Woe from wit, information about the heroes. Speech characteristics of the heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov A.S.

In the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov, the author conveys his attitude towards the heroes through speaking surnames and names. Hero quotes give full description their images.

Famusov Pavel Afanasyevich - the surname is formed from fama-rumor and famous-noble, Pavel is small, and Afanasy is immortal. It turns out - a noble nobleman, afraid of rumor, a small person, which will always be. Type of officials who live by someone else's opinion, afraid of rumor.
Widower, raised his daughter alone: ​​"Free, widows, I am my master."
Noble nobleman - ". Like everyone in Moscow, your father is like that", "bureaucratic", rich: "Who is poor, he is not a match for you." He is afraid of gossip and curled up from the opinions of others: .Ah! My God! what will she say / Princess Marya Aleksevna!
"Well, how not to please a dear little man!" - attaches relatives to "bread places".
Unprincipled, only the goal is important, and all means are good for him: "Low-worshiper and businessman."
A dissolute, uneducated master: "Learning is the plague, learning is the reason" Madcap "After all, your father is mad." and a clerk "sir father, you who are passionate about ranks."

Sophia Pavlovna Famusova-Sophia-wise, Pavlovna-little, Famusova-is associated with rumor. The meaning of the name is a little wise girl, spreading rumors, rumors.
Sophia is a young, attractive Moscow noblewoman: "you have blossomed charmingly, inimitable, and you know that," a rich and "enviable bride": To please the daughter of such a person. "
Received a home education: "Are they not happy about yours, About upbringing! From the cradle!"
Follows the fashion, ". Everything in French, reads out loud, locked" and loves music: "And dancing! And singing! And tenderness! And sighing! As if we are preparing buffoons for their wife."
A naive, narrow-minded and fickle girl: "I am very windy, maybe I did, And I know, and I blame; but where did I change?"
Not a timid dozen, decisive: "However, I will say about myself, That I am not cowardly."
Behaves in an inappropriate manner, which arouses the anger of the father: "Daughter, Sofya Pavlovna! Mother of God!"

Molchalin Alexey Stepanovich is a constantly silent person, Alexey is an assistant, Stepan is a ring, a wreath. The meaning of the name is an eternal assistant who has no words and no prospects, silent and helpful.
"He lives here in the house, great misfortune!"
An ignoble young man, without much intelligence: "Why is not a husband? He only has little intelligence."
A careful, helpful and petty person: "There he is on tiptoe" "Helpful, modest."
He achieves everything through pleasing: "My father bequeathed to me: First, to please all people without exception."
He is secretive, on his mind: "God knows what secret is hidden in him."
Deceitful, cunning and two-faced: "But who would have thought that he was so cunning!"
Uses Sophia, achieving a position in society: "I do not see anything in Sophia Pavlovna."

Chatsky Alexander Andreevich-fumes, that is, he scares others with his opinion, Alexander is the protector of people, Alexei is courageous. The meaning of the name is the courageous defender of people, with progressive views for life.
A young nobleman - "" - had three hundred souls. - Four hundred, please understand ", educated, very eloquent:" ... What he says! and speaks as he writes! .. "
Sharp on the tongue and does not hide his views: "Look at the laugh, Chatsky will raise you"
Smart, with progressive thoughts and ideas: "Oster, smart, eloquent."
Freethinker and thinker person telling the truth and does not tolerate deception: "Why should I deceive myself", "he is just a Jacobin."
The patriot and the free-thinker were rejected by society and declared insane:
"You glorified me insane with all the chorus."
Noble, man of honor: "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve."

Skalozub bares his teeth, scoffs - constantly laughs obsequiously, but is stupid and does not have intelligence.
A wealthy nobleman, walking through the ranks: "Colonel Skalozub: And a golden bag, and marks the generals."
Outwardly, he is not bad, he follows fashion and his appearance: "Hoarse is a dapper army officer who speaks in a hoarse bass."
A narrow-minded and boring person: "He never uttered a smart word."
Careerist: "and is aiming at generals." Opponent of education, does not like to read: "The books will be kept like this: for great occasions."

Lisa, Elizabeth is God's help, fidget and cheerful disposition... "Lizanka, a servant" in the Famusovs' house, a serf. Liza is a pretty girl, funny and lively: "You are a merry creature! You are alive!"
Sharp on the tongue and truthful: "You and the young lady are modest, but from the maiden rake? She to him, and he to me."
She is quick-witted and knows how to express her thoughts: "Happy hours are not observed."
Not stupid, but tries to be modest: "You are my stupid judgment. You never favor."
She cannot be bought, she is not selfish: "You know that I am not flattering with interests," and she loves not for rank, but for human qualities: "How not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!"

"Woe from Wit" (1824) became the first Russian realistic comedy, this work became a landmark for the establishment of realism in Russian drama. However, precisely because it was the first realistic artwork, in it one can also distinguish the influence of the aesthetics of romanticism (even the image of Chatsky, on the whole realistic, is very similar to the images romantic heroes opposed to the circumstances and the rest of the heroes), and even the influence of classicism - here both the observance of the requirement of "three unities" and the "speaking" surnames of the heroes. However, we can say that in the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov creatively reworked all the best that had been created in Russian literature before him, having managed to create a qualitatively new work on the basis of this, and this novelty is determined primarily by new principles of character creation, new an approach to understanding the essence of character images.

Griboyedov's heroes are heroes whose images are socially motivated, they are so because they belong to a certain time and certain strata of society, although this does not mean that they are schematic heroes. It's just that in each of them the main character traits are formed by the environment, each of them expresses this environment, while remaining an individual.

The language of the comedy "Woe from Wit"

The language of the comedy "Woe from Wit" has also become fundamentally new for Russian literature, the language characteristics of the heroes are presented to the reader of each of them in such a way that, for example, Sophia's speech cannot be confused with the speech of Princess Tugouhovskaya, and Molchalin and Skalozub differ in both characters and their speech ... The ultimate individualization of the characters 'speech characteristics, brilliant command of the Russian language, the aphorism of the characters' remarks, the sharpness of polemics in dialogues and monologues - all this makes the language of Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" unique phenomenon in Russian literature of the 20s of the XIX century, and the fact that many phrases from it became "winged" confirms that it belonged not only to its time.

Comedy Conflicts

Comedy conflicts are very interesting. The external conflict is obvious: this is the confrontation between the progressive man of his time (Chatsky) and the society living in the past and striving to keep this life unchanged. In other words, the conflict between the old and the new is, in general, a banal conflict. However, it is most closely connected with the internal conflict of comedy, with the contradiction of the image of Chatsky. How could he the smartest man, not to understand that Sophia loves another after she herself told him about it and gave the name of this person? Why does he with such fervor prove his point of view to people whose value he knows perfectly well, as well as knows that they will never agree with him, but even cannot understand him? Here it is, internal conflict comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov. Chatsky deeply and sincerely loves Sophia, and this feeling makes him so incomprehensible and even funny - although can the one who loves be funny, no matter how funny he may seem? .. Something internal and external conflicts comedies coincide, although Sophia's love for Molchalin is not socially conditioned in terms of motivation, rather, on the contrary, but after all romantic look Famusov's daughter on the latter is also characteristic of the society in which they live.

Famusov's image

The world of Famusov is the world of the Moscow nobility, which lives according to the norms of the "Times of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea" and does not want to change anything in their lives. Famusov, "the manager in the official place," does business carelessly ("Signed, so off your shoulders" ...), but he succeeds in organizing his life with all kinds of conveniences, not excluding "monastic behavior" ... He knows for sure that for his daughter "Who is poor is not a match for you", he is well versed in gossip and everything that concerns other people's estates, he can, on occasion, remind Molchalin to whom he owes his current position, and he is openly servile with Skalozub, seeing in him a profitable groom for his daughter ... In a conversation with Chatsky, not understanding even half of what the interlocutor says, he is terrified to death, believing that he is talking with a "carbonari" (that is, a rebel) who "wants to preach freedom" and "He does not recognize the authorities," demands: "I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to drive up to the capitals for a shot." He is not at all that stupid, Famusov, so he is ready by any means to fight for the preservation of his position and his way of life, he defends his right to see life like this and live like that. His danger is that he is ready for exactly what to do, or maybe he is still very much, so far he and those like him are the true masters of life, and only one person opposes them - Chatsky, who is very lonely in this society, that no matter what they talk about "nephews" and others, supposedly professing different ideals, in the house of Famusov Chatsky is truly alone.

The image of Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

The image of Chatsky was perceived by his contemporaries as the image of an advanced person defending the ideals of a new life, which was to replace the dominance of "famusism". He was seen as a representative young generation, an intelligent, educated, decent person who ardently advocates the need to change life and, it seems, is taking some steps in this direction, although the author speaks about it in passing. The only indisputable thing is that Chatsky is a thinking and gifted person, his judgments about public service, it is not for nothing that they scare Famusov so much about duty, they express the ideas of state structure that undermine the foundations of the existence of Famusov and others like him: "I would serve the cause, not people ...", "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve," go stupid. "

There was a lot of debate about whether the image of Chatsky in Woe from Wit could be considered the image of a Decembrist in literature, but there is no doubt that the hero's ideas are close to the ideas of the Decembrists, to whom the author of the comedy had great sympathy. However, Chatsky is not just a spokesman for the ideas of his time, advanced in the opinion of the author of a comedy. This is a living person, he is sincere and deep in his feelings, his actions are determined by feeling Great love, which he feels for Sophia. He is in love, he remembers Sophia as a young girl who, judging by the fact that she makes excuses to Lisa, showed him unambiguous signs of attention, and now he wants to see the same Sophia in her, not wanting to see that dramatic changes have happened to her. Irritation and even a certain bitterness of Chatsky is caused by the fact that Sophia has changed her attitude towards him, and this prevents the hero from really perceiving the circumstances, seeing them as they are. The hero's mind and feelings are too much occupied with love for him to control himself, for him now the whole world is concentrated in Sophia, therefore everything else and everyone else simply annoys him: annoys Famusov, whom he nevertheless shows a certain respect as Sophia's father; irritates Skalozub, in which he is ready to see Sophia's possible fiancé; annoying Molchalin, who, "with such a soul", cannot (as he believes!) be loved by the same Sophia.

Chatsky's persistent attempts to find out the truth about Sophia's attitude to himself border on pathology, and his stubborn unwillingness to accept this truth might seem blind if it were not for love ... However, the scene he witnesses in last action, gives him the final answer to the most for him now main question- he receives irrefutable evidence that Sophia not only does not love, but also betrays him, therefore the last monologue of Chatsky is a cry and pain of an offended soul and offended feelings, but here the Famusian society, which took away from the hero the most precious in his life - love. Chatsky leaves Moscow, and his departure seems to indicate that he is defeated. True, there is a well-known idea of ​​I.A. Goncharova that "Chatsky is broken by the amount old force inflicting on her in turn death blow quality of fresh strength ", but can this undoubted victory of the hero help him when his heart is breaking with pain? .. Therefore, we can say that the ending of the comedy is close to tragic - for him, the" eternal denouncer "who has no brilliant mind , nor the ability to "laugh everyone" could not help to find ordinary human happiness ...


The system of comedy images is built in such a way that the author gives us the opportunity to see Chatsky's "anti-doubles": these are the images of Molchalin and Repetilov. Molchalin is Chatsky's happy rival in love, in his own way he is very strong personality who manages to achieve a lot in life. But at what cost? He faithfully observes the behest of his father: "My father bequeathed to me: First, to please all people without exception ...". He pleases, even with "our deplorable klya" (this is what Sophia calls) the nights "respectfully", because she is "the daughter of such a person"! Of course, we can say that for Molchalin such behavior is the only possible one from the point of view of achieving the "degrees of the known", but is it not at the cost of losing one's self-esteem to achieve them?


The image of Repetilov was perceived by contemporaries as a clear parody of the Decembrists, which may seem strange - if we recall the attitude of the comedy author to them and their ideas. However, Repetilov is very similar to ... Chatsky, only Chatsky, deprived of his mind, his self-esteem, his ability to behave as his honor requires. The comic double of the protagonist helps to better understand the image of Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit", to see him strengths and appreciate them, while remaining original and distinctive artistically, ridiculing those of the supporters of the Decembrists who preferred "words, words, words ..." to action.


The image of Sophia in the comedy turned out to be complex and contradictory. She created a romantic image of Molchalin for herself and fell in love with her "creation", ready to defend her beloved from the unfair, as she is convinced, attacks of Chatsky and succeeded a lot in this (remember, it was with her "feed" that gossip from Chatsky's madness went for a walk!), Which became an involuntary witness of how the person she loves taunts her and her love - this is what the heroine of the comedy has to go through, and at the end of the work she cannot but evoke sympathy from the viewer. Sophia is both smart and knows people well - how brilliantly she gives a hint of Chatsky's imaginary madness to the secular gossip G.N., there is nothing to reproach her with on occasion! However, like Chatsky, she was blinded by love, and, bringing suffering to Chatsky, she herself suffers no less from the betrayal of the person whom she believed and for the sake of love for whom she made certain sacrifices.

"Theme of the mind"

The "theme of the mind" occupies a special place in the comedy. The "grief" brought to Chatsky by his undoubted intelligence is aggravated by the fact that in Famusov's world a different idea of ​​"intelligence" dominates: here the one who knows how to achieve ranks and money is appreciated, therefore Uncle Famusov, endlessly falling before those who "ranks gives ", is revered as a model of wisdom, and the clever Chatsky is declared insane ... To be thinking man among those who do not understand the difference between intelligence and cunning - this is Chatsky's lot.

Author's position

The image of the author, the author's position in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is manifested primarily in the creation of characters and the main conflict of the comedy. Chatsky is depicted with great sympathy, his moral superiority, his victory over the world of Famusov speaks about whose side the author is on. Satirical image the world of old Moscow, its moral condemnation also indicate the author's position. Finally, the ending of the comedy, when it turns into a tragicomedy (mentioned above) in terms of expression author's position also clearly tells the viewer which side the author is on. In the comedy of Griboyedov, the author's beginning is expressed both in the remarks and in the speech characteristics of the characters-images, in everything the unique personality of the author of one of the greatest comedies in Russian literature is visible.

As noted, " catch phrases"from" Woe from Wit "they firmly entered both Russian literature and the Russian language. The work itself also took its place in Russian culture, which gives reason to talk about popular character comedy Griboyedov.

Alexander Griboyedov was an outstanding playwright of the first half of the nineteenth century, whose work discussed below became part of the classics of Russian literature. Griboyedov served in the diplomatic part, but remained in history as the author of a brilliant masterpiece - the comedy "Woe from Wit", the characteristics of the heroes of which are studied within the framework of school curriculum... All the events of the play take place in Moscow within one day, in the house of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov.

Characteristics of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" - a comedy in verse and in four acts - can be carried out according to a certain plan. A list of characters with explanations by the author is given, as a rule, at the beginning of the play.

By what plan is the characterization of the characters in Woe from Wit carried out? First, it is necessary to talk about social status the hero, secondly, about his character traits, and thirdly, about the system of views and values.

Pavel Afanasevich Famusov is a well-born nobleman and landowner holding a high official post. The character is arrogant, domineering. With subordinates and servants, he is rude and strict, but flattering and servilely submissive to those who are higher in rank and rank. Famusov is a cordial and hospitable host, and guests are often received in his house. A caring father, loves his daughter, wants to marry her off successfully. Pavel Afanasevich does not accept any changes in society, he is an opponent of progress. He considers the customs and way of life of the old Moscow nobles to be the ideal.

What characteristic of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" can do without describing the main female image? Famusov's daughter received a traditional noble upbringing: from infancy she was trained to be a bride. Thanks to a living mind, strong character and healthy instincts, she is well versed in people, judging by the exact and apt statements to the father's guests. Sophia is not only mocking, but also vindictive: she does not forgive Chatsky's contempt for Molchalin, with whom she is in love. It is she who starts up an unseemly rumor, which grows into a huge gossip about Alexander's madness.

But she herself cannot avoid personal tragedy. The reason was that Sofia Famusova takes a pathetic flatterer and a silent saint for a hero in love. The young lady, who had read a lot of novels, dreamed of nobility, modesty and chivalry behind his silence.

My speaking surname Molchalin fully justifies. He comes from Tver, not a nobleman, but builds big plans, because the rank of assessor and the home secretary service is not considered the peak of his career. Thanks to hypocrisy and ability to obey, this friend of the "couch dogs" "on tiptoes" hopes to climb high on career ladder... Sophia's love gives the miserable "wordless" hope for a successful and profitable marriage, which did not take place. From now on he will be even meaner, but more careful.

What is the characteristic of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" without the main character? Without Alexander Chatsky? He is a young, wealthy nobleman. The fact that Chatsky hurried to Sofia, returning after a three-year absence, suggests that he considered the Famusovs to be close people: he grew up in their house after the death of his father. Sofia initially gives him flattering characteristics, noting a sharp mind and eloquence. But the merciless criticism of the morals and way of life of the Moscow nobility undertaken by him is unpleasant to her.

Apparently, Alexander had the opportunity to compare and rethink a lot, which is why he speaks so negatively about the existence of slavery and the absence of freedom in the country. Chatsky is the bearer of a new worldview, which is still inherent in few in contemporary Russia.

Sofia was not happy with the passionate feeling that Chatsky had for her. She herself said that "reluctantly" drove him crazy. It seems that this thought became the impetus for her stupid antics, which threw the ardent Chatsky into the abyss of "a million torments" and made him disappointed and left Moscow.

The comedy was written in 1823, but each generation of readers, schoolchildren and critics who describe the characters, "Woe from Wit" considers through the prism of their contemporary realities. And it seems that the characters created by Griboyedov will never lose their relevance.

Molchalin Alexey Stepanych- Famusov's secretary who lives in his house, as well as a fan of Sophia, who despises her in his soul. M. was transferred by Famusov from Tver. The hero's surname expresses his main feature - “wordlessness”. It was for this that Famusov made M. his secretary. In general, the hero, in spite of his youth, is a full-fledged representative of the "past century", since he has assimilated his views and lives by his principles. M. strictly follows the behest of his father: "to please all people without exception - the owner, the boss, his servant, the janitor's dog." In a conversation with Chatsky M. expounds his life principles- "moderation and accuracy." They consist in the fact that "in my years you should not dare to have your own judgment." According to M., you need to think and act as is customary in the "Famus" society. Otherwise, they will gossip about you, but, as you know, “ gossips worse than pistols. " M.'s romance with Sophia is also explained by his willingness to please everyone. He obediently plays the role of an admirer, ready to read romance novels with Sophia all night long, listen to the silence and trills of nightingales. M. does not like Sophia, but he cannot refuse to please the daughter of his boss.

Skalozub Sergey Sergeich- his image depicts the "ideal" Moscow groom - rude, uneducated, not too smart, but rich and satisfied with himself. Famusov read S. to be his daughter's husband, but she considers him "the hero of not his own novel." At the moment of his first visit to Famusov's house, S. tells about himself. He took part in the war of 1812, but received the order "on the neck" not for military exploits, but on the occasion of military celebrations. S. "marks the generals." The hero despises book wisdom. He speaks derogatoryly of his cousin reading books in the village. S. tries to embellish himself externally and internally. He dresses in an army fashion, "pulling" straps so that his chest is a wheel. Not understanding anything in Chatsky's accusatory monologues, he nevertheless subscribes to his opinion, saying all sorts of nonsense and nonsense.

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova- 17-year-old daughter of Famusov. After the death of her mother, she was brought up by "Madame", an old Frenchwoman, Rosier. S.'s childhood friend was Chatsky, who also became her first love. But over the 3 years of Chatsky's absence, S. has changed a lot, just as her love has changed. The formation of S. was influenced, on the one hand, by Moscow habits and customs, and, on the other hand, by the books of Karamzin and other sentimentalist writers. The girl imagines herself the heroine of a "sensitive" novel. Therefore, she rejects the stinging and bold Chatsky, as well as Skalozub - stupid, but rich. For the role of a platonic admirer, S. chooses Molchalin. In his home, S. does not have the opportunity to develop mentally. The only thing she is capable of is to imagine herself the heroine of a novel and act according to this role. Either she comes up with a dream in the spirit of Zhukovsky's ballads, then she pretends to faint, etc. But the "Moscow" upbringing makes itself felt. During the ball, it is she who spreads the rumor about Chatsky's madness. The heroine's romantic behavior turned out to be just a mask, her true essence is the nature of a Moscow young lady. In the finale of the comedy S. is punished. She learns about Molchalin's "betrayal", who flirts with Liza and speaks impartially about S. In addition, Famusov, having learned about his daughter's affair with his secretary, decides to remove S. from Moscow "to the village, to his aunt, in the wilderness, to Saratov." ...

Famusov Pavel Afanasevich- Moscow master, "manager of the state house." Sophia's father, a friend of Chatsky's father. The events of the play take place in his house. F. - one of the brightest representatives of the "past century." In one of his monologues, F. praises the Moscow customs, unchanged from century to century. Here is honor for father and son; here who has "souls of two thousand family, He and the groom." Moscow ladies can be sent “to command the Senate”, so they are “aware” of everything; Moscow daughters “cling to the military”, allegedly “because they are patriots”; Moscow old people, called upon to solve serious matters, "will argue, make some noise ... and disperse." In the "Famus" society, everything rests on connections: "Well, how not to please a dear little man." This model of life seems ideal to F. and other members of Moscow society, they consider it the only correct one and do not want any changes. F. is two-faced. He claims that he is known for his monastic behavior, but at the same time he hits the servant Liza. F. is afraid of any new trends. During a conversation with Chatsky, he covers his ears so as not to hear bold speeches. F.'s main enemy is learning, since it makes changes in the calm Moscow life. The hero's dream is "to take all the books and burn them." As a typical Moscow master, F. is deceived by all and sundry. And the daughter Sophia, and the secretary Molchalin, and the servant Liza. The last appearance of the hero on the stage is timed to final date Sofia and Molchalin. Seeing the young people together, F. is horrified. He accuses his daughter's “licentiousness” of the “new” Moscow, which is infected with free ideas and “the spirit of the Kuznetsky Most” (that is, Paris). At first, F. threatens to publicize this shameful case ("I will submit to the Senate, to the Ministers, to the Sovereign"), but then he remembers that his daughter will be talked about in all the houses of Moscow. In tearful horror F. exclaims: "What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say !!!" The opinion of this princess means more to F. than the opinion of the tsar himself, because in the "Famus" society she occupies one of the main places.

Chatsky Alexander Andreevich- a young nobleman. Representative of the "present century". A progressive person, well educated, with broad free views; a true patriot. After a 3-year absence, Ch. Comes to Moscow again and immediately appears at Famusov's house. He wants to see Sophia, whom he loved before leaving and with whom he is still in love. But Sophia meets Chatsky very coldly. He is perplexed and wants to find the reason for her coldness. Remaining in Famusov's house, the hero is forced to fight with many representatives of the “Famusov” society (Famusov, Molchalin, guests at the ball). His passionate accusatory monologues are directed against the order of the century of "obedience and fear", when "he was famous, whose neck often bent." When Famusov proposes Molchalin as an example of a worthy person, Ch. Pronounces the famous monologue "Who are the judges?" In it, he denounces the moral models of the "past century", mired in hypocrisy, moral slavery, etc. Ch. Examines many areas in the life of the country: public service, serfdom, education of a citizen, education, patriotism. Everywhere the hero sees the flourishing of the principles of the "past century." Realizing this, Ch. Experiences moral suffering, experiences "grief from the mind." But the hero also experiences "grief from love" to no less extent. Ch. Discovers the reason for Sophia's coldness towards him - she is in love with the insignificant Molchalin. The hero is offended by the fact that Sophia preferred him to this "miserable creature." He exclaims: "Silent people rule the world!" Very upset, Ch. Goes to a ball in the Famus house, where the flower of Moscow society has gathered. All these people weigh C. Yes, and they do not tolerate the "stranger." Sophia, in a grudge for Molchalin, spreads a rumor about the hero's madness. The whole society gladly accepts it, putting forward the hero's free-thinking as the main charge against Ch. At the ball, Ch. Delivers a monologue about a "Frenchie from Bordeaux," in which he exposes a slavish admiration for all foreigners and contempt for Russian traditions. In the finale of Ch .'s comedy, Sophia's true face is revealed. He is disappointed in her as well as in the rest of the "Famus" society. The hero has no choice but to leave Moscow.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is a versatile personality. He was a polyglot, musician, politician. He also proved to be a brilliant dramatic writer. Truly the pinnacle of his work is the comedy "Woe from Wit". It is this work that has firmly entered the treasury of Russian classics. Thanks to comedy, the modern reader knows and remembers who he is. The description of the heroes will allow the best way perceive and understand the work.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky

A landowner who has about 400 serfs under his command. Chatsky is young and has no own family... He is an orphan. Chatsky's dad was once close friends with Famusov. Famusov raised the boy, but, having matured, Alexander Andreevich separated. Sophia Chatsky has a long-standing warm relationship. He likes the girl.

Chatsky is a member of the Anglitsky Klob, that is, he is a member of a prestigious public institution of that time. Alexander is smart and knows how to beautifully express his own thoughts. A young man always makes fun of human stupidity. The tone of Chatsky's speech is harsh, he is sharp on the tongue. Society considers Alexander Andreevich a "proud man", not realizing that this is not pride, but the independence of a young man.

Since Chatsky's views on life are liberal, Famusov's society declares him crazy. For this reason, Alexander Andreevich is forced to leave the capital.

Useful video: the image of Chatsky in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Pavel Afanasevich Famusov

At the time of the actions described by Griboyedov, the man buried his wife and is raising his daughter Sophia. He is already old enough, but he is cheerful and full of strength. Famusov lives with his daughter in the capital and serves as a manager in one of the institutions.

Taking advantage of his official position, Famusov promotes his relatives in the service and gives them undeserved awards and titles.

He has wealth, but, apparently, at the present time, things are not going as well as we would like, and therefore he is looking for a profitable party for his daughter. Famusov is also a member of the "Anglichesky Klob". Pavel Afanasevich is a windy man. This can be judged by the fact that he shows signs of attention to the servant Lizaveta. Famusov is often dissatisfied, grumbles about and without.

One of his favorite pastimes is swearing at servants. Knows how to flatter and please to the right person... Famusov's characterization is impossible without an emphasis on how important it is to him what society says about him.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin

An adult man who has been acting as a secretary for Famusov for the past 3 years. Alexey Stepanovich lives, so to speak, at his place of service, that is, in a separate room with his employer. Formally, Molchalin works in the archives, where Famusov arranged for him, using connections. Alexei Stepanovich also goes to the ranks there.

Molchalin is a flatterer and a sucker. He knows how to be pleasing to Famusov, who feeds him, gives him water and promotes him up the career ladder. Alexey Stepanovich has little money. He is also a provincial. Until the moment described in the work, this hero lived in Tver. His surname is speaking, only once again emphasizes that the hero knows how much and with whom to talk.

Chatsky considers him a pitiful person. By and large, Molchalin can be said to be modest. But his attitude towards Lisa suggests that nothing masculine is alien to him. The man is silent and does not express critical remarks to nobody's address. This is his tactic.

She, in his opinion, will allow him to achieve his goal. Chatsky considers him a liar, cunning and scoundrel. He maintains relations with Famusov's daughter for the sake of moving up the career ladder. Molchalin has no feelings for her. He loves Lisa, but behaves very freely in relation to the girl.

Sofia Pavlovna Famusova

A young girl in her eighteenth year. A rich bride who can be a lucrative party. Sophia is pretty and pretty. The girl's mother died long ago, and she was raised by her father and a governess from Paris. The father gave his daughter a good family education.

Sophia learned to sing, play music, in a word, do what a girl from a decent family should be able to do. Sophia loves to read, mostly French novels... The father does not share his daughter's hobby for reading, he believes that this is a pernicious occupation.

Sophia flirts easily with her boyfriends. For this, the father reproaches her and compares her to the deceased mother. The girl is in love with Molchalin, but does not risk admitting this to Chatsky. At the same time, Sophia is very naive, because she does not understand that Alexey Stepanovich is using her for his own purposes.

Quote characteristics of Sophia:

  • "Happy hours are not observed ..."
  • “Just think how capricious happiness is! It happens worse, get away with it ... "
  • "How sweet! ... I don't care what is for him, what is in the water ..."
  • “He knows how to make fun of everyone; chatting, joking ... "
  • “I’m very windy, maybe I did it, and I know, and I blame, where did I cheat? ...”

The rest of the characters

  1. Sergey Sergeevich Skalozub. A soldier who rose to the rank of colonel. Rotates in secular circles of Moscow society. She is in middle age, but not yet old. His appearance and the timbre of his voice suggest that he is a hero. Puffer is inherent in panache. Follows fashion. And he even tries to adjust the timbre of his voice to the requirements of the fashion of that time. Skalozub is quite limited in development. All his thoughts are only about military service... Sergei Sergeevich does not even know how to support the conversation. Skalozuba can be called a careerist, because this person has made good progress up the career ladder in a short period of time. He has several military awards. Sergei Sergeevich is far from averse to marrying Sophia. According to Famusov, this great option... But Sophia does not look at the colonel. She likes Molchalin.
  2. Lizanka. This is the servant in the Famusov house. About the same age as Sophia. The girl is very pretty and spontaneous. Tries to behave "decently". She is not fooled by the gifts and promises of Molchalin. Superstitious and fearful. Lisa is often involved in the mischief of her mistress. For this reason, the girl is afraid of Famusov's anger. Both Famusov and Molchalin are trying to enter into a relationship with her, but Liza's heart is given to the barman Petrusha.
  3. Repetilov. Longtime friend of Chatsky. Very awkward, and therefore funny. Tried to make a career as an official, but failed. Constantly lying. Moreover, Repetilov is superstitious. The man is kind, but leads a stupid life. In terms of mental development it falls short. Moreover, Repetilov approaches himself self-critically and admits his own stupidity. He doesn't like to read. He does not care enough for his wife and children. He is a reveler. Lost his estate at cards. On Thursdays, this person visits a certain secret society... Very lazy.
  4. Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky. This person is a regular at all secular evenings. And he leaves only with the onset of the morning. Zagoretsky likes to watch theatrical performances... He is a fraud and lies a lot. Anton Antonovich cheats in card games, and many people know about it. He loves to gossip. Zagoretsky likes to read fables, but he does not at all understand their allegorical meaning.
  5. Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. The woman is the sister of the now deceased wife of Famusov. She is 65 years old. Khlestova noble origin... Anfisa Nilovna is very angry. It is important for her to be in line with fashion. For this reason, she got herself a spitz and goes with him to social events. Her maid is a dark-skinned arap. And this is also a tribute to fashion. Khlestova gossip. For this reason, Anfisa Nilovna knows everything about everyone. Education is not important to her. She does not read books. But she is always happy to play cards.
  6. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich. This is an old friend of Chatsky. He is now retired. Gorich's life is calm and measured. The man is married to a young man, but this marriage cannot be called happy. Often longs for the former military life. Platon Mikhailovich is bored, and he plays music on the flute. The wife takes care of the man like a weak child. His wife loves to visit social events, so Platon Mikhailovich travels with her. He is kind and gentle. Clever. But at the same time, Platon Mikhailovich can be called henpecked.
  7. Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich. She is the wife of Platon Mikhailovich. The woman is young and pretty. She likes to visit secular evenings... Keeps his spouse under the thumb. To some extent, their family is a projection possible development relations between Sophia and Molchalin.
  8. Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhovsky. Aged and possibly sick. He and his wife have six daughters. His surname is speaking. Tugoukhovsky "does not hear too much" or does not want to hear. Pyotr Ilyich with his wife and daughters goes to social events in order to find a profitable party for the heiresses.
  9. Marya Alekseevna Tugoukhovskaya. Spouse of Pyotr Ilyich. She loves to command her husband, and he obeys her. Marya Alekseevna is an inveterate gambler, she loses to Khlestova at the evening. Tugoukhovskaya considers education useless. The main thing for a woman is what rank this or that person is wearing.
  10. Countess Hryumina. There are two of them: a granddaughter and a grandmother. The author does not name them. But the name is suggestive. The granddaughter of evil, from the category of old maidens. She tries to follow the fashion. Gossip. The grandmother attends social events in order to successfully marry her granddaughter.
  11. Parsley. This is a serf in the Famusovs' house. He is literate. Helps Famusov keep records. Liza is in love with Petrushka.

Brief characteristics of the heroes

Even more succinctly and succinctly, the characteristics of the heroes of the comedy can be presented in the form of a table:

Item no. the character characteristic
1. Chatsky In love with Sophia. Smart, brilliantly educated. Witty and proud. Condemns Famus society.
2. Famusov Consistent. Wants to marry only daughter Sophia for Skalozub. Considers ranks and wealth important.
3. Molchalin Sneaky, hypocritical person... Serves at Famusov. It is important for him to please, so that later he can use it for his own purposes. Uses Sophia.
4. Sophia Young and windy. Well educated. He loves Molchalin and therefore does not notice that he is a scoundrel. He is fond of reading books.
5. Skalozub Soldier. Career is important. Underdeveloped. Single. Famusov sees him as a profitable party for his own daughter.
6. Lisa The Famusovs' maid. Not stupid, but windy. Like his old master.
7. Repetilov Ridiculous and awkward. A liar and a deceiver. Lost his estate at cards.
8. Zagoretsky Thief and gossip. Cheats at cards.
9 Khlestova Old. Attends balls and pays tribute to fashion, which keeps a spitz and arap girl in the house. Plays cards, most often dishonestly.
10. Gorichi Husband and wife. He is old and considers the marriage a failure. Influenced by his wife. She is young and in command of her husband.
11. Tugoukhovskie A husband and wife going to balls, hoping to find suitable suitors for their six daughters.

Useful video: system of images in the comedy "Woe from Wit"


Summing up, we can say that Griboyedov's writing "Woe from Wit" was the beginning of a new Russian realistic drama. The characters he created are the embodiment eternal questions in life. For Griboyedov, taking into account the historical period was important. In the name of good, he denounces the vices of society. Time has shown that the historical period is changing, but human shortcomings remain the same.

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