internal and external sovereignty. The state is the core political system, occupying a central place in it. The theological theory of the origin of the state became widespread in the Middle Ages, in the works of Thomas Aquinas

According to representatives of this doctrine, the state is a product of divine will, due to which government- is eternal and unshakable, and depends mainly on religious organizations and figures. Therefore, everyone is obliged to obey the sovereign in everything.

The materialist (Marxist) theory of the origin of the state connects the emergence of the state with the emergence of private property, the split of society into classes and class contradictions. According to supporters of this theory, “the state is a product and manifestation of irreconcilable class contradictions.”

To the most famous representatives The patriarchal theory of the origin of the state can be attributed to Confucius, Aristotle, etc. They substantiate the fact that people are collective beings, striving for mutual communication, leading to the emergence of a family. Subsequently, the development and expansion of the family as a result of the unification of people and an increase in the number of these families lead to the formation of a state.

Family is what surrounds every person from the moment of birth. Having matured a little, the child learns about such concepts as nationality, nation. Over time, he begins to understand what clan and nation he belongs to, and gets acquainted with their culture. However, often both children and adults experience confusion between such similar terms as nationality, nation, ethnic group, tribe, clan. Although they are often considered synonymous, they have different meanings.

The meaning of the concept "ethnicity"

The word “ethnos” itself translated from Greek means “people”. Previously, this term meant a community of people united by blood.

Today the concept of ethnicity has become much broader.

Now ethnic groups are distinguished not only by kinship, but also by common territory of residence, language, culture and other factors.

Main types of ethnic groups

Clans, families, tribes, nationalities, nations are types of ethnic groups. At the same time, they are also stages in the historical evolution of an ethnos.

According to the hierarchy of ethnic groups, there are six types:

  • family;
  • clan;
  • tribe;
  • nationality;
  • nation.

All of them existed in a certain historical period, but later changed under the influence of external and internal factors. At the same time, such types as clan, clan and tribe in a civilized society have long disappeared or remained as a tradition. In some places on the planet they still exist.

Most scientists believe that the most important stages The development of an ethnos is a tribe, a nationality, a nation. This is due to the fact that these ethnic groups no longer depended on consanguinity; their commonality was based on cultural and economic grounds.

It is worth noting that sometimes modern scientists identify a seventh type of ethnos - an interethnic nation of citizens. It is believed that modern society is gradually moving towards this stage.

Family, clan and clan

The smallest ethnic community is the family (an association of people connected by blood ties). It is noteworthy that before the formation of such a social institution as the family, group marriage was common. In it, the relationship was traced from the mother, since it was almost impossible to establish who the father of a particular child was. did not last long, as incest and, as a consequence, degeneration became frequent.

To avoid this, over time, an ethnic community - a clan - was formed. The clans were formed on the basis of several families entering into a kinship union with each other. For a long time the tribal way of life was the most common. However, with the increase in the number of representatives of the clan, the danger of incest arose again, and “fresh” blood was required.

Clans began to form on the basis of clans. As a rule, they bore the name of either a famous founding ancestor or one revered as a patron and protector. Clans, as a rule, owned land, passed on by inheritance. Today, the clan system has been preserved as a tradition in Japan, Scotland and among some Indian tribes in South and North America.

By the way, the concept of “blood feud” became widespread precisely during the existence of this


The above types of ethnic groups are quite small in the number of their representatives and were based on family ties. At the same time, a tribe, a nationality, a nation are larger and more developed ethnic groups.

Over time, ethnic groups based on blood kinship began to evolve into tribes. The tribe already included several clans and clans, so not all its members were relatives. In addition, with the development of tribes, society began to gradually divide into classes. Compared to clans and clans, tribes were very numerous.

Most often, tribes were united by the need to protect their territories from strangers, although over time they began to develop their own beliefs, traditions, and language.

In civilized society, tribes have long ceased to exist, but in many less developed cultures today they play main role(in Africa, Australia and Polynesia, on some tropical islands).


At the next stage of evolution, which the ethnos (tribe, nationality, nation) underwent, states appeared. This was due to the fact that the number of members of the tribe was growing, in addition, the arrangement of this type of ethnic group was improving over the years. Closer to the period of the slave system, such a concept as nationality appeared.

Nationalities arose primarily not because of family ties or the need to protect their lands, but on the basis of an established culture, laws (appeared instead of tribal customs), and economic communities. In other words, a nationality differed from tribes in that it not only existed permanently on any territory, but could also create its own state.

Nation and nationality

The formation of a nation has become the next and most advanced stage in the evolution of an ethnos (tribe, nationality).

A nation is not just a grouping of people according to a common territory of residence, language of communication and culture, but also according to similar psychological characteristics and historical memory. The nation is distinguished by the fact that its representatives were able to create a society with a developed economy, a system of trade relations, private property, right,

The concept of “nation” is associated with the emergence of nationality - belonging to or a state.

Throughout history, most nations have gone through all stages of the evolution of an ethnic group: family, clan, clan, tribe, nationality, nation. This contributed to the emergence of nations and countries known to everyone today.

It is noteworthy that, according to the ideology of fascism, there was a chosen nation, called upon to destroy all others over time. But, as practice has shown throughout history, any ethnic group degenerated without interaction with others. Therefore, if only purebred Aryans remained, then after a few generations the majority of representatives of this nation would suffer from numerous hereditary diseases.

There are ethnic groups that do not develop according to the general pattern (family, clan, tribe, nationality, nation) - the people of Israel, for example. So, despite the fact that the Jews called themselves a people, according to their structure they were a typical clan (common ancestor Abraham, blood relationship between all members). But at the same time, in just a few generations they managed to acquire the signs of a nation with a clear system of legal and economic relationships, and a little later they formed a state. However, at the same time, they retained a clear clan system, which in rare cases allowed family ties with other nationalities. It is interesting that if Christianity had not arisen, dividing the Jews into two opposing camps, and also if their state had been destroyed and the people themselves had scattered, the Jews would have faced degeneration.

Today people live in a society made up of nations. Belonging to one of them determines not only a person’s thinking and consciousness, but also his standard of living. It is interesting that the most developed countries today are multinational, so the likelihood of an interethnic nation of citizens emerging is very high.

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