Submit an application transfer let's get married. The whole truth about "Let's get married": a resident of Kazan became the groom in the show of Larisa Guzeeva

Popular show about love from the First channel. As part of the project, an astrologer, psychologist and matchmaker help single people find their soul mate.

Broadcast: Monday to Friday at 12:15 pm

Rating show about love " Let's get married!”, Which began broadcasting in the summer of 2008, was first aired on weekdays at 4:10 pm, and in February 2010 the program began to be shown after the release of“ Evening News ”. In 2016, from the end of August to mid-September, the talk show disappeared from TV screens due to the election debates broadcast at that time. Then, on September 19, 2016, the eighth transmission season started.

Anticipating the exit next issues popular program, a representative of the project team, matchmaker Roza Syabitova, told the presenters of Good Morning that the program included Let's get married!"A lot of interesting things appeared.

Roza Syabitova: In general, you need to really relate to yourself, well, and at the same time to the question of family life: what is it, why is it needed, what will you do together, will you give birth to children? .. After all, we do not just influence life of our heroes: within the framework of the project, several hundred created couples, born children ... We also influence the lives of our viewers. Even a special section “We have a couple” has been created. We are reporting ...

Indeed, in the eighth TV season, the creators of “ Let's get married!»Introduced new headings. For example, they began to regularly acquaint viewers with the couples that developed within the framework of the talk show. Some of the ex-heroes of the program are still in the so-called candy-bouquet period and invite their lovers on dates, while others, on the contrary, heeded the name of the program and formalized the relationship in the registry office.

In addition, the permanent host of the show Larisa Guzeeva and her team decided to invite brides and grooms from previous issues of the project to the studio in order to learn firsthand about the changes in their lives after participating in “ Let's get married!».

Let's get married! About the program

According to the creators of the show “ Let's get married!”, Their project is by no means a game, but an absolutely real matchmaking, the result of which may well be a real wedding. Whether it comes to her, fate and the groom and the bride decide.

The task of the program " Let's get married!»Is the acquaintance of lonely people who are looking for their soul mate and, in the opinion of the specialists working in the project, are the most suitable for each other.

Since the new TV season in 2017, the broadcast rules have become more complicated. Now single men or women come to the studio together with their ex-spouses, who help them in choosing a second half. Mom can become another companion in search of her destiny. If the choice of the potential groom and his mother coincides, then Larisa Guzeeva gives them a ticket to Sochi in a single room. Another innovation of the show “ Let's get married!"Became" attack of the clones". The program editors specially select three completely similar girls, the type of which is most attractive to the hero of the release. Among these three beauties, the groom must choose the one with which he leaves the room. Only the presenters can help him see the beauty inside.

Let's get married! Program participants

To become a member of the TV show " Let's get married!”, You don't need to have any special talents. To do this, you need to fulfill only one condition of the creators of the program: you will appear on the air of Channel One as a groom or a bride, if you are absolutely sure that you are ready to move from the camp of singles and singles to the army of family people.

Potential heroes of the show, first of all, are invited to fill out a questionnaire on the official website of the program, and then wait patiently for the editor, having read it, notices and appreciates the applicant's desire to become a participant in the project and invites him to shoot. The real test for the participants of the program, of course, begins after they have passed the selection. They need to make a serious and difficult decision on the TV show itself, because there is not one candidate for the hand and heart of each of them - there are three of them! All of them are not random people in the studio - they were chosen from many applicants in accordance with the wishes expressed by the hero or heroine of the program in their profile.

Although the professional matchmaker Roza Syabitova helps the groom or the bride to decide on the choice, the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, the host of the program is actress Larisa Guzeeva ("Cruel Romance", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay "," White curse "), as well as relatives and friends, you always have to do it yourself.

Often the heroes of the project “ Let's get married!»Make decisions that go against all wise advice - you can't command your heart.

The stars also come to look for their half in the show. So, in the studio of the popular Channel One project in different time visited by: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova; TV presenter Dana Borisova; Olga Buzova, host of the reality show of the TNT channel "Dom-2"; ex-wife Alexander Gordon and ex-wife of lawyer Sergei Zhorin Ekaterina Gordon; comedian Alexander Morozov, who wanted to marry under New Year; Sveta Kuritsyna from Ivanovo; Univer star, actor Vitaly Gogunsky; Mikhail Terekhin - former common-law husband Ksenia Borodina; daughter of a television matchmaker Ksenia Syabitova; TV presenter Viktor Nabutov; scandalously famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda and others.

Let's get married! Leading programs

Daria Volga, an actress known for such projects as "Tatiana's Day", "Mistress of the Taiga", "Boatswain Seagull", "Efrosinya", "Waiting List", etc., was the first talk show host « Let's get married!". From July 28 to October 3, 2008.

Daria Volga on the reason for leaving the show: I hosted the program for three months. But the management decided to drastically change the format, to make it more scandalous. Several times I refused to voice the things that the editors demanded of me. So, a woman of about 55 years old came to the program, who wanted to meet a man. In her youth, she had two abortions, after which she could not become a mother. The editor in the earpiece says: "Ask her: how do you feel after you killed two of your children ?!" I didn't repeat it. How can I, a young, healthy, successful, married woman, give a backhand in the face to a person who already had a hard time in life? Larisa Guzeeva can. She is more mature, experienced, tough. I can't watch "Let's Get Married!" in its current version.

Larisa Guzeeva - loving mother, beloved wife, business woman and, finally, Honored Artist of Russia. I always believed that a woman should be able to earn money for her children herself. She acts in films, is engaged in the restaurant business, in a word, “does not hang with a weight” on her beloved husband.

Larisa Guzeeva: Let it be better to miss you in separation - the more tender the meeting will be.

The character of Larisa Andreevna belongs exclusively to masculine traits, but no sublimation, runs around the shops in the morning, takes care of the child, prepares breakfast for her husband. Most of all I am grateful to fate for having such wonderful children.

Larisa Guzeeva: It is important for children to have a happy family for everyone to ski and go to the sea together - that's enough. And endless parental love.

Vasilisa Volodina (real name - Elizabeth) has been working as a professional astrologer since 1992. The greatest fame and popularity was brought to her precisely by participation in the program “ Let's get married!»On Channel One as a co-host.

Roza Syabitova. In 1995 she opened a dating agency. Thanks to the outstanding qualities of a psychologist and great life experience knew how to choose a pair that perfectly suited each other. Dating agency Roses Syabitova soon began to use great success, and she herself decided to write a book "What is a woman, or How to raise self-esteem." Later she released another one - "The Man of Your Dreams". In 2007, Syabitova was invited to work as a professional matchmaker on the TV show “ Let's get married!". Many viewers consider her to be a very wise and root-seeing woman.

In September 2014 astrologer Vasilina Volodina in the anniversary edition of the show, she announced that she was going on maternity leave. And in the release of the program dated October 30, 2014 in Sekh fans of the program of the First channel " Let's get married!"There was a surprise: a new presenter.

Co-host actress Larisa Guzeeva and matchmakers Roses Syabitova became Lydia Arefieva - viewers widely know her for the role of the head of the psychiatric department Irina Vitalievna from the TNT TV series "Interns". It turns out that one of Lydia's main hobbies is astrology. Guzeeva, whose sharpness and straightforwardness are known to the audience, at the beginning of the program asked Arefieva what course theater university now teach astrology. She was not at a loss and answered honestly: the acting profession is dependent - it is thick, then empty, - that's why she decided to get a second education.

New staff astrologer " Let's get married» Lydia Arefieva graduated from specialized educational institution, so he is well versed in the topic. Has been practicing astrology for over five years.

On February 19, 2015, Lydia Arefeva was replaced as a staff astrologer "Let's get married!" Tamara Globa. "We now have a new astrologer, and what kind!" - enthusiastically presented Larisa Guzeeva her new colleague by show.

The love theme has ruled the world at all times, so it is not surprising that there is always a place for an amorous program on television. So, in the nineties, we watched with bated breath how events were developing in the TV show "Love at First Sight", but now the tone is set by the program "Let's Get Married."

The editorial board of "AWESOME" decided to learn more about the secrets of filming this program and is now sharing the knowledge gained with you.

How do you get to the show?
The rules are the same for all participants. You need to fill out a form on the website and wait for an invitation for an interview.

What will happen to the volunteers at the casting?
Those who come for an interview need to be prepared for tough cross-examination about all the details of their personal life. TV people need to know Interesting Facts about the participant, and at the same time assess the potential of the beginner: how he behaves in front of the cameras and whether he will be interesting to the viewer.

Is there a chance to get on the program if your candidacy is rejected?
The organizers tell everyone who did not pass the casting about the problems that prevented them from getting on the TV screen. Someone needs to pay attention to appearance, someone to behavior. And if a person listens to the advice of TV people, then he has an excellent chance to pass the selection next time.

Do all the participants really come to the show in search of love?
In fact, a lot of people come just to appear on television. As a rule, they try not to trust the role of the main character, but they may well become contenders for the hand and heart of the groom or the bride.

Are organizers morally guided in the selection of participants?
Insofar as the main objective the program is to bring two people together, and ideally even to marry them, the organizers try not to attract participants whose biographies contain many divorces.

Are there any fake participants on the show?
Officially, such information has not been disclosed, but occasionally on the Internet you can stumble upon advertisements about the search for heroes for the show with the promise of payment from a thousand rubles and more. Most likely, the services of actors are resorted to only in emergency cases, if for some reason it is not possible to film a program with selected volunteers.

Are show participants and viewers paid?
All participants of the show "Let's Get Married" participate in the filming on a voluntary basis and do not receive a penny for this (the only exceptions are the actors mentioned above). But the work of the extras is paid. Viewers are paid about 550 rubles per day of filming, during which two or three programs are filmed.

Is the show played or is everything on the screen true?
Despite the fact that each program has its own script, it is only in general outline simulates what is happening on the screen, the further depends only on the participants. If the action on set is boring, the presenters are trying to provoke a conflict or in other ways to heat up passions on the site. The participants in the show are real people and experience genuine emotions.

How do participants prepare for the broadcast?
All participants in the show get acquainted with the script in advance. In addition, they are instructed in detail where they should go, where to stop, and which camera to look at at any given moment. Moreover, they are introduced to some questions that the presenters will ask, and the three applicants who are fighting for the love of the protagonist even rehearse their performances in advance.

Are you familiar the main character with three applicants in advance?
The protagonist of the program does not know until the last who will woo him. Those who have to fight for the sympathy of the groom or the bride are only familiar with the personal data and the photograph of the hero.

Which celebrities were on the show?
The roles of grooms were such famous personalities like Enrique Iglesias, Sergey Zverev, resident Comedy Club Timur Batrutdinov, singer Shura ... The brides at different times were Anastasia Volochkova, Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova and Victoria Bonya.

How many participants found their soul mate thanks to the program?
In the first 6 years of the program's existence, 270 participants found the second half, and more than 30 couples had children!

As you can see, even despite criticism and some negative reviews, "Let's Get Married" not only remains a favorite show for many TV viewers, but is also a real chance for lonely hearts. Share this article with your friends so they can learn more about all the secrets of the show!

Aidar Sadykov, a popular host of banquets, showman and toastmaster from Kazan, starred in the Let's Get Married program. V exclusive interview sntat .ru he told about everything that does not get on the air.

"I thought it was a prank."

Aydar did not write letters to Guzeeva and Syabitova, and did not ask to find him a bride. Filming in the program came as a complete surprise to him.

They called me and said that it was from the Let's Get Married program. I thought it was a prank because I hadn't written anywhere. But they said they found me on social media, that they needed such a charismatic adult man for the program to be watchable. I agreed. Why? It was interesting for me to know the whole kitchen, how the shooting takes place, how the professionals work. Three days later, they call again - they ask to go to Skype. Came out - there is a studio and three people - editors who supervise me and Chief Editor who makes the decision. They talked to me for 30-40 minutes, assessed my speech, appearance, how I behave, asked questions about education, habits, it was not even clever at times from how deep they "dig" a person. We agreed that they would think about it and call me back. Three days later, they called again, they approved me. But if for the first time I was offered the role of the groom so that I would choose a bride, now they said that they had such material and suggested that they choose me. I said that, of course, I like the first option more, but I would not refuse the second either.

Do you want a bride with silicone or natural breasts?

Aidar was invited to the shooting, they chose a day that was convenient for him and the rest of the participants - any whim if only the hero came to the shooting. They asked how it is convenient to get there - by plane or by train, agreed places, paid, booked a hotel, called a taxi to the station. All expenses are at the expense of the program. Many people wonder if grooms and brides are paid to participate? Aydar says no.

Frankly and cynically, I took the trip to Channel One as a gift and an opportunity that I had no right to miss.

Getting to know the program participants via Skype is just a prelude. Before filming, the program editors talk for two or three hours with the candidates, not counting the questionnaire of 20 questions.

Who am I according to the horoscope, what habits, what applicant would I consider as a potential bride? And if she is with silicone breasts, and does it matter to me which side she sleeps on ... I said that I understand that this is a show and let them invite whoever they deem necessary. I am ready to meet them, to communicate. The filming process itself was interesting to me, not the bride. Based on my profile, they wrote the script. Everything that happens on the air is work according to the script, all the questions are prescribed so that there is no inadequate reaction. There is nothing unexpected for the participants. Before recording, they instruct: “If they ask about education, say this, they will ask about family life- answer like this. " But they are asked to behave naturally, without acting.

How is the shooting going?

4 programs are shot per day. One recording lasts one and a half to two hours, then the presenters leave for a 30-minute break and so on until the evening. The shooting of the program, in which Aydar Sadykov took part, began at 21:00 and finished at 23:00. Aydar was amazed at how well the whole team works. He is a frequent guest on Kazan television, according to him - this is heaven and earth.

Kazan television also has make-up artists, but if you don't go up to them and ask them, then no one will do anything to you. And there 12-15 people worked with me alone that evening. A make-up artist powders, an assistant sound engineer attaches microphones, another assistant pours tea into bowls. Sweating - a woman immediately comes out: "What size should I give you a handkerchief?" My friend's jacket turned out to be stained, it was immediately cleaned and dried. If someone comes in the wrong dress, they will immediately change it. Moscow is Moscow, they work according to the firm. Everything is clear - we sat down, got up, smile, clap, but the atmosphere is friendly. There was never a time when the editor pulled you down, on the contrary - every whim.

According to the script, brides and grooms come with friends. Aydar had the singer Leysan Mingazova and one of the clients was the father of the groom, whose wedding he recently took. Aydar threw a cry among his acquaintances who wanted to support him on the set, but only two were able to quickly arrive at the studio, since they were in Moscow at that time.

When I arrived, I had the feeling that everyone knows me, they are very careful about the choice of characters, anyhow who will not be allowed into the studio - this must be an interesting person. There is nothing accidental there. Even the dance was chosen by the editors. They watched a lot of videos with me on social networks, they liked one, but the creative director suggested that I adapt his dance to a different music - the song "Dosviduli". It turned out incendiary, then the editors told me: "Aydar, you made this program, after you these muttering men were not interesting and even the presenters sank."

I liked Guzeeva, but Syabitova got mad

The grooms were preparing for the broadcast in a common dressing room, while the bride had a separate one. The bride and groom see each other for the first time only in the studio.

Guzeeva liked me, she treated me with sympathy, and Syabitova took the role of a striker. It's always like this with them: a good and a bad investigator. I was very surprised by Rosa's attitude, because she always focuses on the fact that she is a Tatar, counted on emotional support from her, but on the contrary, she began to make jokes about the Tatars, polygamy, Nikakhs, divorces, she said that I destroyed her idea about the Tatar people ... At some point I even felt discomfort. Incidentally, I did not come empty-handed. He brought chak-chak to Guzeeva and Syabitova and talkysh to Kaleva Vasilisa. I wanted to wear a skullcap, but I was asked with national motives not to go too far, to adhere to the script that they wrote.

Guzeeva, Volodin and Syabitova during the breaks between filming, they do not communicate with the audience and the participants and do not take photographs for memory. When the shooting ends, the presenters, accompanied by assistants, leave through the service entrance so that they do not inadvertently meet with the fans.

This is a show

“Let's get married” is a show, notes Aydar Sadykov. Don't take everything literally. According to Aydar, if women write to the program and demand to find them a betrothed, then men are shy and in order to arrange a personal life for them, the editors have to drag them to matchmakers.

They have a problem with male staff, they do not wait for us to send applications, they find us through social networks. I asked the rest of the "suitors" what does participation in the program give them? They explain - to shake things up, to diversify life, to take a walk around Moscow. So send your applications, television is interesting, it is the whole world, state.

For Aydar himself, participation in Let's Get Married was another step in career ladder... All the offers that he received after his enchanting performance, he has not yet disclosed. He only said that he would be invited again as a groom, only then he would have to choose.

Did the bride choose Aydar or did she prefer competitors? Aydar does not speak about this. He signed a 9-page agreement, in one of the clauses there was a prohibition to disclose such details before the program was broadcast. The show with the participation of a citizen of Kazan will be shown in November.

Almost every person seeks to create a family, because the family hearth is the most important value in the lives of many people. It is simply impossible to imagine a society without a family. As one of the great people said, "marriage is the first stage of human society."
You can meet your fate by chance: on the street, with friends, at work, at the institute. There are a lot of ways and places of acquaintance, but it is not always so easy to approach a person of the opposite sex and strike up a conversation with him. Sometimes someone's help is required to meet, learn and understand ... Often this third link is not enough for people to connect. And then matchmakers come to the rescue, marriage agencies, dating sites, television. A life partner can be found through the Let's Get Married! Program, which is broadcasted on Channel One on weekdays.

Let's Get Married!

"Let's get married!" is a program on how to get rid of loneliness and find your other half. The TV project provides an opportunity to change your personal life and find family happiness. In the release of the program "Let's Get Married!" involves one protagonist or heroine and three challengers for his or her heart. It is important to note that when selecting applicants, the wishes of the hero are taken into account. All participants are successful people who know what they want and are ready to make responsible decisions. They alternately meet with the applicants, talk, trying to show their best qualities and outshine all your rivals.

The hosts of the Let's Get Married!

Participants are assisted by the hosts of the Let's Get Married! Program: actress Larisa Guzeeva, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina and matchmaker Roza Syabitova. They will help to deal with feelings, express their advice and wishes so that the hero can do right choice at the end of the issue. At times it seemed absolutely different people connect. But sometimes it is this “difference” in people that perfectly complements each other.
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