Mausoleum on Red Square: a magical ziggurat with a teraphim and a sacred sacrifice laid under them ?! (Video). The mausoleum is a ziggurat, and lenin is the sworn object of the Black ziggurat on red square lenin jew

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VIL's Satanic Altar

One of the main results of the Russian March was the patriots' awareness of the situation in which we now live: Russia is occupied; the occupation "constitution" - a filkin letter, which can be formatted with a stroke of the pen by any of the puppets sitting at the top; the Russians have no army; there is no single national organization capable of returning power to the Russians; there are no special hopes for a quick victory either. The question arises: what to do?

Patriots try to answer it in different ways, often voicing other people's prompted words. Some arrange a "prayer stand", others gather a society of zealous persecutors of pederasty, others run around the city with a piece of rebar, others throw mayonnaise at someone, fifths chase liberal grandmothers out of their minds. The result of this activity is obvious. When we try to criticize her, they scold us, they say, let's do at least something. What?

As the ancient Chinese wisely said, the path of a thousand li begins with one step.

Russians are separated from OUR DAY not by a thousand, but by a much smaller distance, but this does not negate the need for the first step. Our the first step is to remove the body from the ziggurat in Red Square... Below we will explain in detail the magical side of this action, which knocks out the occult foundation from under the existing regime in Russia, but first of all it is important to understand the practical essence of this step.

It begins with the fact that, having familiarized themselves with the proposed material, the nationalists should begin preparations for the removal of the body, which should be strived to be carried out in April, on the day when Blank (Ulyanov) appeared, or perhaps this should be done on the anniversary of the day the body was loaded into the ziggurat ( here are the reasons for the Russian Marches). In the course of preparing and implementing the task, we, on the one hand, will unite the nationalists around a clearly defined vector of actions, which will become the basis for the future united Russian national liberation organization, on the other hand, we will identify all the enemies of the Russian people who will definitely show themselves: either, by starting to protest against the removal of the body, or by refusing to support this intention. Everything will become simple and clear and the wonderful logical formula "Who is not with us is against us!" will once again demonstrate its revelatory effectiveness. Well, if this power resists the removal of the body, under any pretext, so much the better for the struggle - its satanic foundation will be clearly and mercilessly revealed. After all, the struggle is still going on only for the minds and souls, for the insight of our people, and if we win it, then we have already won.

Ziggurat (ziggurat, ziggurat): in the architecture of Ancient Mesopotamia, the iconic tiered tower. Ziggurats had 3-7 tiers in the form of truncated pyramids or parallelepipeds of raw brick, connected by stairs and gentle slopes - ramps (Dictionary of architectural terms)

Bloody Square. She is wearing Ziggurat.
It is done. I'm close. Well, I'm glad.
I descend into a fetid, terrible maw.
It is easy to fall on slippery steps.
Here is the stinking heart of ancient evil,
Bodies that eats souls to ashes.
A hundred-year-old beast made its nest here.
The door is wide open here for demons in Russia.

Nikolay Fedorov

The architectural ensemble of Red Square has evolved over the centuries. Kings succeeded each other. The walls of the citadel replaced each other - first wooden, then white-stone, finally, brick, as we see them now. Fortress towers were erected and demolished. Houses were built and dismantled. Trees grew and fell. Defensive ditches were dug and filled up. Water was supplied and discharged. A wide network of underground communications was laid and destroyed, one way or another affecting structures on the surface. The surface of this surface also changed, right up to the railway (a tram was running until 1930). As a result, we got what we see now: a red wall, towers with stars, huge pines, St. Basil's Cathedral, shopping arcades, the Historical Museum and ... the ritual tower of the ziggurat in the very center of the square.

Even a person far from architecture involuntarily asks the question: why was it decided to build a structure near the Russian medieval fortress in the 20th century - an absolute copy of the top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan? The Athenian Parthenon has been duplicated in the world at least twice - one of the copies stands in the city of Sochi, where it was built on the orders of Comrade Dzhugashvili. The Eiffel Tower has been multiplied so much that its clones are present in one form or another in every country. There are even "Egyptian" pyramids in some parks. But to build the temple of Huitzilopochtli, the supreme and most bloody deity of the Aztecs, to build in the very heart of Russia is just an amazing idea! However, one could put up with the architectural tastes of the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution - well, they built it, well, okay. But after all, in the ziggurat on Red Square, it is not striking appearance... It is no secret to anyone that in the basement of the ziggurat lies a corpse embalmed according to some rules.

A mummy in the 20th century, and a mummy made by the hands of atheists is nonsense. Even when the builders of parks and attractions erect somewhere "Egyptian pyramids" - they are pyramids only outwardly: it never occurred to anyone to seal a freshly made "Pharaoh" in them. How did the Bolsheviks come up with this? Unclear. It is not clear why the mummy has not yet been taken out, after all, the Bolsheviks themselves have already been taken out, as it were? It is not clear why the ROC is silent, after all, the body, so to speak, is restless? Moreover: many other bodies are still embedded in the wall near the ziggurat, which is for Christians the height of blasphemy, the temple of Satan, by and large, because this is an ancient rite of black magic - to wedge people into the fortress walls (so that the fortress will stand for centuries)? And the stars above the towers are five-pointed! Pure Satanism, and Satanism at the state level is like that of the Aztecs.

In this situation, every person who considers himself a clergyman in "multi-confessional" Russia should start every morning with a prayer to his gods, urging to urgently remove the ziggurat from Red Square, because this is the temple of Satan, no more and no less! Russia, we are told, is a "multi-confessional country": there are also "Orthodox" (I mean the false church of the ROC MP - ed.), and Jehovah's Witnesses, and Muslims, and even gentlemen who call themselves rabbis. All of them are silent: Ridiger, and different mullahs, and Berl-Lazar. Their temple to Satan on Red Square suits. At the same time, this whole company says that it serves one God. There is a persistent impression that we know what this "god" is called - main temple for him stands in the main place of the country. What and who needs more proof?

From time to time, the public tries to remind the authorities that, they say, the construction of communism has been canceled for 15 years already, so it wouldn't hurt to take the main builder out of the ziggurat and bury it, or even burn it, scattering the ashes somewhere over the warm sea. The authorities explain: pensioners will protest. A strange explanation: when comrade Dzhugashvili was taken out of the ziggurat, half of the country was on their ears, but nothing - the authorities were not very stressed. And the Stalinists today are no longer what they used to be: pensioners are silent, even when they are dying of hunger, when prices for apartments, electricity, gas, transport are raised again - and then suddenly everyone will come out and protest?

Dzhugashvili was taken out as: today they admitted that he was a criminal - tomorrow they buried him. But for some reason the authorities are in no hurry with Blank (Ulyanov) - they have been pulling with the removal of the body for 15 years already. The stars were not removed from the Kremlin, although the "Museum of the Revolution" was renamed to " Historical Museum". They did not remove the stars from the shoulder straps, although they removed political instructors from the army. Moreover, the stars were returned to the banners. The anthem was returned. The words are different - but the music is the same, as if awakening in the listeners some kind of programmed rhythm important for the authorities. And the mummy continues to lie. Is all this involved some kind of occult meaning incomprehensible to the public? The authorities again explain: if you touch the mummy, the communists will organize actions. But on November 4, we saw the "action" of the communists - three grandmothers came. And four grannies came out with banners a couple of days later - on November 7th. Is the government so afraid of them? Or is it something else?

Today, to a person who knows what magic is, the occult is perfectly visible, mystical meaning structures on Red Square. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to others all the drama of the experiment being carried out on them - someone will not believe, someone will twist his finger at his temple. but modern science does not stand still, and what only yesterday seemed like magic, for example, human flights by air or television - today has become the so-called objective reality. Many moments associated with the ziggurat on Red Square have become a reality.

Modern physics has studied a little electricity, light, corpuscular radiation, they talk about the existence of other waves and phenomena. And they are regularly discovered, for example, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto recently conducted an extensive study of the microstructure of water crystals, which has long been attributed to the presence of certain properties of an information carrier (and an amplifier of various radiation unrecorded by devices). That is, some part of knowledge that was considered occult has already become a purely physical fact.

Who, besides specialists, knows about Gurwitsch's "mitogenic radiation" (Gurwitsch, discovered in 1923 (its physical nature was partially established in 1954 by Italians L. Colli and W. Faccini)? These and other persistent invisible waves emit dead or dying cells. Such waves kill - proved in a number of experiments. Obviously, the reader assumes that we will now discuss the "radiation" emanating from the mummy and harm Muscovites? The reader is deeply mistaken: we will now talk about the history of Red Square. and explain.

Red Square has not always been Red. In the Middle Ages, there were many wooden buildings, in which there were constant fires. Naturally, for several centuries more than one person was burnt alive in this place. At the end of the 15th century, Ivan III put an end to these disasters: the wooden buildings were demolished, forming a square - Torg. But in 1571 the Torg all the same all burned out, and again people were burnt alive - as they will then burn in the hotel "Russia". And since then the area has been called "Fire". It became the site of executions for centuries - pulling out nostrils, lashing with whips, quartering and boiling alive. The corpses were thrown into the fortress ditch - where the bodies of some military leaders are now buried. At the time of Ivan the Terrible, animals were even kept in the ditch, which they fed with these corpses. In 1812, during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon, it all burned down again. Even then, about a hundred thousand Muscovites died, and the corpses were also dragged into the fortress ditches - no one buried them in winter.

From an occult point of view, after such a prehistory, Red Square is ALREADY a terrible place, and some sensitive people who first approach the Kremlin feel well the oppressive atmosphere spread by its walls. From a physical point of view, the land under Red Square is saturated with death, because the necrobiotic radiation discovered by Gurvich is extremely persistent. Thus, the very place for the ziggurat and the burial place of Soviet commanders is already suggestive.

The ziggurat is a ritual architectural structure tapering upward like a multi-stage pyramid - the same one that stands on Red Square. However, a ziggurat is not a pyramid, as it always has a small temple on top. The most famous of the ziggurats is the famous Tower of Babel. Judging by the remains of the foundation and the records on the surviving clay tablets, the Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters.

The top of the tower was decorated in the form of a small temple with a ritual BEDROOM as an altar - the place where the king of the Babylonians entered into intercourse with the virgins brought to him - the spouses of the god of the Babylonians: it was believed that at the moment of the act the deity entered the king or priest performing the magic ceremony and fertilized a woman.

The height of the Tower of Babel did not exceed the width of the base, which we also see in the ziggurat on Red Square, that is, it is quite typical. Its content is also quite typical: something that resembles a temple at the top, and something mummified, lying at the lowest level. Something that the Chaldeans used in Babylon later received the designation - teraphim, that is, the opposite of the seraphim.

It is difficult to explain well the essence of the concept of "teraphim" in a nutshell, not to mention the descriptions of the varieties of teraphim and the approximate principles of their work. Roughly speaking, the teraphim is a kind of "sworn object", a "collector" of magical, parapsychic energy, which, according to magicians, envelops the teraphim in layers, formed by special rites and ceremonies. These manipulations are called "the creation of the teraphim", since it is impossible to "manufacture" the teraphim.

The clay tablets of Mesopotamia do not lend themselves very well to deciphering, which gives rise to different interpretations of the signs recorded there, sometimes with very startling conclusions (for example, those set forth in the books of Zechariah Sitchin). In addition, the sequence of the "creation of the teraphim", which lay in the foundations of the Tower of Babel, would not have been made public by any priest, even under torture. The only thing that the texts say and with which all the translators agree is that the teraphim Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for communication with whom the tower was built) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time, other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate, apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of a removed brain). It contained all the power of the teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or an image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another: the will of the owner of the teraphim seemed to flow through the metal into the person in contact with him: under pain of death by forcing his subjects to wear “diamonds” around their necks, the king of Babylon could control their owners to one degree or another.

Pickled head with a hole
Syphilitic freak VIL
is still an object of worship of Russians

We cannot assert that the head of a man lying in a ziggurat on Red Square is a teraphim, but the following facts are noteworthy:

  • there is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason, the brain is still stored at the Institute of the Brain;
  • the head is covered with a surface made of special glass;
  • the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere up. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the creatures of the worlds of Hell;
  • images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Pekla;
  • For some reason, instead of shoulder straps, “rhombuses” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “stars” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and that were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Vil. "Ornaments" similar to diamonds and stars, imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower, were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, parts of the victim's body are also used, for example, the victim's head is walled up under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim. We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, but there is evidence that this fact takes place: in the ziggurat lie the heads of the ritually murdered king and queen, as well as the heads of two more unknown persons. people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the "transfer" of power from the communists to the "democrats" (thus the teraphim were, as it were, "renewed", strengthened).

We have some interesting facts.

The first fact is the certainty that the murder of Nicholas II was ritual and, as a result, his remains could later be used for ritual purposes. Whole have been written about this historical research dotting all i's.

The second fact is reflected in these studies: the testimony of Yekaterinburg residents who, on the eve of the Tsar's murder, saw a man “with the appearance of a rabbi, with a pitch-black beard”: he was brought to the place of execution on a train from ONE CAR, which was occupied by this important person among the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the execution, such a conspicuous train left with some boxes. Who came, why - we do not know.

But we know the third fact: a certain professor Zbarsky "invented" the recipe for embalming in three days, although the same North Koreans, having much more advanced technologies, have been working on the conservation of Kim Il Sung for more than a year. That is, apparently, someone suggested the recipe for Zbarsky again. And to prevent the recipe from drifting out of his circle, Professor Vorobyov, who helped Zbarsky, and who also willingly learned about the secret, "accidentally" died quite soon during the operation.

Finally, the fourth fact - the consultations of the architect Shchusev (the official "builder" of the ziggurat) mentioned in historical documents by a certain F. Poulsen, a specialist in the architecture of Mesopotamia. It is interesting: why did the architect consult an archaeologist, after all, Shchusev seemed to be building, and not carrying out excavations?

Thus, we have every reason to assume that if the Bolsheviks had so many "consultants": for construction, for ritual killings, on embalming - it is obvious that they consulted the revolutionaries correctly, having done everything according to one magical scheme - would they not build a Chaldean ziggurat, embalm the body according to the Egyptian recipe, accompanying everything with the Aztec ceremonies? Although with the Aztecs, not everything is so simple.

We compared the ziggurat on Red Square with the Tower of Babel, not because it resembles it most of all, although it strongly resembles: just the abbreviation of the pseudonym in the ziggurat of the leader of the world proletariat coincides with the name of the Babylonian god - his name was Vil. We do not know - again, probably a "coincidence". If we talk about an EXACT copy of the ziggurat, about the sample, the "source" - then this is undoubtedly a building on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotiucan, where the Aztecs brought human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. Or a structure very similar to it.

Uitzilopochtli is the main god of the Aztec pantheon. One day he promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a "blessed" place, where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoche: the Aztecs came to Teotiucan, massacred the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids erected by the Toltecs they built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

Thus, everything is clear with the Aztecs: first, some demon helped them - then they began to feed this demon. However, nothing is clear with the Bolsheviks: is Witzilopochtli involved in the 1917 revolution, after all, the temple near the Kremlin was definitely built for him !? Moreover: Shchusev, who built the ziggurat, was advised by a specialist in the cultures of Mesopotamia, right? But in the end it turned out to be a temple of the bloody deity of the Aztecs. How did it happen? Shchusev listened badly? Or was Poulsen a poor storyteller? Or maybe Poulsen really had something to tell?

The answer to this question became possible only in the middle of the 20th century, when images of the so-called "Pergamon Altar" or, as it is also called, "the throne of Satan" were found. Mention of him is found already in the Gospel, where Christ, addressing a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan is" (Rev. 2.13). For a long time this building was known mainly from legends - there was no image.

Once this image was found. When studying it, it turned out that either the temple for Huitzilopochtli is his exact copy, or the structures have some more ancient pattern, from which they were copied. The most convincing version claims that the "source" now rests at the bottom of the Atlantic - in the middle of Atlantis, which died in the abyss of the continent. Some part of the priests of the ancient satanic cult moved to Mesoamerica, and the second part found refuge somewhere in Mesopotamia. We do not know if this is really so, and to which of the branches the builders of the ziggurat belong in Moscow, it is difficult to say, but the fact is obvious - in the center of the capital there is a structure, an exact copy of two ancient temples, where they performed bloody rituals and inside this structure in a glass coffin there is a specially embalmed corpse. And this is in the 20th century.

The consultant who "helped" Shchusev build the ziggurat knew well how the building needed by the customer should look like without any excavation of clay tablets. Strange knowledge, strange customers, a strange place for a building, strange events in the country after the completion of construction - hunger, and not one, war, and not one, the GULAG - a whole network of places where millions of people were tortured, as if pumping out of them vital energy... And the accumulator of this energy, apparently, just became the ziggurat.

Trying to talk about the "principles of operation" of the ritual complex on Red Square will not be entirely correct, since magic is an act of occult influence, and the occult has no principles. Let's say physics talks about some kind of "protons" and "electrons", but in the beginning there is still the creation of electrons, the creation of protons. How did they come about? As a result of the "magic" of the Big Bang? In words, the phenomenon can be called whatever you like, but from this the supernatural does not become something that you can touch and see. Even “feeling” and “looking” is all the same a fact of the interaction of consciousness with single manifestations of the so-called “electricity”, the essence of which is absolutely incomprehensible. However, let's try to fit into the terminology acceptable to scientific atheism.

view from above:
"cut" 4th corner
(taken from the Bolshevik website

Everyone knows what a parabolic antenna is. They also know the general principle of its operation: a parabolic antenna is a mirror that collects something, right? And what is the corner of the building? An angle is an angle, that is, the intersection of two even walls. There are three such corners at the base of the ziggurat in Red Square. And in place of the fourth - on the side from which the demonstrations passing in front of the stands appear - there is no corner. There is, of course, not a stone pabolic "plate", but there is definitely no corner - there is a niche (it is clearly visible in the frames of the archive chronicle, where people in clothes with stars burn the banners of the Third Reich at the ziggurat). The question is: why is this niche? Where does such a strange architectural solution come from? Is the ziggurat drawing some kind of energy from the crowd walking across the square? We do not know, although we recall that it is customary to put a very naughty child in a corner, and it is extremely uncomfortable to sit on the corner of the table, since the depressions and internal corners draw energy out of the person, and the sharply protruding corners and ribs, on the contrary, emit. What energy in question we cannot say, perhaps, that some of its qualities are precisely represented by the so-called "electromagnetic radiation" actively used by the organizers of the ziggurat. Judge for yourself.

"Cut off" 4th corner of Satan's throne - VIL

In the early 20s of the last century, Paul Kremer published a number of publications in which, operating on such a purely abstract thing at that time as "genes" (they did not know about DNA at that time), he deduced a whole theory about how the genes of a particular population could be influenced by hypothetical radiation erupting from dead or dying tissue. By and large, this was a theory about how to spoil the gene pool of an entire people, forcing people to stand for some time in front of a specially treated corpse or relaying the "radiation" of this corpse to the whole country. At first glance, a pure theory: some kind of "genes", some "rays", although magicians knew such a procedure well in the days of the pharaohs and was governed by the laws of asymptotic magic. According to these laws, the appearance and well-being of the pharaoh in some supernatural way were relayed to his subjects: the pharaoh was sick - the people were sick, they made the pharaoh some kind of freak and mutant - mutations and deformities began to appear in children all over Egypt.

Then people forgot about this magic, or rather, people were actively helped to forget that it was magic. But time passes, and people understand how the DNA system works - they understand it from the point of view of molecular biology. And then a few more decades pass and such a science as wave genetics appears, such phenomena as DNA solitons are discovered - that is, superweak, but extremely stable acoustic and electromagnetic fields generated by the genetic apparatus of the cell. With the help of these fields, cells exchange information both with each other and with the outside world, turning on, turning off or even rearranging certain regions of chromosomes. This is a scientific fact, no fiction. It remains only to compare the fact of the existence of DNA solitons and the fact that SEVENTY MILLION people have visited a ziggurat with a mummy. Draw your own conclusions.

The next possible "mechanism of work" for the ziggurat is a stable mitogenic field in Red Square, created by blood soaked into the local soil and emanations of pain from people killed there. Is it a coincidence that the ziggurat is in this particular place? And the fact that under the ziggurat there is a huge sewer - that is, a cesspool filled to the top with excrements - is it also a "coincidence"? Stool is a material, on the one hand, has long been traditionally used in magic for guidance different types spoilage, on the other - think how many microbes live and die in the sewer? When they die, they radiate. How strongly the experiments of Gurvich showed: small colonies of microbes easily killed mice and even rats. Did the builders of the ziggurat know that there is a sewage system at the site of the future construction? Suppose that the Bolsheviks did not have an architectural plan for the square, they dug in the blind, as a result of which one day the sewer was burst and the mummy was flooded. But then the collector was not rebuilt, for example, taking it aside from the ziggurat. It was simply deepened and expanded (this information will be confirmed by the Moscow diggers) - so that the leader of the world proletariat has something to eat.

It seems that the builders of the ziggurat, apparently, possessed magic to perfection, if through the millennia they managed to betray some tradition from generation to generation and once reproduced the "throne of Satan" on Red Square - never having seen known to science drawings with his image. They owned, own and, obviously, will own, putting satanic experiments on Russians, and possibly on all of humanity. And perhaps they won't - if the Russians find the strength to put an end to this. This is not difficult to do, because: although the ziggurat is registered with UNESCO as “ historical monument”(Monuments cannot be desecrated) - the unburied corpse lying there completely falls out of the legal field, defiles the religious feelings of believers of all confessions and even atheists. You can simply take it and pull it out at night by the legs, without violating a single Russian "law", because there is no law or legal basis on which this mummy is in the ziggurat.

From the book "The Origins of Evil (The Secret of Communism)":

"Write to the angel of the Pergamon church: ... you live where Satan's throne is:" Any guide to Berlin mentions that since 1914, one of the Berlin museums housed the Pergamon Altar. It was discovered by German archaeologists and moved to the center of Nazi Germany. But the story of Satan's throne does not end there. The Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagblalit reported on January 27, 1948: " Soviet army took Berlin, and the altar of Satan was moved to Moscow. "It is strange that long time The Pergamon altar was not exhibited in any of the Soviet museums. Why did you need to move him to Moscow?

The architect Shchusev, who built Lenin's mausoleum in 1924, took this gravestone Pergamon altar. Externally, the mausoleum was erected on the principle of the arrangement of the ancient Babylonian temples, of which the most famous is the Babylonian tower mentioned in the Bible. The book of the prophet Daniel, written in the 7th century BC, says: "The Babylonians had an idol named Vil". Isn't it a significant coincidence with the initials of Lenin on the throne of Satan?

And to this day, VIL's mummy is contained there, inside the pentagram. Church archeology testifies: "The ancient Jews, rejecting Moses and faith in the true God, cast from gold not only the calf, but also the star of Remfan" - five-pointed star, which serves as an invariable attribute of the satanic cult. Satanists call it the seal of Lucifer.

Thousands of Soviet citizens stood in line every day to visit this temple of Satan, where Lenin's mummy lies. The leaders of states paid tribute to Lenin, who rests within the walls of the monument erected to Satan. Not a day goes by that this place is not decorated with flowers, while Christian churches on the same Red Square in Moscow have been turned into lifeless museums for many decades.

While the Kremlin is overshadowed by the stars of Lucifer, while on Red Square, inside an exact copy of the Pergamon altar of Satan, is the mummy of the most consistent Marxist, we know that the influence dark forces communism persists. "

For several years now, the Russian Information Agency has been researching the reasons that prevent one of the “monuments of the Soviet era” from being demolished in the 20th year of the “triumph of democracy”. Officially, the “monument” is called “the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin ", however, to any sane person, it is obvious that the monument is a little strange: in the courtyard of the 21st century, satellites, the Internet and preparations for a flight to Mars, and on Red Square there is a strange building with a mummy in the foundation, made in the image and likeness of black magic ziggurats Ancient Babylon... What is it doing there? (See ARI materials on the topic: Ziggurat on Red Square in the projection of the "Black Pyramid", Project "Mausoleum" - full version. Announcement of future materials, Occult entropy from Red Square, Part 1 Ziggurat: Occult mudras of Ilyich's hands, Project "Mausoleum": The Mystery of the Creation of the Will Suppressing Machine, Answers to the Flying Pyramids. Part 1 of the UFO and Big Politics Part 3. A starship in the center of Moscow, Secrets of the Ziggurat and the Teraphim on Red Square!)

At one time, the Bolsheviks demolished all the monuments to the Romanovs in a couple of months, just as after 1991 very quickly the "democrats" demolished Soviet coats of arms from houses, but there was some kind of hitch with the ritual construction on Red Square in twenty years. And what is surprising: the earth is full of rumors and wherever they do not talk about the "mausoleum" - ziggurat, but officially this topic is stubbornly hushed up - as if there is no "mausoleum".

The topic has been hushed up for so long that somewhere above the understanding began to advance that silence on the topic of the "mausoleum" only confirms all assumptions. So, recently, the mysterious curators of the "mazolei" still had to raise the topic, choosing as a test platform for a guided discussion of the topic the TRK "Petersburg-Fifth Channel". The task of the staged "discussion" was, obviously, to rehearse answers to inconvenient questions with a limited circle of TV viewers and, ultimately, to convince the public that the "mausoleum" stands and will stand on Red Square, because that is the will of millions of workers. However, either not very competent citizens were harnessed to this business, or the priestly clan at the "mausoleum" has already begun to fall into insanity and poorly understands - in the end it turned out what happened. It turned out that people gave themselves away with their heads and small guts, having done this more than once, more precisely - almost every minute of a rather long TV broadcast.

We are not quite sure that after the appearance of this material, the self-disclosing video will remain on the website of the Channel 5 shopping and entertainment complex, so we provide links to a couple of file hosting services where anyone can download it:
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What is important in the proposed “casual conversation” is clear after the first minute of “dialogue in the studio”. However, to make it even clearer, we decided to stop at the main minutes, where citizens at the studio table, with their blatant lies, casual reservations and the manner of answering calls from viewers, convincingly confirm our guesses about the purpose of this very "mausoleum". The duration of the show is about 47 minutes, therefore, to make it easier for readers to navigate the video, we will indicate the time of the key elements of the conversation.

Directly sat in the St. Petersburg studio TV presenter Nika Strizhak, who hosted the program, and citizen Alexander Nevzorov, who helped her in this difficult matter, and on a video wire to Moscow, sat in front of the cameras - the director of the Shchusev State Research Museum of Architecture, citizen Korobyina and the President Independent charitable foundation "Lenin's Mausoleum" citizen Abramov. He was introduced to TV viewers as the chairman of the same fund, but all petitions in defense of the mummy are usually signed by citizen Abramov with the words President ... Abramov, therefore, in order not to offend the person, we will call him the president.

Having started the broadcast, citizen Strizhak immediately directed her in the right direction, in her opinion, explaining in advance that 70% of the respondents answered “no need to move the mausoleum from Red Square”. This statement is a pure, impudent and outright lie, because it is safe to say that 30% of the country's citizens do not know at all what a "mausoleum" is and where it is.

Yes, there was a time in the USSR about the so-called "mausoleum" propaganda played all the horns and even in the nursery group they explained to children about "Lenin's grandfather", however, TWO GENERATIONS have already grown up in the country, who have not heard about any Lenin, especially know about the "mausoleum".

Today, about Hitler, who lived relatively recently among twenty-year-olds, he knows only "antifa" because it is their main bogey. The rest DO NOT KNOW.

Therefore, all cited figures are "voting", supposedly the opinions of society, gross deception and very obvious. This deception, distortion, preoccupation, are noticeable from the very beginning of the transmission, which already casts doubt on all further "dialogues". But - look further.

Further, at about the 8th minute and after a long introduction by the host about the importance of the "mausoleum" for UNESCO (which is actually a complete lie, since UNESCO recognizes the value of the Kremlin ensemble, which does not include the "mausoleum"), the floor was given to citizen Abramov, who President of the Mausoleum Foundation. Citizen Abramov began for his health, telling about the struggle of the proletarians of all countries with the capitalists, but suddenly he somehow took and drew an analogy between the "mausoleum" and ... the Egyptian pyramids. The analogy concerned the fact that if the Egyptians do not demolish the pyramids, then why should we demolish the "mausoleum". Citizen Nevzorov, who was in the studio, already choked on such frankness of President Abramov. And there was why, let us note, because the pyramids are an occult structure. And the "mausoleum" - it was, as it were, discussed as a monument. Although he is a pyramid in shape, and even the "Pharaoh" there is some kind of embalmed. By the way, the Egyptian pyramids today - they are definitely more of a monument, the filling has not been there for a long time. But citizen Abramov somehow does not consider the issue with the “pharaoh”.

Second important point concerns the behavior of citizen Abramov in the studio, who somehow all the time, overbearingly makes the presenter remarks: "you listen to me, and I will listen to you." Even the ministers did not make such remarks on the air to citizen Strizhak. We watched a number of Channel Five programs and saw a lot of people there: experts, ministers, and important foreign guests. Nobody explained to the presenters what and when to say. But citizen Abramov, like a real president with an imperious remark, shuts the mouth of citizen Strizhak and continues his rantings on historical theme, suggesting that he is not a simple citizen and not much of who he claims to be. This is how citizens usually behave in the office of an official, who was called the day before by the main boss and ordered to do whatever the visiting citizen wants. In general, President Abramov clearly felt himself to be the master of the situation.

Then the floor was given to citizen Korobyina, who, rolling her eyes under her forehead, very insincerely, with an effort, began to talk about the architectural masterpiece "mausoleum", after which three calls were made to the studio. According to the logic of the poll, where 70% of respondents were against the transfer of the "mausoleum", two out of three calls should have been from these 70 percent and one - in favor of transfer. However, it somehow coincided that all three callers, in different variations, offered to carry the mummy by the legs and bury it either in Finland or somewhere else, and the third citizen who called was clearly from our readers and asked a question in essence, that is, a question about the occult role of the "mausoleum" and its infernal ingredients. The citizen was not allowed to agree, she was knocked out, and the presenter began to speak blah-blah-blah on general architectural topics, although she was not asked about architecture. Then she ran into a second remark from the elderly president of the "mausoleum" foundation, who (21 minutes) directly said so to citizen Strizhak, about poorly selected people who ask questions.

After these explanations, the thought came to mind for the second time that the president of the foundation is not an ordinary citizen, but a certain responsible cult worker who was delegated to communicate with the press by workers who are even more responsible. That is, some more senior priests. Apparently by force of habit, when the press stood at attention in front of such responsible workers, citizen Abramov believed that the broadcast would be like in the country of the Soviets: collective farmers and workers would vying with each other to call the studio, cursing world imperialism and demanding to leave the beloved leader of the world proletariat at rest. And then there is such garbage, you know: three calls - and all three are real, a stack of messages on the forum - and not a single one in support of the body, or at least the case of Lenin. There is something to get angry at and explain to the press that they are not working well. And we have the opportunity to see with our own eyes one of the very small, but REAL ministers of the cult, a very real priest, at the ritual building on Red Square - a fine-looking elderly citizen of obscure national origin, who, occupying the official position of some wedding general, gives instructions to the presenter TV channel, so much so that none of the more eminent citizens, does not allow himself this.

At the 25th minute, the presenter decided to talk again with citizen Korobyina - the director of the Shchusev State Research Museum of Architecture, we remind you specially. This director was asked a simple question about the underground passages under the "mausoleum", about which there are various rumors, to which the director of the institution answered clearly and unequivocally that there were NO UNDERGROUDS. As it turned out the next minute, the citizen COULD LIEED, right in the face of the viewers, because right there, about one underground passage at least a kilometer long, Nevzorov spoke about him - he was somehow escorted to the Kremlin along this passage from the "mausoleum". The course was so large and long that it was serviced even by electric cars, had a number of branches seen by Nevzorov. But the director for some reason blatantly lied about this. Why? But it is not entirely clear: why such strict secrecy for a “UNESCO monument”. Or maybe it is not a monument after all, but something more significant?

The discussion very cleverly jumped off this topic, "not noticing" the insolent and outright lie of the museum lady, but then, at the 29th minute, something happened: a citizen of the president of the "mausoleum" foundation, who, in our opinion, is some kind of junior priest of the cult , sent to communicate with the public, gave a fantastic gem. The pearl was that the "mausoleum" is the tomb of the founder of the Russian Federation.

The conversation turned about the shields that close the "mausoleum" during parades and what only we wrote about (which once again suggests that the program is a hidden controversy with our resource). Citizen president of the "mausoleum" shamed Russian President Medvedev, and reprimanded him for not respecting the tomb of the founder of the Russian Federation. These are the interesting things. We don’t even know what to think, because the sign of equality between the USSR and the Russian Federation is a disguise of the current “democratic” regime. But in fact it is so.

At the 34th minute, to the delight of the president of the "mausoleum", a certain "pensioner" finally called, who with a wooden voice read out a remark on the topic "Don't touch our Lenin, for he is revered even in North Korea." The president of the "mausoleum" greeted the remark with deep satisfaction. With the same deep feeling, he nodded and hesitated a couple of minutes before the bell, when citizen Nevzorov explained that the mummy of citizen Blank is an analogue of holy relics for the communists. There were no objections from President Abramov in this regard, which fully confirms the occult role of the mummy in the sarcophagus.

Many cults are involved in preserving the bodies of deceased religious figures. Why? The relics, as it were, are a kind of portal connecting with the spirit of their owner, which is located on this moment in another world. According to the faith of Christians, the souls of their saints are in paradise, therefore, in contact with the relics, the flock, as it were, comes into contact with paradise and can transmit some requests there. Where at the moment the soul of Citizen Blanc is located and what requests and where through his relics are transmitted - we do not know, but their occult function is undoubted. And the president of the "mausoleum" foundation did not in any way deny the occult role of the red pharaoh. Nevzorov told him about the power - and he did not say a word of objection.

Unfortunately, the program did not pose or give answers to many questions, they were ineptly bypassed, thereby completely failing the idea of ​​the organizers of the event to convince the public that the "mausoleum" is like a monument. Not a monument, as it turns out. Moreover, what is surprising: if it is an architectural monument, then the connoisseurs of architecture gathered in the studio should have at least once called “mausoleum” the correct architectural term for buildings of this type. This term is the word "ziggurat". It is the first to appear in the search for a query like "mausoleum + red square + Lenin". But, somehow it so happened that during the transmission, this term was carefully avoided, although about the pyramids in Egypt, and about gothic cathedrals, and even talked about the Indian Tajmahal. And for some reason no one remembered about the Babylonian ziggurats, from which the "mausoleum" was literally copied. This is hardly an accident. Rather, it is a deliberate disregard for the term, arguments, the use of which will clearly put everything in its place and put an end to the deceitful talk about “a monument under the protection of UNESCO”. And naturally, it will immediately raise the question: when, finally, will this rubbish be removed from the center of the country's main city?

Well, if you really want to leave the ziggurat for now, leave it, but remove the mummy from there. Can the mummy be removed or not? We are sure that the matter is just in the mummy. And this whole performance at the Channel 5 TV and Radio Company proves precisely the occult intent of preserving the ziggurat on Red Square. The importance of this structure.

In connection with the controversy in absentia on the ziggurat, and as a response to the broadcast of the Channel 5 TV and Radio Company, on Friday, November 5, the program “Russian View” of the ARI Radio Internet broadcast will be devoted to the topic of the ziggurat on Red Square. We will try to summarize our information about this structure, and talk about the predictions associated with it. The beginning of the program, as always, is at 22-00 Moscow. We will also hold our vote.

You can seriously support the work of ARI, or by clicking the button with the "piggy bank" below, and following the instructions, by sending an SMS from your phone.

Previously, there was a tribune on the site of the mausoleum. By the way, Lenin himself makes fiery speeches. I'd love to see this shot in color. I'm sure it was a gorgeous sight!

"In favor of the sick and wounded Red Army. Red Square." A rare shot of a brick tribune, a monument to the Worker, a board "Freedom" by Konenkov, and tram tracks, a boulevard, and a chapel that have survived from pre-revolutionary times. 1922 year.
The first wooden mausoleum was erected on the day of Vladimir Ilyich's funeral - January 27, 1924.

It had the shape of a cube, topped with a three-stage pyramid and stood only until the spring of 1924.

Trotsky, Molotov and Company. Photo for memory.

In the second temporary wooden Mausoleum, erected in the spring of 1924 (designed by A.V. Shchusev), stands were added to the stepped volume on both sides.

The initial design of the sarcophagus was recognized as technically difficult and the architect K. S. Melnikov developed and presented eight new versions within a month. One of them was approved and then implemented as soon as possible under the supervision of the author himself. This sarcophagus stood in the mausoleum until the end of World War II ..

The construction of the third version of the mausoleum began in 1929. First, a full-size plywood model was made.
And then they built a reinforced concrete frame and faced it with granite.

In 1953-1961, the body of JV Stalin was also located in the mausoleum, and the mausoleum was called "The Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin". Until a granite slab of a suitable size was found, on the granite slab already installed in 1953, over the inscription "Lenin", the inscriptions "Lenin" and "Stalin" were painted. According to eyewitnesses, in severe frosts, the old inscription "stood out" with hoarfrost through the inscriptions applied on top of it. In 1958, the slab was replaced by a slab with the inscriptions one above the other: "LENIN" and "STALIN". In 1961, a granite slab bearing the name of Lenin was returned to its original place.

Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov



VIL's Satanic Altar


One of the main results was the patriots' awareness of the situation in which we now live: Russia is occupied; the occupation "constitution" - a filkin letter, which can be formatted with a stroke of the pen by any of the puppets sitting at the top; the Russians have no army; there is no single national organization capable of returning power to the Russians; there are no special hopes for a quick victory either. The question arises: what to do?

Patriots try to answer it in different ways, often voicing other people's prompted words. Some arrange a "prayer stand", others gather a society of zealous persecutors of pederasty, others run around the city with a piece of rebar, others throw mayonnaise at someone, fifths chase liberal grandmothers out of their minds. The result of this activity is obvious. When we try to criticize her, they scold us, they say, let's do at least something. What?

As the ancient Chinese wisely said, the path of a thousand li begins with one step.

Russians are separated from OUR DAY not by a thousand, but by a much smaller distance, but this does not negate the need for the first step. Our the first step is to remove the body from the ziggurat in Red Square... Below we will explain in detail the magical side of this action, which knocks out the occult foundation from under the existing regime in Russia, but first of all it is important to understand the practical essence of this step.

It begins with the fact that, having familiarized themselves with the proposed material, the nationalists should begin preparations for the removal of the body, which should be strived to be carried out in April, on the day when Blank (Ulyanov) appeared, or perhaps this should be done on the anniversary of the day the body was loaded into the ziggurat ( here are the reasons for the Russian Marches). In the course of preparing and implementing the task, we, on the one hand, will unite the nationalists around a clearly defined vector of actions, which will become the basis for the future united Russian national liberation organization, on the other hand, we will identify all the enemies of the Russian people who will definitely show themselves: either, by starting to protest against the removal of the body, or by refusing to support this intention. Everything will become simple and clear and the wonderful logical formula "Who is not with us is against us!" will once again demonstrate its revelatory effectiveness. Well, if this power resists the removal of the body, under any pretext, so much the better for the struggle - its satanic foundation will be clearly and mercilessly revealed. After all, the struggle is still going on only for the minds and souls, for the insight of our people, and if we win it, then we have already won.


Ziggurat (ziggurat, ziggurat): in the architecture of Ancient Mesopotamia, the iconic tiered tower. Ziggurats had 3-7 tiers in the form of truncated pyramids or parallelepipeds of raw brick, connected by stairs and gentle slopes - ramps (Dictionary of architectural terms)

Bloody Square. She is wearing Ziggurat.
It is done. I'm close. Well, I'm glad.
I descend into a fetid, terrible maw.
It is easy to fall on slippery steps.
Here is the stinking heart of ancient evil,
Bodies that eats souls to ashes.
A hundred-year-old beast made its nest here.
The door is wide open here for demons in Russia.

Nikolay Fedorov

The architectural ensemble of Red Square has evolved over the centuries. Kings succeeded each other. The walls of the citadel replaced each other - first wooden, then white-stone, finally, brick, as we see them now. Fortress towers were erected and demolished. Houses were built and dismantled. Trees grew and fell. Defensive ditches were dug and filled up. Water was supplied and discharged. A wide network of underground communications was laid and destroyed, one way or another affecting structures on the surface. The surface of this surface also changed, right up to the railway (a tram was running until 1930). As a result, we got what we see now: a red wall, towers with stars, huge pines, St. Basil's Cathedral, shopping arcades, the Historical Museum and ... the ritual tower of the ziggurat in the very center of the square.

Even a person far from architecture involuntarily asks the question: why was it decided to build a structure near the Russian medieval fortress in the 20th century - an absolute copy of the top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan?

The sacrifice of 80 thousand people to the bloody “god” Huitzilopochtli (in the upper right corner) at the opening of the temple in Teotihuacan

The Athenian Parthenon has been duplicated in the world at least twice - one of the copies stands in the city of Sochi, where it was built on the orders of Comrade Dzhugashvili. The Eiffel Tower has been multiplied so much that its clones are present in one form or another in every country. There are even "Egyptian" pyramids in some parks. But to build the temple of Huitzilopochtli, the supreme and most bloody deity of the Aztecs, to build in the very heart of Russia is just an amazing idea! However, one could put up with the architectural tastes of the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution - well, they built it, well, okay. But after all, in the ziggurat on Red Square, it is not the appearance that is striking. It is no secret to anyone that in the basement of the ziggurat lies a corpse embalmed according to some rules.

A mummy in the 20th century, and a mummy made by the hands of atheists is nonsense. Even when builders of parks and attractions are erecting somewhere "Egyptian pyramids" - they are pyramids only outwardly: it never occurred to anyone to seal a freshly made "Pharaoh" in them.

How did the Bolsheviks come up with this? Unclear. It is not clear why the mummy has not yet been taken out, after all, the Bolsheviks themselves have already been taken out, as it were? It is not clear why the ROC is silent, after all, the body, so to speak, is restless? Moreover: many other bodies are still embedded in the wall near the ziggurat, which is for Christians the height of blasphemy, the temple of Satan, by and large, because this is an ancient rite of black magic - to wedge people into the fortress walls (so that the fortress will stand for centuries)? And the stars above the towers are five-pointed! Pure Satanism, and Satanism at the state level is like that of the Aztecs.

In this situation, every person who considers himself a clergyman in "multi-confessional" Russia should start every morning with a prayer to his gods, urging to urgently remove the ziggurat from Red Square, because this is the temple of Satan, no more and no less! Russia, we are told, is a "multi-confessional country": there are also "Orthodox" (I mean the false church of the ROC MP - ed.), and Jehovah's Witnesses, and Muslims, and even gentlemen who call themselves rabbis. All of them are silent: Ridiger, and different mullahs, and Berl-Lazar. Their temple to Satan on Red Square suits. At the same time, this whole company says that it serves one God. There is a persistent impression that we know what this "god" is called - the main temple for him stands in the main place of the country. What and who needs more proof?

From time to time, the public tries to remind the authorities that, they say, the construction of communism has been canceled for 15 years already, so it wouldn't hurt to take the main builder out of the ziggurat and bury it, or even burn it, scattering the ashes somewhere over the warm sea. The authorities explain: pensioners will protest. A strange explanation: when comrade Dzhugashvili was taken out of the ziggurat, half of the country was on their ears, but nothing - the authorities were not very stressed. And the Stalinists today are no longer what they used to be: pensioners are silent, even when they are dying of hunger, when prices for apartments, electricity, gas, transport are raised again - and then suddenly everyone will come out and protest?

Patient V.I. Lenin, being seriously ill, he actually does not live, but survives, broken by paralysis and lost his speech. The last photo. He dies in January 1924.

Dzhugashvili was taken out as: today they admitted that he was a criminal - tomorrow they buried him. But for some reason the authorities are in no hurry with Blank (Ulyanov) - they have been pulling with the removal of the body for 15 years already. The stars were not removed from the Kremlin, although the "Museum of the Revolution" was renamed into the "Historical Museum". They did not remove the stars from the shoulder straps, although they removed political instructors from the army. Moreover, the stars were returned to the banners. The anthem was returned. The words are different - but the music is the same, as if awakening in the listeners some kind of programmed rhythm important for the authorities. And the mummy continues to lie. Is all this involved some kind of occult meaning incomprehensible to the public? The authorities again explain: if you touch the mummy, the communists will organize actions. But on November 4, we saw the "action" of the communists - three grandmothers came. And four grannies came out with banners a couple of days later - on November 7th. Is the government so afraid of them? Or is it something else?

Today, to a person who knows what magic is, the occult, mystical meaning of the building on Red Square is perfectly visible. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to others all the drama of the experiment being performed on them - someone will not believe, someone will twist his finger at his temple. However, modern science does not stand still, and what only yesterday seemed like magic, for example, human flights through the air or television, today has become the so-called objective reality. Many moments associated with the ziggurat on Red Square have become a reality.


Modern physics has studied a little electricity, light, corpuscular radiation, they talk about the existence of other waves and phenomena. And they are regularly discovered, for example, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto recently conducted an extensive study of the microstructure of water crystals, which has long been attributed to the presence of certain properties of an information carrier (and an amplifier of various radiation unrecorded by devices). That is, some part of knowledge that was considered occult has already become a purely physical fact.

Who, apart from specialists, knows about Gurwitsch's "mitogenic radiation" (Gurwitsch, discovered in 1923 (its physical nature was partially established in 1954 by Italians L. Colli and W. Faccini)? These and other persistent invisible waves emit dead or dying cells. Such waves kill - proved in a number of experiments. Obviously, the reader assumes that we will now discuss the "radiation" emanating from the mummy and harm Muscovites? The reader is deeply mistaken: we will now talk about the history of Red Square. and explain.

Red Square has not always been Red. In the Middle Ages, there were many wooden buildings, in which there were constant fires. Naturally, for several centuries more than one person was burnt alive in this place. At the end of the 15th century, Ivan III put an end to these disasters: the wooden buildings were demolished, forming a square - Torg. But in 1571 the Torg all the same all burned out, and again people were burnt alive - as they will then burn in the hotel "Russia". And since then the area has been called "Fire". It became the site of executions for centuries - pulling out nostrils, lashing with whips, quartering and boiling alive. The corpses were thrown into the fortress ditch - where the bodies of some military leaders are now buried. At the time of Ivan the Terrible, animals were even kept in the ditch, which they fed with these corpses. In 1812, during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon, it all burned down again. Even then, about a hundred thousand Muscovites died, and the corpses were also dragged into the fortress ditches - no one buried them in winter.

From an occult point of view, after such a prehistory, Red Square is ALREADY a terrible place, and some sensitive people who first approach the Kremlin feel well the oppressive atmosphere spread by its walls. From a physical point of view, the land under Red Square is saturated with death, because the necrobiotic radiation discovered by Gurvich is extremely persistent. Thus, the very place for the ziggurat and the burial place of Soviet commanders is already suggestive.


The ziggurat is a ritual architectural structure tapering upward like a multi-stage pyramid - the same one that stands on Red Square. However, a ziggurat is not a pyramid, as it always has a small temple on top. The most famous of the ziggurats is the famous Tower of Babel. Judging by the remains of the foundation and the records on the surviving clay tablets, the Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters.

The top of the tower was decorated in the form of a small temple with a ritual BEDROOM as an altar - the place where the king of the Babylonians entered into intercourse with the virgins brought to him - the spouses of the god of the Babylonians: it was believed that at the moment of the act the deity entered the king or priest performing the magic ceremony and fertilized a woman.

The height of the Tower of Babel did not exceed the width of the base, which we also see in the ziggurat on Red Square, that is, it is quite typical. Its content is also quite typical: something that resembles a temple at the top, and something mummified, lying at the lowest level. Something that the Chaldeans used in Babylon later received the designation - teraphim, that is, the opposite of the seraphim.

It is difficult to explain well the essence of the concept of "teraphim" in a nutshell, not to mention the descriptions of the varieties of teraphim and the approximate principles of their work. Roughly speaking, the teraphim is a kind of "sworn object", a "collector" of magical, parapsychic energy, which, according to magicians, envelops the teraphim in layers, formed by special rites and ceremonies. These manipulations are called "the creation of the teraphim", since it is impossible to "manufacture" the teraphim.

The clay tablets of Mesopotamia do not lend themselves very well to deciphering, which gives rise to different interpretations of the signs recorded there, sometimes with very startling conclusions (for example, those set forth in the books of Zechariah Sitchin). In addition, the sequence of the "creation of the teraphim", which lay in the foundations of the Tower of Babel, would not have been made public by any priest, even under torture. The only thing that the texts say and with which all the translators agree is that the teraphim Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for communication with whom the tower was built) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time, other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate, apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of a removed brain). It contained all the power of the teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or an image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another: the will of the owner of the teraphim seemed to flow through the metal into the person in contact with him: under pain of death by forcing his subjects to wear “diamonds” around their necks, the king of Babylon could control their owners to one degree or another.

Pickled head with a hole
Syphilitic freak VIL
is still an object of worship of Russians

We cannot assert that the head of a man lying in a ziggurat on Red Square is a teraphim, but the following facts are noteworthy:

  • there is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason, the brain is still stored at the Institute of the Brain;

  • the head is covered with a surface made of special glass;

  • the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere up. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the creatures of the worlds of Hell;

  • images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Pekla;

  • For some reason, instead of shoulder straps, “rhombuses” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “stars” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and that were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Vil. "Ornaments" similar to diamonds and stars, imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower, were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, parts of the victim's body are also used, for example, the victim's head is walled up under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim. We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, but there is evidence that this fact takes place: in the ziggurat lie the heads of the ritually murdered king and queen, as well as the heads of two more unknown persons. people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the "transfer" of power from the communists to the "democrats" (thus the teraphim were, as it were, "renewed", strengthened).

We have some interesting facts.

The first fact is the certainty that the murder of Nicholas II was ritual and, as a result, his remains could later be used for ritual purposes. Whole historical studies have been written about this, dotting the i's.

The second fact is reflected in these studies: the testimony of Yekaterinburg residents who, on the eve of the Tsar's murder, saw a man “with the appearance of a rabbi, with a pitch-black beard”: he was brought to the place of execution on a train from ONE CAR, which was occupied by this important person among the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the execution, such a conspicuous train left with some boxes. Who came, why - we do not know.

But we know the third fact: a certain professor Zbarsky "invented" the recipe for embalming in three days, although the same North Koreans, having much more advanced technologies, have been working on the conservation of Kim Il Sung for more than a year. That is, apparently, someone suggested the recipe for Zbarsky again. And to prevent the recipe from drifting out of his circle, Professor Vorobyov, who helped Zbarsky, and who also willingly learned about the secret, "accidentally" died quite soon during the operation.

Finally, the fourth fact - the consultations of the architect Shchusev (the official "builder" of the ziggurat) mentioned in historical documents by a certain F. Poulsen, a specialist in the architecture of Mesopotamia. It is interesting: why did the architect consult an archaeologist, after all, Shchusev seemed to be building, and not carrying out excavations?

Thus, we have every reason to believe that if the Bolsheviks had so many "consultants": on construction, on ritual murders, on embalming - then obviously they consulted the revolutionaries correctly, having done everything according to one magical scheme - they would not have started building Chaldean ziggurat, to embalm the body according to the Egyptian recipe, accompanying all the Aztec ceremonies? Although with the Aztecs, not everything is so simple.

We compared the ziggurat on Red Square with the Tower of Babel, not because it resembles it most of all, although it strongly resembles: just the abbreviation of the pseudonym in the ziggurat of the leader of the world proletariat coincides with the name of the Babylonian god - his name was Vil. We do not know - again, probably a "coincidence". If we talk about an EXACT copy of the ziggurat, about the sample, the "source" - then this is undoubtedly a building on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotiucan, where the Aztecs brought human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. Or a structure very similar to it.

Uitzilopochtli is the main god of the Aztec pantheon. One day he promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a "blessed" place, where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoche: the Aztecs came to Teotiucan, massacred the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids erected by the Toltecs they built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

Thus, everything is clear with the Aztecs: first, some demon helped them - then they began to feed this demon. However, nothing is clear with the Bolsheviks: is Witzilopochtli involved in the 1917 revolution, after all, the temple near the Kremlin was definitely built for him !? Moreover: Shchusev, who built the ziggurat, was advised by a specialist in the cultures of Mesopotamia, right? But in the end it turned out to be a temple of the bloody deity of the Aztecs. How did it happen? Shchusev listened badly? Or was Poulsen a poor storyteller? Or maybe Poulsen really had something to tell?

The answer to this question became possible only in the middle of the 20th century, when images of the so-called "Pergamon Altar" or, as it is also called, "the throne of Satan" were found. Mention of him is found already in the Gospel, where Christ, addressing a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan is" (Rev. 2.13). For a long time this building was known mainly from legends - there was no image.

Once this image was found. When studying it, it turned out that either the temple for Huitzilopochtli is its exact copy, or the structures have some more ancient model, from which they were copied. The most convincing version claims that the "source" now rests at the bottom of the Atlantic - in the middle of Atlantis, which died in the abyss of the continent. Some part of the priests of the ancient satanic cult moved to Mesoamerica, and the second part found refuge somewhere in Mesopotamia. We do not know if this is really so, and to which of the branches the builders of the ziggurat belong in Moscow, it is difficult to say, but the fact is obvious - in the center of the capital there is a structure, an exact copy of two ancient temples, where they performed bloody rituals and inside this structure in a glass coffin there is a specially embalmed corpse. And this is in the 20th century.

The consultant who "helped" Shchusev build the ziggurat knew well how the building needed by the customer should look like without any excavation of clay tablets. Strange knowledge, strange customers, a strange place for a building, strange events in the country after the completion of construction - hunger, and not one, war, and not one, the GULAG is a whole network of places where millions of people were tortured, as if pumping out vital energy from them. And the accumulator of this energy, apparently, just became the ziggurat.


Trying to talk about the "principles of operation" of the ritual complex on Red Square will not be entirely correct, since magic is an act of occult influence, and the occult has no principles. Let's say physics talks about some kind of "protons" and "electrons", but in the beginning there is still the creation of electrons, the creation of protons. How did they come about? As a result of the "magic" of the Big Bang? In words, the phenomenon can be called whatever you like, but from this the supernatural does not become something that you can touch and see. Even “feeling” and “looking” is all the same a fact of the interaction of consciousness with single manifestations of the so-called “electricity”, the essence of which is absolutely incomprehensible. However, let's try to fit into the terminology acceptable to scientific atheism.

view from above:
"cut" 4th corner
(taken from the Bolshevik website

Everyone knows what a parabolic antenna is. They also know the general principle of its operation: a parabolic antenna is a mirror that collects something, right? And what is the corner of the building? An angle is an angle, that is, the intersection of two even walls. There are three such corners at the base of the ziggurat in Red Square. And in place of the fourth - on the side from which the demonstrations passing in front of the stands appear - there is no corner. There is, of course, not a stone pabolic "plate", but there is definitely no corner - there is a niche (it can be clearly seen in the frames of the archive chronicle, where people in clothes with stars burn the banners of the Third Reich at the ziggurat). The question is: why is this niche? Where does such a strange architectural solution come from? Is the ziggurat drawing some kind of energy from the crowd walking across the square? We do not know, although we recall that it is customary to put a very naughty child in a corner, and it is extremely uncomfortable to sit on the corner of the table, since the depressions and internal corners draw energy out of the person, and the sharply protruding corners and ribs, on the contrary, emit. We cannot say what kind of energy we are talking about, it is possible that some of its qualities are precisely represented by the so-called "electromagnetic radiation", which is actively used by the organizers of the ziggurat. Judge for yourself.

"Cut off" 4th corner of Satan's throne - VIL

In the early 20s of the last century, Paul Kremer published a number of publications in which, operating on such a purely abstract thing at that time as "genes" (they did not know about DNA at that time), he deduced a whole theory about how the genes of a particular population could be influenced by hypothetical radiation erupting from dead or dying tissue. By and large, this was a theory about how to spoil the gene pool of an entire people, forcing people to stand for some time in front of a specially treated corpse or relaying the "radiation" of this corpse to the whole country. At first glance, a pure theory: some kind of "genes", some "rays", although magicians knew such a procedure well in the days of the pharaohs and was governed by the laws of asymptotic magic. According to these laws, the appearance and well-being of the pharaoh in some supernatural way were relayed to his subjects: the pharaoh was sick - the people were sick, they made the pharaoh some kind of freak and mutant - mutations and deformities began to appear in children all over Egypt.

Then people forgot about this magic, or rather, people were actively helped to forget that it was magic. But time passes, and people understand how the DNA system works - they understand it from the point of view of molecular biology. And then a few more decades pass and such a science as wave genetics appears, such phenomena as DNA solitons are discovered - that is, superweak, but extremely stable acoustic and electromagnetic fields generated by the genetic apparatus of the cell. With the help of these fields, cells exchange information both with each other and with the outside world, turning on, turning off or even rearranging certain regions of chromosomes. This is a scientific fact, no fiction. It remains only to compare the fact of the existence of DNA solitons and the fact that SEVENTY MILLION people have visited a ziggurat with a mummy. Draw your own conclusions.

The next possible "mechanism of work" for the ziggurat is a stable mitogenic field on Red Square, created by blood soaked into the local soil and emanations of pain from people killed there. Is it a coincidence that the ziggurat is in this particular place? And the fact that under the ziggurat there is a huge sewer - that is, a cesspool filled to the top with excrements - is it also a "coincidence"? Stool is a material, on the one hand, has long been traditionally used in magic to induce various types of damage, on the other hand, think how many microbes live and die in the sewer? When they die, they radiate. How strongly the experiments of Gurvich showed: small colonies of microbes easily killed mice and even rats. Did the builders of the ziggurat know that there is a sewage system at the site of the future construction? Suppose that the Bolsheviks did not have an architectural plan for the square, they dug in the blind, as a result of which one day the sewer was burst and the mummy was flooded. But then the collector was not rebuilt, for example, taking it aside from the ziggurat. It was simply deepened and expanded (this information will be confirmed by the Moscow diggers) - so that the leader of the world proletariat has something to eat.

It seems that the builders of the ziggurat, apparently, mastered the magic perfectly, if through the millennia they managed to betray some tradition from generation to generation and once reproduced the "throne of Satan" on Red Square - never having seen drawings with its image known to science. They owned, own and, obviously, will own, putting satanic experiments on Russians, and possibly on all of humanity. And perhaps they won't - if the Russians find the strength to put an end to this. This is not difficult to do, because: although the ziggurat is registered in UNESCO as a "historical monument" (monuments cannot be desecrated) - the unburied corpse lying there completely falls out of the legal field, defiles the religious feelings of believers of all denominations and even atheists. You can simply take it and pull it out at night by the legs, without violating a single Russian "law", because there is no law or legal basis on which this mummy is in the ziggurat.

From the book "The Origins of Evil (The Secret of Communism)":

"Write to the angel of the Pergamon church: ... you live where Satan's throne is:" Any guide to Berlin mentions that since 1914, one of the Berlin museums housed the Pergamon Altar. It was discovered by German archaeologists and moved to the center of Nazi Germany. But the story of Satan's throne does not end there. The Swedish newspaper "Svenska Dagblalit" on January 27, 1948 reported the following: "The Soviet army took Berlin, and the altar of Satan was moved to Moscow." It is strange that for a long time the Pergamon Altar was not exhibited in any of the Soviet museums. Why did you need to move him to Moscow?

The architect Shchusev, who built the Lenin Mausoleum in 1924, took the Pergamon Altar as the basis for the project of this tombstone. Externally, the mausoleum was erected on the principle of the arrangement of the ancient Babylonian temples, of which the most famous is the Babylonian tower mentioned in the Bible. The book of the prophet Daniel, written in the 7th century BC, says: "The Babylonians had an idol named Vil". Isn't it a significant coincidence with the initials of Lenin on the throne of Satan?

And to this day, VIL's mummy is contained there, inside the pentagram. Church archeology testifies: "The ancient Jews, rejecting Moses and faith in the true God, cast from gold not only the calf, but also the star of Remfan" - a five-pointed star, which serves as an invariable attribute of the satanic cult. Satanists call it the seal of Lucifer.

Thousands of Soviet citizens stood in line every day to visit this temple of Satan, where Lenin's mummy lies. The leaders of states paid tribute to Lenin, who rests within the walls of the monument erected to Satan. Not a day goes by that this place is not decorated with flowers, while Christian churches on the same Red Square in Moscow have been turned into lifeless museums for many decades.

While the Kremlin is overshadowed by the stars of Lucifer, while the mummy of the most consistent Marxist is on Red Square, inside an exact copy of the Pergamon altar of Satan, we know that the influence of the dark forces of communism remains. "

In January 1924, the founder and leader of the Bolshevik state, V.I. Lenin. After negotiations between V. Zbarsky and Dzerzhinsky, it was decided to start embalming. Where did this unusual idea come from? What is behind the strangest Soviet-era monument?

The official version says: after the death of the leader, a stream of letters and telegrams poured into the Kremlin with requests to leave the body of the great man incorruptible, preserving it for centuries. However, no such messages have been found in the archives. The common people offered only to perpetuate the memory of Lenin in grandiose structures. Already by the day of Ilyich's funeral - January 27, 1924 - a strange building appeared on Red Square, the Mausoleum was immediately conceived in the classical form of a pyramidal ziggurat - an occult structure of ancient Babylonia. The building was rebuilt three times until it got its final look in 1930. Next to the mausoleum in the Kremlin wall, a cemetery was built for prominent figures of the communist movement. A post # 1 was established near the mausoleum, and the solemn changing of the guard became the most important part of the state's attributes. The mausoleum was visited by at least 110 million people.

From the moment of its construction, the mausoleum was used as a tribune where politburo and Soviet government figures appeared, as well as guests of honor during celebrations on Red Square. From the rostrum of the mausoleum, the General Secretary of the Communist Party usually delivered a speech to the participants in the parades.

The facts suggest that the mausoleum and the body of Lenin were the most important symbols of the Bolshevik state. Soviet Union disappeared, and with it many of its attributes. But the building on Red Square is still standing. The mummy of the "leader of the world proletariat" also lies there. Moreover, parades and demonstrations continue to pass by. This building continues to be a secure facility today: it is guarded by federal Service protection - the one that is responsible for the safety of the highest officials of the state.

Obviously, this structure remains an inviolable part of some invisible system.


Have educated people From the very beginning of Bolshevism, the question arose: why is there such a craving for the occult in an atheistic state? The Bolsheviks did not encourage religions, they closed temples, but instead they built a ziggurat - a vivid reminder of religion and mystical mysteries ruling classes Babylon. Even more oddities arose after 1991, when the historical names of the streets and squares of Lenin were returned, Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg, the museums of the founder of the Soviet state were closed and his monuments were demolished. But no one allowed the mausoleum to be touched.

Thousands of works have been written that leave no doubt about the special impact of this structure. It is clear and where the technique was borrowed from - from the Ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia. The mausoleum is an exact copy of the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with a room above, framed by columns, in which, according to the priests of Babylon, their demonic patrons rested. But how does a ziggurat "work"? What are the consequences of its impact?

We assume that the mausoleum is nothing more than an example of psychotronic weapons. Let's try to guess what principles are inherent in his work. But we will have to prove our hypothesis by examining the line of reasoning step by step.


Inside the ziggurats, the Chaldeans often "built" pyramids from dead heads, but these buildings were never tombs. So the strange building on Red Square is not a mausoleum or a burial vault. Architecturally, this is a ziggurat, similar to the ritual pyramids of the Chaldeans, who performed occult functions. You can see this by taking a short trip inside the mausoleum.

The visitor gets there through the main entrance and descends the left three-meter wide staircase into the funeral hall. The hall is made in the form of a cube (facet length 10 meters) with a stepped ceiling. Visitors walk around the sarcophagus from three sides along a low podium, leave the funeral hall, climb the right stairs and leave the mausoleum through a door in the right wall.

Structurally, the building is made on the basis of a reinforced concrete frame with brick filling of the walls, which are faced with polished stone. The length of the mausoleum along the facade is 24 meters, the height is 12 meters. The upper portico is displaced to the Kremlin wall. The pyramid of the mausoleum consists of five ledges of different height.

From the point of view of Mesopotamian mysticism, Lenin's body looks like a teraphim - a cult object specially preserved and used for occult needs. And the tomb itself for the body is clearly not a place that provides peace. The strangeness of the mausoleum does not end there. It was designed by Shchusev, who had never built anything like it. As the architect himself said, he was instructed to accurately reproduce the shape of a wooden mausoleum in stone. For five years, the image of this structure has become known to the whole world. Therefore, the government decided not to change its appearance. Who actually designed the building is unknown.

The Bolshevik Party at the construction of the mausoleum was represented by Defense Minister Voroshilov. Why not the Minister of Finance or Agriculture? It is clear that such a boss only covered the real leaders. The decision to embalm the leader was made by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the all-powerful leader of the political police. In general, it was the Department of Political Control and Investigation, and not the architectural department, that guided the construction process.

To understand what resulted in the construction of the mausoleum, you will have to digress a little and consider plots that, at first glance, are not related to the main one. Death after ... death.

Let's start with the mysteries of the teraphim placed in the mausoleum. It is known that before his death Lenin suffered from a completely incomprehensible disease for a long time. They tried to explain the unusualness of the state of the leader with banal reasons. In the article by People's Commissar for Health Semashko "How and why did Lenin die?" there is one interesting conclusion: “When we opened the brain of Vladimir Ilyich, we were surprised not that he died (it is impossible to live with such vessels), but how he lived: a significant part of the brain was already affected, and he read newspapers, was interested in events , went hunting ... "Lenin was really interested in events, read the press and went hunting - while, due to the critical state of his brain, he had to be ... a real living corpse, practically motionless due to paralysis, unable to think, perceive, speak and even see. At the same time, from about the middle of the summer of 1923, Lenin's state of health had improved so much that the attending physicians assumed that, no later than the summer of 1924, Ilyich would return to the party and state activities

One more little known fact... On October 18, 1923, Lenin arrived in Moscow and stayed there for two days. Ilyich visited his office in the Kremlin, sorted out the papers there, then went into the meeting room of the Council of People's Commissars, complaining that he had not found anyone. In the first days of January 1924, Nadezhda Krupskaya came to the conclusion that Lenin had almost recovered.

I would like to ask the question: what was it? What controlled the chieftain's body when the brain was practically disabled?


In order to suggest what could have been the basis of such a life after "death", it is necessary to study what the Bolshevik special services were interested in. The interest of the special services in the occult arose immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power - in 1918. Even then, the Cheka drew attention to the Russian scientist, journalist, mystic and occultist Alexander Barchenko, who worked part-time by lecturing in front of revolutionary sailors. According to official version One of these lectures was attended by the Chekist Konstantin Vladimirov, who carefully examined the speaker.

A few days later, Barchenko was summoned to the Cheka, where they made an offer, which he could not refuse. Among those who spoke with the scientist was the same Konstantin Vladimirov (aka Yakov Blumkin). In addition to the names Yakov Blumkin, Yankel Gershel and Konstantin Vladimirov, he wore one more - Lama Simkha.

It is known that Blumkin was associated with the most mysterious pages Bolshevism. He, according to Trotsky, "had a strange career behind him and played an even stranger role." Blumkin became one of the founding fathers of the Cheka, committed the murder of the German ambassador Mirbach, and took part in the massacres in the Crimea in 1920. Boris Bazhanov, Stalin's secretary who fled abroad, writes about Blumkin as a man who could afford to argue with Trotsky (the second person in the party!) And even point out to him.

In the spring of 1923, Blumkin actively worked with the Petersburg mystics Alexander Barchenko and Heinrich Mebes. The GPU at that time was seriously interested in the problems of mental influence on a person and a crowd, hypnosis, suggestions and even predictions of the future. Blumkin's research was directly supervised by Dzerzhinsky.

In 1923, when the ruling elite already guessed about an ambulance Lenin's death who oversaw special projects Blumkin and Bokiya sent Barchenko ... to the Kola Peninsula - to investigate the problem of the local Lapp tribe, the so-called measuring (a state close to mass obsession). Note: there is famine in the country, the economy is standing still, it has barely ended Civil War, and the authorities are organizing a scientific expedition.

Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula with several assistants, among whom was the astronomer Alexander Kondiaini. The group failed to cope with the problem of the Lapps; they were completely forgotten. Barchenko was more interested in something else. His path lay directly on Seid Lake - sacred place practically all tribes from the Northern Urals to Norway.

The findings of the expedition are partially reflected in the notes of Kondiaini: “From this place one could see the Horn Island, on which only Lappish sorcerers could set foot. There were antlers there. If the sorcerer moves his horns, a storm will rise on the lake. " Despite the warnings of local shamans, Barchenko decided to sail to the Horn Island. Suddenly a storm broke out on the lake, and the boat was carried away from the island. Kondiaini wrote: “On the other side you can see the steep rocky shore of Lake Seyd, and on the rocks there is a huge figure, the size of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Its contours are dark, as if carved in stone. In one of the gorges, we saw mysterious things. Next to the spots of snow that lay along the slopes of the gorge, a yellowish-white column like a giant candle was visible, next to it was a cube stone. On the other side of the mountain, from the north, the whole cave is more visible at an altitude of 200 fathoms and nearby is something like a walled up crypt ... "

The astronomer writes about only one of the discovered half-buried caves. The change in mental state near the ruins - unaccountable fear, dizziness and nausea - was noted by everyone.

It is difficult to say what exactly the expedition found, but it is clear: Barchenko explored the ruins of some ancient and powerful civilization.


Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the people who came to power in Russia in 1917. The range of tasks facing them was unusually wide, it was necessary to somehow zombify if not all 150 million Soviet people, then at least their most... For this, the authorities had the knowledge to transmit a signal to these millions - the rules for building ziggurats, brought from Ancient Babylonia. So there was undoubtedly a base there.

But this was clearly not enough. It was possible to build a ziggurat, put a teraphim in it (or several, for example, the body of Lenin and the heads of the ritually murdered tsar and tsarina), thereby creating a kind of transmitter operating on occult principles. However, in order for the program to pass through it, the transmitter had to be synchronized with the "successors", that is, with the heads of millions of Soviet citizens. How to do it? The transmitter had to tune in "to the wave" of the perceiving people.

Some mystics call the alignment of the fields of representatives of one nation, culture or religion "egregor". Perhaps the supreme keepers of egregor determine the behavior of the nation, giving it a national community. So, if it is impossible to act directly on the egregor, it is necessary to somehow drown out its wave or block its receiver - this or that part of the brain.

The ziggurat could be used as such a "jammer", that is, as a Russian national egregor. To do this, it was necessary to tune it to the desired frequency, and then begin to transmit information with the help of Lenin's corpse. Some artifacts related to the entire ethnic group, the internal vibrations of which resonate with the information field of all Russians, should have helped to tune the ziggurat to the desired frequency. Such an artifact for a whole people could well become a cult stone or another item from a Russian pagan sanctuary. And what ancient artifact, the greater the coverage of the ethnos, since there is a high probability that the ancestors of all living people were associated with it. Therefore, it was necessary to find an ancient sanctuary, get an artifact from there, install it inside a ziggurat with a seraphim - and everything had to "work". The ziggurat was supposed to carry information taken from Lenin, or simply "stupid" egregor.

The Kola Peninsula was not chosen by chance by the GPU expedition. It was there, according to some sources, that the Drevlyans were the ancestral home of the Hyperboreans, the direct descendants of which are the Russian people, therefore, the most ancient sanctuaries should have been sought in the Russian north, for which the Kola Peninsula was ideally suited. Undoubtedly, it was precisely such artifacts that Barchenko's expedition was looking for under the leadership of Yakov Blumkin.


Victim, blood. Dark occult rituals often require such things. And the more important the ritual, the more significant the sacrifice should be.

On December 27, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was found dead in a hotel. The investigation of the case was conducted by people close to the OGPU, so the examination showed that Yesenin hanged himself. And although the poet had severe wounds on his hands, and he himself was covered in blood, and his body did not bear any traces characteristic of death by hanging, the conclusion of the commission was inexorable.

The whole story was so sewn with white threads that the people immediately formed the opinion: Yesenin was killed. There is a hypothesis that the poet was killed by people from the OGPU and the main role Yakov Blumkin, who organized Barchenko's expeditions, played in this matter.

Serious occult rituals require sacrifices, since the blood of the victim gives the ritual the energy necessary for its implementation. For not very large-scale tasks, this or that small animal or bird is quite suitable as a victim. However, large tasks require human sacrifice. Special value is attached to the blood of monarchs, military leaders and priests.

Most likely, if some people who built the ziggurat decided to influence the Russian egregor, then they needed a special blood, a sacred sacrifice of the bearer of the Russian spirit.

And those to whom it was important, saw in Yesenin the spirit of a real Russian sorcerer. This meant that his blood was very suitable for the ritual.


If in Soviet times you told someone that the atheist Bolsheviks in the 1920s sent an expedition in search of the mystical Shambhala, you would definitely be mistaken for a madman. And yet this is a confirmed fact! Whom did the OGPU and some influential forces in the Bolshevik state entrust these searches? Blumkin. And there can be no chance here anymore. Together with the expeditions of the Special Department of the OGPU and Nicholas Roerich, he was supposed to penetrate the legendary Shambhala in the inaccessible mountains of Tibet.

In August 1925, Blumkin entered the Pamirs through Tajikistan, where he made acquaintance with the local leader of the Ismaili sect, the Aga Khan, who lived in India, in Pune. With his caravan "dervish" Blumkin penetrated into India, where, under the guise of Tibetan monk appeared at the location of the Roerich expedition. Roerich Blumkin first introduced himself as a lama. But at the end of the expedition, Blumkin spoke in Russian. This is what Roerich wrote in his diary: "Our lama even knows many of our friends."

In general, Blumkin was very mysterious figure: officially it is believed that by 1918 he was only 20 years old. At the same time, they write about him that Blumkin was a brilliant polyglot and even spoke Tibetan dialects (!?). Where and when the Jewish boy Yankel Herschel learned languages ​​is not clear, but that's not all. In addition to his outstanding ability in languages, Blumkin was an outstanding connoisseur of oriental martial arts.


From the very beginning, the power of the Bolsheviks staggered in all directions, and its days, it seemed, were numbered. The victory in the Civil, seemed to everyone, including the commissars themselves, temporary. The war won by the Bolsheviks due to disunity and mediocrity White movement, thanks to the fact that the strategic military reserves of the empire were in the hands of the commissars, was far from the final victory. The economy gave its implacable assessments of Bolshevism. All the more so in the 1920s, when the NEP marked the abyss of Bolshevik mediocrity for the people. The socialist fairy tales that the people were led to have already ceased to operate. In Paris, White émigrés were preparing structures for returning to Russia, the heirs of the Romanovs were figuring out who would take the throne. This feeling of the imminent end of Bolshevism filled many, of which there is abundant evidence.

It was necessary to do something with the people, to do something that would force them to close their eyes to the new government, forced, if not to love it with all my heart, then, in any case, meekly obey its orders, go to the battlefield and die like a zombie, shouting "for Comrade Stalin!"

The technical feasibility of implementing such a program is known, for which an excellent life example is all sorts of love potions and conspiracies. Someone may not believe in this, but this is his limitation - in the USSR, 50 institutes were involved in the problem, and there it was clearly not idiots who worked, especially since all this was based not on enthusiasm, but on generous state funding. However, occult recipes for love spells involve the impact on single objects - a man or a woman, who need to be confused. But, for example, African sorcerers have more serious systems of work - they can deprive dozens of people of the will and mind, turning them into zombies - walking corpses. And there are many such examples of brain processing.

If there was such a method and if such a method worked, the Bolsheviks would have held on to power. This technique would be truly a miracle - an example of a fantastic, incredible super-mass fooling of crowds. And - the Bolsheviks would remain in power. But ... after all, they stayed! Moreover, their direct descendants are still in this power, and the common people have been removed from power. So the miracle did happen? Let's try to deal with this issue.


All the "fraternal peoples" brought together in the USSR were buzzing throughout the entire existence of the USSR: in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Baltic states. Is it possible that the lack of tribal solidarity in a Russian person is some kind of generic trait? Is this the genetics?

Until 1917, there were some other Russians. Although 1917 is actually a slightly different date. In 1918, in 1919, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers actively fought with each other, and all the beginning of the 20s the USSR was shaken either by workers' uprisings, or by peasant riots. But suddenly, somewhere in the mid-20s, everything changed dramatically. The violent, irrepressible Russian people, which Lenin denounced as chauvinism, suddenly forgot himself. Calmed down, faded away, lost the feeling of being together. All of a sudden, as if by a wave of a magic daddy, everything settled down: the Komsomol members put on red kerchiefs and began to dance in circles, the proletariat threw themselves into military parades and demonstrations, the Soviet intelligentsia rejoiced and rushed to sing the victory of socialism. All this can, of course, be explained by repression and the work of propaganda, but only in an abstract theoretical way. For example, the Anglo-Saxons conquered Ireland almost 800 years ago, assimilating the Irish according to all the rules: encouraging interethnic marriages, sending their children to schools from an early age, where they were molded into "Englishmen", and so on. As a result, the Irish even forgot their language. But did Ireland become England? No, I never did. The propaganda could not do anything with either Ireland or Scotland, in which they talk about autonomy to this day.

Is this even possible? In the 20th century, the world witnessed a real miracle (albeit a miracle in a negative sense), when a huge 150 million people, who created a powerful state, won many wars and had an ancient history, were suddenly turned into an obedient herd. Moreover, the herd is not only in the occupied territory, but also on a global scale, where almost every Russian has become Ivan, who does not remember his kinship, a stupid individual who has forgotten his roots. " Was there something other than propaganda involved here? Maybe some kind of magic? Or secret knowledge giving power over people?

We see how the vast majority of the Russian people suddenly began to consider themselves Soviet. The atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks against their fellow tribesmen ceased to excite people. Memories and memoirs are full of real evidence when people imprisoned in the camps retained their selfless faith and love for Joseph Dzhugashvili. Even having survived, going through the twists of hell and leaving the camps, many remained sincere communists and even Stalinists. The Russian people, to a greater extent than all other peoples exploited in the USSR, and today demonstrate an amazing, completely inexplicable commitment to communism, "Leninism".

In the mid-eighties, the problems of creating psycho-generators and remote influence on the human psyche were studied in almost all developed countries. Serious scientific experiments were carried out. And the circle of those who succeeded in comparison with the beginning of the century has expanded significantly. In the USSR, in general, they realized in time the importance of this problem, as well as the danger posed by the possibility of invading someone else's consciousness and manipulating it. The possibilities of remote influence on the psyche in the USSR were studied by about fifty institutes. Appropriations for these purposes were in the hundreds of millions of rubles.

When did these occult studies begin in the USSR? When and who established these 50 institutions? Was it not from the very beginning? In the sixties of the XX century, when the United States publicly announced the cessation of experiments with the paranormal? In the fifties of the last century, when the people and documents that belonged to such a not very materialistic organization as Annenerbe fell into the hands of the NKVD? Or maybe the experiments began even earlier? And when did they start - did they start from scratch or was there some kind of base? In fact, if you confess, those who wanted to seize power, the very top, indulged in witchcraft always and everywhere. Russia is no exception here. For example, Konoad Bussov (a foreign mercenary in the Russian service) wrote this: “Vasily Shuisky began to engage in witchcraft with might and main, gathered all the servants of the devil, warlocks, which could be found in the country, so that what one could not do, he could do another. Thus, the sorcerers ensured that Shuisky's people won. "

If we change the words “warlocks” and “servants of the devil” to the words “specialists in energy-informational influence” and “psychics”, then Shuisky's actions are not so unusual. So the question is not in the existence of the baton, but in who has it bigger and better.

Let's summarize what has been said. Above, we described what preparations were made under the leadership of the Cheka-OGPU. They said that the same all-powerful political police of the Bolsheviks, the OGPU, oversaw the construction of the "mausoleum" - the ziggurat. We talked about the possible mechanism of the work of the ziggurat on Red Square, and then examined what the Russian people have today, the most natural, the most ancient social instinct inherent in any people - tribal solidarity.

They told how the current authorities really relate to zombies and the occult. What other proofs are needed to understand that there is not a “mausoleum” on Red Square, but a specially tuned mechanism that affects the consciousness, will, and life of our people. Moreover, what we especially want to emphasize, this machine may even have lost the operators who created it. They died or fled without passing on their secrets to the ace. The machine already works much worse, and those who rule now do not know how to manage it. Therefore, today's awakening has become possible, which is taking place with the most passionate Russian people, although the bulk is still asleep. But one thing is undoubtedly, the liberation of the Russian people must begin with the dismantling of this occult mechanism opposed to us.

Everything should be swept out not even to the ground, a hundred meters in radius, and a hundred (or maybe more?) Meters deep. Washed down with concrete, lead and cleaned with all the rituals necessary for this. Perhaps some of those who read this study will suspect the authors of an excessive fascination with the unknown and the paranormal. We hasten to dispel such assumptions - the authors are known for quite serious political and economic analytics. But what is in the heart of Russia, on its main square, is a real Babylonian ziggurat, with a teraphim inside, is this not nonsense? Not nonsense! This means that everything that has been said above has a very serious foundation.


We want to give the reader something as a kind of reference material. In the period 1941-1946, the "mausoleum" was empty. The body was taken out of the capital already at the beginning of the war, and the troops marching in front of the "mausoleum" on November 7, 1941, before the battles for Moscow, passed the empty ziggurat. "Lenin" was not there! And it was not until 1948, which is more than strange: the Germans were thrown back in 1942, and the body was returned only in 1946. In our opinion, Stalin or those who actually led, thus, figuratively speaking, removed the “rod from the reactor ". That is, having removed the teraphim, they suspended the work of the Machine. During these years they really needed Russian will and solidarity. As soon as the war ended, the "reactor" was re-launched, returning the teraphim, and the victorious people wilted and went out. This change then greatly surprised many contemporaries, which is captured in many memoirs and works of art.


The first "mausoleum", put together in a week, was a truncated stepped pyramid, to which L-shaped extensions with stairs adjoined on both sides. Visitors descended the right staircase, walked around the sarcophagus on three sides and exited the left staircase. Two months later, the temporary mausoleum was closed and construction began on a new wooden mausoleum, which lasted from March to August 1924.

The second mausoleum, wooden, on the analogue of which the architect Shchusev later made a stone one. It was a large (height 9, length 18 meters) truncated stepped pyramid, the stairs were now included in the total volume of the building. This is a drawing of the simplest television antenna - they used to be on the roofs, and everyone had them in the house. Similar antennas are still installed on radio and TV masts. The principle of their pyramidal ™ is simple: such ladder contours amplify the signal, each subsequent contour adds power to the radiation. Naturally, the ziggurat does not transmit radio waves like an antenna. But physicists have proven that radio waves, sound waves and waves in a liquid have a lot in common. They have one basis - the wave. Therefore, the principles of operation of all wave devices are the same, be it waves of sound, light or waves of some incomprehensible radiation, which today, for convenience, is called energy-informational. Pay attention: the ceiling of the "mausoleum" is also stepped, like the outer pyramid. This is a loop in a loop that works like an amplifying transformer. Modern devices have shown that the inner corners draw in information energy from the outer space, while the outer corners emit it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, the upper superstructure itself radiates (there are several dozen short outer corners-edges).


In 1924-1989, the mausoleum was visited by over 100 million people (not counting the participants in parades and demonstrations) from all over the USSR. The Soviet government fed "Lenin's grandfather" regularly and in large quantities, although he received only a small part necessary for the conservation of the corpse. The rest went elsewhere. There is also another corner in the "mausoleum". In fact, it is not even an angle, but three angles: two are internal, which draw in energy like a bowl, and the third is external. It divides the notch in half, heading outward like a thorn. This is more than an original architectural detail, and the detail is absolutely asymmetrical - it is one, such a triple corner. And it is directed at the crowds marching towards the "mausoleum". Such strange triple angles are called today psychotropic devices (in fact, those same 50 Soviet institutions worked on them). The principle is simple and described above: an inner corner (for example, a corner of a room) draws in some hypothetical information energy, an outer corner (for example, a corner of a table) radiates. What kind of energy we are talking about - we cannot say. Nobody can, physical devices do not register it. But organic tissue is more than sensitive to such energy, and not only organic. Everyone knows how ancient the world is to put a child who is too active in a corner, Why? Because the corner takes away excess energy if you stay there for a short time. And if you put a bed in the corner, then sleep there will not add strength. Known pyramid effects - rotting, mummified meat, self-sharpening blades. And the pyramids are the same angles. The same angles are used in psychotropic devices, only there is also an operator - a person who controls the process and amplifies the power of the device many times over. You can be driven mad by irradiating such a "gun". How it “shoots” is not very clear (the words “information” and “torsion fields” are just words), but the psychotropic “gun” can drive a person crazy or inspire him with some thought.

By the way, the question is:

Where did Comrade Dzhugashvili stand at the military parades? That's right - he stood just above that corner with a thorn, welcoming crowds of citizens approaching the ziggurat. He was an operator. The process was apparently so important that at the top there was an idea to demolish not only St. Basil's Cathedral, but all buildings within a kilometer radius, so that the square could accommodate a million people marching in formation. It is unlikely that a millionth box of proletarians would have made a greater impression on the White House than a ballistic missile, which means that the millionth crowd was needed not for the impression, but for something else. For what?

If someone does not believe the stories of bioenergetics about psychotropic weapons, believe the US press, where there was a whole scandal in the 80s. It began with the fact that back in the 60s the ambassador felt bad - his head began to ache, the nose was bleeding, he could not think and speak coherently. The ambassador was changed - but the same began with the successor, as well as other employees of the embassy. Then they figured out the monkeys in the embassy and next to them - the pundits looking after them. And the monkeys really began to "go crazy", on the basis of which a slightly belated conclusion was made that the KGB ambassadors were irradiated with something. Than - the press and understood, although to this day, the secret is covered in darkness. True, after the incident, the Americans sharply increased their development in this area.

Another interesting story about this "mausoleum corner" is given in his works by the well-known bioenergetic Mr. M. Kalyuzhny:

“For the author, the niche did not represent any mystery, but his natural curiosity pushed him to conduct, so to speak, a natural experiment, and he approached two young militiamen constantly on duty in front of the Mausoleum. When asked if they knew what this niche was (and the conversation took place right in front of it), an astonished counter question followed - "What niche ?!" Only after repeated poking in her direction with a finger with a detailed verbal description of it, the policemen noticed a niche more than two meters high and almost one meter wide. The most interesting thing was to watch the eyes of the policeman, who during the conversation looked point-blank at the "corner" of the Mausoleum. At first they did not express anything - as if a person was looking at a pure White list paper - suddenly, the pupils began to expand, and the eyes crawl out of their sockets - I saw! The spell has fallen! It is impossible to explain this miracle with poor eyesight or mental disability of people in uniform, because they successfully passed the medical examination. Only one thing remains - a special magical (psychotronic, zombie) effect of the Mausoleum on others. "

Now consider the following interesting moment- wear and tear of the "mausoleum".

Mr. Shchusev (in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940) says the following:

“It was decided to build this third version of the Mausoleum from red, gray and black Labrador, with an upper slab of Karelian red porphyry, mounted on columns of various granite rocks. The frame of the mausoleum is made of reinforced concrete with brick filling and lined with natural granite. To avoid the shaking of the mausoleum during the passage of heavy tanks during the parades on Red Square, the pit, in which the reinforced concrete foundation slab was installed, and the reinforced concrete frame of the mausoleum were covered with clean sand. Thus, the building of the mausoleum is protected from the transmission of earth shaking ... The mausoleum is designed for many centuries ... "

Nevertheless, although they built everything for centuries, already in 1944 the Mausoleum had to be thoroughly repaired. Another 30 years passed, and it suddenly became clear to someone that it needed to be repaired again - in 1974 it was decided to carry out large-scale reconstruction tombs. It is even somehow incomprehensible: what does “it became clear” mean? "Mausoleum" is made of reinforced concrete. That is, iron, sheltered from the atmosphere with concrete - stone. Reinforced concrete is practically eternal - it should stand for a thousand years, even reinforced concrete made in the USSR (and for the "mausoleum" the reinforcement was probably correct, and the foremen did not save on cement). There is no special sewage system, no toxic fumes. What to repair? He must be whole? It turns out - no. Someone knew that it was not complete, that repairs were needed.

Let us turn to the memoirs of one of the leaders of the reconstruction, Joseph Rhodes: modern materials, as well as the device of a continuous sheath made of special lead. We were given 165 days for the entire work worth over 10 million rubles ... Having disassembled the granite cladding of the Mausoleum, we were amazed at what we saw: the metal of the frame rusted, brick and concrete walls were destroyed in places, and the insulation-insulation turned into a soggy slurry that had to be scooped up. The cleaned structures have been reinforced, covered with the latest insulating and insulating materials. A reinforced concrete vault-shell was made over the entire structure, which was covered with a solid zinc shell ... In addition, in fact, 12 thousand facing blocks had to be replaced. "

As you can see, Comrade Rhodes was surprised no less than ours: everything was rotten! That which could not rot in principle - glass wool and metal - has rotted away. How! And most importantly, someone knew about the processes taking place inside the ziggurat and gave the order to repair it in time. Someone knew the ziggurat was not a miracle Soviet architecture, but the device is a very complex device. And he is not alone, most likely.

Ziggurat (ziggurat, ziggurat): in the architecture of Ancient Mesopotamia, the iconic tiered tower. Ziggurats had 3-7 tiers in the form of truncated pyramids or parallelepipeds of raw brick, connected by stairs and gentle slopes - ramps (Dictionary of architectural terms)

Bloody Square. She is wearing Ziggurat.
It is done. I'm close. Well, I'm glad.
I descend into a fetid, terrible maw.
It is easy to fall on slippery steps.
Here is the stinking heart of ancient evil,
Bodies that eats souls to ashes.
A hundred-year-old beast made its nest here.
The door is wide open here for demons in Russia.

Nikolay Fedorov

The architectural ensemble of Red Square has evolved over the centuries. Kings succeeded each other. The walls of the citadel replaced each other - first wooden, then white-stone, finally, brick, as we see them now. Fortress towers were erected and demolished. Houses were built and dismantled. Trees grew and fell. Defensive ditches were dug and filled up. Water was supplied and discharged. A wide network of underground communications was laid and destroyed, one way or another affecting structures on the surface. The surface of this surface also changed, right up to the railway (a tram was running until 1930). As a result, we got what we see now: a red wall, towers with stars, huge pines, St. Basil's Cathedral, shopping arcades, the Historical Museum and ... the ritual tower of the ziggurat in the very center of the square.

Even a person far from architecture involuntarily asks the question: why was it decided to build a structure near the Russian medieval fortress in the 20th century - an absolute copy of the top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan? The Athenian Parthenon has been duplicated in the world at least twice - one of the copies is in the city of Sochi.

The Eiffel Tower has been multiplied so much that its clones are present in one form or another in every country. There are even "Egyptian" pyramids in some parks. But to build the temple of Huitzilopochtli, the supreme and most bloody deity of the Aztecs, to build in the very heart of Russia is just an amazing idea! However, one could put up with the architectural tastes of the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution - well, they built it, well, okay. But after all, in the ziggurat on Red Square, it is not the appearance that is striking. It is no secret to anyone that in the basement of the ziggurat lies a corpse embalmed according to some rules.

A mummy in the 20th century, and a mummy made by the hands of atheists is nonsense. Even when builders of parks and attractions are erecting somewhere "Egyptian pyramids" - they are pyramids only outwardly: it never occurred to anyone to seal a freshly made "Pharaoh" in them. How did the Bolsheviks come up with this? Unclear. It is not clear why the mummy has not yet been taken out, after all, the Bolsheviks themselves have already been taken out, as it were? It is not clear why the ROC is silent, after all, the body, so to speak, is restless? Moreover: many other bodies are still embedded in the wall near the ziggurat, which is for Christians the height of blasphemy, the temple of Satan, by and large, because this is an ancient rite of black magic - to wedge people into the fortress walls (so that the fortress will stand for centuries)? And the stars above the towers are five-pointed! Pure Satanism, and Satanism at the state level is like that of the Aztecs.

In this situation, every person who considers himself a clergyman in "multi-confessional" Russia should start every morning with a prayer to his gods, urging to urgently remove the ziggurat from Red Square, because this is a temple of Satan, nothing more and nothing less! Russia, we are told, is a "multi-confessional country": there are Orthodox Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and even gentlemen who call themselves rabbis. All of them are silent: the patriarch, and different mullahs, and Berl-Lazar. Their temple to Satan on Red Square suits. At the same time, this whole company says that it serves one God. There is a persistent impression that we know what this "god" is called - the main temple for him stands in the main place of the country. What and who needs more proof?

From time to time, the public tries to remind the authorities that, they say, the construction of communism has been canceled for 22 years already, so it wouldn't hurt to take the main builder out of the ziggurat and bury it, or even burn it, scattering the ashes somewhere over the warm sea. The authorities explain: pensioners will protest. A strange explanation: when Stalin was taken out of the ziggurat - half of the country was on their ears, but nothing - the authorities were not very stressed. And the Stalinists today are no longer what they used to be: pensioners are silent, even when they are dying of hunger, when prices for apartments, electricity, gas, transport are raised again - and then suddenly everyone will come out and protest?

Stalin was taken out as: today they admitted that he was a criminal - tomorrow they have already buried him. But for some reason the authorities are in no hurry with Blank (Ulyanov) - they have been pulling with the removal of the body for how many years. The stars were not removed from the Kremlin, although the "Museum of the Revolution" was renamed into the "Historical Museum". They did not remove the stars from the shoulder straps, although they removed political instructors from the army. Moreover, the stars were returned to the banners. The anthem was returned. The words are different - but the music is the same, as if awakening in the listeners some kind of programmed rhythm important for the authorities. And the mummy continues to lie. Is all this involved some kind of occult meaning incomprehensible to the public? The authorities again explain: if you touch the mummy, the communists will organize actions. But on November 4, we saw the "action" of the communists - three grandmothers came. And four grannies came out with banners a couple of days later - on November 7th. Is the government so afraid of them? Or is it something else?

Today, to a person who knows what magic is, the occult, mystical meaning of the building on Red Square is perfectly visible. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to others all the drama of the experiment being performed on them - someone will not believe, someone will twist his finger at his temple. However, modern science does not stand still, and what only yesterday seemed like magic, for example, human flights through the air or television, today has become the so-called objective reality. Many moments associated with the ziggurat on Red Square have become a reality.


Modern physics has studied a little electricity, light, corpuscular radiation, they talk about the existence of other waves and phenomena. And they are regularly discovered, for example, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto recently conducted an extensive study of the microstructure of water crystals, which has long been attributed to the presence of certain properties of an information carrier (and an amplifier of various radiation unrecorded by devices). That is, some part of knowledge that was considered occult has already become a purely physical fact.

Who, apart from specialists, knows about Gurwitsch's "mitogenic radiation" (Gurwitsch, discovered in 1923 (its physical nature was partially established in 1954 by Italians L. Colli and W. Faccini)? These and other persistent invisible waves emit dead or dying cells. Such waves kill - proved in a number of experiments. Obviously, the reader assumes that we will now discuss the "radiation" emanating from the mummy and harm Muscovites? The reader is deeply mistaken: we will now talk about the history of Red Square. and explain.

Red Square has not always been Red. In the Middle Ages, there were many wooden buildings, in which there were constant fires. Naturally, for several centuries more than one person was burnt alive in this place. At the end of the 15th century, Ivan III put an end to these disasters: the wooden buildings were demolished, forming a square - Torg. But in 1571 the Torg all the same all burned out, and again people were burnt alive - as they will then burn in the hotel "Russia". And since then the area has been called "Fire". It became the site of executions for centuries. The corpses were buried in the fortress moat - where the bodies of some military leaders are now buried. In 1812, during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon, it all burned down again. Even then, about a hundred thousand Muscovites died, and the corpses were also dragged into the fortress ditches - no one buried them in winter.

From an occult point of view, after such a prehistory, Red Square is ALREADY a terrible place, and some sensitive people who first approach the Kremlin feel well the oppressive atmosphere spread by its walls. From a physical point of view, the land under Red Square is saturated with death, because the necrobiotic radiation discovered by Gurvich is extremely persistent. Thus, the very place for the ziggurat and the burial place of Soviet commanders is already suggestive.


The ziggurat is a ritual architectural structure tapering upward like a multi-stage pyramid - the same one that stands on Red Square. However, a ziggurat is not a pyramid, as it always has a small temple on top. The most famous of the ziggurats is the famous Tower of Babel. Judging by the remains of the foundation and the records on the surviving clay tablets, the Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters.

The top of the tower was decorated in the form of a small temple with a ritual BEDROOM as an altar - the place where the king of the Babylonians entered into intercourse with the virgins brought to him - the spouses of the god of the Babylonians: it was believed that at the moment of the act the deity entered the king or priest performing the magic ceremony and fertilized a woman.

The height of the Tower of Babel did not exceed the width of the base, which we also see in the ziggurat on Red Square, that is, it is quite typical. Its content is also quite typical: something that resembles a temple at the top, and something mummified, lying at the lowest level. Something that the Chaldeans used in Babylon later received the designation - teraphim, that is, the opposite of the seraphim.

It is difficult to explain well the essence of the concept of "teraphim" in a nutshell, not to mention the descriptions of the varieties of teraphim and the approximate principles of their work. Roughly speaking, the teraphim is a kind of "sworn object", a "collector" of magical, parapsychic energy, which, according to magicians, envelops the teraphim in layers, formed by special rites and ceremonies. These manipulations are called "the creation of the teraphim", since it is impossible to "manufacture" the teraphim.

The clay tablets of Mesopotamia do not lend themselves very well to deciphering, which gives rise to different interpretations of the signs recorded there, sometimes with very startling conclusions (for example, those set forth in the books of Zechariah Sitchin). In addition, the sequence of the "creation of the teraphim", which lay in the foundations of the Tower of Babel, would not have been made public by any priest, even under torture. The only thing that the texts say and with which all the translators agree is that the teraphim Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for communication with whom the tower was built) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time, other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East), a gold plate, apparently rhombic in shape, with magical ritual signs was most likely placed inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of a removed brain). It contained all the power of the teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or an image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another: the will of the owner of the teraphim seemed to flow through the metal into the person in contact with him: under pain of death by forcing his subjects to wear “diamonds” around their necks, the king of Babylon could control their owners to one degree or another.

Pickled head with VIL's hole
is still an object of worship of Russians

We cannot assert that the head of a man lying in a ziggurat on Red Square is a teraphim, but the following facts are noteworthy:

  • there is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason, the brain is still stored at the Institute of the Brain;

  • the head is covered with a surface made of special glass;

  • the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere up. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the creatures of the worlds of Hell;

  • images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Pekla;

  • For some reason, instead of shoulder straps, “rhombuses” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “stars” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and that were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Vil. "Ornaments" similar to diamonds and stars, imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower, were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, parts of the victim's body are also used, for example, the victim's head is walled up under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim. We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, but there is evidence that this fact takes place: in the ziggurat lie the heads of the ritually murdered king and queen, as well as the heads of two more unknown persons. people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the "transfer" of power from the communists to the "democrats" (thus the teraphim were, as it were, "renewed", strengthened).

We have some interesting facts.

The first fact is the certainty that the murder of the holy Tsar Nicholas II was ritual and, as a result, his remains could later be used for ritual purposes. Whole historical studies have been written about this, dotting the i's.

The second fact is reflected in these studies: the testimony of Yekaterinburg residents who, on the eve of the Tsar's murder, saw a man “with the appearance of a rabbi, with a pitch-black beard”: he was brought to the place of execution on a train from ONE CAR, which was occupied by this important person among the Bolsheviks. Immediately after the execution, such a conspicuous train left with some boxes. Who came, why - we do not know.

But we know the third fact: a certain professor Zbarsky "invented" the recipe for embalming in three days, although the same North Koreans, having much more advanced technologies, have been working on the conservation of Kim Il Sung for more than a year. That is, apparently, someone suggested the recipe for Zbarsky again. And to prevent the recipe from drifting out of his circle, Professor Vorobyov, who helped Zbarsky, and who also willingly learned about the secret, "accidentally" died quite soon during the operation.

Finally, the fourth fact - the consultations of the architect Shchusev (the official "builder" of the ziggurat) mentioned in historical documents by a certain F. Poulsen, a specialist in the architecture of Mesopotamia. It is interesting: why did the architect consult an archaeologist, after all, Shchusev seemed to be building, and not carrying out excavations?

Thus, we have every reason to believe that if the Bolsheviks had so many "consultants": on construction, on ritual murders, on embalming - then obviously they consulted the revolutionaries correctly, having done everything according to one magical scheme - they would not have started building Chaldean ziggurat, to embalm the body according to the Egyptian recipe, accompanying all the Aztec ceremonies? Although with the Aztecs, not everything is so simple.

We compared the ziggurat on Red Square with the Tower of Babel, not because it resembles it most of all, although it strongly resembles: just the abbreviation of the pseudonym in the ziggurat of the leader of the world proletariat coincides with the name of the Babylonian god - his name was Vil. We do not know - again, probably a "coincidence". If we talk about an EXACT copy of the ziggurat, about the sample, the "source" - then this is undoubtedly a building on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotiucan, where the Aztecs brought human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. Or a structure very similar to it.

Uitzilopochtli is the main god of the Aztec pantheon. One day he promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a "blessed" place, where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoche: the Aztecs came to Teotiucan, massacred the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids erected by the Toltecs they built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

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