Footer what kind of fabric reviews. Footer fabric, what is it

Many people with sensitive, delicate skin are familiar with the unpleasant sensations that warm but rough tissues cause. A great alternative is a cotton footer.

What is a footer

One of the most delicate and body-friendly fabrics is called footer. It is natural cotton fabric, smooth on the outside, soft and delicate on the inside, making it surprisingly comfortable.

She owes such her qualities special weave of fabric threads in production. From the seamy side, with the help of loop broaches, the lining threads are attached to the base of the canvas, as a result of which a kind of seamy texture is formed. Thanks to modern technologies this texture is often made in the form of a fleece, and the front side looks like a smooth surface.

footer product

The history of the invention of footer fabric

Unfortunately, until our time, history has not conveyed either the name or even the name of the first manufactory where this comfortable and durable fabric was invented. We can only assume that it appeared in one of the countries where cotton was already processed for the production of fabric in ancient times: India, Mexico or Egypt.

Varieties and properties of footer

Depending on the number of footer threads knitted into the fabric, footer types are distinguished:

  • Two-thread;
  • Three-thread
    • with a thick pile (resembles fabric);
    • with a thin fleece (reminiscent of the fabric of a bike).
  • With the addition of synthetic threads.

Fabric footer properties

The footer, as mentioned earlier, is a natural fabric: it made of cotton... Thanks to this, the fabric allows the skin to "breathe", while maintaining excellent warmth. The footer absorbs moisture well and, at the same time, remains hypoallergenic. It also perfectly retains its shape, thanks to which on products traction is not formed... Another important quality of this fabric is durability: puffs, abrasions and rolls do not appear on the products.

Sometimes lycra is added to the footer, or, thereby, improving its quality. Thanks to the introduction of synthetic threads, the footer acquires an external shine and elasticity, becomes more resistant to deformation, strong and durable.

The only negative of the material is sensitivity to high temperatures and direct sunlight which destroy fibers and thus spoil footer products.

Using a footer

The density of the footer is quite different: from 365 g / m2 to 190 g / m2- therefore it has found very wide application. Often, clothes for children are sewn from this fabric, because not every material can boast of such a combination of durability and hypoallergenicity that is necessary for babies. On the shelves you can often see colorful dresses in bright colors, romper suit, original trousers and unusual overalls - a wide assortment for fashionable mothers and their children.

Widespread and footer robes... Firstly, they are really very cozy and homely comfortable, and secondly, the durability inherent in the material is a very important factor for this kind of homewear.

Sweaters, sweatshirts, pullovers and footer cardigans can be found just as often. This is a real find for people whose skin irritates. warm clothes made of wool. Thanks to the soft fleece, the footer fits perfectly to the body, without causing itching and burning, and at the same time perfectly retains heat.

Another widespread type of thin footer clothing is tracksuits... In this case, this "popularity" is facilitated by two properties of the material: firstly, it allows the skin to breathe, and secondly, the footer is an amazingly strong fabric that will withstand the load physical exercise... And, importantly, this will not affect the appearance of the product in any way: intensive movements will not lead to kinks or wrinkles that cannot be ironed out.

In short, the fabric is not targeted at one specific consumer audience: footer is universal, both for models of clothes and for its customers.

Care of footer products

It's no secret that proper care behind the product - the guarantor of its durability and good appearance. That is why it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric from which the item is sewn.

The first thing to do before washing is to pay attention to the label of the product, where certain rules for washing and ironing will be indicated. If there are no symbols there, the rules for leaving are as follows:

  • Clothes made of thick footer should be washed at a temperature 50 - 60 ° C, from thin - at 30 - 40 ° C... If the linen is white, a universal powder is suitable, and if it is colored, it is better to choose delicate detergent, liquid, or laundry detergent for colored items. It is categorically not recommended to boil things from the footer: you can seriously damage the product.
  • It is better to dry the footer naturally, ideal if straight Sun rays at the same time will not fall on the product. If the linen is sewn from thick fabric, with a fleece, it is better to hang it up to dry with a semi-moist one.
  • You need to iron the products in "clap" mode if the fabric is thick, and in "silk" or "delicate" mode, so as not to damage the fibers if thin.

One of the most "cozy" materials, footer, is a real hit in the world of fabrics. Choosing products made from it, you gain comfort and harmony that will envelop not only you, but also your loved ones.

Often, looking at the label of the thing you like, you only wonder when you come to the composition of what kind of fabrics are not produced. It is not known what is behind many of the names. So, having come across the word "footer", hardly anyone has any idea what it is about. And this natural fabric deserves close attention, because a wardrobe is sewn from it both for the smallest and for adults.

Little is known about the history of the emergence of the footer, it appeared, either in the Land of the Soviets, in the post-war period, or abroad, in the thirties. Whoever invented and knitted a footer (the weaving process is more like knitting) is still grateful to him all over the world. The fabric got its name for its unique weaving (lined), when additional purl threads are knitted into the base. This makes the material dense, durable and pleasant to the body. It has a smooth front surface, and from the inside there are soft villi forming a fleece, the length and "furry" of which depends on the parameters of the used lining thread.

Some believe that footer originated in countries traditionally focused on the cultivation of cotton and the production of fabric from it, such as India or Egypt. It is unlikely that this is true, in order to knit a footer, you need not only cotton, but also knitwear-oriented machines, and this already speaks of the level of technology development.

Due to its properties, the material remains in demand, despite the abundance of new products in the weaving industry. Properties:

  • Elastic Is a jersey that takes the shape of the body. It fits all roundness, but does not restrict movement at all.
  • Eco-friendly- the natural base of the fabric makes it hypoallergenic, the fabric "breathes", conducting air well and absorbing moisture. Even for people with increased skin sensitivity, the footer does not cause irritation and discomfort, only soft, pleasant touches.
  • Warm- high density and back pile allow this jersey to keep warm well, without causing a greenhouse effect.
  • Wear resistant- strong base and weaving technology prevent the formation of pills, the fabric does not shrink, does not stretch, withstands a large number of washes and active wear.

The disadvantages of the material include the possibility of shrinkage, but if you follow the recommendations of manufacturers for the care of products, such problems will not arise.

Initially, the footer was made only of cotton threads, today, to increase its performance and external data, various fibers are added to the composition.

  • Wool- the fabric becomes even warmer, but may shrink after washing and cause discomfort. This footer is used for sewing outerwear- jackets, sweatshirts, etc.
  • Synthetics- polyester and lycra, introduced into the composition of the footer, make it more elastic and more beautiful. Such fabric is used for women's dressing gowns, sportswear and casual wear.

From a completely natural footer, which is 100% cotton, they sew wardrobe items for children: blouses, sliders, overalls, etc. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions and irritations, choose a cotton footer. Keep it less elastic, but safe and comfortable.

Varieties of footer

Depending on the quantity and quality of threads in weaving, there are several types of footer, differing in density and properties.

A popular type of three-strand fleece footer - gray melange. It usually contains 80% cotton and 20% additives. A pleasant color scheme of the fabric allows you to sew not only comfortable and warm, but also beautiful things that will go well with other wardrobe items. In addition, mottled fabrics are non-marking, which is important for sports and household items.

The density of the material varies from 190 to 360 g / m². Even a single-thread, thin fabric keeps warmth and shape well, which makes the material simply irreplaceable when sewing children's clothes and sportswear.

Such a different jersey

Not only footers are used to provide us with high-quality, durable and pleasant things to wear. Others are produced that have both similar properties and differences.

  • Kulirka (kulirny smooth surface)- cotton or blended (with the addition of up to 10% lycra or polyester) cross-weave knitwear. On the front side there is a pronounced relief - "pigtails", the reverse side is chess. Considered the thinnest knitwear suitable for sewing linen and summer clothes(mainly for children). more elastic, cotton stretches only in width. It costs less than a footer (from 170 rubles per running meter).
  • Ribana- also knitted fabric, knitted with front and back loops, due to which the surface is the same on both sides - "elastic" (single or double). Usually 100% cotton, but sometimes lycra is added (5%). Use ribana for nursery and casual wear, it is elastic and keeps its shape. It costs more than a wader, about the same as a two-strand footer (from 260 rubles per shoulder strap). you can read in more detail what kind of riban fabric is.
  • Interlockcotton jersey without additives, with an interesting weaving of the fabric. The fabric is double-sided (the same from the face and the wrong side), elastic enough, keeps its shape. Compared to the footer, the interlock loses in terms of density, it has 180 - 220 g / m², so it is not so warm. Detailed description interlock fabrics you will find. Rather, he is closer to the wader, they make clothes for children and adults from him, tracksuits, even bed sets and curtains. However, it will not go on sweatshirts and similar warm clothes, for which manufacturers willingly use a footer. The price of an interlock, ribana and footer (two-thread) is about the same (from 260 rubles shoulder straps). But a three-strand footer is already being given 420 rubles per running meter.

All of these fabrics have similar characteristics, and they do not differ much in cost. The footer wins in that it is much warmer, neither the ribana, nor the interlock, nor the cooler will warm you up in cold weather.

Opinions are not divided

The excellent qualities of the footer prove positive reviews owners of things from this material:

We bought little things for the baby made of natural footer for the cold season, they didn’t heat the apartment very much, they wanted the child to be warm and comfortable. And the sliders and blouses showed themselves very well: they did not cough up, they did not stretch out, they are always soft and do not cause irritation. I am glad that I chose things from this material, and we can afford it at a cost.

I myself love to sew and experiment with fabrics, recently a friend advised me to try a footer. Bought thick fabric(2 thread, 100% cotton), I sewed pajamas for my daughter for the off-season. The child liked it, the pajamas are soft, pleasant to the body, after washing they remained bright, retained their shape. I think this is a wonderful material for warm clothes, now I want to buy myself a bathrobe.

I love to run on fresh air, even if it's chilly outside, so I choose my tracksuits carefully. We were advised to try from a footer with lycra, as it is pleasant and warm for the body, and the clothes will retain their shape even after intensive wear and wash. I bought it, I have been wearing it for several years already, I do not regret the choice at all: the suit is very comfortable, even when I sweat, no discomfort arises, I lay well on my figure, it does not hang anywhere.

Footer has a good combination of excellent quality characteristics and an acceptable cost. Things made of this material do not cause problems with leaving, do not lose their appearance, and it is a pleasure to wear them. Footer is actively used when sewing children's and adult knitwear (Ivanovsky knitwear Marisha, also women's knitwear Serenade from Ivanovo, which you can read about).

On this page, you will find reviews about footer fabric that we have collected based on comments coming from users.

You can also leave your feedback, just fill in the appropriate comment fields at the bottom of the page.

And if you don't know, be sure to read the link.

Tatyana, 41 years old: “I really like turtlenecks and T-shirts made of this fabric. They seem to be light, but at the same time warm due to the nap, and also very pleasant to the body. I don't really like it when synthetics are added to clothes, and because of this, it stretches a lot and after several washes it loses its shape. "

Maria, 25: “Slips from a footer are great clothes for a baby based on the most environmentally friendly material - cotton. When the weather is cold outside, I wear a slip under a warm overalls, and the baby is warm. I have a few more from the cooler, I wear them when it's warmer outside. We also have T-shirts, rompers and bodysuits from this fabric. When it's not hot in the apartment (in winter), we wear them! "

Alena, 32 years old: “The only drawback that I can highlight is shrinkage. Unfortunately, things become smaller by size after 3-5 washes. But this problem is quite simple to solve: you need to buy products for a size or even two more. "

Cotton fabric, which is popular today, received its name for a special, so-called "lined weave". It is obtained by knitting from the seamy side of the fabric with a special lining thread that does not form loops. After the thread is attached to the fabric to create a fleece, the fabric is subjected to additional processing. And after that, a wonderful thin footer is born - dense and at the same time soft, warm and pleasant to the touch, not letting the wind through, but allowing the skin to breathe.

The lycra footer looks even more attractive. The addition of - a thin, flexible, soft, highly stretchable and shape-retaining fiber increases the strength of the material, increases it protective functions... Lycra is introduced into cotton products to improve their properties, and it does an excellent job with this task.

New unique properties of footer with lacre

Thick, non-wrinkling pile will reliably protect from wind and cold, which makes the fabric indispensable in the production of sportswear, sleeping bags.

Thanks to lycra thread sport suit, a sweatshirt, a bathrobe and any other thing will be worn for a long time, and at the same time will retain a beautiful appearance... You will notice that things made of this fabric do not stretch, do not change the brightness of the color, do not fade or deform during washing. Moreover, wearing them, you will feel incomparable comfort, and this feeling will not leave you throughout the day.

Available with wide lycra footer colors, it does not roll, you will hardly find puffs on it. In a word, this is the material that deserves attention. If in doubt about the choice, read about it

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