Interpretation is either a matter of doing or telling tales. Ancient Slavic amulets of our ancestors. Proverbs with the word fairy tale

Russian popular print "A thief came to the yard" from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow

True, the researcher managed to publish his work only in Geneva, because in Russia the publication of the cherished fairy tales was prohibited. For the first time in our country, Afanasyev's collection was published at the end of the 20th century. What am I!

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a man, so rogue that God forbid! I rubbed off about a hundred rubles and fled from my village. He walked on and on and begged to spend the night with the priest: "Go," says the priest, "you won't lie down with us." A man came, undressed and lay down on the bench. He took it into his head to count the money, took it out and let's count it. The priest saw that the man was counting money - and they were sensitive to that - and he thought: “Look, he walks around like a ragamuffin, but what a waste of money. Let me get him drunk to drink, and I'll take it. " A little later, the priest approached the peasant and said: "Come on, light, have supper with us." The man was delighted: "Thank you, father!" We sat down to supper; the priest put the wine on and let's pour it: he will do it this way - he just does not give a rest. The peasant got drunk and fell to the floor, the priest now pulled the money out of his pocket, hid it to himself, and put the peasant on the bench.

The next morning the peasant slept through, lo and behold, his pocket was empty; realized what was the matter, but what would you take: if you ask for a priest, they will ask: where did he get the money and he came from; you will make more trouble. So the peasant left, dragged around here and there for a month, two and three, and then he thought to himself: “The pop tea has forgotten me now; I will dress so that he will not recognize me, but I will go to him to repay the old. " I came to the priest in the hut; but the priest at that time did not happen at home, one priest was sitting. "Let me go, mother, to spend the night at your place." - "Perhaps, go." He entered the hut and sat down on a bench. “What's the name, light? Where are you going from?" - "Cacophie, mother, I am going on a pilgrimage from afar."

The priest had a book on the table. So the man took it, turns over the sheets and mutters with his lips, as if he was reading, and then he would cry. Popadya and asks: "What, light, are you crying?" - “How can I not cry? In the Holy Scripture it is written that who will be for what sins, and we sinners do so much wickedness that I do not know, mother, how else can God endure sins? " - "Are you, light, taught to read and write?" - "Why, mother, about this case I am not offended by God." - "Do you know how to sing like a deacon?" - “I can, mother, I can. I studied from an early age: I know the whole church charter ”. - “And we, light, do not have a sexton”; left his father to bury; won't you help daddy to celebrate mass tomorrow? " - “Okay, mother! Why not help? "

The priest arrived, the priest told him everything. Pop is glad of that, he treated the man as best as possible. The next morning he came with a man to church and began to serve mass. Only the man stands on the wing and is silent to himself. Pop shouted at him: "Why are you standing in silence and not singing?" And the man to him. "Perhaps I'll sit down, if you don't tell me to stand." And he sat down ... Pop again shouts: "Why are you sitting and not singing?" - "Perhaps I'll go to bed." And collapsed on the floor. The priest came up and smoked it out of the church, while he himself remained to finish the mass. The man came to the priest in the yard. Priadya asks: "Have you served mass?" - "We have served, mother!" - "And where is the daddy?" “He stayed in the church: we need to bury the deceased. And he sent me to you to take a new sheepskin coat, covered with a cloth, and a beaver hat, to go far, but he wants to dress warmly. " Priadya went for a sheepskin coat and a hat. And the peasant went into the hut, took off his hat, ... put it in it and put it on the bench, and he himself took the priest's sheepskin coat with a beaver's hat and tore it up.

Pop has served mass and comes home. The priest saw that he was in an old sheepskin coat, and asked: "Where is the new sheepskin coat?" - "Which?" Well, then they told each other about the man and learned that the man had deceived them. The priest rashly grabbed his hat, put it on his head and ran through the village to look for the peasant, and from the hat he floated in his face: he was all fucked up. He ran up to one of the huts and asked the owner: "Have you seen Kakofya?" - “I see, father, what you are! Good!" Whoever asks - all answer him the same. "What fools," says the priest, "you interpret one thing for them, and they give you another!" I ran, I ran, I ran around the whole village, but I didn't get any sense. “Well, he thinks that it has fallen from the cart, then it is gone.” That is how the tale ended.

Funeral goat

An old man lived with an old woman; they did not have a single brainchild, only that there was a goat; here everything and bellies! .. The old man did not know any skill, weaved only bast shoes - and he ate only that. The goat got used to the old man: it happened - wherever the old man went out of the house, the goat runs after him from the house.

One day the old man happened to go into the forest for a bast, and the goat ran after him. They came to the forest: the old man began to tear his bast, and the goat wanders here and there and nibbles the grass; pinched and pinched, but suddenly with his front legs and fell into the loose earth, began to rummage and dug out a bowler hat with gold. The old man sees that the goat is rowing the earth, he came up to him - and he saw gold; he was overjoyed, dropped his bastards, picked up the money and went home. I told the old woman everything. “Well, old man,” says the old woman, “it was God who gave us such a treasure for old age, for having worked with you in poverty for so many years. And now we will have our pleasure. " - "No, old woman," the old man answered her, "this money was found not by our happiness, but by the goat, now we need to feel sorry for the goat and take care of the goat more than ourselves." Since then, they have conceived to feel sorry for and take care of the goat more than themselves, have conceived to take care of him, and they themselves have recovered - it is impossible to be better! The old man forgot how they weave sandals; they live for themselves - they live, they don't know any grief.

After a while, the goat fell ill and died. The old man began to consult with the old woman what to do: “If we throw the goat to the dogs, then it will be a sin for us before God and people, because we received all our happiness through the goat. I'd rather go to the priest and ask him to bury the goat in a Christian way, just like other dead people are buried. " The old man got together, came to the priest and bows: "Hello, father!" - “Great, light! What do you say?" - “But, father, I came to your grace with a request, I had a big misfortune at my house - a goat number. I came to call you to the funeral. "

When the priest heard such speeches, he became very angry, grabbed the old man by the beard and dragged him around the hut: "Oh, you damned thing, what have you invented to bury a stinking goat!" - “Yes, vit, this goat, father, was absolutely Orthodox; he refused you two hundred rubles. " “Listen, old horseradish,” said the priest, “I’m not beating you for calling the goat to bury you, but why didn’t you let me know about his death until now; maybe he died a long time ago.

The priest took two hundred rubles from the peasant and said: "Well, go quickly to the deacon father, tell him to get ready: now let's go bury the goat." An old man comes to the deacon and asks: "Work hard, deacon father, come to my house to take out!" - "Who died at you?" - "Yes, you knew my goat, he died!" How the deacon began to whip him from ear to ear. “Don't hit me, deacon father,” says the old man, “after all, the goat was, read it, completely Orthodox; when he died, he refused you a hundred rubles for burial. " “You are so old and stupid,” said the deacon, “why haven't you informed me for a long time about his glorious death? go quickly to the sexton; let him ring the goat soul! "

The old man runs to the sexton and asks: "Go, ring the goat soul." And the deacon got angry and began to ruffle the old man's beard. The old man shouts: “Let go, perhaps! He was an Orthodox goat, he refused you fifty rubles for the funeral. " - “What are you digging up to now, you should have told me early; ought to ring a long time ago! " At once the sexton rushed to the bell tower and began to play on all the bells. The priest and the deacon came to the old man and began to send the funeral; they put the goat in the coffin, carried it to the cemetery and buried it in the grave.

So the parishioners began to talk about that matter among themselves, and it came to the bishop that the priest had buried the goat in a Christian way. The bishop demanded to his reprisal of the old man with the priest: “How dare you bury the goat? Oh, you atheists! " - "Yes, whit, this goat, - says the old man, - was not at all like other goats - before his death he refused your Eminence a thousand rubles!" “Why, you stupid old man, I’m not judging you for burying the goat, but why didn’t you take him alive with butter! ..” He took a thousand and let the old man and priest go home.


Once upon a time Mikulka was a thief. The master heard about him that Mikulka would steal anything like that; calls him and says: “Steal a down jacket from under me and my lady; if you steal - a hundred rubles, if you do not steal - a hundred lashes. " - "Coming!" Mikulka answers. "When will you come to steal?" - "Tonight". - "Okay!"

The master went to bed with the lady, and Mikulka crawled under his bed early in the morning, waited until everyone fell asleep, and even played a dirty trick between the master and the lady. The gentleman and the lady woke up, began to blame each other, made a fuss, no one would argue. Both stood up, grabbed the feather bed, but they would not pull it off; began to call the person.

Then Mikulka came out of nowhere and dragged the featherbed into the yard. The master thinks that this is their servant. "Look," he orders, "shake it well so that it is clean." Mikulka took the feather bed to him. And the gentleman and the lady waited - they did not wait; whoever was asked - no one knows anything. In the morning Mikulka arrived at the master’s yard and brought a feather bed: “Take it, master, but pay one hundred rubles!” - "Take at least two hundred, just do not tell anyone that my lady and I have become disgraced."

A week later, the master calls Mikulka: “Steal,” he says, “I have a wife; you steal - a hundred rubles, if you do not steal - a hundred lashes. " - "Please, sir!" Mikulka returned home and ordered him to buy vodka and various snacks, and he himself went to call the priest. Pop is glad of that. It is known that the priest has envious eyes, he is glad to get drunk at someone else's expense, get drunk. Until then, the priest was drawing vodka until he fell off his feet.

Mikulka stripped him almost to the level of his sinful body, dressed in a priest's cassock and went to the manor's yard; looks: the watchmen with cudgels are standing around, they take care of the lady. Mikulka entered the mansion: "Hello, father!" - says the master. “And I walked past your yard,” says the fake priest, “I see - there are watchmen with a club everywhere; Give, I think to myself, I'll come in and find out what is it? " - "Do you know, father, Mikulka the thief?" - “How not to know? Such a rogue, which has never happened before, it would be high time to hang. " "So he was the one who boasted of stealing my lady this night." - “It's not okay business. From him, at least three times as many guards, you will not be able to protect yourself. " - "But what should I do something?" - “And here's what: send your lady (and on the sly, so that no one knows) to my priest, let them spend the night together. Even though Mikulka will come to steal, he will not find the lady. " “And that's true. Thank you, father, for giving me the thought. " - "I, perhaps, myself and see the lady."

Mikulka took the lady not only to the priest's yard, but straight to his place. The next morning, the master sends to him (the priest) for his wife, and he is still asleep with a hangover. Priadya and says: "We did not have any lady, and the husband from the very evening, when they brought a drunk from Mikulka, did not leave the house anywhere, he was lying as if he were killed and would not move about." There is nothing to do, the master had to rescue his wife from Mikulka. I paid him a hundred rubles, took the lady and went home, only scratching his head.

It happened that the priest was visiting the master; there was a talk about Mikulka, that a thief-de-thief is so cunning: he will sweep his pants off alive. And the priest says: "Who else, but Mikulka is not scary to me: I myself am cunning." - "Well, father, do not boast, first pray to God." And the master orders his servants to call Mikulka: "Pop doesn't believe your prowess, so show him." - “Why not show it? Glad to". "Well," says the priest, "steal a hundred rubles from me?" - "I will steal." - "But how can you steal when I hang them around my neck?" - "About that I know." As soon as the priest arrived home from the master, he just took out a hundred rubles from the chest, wrapped it in rags and hung it around his neck. It’s already dark outside. The priest is still awake, afraid that the thief might show up and take away the money. Mikulka tied his wings, took a large purse, gathered himself and climbed out the window to his ass. Pop sees a winged man at the window and began to read a spell: "Get lost, perish, devilish obsession." “I’m not a devil,” Mikulka says, “I’m an angel from heaven.” - "Why did you come to me?" - "The Lord ordered to take you to heaven, sit in your purse."

Pop sat down in his purse. Mikulka picked him up and carried him to the bell tower; He started to climb the stairs, stopped and said: “Father, either you have sinned or you have something worldly with you, it’s painful to bear you. Repent in advance of your sin and cast off all worldly things ”. Pop remembered that he had a hundred rubles hung around his neck, took them off and gave them to the thief. Mikulka dragged him to the very top, tied him to the crossbar and started ringing all the bells. The people began to wake up, what kind of ringing is this? Everyone ran to the bell tower - there was no one (Mikulka had already managed to sneak away with the priest's money), only the sack was dangling on the crossbar. They took off the bag, untangled it, and the priest was sitting in it.

Russian folk tales are part of folklore, as are proverbs... In the old days, fairy tales were passed from mouth to mouth, so they have come down to us. Accurate, wise sayings, loved by the people, from fairy tales passed into colloquial speech and became proverbs. In addition, in fairy tales there are so-called sayings - verbal formulas that tune the listener to an entertaining narrative, words and expressions often repeated in a fairy tale, sentenced without much sense and meaning. Here is a fragment from the book by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People":

“There are many such conditional sentences in fairy tales:“ Soon the fairy tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon ”; "Whether close, far away, low, high"; “Beyond the distant lands, in the thirty-tenth state,” etc. Both simple and fabulous idle talk sometimes turn into a proverb, containing a conventional meaning; for example: “I would be good, yes, you see, my wife is not good; well, I am too happy ”; about an empty, formidable chief: "I rode above the forest of a standing man, below a walking cloud"; about severity and non-potty to whom: "He is quieter than water, he has become lower than grass", etc.

  • Proverbs from Dahl's collection,
  • Proverbs with the word "fairy tale"
  • Fairy tales with proverbs
  • Proverbs suitable for fairy tales.

Proverbs and sayings from the collection of Dahl

In the book by V. I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people" two sections are devoted to the theme of proverbs from fairy tales: "Sayings" and "Fairy tale-song". Let's start with them.

Once upon a time there was a king oats, he took away all the tales.
Not in words (Not in a fairy tale) to say, not to write with a pen.
Fiction in faces.
From the fairy tale (From the song) the word is not thrown out.
The fairy tale is not chasing after reality.
The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, it is not interrupted in the middle.
Don't interrupt my tale; and whoever interrupts her will not live for three days (the snake will crawl down his throat).

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state. In the thirtieth kingdom. For distant lands, in the thirty state.
The bird tit flew over to the distant lands, beyond the blue sea-okyan, in the thirty kingdom, in the distant state.
On the sea, on an okiyane, on an island on a brawler, there is a baked bull: crushed garlic in the bottom, cut it on one side, and eat it on the other.
On the sea, on an okiyane, on an island on a brawler, there is a white-combustible stone alatyr.
The banks are kisselny, rivers are fed (dairy).
On a field-glade, on a high mound.
In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, behind steep banks.
Under a bright month, under white clouds, under frequent stars, etc.
Whether close, far, low, high.
Not a gray eagle, not a clear falcon rises ...
It was not the white (gray) swan that came out ...
Not white snow in an open field turned white ...
The dense forests are not black, they turn black ... That it is not dust that rises in the field. Not a gray fog rises with expanse ...
He whistled, barked, a valiant whistle, a heroic shout.
You go to the right (along the road) - you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, I will not live myself.
Hitherto, the Russian spirit has not been heard by hearing, the species has not been seen, but now the Russian spirit is in the eye.
They took them for white hands, seated them for tables, for fresh tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks.
Miracle Yudo, Mosalskaya lip.
Get dead and living water.
Sprinkle with dead water - flesh and meat grow together, sprinkle with living water - the dead comes to life.
The pig is a golden bristle.
The Little Humpbacked Horse.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka.
Zmey Gorynych.
Tom Thumb.
Snow Maiden girl.
Little Snow Maiden.
Kladenets sword.
Kalena arrow.
Tight bow.
Damask spear, Murzametsky.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Between the eyes of the kalen, the arrow fits.
Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, rests with a pestle, sweeps a trail with a broomstick.
Gusli-samogudy: they start themselves, play themselves, dance themselves, sing songs themselves.
Invisible hat.
Self-propelled boots.
Hospitality tablecloth.
Suma, give me something to drink and eat.
Flying mat, etc.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
Fire from nostrils, steam (smoke) from ears.
Breathes with fire, burns with fire.
It covers the trail with its tail, lets the valleys and mountains between the legs.
I will whistle a column of dust from the young man.
Popski (trace) valiant, fossil (clods from under the hooves) heroic.
The horse beats with its hoof, gnaws at the bit.
Quieter than water, below the grass. You can hear the grass growing.
It grows by leaps and bounds, like wheat dough on a sour dough.
The moon is bright in the forehead, stars are frequent in the back of the head.
The horse lies, the earth trembles, fires emanate from the ears, from the nostrils a column of smoke (or: fire from the nostrils, smoke from the nostrils).
Out of grace, it reaches out to the grass-ant with a hoof.
Elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver.
Under dark forests, under walking clouds, under frequent stars, under the red sun.
It is clothed with heaven, belted with lightning, fastened with stars.
The duck grunted, the banks clinked, the sea shook, the water shook.
Hut, hut on chicken legs, turn your back to the forest, in front of me!
Become, white birch, at my back, and the maiden is red in front!
Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
Clear, clear in the sky, chill, chill, wolf's tail!

I myself was there, drinking honey and beer, flowing down my mustache, not getting into my mouth, my soul was drunk and satisfying.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and I have knitted bagels.

A fairy tale is a fold, and a song is a reality.
A fairy tale is a lie, and a song is true.
A fairy tale in a warehouse, the song is red in color.
The song (Fairy Tale), the whole thing, you can't sing (say) anymore.

Proverbs with the word fairy tale

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.
Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon.
A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a reality.
A fairy tale is a fold, it is sweet to listen to.
Fairy tales are not skids: you won't sit down and you won't go.
Listen to the fairy tale, but listen to the saying.
We also told fairy tales.
Fairy tale will not keep up.
In fairy tales everything is there, but there is nothing in the hands.
The fairy tale is red in the warehouse, and the song is in the harmony.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.
Not life is a fairy tale!
We were born to make a fairy tale come true.
Fairy tales are not red in writing, but red in meaning.
Not every water is suitable for drinking, not every fairy tale is a pointer to people.
Not to tell in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen.
A fairy tale is not folded in writing, it is folded in fiction.
Tell stories!
If not lies, then fairy tales are kind.
Once upon a time there was a king Tofuta - and the whole tale is mulberry.
I would have told a fairy tale, but forgot it at home.
It's a fairy tale, you can't tell it any more.
Any joke in a fairy tale is good.
Every fairy tale comes to an end.
Eat porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: be smart with your mind and mind you.
Either to do business, or to tell fairy tales.
Fairy tales are not skids: you won't sit down and you won't go.
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but a saying.
A good tale, but the last one.
This is a saying, and the tale will be ahead.

Fairy tales containing proverbs

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish:

You fool, you fool!
Serves you right, you old ignoramus.
What do you want, elder?
What are you baba, henbane overeat?

The Tale of Tsar Saltan:

But a wife is not a mitten, you cannot shake off a white hand, and you cannot plug it into a belt.
Think you through, not to repent later.

The tale of the priest and his worker Balda:

Eats for four, works for seven.
You would not be chasing cheapness, priest.

Sister fox and gray wolf:

The broken unbeaten is lucky.
Freeze, freeze wolf's tail.

Fairy tale "Princess Frog:

The morning is wiser than the evening.

Fairy tale "Fox and Crane":

Don't blame me, kumanek! There is nothing more to regale.
As it came back to haunt, and responded.
That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

Now you know, in which fairy tales are proverbs found.

Proverbs to fairy tales

At school, assignments are often given:

  • choose proverbs that match fairy tales
  • determine which proverb fits the fairy tale

Such proverbs may not immediately come to mind. Here you need to think, look for information, read proverbs. We'll give you some hints by listing proverbs in this section that apply to fairy tales.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin":

There is no trick that cannot be outsmarted.
You won't go far on deception.
For good, wait for good, for bad - bad.
Know to whom you are doing good.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Frog Princess":

They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds.
Do not do good, you will not get evil!
Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.
I took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty.
It's good that ends well!

Proverbs to the Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo":

If you have no son, you will cry once, if you have a son, you will cry ten times. (Udmurt proverb)
Do not spit in the well; water is useful to drink.
Walk - walk, but respect your father and mother.
Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water
Whoever respects mother and father will never perish.
It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.
Bad branches without a trunk.
You can buy everything, but you cannot buy a father-mother.
You can't replace your own mother.
A parent's heart is in children, and a child's heart is in a stone.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane":

Two of a Kind.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Kolobok":

Which have not be avoided.
I circled it around my finger.

Suitable proverbs for the fairy tale "Chatty Bird:

In words, he is quick, but in reality he is not an argument.
A big talker is a bad worker.
The chatter is red and variegated, but empty.
The bird sings, betrays itself.
The word is silver, silence is gold.
It is superfluous to say - only to harm yourself.
Anyone over the edge, give that more.
The talkative language with the mind is not related.
Eat more and speak less.
The words are thick, but the head is empty.
Miser pays twice.
The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.

Which proverb fits the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel":

As it comes around, it will respond.
All that glitters is not gold.
Do not dig a hole for another - you will fall into it yourself.
Having given the word - hold on, and not give, hold on.
Until a roasted rooster pecks in the head ...
Trust but verify.
Good is rewarded for kindness, and evil is rewarded for evil
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.



Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary... D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "TALKING" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    TO SAY, I think, you are afraid; unverified. 1. see affect. 2. (1st person and 2nd person not used). Pronounced, told (obsolete and obl.). Soon the tale is told, but not soon the work is done (last). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I nonsov. suffering. to Ch. say II nes. Show up, show up, make yourself felt. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Affect, affect, affect, affect, affect, affect, affect, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, affecting, ... ... Forms of words

    affect- say, I guess, I guess ... Russian spelling dictionary

    affect- (I), I say / say (s), play (s), vay (s) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    affect- Syn: influence, influence (book), act, reflect, respond, leave a mark, imprint Ant: do not reflect, do not influence ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    See Saying and Saying ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    affect- the influence of the subject, demonstration ... Verb collocation of non-subject names


  • German sculpture 1900-1950 , Yu.P. Markin. In Russian scientific literature, the topic of the fine arts of Germany at the end of the 19th - the first half of the 20th centuries remains virtually unreported, although the interest in German art culture ...
  • The Fate and Sins of Russia (set of 2 books), G.P. Fedotov. The collection of articles by the outstanding Russian philosopher, historian and researcher of Russian Orthodox culture G.P. Fedotov (1886 - 1951) investigates the causes of the monstrous revolution, the consequences ...

KVN for the older group

Based on Russian folk tales with elements of a sports relay

Target: to intensify the rest of children, to deliver positive emotions

Tasks: to ensure the consolidation of knowledge of Russian folk tales, motor skills in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to stimulate the development of endurance, dexterity, the ability to play in a team

Material: emblems and medals for each child, flags, flannelegraph, illustrations based on Russian folk tales, images of the heroes of the "Turnip" and "Kolobok" fairy tales, puzzles based on the rn. fairy tales, riddles based on r.n. fairy tales, bags, bumps, landmarks, balls, gymnastic sticks, tunnels.

Every Russian person knows Russian folk tales from childhood. The guys already know a lot of them. They are told by mothers, grandmothers, educators. And when the children learn to read themselves, they will get acquainted with new fairy tales.

Only in fairy tales can you find Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf, Elena the beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Baba Yaga with an immortal koshche, water, goblin and other heroes. Only in a fairy tale can you ride on an airplane carpet, put on an invisibility hat, command a hut on chicken legs. Today we will check how well Russian folk tales are familiar to our children.



Dexterous, brave, okay complicated.

We are like a kolobok.

But the fox cannot outwit us,

Let's guess all the riddles

Let's go around all the obstacles.


Do not sit idly by

There will be no boredom.


A turnip grows in a fairy tale,

Big but strong

We have time for the turnip

We are close friends, we know a lot.


Soon the tale is telling

Yes, not soon the matter is done.

Jury presentation.

Explanation of the rules.

I task. "Warm-up"

On the flannelgraph, in turn, each team is shown an illustration from a fairy tale. Name a fairy tale.

II task. "Competition of captains"

Each child has an image of one of the heroes of the fairy tale. The team captain arranges the characters according to the chronological order of the given tale.

III task. "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows"

One question at a time for each team.

1a. Which hero in the fairy tale used his tail instead of a fishing rod?

1b. Which hero of the fairy tale was lying on the stove all the time?

2a. Who is called Patrikeevna in the fairy tale?

2b. What did the girl in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" treat to the oven?

3a. Whom does the girl meet first in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" when she is looking for her brother?

3b. Whom does the gingerbread man meet first on its way?

4a. Who fulfilled Emelya's wishes?

4b. What weapon did the princes use in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"?

5a. In what fairy tale did the mother have three daughters: One-eyed, Two-eyed, Triglazka?

5 B. In which fairy tale there are the words: "Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beautiful"?

6a. What are the legs of a hut in a fairy tale?

6b. Who destroyed the teremok?

The jury sums up the game "This is me and my friends"

Here's another game

You will love it.

I want to ask you a question

It's up to you to answer,

If you agree with me

Answer in chorus, brothers:

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Neither agree if you

Close your mouth with the locks.

Answer in chorus in a moment, who is the most mischievous here?

I will ask now everyone who loves songs here, laughter?

Who is used to your order, doing exercises in the morning?

Who of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash?

The jury speaks after three competitions.

IV task. "Collect a fairy tale"

Each team is invited to assemble a picture based on r.n. from the puzzles using a sample. fairy tales.

V task. "Think and answer"

  1. What words do Russian folk tales begin with?
  2. What words do Russian folk tales end with?

VI task. "Relays"

And now it's time to stretch yourself and get into a fairy tale yourself. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, beyond the distant lands there lived, were red maidens, but good fellows. They loved to solve tricky riddles. Yes, a misfortune happened: the immortal Koschey hid the best riddles in the chest. Getting to the chest is not easy, the road is long and difficult. But our guys do not care. And on the way, the robbers are preparing sacks, they want to tie everyone. But they are not a hindrance to us, we are clever and brave.

Running in bags

The robbers were frightened by the strength of the remarkable good fellows, and the dexterity and cunning of the red maidens, and fled. Further on the road, the road. Met a squirrel. She asked for help: to transfer the cones to her hollow. Our guys are kind and helpful. Let's help the squirrel.

Move the bumps

And the squirrel is not simple, but an entertainer. I gave a ball as a gift, not simple, magical. The ball rolls and the road itself shows, the road is not easy, winding, it will lead us to the chest with tricky riddles.

Roll the ball

Here is Koscheev's cave and the chest is visible. There is very little left. Pull up fellows, get together girls! The serpent Gorynych guards the cave, waters it with fire from its mouth. We will crawl into the mountain tunnels - we will save ourselves from the fire of the snake, we will go around the sharp stones and take away the chest with riddles.

Tunnel, snake running

VII task. "Tricky Riddles"

1a. A guy is sitting on the stove, eating rolls.

I took a ride through the village and married a princess. ("By magic")

1b. Alyonushka's sisters, the birds took the brother away.

She played with her friends, brother Vanya missed. ("Swan geese")

2a. Misha walks through the woods, carrying a box on his back.

Granddaughter Masha baked pies for the woman and grandfather,

She twisted the intractable Misha around her finger. ("Masha and the Bear")

2b. What kind of guest came to the house to the three forest bears?

There I ate, drank, slept in three beds.

And the owners returned, barely carried away their legs ("Three Bears")

3a. Brother did not obey his older sister,

And drank muddy water from a puddle.

The unclean water brought them a lot of grief. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

3b. I caught an arrow in the swamp and waits,

When Ivan comes for the arrow. ("Princess Frog")

4a. In the fairy tale, the little fox cheat deceived the bunny deftly.

Driving away from the hut. The bunny cried day and night,

But in trouble he was helped by one brave cockerel. ("Zayushkina hut")

4b. This house is not small, how many guests it has gathered.

Every place has found here, every friend has found here.

But the bear hobbled, broke this house. ("Teremok")

Summarizing. Rewarding teams. Dances to music from the movie "Bambariki".

Celebration for primary school students "A fairy tale has come to visit us!"

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher MBOU secondary school №9, Ulyanovsk.
Work description: I bring to your attention an extra-curricular event based on fairy tales, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful for primary school teachers and teachers of extended day groups.
Target: creating a fabulous holiday atmosphere.
- to acquaint children with fairy tales;
- to educate children to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate for the holiday.

Event progress:

The song "Little Country" is performed by Natasha Koroleva.
Children enter the hall in fabulous costumes.

Student 1:
If a fairy tale knocks on the door
You quickly let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare it a little, it will fly away.

Student 2:
You follow her to the doorstep
And she already - jump, yes, jump,
Like a round bun
Rolling through the woods ...

Student 3:
She has a supply of miracles!
And always ready ...
Every time for everyone for us
The golden word!

Student 4:
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't do without them!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! I am very glad to see all of you at our holiday. I think that everyone knows the words of A.S. Pushkin:

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows a lesson!

Leading: Today we invite you to a lesson-lesson dedicated to fairy tales. (Each child chooses a coloring for himself, so the class is divided into 4 groups).

A girl appeared in a flower cup.
And there was that little girl bigger than a marigold.
She always slept in a nutshell
What a little girl she was!

Who read a book about this
Will he call us the baby?
Group 1 - Thumbelina.(Those guys who painted Thumbelina).

He has a house on the roof.
He's a naughty comedian
Braggart and braggart,
What is his name? Guess - ka!
Group 2 - Carlsons.(Those guys who painted Carloson).

This boy is very strange
Unusual - wooden.
Everywhere his nose sticks in its long one.
Who is this? .. (Pinocchio.)
Group 3 - Pinocchio.(Those guys who painted Pinocchio).

She is beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word "ash".
Group 4 - Cinderella.(Those guys who painted Cinderella).

The guys are announced
That the train is leaving
Dispatches immediately
From Moscow station
Up to the first letter - "A".
The steam is driven by a steam locomotive,
I lit two lanterns
And rushes with the rumble of wheels
By the lines of the ABC book.
Drove off
From Moscow station
And finally we got there
To the first letter - "A".

Leading: Remember the fairy tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "A"?
Leading: True, there is such a fairy tale - "Aybolit", the hero - Aladdin ...
And yet, there is such a word ... attribute. An attribute is an item that is an integral part of someone or something.
Exercise 1. Each team needs to add its own attribute from the mosaic.
(Thumbelina - a swallow, Carlsons - Kid, Pinocchio - a golden key, Cinderella - a shoe).

Aladdin's lamp,
Lead us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Leading: Moving on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale heroes and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "B"?
(Baba Yaga, Pinocchio, Barmaley, Bremen Town Musicians ...)

Leading: And yet, there is such a word ... "byu-bye".
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie down on the edge.
A gray top will come
And grab the barrel.

Task 2. Each team needs to compose a Bedtime Story. A bedtime story is a long goodnight wish, usually imbued with tenderness, love and, of course, care. Remember what a bedtime story read by a grandmother or mom sounds like? Probably quiet and even, she also calms and lulls.
(Each team composes its own fairy tale. If you wish, you can play it.)

Leading: Moving on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale heroes and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "V"?
(Wolf, "The Wizard of the Emerald City", Vasilisa the Beautiful ...)

Leading: And yet, there is such a word ... "seasons".
Task 3. Each team needs to remember fairy tales that describe one season of the year.
(Thumbelina - winter, Carlsons - spring, Pinocchio - summer, Cinderella - autumn).
(Teams are competing).
Leading: Our journey is coming to an end, dear guys and distinguished guests! Finally, please continue ...
Fairy behind the tale ... (will not keep up).
Every joke in a fairy tale ... (good).
Every fairy tale happens ... (the end).
Eat porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: with your mind - with your mind, but on your mustache ... (shake).
The fairy tale is red as a warehouse, and the song ... (fret).
Either work to do, or fairy tales ... (say).
On fairy tales that on ... (skid).
Fairy tale - fold: listen ... (sweet).
Listen to the fairy tale, but to the saying ... (listen).
Soon the fairy tale is taking shape, but not soon it will be ... (done).
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but ... (saying).
That's the end of the fairy tale, but who listened ...

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