The main ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction are

Motivational characteristic of the topic

Scientific and technological progress in military affairs led to the further improvement of both nuclear and chemical weapons. The increased level of technical equipment and the variety of delivery vehicles for nuclear and chemical weapons contribute to a significant increase in the intensity of the impact of damaging factors of weapons mass destruction on humans and the environment. The study of their influence on the combat effectiveness of military personnel, the development of measures to eliminate or weaken their adverse effects, is the most important task of military medicine. In addition, theoretical knowledge and practical skills in these matters are largely needed in Peaceful time, in case of development of emergency situations (accidents) at radiation-hazardous ones, and chemically hazardous facilities for physicians of any specialty.

Purpose of the lesson: to master the methodology for determining radioactive contamination, contamination of food products, water with poisonous substances in the field at military stages of medical evacuation; to study the principle of organizing and conducting radiation, chemical reconnaissance in the development of emergency situations, both peacetime and wartime.

Lesson objectives:

1. Familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents regulating the territory of the Republic of Belarus sanitary norms and exposure protection rules chemical substances and minimizing the consequences of exposure of the population of the republic from environmental pollution with radioactive substances as a result of an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and emissions from nuclear power plants of neighboring countries.

2. To study the degree and nature of the influence of damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction on human health.

3. Master the skills of the practical use of technical means of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, methods for assessing the radiation and chemical situation.

Requirements for the initial level of knowledge

To master the topic, the cadet must KNOW: the combat properties and destructive effect of weapons of mass destruction, the history and prospects for its development; the subject and history of the development of military toxicology, radiology; features of the damaging effect of nuclear and chemical weapons on the human body; general principles of protecting the population from damaging factors in the development of emergency situations in peacetime.


1. Physics: the physical foundations of nuclear decay, methods for the release of nuclear energy;

2. General chemistry: methods for indicating chemical substances;

3. Medical and biological physics: device and principle of operation of measuring instruments;

4. Military field therapy: the properties of chemical warfare agents, the basic principles of the treatment of poisoning, the staged treatment of those affected by poisonous substances, the treatment of acute radiation sickness;

5. Department of organization medical support troops and emergency medicine: organization of the work of the medical service of the Armed Forces in the conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction, organization of medical and evacuation support for the population in emergency situations at radiation and chemically hazardous facilities.


1. The main documents regulating the organization of medical protection of troops from weapons of mass destruction.

2. Combat properties and features of the damaging effect of chemical weapons.

3. Combat properties and features of the damaging effect of nuclear weapons.

4. The concept of radiation doses, degrees radioactive contamination.

5. Medical and tactical characteristics of foci of chemical contamination.

6. Medical and tactical characteristics of the foci of radiation damage.

7. General principles prevention of radiation injuries when staying in an area contaminated with radioactive substances.

8. medical supplies prevention of radiation injuries from external irradiation.

9. Medical means for the prevention of radiation injuries during internal exposure.

10. Measures of the medical service to protect the stages of medical evacuation from weapons of mass destruction.

11. Methodology for identifying and assessing the radiation and chemical environment.

12. Characteristics of filter-type respiratory protective equipment.

13. Characteristics of respiratory protective equipment of the insulating type.

14. Characteristics of skin protection products of the filtering and insulating type.

15. Medical control of gas mask training.

16. Characteristics of medical means of protection against weapons of mass destruction.

17. Tasks and types of special processing.

18. Organization and conduct of sanitization at the stages of medical evacuation.


Despite the significant positive shifts achieved in disarmament throughout the world, the objective reality of the state of nuclear weapons does not allow us to abandon the training of medical officers in matters of medical protection against nuclear weapons.

But not only on war time you need to know the material of this topic. There are currently a large number of nuclear reactors in the world, in the event of accidents at which a large amount of radionuclides is released into the environment (in 1986, during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, iodine-131-26000 TBq was released into the environment, (1 TBq - 10 12 Bq), cesium-137 - 38000 TBq, cesium-134 - 19000 TBq).

Therefore, it is important to know the damaging effect ionizing radiation, be able to provide assistance to the victims, be able to use radiation reconnaissance, radiometric and dosimetric monitoring devices.

Nuclear weapons are called combat means, the destructive effect of which is based on the use of intranuclear energy released as a result of explosive processes of fission or synthesis of nuclei of chemical elements.

Devices designed to carry out the explosive process of releasing intranuclear energy are called nuclear charges, which are divided into:


Nuclear weapon - a weapon, the damaging effect of which is due to the energy released as a result of explosive nuclear reactions;

Thermonuclear - have conventional and specialized neutron "parts";

Radiological weapons - a source of neutrons for the creation of radioactive isotopes is a nuclear charge;

The beam weapon is a nuclear-pumped X-ray laser;

A nuclear bullet is a promising battlefield nuclear weapon based on californium-252, which has a critical mass of 25 g and a damage radius of about 200 m.

Means of radiation reconnaissance, radiometric and dosimetric control.

Classification of technical means of radiation reconnaissance, radiometric and dosimetric control.

1. Devices for radiation reconnaissance and radiation observation:

stationary: IMD-21S, IMD-1S, MKS-AT 1127

onboard: IMD-21B

wearable: DP-5M, IMD-1S

2. Devices for dosimetric control:

means of military dosimetric control: ID-1, DKP-50 (set DP-22V)

individual measuring doses: ID-11, DP-70 MP

3. Means for determining the degree of radioactive contamination:

RLU - 2, MKS-AT 1127

Special processing.

Shelter classification.

Skin protection products.

According to the principle of protective action, all means of protection skins are divided into insulating and filtering (OKZK, OKZK - M).

9.2.1. filtering skin protection means are impregnated (impregnated with special compositions) uniforms, underwear, and a balaclava. Impregnated clothing protects against fumes and mists of RH, toxic fumes and powdery substances. This clothing does not protect against poisonous drip-liquid substances. The protection mechanism of filter clothing depends on the formulation of the impregnating composition and can be either absorption or chemisorption. The impregnated clothes are largely airtight, so the natural thermoregulation is practically not disturbed. Impregnation does not cause skin irritation, slightly violates the elasticity of the material and can withstand several washes.

The rules for using impregnated uniforms do not differ from the rules for using ordinary clothes.

9.2.2. To combined arms personal protection insulating skin type include: combined arms protective kit (OZK), protective film suit (KZP), light protective suit (L-1). These funds are designed to provide protection through complete isolation from the external environment and are used during long-term actions of military personnel in contaminated areas, as well as during decontamination, decontamination and disinfection work. Therefore, they are constructed from air, steam, moisture-impervious materials, which are given fire-resistant properties.

During the operation of protective clothing of an insulating type, due to a change in the ratio between heat production and heat transfer, the thermoregulation of the body is disturbed. Heat dissipation in this clothing drops sharply. In conditions of high air temperature and solar radiation, intense physical labor a person can overheat and cause heat stroke. In order to avoid overheating of the body, the following maximum permissible periods of continuous work in protective clothing of an insulating type are regulated: at a temperature of +30 0 C and above - 15-20 minutes, at a temperature from +25 0 C to +29 0 C - up to 30 minutes, at a temperature from +20 0 C to +24 0 C - up to 40 - 50 minutes, at a temperature from +15 0 C to +19 0 C - up to 1.5-2 hours, at a temperature of +15 0 C - more than 3 hours. The indicated periods are set for work in protective clothing of an insulating type under direct exposure to sunlight and moderate physical activity.

The combined-arms protective complex consists of a raincoat, protective stockings and gloves. The protective film suit consists of a film raincoat, protective film stockings and a repair agent (4 m of polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer).

Light protective suit (L-1) consists of a jacket with a hood, trousers with stockings and gloves.

All protective insulating skin protection is worn, as a rule, over ordinary or impregnated uniforms.

IV. Psychotomimetic agents

Triftazin 0.2-1.0 in ampoules (syringes-tubes);

Proprapolone - 1.0% -2.0 - in ampoules;

Aminostigmine -0.15% - 10 - in ampoules

V. Irritant agents

Ficillin -1.0 - in ampoules.

10.2.4. Individual anti-chemical package- is intended for partial sanitization in order to disinfect drop-liquid agents or SDYAV. Open areas of the skin, a gas mask helmet, cuffs, collar are subject to processing. IPP-8 - consists of a glass bottle with a degassing solution and four cotton-gauze napkins. All contents are in a sealed bag. IPP-9 - consists of a metal bottle with a degassing solution and a sponge pillow. The degassing formulation of IPP-8 and IPP-9 is the same, the liquid is poisonous and dangerous if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes. IPP-10 - contains 180 ml of the formulation, which can also be used to prevent damage to the skin of the OM, for which it is applied to the skin of open areas of the body before the intended contact with the OM, and after contact, the contents of the package are re-treated.

HM - medical cape- designed to protect the wounded and injured from adverse meteorological factors (low temperatures, intense solar radiation, etc.). It is a panel (size 2500x2300 mm, in a package 160x120x20 mm, weight 0.16 kg) made of lavsan film metallized on one side with a layer of sprayed aluminum. Preservation of temperature when wrapping with a cape is achieved by reflection of thermal radiation by a metallized layer. The maximum duration of protection at t - 20 ° C - 3 hours. Multiplicity of cycles of use - 3.

10.2.5. PPI - individual dressing package- is intended for applying aseptic dressings to wound or burn surfaces, stopping some types of external bleeding, as a means of immobilization. The package consists of a gauze bandage and two cotton-gauze napkins, one of which is fixed, and the second is movable along the bandage. The bandage with napkins is wrapped in paper, equipped with a pin and is in a sealed rubberized package.

10.2.6. Medical means for the prevention and treatment of affected agents and ionizing radiation contained in bags and kits of the military medical service - AMI, SS, SVV, PF, VV, V-4, V-3, LUCH, OV, UT, G-1, G-2, G-3, Sh -one. Their purpose, rules of use. (see Appendix No.).

AMI- designed to provide military personnel with the first medical care in the order of self-help and mutual assistance in the field during the performance of a combat mission. Weight 300 g.

SS- the orderly's bag, designed to provide first aid to the wounded and sick, is the equipment of the orderly, orderly porter, orderly shooter, orderly driver. Designed to provide assistance to 30 wounded and sick. Weight 4.2 kg.

SMV- military medical bag, designed to provide first aid to the wounded and sick. Is equipment of the sanitary instructor and paramedic. Designed to provide assistance to 30 wounded and sick.

PF- paramedic, designed to provide first aid the wounded and sick. It is a medical assistant's equipment. Designed for 100 wounded, burned, 50 affected by ionizing radiation and toxic substances. In the inter-battle period - 50 wounded for outpatient treatment. Weight 6.6 kg.

SVV - a bag of a military doctor, designed to equip the doctor of the unit in order to carry out the necessary first aid measures for 30 wounded and sick. Weight 9.1 kg.

AT-3 - special assistance, designed to provide first aid to those affected by ionizing radiation and toxic substances. Designed for 100 affected by ionizing radiation and 100 affected by OM.

UT- toxic-radiological, designed to equip the toxic-radiological group of OSMP. Provides the provision of specialized medical care to those affected by ionizing radiation or agents. It is used in conjunction with the LUCH and OV kits. Weight 86 kg.

WB- outpatient dressing room, designed for part with a doctor to provide first aid. Designed for 100 wounded and burned, 50 affected by AI, OS and toxins. Weight 34 kg.

AT 4- the pharmacy of the medical center of the regiment, intended for the pharmacy of the medical center of the regiment. Designed for 100 wounded and sick, 50 affected by AI and OV, weight 92 kg.

RAYmedicines for the treatment of affected IS. Designed to provide qualified medical care and treatment of affected AI. Designed for a separate medical company, OMO for 200 injured for three days, in a military field hospital for 100 injured for 15 days.

OV- medicines for the treatment of affected agents. Designed for antidote therapy in a medical company, OMO and military field hospital. Designed for 100 affected by FOV and psychochemical agents, V-gases, 10 affected by SOW and 10 affected by cyanides. Weight 23 kg.

G-1- General medicines. Designed for the pharmacy of a medical company, OMO, military field hospital. Contains general purpose medicines for the provision of qualified medical care and treatment of the wounded and sick. Designed for 500 wounded and sick for 5 days, in a field military hospital for 300 mixed beds for 15 days.

G-2- therapeutic drugs. Designed for the pharmacy of the medical company, OMO and military field hospital. Contains medicines for the provision of qualified and specialized medical care and treatment of therapeutic patients. Designed when used together with the G-1 set in a medical company, OMO for 500 therapeutic patients for 5 days, in a military field hospital for 200 therapeutic or 100 infectious beds for 15 days.

G-3- Neurological medicines. Designed for OMO pharmacy and field hospital. Contains medicines for the provision of qualified and specialized medical care and treatment of neuropsychiatric patients. Designed when used together with the G-1 set in OMO for 500 patients with a neuropsychiatric profile for 5 days, in a military field hospital for 200 neurological beds for 15 days.

Sh-1- anti-shock, designed to carry out anti-shock measures in the provision of qualified medical care. Designed for 25 wounded and burned.

Fitsilin- a means for providing first aid by the method of self- and mutual assistance, first aid and first medical aid in case of irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract, violations of the rhythm of breathing, when sneezing, making it difficult to stay in a gas mask. Produced in orange glass ampoules with a cotton-gauze braid. When applying, break and after wetting the braid with ficilin lay it under the front of the gas mask. Vapors of ficilin have an analgesic effect on the conjunctiva of the eyes, nasal mucosa, pharynx and larynx.

Pantocide- Chloramine preparation. One tablet contains 3 mg of active chlorine and is designed to disinfect 0.75 liters of water. The glass tube contains 20 pantocide tablets.

One tablet provides reliable disinfection of one flask (800 ml) of water. 30-40 minutes after dissolving the tablet, water can be used for drinking.

AMI - contains: 2 syringe-tubes of promedol 2%, "kodterpin" 10 tablets, iodine 5% 1.0 - 2 ampoules, caffeine sodium benzoate 0.1 in tablets No. 6 - 2 packs, sodium chloride in tablets 0.9, pantocid 0 0082 in tablets No. 20 - package, "pentalgin" 10 tablets, zinc sulfate 0.25, boric acid 2%, solution in a tube. Dropper 1 piece, oletethrin 0.125 tablets No. 12 in a package - 4 pieces, an individual dressing bag, hygienic lipstick in a package.

SS- contains: 10 ampoules of ammonia 10% aqueous solution in braided ampoules; dimetcarb 20 tablets; 10 packs of cystamine and other products.

SMV- contains: budaksim, sindokarb, antititsian, dimethcarb, sulfalene, promedol, phenazepam, cystamine, tetracycline and other agents. SVV- contains: atropine solution, sindocarb, chlorpromazine, codterpin, anticyan, promedol, dimethcarb, dixafen, sulfalene, phenazepam, ephedrine and other agents.

PF- contains: budaksim, codterpin, sindokarb, anticyan, dimetkarb, P-6 drug, sulfalen, phenazepam, ficilin, cystamine, ephedrine and other agents.

B-3 - contains, aminostigmine, atropine, budaksim, adrenaline, anticyan, glucose, diphenhydramine, dimethcarb, dipyroxime, dixafen, activated charcoal, unitiol, phenazepam, ficilin, cystamine, ephedrine and other agents.

RAY- contains: atropine, morphine, promedol, chlorpromazine, glucose, diphenhydramine, dimethpromide, dimethcarb, dixafen, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, caffeine, dibunol liniment, magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride, novocaine, pentamine, sulfalene, sulfocamphocaine, phenazepam, ephedrine, cystamine, antibiotic, hormonal drugs, vitamins and other means.

OV- contains: antistigmine, atropine, budaksim, promedol, chlorpromazine, anticyan, benzonal, heparin, diphenhydramine, dimethcarb, dimetpramide, dipyroxime, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, cordiamine, caffeine, magnesium sulfate, mezaton, ephedrine, antibiotic, vitamins and other agents .

UT- contains: adhesive plaster, silk in ampoules, subclavian catheters, rubber cloth, eye spatula, safety glasses with colored glasses, anatomical rubber gloves, eye droppers, medicine cups, beakers, pocket inhaler, ureteral catheters, irrigator mug, rubber douche, stethophonendoscope , medical thermometers, syringes, clips for rubber tubes, spirit lamp, funnel, saucepan, mug, electric stove, stove, soap dish, etc.


(ZOMP) - a set of organizational, engineering, medical and other measures aimed at preventing or as much as possible weakening the damaging and destructive effects of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in order to preserve life, health, combat capability and ability to work personnel troops and the population, as well as the preservation of military, civil and natural objects, animals and material values.

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) - means intended for mass extermination or defeat of people and animals, complete destruction or withdrawal from the normal functional state of all types of military and civilian facilities, destruction and contamination of material values, agricultural products. crops and natural vegetation. WMD includes nuclear, chemical and biological (bacteriological) weapons, each of which has a specific damaging effect due to its properties. At the same time, all types of WMD have a traumatic effect, resulting in neurosis and mental illness.

Nuclear weapon(outdated: atomic weapon) - an explosive mass destruction weapon based on the use of intranuclear energy, the source of which is the fission reaction of heavy nuclei (for example, uranium-233 or uranium-235, plutonium-239), or the thermonuclear reaction of the synthesis of helium nuclei from lighter elements (deuterium, tritium).

Scientific research on the creation of nuclear weapons began in the early 40s. 20th century The first nuclear bomb was created and tested in 1945, and a thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb in 1952. The United States first used nuclear weapons at the final stage of World War II, dropping nuclear bombs the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These cities were almost completely destroyed and engulfed in fires, which was accompanied by a huge number of human casualties ( table .).

The number of those affected in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (based on the book "The action of the atomic bomb in Japan", M., 1960)

Nuclear weapons include various munitions (missile warheads, aerial bombs, art projectiles, mines and land mines filled with nuclear charges), means of delivering them to the target (rockets, torpedoes, artillery, aircraft), as well as controls that ensure that the munitions hit the target. Ammunition, depending on the ratio of fission-fusion reactions, is divided into nuclear (fission only), thermonuclear (primarily fission), neutron (primarily fusion). Their power is estimated by the TNT equivalent, which can range from several tens of tons to several tens of millions of tons of TNT.

The main damaging factors of nuclear weapons are the shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation (gamma-neutron radiation) and radioactive contamination of the area with products nuclear explosion(PYaV). Nuclear explosions can be air, high-altitude, ground, underground, surface and underwater. In an air explosion (height less than 30 thousand meters above sea level), about 50% of the energy falls on the shock wave, 35% on light radiation, 5% on gamma-neutron radiation, and 10% on radioactive contamination of the area with UNEs. With an increase in the height of the explosion, as the density of the atmosphere decreases, the amount of energy spent on light radiation increases, and on the shock wave it decreases. High-altitude nuclear explosion (over 30 km above sea level) creates increased ionization of the upper atmosphere. In a ground and, especially, underground explosion, the fraction of energy per shock wave increases significantly.

At the moment of an air nuclear explosion, a luminous area of ​​a spherical shape is formed - a fireball, which rapidly increases in size and rises up. At the same time, large amounts of dust and other solid particles are lifted from the ground by rising air currents, spreading in the direction of the fireball. After about 1 min As the fireball cools, gases condense and form a mushroom cloud.

In a ground-based nuclear explosion, a luminous hemisphere appears on the surface of the earth. Thousands of tons of molten or evaporated soil are drawn into the explosion area, resulting in a huge funnel and a powerful mushroom cloud. The main difference between a ground nuclear explosion and an air explosion is that the radioactive cloud contains a much larger number of soil particles, mostly large ones. This predetermines the fallout of radioactive fallout. During air explosions, they are carried by air currents to different regions of the Earth, and during ground explosions, in addition, they fall out in the immediate vicinity of the center of the explosion, forming a trace of a radioactive cloud.

During an underground nuclear explosion, the released energy is absorbed by the ground, generating seismic explosive waves. An underwater nuclear explosion is characterized by the appearance of a giant bubble, hot and highly compressed gases, a water dome crowned with a radioactive cloud, basic and gravitational waves.

shock wave is a sharply limited area of ​​compressed air moving at supersonic speed. Its front border is called the front. In a shock wave, a phase of compression (positive pressure), a phase of rarefaction (negative pressure) and a phase of dynamic pressure of moving air masses (velocity pressure) are distinguished. Excessive pressure in the wave front, the duration of the compression phase and the pressure of the velocity head determine the damaging effect of the shock wave. The latter also depends on the power and type of explosion, the position of a person in space and his security, the season, the terrain and other conditions.

Shock wave injuries are usually divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary lesions arise from the direct impact of the shock wave. Overpressure within 14-28 kPa usually causes minor injuries. This often damages the eardrums. At high values ​​of excess pressure, mechanical injuries of various localization and severity occur, leading mainly to the development of concussion-contusion syndrome (see Fig. Contusion). In victims, damage to the lungs is often noted - ruptures of the interalveolar septa and blood vessels, mainly on the costal surface of the lungs, as well as abdominal organs - tears of the mucous membrane and muscle wall of hollow organs, capsules of parenchymal organs. Secondary damage occurs from the action of secondary projectiles formed during the explosion (debris of destroyed buildings, glass fragments, etc.). The nature and severity of such damage depends on many conditions. With a large kinetic energy even small fragments can inflict penetrating wounds (see. Wounds). Tertiary injuries are the result of a person being thrown by a shock wave, as a result of which he hits the ground and surrounding objects. In this case, injuries of various localization and severity occur, mainly bone fractures (see Fig. fractures). Seismic explosive waves can cause destruction of ground and underground structures and communications, which will cause the occurrence of various mechanical, thermal and combined lesions in people.

Gamma radiation and neutron flux have a high penetrating power and cause ionization of atoms and molecules in biological media. Neutrons, unlike gamma radiation, in addition to the ionizing effect cause induced radioactivity of the body. The absorbed dose of penetrating radiation is expressed in rads (1 glad- the dose of absorption of any ionizing radiation, which is accompanied by the release of 100 Erg energy in 1 G absorbent material) or grays (1 Gr = 100 glad). The ratio of neutrons and gamma radiation in the total dose of penetrating radiation depends on the power of the explosion and the distance from its center. For explosions with a power of less than 10 kt the main share of ionizing radiation is neutron, and more than 10 kt- gamma radiation. As you move away from the center of the explosion, the intensity of the neutron flux decreases faster than that of gamma radiation. So, an air layer of 150-200 m reduces the intensity of gamma radiation by about 2 times, and the neutron flux - by 3-3 1/2 times. Natural shelters significantly reduce the damaging effect of penetrating radiation. for example, people who are on the slopes of hills opposite to the explosion receive a dose of radiation 5-10 times less than on flat terrain.

The severity of radiation damage is determined by the absorbed dose of gamma-neutron radiation. In this case, the uniformity or unevenness of the irradiation of the body is essential. Irradiation is classified as uniform, when penetrating radiation affects the entire body, and the difference in doses to individual parts of the body is insignificant. Uneven exposure occurs in cases of local protection of individual parts of the body by elements of fortifications, equipment, etc. At the same time, not all organs are equally exposed to radiation, which affects the clinical course of radiation sickness. So, for example, with general exposure with a predominant effect on the head region, neurological disorders can develop, and with a predominant effect on the abdomen, segmental radiation colitis, enteritis. Radiation sickness, resulting from irradiation with a predominance of the neutron component, is characterized by a more pronounced primary reaction, a shorter latent period, and frequent addition of intestinal function disorders during the height of the disease. In addition, neutrons adversely affect the genetic apparatus of somatic and germ cells, in connection with which there is a danger of long-term radiological consequences in exposed people and their descendants.

Products of a nuclear explosion are a mixture of more than 200 radioactive isotopes with half-lives ranging from fractions of a second to millions of years. They, like soil particles with induced radioactivity, cause radioactive contamination of the area in the form of a radioactive trace, the size of which reaches hundreds and thousands of square kilometers. Its shape and dimensions depend on the type of explosion, the power of the ammunition, the terrain, the direction and speed of air movement. With a constant direction and strength of the wind, a radioactive trace on a flat area approaches in shape an elongated ellipse.

The nature of the damage to people on the trace of a radioactive cloud depends on the time they spent on the contaminated area and the degree of protection. Under these conditions, a single irradiation is possible, when the damaging dose is formed in no more than 4 days, and multiple irradiation - when the dose is formed in more than 4 days. People who are on a radioactive trail often have combined lesions. They are characterized by a clinical picture of radiation sickness, beta skin lesions and internal organs, to which radioactive isotopes have an increased affinity.

electromagnetic pulse- short-term electric and magnetic fields in the radio frequency range. It travels long distances in air and soil and causes high electrical potentials on metal objects that can damage equipment and cause fires and explosions.

Environmental consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. Pollution of huge areas of the earth's surface with UNEs will exclude the possibility of using them for animal husbandry and crop production, since s.-x. products contaminated with radioactive substances, when consumed, can cause damage to various organs and systems in humans and have a prolonged teratogenic and mutagenic effect, as a result of which the frequency of malignant diseases and deformities in offspring will increase. As a result of fires that capture large regions, the amount of oxygen in the air will decrease, the content of nitrogen and carbon oxides in it will sharply increase, which will lead to the formation of protective layer the earth's atmosphere, the so-called "ozone holes". In such conditions, fauna and flora will be adversely affected by the ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Powerful mushroom clouds and smoke from giant fires formed during ground-based nuclear explosions can completely shield solar radiation and thereby cause a cooling of the earth's surface, which will lead to the onset of the so-called "nuclear winter". Thus, the use of nuclear energy for military purposes will turn the prosperous and fertile regions of the planet into lifeless deserts. Therefore, the most important constituent element among the measures aimed at preserving the natural ecosystem of the Earth is the struggle for the prohibition of the use and complete destruction of nuclear weapons. First practical step made in this direction. Thanks primarily to the efforts of the USSR, an agreement on the elimination of medium-range and shorter-range missiles was concluded and put into effect.

Medical-evacuation and preventive measures in case of defeat by nuclear weapons. In order to increase the body's resistance to ionizing radiation, the radioprotector cystamine is used, which is available in individual first aid kit. The drug is used when there is a threat of exposure for 30-40 min. To prevent beta-burns of the skin and the ingress of PYaV into the body, at the stages of medical evacuation, partial and complete sanitization of the affected and decontamination of their uniforms are carried out. In the focus of the lesion, the victims are given first aid, which is aimed at stopping the action of the damaging factors and eliminating the causes that threaten the lives of the victims or contribute to the development of their serious condition (asphyxia, bleeding, shock). For these purposes, first of all, it is necessary to put out the burning clothes and remove the victims from under the rubble.

Pre-hospital care pursues the same goals as first medical aid. It includes: artificial ventilation of the lungs with a manual apparatus and oxygen inhalation; control over previously applied tourniquets and bandages; the introduction of painkillers, cardiac drugs and laying eyelids with blepharospastic blindness of eye medicinal films with dicain; improvement of transport immobilization and replacement of improvised tires with standard ones. If there are signs of a primary reaction to irradiation, antiemetic drugs (etaperazine, atropine, chlorpromazine, etc.) are administered orally or subcutaneously.

First medical aid, as well as pre-medical, includes measures to combat asphyxia, bleeding, shock, and, in addition, measures to eliminate other disorders that threaten the lives of victims (urinary retention, blood loss, etc.). Emergency first aid measures, except for those carried out in the provision of first aid, include: tracheostomy in case of asphyxia; temporary stop of external bleeding by applying a clamp on a bleeding vessel or stitching it in a wound; transfusion of blood-substituting solutions for large blood loss; puncture or thoracocentesis for tension pneumothorax; the introduction of infusion media and the conduct of novocaine blockades in shock; "transport amputation" - cutting off a non-viable limb hanging on a flap of soft tissues; catheterization or capillary puncture of the bladder with urinary retention. To stop the primary reaction to radiation, the same drugs are used. as in the provision of first aid. In the event of a mass admission of the injured to the medical station of the regiment, the rest of the medical first aid measures (injection of antibiotics, tetanus seroprophylaxis, change of contaminated bandages, etc.) are performed in a separate medical battalion and a separate medical detachment.

Chemical weapon - a type of weapon of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the use of chemical agents - highly toxic chemical compounds that can cause severe disorders in the human and animal body, up to death, or lead to temporary loss of combat capability and ability to work. A separate group of chemicals are phytotoxicants that affect vegetation and affect humans and animals.

For the first time, chemical weapons were used by Germany in April 1915 during the First World War. The total number of those affected as a result of this act amounted to 1.3 million people. Under the influence of the world community, the use of chemical weapons was banned by the Geneva Protocol of 1925. However, some states subsequently repeatedly used it (Italian troops in Ethiopia in 1935-1936, Japanese troops against China in 1937-1943). Chemical weapons were used after the Second World War. Thus, during the Vietnam War, US Army troops used tear and irritant agents, as well as phytotoxicants.

The severity of damage to agents depends on the degree of their toxicity, the dose received, methods of application and routes of penetration into the body, as well as on the nature, presence, condition and timeliness of the use of anti-chemical means of protection (see. Personal protective equipment). The dose received depends on the concentration of agents in the air, food, water and the duration of breathing with contaminated air or the amount of contaminated food and water taken, as well as the size of the contamination of the skin and clothing.

Nerve poisons. The initial signs of inhalation exposure to sarin and soman (miosis and shortness of breath) are detected after 1-30 min after poisoning with the substance V-X, as a rule, after 1 h and later. In the future, hypersecretion of the glands, spasm of smooth muscles and fibrillation of striated muscles develop. So, when the OM gets into the eyes, lacrimation, miosis, spasm of accommodation are noted, on the skin - hyperhidrosis and myofibrillation, in the respiratory system - bronchorrhea and bronchospasm.

There are mild, moderate and severe lesions. Mild lesions occur after a few minutes, and sometimes after 1-2 h after exposure to OM vapors. In the affected, there is a slight difficulty in breathing, blurred vision, pain in the eyes, nausea, dizziness, headache, anxiety and agitation, miosis, spasm of accommodation. It is also possible the appearance of a severe runny nose and salivation, pain in the heart, intestinal colic. In case of moderate damage, these symptoms are accompanied by suffocation, cough with large quantity viscous sputum, fibrillar twitching individual groups muscles. Severe lesions are characterized by the rapid development of symptoms of intoxication and general serious condition affected. The greatest danger to the life of the affected person occurs when nerve agents enter the wound. Within a few seconds, muscle fibrillation appears in the wound area, and then other signs of resorptive intoxication develop very quickly.

Common toxic substances. There are two forms of hydrocyanic acid damage - fulminant and delayed. With a lightning-fast form, there is an instant loss of consciousness, breathing becomes frequent and superficial, the pulse quickens, convulsions occur. Death comes from respiratory and cardiac arrest. With a delayed form, light, moderate and severe lesions are distinguished. With mild lesions, the victim smells bitter almonds, a bitter taste in the mouth. Salivation, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting are noted: and during physical exertion - a sharp muscle weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations. Recovery occurs in 1-3 days. In case of moderate poisoning, the above symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of fear of death, pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest, depression of consciousness, dilated pupils, exophthalmos, bright pink color of the skin and mucous membranes. With timely medical care, a full recovery can occur in 4-6 days. Severe lesions usually end in death on the background of tonic and clonic convulsions. The defeat by cyanogen chloride proceeds according to the type of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, but with the phenomena of irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Skin-abscess poisonous substances. Light skin lesions with mustard gas are manifested by its uniform redness with moderate burning and itching. When exposed to high concentrations of mustard gas, a bullous form of dermatitis may develop. In severe forms, long-term non-healing ulcers are formed, which usually become infected. As a result of exposure to mustard gas, combined damage to the eyes, respiratory organs and skin develops. In severe forms of damage, the condition is usually complicated by infection. Bronchopneumonia develops, often with abscess formation and even gangrene of the lung. Conjunctivitis acquires a purulent-necrotic character. If mustard gas gets inside after 30-60 min there are pains in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting. In severe cases, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract form. General resorptive action is manifested by nausea, vomiting, headache, anemia, general exhaustion.

Nitrogen mustard, unlike mustard gas, has a pronounced general toxic effect. A convulsive syndrome with a disorder of breathing and cardiac activity, significant trophic disorders leading to cachexia, and sharp hematological changes are rapidly developing.

Asphyxiating poisonous substances. In the development of phosgene lesions, a period of imaginary well-being and a period of development of pulmonary edema are distinguished. The first signs of poisoning are a sensation of unpleasant taste in the mouth and smell, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, coughing, sometimes choking, pain in the epigastric region and vomiting. Reflex respiratory arrest may occur. After leaving the zone of infection, these phenomena soon disappear. During the period of development of pulmonary edema, severe shortness of breath and cough appear with the release of a large amount of foamy sputum, oxygen starvation (gray asphyxia) develops, blood clotting, an increase in body temperature, and a decrease in blood pressure are observed. Death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

Irritant poisonous substances. Adamsite irritates mainly the respiratory tract: there is a burning sensation in the nose and nasopharynx, sneezing, then a dry cough, chest pain, and vomiting. Chloracetophenone causes severe tearing, photophobia, a feeling of pain or sand in the eyes, coughing, burning in the chest, nausea and vomiting. Burning and itching of the skin are possible. CS at low concentrations irritates the eyes and upper respiratory tract, and at high concentrations it causes burns to exposed skin and damage to the respiratory system. The symptoms of C-R are similar to those of C-S, but C-R is significantly more toxic and highly irritating to the skin.

Phytotoxicants. The use of phytotoxicants in Vietnam has led to severe environmental impact: an increase in the population of cancerous patients with the liver, blood diseases and disorders of the immune system and central nervous system, an increase in the frequency of gastrointestinal, respiratory, mental and other diseases, severe genetic disorders affecting the next generations of people. Vegetation was destroyed in large areas. The restoration of the ecological balance disturbed by phytotoxicants in the nature of South Vietnam will obviously require hundreds of years.

Therapeutic-evacuation and preventive measures in case of OS lesions. The most important measure in case of OS lesions is the rapid exit (removal) of the victim outside the focus and the provision of first aid aimed at eliminating the initial signs of damage and preventing their development. In the area of ​​infection, first aid measures are: putting on a gas mask, immediate use of antidotes of agents (for example, in case of cyanide poisoning, inhalation of amyl nitrite), inhalation of an anti-smoke mixture in case of irritation of the upper respiratory tract, treatment of open areas of the skin and adjacent clothing with the contents individual anti-chemical package. Outside the zone of infection, abundant washing of the eyes with water, rinsing of the mouth and nasopharynx is performed.

First medical aid is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of intoxication (asphyxia, collapse, acute respiratory failure, toxic pulmonary edema, convulsive syndrome), stopping other symptoms of the lesion and preparing the affected for further evacuation.

Qualified medical care is aimed at stopping the action of OS, eliminating severe, life-threatening symptoms of lesions, combating those that have arisen and preventing possible complications, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for further transportation and subsequent treatment of the affected. In this case, the infected agents are subjected to a complete special treatment.

Biological (bacteriological) weapons- a type of weapon of mass destruction of people, animals and plants, the action of which is based on the use of biological agents - pathogens and their metabolic products (toxins). Pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, rickettsia), fungi and protozoa can be used as BS. BS can be fatal and incapacitating, contagious and non-contagious.

Bacterial agents have been used for military purposes since ancient times. So, in wells and other water sources in besieged fortresses (for example, Kafu in the Crimea), the corpses of people and animals who died from infectious diseases were thrown. During the colonization of America, smallpox was spread among Indian tribes with the help of infected blankets, which led to the death of millions of Indians who did not have immunity to this disease.

The combat effectiveness of BS is due to their high damaging ability, low infectious dose, the possibility of covert use over large areas, selectivity of action, the ability to spread epidemics, relative persistence in the environment, the duration of the damaging effect, the difficulty of detection (indication), psychological impact, large volume and the complexity of work to protect the troops, the population and eliminate the consequences of its use. According to foreign experts, biological weapons can be used in the form of two or more BS in one formulation, as well as simultaneously or sequentially with other types of weapons.

Among the potential agents of BS, foreign authors include the causative agents of plague, anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, glanders, melioidosis, smallpox, Venezuelan, military and western equine encephalomyelitis, yellow fever, hemorrhagic fevers (Laos, Machupo, Ebola, Marburg, Rift Valley, etc. .), Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever, dengue, tsutsugamushi, and botulinum and enterotoxins.

Combat use of BS is possible in the form of aerosols created by generators and sprayers, artillery shells, land mines, mines , air bombs, rockets, with the help of carriers (animals, rodents, insects) and contaminated things (clothing, linen, etc.), water, food.

There are two categories of sanitary losses from biological weapons: primary - with aspiration infection with a primary aerosol, and secondary - with airborne and contact methods of transmission of infection from person to person, as well as when using contaminated food and water.

Preventive and medical-evacuation measures. After establishing the fact of the use of biological weapons among the personnel of the troops and the population, general emergency prophylaxis is immediately carried out, which consists in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics contained in an individual first-aid kit. The antibiotic is used until the results of a specific indication of BS are obtained (the type of pathogen is determined and its sensitivity to specific types of antibiotics is determined), and in the absence of such information, within five days. After receiving the indication data, special emergency prophylaxis is carried out, which is aimed at preventing specific infectious diseases.

Among the personnel of the troops and the population exposed to biological weapons, they are actively identifying the sick by questioning, examining and thermometry. Identified patients and those suspected of having a disease are immediately isolated and provided with first and first aid, which, in addition to the use of antibiotics, includes symptomatic therapy.

the first medical assistance provide taking into account the clinical picture of the disease and vital indications. As a matter of urgency, cardiovascular agents and respiratory stimulants are administered, plenty of fluids are given for the purpose of detoxification, and if symptoms of botulinum toxin damage are present, diuretics are prescribed and polyvalent antitoxic, anti-botulinum serum is administered. In addition, antibiotics are used and symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Protection against weapons of mass destruction in the Armed Forces- a set of measures to prevent or minimize the impact of enemy nuclear, chemical and biological weapons on troop personnel, animals, weapons, equipment and materiel in order to maintain the combat capability of the troops and ensure their successful performance of combat missions. Measures for ZOMP also provide protection against conventional weapons - small arms, air bombs, artillery shells, mines , grenades, land mines, incendiary substances, etc. Since many measures of all types of protection (anti-nuclear, anti-radiation, anti-chemical and anti-bacterial) are common, the tasks of ZOMP can be successfully solved with their simultaneous organization and implementation through a rational combination of various forces, means and methods of carrying out . All types of the Armed Forces, military branches and services, incl. medical. These measures are carried out during the threatened period, at the time of use and during the liquidation of the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

The complex of measures for the AMMP includes: the dispersal of troops and the change of their areas of deployment; the use of protective and masking properties of the terrain; engineering equipment of the area; use of individual and collective funds protection; the use of various methods and means to protect food, water, property and other material assets; warning about the threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy; notification of radioactive contamination, chemical and bacterial contamination; carrying out anti-epidemic, sanitary-hygienic and special preventive measures; identification of the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy; ensuring the safety of personnel during operations in zones of contamination by nuclear explosives, contamination and areas of destruction, fires and floods; elimination of the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy. A special place in the ZOMP is occupied by the timely detection and destruction of weapons of mass destruction at the disposal of the enemy.

The protective and masking properties of the terrain are due to natural forms its relief (hills, hills, beams, ravines, gullies, etc.), vegetation cover (forests, groves, shrubs) and artificial local structures (ditches, embankments, various kinds of buildings, etc.). Artificial means and methods of camouflage are also used (camouflage nets, smoke screens, painting equipment and vehicles in a protective color corresponding to the background of the area, camouflage robes, capes, overalls, etc.).

In the ZOMP system, an important place is occupied by personal protective equipment, which are designed to prevent exposure of people to RV, OV, BS. These include respiratory protection (gas masks, respirators, dust masks and cotton-gauze bandages) and skin protection ( protective clothing and uniforms, stockings and gloves, individual anti-chemical package). To protect the head from fragments and other mechanical factors, special headgear (helmets, helmets) is used, body armor is used to protect the chest, and body armor is used to protect the eyes from light radiation. protective glasses. Personal protective equipment also includes substances for individual water disinfection, radioprotectors, as well as antibiotics used to prevent BS lesions.

In areas where troops are deployed, where there is a civilian population (in cities and other settlements), measures for the MDA are carried out in close cooperation with the command and control bodies and formations of the civil defense. Questions are being agreed on methods of warning and warning, as well as mutual information about the radiation, chemical and bacteriological situation; about maintaining order; joint holding emergency rescue operations and the implementation of medical evacuation, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures.

Protection against weapons of mass destruction in Civil Defense- a set of measures for the prevention and maximum mitigation of the impact of WMD on the population, animals and objects of the national economy in order to preserve the life and working capacity of people, animals and material values, to ensure the operation of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

ZOMP in civil defense is carried out under the leadership of the chiefs and headquarters of civil defense facilities, districts, regions (krais) and republics. Various services are involved in carrying out activities for the MMA: medical, animal protection, public order, municipal, anti-radiation and anti-chemical protection, food and clothing supply, logistics, communications, transport, etc. Activities for MMA in civil defense are carried out in peaceful time, with the threat of attack and after the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy.

In peacetime, the headquarters of the Civil Defense are developing plans for the ZOMP of the population, industrial and agricultural. objects, state and public organizations and institutions, educational institutions, etc.; construction protective structures- collective means of protection (various kinds of shelters); preparation of a warning and communication system; training the population in the rules, methods and techniques for the MMA: training civil defense formations in the methods of fulfilling their tasks and using the means of the MMA; creation of stocks of personal protective equipment and funds for the provision of medical care and treatment of victims (injured and sick). ZOMP plans are developed for all the above objects, as well as administrative-territorial units (districts, regions, etc.).

Special shelters are designed to provide protection against all types of WMD. They are designed for long-term stay of people and the work of the staff of civil defense headquarters, government agencies. Shelters are equipped with all types of autonomous life support (ventilation, water supply, heating, sewerage, electricity, communications). In this type of shelters, first-aid posts can be located to serve working enterprises and institutions. Non-ventilated shelters are also being built, and it is also envisaged that the basements of residential, administrative and industrial buildings can be used as shelters.

In peacetime, the population is trained to create the simplest protective structures (open and blocked cracks); preparation of residential and service premises for protection against the penetration of air contaminated with nuclear explosives, contaminated with agents and BS, and their blackout; available methods and means of protecting food, fodder and water from contamination; the use of personal protective equipment: the use of the simplest means and methods degassing, decontamination and disinfection; rules for staying in shelters; methods of providing self-help and mutual assistance and other measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction.

In wartime, when there is a threat of attack, the warning and communication system, headquarters, formations and services of civil defense (medical and other institutions and organizations) are brought to a state of readiness; evacuation to the suburban area of ​​the population not employed in production and not participating in the performance of tasks for the MZMP; dispersal of workers and employees of objects of the national economy who continue to work in wartime; withdrawal and deployment in the suburban zone of forces and means of civil defense, designed to provide for the evacuated population; dispersal and shelter in the suburban area material resources; issuance to the population and personnel of civil defense formations of individual means of providing first aid; the creation of the simplest collective means of protection (slits) and the equipment of shelters in the basements of buildings.

Dear colleagues! Within the framework of the school of pedagogical excellence on the basis of the course of pedagogy and educational technologies of the Far Eastern State Medical University in the period from 11/13/2017 to 11/16/2017 for university staff, a cycle is conducted “Creating inclusion in an educational organization higher education» (4 p.m.).

Each department must send one representative of the teaching staff and one representative of the teaching and support staff is required.

Ten years creative activity, hundreds of articles and thousands of photos, as well as dozens of videos and videos, sound recordings and much more. Activists of the clubs of the VolgGMU Student Council, based on the basis of the Allegro media studio, have done a lot of work, but they are not going to stop there.

Journalism in a medical school is a rather unusual undertaking in itself. After all, here, as in no other university, education involves serious medical studies and no less serious preparation for them. It would seem, where do students find time to create photo and video reports, articles? Nevertheless, there were and are people at the university who are ready to diligently develop this area of ​​extracurricular activities.

From year to year, students of the graduating classes of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums ask themselves the questions “Where to go?” and “What profession will I connect my future with?”. To help future applicants make their choice, the Faculty of Social Work and Clinical Psychology organized an open day.

In one of the auditoriums of the main building of the VolgGMU, future students were met by the "first persons" of the faculty: Mikhail Volchansky - Dean, Valeria Chizhova - Head of the Department of Social Work with a Pedagogy Course, Svetlana Soboleva - Head of the Department of Economics and Management and Nikolai Panshin, Deputy Executive Secretary in the Admissions Committee . It was they who told about the faculty, its directions, the intricacies of education and innovations.

From October 31 to November 1, Volgograd hosted the international forum of public diplomacy "Dialogue on the Volga: Peace and Mutual Understanding in XXIcentury", the purpose of which was the strengthening of cooperation and the expansion of public international relations. Representatives of VolgGMU: employees of the international department, foreign department, teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Social and Cultural Adaptation, as well as Indian students of VolgGMU became active participants in the forum.

According to the head of the city of Volgograd A.V. Kosolapov, who addressed the opening ceremony of the forum with a greeting to its participants, our city is currently an active conductor of public diplomacy, therefore, for the fourth time it has become a venue for an international event: the forum brought together more than 200 delegates from 12 countries of the world. Foreign students and employees of the foreign department of VolgGMU were invited to take part in the forum.

From October 24 to October 27, 2017, the Russian Congress of Cardiologists was held in the northern capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg, which brought together about 6,000 participants not only from Russian Federation, but also from countries near and far abroad, and has become a large-scale platform for international exchange experience. Regional branch working group“Young cardiologists” of the Volgograd region were represented by Maria Vladimirovna Derevyanchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Pediatric and Dental Faculty of the Volgograd State Medical University, who spoke about how the congress events went.

Four days of intensive work: plenary sessions and lectures, symposiums, breakout sessions, scientific sessions, training seminars, working meetings, debates, clinical reviews, round tables.

On the basis of the military surgery hospital, students gathered for a reason. After all, the topic of the next meeting of the student scientific society is quite complex and interesting - "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation."

Together with the senior lecturer of the Department of Disaster Medicine Maya Eremina and the head of the circle Vladimir Tarayan (3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine), the students not only discussed the rules for providing first aid, but also worked out the practical part on mannequins.

What does a student need? The student needs a rest! And if he is also on the seashore, surrounded by thousands of young people from all over the world and with many opportunities to try himself in something new, then very well. For a whole week, representatives of the Volgograd medical university forgot about gray everyday life and plunged into bright world festival in Sochi.

The World Festival of Youth and Students gathered, according to official figures, about 30 thousand participants from 188 countries of the world. A delegation of 9 people went from VolgGMU. It included: Sargis Sargsyan, clinical intern of the Department of Public Health and Public Health; Vladislav Aleksandrov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Hospital Therapy; Denis Guzenko, 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine; Alexey Kulichkin, 6th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics; Maxim Senyushkin, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Dentistry; Anastasia Akishenko, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Medicine (medical prof.); Ani Muradyan, 4th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics; Leyla Umarova and Dinara Hajiyeva, 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine.

Every year Volgograd hosts the Universiade of Universities. Demonstrating skill and professionalism, teams of universities compete in different sports. From October 20 to October 26, the city championship in women's handball was held. According to the results of the competition, the athletes of the Volgograd Medical University took second place.

Six teams from five universities took part in the competition: VolGU, VolGAU, VolgGMU, VSAPC, VolgGTU-1 (formerly the team of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering) and VolgGTU-2.

The VolgGMU team included students of pharmaceutical, pediatric, dental and biomedical faculties: Ekaterina Allenova, Angelina Yarygina, Valeria Sagareishvili, Anastasia Shcherbakova, Evgenia Bukovskaya-Kolodyazhnaya, Valeria Kostyaeva, Kamilia Sabri, Tatiana Karpenko, Alina Shumeiko and Anastasia Yusova.

November 4, 2017 from 15:00 to 17:00 a solemn event will be held, dedicated to the Day national unity, on the territory adjacent to the interactive museum "Russia - my history". As part of the event, interactive sites of historical and patriotic themes, the City of Masters exhibition and the performance of the singer MakSim will be organized.

In addition, on the same day from 10:00 to 18:00 for students educational organizations Volgograd will be given the opportunity to visit the museum for free - upon presentation of a student card.

      • The main ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction are:
      • shelter of the population in protective structures;
      • dispersal in the suburban area of ​​workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations that continue their activities in cities, as well as the evacuation of the rest of the population from these cities;
      • use of personal protective equipment by the population.

  • Protective structures are engineering structures specially designed to protect the population from nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, as well as from possible secondary damaging factors during nuclear explosions and the use of conventional weapons.

  • Depending on the protective properties, these structures are divided into shelters and anti-radiation shelters (PRU).

  • If necessary, they can be used by people on the appropriate signal in a matter of minutes. PRU shelters are usually built in advance, even in peacetime.

  • In the event of an imminent threat of enemy attack,

  • and also in wartime, when there is a shortage of pre-built shelters and anti-radiation shelters, prefabricated shelters will be built from ready-made building elements and structures, simple shelters will be built, in the construction of which the entire able-bodied population should participate.

    Shelters include structures that provide the most reliable protection of people from all the damaging factors of nuclear weapons - from shock waves, light radiation, penetrating radiation (including neutron flux) and from radioactive contamination. Shelters also protect against toxic substances and bacterial agents, from high temperatures and harmful gases in fire zones, and from landslides and fragments of destruction during explosions.

  • The most common are built-in shelters (basement or semi-basement floors of industrial, public and residential buildings)

  • The construction of shelters in the form of separate structures (fully or partially buried and sprinkled with soil on top and sides) is also silent. Shelters should be located in places of the greatest concentration of people for whose shelter they are intended.

  • The shelter consists of the main room, designed to accommodate sheltered people, and auxiliary rooms-entrances, a filtering chamber, a sanitary unit, for a heating device, and in some cases rooms for a protected diesel plant and an artesian well. In a large-capacity shelter, space can be allocated for a pantry for food and a medical room.

The shelter usually has at least two entrances located on opposite sides. The built-in shelter must also have an emergency exit.

Anti-radiation shelters. During explosions of nuclear weapons, radioactive substances fall out in the wake of the movement of the explosion cloud. These substances infect the area, buildings, crops, water bodies, etc.; people who find themselves on the trail of an explosion cloud outside shelters can be injured as a result of radioactive substances entering the body through breathing, with food or water, and also as a result of external radiation. In addition to shelters, protection against radioactive substances is provided by anti-radiation shelters: they protect people well from radiation in conditions of radioactive contamination, as well as from the ingress of radioactive substances into the respiratory system, onto the skin and clothing. PRU, in addition, are able to protect people from light radiation, penetrating radiation (including neutron flux), partly from the shock wave of a nuclear explosion, from direct contact with the skin and clothing of people with drops of toxic substances and aerosols of bacterial agents. Protective properties radiation shelters from radioactive radiation are evaluated by the protection factor, which shows how many times the radiation level in open areas at a height of 1 m is higher than the radiation level in the shelter. In other words, the protection factor shows how many times the PRU weakens the effect of radiation, and, consequently, the radiation dose to people. Anti-radiation shelters are arranged so that their protection factor is the greatest. They are arranged primarily in the basement floors of buildings and structures. In shelters with a capacity of more than 50 people, there must be forced ventilation, at least in the form of a ventilation device of the simplest type.

The simplest shelters are cracks The most accessible simple shelters are cracks - open and especially covered. Slots are known to have played a big role in past wars, using conventional weapons. If, for example, people take cover even in simple, open cracks, then the probability of their being hit by a shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation from a nuclear explosion will decrease by 1.5-2 times compared to being located in an open area; the possibility of irradiating people as a result of radioactive contamination of the area will decrease by 2-3 times, and after decontamination of contaminated cracks - by 20 times or more. If the cracks are closed, then protection from light radiation will be complete, from a shock wave it will increase by 2.5-3 times, and from penetrating radiation and radioactive radiation with a thickness of soil filling over the ceiling of 60-70 cm - by 200-300 times. Closing the gap will also protect people from direct contact with clothing and skin of people with radioactive, poisonous substances and bacterial agents, as well as from being hit by debris from collapsing buildings. In order to weaken the damaging effect of the shock wave on the hiding gap, they make a zigzag or broken line. The length of the straight section should be no more than 15 m.

The population is informed about the threat of an enemy attack at the place of work or residence by the relevant officials, representatives of the administration or headquarters. civil defense objects of the national economy by radio, television and other means of communication. With the announcement of the threat of an enemy attack, appointed commandants and maintenance units for shelters and shelters arrive in shelters and anti-radiation shelters with a capacity of more than 50 people; in anti-radiation shelters with a capacity of less than 50 people and in the simplest shelters seniors are appointed (usually from among the people hiding in them). These persons are responsible for maintaining the protective structures in readiness and organizing the shelter of the population in them.

MOSCOW LEFT WITHOUT SHELTER According to the head of the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (GO and Emergencies) Alexander Eliseev, over the past 15 years since the beginning of the 90s, the infrastructure of Moscow's civil defense facilities has been practically ruined. “About 300 bomb shelters have been privatized by commercial organizations. Now the bomb shelters are warehouses, parking lots and shops. At the same time, these premises were remodeled, sealing and waterproofing were violated, ceilings and walls were plastered, lined with ceramic tiles, the equipment located here was dismantled, entrances and exits were cluttered and built up.” In fact, in case of danger, only a part of Muscovites will be able to escape. Recently, the General Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies sounded the alarm. And the Moscow authorities began to sue businessmen, trying to return bomb shelters to city property. However, only 73 shelters were sued, since the lease agreement stipulated a period of 49 years. The head of the press service of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Moscow, Yuri Videneev, previously said that the tenant in the event of emergency must vacate the premises within six hours. But in reality it will take much longer. Employees of several trading companies renting bomb shelters told Gazeta that in the event of an emergency, they would need at least two days. It also turned out that the bomb shelters rented out by the mayor's office for warehouses became quite profitable business for brokers. The objects of the civil defense system were even officially introduced into the classification of warehouse real estate and received a class D classification. There are no additional requirements for such premises, and their rental price ranges from 0.17 to 0.25 dollars per day per 1 sq. m. m. And in general, one gets the feeling that the Moscow government deliberately destroyed the protection of Muscovites. In 2001, the government adopted a closed resolution "On measures to improve the superstructure with the simultaneous reconstruction of separate civil defense facilities."

According to the principle of protective action, skin protection products are divided into insulating and filtering. Protective overalls and suits include insulating ones: light protective suit L-1 and combined arms protective kit (OZK). OZK consists of stockings, a gas mask, a raincoat and gloves. It has 3 positions: Cloak in cape. Cloak in the sleeves. Cloak in the form of overalls. Improvised skin protection products include industrial and household clothing, as well as rubber boots and gloves. Medical personal protective equipment is intended for the prevention and provision of medical care to the population affected by emergencies. These include an individual first aid kit (AI-2), an individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8) and an individual dressing package.

Protection against weapons of mass destruction - a system of measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of enemy nuclear, chemical and biological weapons on military personnel, civilians and material values. In defense against weapons of mass destruction in active army engineering, motorized rifle and other troops, military medical, chemical, veterinary and other services take part.

Depending on the type of weapon, protection is divided into anti-nuclear, anti-chemical and anti-bacterial. Protection measures can be general (for all types of weapons used) and special. In addition, all protection measures are divided into preliminary, carried out before the impact of the weapon, and measures to eliminate the consequences of its use by the enemy. Preliminary defense measures against weapons of mass destruction include: combined arms reconnaissance, the creation of protective equipment, the dispersal of troops, camouflage, attack warning, as well as immunization of personnel and prevention. Measures to eliminate the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy include: radiation, chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance; medical and evacuation measures in the centers of mass lesions; special (including sanitary) treatment; decontamination (see), degassing (see), disinfection (see) of weapons, equipment, equipment, food, water, and terrain; extinguishing fires and clearing rubble, observation and quarantine; restoration and other works.

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