A script for a circus program for children. Scenario of a circus performance "musical circus" for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren

Oksana Ostapenko
Scenario of the competition and game program "The circus lights the lights!"

Target: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about circus animals and artists circus received during the k \ game programs: « The circus lights up the lights


Expand knowledge of features circus animals and artists circus;

Improve dexterity and speed when performing tasks, develop speech, concentrate attention;

Raise respectful and respect to animals.

Leading. Today we will go with you. guess where? That's right, in circus... An extraordinary performance awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because in the ordinary circus artists are artists, behold, they are spectators. And in our circus you yourself will be both spectators and artists.

Before starting our program, please introduce yourself to each other, as real artists, I I will announce: "In the extraordinary circus they take part in the performance. ”and you will loudly announce your names. Ready! "In the extraordinary circus the submission is involved. (children say their names loudly.) Nice to meet you!"

(The musical epigraph sounds circus program .)

Leading. Well, we met each other. You, as true artists, are prepared to participate in the performance. But it seems that we forgot to meet one more circus artist , the funniest participant of any circus program... Who is he? (children call.) Of course, the clown. So, let's call our clown Klepa to us. Prepared. (children call Klepa)... 'The clown juggles out to the children

Clown. Hello kids, hello kids! What a young change I have growing up! And you know, I've been in I work at the circus, learned a lot, because in circus so many interesting genres. Do you know them? Name! (children list.)

Did you know that circus was born almost 200 years ago and was at first only equestrian, that is, nothing but horse racing, in the circus was not shown... But the horses pranced so beautifully!

Leading. Guys, let's make our Klepa a gift. We will arrange for him an equestrian show, but not a simple one, but with real riders and jugglers.


Held riders competition... On the the stage invite those who wish.

Participants are given "Horses"- animal heads on a long stick. To the music, children, like riders, run in a circle. At this time, the leader stands in the middle of the circle and throws a ball to the runners. If the participant loses the horse "or drops the ball, he is eliminated from the game. Competition continues until the winner is determined.

Klepa. What good fellows you guys are! So they made me happy. Do you know that now in circus there are a lot of animals and birds. Guess who I'm talking about.

The mansions are white

The props are red. (Geese.)

Silent during the day

Screams at night. (Owl.)

Gray hat,

Non-woven vest,

A pockmarked caftan,

And he walks barefoot. (Crow)

Small ears

Huddle together

Wool rings

And there is a hoof. (Sheep)

With a beard will be born,

Nobody is surprised. (Goat)

There is a heap in the middle of the yard:

In front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow.)

In the mountains, in the valleys

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep.)

Four legs, fifth tail,

Sixth mane. (Horse.)

The foot is soft

And the claw is upright. (Cat.)

The legs are thin, the sides are ringing

And the tail is a squiggle. (Dog.)

The ears are long, large,

And his eyes are slanting.

Short tail, gray fur,

He is in the forest of cowards of all. (Hare.)

Waddling along the path

Pillows and feather beds to the water.

They are beautiful swimmers

On paws

The fins are red. (Geese.)

Leading. And I want to say that in Moscow there is a real cat circus of Yuri Kuklachev... Indeed, what kind of animals you will not see in circus! What is the largest animal you've seen in circus? (Elephant.) What's the smallest? (Ant.)

Clown. Since we are having a real extraordinary performance, why don't some of the guys turn into hardworking ants?


Teams of four are lined up at the door of the hall. The first member of each team runs through the hall past the first row to the opposite wall, then returns, and now, holding on to the stick ( "Reed", "Ants" running together, then three, four. The winner is the team that is the first to return to its door without losing any "Straw" nor "Ants".

Leading. Guys! What do you think viewers do when they want to thank the artists? Whistling? Are they shouting? Knocking your feet? That's right, they applaud. let's and we'll learn to applaud. When the presenter comes out at the beginning of the performance, we do not applaud very strongly, politely and restrained, as if say: "Thank you for the show to begin."... Let's try to applaud as if the show is just beginning. (Children applaud.)

Well done! And if you liked the performance of the artist, how do we applaud? (Applause.)

And if you really liked it? (Applause.) Well done, real thunderous applause.

And if you liked the performance very, very much? (Applause.)

Great, it was a prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation.

Clown. Here you guys said that I am the most main character v circus... Do you know which number is the most important. This number is often called fatal.

Leading. In order to perform this number, we need to choose the bravest boy in the hall. (The host announces who is speaking.)

Attraction "Deadly number"

The daredevil is given a tray with a vase of flowers on it. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing obstacles in the way - pins. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the pins are and not knock them down while moving to the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the pins are quietly removed. Spectators have a lot of fun watching the daredevil overcome obstacles.

Clown. Well, was it scary? After all, all the guys hid under the chairs. Do you want me to make you laugh? Only you can help me.

On the children go up the stage... The clown puts on them clown noses backstage. The audience laughs.

Leading. Now artists of a very interesting genre will take part in our performance. Without saying a word, they will be able to tell us a lot of interesting things. Do you think it's easy? Try it all together, not with words, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures to say the phrase: “Give me a balalaika. A now: "I have a big Balloon» ... Well, everyone did it very well. Klepa, I think that the artists are ready to demonstrate their skills, and you guys, guess what they are telling us about.

Contest of facial expressions and gestures

Three participants with clown noses alternately depict lines of famous children's poems by A. Barto:

Clubfoot bear. ;

There is a goby swinging. ;

I love my horse.

Klepa. I think the guys are worthy of your thunderous applause. You know, I was just behind the curtains and watched with great interest you - the audience who are sitting in the hall. Everyone behaves differently, although there are a number of rules of conduct in the theater, in the cinema, on circus performance... Do you want me to tell you about them?

Bad advice.

You can enter the hall whenever you want. If spectators are already sitting in it, do not be afraid, make your way to your place, step on everyone's feet. You can eat a delicious chocolate bar. During the performance - why does it melt in your pocket! You can, if you like a concert, stomp, shout. And you can hardly see behind the head of the girl sitting in front, pull her braids + let her bend down. In general, make yourself at home.

Leading. Guys, tell Klepe how to behave in the hall, otherwise he doesn't see anything behind the scenes. (Children answer.)

Snake charmers

VED .: - Now we have to tame a snake, and not even one.

Children are built in 2 chains. They join hands. The music is playing "Snake" moves around the hall (hands cannot be disengaged)... As soon as the music stops, the guys need to twist into a snail ( "The snake curled up into a ball").

VED .: - Animal trainers!

Give the sugar quickly.

For a long time the animals taught you,

So that the awards were presented to them.


Competition"Trained hares"

(rope with carrots attached to it with clothespins, 2 headbands with bunny ears, blindfolds)

For participation in competition boys and two girls are called (assistants).

Boys are given bunny ears and a blindfold. Their task is to collect, that is, to tear off as many carrots as possible while the music is playing. The girls assistants are holding the rope with a carrot.

Competition goes to the song about hares from the movie "The Diamond Arm" and to the cheers of the audience.

VED .: - Music fun

Let it thunder with us!

Chastooshkas will give us

Girls now!

PIECES, girls

1. Place your ears on top of your head,

Listen carefully.

Cheerful ditties

We will sing to you for sure!

2. We, funny girlfriends,

Sing ditties to you.

And about the summer, and about the garden,

And about how we live!

3. My friend and I sleep,

We love to sleep for a long time.

But from eight in the morning to us in the kindergarten,

And you have to get up!

4. In our kindergarten, of course,

Plenty of entertainment.

Educators with us

Just super-class!

5. Leshka is sitting at the table

Digging in the nose

And the booger answers:

I won't get out anyway!

6. All the ditties have already been sung,

You can start clapping.

You can even flowers

Shoot us girlfriends!

VED .: - Juggler regretted glutton:

- it's a pity, he won't have supper soon.

There are many plates, many dishes,

But they do not put roast in them.


(paper balls)

Participants should juggle paper balls for as long as possible. The one who dropped it leaves the game. Assignment for other participants gets complicated:

Juggle while standing on one leg;

Juggle squatting;

Juggle and walk etc.

VED .: - In the arena of ballerinas

Like light fluffs

And dance and spin

And they are not afraid!


VED .: - Alla! Let's start the rides!

Here are the acrobats - the champions.


Relay race "Jumping Artist"

(2 felt-tip pens, 2 large sheets, fixed at a height)

Participants must draw a smiling person, but the poster on which they will be drawing is hanging high. You have to jump for every stroke.

VED .: - One athlete in a stormy fight

He threw the other on his shoulder blades.

Let the defeated winner

Will embrace in front of the viewer.


Participants stand inside the hoop. Rest on each other's shoulders. At the command of the leader, they try to push the opponent out of the hoop. Who will be stronger?

VED .: - The orchestra is excellent circus,

Performed a fire opus.

What a performance without an orchestra!

Thank you from everyone, maestro!

ORCHESTRA, group of children 6 pers.

Orchestra "Who's on what is great"

(a variety of things that can imitate musical tools: basins, combs, bottles with peas, plates, spoons, etc.)

The guys perform several children's songs, "Playing" on the "Musical instruments".

VED .: - Merry circus - wonderland,

A country with open borders.

Where everyone is kind, where you can hear laughter,

Where there are no people with frowning faces!

Circus - fun and success

And fervent children's laughter!

We'll clap our hands

Because we love everyone! Thanks to all the artists for their active participation!

New Year's circus performance

(scenario for older groups)

Reb: We invite friends to the holiday,
Let's open wider doors.
Look at our tree
Hurry up and faster! Let's put it together

All: "One-two-three, shine on our Christmas tree!"The herringbone does not light up.

Leading: Something our Christmas tree does not light up,

One, two, three, four, five - we begin to count.

Once! We will join hands ( hold hands)

Two! Knock gently (banging their feet on the floor)

Three! Let's smile at each other (smile at each other)

And four - keep quiet

Five! Let's cook our hands

Six! We clap: “ One two Three!"

Seven! Let's say together:

All: "Our Christmas tree, shine!"

Reb: Let's hold hands together, let's go near the Christmas tree.

Let's smile to our dear guest, we will sing a song with joy!

Round dance "Herringbone"

Reb: Everything is unusual today. The mood is great!

For guests and children, the Circus came to Kindergarten.

Reb: The circus is very good! It's festive and light everywhere!

Here merry laughter rings, the tree is lush for everyone.

Here it is and our stage is called ... Arena!

Reb: We'll have a surprising show for everyone!

Tickets are the most expensive in the world, the ticket price is a wider smile.

Reb: Prepared surprises, songs, jokes, just a class.

And today the circus is merry, let the lights light up for us.

Reb: Listen and watch everyone -we begin our parade-alle!

Let's say together one-two-three.

Everyone: Circus, light your lights. (lights turn on.)

Sounds "March" by I. Dunaevsky from the movie "Circus". Children perform rearrangements, stand in front of the audience.

Reb: This is a miracle - look! The circus lit its lights!

We will sing and dance, celebrate the new year in the circus.

Reb: There are many spectators here! Dads. Mom. You can't count all of them!

Meet the artists cheerfully and don't forget to clap for us.

Dance composition “Christmas tree. Balloons. Crackers "(go to the chairs)

Leading: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New happiness to you, friends!
We are starting the show, and I will be the leader!

In every circus, kids heartily greet him.

What miracles he does: he speaks amusingly,

It pours tears like a fountain, tumbles, sings,

Brightly painted, performing ...

Children: CLOWN! (Jumps out to the music on a ball - fitball)

Leading: Clown, say hello to the audience.

Bim - Bom: Where are the bagels? What are bagels?

Leading: Here, the audience is in front of you!

Bim - Bom: A! Public! Hello, hello small and large.

Sad and funny. Kind and funny. Quiet and perky.

I am the clown Bim-bom. And what is your name, tell me, tell me your name!

Say your name game(children shout in unison)

Bim - Bom: Everything is clear: all the boys are called "Boo-boo-boo, and the girls are called" Fi-fi-fi "!

2 Host: Where did you buy this red tomato, senor?

Bim - Bom: Awesome question! This is my own nose!

I have more interesting questions with riddles.

I will guess, and you will guess, and your parents will help you.

Game "Funny riddles».

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ... (not five, but four)

Irinka and Oksanka Tricycles have ... (not sleds, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections, mothers of children are taken to ... (not to schools, but to a clinic)

Both capricious and stubborn, she does not want to go to kindergarten ... (not a mother, but a daughter)

Mom asked Julia to pour her tea into ... (not a saucepan, but into a cup)

It became drier on the roads - I have dry ... (not ears, but legs)

Birthday on the nose - we baked ... (not a sausage, but a cake)

All wheezing, sneezing Lada: I ate a lot ... (not chocolate, but ice cream)

For son Vanya's lunch, mom cooks soup in ... (not in a glass, but in a saucepan)

I was able to find myself a pair of mittens for ... (not for legs, but for hands)

Frost is bursting in the yard - put your hat on ... (not on your nose, but on your head),

Bim - Bom: There are so many of my colleagues in the hall - little clowns. How glad I am to see you! What a surprise. All your number is waiting, the applause never stops.(everyone claps)

Clown: We are mischievous clowns, jokers are merry fellows.

small .: I go out - and you can hear laughter!
I know how to make everyone laugh.

Clown Rings fly higher and higher

small .: Hoops, skittles, balls.

Juggler clowns entered the arena

We are the most agile in the world!

Number of clowns - jugglers with rings

Leading: Bravo clowns! Bravo and encore!

Leading: The next number of our program:

PREDATORS and their fearless tamer.(drum roll sounds)

Trainer: Here the doors opened into the cage.
Beasts enter one after another.

The trainer in the delicate matter

He is friends with a predator like with a kitten.He hits the floor with a whip.

A lion: I can throw the ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am the miracle of training!

Tiger: Loving art with all my heart,

I love the arena very much

I give myself to train

From morning until late at night!

Tiger. You don't come close
I'm a tiger, not a pussy.

Trainer: And now the big friend will make a jump on the curbstone. Alla, oops!

Trainer: In the morning, there is a training session at the arena:

Predators jump deftly into the hoop.

Number of animals with hoops

Small clown .: Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up from your seats and

Do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll, children"Tigers and lions" lie on the floor on their stomach(facing the audience), The tamer gently lies down on top of them and raises her hand, saying:“Alla! Up! "

Leading: Bravo artists! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans have risen up!

Music - Spectators wave to the sultans

Leading: We continue the circus program,

We invite you to the arena of gymnasts - pussies!

Gymnast: We bend gymnasts dexterously
Instead of supper - carrots
We haven't eaten for two weeks
Look, lose weight !!

Dance "Cats" to the background of the song "Gentile Cat"

Leading: Bravo, pussies! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans have risen up!

Music - Spectators waving sultans

Leading: In the circus, the music does not stop today, funny clown entertains everyone.

Music - run in clown on a ball

Bim - Bom: I see you - funny boys: love to laugh and play.

To shake oneself, not to yawn, we will play together.

Attention! Attention! Cowboys came to us

Attraction "Who will ride the fitball faster" (2 times)

Leading: Bravo to the winners! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans have risen up!

Music - Spectators waving sultans

Leading: Difficult dogs are invited,
Our dogs are circus !!!
Here they run on their hind legs,
All the artists are wearing trendy hats!
They stumble, squeal, their tails tremble finely.

Dog: Have a well-bred dog

There is no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

Dog: We are circus dogs

Smart and mischievous.

We can perform the number,

Dog: Six artists wish to sing.

Six artists bark in unison.

Song of the dogs

Leading : Come on, entertain the audience. Follow the commands.

Sit! …. To stand! ... .. And dogs can also count.

Count your nose.They yelp once.

Count your tail.They yelp once.

How many eyes does each have?They yelp twice.

How many paws does each have?They yelp four times.

How much hair is in the wool?Indiscriminate barking with a howl.

Leading : Bravo! Dogs! Bravo and encore!

Music - Spectators waving sultans

Lead: The program does not end, the program continues!

The next issue is quite unusual.

You can call it exotic.

A magician, a wizard, a sorcerer is speaking.

Delights adults and children alike.

FAKIR: I am a fakir and a sorcerer! My turban is two hundred years old!
sings: Having owned the art of transformation for three thousand years,
I will embarrass any sorcerer.
I can get the moon with a skillful hand from heaven
I will make an elephant out of a fly and I won't blink an eye.

All children sing the chorus, accompanied by hand movements:

Up, up, shari - vari - shari - vari up

Up, up, Shari - boil, shari - boil up!

FAKIR: There is a box in front of you, I put a handkerchief in it!
(shows boxes, it is with double bottom)
Close ... One, two, three! I'll hit my stick, look!
I open the box ... But where did the handkerchief disappear to?

Blow everything on the boxes! This is where the handkerchief is hidden!

Music- Pulls ribbons from the second bottom, tied to one another

FAKIR: More I will "treat" you to miracles. I'll show you some more magic. (showing other magic tricks)

2 Leading. You are a good fakir and you know everything about tricks.
Just give me an answer:

Who should come big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!

Leading. I want Santa Claus to appear and bring gifts to everyone!

FAKIR: Sharivari –ap. Let the drum rumble -

We ask Santa Claus to visit us!

Drum roll sounds.

Leading. Goes calmly, without haste, the meeting will be good.

The outfit is sewn of gold, it will make everyone laugh today.

Freeze your nose to all of you, welcome - grandfather ... .. music - An elephant enters.

The Elephant enters the arena to the applause of thunder!
He waves his trunk softly. And she dances very dashingly.

The elephant dances and bows

FAKIR: He is the world champion, he walks the tightrope. Walking the tightrope.

On distant islands, someone rides elephants.

He easily sits down on horseback and rushes wherever he wants.

Let's ride it, I think he's not against it!Rides children - (2 times)

Leading: Daredevils and an elephant! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, the sultans have risen up!

Music - The audience is waving sultans, the elephant and the fakir are leaving.

Leading: This is how the magicians fool us for the umpteenth time!
Our wizard is kind, but cunning. Our wizard, I know, is the best -
Steps are approaching ... I don’t understand whose they are

Snow footsteps. Music, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello guys, lovely grandchildren.

I made my way to you through the blizzards, finally reached the goal.

And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.

And the desired hour has come. I am very glad to see you.

Come on, circus people, get into a round dance.

Because in our circus

Everything: New Year, New Year!

The round dance "Santa Claus on a sleigh rides" muses fell. No.

Father Frost : Come on, circus people, admit it. Are you afraid of frost and cold?

So you're not afraid, then? But now let's check it out.

Santa Claus spends the game "Freeze" with his staff close to the children's feet.

Children jump up and down.

Father Frost : Well, really, they were surprised. You are not afraid of the cold and frost is not a problem.

I haven't played like that for a long time, though not old, but tired.

However, I visited the circus and saw the artists too.

Keep on having fun, but it's time for me to leave.

1 Host: We will not let you go, do not even hope.

The game "We will not let you out"

Father Frost : Oh, and clever people live in this garden. How can I get out?

Leading: It's nice for children to have a round dance at the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

But all the same, it is more pleasant, what to hide, to receive your gifts.

Father Frost : There are gifts, how not to be. Oh! I love to be generous.

It's time to surprise everyone. I just need to recharge my staff.

Let's go, artists on chairs. And I'll tell you where to start. - sit down

Listen carefully. To cool the staff, you need to grab it with your palm. Only your palms are warm. We'll have to enchant you.

I'll hit my staff - one, two, three - and all the boys snowballs.

And the laughing girls will all turn into snowflakes.

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
If there are "snowballs", then the boys run, grab hold of the staff, if there are "snowflakes" - the girls run out, take the staff. Is talking differently, or holds out ssssssssniezhki, or snow ---- Incas, children wait as Santa Claus says and run out to the staff.

Father Frost: Now I must fulfill the wonderful desire.
It is both tasty and very sweet,
It's always pleasant for kids.

I have a bag, and I hid gifts in it. Drags the bag

I will untie my sack, and I will show you what lies there.Drum roll sounds.I will say the magic word. Eat, children, to your health!

A clown jumps out of the bag

Bim - Bom: Ole-op! Here I am! Clown Bim-Bom as a gift to every home!

Apparently, you are tired of frost, you have conjured up with gifts. Let's play strongman soon.Attempt two, not the worst. Only here! And only now!

Leading: Well, bravo! We continue the circus program,

We invite strongmen to the arena!

They lift a decent weight, the bag with gifts is easy to push!

"Circus! Circus! Circus!". Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the senior group

Shvab Ekaterina Valerievna, musical director of the MBDOU Loukhsky kindergarten, Louhi village, Loukhsky district, Republic of Karelia
Description: The script can be useful for music directors and educators preschool institutions, school teachers, employees of the Department of Culture.
Creation of a joyful, New Year's mood in children.
To consolidate knowledge about the New Year's character Grandfather Frost, about the circus and circus professions.
To foster friendly relations, collectivism, responsibility, culture of behavior at the matinee.

Event progress:

Parents in place
And the kids have been waiting for so long
When the holiday starts
Under our slender tree?
At this New Year's hour
Miracles happen
In kindergarten now
The tale begins ...

Dance "Christmas countdown"

What is more beautiful in this room?
What did we decorate together?
You don't need to think for a long time
Of course it is ..
Children (all): Christmas tree
1 child:
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree!
Just a lovely sight!
Fluffy needles
To everyone's surprise!

2 child:
Asterisks, flashlights,
The balls on it -
Everything burns, shines
Lots of lights.

Together we go to the Christmas tree
let's all come up,
And a little Christmas tree song
sing ours!
Children stand around the tree

"Christmas round dance" A. Evtodyeva
Sit on the chairs
Something guys are whispering
Do they have a secret there?
1 Child.
We want to arrange a surprise
No more surprising.
2 child:
For the first time! For the first time! Today now,
We present the kindergarten circus for you!
A special circus! This circus on New Years
It will bring many miracles to us!
Our first guest - come in soon!
It's more fun for us to celebrate together!
Shurik runs out from behind the tree, performs two "wheels", kneels in front of spectators and children

Hello everyone, I'm the clown Shurik,
I'm in a painted frock coat,
Look at me
Do you like me today?
Oh, Shurik, today you are simply inimitable and your costume is excellent!
In the meantime, we do not get bored.
We continue the circus
Listen, see all-
Let's start our parade alle!

"Parade - alle!" festive rebuilding + sit down
We start the presentation
All guests are surprised!
The performance is attended by
the most famous and famous artists!
The first number of our program….
Shura is hiding behind the tree.
Leading (to children):
Have you seen Shurik?
Shurik: I'm here!
What are you doing?
I look through my grandfather's old binoculars, in which you can see a lot of unusual things
And what do you see?

Your dress is new and the decoration is also very suitable for the dress!
Oh, Shurik, don't embarrass me, better look at the guys!
Now let's see the guys!
Looks at children
Shurik: The kids have beautiful suits.
And their eyes are waiting for something fabulous, unusual….
Still, we have a New Year's, fabulous, magical holiday.. They are waiting for miracles!
Maybe they need to show the trick?
What is a circus without magic tricks?
And now I'm going to show tricks!
Does anyone have a mobile phone?
One of the spectators gives the clown a phone

"Focus with a mobile phone"
Shura puts the phone in a bag, takes a hammer, knocks where the parts are. Then he pours them on his palm, shows them to children and parents
Shura, why did you break someone else's phone? Aren `t you ashamed?
Wait, wait, now look further!
Shura puts the parts of the phone back into the bag, conjures over it and takes out the phone again intact.
Well done Shurik! Since you know how to do such difficult tricks, conjure us up on the holiday of Santa Claus, the children have been waiting for him for a long time!
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over (a large box), opens it, Baba Yaga appears.
Wow ... Like Santa Claus I wanted to conjure, but here Baba Yaga appeared ...
Baba Yaga:
What are you, you Baba Yaga, INTO, only should sit in the forest ...?
I want New Year too!
And I also want to see the circus ...
Help even the old one to get out of your box, I am also a magician, a magician.
Sits down next to the children

Don't be upset, Shurik, next time you will definitely succeed!
For childish joy
A wandering circus came to us
Singing and ringing
Everything in it is like in the present:
Let's start the New Year's circus show!
The first number of our program are trained cats, welcome with thunderous applause!

Cat trainer:
My cats love petting
I treat them with sausage
My cats are just class
Look everyone at us!

Dance "Trained cats"

Shurik: Maybe I should try again?
Of course Shurik, how are we without Santa Claus ...
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over the box, Santa Claus appears

Father Frost:
Wow .. For the first time I get to the tree out of the box ...
Hello my dear ones,
Hello my dear ones!
Oh, how smart you are,
All ruddy and okay.
We need to celebrate the New Year,
Get up in a round dance together!
Santa Claus, our Christmas tree does not burn, help us light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost:
Since I came here
this grief does not matter!
I will fix everything, friends,
I only need help!
Will you help me?
Will your parents help you light the tree?
Then listen carefully and watch.
Stand up!
Everybody gets up

Father Frost:
Stretch the handles to the tree, squeeze your fists.
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
shut your eyes tightly!
And imagine two funny lights in the cams!
Have you presented?
Now open your eyes, throw the lights up!
I'll catch the lights and put them on the tree!
Children "throw lights"
Father Frost:
The Christmas tree is beautiful, light up with clear lights,
Blue, green, yellow and red!
Let the star shine stronger
peace and happiness illuminate!
And now let's all blow on the Christmas tree and quietly say the magic words:
"One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!"
The lights are lit

Father Frost:
We did not try in vain with you,
the tree flashed with lights!
Your lights are sparkling!
We are invited to a round dance

Round dance "Who walks there, wanders" A. Evtodyeva

Baba Yaga:
Just think Shurik conjured Santa Claus ... Your Santa Claus would come to you anyway, that he should sit at home ... Try to make my broom fly without me, but dance ... Ha-ha, it will never work!
Father Frost:
Okay, grandma, don't be angry, it's better to ride the kids on your broomstick and you yourself will see, it will become more fun!

Game "Baba Yaga's Tail"

We continue our circus performance.
Open wider doors-
Animals perform in the circus.
Meet the famous tamer Elena and her trained tigers!

Dance "Trained Tigers"
Shura runs out from behind the tree and knocks on the ratchets
Shurik, what are you doing, take away the ratchets soon!
(takes them away from Shurik)
Shurik takes out a pipe, blows in the ear of the Leader
Disgrace, what else did you come up with ..

Teases the Host by playing even louder. The presenter selects the pipe
I run out of tools, but I have hoops!
What are you going to do with them?
I will give them to wonderful assistants with trained pigeons.
This number is quite unusual.
You can call it exotic.
I will not find other words for him
These pigeons live only in the circus
They dance together and do not get tired.

"Dance with trained pigeons" girls of the preparatory group

Baba Yaga:
What a beauty ... I also need to catch someone in my forest and prepare a circus act ..
Who will continue to perform with us?
We continue the presentation!
We invite strong men.
Every day strong men pump their muscles
Even at the Olympics, strong men will be recognized!

"Dance of the Strongmen"

Father Frost:
Well done, made the old man happy!
Now let's have an intermission!
Legs don't want to stand
I invite you to play
Children come out,
And show yourself to everyone!
Game "Let's Jump"
Children sit down

Father Frost:
And now a game of attention:

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
Boys are snowballs, girls are snowflakes. D.M. says, if there are "snowballs", then the boys run, grab hold of the staff, if "snowflakes" - the girls run out, they take the staff. Speaks differently, or holds out ssssssssniezhki, or snow ---- Incas, children wait for Santa Claus to say and run out to the staff.

So ours is coming to an end New Year's celebration and the New Year is approaching closer.
We have a clock in the New Year's bright hall ..
Shiny hands glide on the dial ...
They cannot be delayed even for a moment!
They are always in motion ... tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock !!

Dance "Tick-tock" by A. Chugaykina

Santa Claus, are you upset about something, what happened to you?
Father Frost:
Children are waiting for gifts, I forgot a bag of gifts in the forest. How can I bring it so quickly, I won’t put my mind to it
Baba Yaga:
Take your bag, I won't carry it again next time
Father Frost:
Thank you Yagusya, today you are just so flexible, kind, I will have a present for you too!
Baba Yaga:
Well, thanks ... I didn't expect ... I'll still be useful to you!
Today on the arena performed:
Trained tigers and inimitable Elena!
Children run up, bow, receive gifts
Father Frost:
Beauties of cats and their trainer!
Cat girls run out, curtsy, get presents
And of course the world famous strongmen!
Strong men come out, bow, receive gifts
There are cameras in the hall
Well, `click` guys!
Next to Santa Claus!
Only together…
Father Frost: No questions!
Children are photographed for memory with Santa Claus


Target: development creativity children in the process of dancing and theatrical activities.


Attention! Attention!

Just now

And only for you!

Surprisingly everyone

Circus show!

1 Lead:

A fun circus is a wonderland

A country with open borders.

Where everyone is kind, where you can hear laughter,

Where there are no people with frowning faces!

2 Lead:

Parade alle! Let's start the rides!

And nothing that we are not champions -

We can learn everything

This is very useful to us in life!


1 Lead:

It's almost impossible to train a cat,

But the dog is also quite difficult.

We are waiting with you now impatiently

Animal trainers performance.

"Trained dogs"

2 Lead:

Fitballs - bright balls

On them, like butterflies, gymnasts

So graceful, good

As if from good fairy tale.

"Sports number on fitballs"

1 Lead:

Cheerful, our dear Charlie

He dances now for you

It will pass with a funny gait

Smile, joy will bring.

Dance number "Charlie"

2 Lead:

Bears came to us

On a big bike.

They twist the pedals with their paws

Have you seen this?

Dance number "Trained bears

1 Lead:

These are the naughty ones

Our mischievous bears! (audience applause).

1 Lead:

In this program number
Speaks in front of you
The famous magician fakir,
He surprised the whole world!

Speech by the "Hocus Pocus" magician

2 Lead:

The wizard does not say goodbye to us,

In any fairy tale he will meet with us!

1 Lead:

Eyes wide open to the world

And she looks great

She is a singer, dancer

And just "super" - it is clear to all of us.

"Frog Lambada"
2 Lead:

Dzhigits are brave today

Show their skills

They sit perfectly in the saddle

And they jump dexterously and easily.


1 Lead:

They are like bright fireworks

Soaring up, shining with lights

Latino will enchant everyone

Beat the rhythm with us.

Dance number "Incendiary Latin"

2 Lead:

Circus - fun and success

And fervent children's laughter!

Amazing fairy tale

The one that makes us all happy!

1 Host:

It's time for parting
But let's not be sad goodbye
We are always glad to meet you again.
The circus of miracles says goodbye!

2 Lead:

And nothing gets in the way
To meet friends again.
The circus is moving around the world,
But it will still come back to us!

The circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and kindness. Children especially love him - for the fact that the circus easily transforms the everyday daily life into a bright a fairy tale, develops physically, educates character and teaches us to overcome our weaknesses.

The song "Circus, circus, circus" performed by O. Popov is played.

The clown comes out (teacher in a clown costume)

Clowness. Hello dear viewers!

Today in our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applaud), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a fruit) will not perform! But on the other hand, today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade - alle"

The march sounds from the film "Circus" by I. Dunaevsky. All participants pass in front of the audience with a raised hand and go behind the curtain.

Clownness. Today all evening at the arena clowns Seryoga and Shurik!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, greet, grimace.

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes the hand with the clown)

Clownness. Hello! Today in our program ... (Shurik approaches, greets in the same way).

Clownness. Today in our program ... (Seryoga approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clowness: Hello! This is the third time you greet me, you better show that you can!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

Clowns sit on chairs, play to the soundtrack, Seryoga plays a fake balalaika, Shurik plays a tambourine. Shurik gets up imperceptibly, creeps up from his back to Seryoga and lowers him in the face of a huge spider (props) on the line. Seryoga screams.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks)... What happened?

Serega gestures in fear of a spider (what kind of "eyes", "paws" he has).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and it seemed to him.

Serega sits down to play the balalaika again. Shura puts the spider on Seryoga's head again. Serega screams, gesturing to Shura the spider. Shura takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Serega's head. Seryoga falls. Shurik blows a balalaika over Seryoga (when Seryoga comes to his senses), shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga pounces on Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clownness. And now the trainer Polina is in our program (pupil's name) and her trained dogs.

Number "Trained dogs "

Highchairs stand in a semicircle. "Dogs" - children run out to circus music senior group... On the heads there are caps with sewn-on ears (clean insoles for shoes), on the neck there are different bows. Barking, they run around the hall, run like a snake around the chairs, then everyone around their chair, stop.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up!

"Dogs" jump onto a chair, "paws" in front of them, breathe, sticking out their tongueand like dogs.

Animal trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to "sobachke ") Ball, what is the number?

Shows number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Animal trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

My friend, how much is 2 + 1? (the dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands with paws)

Another! ( the child turns, gives a "leg", is healthyit is)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

Sounds Russian folk melody"From under the oak". The trainer plays onthe pipe, the dogs "howl".

Alla! Up! ( spinning on chairs, wagging their tails)

Alla! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall on bent elbows)

Alla! Up! ( the trainer lines up the "dogs" to bow, all cland run away with barking).

Serega and Shurik come out to the music of "Clownery - Strongmen". Serega drags a huge fake "weight" (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what will you raise?

Seryoga. Easy!

P He lifts the weight, grimacing, which is hard, spins it around him, drops Shurika on his leg. Shura writhing in pain, jumping on one leg, holding on to the patient. The child runs up, easily lifts a kettlebell on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns run away.

Clownness. And now the strongmen will enter the arena!

Number "Strongman"

To the song “ Heroic strength"Boys come out - strong men with dumbbells (in a striptights, with muscles), with a heavy gait, walk around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift the kettlebell with one hand (each with his own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 go up to the barbells, make a dash, twist the barbells overhead (afterEach type of exercise "wipes" sweat from the forehead). Leave.

Clownness. The next issue of our program "Predators" and their fearless tamer - Ksyusha (pupil's name)!

Number "Trained Tigers"

The music “Kornilovs. Trained elephants ”A trainer comes out, bows, holding a wand in her hands. Slowly, stealthily, the "predators" come out and carry out the commands of the tamer.

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! ("Tigers" kneel and restwith their hands in front of them).

Animal trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers "neghands off the floor and "show paws").

Animal trainer. Ay, well done! And now into the hoop! Up! ("Tigers" jump through a red hoop with patches attached to it orange imitating fire).

Animal trainer. Alla! Up! (the tamer goes forward and rotates the stick, the "tigers" turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clownness. Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up from your seats and do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll, children-"tigers" lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer gently lies down on top of them and raises her hand, saying: “Alla! Up! " To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music sounds. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in socks, under his shirt. He runs and knocks on wooden spoons.

Clownness. Wait, Shurik, you can't make noise here! ( takes spoons and carries away). Shura teases the clown, pulls out a tambourine from his bosom, runs, rings.

Clownness. I said you can't make noise here! ( selects a tambourine and carries away). Shura takes out spare noise musical instruments from pockets, socks, sleeves. Teases Clownness by playing even louder. The clowness runs after him, swears, takes away the tools and takes him backstage.

Shurik. The tools are out, but I have ribbons!

Clowness... How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won't make any noise anymore, because we have a performance of gymnasts according to the program!

Number "G them nastki "

To the music of the show-ballet "Todes" girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clownness. And now the best of the season, trained Bear Potap will perform in the arena! Meet the trainer Polina and her trained Potapa.

Number "Trained Potap Bear"

To the music “Nikulin Circus. Bears on bikes "on a children's motorcyclethe child leaves - "bear", the tamer with a stick goes in front, gives commands.

Animal trainer. Potap, stop! (The "bear" gets off the motorcycle, somersaults).

Trainer... Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to all the guys! ("Bear" performs movements).

Animal trainer. Well, Potap, show me how the girls are going out for walks! ("Teddy bear" dresses up, looks in the mirror, paints his lips).

And show me how the girls go to work (Potap walks, reluctantly, “boflies ")

Oh, show how the girls go from work (runs merrily, bounces)

Animal trainer. Potap! Somersault! (The "bear" is tumbling)

Trainer... Potap! Squat! ("Bear" dances in a squatting position)

Well done! Whirl around! (performs the girl's command)

Animal trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

To the applause of the audience, they leave the hall.

Cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere rushes into the hallha and shouts loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clownness. Well, open your mouth! Come on! Even wider!

(Takes pliers from his pocket, shows the instrument to the viewerholes and "pulls out" a large tooth-dummy)

Seryoga. Oh, what is this ?!

Clowness... This is your aching tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth ?! Ltd! (falls)

Clownness. What's the matter?

Seryoga... I fainted!

Clowness... Who's talking?

Seryoga... My language!

Clownness. Well, then lie down! And I am announcing the next program number!
Attention! Attention! For the first time on the arena - acrobats!

Number "Acrobatic studies"

Boys (6 people) are lined up in a column one by oneturn around and walk in a circle under the parade Alla circus march, one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it - once!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and kneel,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do two.

(the fourth and fifth acrobats step out and stop at the side of each kneeling)

Acrobat: Do three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels down to the first, two standing acrobats of one ruCoy hold it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: The second figure "Cuckoo". Do it - once!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the arms and begin to swing. When the third acrobat is facing the guests, he loudly shouts: "Ku-ku!")

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat... Figure three "Wheel" (the first acrobat performs a "wheel") Acrobat. Figure four "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the "frog")

Acrobat. The fifth figure "Bridge" (the third acrobat performs the "bridge").

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, to the music they walk in a circle and leave.

Clownness. And now on the arena you will see dashing riders!

Room "Dashing riders"

The music "Dance of the Cowboys" is played. The "riders" run out - children with chairs (on the back of the chair - the head of a horse). They run around the hall, put chairs, sit with their faces to the back, as if on a horse, pushing off with their feet, make the movements of a "rider». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each "Alla ... up!" riders change positions on chairs, always portraying a galloping rider ("shake").

1 movement - “just on the chair”;

2 movement - one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (behind the bridle);

3 movement - lying on your back, with one hand holding on to the cnchair incu, the other hand up;

5 movement - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides, head to the viewerspruce.

They run away one after another, holding a chair in front of them with 2 hands.

Clownness. The next number we have is unusual

I would say very exotic

The magician fakir speaks in our program number

Speaking at the arena, he surprised the whole world!

Mysterious music “Maurice Ravel. Bolero "and a magician appears, bypasses the arena.

Magician I am a magician, I am a magician, I am a magician

And I can prove to you

And right now here to the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Sounds Oriental music"Tarkan. Smack ", there areprecise beauties performing a dance.

Clowness... You did it cleverly

These tricks are simple.

Can you or not

Paint the water red?

Magician It's a trifle for me. I'm not a great magician for nothing.

Focus "Multi-colored water"

Mysterious music "Caravan" from the m / f "Well, wait" sounds

The clowness brings in a table, on it is a jar of water, covered with a handkerchief. The magician takes a jar with a tightly screwed lid (paint the inside of the lid red watercolor paint) and demonstrates to the audience so that it is not visible inner side cover. "Just like in a fairy tale, turn red water." With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash off the watercolor paint and turn red.

Magician I am a great magician! I can see through the walls!
(he leaves the hall, and the Clowness at this time puts one scarf in the box (the color of the scarf is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the box is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if it is yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and the Clowness know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the handkerchief is in the casket.

Clownness. And now only in our circus program there is an amazing show " Dancing people spiders "

Dance "Hip-hop"

A group of boys dressed in Spiderman costumes dance the Hip Hop dance.

Clownness. This is where our circus show ends! But that's not all. All of you were waiting for the "stargazing", before you the stars of the garden. Please welcome!

The music "Fanfare of the Magician" is played. All the participants of the performance come out to the applause of the audience. The clowness calls the names of all the children. Children line up in four ranks and sing the final song "We are little stars"

Song of the group Fidgets "We are small stars".

Used Books:

  1. I. Kaplunova. I.Novoskoltseva “Circus! Circus! Circus!"

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