Quotes from popular films. Beautiful phrases from movies

Throughout life, a person assimilates a lot of information, the sources of which he does not always manage to remember. This can be demonstrated by the example of the fact that most people in everyday life use quotations from films in conversation without even thinking about it. However, they may not be familiar with this picture, its plot. Where, then, they heard certain phrases, idioms and why did they sit so deep in their memory?

Humorous quotes

It's nice to meet a person with an excellent sense of humor who can joke indefinitely. In his inexhaustible supply there are funny phrases that strike on the spot. Very often they are quotes from films that he watched at one time.

But funny statements reach us not only after watching a movie, but also as a result of communication. By exchanging information, a person catches and remembers what he needs or is most interested in. This is how jokes appear in the lexicon that were previously heard in popular films.

And foreign cinema has sunk into the souls of people so much that they are increasingly using them in life. In this way, bringing zest to communication.

Are in great demand funny expressions from the good old films that were first heard from the lips of your favorite movie characters. Thanks to this, they are filled with good and will always remind of them.

You can cheer up, laugh enough by reading just a few phrases that were voiced in the cinema by your favorite actors.

Life words

People love to quote phrases from films, after they understand their meaning, to face the situation that the movie hero lived in, pronouncing them. Probably, every person has a film that he is ready to watch over and over again, as well as words from it, filled with the deepest meaning. Some people do not pay any attention to them while watching, while others are engraved in their memory.

Winged phrases with meaning are mostly laconic statements of heroes about friendship, love, family, society, being. They can sound in the reasoning in which the movie hero is trying to find the answer. Each film is a separate story, and the ability to break it down into lines that are filled with a certain meaning.

Quotes from films are quite common in life. They are used in order to give good advice, to convince the interlocutor of something. Most famous phrases impregnated with meaning, they involuntarily penetrate into our vocabulary and are thoroughly fixed in it.

Despite the fact that a huge number of films by both domestic and foreign directors are released annually, quotes from them do not diverge among the people as they did after watching an old movie. Therefore, it is the phrases of them that are most often heard.

There are funny expressions, words with meaning not only in the vocabulary of people who have seen life. They are also used by the younger generation, who adopted famous phrases from their parents, and read them on the Internet.

Today the category of movie quotes is very popular. This is evidenced by inquiries in search engines... In the category, you can find funny expressions in which there are both notes of kindness and sarcasm, phrases filled with the deepest meaning that are difficult to perceive the first time, as well as many others.

Quotes from films that have already become winged can be re-read without getting tired. They have a lot of benefits that are important to extract, and, at times, they can decide further destiny person.

100 famous quotes from American films for 100 years according to AFI (American Film Institute)

1. Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn! - Honestly, my dear, I don't give a damn (Rhett Butler, gone With the Wind 1939)

2. I'm going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. - I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse (Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather 1972)

3. You don’t understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could’ve been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am! - You do not understand! I could have something to do. I could have enemies. I Could Be Anyone Instead of the Tramp I Am (Terry Maloy, In Port 1954)

4. Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. - Toto, I have a feeling that we are no longer in Kansas (Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz 1939)

5. Here’s looking at you, kid. - For you, kid (Rick Blaine, Casablanca 1942)

6. Go ahead, make my day! - Go ahead, cheer me up today! (Harry Callahan, Surprise Strike 1983)

7. All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up. - Okay, Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for close-up(Norma Desmond, Sunset Boulevard 1950)

8. May the Force be with you! - Let the force be with you! (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1977)

9. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. - Fasten seat belts. It's gonna be a tough night (Margot Channing, All About Eve 1950)

10. You talkin "to me? - Did you tell me that? (Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver 1976)

11. What we’ve got here is (a) failure to communicate. - In this case, we have a lack of understanding (Captain of the guard, Cold-blooded Luke 1967)

12. I love the smell of napalm in the morning! - I love the smell of napalm in the morning! (Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now 1979)

13. Love means never having to say you’re sorry. -
- this is when you don't need to ask for forgiveness (Jennifer Cavilleri, History 1970)

14. The stuff that dreams are made of - What dreams are made of (Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon 1941)

15. E.T. phone home! - Alien call home! (E.T. 7 Different Alien Models, Pat Bealon, Tamara De Tro and Matthew De Merritt, voices of Pat Welch featuring Debra Winger and Steven Spielberg, Alien 1982)

16. They call me Mister Tibbs! - They call me Mr. Tibbs! (Virgil Tibbs, On a Sweltering Southern Night 1967)

17. Rosebud - Rosebud (Charles Foster, Citizen Kane 1941)

18. Made it, Ma! Top of the world! - I did it, Mom! I'm on top (of the world)! (Arthur "Cody" Jarrett, Delirium Tremens 1949)

19. I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore! “I’m angry as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” (Howard Beale, Networking 1976)

20. Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. - Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship (Rick Blaine, Casablanca 1942)

21. A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. - The scribe once tried to interrogate me. I ate his liver with beans and good Chianti (Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs 1991)

22. Bond. James Bond. - Bond. James Bond (Sean Connery, 1962)

23. There’s no place like home. - There is nothing better at home(Dorothy Gale, The Wizard of Oz 1939)

24. I am big! It's the pictures that got small. - I am a great star, the films just got small (Norma Desmond, Sunset Boulevard 1950)

25. Show me the money! - Show me the money! (Rod Tidwell, Jerry Maguire 1996)

26. Why don’t you come up sometime and see me? “Why don’t you come and visit me somehow?” ( lady low She Was Wrong 1933)

27. I'm walking here! I'm walking here! - I'm coming here! I'm coming here! (Enrico Salvatore "Ratso" Rizzo, Midnight Cowboy 1969)

28. Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By." “Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By" (Ilsa Lund, Casablanca 1942)

29. You can’t handle the truth! - The truth is too tough for you (Colonel Nathan Jessep, A Few Good Boys 1992)

30. I want to be alone. - I want to be alone (ballerina Georgian, Grand Hotel 1932)

31. After all, tomorrow is another day! “After all, tomorrow is a different day! (Scarlett O'Hara, Gone With the Wind 1939)

32. Round up the usual suspects. - Arrest Common Suspects (French Police Captain, Casablanca 1942)

33. I’ll have what she’s having. - Same to me as to her (diner, When Harry Met Sally 1989)

34. You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow. “You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You Just Put Your Lips And Blow (Mary "The Skinny" Browning, Have and Don't Have 1944)

35. You’re gonna need a bigger boat. - You will need a bigger boat (Martin Brody, Jaws 1975)

36. Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges! - Badges? We don't have any badges! We don't need any badges! I shouldn't show you any damn badges! (The Golden Hat, The Treasures of the Sierra Madre 1948)

37. I "ll be back. - I'll be back (T-800, Terminator 1984)

38. Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. - Today I consider myself the luckiest person on earth (Henry Louis "Lou" Gehrig, Pride of the Yankees 1942)

39. If you build it, he will come. - Build It and It Will Come (Joseph Jefferson, The Field of His Dreams 1989)

40. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. - My mother always said: “like a box chocolates: you never know what's inside "(Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump 1994)

41. We rob banks. - We rob banks (Clyde Barrow, Bonnie and Clyde 1967)

42. Plastics - Plastically (Mr. McGuire, Graduate 1967)

43. We’ll always have Paris. - We Will Always Have Paris (Rick Blaine, Casablanca 1942)

44. I see dead people. - I see dead people (Cole Sear, The Sixth Sense 1999)

45. Stella! Hey, Stella! - Stella! Hey Stella! (Stanley Kowalski, Desire Streetcar 1951)

46. ​​Oh, Jerry, don’t let’s ask for the moon. We have the stars. “Oh Jerry, don't let us ask for the moon. We Have Stars (Charlotte Vale, Onward, Traveler 1942)

47. Shane. Shane. Come back! - Shane. Shane. Come back! (Joey Starrett, Shane 1953)

48. Well, nobody's perfect. - Everyone has their own shortcomings (Osgood Fielding III, There are only girls in jazz 1959)

49. It's alive! It's alive! - He is alive! Alive! (Henry Frankenstein, Frankenstein 1931)

50. Houston, we have a problem. - Houston, we have a problem (James Lovell, Apollo 13 1995)

51. You’ve got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk? - Now you ask yourself one question: "Will I be lucky?" Well, will you be lucky, bastard? (Harry Callahan, Dirty Harry 1971)

52. You had me at "hello" - I was yours already at "hello" (Dorothy Boyd, Jerry Maguire 1996)

53. One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don’t know. “One morning I shot an elephant in my own pajamas. How he ended up in my pajamas I don't know (Captain Jeffrey T. Spaulding, Thieves and Hunters 1930)

54. There’s no crying in baseball! - Nobody cries in baseball! (Jimi Dugan, Their Own League 1992)

55. La-dee-da, la-dee-da. -La-diy-da, la-diy-da (Annie Hall, Annie Hall 1977)

56. A boy's best friend is his mother. - Best friends boys, these are their mothers (Norman Bates, Psycho 1960)

57. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. - Greed, in the absence of the right word, is good (Gordon Gekko, Wall Street 1987)

58. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. - Keep your friends close. And the enemies are even closer (Michael Corleone, The Godfather 2 1974)

59. As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again. - God is my witness - I will not let them break me! I'll get through it all, and when it's over, I'll never starve (Scarlett O'Hara, Gone with the Wind 1939)

60. Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into! - Well, here's another nonsense into which you dragged me! (Oliver, Sons of the Desert 1933)

61. Say "hello" to my little friend! - Say hello to my little friend! (Tony Montana, Scarface 1983)

62. What a dump. - What a dump (Behind the woods 1949)

63. Mrs. Robinson, you "re trying to seduce me. Aren" t you? “Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you? (Ben Braddock, Graduate 1967)

64. Gentlemen, you can "t fight in here! This is the War Room!"

65. Elementary, my dear Watson. - Elementary, dear Mrs. Watson (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1939)

66. Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape. - Get your stinky paws off me, damn apes (Planet of the Apes, 1968)

67. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. - So many pubs are scattered all over the world, and she chooses mine (Casablanca, 1942)

68. Here's Johnny! - Here's Johnny! (Jack Torrance, The Shining 1980)

69. They "re here! - They are here! (Poltergeist, 1982)

70. Is it safe? - It is safe? (Marathon Runner, 1976)

71. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain "t heard nothin" yet! - Wait a minute, wait. You haven't heard anything yet! (Jazz Singer, 1927)

72. No wire hangers, ever! (Dear Mom, 1981)

73. Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico? - Mother of God, is this the end of Rico? (Little Caesar, 1930)

74. Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown - Forget it, Jake, this is Chinatown (Chinatown, 1974)

75. I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. - I've always depended on the kindness of strangers (Streetcar "Desire", 1951)

76. Hasta la vista, baby! - Asta la vista, baby! (Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991)

77. Soylent Green is people! - Green Soylent - the people (Green Soylent, 1973)

78. Open the pod bay doors, HAL! - Open the module doors, Hal! (Dave Bowman, A Space Odyssey 2001 to 1968)

79. Striker: Surely you can "t be serious. Rumack: I am serious… and don" t call me Shirley. - Stryker: Of course you're not serious. Ramak: I'm Serious ... and Don't Call Me Shirley (Airplane, 1980)

80. Yo, Adrian! - Yo, Adrian! (Rocky, 1976)

81. Hello, gorgeous. - Hey Beauty (Funny Girl, 1968)

82. Toga! Toga! - Toga! Toga! (Menagerie, 1978)

83. Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make. - Listen from. Children of night. what kind of music they create (Dracula, 1931)

84. Oh, no, it wasn "t the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast. - Oh, no, these are not planes. It was Beauty who killed the Beast (Karl Danham, King Kong 1933)

85. My precious - My precious (Gollum, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002)

86. Attica! Attica! - Attica! Attica! (Dog Day Afternoon, 1975)

87. Sawyer, you "re going out a youngster, but you" ve got to come back a star! - Sawyer, you leave as a boy, but you must return as a star! (42nd Street, 1933)

88. Listen to me, mister. You "re my knight in shining armor. Don" t you forget it. You "re going to get back on that horse, and I" m going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we "re gonna go, go, go! - Listen to me, mister. You are my knight in shining armor Do not forget this. You will return to your horse, and I will be here, next to you, holding on tightly, and we will go forward, forward! (On the golden pond, 1981)

89. Tell "em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper. (Ronchi's whip is a real American, 1941)

90. A martini. Shaken, not stirred. - Martini. Shake but do not mix. (Goldfinger, 1964)

91. Who "s on first. (NAUGHTY NINETIES, 1945)

92. Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac… It "s in the hole! It" s in the hole! It "s in the hole! (Golf Club, 1980)

93. Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death! - Life is a banquet! And the poorest die death by starvation(Auntie Mame, 1958)

94. I feel the need-the need for speed! - I feel thirsty - thirsty for speed! (Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell & Lt. Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, Best Shooter 1986)

95. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. - Seize the moment, boys. Make Your Life Extraordinary (John Keating, Dead Poets Society 1989)

96. Snap out of it! - Stop it! (Loretta Castorini, Power of the Moon 1987)

97. My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you. -My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you. (George M. Coan, Yankee Doodle Dandy 1942)

98. Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - No one will push Baby into a corner. (Johnny Castle, Dirty Dancing 1987)

99. I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too! - I'll show you, my dear! And your dog too! (Wicked Witch of the West, Wizard of Oz 1939)

100. I'm the king of the world! - I am the king of the world! (Jack Dawson, Titanic 1997)

The meeting included famous quotes and beautiful phrases from films:

  • I chased you for three days to tell me how indifferent you are to me. An ordinary miracle
  • Your life is most important - and it is too short. And it is too long to walk alone - fight for your love to the end. " Musketeers
  • I love you, not knowing why, why, how and where. Fixing the Adams
  • Everything I do, I do for you. All that is special about me ... is you. " Great expectations
  • I'm like a dog who saw a rainbow. Only other dogs don't believe me. Kate and Leo
  • The main thing in this life is to find your own people and calm down. It doesn't hurt me
  • I was born to kiss you Only you
  • If I knew the last time I saw you that this was the last time, I would try to remember your face, your walk, everything connected with you. And if I knew the last time I kissed you that this was the last time, I would never stop. " Friends
  • Success is achieved by the one who has a fire in his heart! Crazy horse racing
  • If the feeling of love and duty are the same, then this is a real blessing. Painted Veil
  • Do you know what could have made me happy ?! Knowing that all this time, while I loved you, your feeling for me was real. " Vampire Diaries
  • And you wanted to laugh and cry because you felt so happy and scared at the same time that the vision instantly disappeared ... Never kissed
  • Anyone who is looking for his own path should understand that in the beginning there will always be a crossroads ... Thor
  • No matter how far away you are, my love will find you. " Where Dreams May Come
  • I try to find something pleasant in everyone, even if small detail... Someone may smile pleasantly. In everyone there is something - there must be. Chloe
  • When you pay for a man, you don't have to laugh at his jokes. Sullivan's journey
  • The problem with time is not its lack of abundance, but the fact that it cannot be returned back. The sky has seen everything
  • Love is when, having lost a half, you realize that this is not a half. It's all one hundred percent ... And it would be better to die than to lose love. Movie: It Will Be a Good Hunt
  • He loves me, Harold. He loves me - and this is the most precious thing. Moulin rouge
  • I think I will miss you even in paradise ... Little women
  • You never know what awaits you. The main thing is not to give up. Fighter
  • You can erase love from memory. Throwing it out of the heart is another story. " Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • It doesn't matter how people meet. They can be completely different worlds never walk the same path, but one day they collide and their life changes. " Chase
  • Finding a reason for joy is more difficult than for sadness. People love themselves too much and therefore suffer. Who will enter the last carriage
  • We are not given to change what is happening to us, but we can react differently to events. It is you again
  • Can't you fall in love? But life without love is just horror. Moulin rouge
  • My ship is incomparable and proud. And it is almost huge! And he ... swam away. Pirates Caribbean On the edge of the world
  • Never say never. You can always start over. Choristers
  • I don’t need tomorrow if you’re not around. A fight with a shadow
  • One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think bitterness in order to better appreciate the sweetness. ”Vanilla palate
  • Mom says that love is like a bus - the next one will definitely come. You just have to wait. " lonely man
  • Defeat is a choice! Victory too. You will only lose if you decide so yourself! Tekken
  • Love is when you don't have to say sorry. Love story
  • You only face real loss when you lose someone or something that you love more than yourself. " It will be a good hunt
  • How great it would be if a prompter sat in every basement window and prompted a biting answer. Then the most timid person would know what to say. Amelie
  • Fear possesses tremendous power- it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then that same fear will make you change your mind again. You don't have to do anything out of fear. Sea inside "
  • Every step, every action, even the most thoughtful one, may turn out to be wrong. Be that as it may - it's better than standing still. Brownie
  • Will you love me for the rest of my days? - No. I will love you for the rest of my days. Phenomenon
  • All is well alive. Love Formula
  • You just have to try. If you don’t try, then you’ll live your life in vain. Meet Joe Black
  • If you are a man, then love a man, and not some disembodied dream. " Love Formula
  • The more you love, the more you lose your sense of reality !. dust
  • There is no price for the feeling of love - only one life ... Juno and Avos
  • I know you have no past - let me offer you a future. Angel-A
  • Having chosen you, I will spit on my homeland. I'll cheat on her. But if I don't give a damn about you, I will betray my heart ... I will destroy love. Masked man
  • I love you Harry. Thanks to you, I feel like a human being. Requiem for a Dream
  • All that is special about me ... is you. Great expectations
  • I didn’t understand how I love my home when I didn’t leave somewhere for a long time. Juneau
  • If she were old and scary, wouldn't it be so bad? Amelie

The selection includes the most beautiful phrases from the films: about love, life, beauty, the meaning of life ...

The movie characters have said so much that you can keep the conversation going with quotes alone. Time Out recalled the top 100.

1. I'll be back
Terminator, 1984

2. I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Apocalypse Now, 1979

3. I will make him an offer that he cannot refuse
The Godfather, 1972

4. Mulya, don't make me nervous!

5. Distribute among the residents of our housing office. And if they don’t take it, we’ll turn off the gas!

6. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

7. Everyone has their own shortcomings.

8. Greed is good

9. I had an old friend for dinner. I ate his liver with beans and a glass of Chianti
Silence of the Lambs, 1991

10. My lovely!
"The Lord of the Rings", 2001-2003

11. Fasten your seat belts, there will be a stormy night

12. I will think about it tomorrow
Gone with the Wind, 1939

13. Choose life. Choose the future. Choose a career. Choose a family. I chose something else

14. Elementary, Watson

15. - Lyudk, and Lyudk, look, what a beautiful bitch! - Why dyed, it's my natural color!
"Love and Doves", 1984

16. You will be put on, but you do not steal
17. It was necessary to marry an orphan
18. Why is he a swindler? Man knows how to live!

All three - "Beware of the car!", 1966

19. - How do you like the boots?
- Very defiant, I would not take such.
- So, good boots, we must take

Office Romance, 1977

20. - Do you think I'm frivolous?
- Wait and see

"The irony of fate ...", 1975

21. Don't teach me how to live, better help me financially
"Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", 1979

22. Self-improvement - masturbation. Self-destruction is what really matters

23. Sushi. That's what my wife called me. Cold as a fish
Blade Runner, 1982

24. My name is Bond. James Bond
Any Bond movie from Doctor No (1962) to

25. You turn me on, baby
Austin Powers, 1997

26. - They say that you mix port with vodka. - So what? He said, and he is "cocktail", "cocktail" ... Hippie hairy
Autumn Marathon, 1979

27. Do you want to arrest me for smoking?
Basic Instinct, 1992

28. Shooting is as bad as you cook

29. May the Force Be with You

30. You are a good man, Andrey Yegorych, but not an eagle
A Simple Story, 1960

31. The lord appointed me his beloved wife!
"White Sun of the Desert", 1969

32. Look at me, I jerk off in the shower - it will highest point of my day. Then everything will only get worse
American Beauty, 1999

33. Now is the 90s, you can't just move a person to the scoreboard. You need to say something cool before that.
The Last Boy Scout, 1991

35. You are not my brother, you nit black ass

36. I'll tell you one clever thing, just don't be offended
"Mimino", 1977

37. And to the Tourist, rub in the ointment for hemorrhoids and tell them so that they don't send more hamsters, I fell in love with them in my childhood
"Mama Do not Cry!", 1997

38. I was drunk, my behavior was unworthy of a Soviet officer!
Assa, 1987

39. I smoke dope, chase balls, the last 15 years my career has not taken off

40. If you want to live, you will not be so hot
"Features of the national hunt", 1995

41. I demand the continuation of the banquet!

42. - Did you glue the wheel? - Yeah, glued it all night. Now the owner of the glue will come
Boomer, 2003

43. Are you crucified? Good. Exit through the door to the left, get in line, take one cross. Next!
Brian's Life, 1979

44. - The meat is quite suitable for food.
- Yes, it goes overboard by itself

45. Stole, drank - to prison. Stole it, drank it - to jail. Romance…
Gentlemen of Fortune, 1971

46. ​​When you pay for a man, you don't have to laugh at his jokes.

47. And as one we will die fighting for it. And where is "it"?
"The black rose is the emblem of sadness, the red rose is the emblem of love", 1989

48. I never wanted to get married, I only dreamed of getting a divorce
Love and Death, 1975

49. We really have a shortage of boys, but not to the same extent

50. Well, where is the sexual pulse of this hostel beating here?
"Little Faith", 1988

51. The people gathered for debauchery

52. You can never guess how many brains a person has until you start collecting them from the carpet.
"Mad Dogs Time", 1996

53. I drink what I want, when I want, where I want and with whom I want. This is the kind of girl I am
Blue Dahlia, 1946

54. Now it is fashionable to spit on everything. But I think we'll spit
"House under starry sky", 1991

56. We built, built and finally built. Hooray!
"Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile", 1969

57. Women call this thing a sexophone
Taxi Blues, 1990

59. Not only are you a fool, you still don't know how to cook

60. Whoever said orange is the new pink is seriously ill

61. - Daniel, what you have done now is illegal in several countries. - That is why I am happy that I live in Britain

62. - What salary do you want to receive?
- Three million dollars in cash

"Do not threaten South Central while drinking your juice in your neighborhood", 1995

63. In Hollywood, women have three ages: "baby", the district attorney and crazy Miss Daisy
First Wives Club, 1996

64. If the society does not have color differentiation pants, so he has no goal
Kin-dza-dza, 1986

65. The country is shit, nobody works

66. Russian cinema in the ass. Only Fedya Bondarchuk is cool

67. - They were exiled to hell? - Worse. To Wisconsin
"Dogma", 1999

68. Oh, those women! And it's impossible to live with them, and it's a pity to shoot
True Lies, 1995

69. Do you know what they do with such soft, bald and plump Republicans in prison, Ernst?
"Death Becomes Her", 1992

70. - You said that you never cheated on your husband. - I said I never cheated on him in Paris
Emmanuel, 1974

71. - This is so bad that it is already good.
- No, it's so bad it's already bad again

"World of Ghosts", 2001

72. Don't underestimate masturbation. This is sex with someone I love
Annie Hall, 1977

73. It's like a plumber. If the job is done normally, no one notices it. If he turned around ... then everything is in shit

74. Prepare breakfast and eat well. We're having dinner in hell tonight!

75. I had two heart attacks and had to have an abortion because I was taking heroin during my pregnancy. Otherwise I'm fine

76. Any idiot can enter a voiceover to explain the thoughts of the hero
"Adaptation", 2002

77. Excessive mention of Jews is always useful - it distracts people from sedition

78. For all their faults, banks are better than trains. They stand still, and there is always money in them.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969

79. - What musical styles do you use? - Both. Country and Western
The Blues Brothers, 1980

80. - Will you declare anything, sir? - Yes. To England - not a foot
"Big jackpot", 2000

81. In the trucking industry, the key is to remain impartial

82. Go ahead, monkeys! Are you going to live forever?
Starship Troopers, 1997

83. I have never drank champagne before breakfast. It happened at breakfast. But never before

84. I don't know who I am, but I probably have a lawyer
Overboard, 1987

85. Of course, I am not a goddess of sex, but I did not find myself in a tree either
"Cactus Flower", 1969

86. You may not be ready for this kind of music yet, but your kids will love it

87. It is a tradition: when another child is born in the house, one of the children must die
The Addams Family Moral, 1993

88. You sold a reverbelling carbonizer to saflopoid without a license ?!
Men in Black, 1997

89. I'm not bad, they just painted me like that

90. Nobody kills anyone in my store. Just me and Zed. Here comes Zed

91. Nice sensation for two minutes, and fat around the waist for life
Eastwick Witches, 1987

92. More than 550 million units firearms are in circulation around the world. There is one cannon for 12 people. One question remains: how to arm the remaining 11?

93. I haven't had a pistol in my hands for many, many years. My eyes are not the same, even with glasses. My hands are shaking ... And I would not want to miss

94. His body is found: it hijacked a truck and blew up a gas station on the outskirts of the city
Rambo: First Blood, 1982

95. - So the bartender is still alive? Bartenders are never killed. - The bartender was the most unlucky

96. It is easier to get lost in drugs than to live a normal life. It's easier to steal than to make money. It's easier to beat a child than to teach and educate

97. Claudius, you killed my father. Big mistake!
"The Last Movie Hero", 1993

98. All people are divided into two categories: those who have a loaded revolver, and those who are digging. Dig

99. How can a woman remain attractive and not starve to death ?!

100. I've been thinking: how is it that noses do not interfere with kissing? And now I see - they do not interfere.
"Girls", 1961

Many films pass almost unnoticed for us, but quotes from them are remembered for a long time, others - on the contrary, leave an indelible imprint on our hearts, but separate statements are quickly forgotten. Today we will recall the most beautiful, sentimental and unfairly forgotten quotes from films that, perhaps, everyone has seen.

“One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think bitterness in order to better appreciate the sweetness. "

(Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe)

“It's easier to become a victim of a terrorist than to get married after 40.

It is not true!

These are statistics. "

(Sleepless in Seattle, Nora Efron)

"When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

("When Harry Met Sally" by Rob Reiner)

“There will be poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, rebellious, like a heart attack. There will come - and either death or rapture. "

(Shakespeare in Love, John Madden)

"If you are a man, then love a man, and not some disembodied dream."

("Formula of Love", Mark Zakharov)

“A man without a woman runs wild: a few days of loneliness - and he stops shaving, washing, hums like an animal. It took a man several million years to come to civilization, and it takes six days to return to the Neanderthal state. "

(Love Lives Three Years, Frederic Beigbeder)

“Maybe we’ll come back? Are we born again? This is the only thing that we cannot have here. Finding each other ... over and over again. Fall in love. Make other decisions. Try again.

How will I find you?

I found you in hell. Do you think I won't be able to find you in Jersey? "

("What Dreams May Come," Vincent Ward)

“We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing through the windows to our beloved women. "

("The irony of fate or S light steam! ", Eldar Ryazanov)

“Fear has tremendous power - it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then that same fear will make you change your mind again. You don't have to do anything out of fear. "

("The Sea Within", Alejandro Amenabar)

“It doesn't matter how people meet. They can be from completely different worlds, never walk the same paths, but one day they collide and their life changes. "

("The Chase", Adam Rifkin)

"We were together - I forgot the whole world."

("Sorry for the love", Federico Moccia)

"If a woman wants something, then she must certainly give, otherwise she will take it herself."

("The Man from Boulevard des Capucines", Alla Surikova)

“If Amelie has decided to dream and live in her closed world, this is her right. For to ruin one's life is an inalienable human right. "

("Amelie", Jean-Pierre Jeunet)

“-And what are we going to do?

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