How to find out which nation you belong to. What will the surname "tell" about a person's nationality? Features of eastern origins

In the modern world, the question is quite acute: "Is nationality a political, social or biological concept?" Before talking about nationality, you should get acquainted with the related terms.

People. Ethnos. Nation

The people - the "new race", the "born race" of people united by one common territory - is the fundamental concept in our topic. It is clear from the definition that this is an exclusively biological term - people who have a close relationship.

Ethnicity is a people, that is, over time, a group of people formed from close peoples who have one language (refer to the same and common origin, roots, but are not geographically related.

A nation is a people with its own common history of development, culture and customs. If one nation creates its own, it will be called a nation. Thus, it is already a more aggressive, political concept. A nation can include several closely related national groups.

Nationality is ...

Nationality refers to a nation based on biological characteristics. It has no connection with a country or a specific territory. For example, Germans, Kazakhs or Englishmen who live permanently in Russia - their nationality remains the same when they change their place of residence and state. Without nationality (a characteristic of kinship between people) there will be no development of the people, it will not become a nation.

Now almost all states are multinational, although there are still separate national republics.

It is important not to confuse citizenship and nationality. The first concept is social, which means the society of which country the individual belongs. The second, as can be seen from the definition, is biological and shows who a person is by birth, origin.

Although in some countries the word "nationality" is still a definition of an individual's nationality.


The people are the smallest unit in today's discussion, you can literally take this word as a clan, a family. In the course of their development, families (tribes) expanded, divided, united with neighbors. But since they had common roots, and life took place in interaction with each other, territorial proximity, then common, similar features were gradually formed, so strong genetically that they were transmitted (are) to descendants regardless of time and distance - nationality of peoples or folk nationality.

So, if you look at the Germans, for example: non-Saxon Germans, Franconians, Saxons, Swabians, Bavarians - that's how many sub-ethnic groups (peoples) belong to the same nationality of people.

Russians have about thirty throughout Russia and beyond. And there are only two dialects - North Russian (okayusky) and South Russian (akayusky).

How to determine nationality

It would seem that it is easier. He lives in Germany, dad is German, mom is German, he is also German! But the path of mankind on Earth is already quite long. Everything is confused - peoples, ethnic groups, nations ... It is very difficult to determine a person's belonging to a specific nationality. Especially when dad's family is Poles and Jews, and mom's are Spaniards and Finns, and everyone lives in Australia.

There are still several ways:

  1. The child takes nationality from the father. The father is from his father, and thus a rather clear family (national) line is built. This happens almost all over the world, except for a few nations. In Jews, for example, the child takes the mother's nationality.
  2. Some folk groups have very striking, similar outward signs. Body structure or character traits. On such grounds, a person is ranked as belonging to a particular nationality.
  3. People who do not have the opportunity to know the nationality of their ancestors (orphans, for example), take or accept in the process of upbringing, growing up, the features of the national group with which they interact most (adoptive parents or employees of the orphanage).
  4. The most basic way has two interrelated determination processes - subjective and objective. The first is what nationality a person considers himself to be: what traditions he observes, has features of appearance and character, what language he is the speaker of. The second is how his relatives perceive it. That is, do the people of the chosen national group identify this person with themselves? Thus, nationality is personal consciousness and the surrounding agreement that a person belongs (is related by kinship) to some group of people (peoples, ethnic groups).

Over the past quarter of a century, the self-identification of the citizens of our country has undergone many changes, and most often against the backdrop of political unrest. Well, over the past few years it has even become fashionable to be "Russian". It is not for nothing that it is believed that the nationality "Russian" is more than just the concept of "nationality", it is a state of mind. How many nationalities are there in the world, how were they formed and how do they differ from citizenship? All these questions have become very topical lately.

Origin of nationalities

Just a few centuries ago, such a concept as "nationality" did not even exist, only data on the speakers of a particular language were counted. Actually, this is happening now in many other countries of our planet. Humanity has always sought to divide itself into certain ethnic groups, for example, into tribes of the primitive communal system. Later, in the era of slavery and feudalism, the concept of nationality began to form. And when society came to the bourgeois system, the concepts of "nation" and "nationality" appeared as the next stage in the development of ethnic groups. In most countries of the world, these definitions refer to the identification of citizenship, while in Russia and some other countries they have a broader meaning.


The concepts of "nationality", "nation" and "nationality" are almost identical, and it is difficult to isolate the main difference between them, because the division into ethnic groups has existed much longer than any of these definitions. Today, it is incredibly difficult to count all the nationalities of the world, because they are in constant dynamics, merging with each other, as a result of which many disappear. According to rough estimates, there are now about two thousand nationalities on the planet with a tendency of their constant decline. This is somewhat more than self-identification based on linguistic or territorial characteristics, because with 251 official states in the world, there are about six thousand languages, each of which is native to someone. Therefore, it is difficult to determine how many nationalities actually exist. In addition to the most common and well-known, such as Americans, British, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Bulgarians and others, there are small and little-known ethnic groups: Baluchis, Golds, Ingras, Lappi, Mishars and many others.

Difficulties in determining

It is customary to refer to ethnicity as belonging to a particular ethnic group. It has a hereditary character, because its main features are the surname and appearance of a person, as well as some character traits that are defined as mentality. But this concept is rather arbitrary. In connection with the constant dynamics of the mixing of ethnic groups in the pedigree of this or that person, the presence of representatives of the most diverse nationalities is possible, which makes it difficult to determine the nationality itself. Thus, despite the fact that in many countries the main feature of such a definition is citizenship or language, nationality increasingly remains the concept of personal self-identification.

From Empire to Federation

In the Russian Empire in 1897, a population census was held, then the belonging of a citizen to a particular ethnic group was determined by language and religion. A little later, the concept of "nationality" and "peoples" began to be applied, and the column "nationality" in passports appeared already in the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century. The Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had such a name for a more precise definition of the territorial entities represented in it (republics, autonomous regions and districts). Well, today the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right to self-determination in the choice of nationality.

Such different "Russians"

Many people are very interested in the question of why all the nationalities of the world are nouns (Latvians, Poles, Romanians, Tatars and others), and only among Russians is this an adjective. It is difficult to answer this question for sure, and different scientists put forward different theories. To begin with, this is the largest nationality in the world. According to various estimates, the nationality "Russian" has from 130 to 150 million people around the globe, living not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Russians are the most numerous East Slavic ethnic group. This is the main part of the population and the indigenous people of Russia, as well as a large part of the population of the former Soviet republics such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and others. But Russians are widespread not only in the post-Soviet space, in the USA, Germany, Canada and Brazil, but also in other large states, they are represented by large diasporas. The language of nationality is Russian. Some sub-ethnoses of the Russian people in other countries have their own names: goryuny (region of Ukraine), Lipovans (region of Romania), Albazinians (region of China), Nekrasovtsy (region of Turkey). As for the territory of Russia itself, despite the common nationality of "Russian", the population is also divided into narrower ethnic groups, such as Cossacks, Sayans, Tudovlyans, Pomors, Kolymians, Siberians, Markovites and many others, depending on the region of residence. ...

What defines a Russian?

It is believed that as a nationality "Russian" is an overly compressed concept. These are not just some anthropological features or the endings of the surname with -ov / -ev. V.I.Dal, the great Russian scientist, writer and lexicographer, had his own point of view on the definition of a person's nationality, and there is undoubtedly a rational grain in this opinion. He believed that depending on what language a person thinks, he belongs to that people. Russian is spoken by a huge part of the world's population and, in addition to Russia, the overwhelming majority of the population of some former republics of the USSR, while reckoning themselves with other nationalities on a territorial basis. Russians are more than a nationality, they are a civilization, distinctive and unique, uniting language, culture and mentality into a single whole.

Have you ever wondered about the origin of your last name? In fact, it is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to find out the nationality, the roots of a person. To figure out which nationality a particular surname belongs to, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix Ukrainian surnames- “-enko” (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Tymoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes is “-eyko”, “-ko”, “-ochko” (Belebeyko, Bobreiko, Grishko). The third suffix is ​​“-ovskiy” (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often among Ukrainian surnames one can find those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from combinations of two words (Sinegub, Belogor).

Among Russians surnames the following suffixes are common: “-an”, “-yn”, “in”, “-skih”, “-ov”, “-ev”, “-skoy”, “-tskoy”, “-ih”, “ th ". It is easy to guess that examples of such surnames are the following: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, Sedykh.

Polish surnames most often they have the suffixes “-sk” and “-tsk”, as well as the endings “-y”, “-ya” (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). You can often find Poles with surnames with an unchangeable form (Senkevich, Wozniak, Mitskevich).

English surnames often come from the name of the area where the person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of the professions (Smith - blacksmith), from the characteristics (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet).

Before many French surnames there is an insert "Le", "Mon" or "De" (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames most often they are formed from names (Peters, Jacobi, Vernet), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the type of activity (Schmidt - blacksmith, Mueller - miller).

Tatar surnames come from Tatar words and such suffixes: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames formed with the help of such suffixes: “-ini”, “-ino”, “-ello”, ”-illo”, “-etti”, “-etto”, “-ito” (Moretti, Benedetto).

Majority Spanish and Portuguese surnames come from characteristics (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - gallant). The most common endings are “-es”, “-es”, “-az” (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames formed with the suffix "en" (Larsen, Hansen). Surnames without a suffix are also popular (Per, Morgen). Surnames are often formed from the names of natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard is a blizzard, Svane is a swan).

Swedish surnames most often end with “-sson”, “-berg”, “-sted”, “-strom” (Forsberg, Bosstrom).

Have Estonians by surname you will not be able to understand whether a person is masculine or feminine (Simson, Nahk).

Have Jewish surnames there are two common roots - Levy and Cohen. Most surnames are derived from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are also surnames that are formed using suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames end in “-ich”, “-chik”, “-ka”, “-ko”, “-onak”, “-yonak”, “-uk”, ”- ik”, ”- ski” (Radkevich, Kukharchik ).

Turkish surnames have the ending “-oglu”, “-ji”, “-zade” (Mustafaoglu, Ekinci).

Almost all Bulgarian surnames formed from names using the suffixes “-ov”, “-ev” (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Mens Latvian surnames end with “-s”, “-is”, and women end with “-e”, “-a” (Shurins - Shurina).

And the men Lithuanian surnames end with “-onis”, “-unas”, “-utis”, “-aitis”, “-ena” (Norvidaitis). Women's ends in “-en”, “-yuven”, “-uven” (Grinyuvene). The surnames of unmarried girls contain a part of the father's surname and the suffixes “-out”, “-poluyut”, “-ayt”, as well as the ending “-e” (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Majority Armenian surnames end with the suffix “-yan”, “-yants”, “-uni” (Hakobyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames end with “-shvili”, “-dze”, “-uri”, “-ava”, “-a”, “-ua”, “-ia”, “-ni” (Mikadze, Gvishiane).

Greek surnames the endings "-idis", "-kos", - "pullos" (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis) are inherent.

Chinese and Korean surnames consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tang Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames are formed with one or two words (Kitamura - north and village).

Feature of female Czech surnames is the obligatory ending "-ova" (Valdrova, Andersonova).

It is amazing how many differences there are between the names of different nationalities and peoples!

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How to determine nationality by surname? Find out your nationality?

    I would answer this rather difficult question about nationality by name.

    In some cases, of course, you can, to some extent, try to determine the nationality by surname, if you know the ending of this surname.

    For example, the ending of the surname in: shvili or dze - for Georgians, in: yang - for Armenians, in: ko - for Ukrainians, in: ku - for Moldovans, in: iy - for Poles. However, this is all pretty relative, of course. You can also find out the nationality by some surnames, for example: Tsoi is a Korean.

    In general, it can be very difficult to determine nationality by surname, since many surnames are similar. There are many similar surnames, for example, Jews and Germans, Jews and Poles, etc.

    It is not always possible to determine nationality by surname. In the modern world, everything is too mixed. A person may have a Belarusian surname, but only 5% of Belarusian blood. Such a person was born and raised in Kazakhstan, his native language is Kazakh. His appearance is clearly not Slavic, he does not know a word in Belarusian, but he has never been in Belarus itself and has no idea where this country is ... Will such a person be considered their own in Belarus?))

    And what if a person with a Caucasian appearance comes up to you and begins to prove with foam at the mouth that he is Russian? With a strong Caucasian accent? Will you believe him?)) But in his passport he has a Russian surname, and a Russian is indicated in his birth certificate.

    And here's another question: Is Dmitry Pozharsky a Western Ukrainian or Pole by nationality?))

    Did you know that Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is a Scot?)) Really, what is there to think about? His genus is of Scottish descent

    Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is not Russian, but Tatar!))

    Can suggest nationality or ethnic origin of a person by surname, but cannot be determined in any way. The surname can come from a very distant ancestor, from primal parents, it can be modified in the paperwork. There are surnames of the same type that are found in persons of completely different nationalities. For example, surnames ending in sky sky found among Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews.

    It is possible to determine nationality by surname with a high probability, while it should be borne in mind that that other person could change the surname. Or the parents, grandparents of this person could have replaced him. As for in general terms, pay attention to the ending, each country and its citizens have special endings on their surnames, so if in Russia the endings -ov- and -ev- are most often used, then in other countries they are their own.

    Yes it is possible. Ukrainian surnames have the following endings: -ko, yuk, nickname. Examples: Nikitenko, Klimenko, Artmenko, Korotchenko, Linnik, Vinnik, Gnatyuk. There are also other Ukrainian surnames. Russian surnames end in -ov, -ev, -ii, -in. Examples: Volkov, Gromov, Popov, Somov, Nikolaev, Grigoriev, Ushansky, Bakin. There are also other Russian surnames. The surname Partskhaladze or Pavliashvili suggests that such a person is a Georgian. Other Asian surnames are difficult for a Russian to pronounce. It is necessary to pay attention to famous people from a certain country in order to determine what national name a person bears. But it is possible to reliably determine the nationality by the passport. Although you can ask the interlocutor about this.

With a test for nationality, you can identify your participation in a certain category of people. A person does not always know his personal roots, perhaps he grew up in an orphanage, his parents did not tell about their ancestors. People often suspect that they do not belong to the nationality indicated in the passport, and they do not know how to identify their true roots. You can, of course, take a DNA test or ask friends, old people who can tell about distant relatives, but this is long and painstaking. Often, there is no time to do this, or there is no desire, because without any proof we have lived for so many years.

But the test for nationality in appearance, surname, character, you can pass quickly, while receiving an exhaustive result. Sometimes even the appearance does not distinguish a person from those around him, but the temperament, violent disposition, takes its toll. Here we can say that in every country, city, village, there are such people, and their character does not depend on ethnic identity. There is some truth in this, but most still understand why they look different, have curly hair or other features, so they want to find out their true origin.

If you are of an unusual appearance, even if it is not much different from those around you, and you suspect that you have a different origin, do a test for nationality by appearance, it will refute or confirm the guesses.

Often, the subconscious of people is influenced by their mission from a past life, although it sounds like a fiction, it happens. Test: What nationality were you in a past life, will reveal to you the secret of some of your actions.

For recognition of race, there are services with uploading photos, but we propose to take a test for nationality by photo description, which will reveal your knowledge in this matter. As a result, you will receive an answer whether you have correctly identified this or that nationality.

Each individual has its own characteristics, but there are characteristics inherent in a particular nationality. The test for nationality by character will identify you to a certain nation, based on your qualities.

Standard tests for nationality in the face require uploading a photo, after which they give the result. We invite you to answer the questions, based on which, you can understand how much you know other nationalities.

Different attitudes of people towards representatives of other nationalities, the Racist test will determine your view, and also reveal the degree of your disregard for a person with a different skin tone than your relatives.

The ability to think, reason, the manner of speaking is different for everyone. But there are certain signs for each region. So, for example, Russians may not understand the humor of the British and vice versa. Find out who you are by mentality, the test will answer this question based on the options you choose.

Having passed the online test for nationalism, you will understand how much you love your region, your country. For some, worries about the Motherland are alien, others are preoccupied with the material situation, but there are also those who are extremely devoted to their Motherland.

Peculiarities in appearance and character are manifested in nations, the specificity of their surnames is also the difference between each nation. Try to determine the nationality by last name, an online test will help with this, go through, get the result.

The test, How to recognize your roots by appearance, will make it possible to determine your true roots by some cumulative marks inherent in a particular nation, ethnic group, continental zone.

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