Dan Balan: biography, marital status. Dan Balan - biography Dan Balan who is he by nationality

Text: Evgeniya Yudintseva

In an exclusive interview with the site, the sexiest singer of the RU.TV music award, according to the readers of our portal, Dan Balan described the girl of his dreams, told that he could never forgive a loved one, thought about real men, admitted that he could never sell his soul to the devil , and also invited everyone to his big solo concert on November 29 at the Arena Moscow.

site: Dan, there are hundreds of pages on the Internet dedicated to your work, but there is absolutely nothing about your personal life. How did you manage to protect yourself from the ubiquitous journalists?

The Romanian media wrote a lot about the scandals with my participation. And they were inventing everything. The Romanian press is very violent, probably the most violent in the world. And at the same time unprofessional. For the sake of ratings, they come up with stories from scratch, just to sell it. As for the last few years of my creative activity in Russia, yes, I can not boast of either gossip or scandals. I don't like that.

"And I never talk about my personal life."

site: Then at least describe the girl of your dreams?

The girl of my dreams does not exist. When I meet my woman, I will just know that it is her. I can feel it. It is foolish to endow future love with any qualities. Of course, I have already identified the important points for myself. For example, she should be natural in everything, confident in herself, very gentle ... But I do not exclude that a girl will appear who will have completely different qualities, but I will feel so good next to her that everything that I now own invented, it will turn out to be completely unimportant.

site: In general, are you amorous or are you waiting for that very meeting?

“Why can't you be in love at the same time and wait for that very meeting ?! What if there is no that great love, should I be alone? A person cannot fall in love every day. But I have these beautiful feelings, when compared with other people I know - my friends - they appear more often. "

site: What should a person do to make you stop communicating with him?

Betray me.

site: Don't you forgive?

I forgive. But this does not mean that I should continue to communicate. Relationships are not only forgiveness, in a relationship it is important to trust a person, this is generally the most important thing. And when he betrays you, it is very difficult to trust him later.

site: Would you be able to beat off your best friend's wife if you realized that this is your soul mate?

I would never do that. Even if I fell in love very much.

site: What is real male friendship for you?

I would not like to say platitudes ... A true friend is one to whom you can tell everything when you feel bad or - especially - when you feel good. After all, many will readily support you in difficult times, but very few of those who know how to sincerely rejoice for you.

site: Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

I know that such a friendship exists, but I never had it. In my relationships with girls, usually one of us had interests of a different nature.

site: Can you describe a real man?

We can say that a real man should be strong, smart, confident, honest, support his family, not betray ... But this is all lyrics. Life is different. You cannot classify real men according to any criteria. There are weak men, but they are also real. They are simply different, and it is good that they exist.

site: And in your relationship, could you allow the woman to be in charge?

No, it's against my nature. This can only be tolerated by weak men. Strong men will never allow this. They are earners, and they must take matters into their own hands.

site: You are very attractive on the outside. Does this mean a lot to you?

Compliments are pleasant to any person. If someone tells you that he is unpleasant, that others like him, do not believe it. But this is far from the most important thing in my life. And from a professional point of view, this, of course, worries me. I work in the pop industry, where the aspect of appearance is as important as the music itself.

site: Imagine the situation: you appeared in a public place and you were not recognized. Will you experience relief or disappointment?

I absolutely don't care. I don’t think about it at all.

site: What can make you mad?

Indifference. When I do something important and other people are involved in the process, often mistakes are inevitable. If the mistakes are professional, I react to it normally. But when you can see that everything happened because the person just didn't give a damn about his work, and because of this mistake, a lot of things change for the worse, for example, during a concert, I can get very nervous.

site: Are you comfortable or hot-tempered in everyday life?

“I am very calm. I never scream. Friends and relatives need to try very hard to piss me off, and then, most likely, they will not succeed. I am good at controlling my emotions. "

site: Do you like to take risks?

I love. If the goal is worth it. After the great success of the O-Zone group in Moldova, I decided to take the next step and enter the Romanian market. It was very difficult then. No one from Moldova has signed contracts with Romanian record labels yet. I have developed a strategy of action. To do this, I had to sell everything that I had at that time, plus borrow a lot of money. Although it was very risky, we shot an incredibly expensive video, but in the end it worked, it was worth it!

site: You were born in Moldova, live in New York, often come to Moscow, travel all over the world ... And what city on earth can you call your home?

There is no such city anymore. In New York I have my own life, in Bucharest too, my parents live in Chisinau, and I always come there with pleasure. In general, I spend more time on the road than at the destinations themselves, and it is the travel that makes me feel better.

site: Is there anything you want so much that you would be willing to sell your soul to the devil for it?

"I would never sell my soul to the devil."

In general, it is very dangerous - I read books and watched films about it. And there are not so many temptations left. I am such a person that I do not burn with something so much that I would give everything for it.

site: You will soon have a big solo concert in Moscow. How do you prepare for it?

Preparations are in full swing. We are preparing a 2-hour program, which will feature songs from the new Freedom disc. Part.1. Now we are recording a double album. The first part will be released very soon. It can be called rather half-new, because the songs there are both famous and not. In the second part of the release, only new compositions will already be presented.

A musician, author of many songs, a talented producer - all this is about the hero of today's article. Dan Balan is a promising young singer who has won the hearts of many fans of modern music. Creator of several successful music projects. He went down in history as a young performer with his own vision in the music industry.

Fate prophesied for him a completely different specifics of life, but the singer, in spite of everything, chose his own path. How did the life of a star evolve at the beginning of his career and before him? We will learn more about this today.

Looking at a tall, stately guy, fans all over the world begin to think about his height, weight, age. How old is Dan Balan? The growth of the musician is really impressive, with a weight of 73 kilograms, he is 190 centimeters. A tall, slender handsome man is the dream of any young girl.

And, despite his 39 years old, Dan Balan looks very young. The girls look at him with enthusiasm and undoubtedly want to get to know the star better. Such a chance can come at any time, for each of them. Since a guy's heart is free.

Dan Balan's photos in his youth and now are not very different, of course, the age features of the face have changed and the physical indicators are not the same as in 20 years. But this absolutely did not change the singer's youthfulness and even give him additional charm.

In general, you can't even say from the photographs that you are in front of a forty-year-old man, no one gives him more than 30 years.

Biography and personal life of Dan Balan

Dan Balan's biography and personal life originates in Moldova. The future musician was born on February 6, 1979, in the city of Chisinau. Father - Mihai Balan, was an ambassador at the Moldovan Embassy in Israel. Mother - Lyudmila, a famous TV presenter. In addition to Dan, the singer's family also has a sister - Sanda Balan.

The guy's creative inclinations manifested themselves in his youth. He even graduated from a music school at one time. And the parents for eleven years made a gift to their son - an accordion. But, despite the guy's craving for music, they insisted on choosing a different profession. And Dan, goes to law school. What tricks did the father and mother go to so that their son graduated well, they even promised to buy him a new synthesizer. But this ploy didn’t work either. Having assembled his first musical group "Inferialis", the guy completely forgot about his studies and devoted himself entirely to music.

But he received resounding fame and recognition thanks to the creation of another, sensational team "O-zone". It was with this group that many popular songs around the world were performed, such as: "Dragostea Din Tei", "Despre Tine" and "Oriunde Ai Fi". Dan Balan's team soared to the top of the music charts, and their hits were played on almost all radio stations. Having already become popular, the musician simultaneously begins to expand the horizons of his activities. So, for example, he produces a popular children's show, the host of which is the singer's mother. The opening song was a composition that he wrote in his youth.

In the meantime, the composition of the group was changing, Dan's friend left her. But after the qualifying auditions, a new line-up was approved and the group continued to work on their creativity. Since 2001, the guys have been working hard on the release of a new album, and by 2002, they have presented the second largest project, "Number-1". For all the time, from 1998 to 2005, the group has won many awards and was nominated for many awards and Oscars.

As a member of this group "O-zone", the musician was until 2006, after which he decided to try himself in a solo project. He left for the United States, where he still lives today. Most of his time, the singer travels on tour. During his solo career, he recorded several albums and worked in an experimental genre that was not typical for him. By 2009, he was even nominated for such an award as the Grammy Award, and thus Dan Balan becomes the first Moldovan musician to receive it.

Family and children of Dan Balan

The boy's parents were not involved in raising him, because of the workload at work, they simply did not have time to raise their child. Therefore, from an early age, Dan was left to himself and the education of the young guy was taken over by the street. Perhaps thanks to this, the young man grew up purposeful and stubborn, approaching any given task with full perseverance.

In the personal life of a talented singer, there is no certainty yet. Dan Balan's family and children are just plans for the future. But despite his age, the musician is not going to rush in this direction, devoting himself entirely to music and creativity.

Dan Balan's wife

The musician immersed himself so deeply in creativity that the creation of a family went deep into the background. Of course, in the future he would like to have a loved one by his side, as well as children. But at the moment, Dan Balan's wife is music, and children are his masterpieces.

Of course, the singer had and still has girls, but he was not noticed in a serious relationship. First love came at the age of sixteen, but due to moving to another country, he did not even have time to open his feelings. Upon his return, Dan tried to catch up, but romance was not enough for a long time. Also, Balan was credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, during their joint work on the song "Rose Petals". However, all the rumors were dispelled by him, since he did not intend to get into someone else's family. It remains to be hoped that in the near future we will still hear news about his upcoming wedding, in which we wish him success.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balana

Dan Balan's Instagram and Wikipedia quite extensively reflect all aspects of a musician's life. On Wikipedia, you can see the full history of Balan's projects and created groups. The singer's life outside of creativity is described in a rather detailed way. Information about his family, friends and colleagues, painted in as much detail and even more detail than other performers of his generation.

Dan Balan also has his own pages on other social networks. There he shares news and plans for the future with his fans. Lays out the novelties of his work, and conducts correspondence with friends. For quite some time there has been a fan club on the Internet dedicated to Balan's activities. There he actively communicates with his fans.

Dan Balan is a young but very successful musician and poet, songwriter and creator of a popular group, born on 06.02.1979 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau.


Dan's parents are famous and successful people. Father Mihai is a diplomat and politician, mother Lyudmila is a popular TV presenter. The boy was born at a time when his mother was actively building her career, therefore, even as an infant, he was sent to the village to his grandparents.

When he was three years old, his parents took him to Chisinau and seriously took up the upbringing and education of the child. Moreover, he early showed his musical abilities, which his mother tried to develop in every possible way. Having no one to leave the baby with for a long time, she often took him with her to the shooting, and thus he even managed to get on a children's TV show.

At the age of four, Dan began to study the piano. And on his 11th birthday, he got a great accordion. But the boy's blue dream remained the synthesizer - in those years, a rare and very expensive instrument. Parents promised to give him such a gift if he enters the law faculty of the university. The father was categorically against the boy becoming an artist.

Since Dan never had any problems with his studies, he fulfilled the wishes of his parents and received a professional tool. But he was not destined to become a lawyer. Having met the students, the boy quickly found like-minded people and formed a small group. Since then, the guys spent all their time rehearsing.


The student group "Inferialis" performed heavy compositions in the Gothic style, which were very popular among young people. They organized their first public performance in the mystical atmosphere of an abandoned industrial enterprise. It was attended not only by Dan's friends, but his entire family, and he was very worried, anticipating the reaction of his parents to such music.

Dan was not mistaken in his expectations - his friends and acquaintances were delighted, and his mother and grandmother were in complete horror. Only the father treated his son's creativity with understanding and even bought him a new, even more perfect instrument. The group existed for two years and managed to become quite popular, but Dan quickly realized that only commercial music could bring real fame.

In 1999 Dan together with another ex-member of "Inferialis" Petr Zhelikhovsky left the group and created a new commercial project O-Zone. This group performed pop music and rap, which Zhelikhovsky read splendidly. A few months after its creation, the collective is already recording its debut album.

Of the 11 songs included in it, almost half immediately occupy the top lines of the charts, and the group becomes mega-popular. Moreover, some compositions end up in the rotation of the leading Moscow radio stations, and they start talking about O-Zone in Russia.

Dan's popularity is growing rapidly. It is further enhanced by the launched children's show of his mother, in which the artist takes an active part.

A stab in the back was the sudden departure from the collective of the soloist Zhelikhovsky. Having received an offer to work on television, he, without hesitation, abandoned his musical career for his sake. But Dan did not even think about winding up the project. He made a tough casting and created a new line-up for the group.

A year later, O-Zone presented a new album with a new line-up. But it did not become as successful as the first one, although the video for the song “Numai tu” won the prestigious Music awards. Dan realized that he urgently needed to change something and look for that niche in which there are no competitors. And such an original style was found a year later.

The composition "Despre Tine" brought just overwhelming success. She became a super hit not only in Romania and Moldova, but also far beyond their borders. For this song, the group received several prestigious music awards at once, including international ones, and the guys began to tour actively around the country and abroad.

The new single “Dragostea dinTei”, which sold over 12 million copies in total, consolidated his success and brought the artist worldwide fame. The name of Dan Balan became known in Russia, Great Britain and even faraway Japan. The touring geography expanded rapidly and already included dozens of countries. But, having existed for more than five years, and this group broke up.

Dan left for California and began preparing for a solo career. There he planned to do rock again, but in the original performance. He selected the best musicians for his team and leading American producers took part in the creation of the songs. For the presentation, he chose the stage name Crazy Loop and shot his first solo video under it.

Balan made his debut with a new album in his native Chisinau in December 2009. And again he was a success. New songs of the performer continued to occupy the leading lines of the most prestigious charts, including those in Moscow. The artist realized that he had finally started to move in the right direction.

In the fall of 2010, the singer performed a duet with a popular pop singer, the lyrical composition "Petals of Tears", which immediately ended up at the top of the Russian charts. The song was played on the air more than half a million times and became the artist's most performed composition.

Today, the singer continues to actively develop in the CIS and releases all new compositions in Russian. However, he also creates English-language songs, successfully touring around the world. Now he is one of the most successful and promising musical performers and young producers.

Personal life

The singer prefers not to advertise his personal life. Moreover, in his youth he experienced a whirlwind romance with his classmate. It so happened that barely realizing their feelings, young people were forced to leave - Dan's parents left for Israel and took him with them. Correspondence and telephone conversations were not enough to support children's feelings, and the romance quietly faded away.

Then the singer tried several times to build a serious relationship, but too busy schedule and full creative dedication do not contribute to this at all. And, perhaps, he just has not yet met the one that he wants to be with no matter what.

The singer has his own apartment in New York overlooking the Empire State Building. Dan simply adores this apartment, but he only manages to visit it a few months a year. In his free time, he prefers to just lie on the couch and dream. However, the singer is also friends with sports and keeps himself in excellent physical shape.

On the first lines of the charts, the name of a young artist named Dan Balan is now more and more often found. The artist's biography is of interest to both fans and music critics, because the originality of the performance and the bright personality always attract attention. About where he was born and what path the young performer took to the musical Olympus, read this article.

Dan Balan: biography

The nationality of the popular singer and composer is often the subject of fan controversy. Some consider his name to be a simple stage name and attribute the artist to the Russians. But in fact, Dan Mihai Bălan has Moldovan roots. Was born in 1979 in Kishinev, Moldova. Dan's parents are public people: his father is diplomat Mihai Balan, his mother is TV presenter Lyudmila Balan. From a young age, the boy showed interest in music. At the age of 11 he was presented with the first musical instrument - the accordion, and he happily played his first compositions on it. He graduated from music school, and at the age of 18 he already created his first group, for which he himself wrote music. It was 4 years before the world knew who Dan Balan was.

Biography of the O-Zone group

Real fame came to the artist after the creation of the O-Zone trio. The group was born in 1999, Dan wrote songs and was the producer of the group. In 2001, the trio was reorganized, and in 2002 Balan signed a contract with a Romanian recording company. Songs from the first album, which was called “Number 1”, became hits in Romania and Moldova. The second album delighted the listeners with the hit "Dragostea Din Tei", which brought the guys real fame. They were loved all over the world - Europe, Japan, America danced to an incendiary composition (Dan Balan also became its author).

Biography of the artist after the breakup of the group

2005 was the year of the band's breakup. All participants began to build solo careers. Dan Balan gathered his team, named it Balan and moved to Los Angeles. But despite the fact that he was already recognizable thanks to the sensational success of O-Zone, it was not easy for him to realize a solo project, it took him several years. In parallel, the artist worked in two directions: Balan sang in the style of rock, Crazy Loop (the second stage name) - in the style of electric dance. But all this was done by one person - Dan Balan. The biography of the young performer indicates that he is a purposeful, talented, versatile and selfless artist. Otherwise, he would not have become who he is now.

First solo successes

The composition "Chica Bomb", released in early 2010, became a real hit on dance floors. In the summer of the same year, the second song “Justify SEX” was presented in Moscow, and it immediately hit the first lines of the Russian charts. Autumn 2010 presented the audience with the composition "Petals of Tears" - a duet work with Vera Brezhneva, and again Dan Balan became the leader of the charts.

The biography (a photo of the first duet is presented in the article) already includes several joint works with famous performers of the world stage. And this is already a good achievement. And the artist is not going to stop there. His ascent to the musical Olympus has just begun!

Dan Mihai Balan is a bright star of the stage and show business. Born into a full-fledged family on February 6, 1979. At the moment, the singer is already 36 years old, but it is quite difficult to give him that age. The singer keeps himself in shape and looks fit.

The hometown of the famous singer is Chisinau (Moldova). Dana's father Mihai Balan and mother Lyudmila Balan tried to accustom their son to something wonderful from childhood, and thanks to their upbringing, the first public appearance of a young talented boy took place at the age of 4, when he first got on an entertaining TV show. It was the parents who made a huge contribution to education and upbringing, for which the singer is infinitely grateful to them, talking about this in many interviews with journalists and TV presenters.

First performances and music

Dan Balan's biography is full of various significant events. Some of them happened already in childhood. The parents noticed the craving for singing and contributed to the acquisition of the accordion, on which Dan already at the age of 11 composed his own works for waltzes and dances.

Over the years, the young singer gained experience, more and more appeared on the stages of theaters and school halls. At the age of 14, he actively played in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis and performed music in the style of gothic doom metal. These trial breakthroughs into the world of show business turned out to be very productive, and at the age of 20, Dan Balan's biography was replenished with serious events - performances on the big stage.

O-Zone - the formation of a group and the beginning of serious success

In 1999, the singer took another step towards success and, together with his faithful friend Peter Zhelikhovsky, created a group. In his group O-Zone (that's what she was called), the singer was both a producer and a musician and a singer. The most famous and gaining popularity in many European countries is the single Numa Numa Song. Many more albums of the group were able to glorify artists throughout Europe, and O-Zone has achieved really wild success. But in 2005, due to some disagreements, the group broke up and ceased creative activity.

But the biography of Dan Balan is replenished with new events. Dan goes to Los Angeles, where he meets the famous producer Jack Joseph Puig. He creates all the conditions for promoting the solo career of his ward.

The first album and unprecedented success: where does the solo star path begin

At first, Dan Balan did not speak on his own behalf, but had the pseudonym Crazy Loop. So he released his first solo album, The Power of Shower. But soon this pseudonym disappeared - the singer began to perform under his own name. Dan Balan began to film the songs, and the famous director Heim Williams worked on his first video for the single Chica Bomb. The hits that occupied the first lines of the charts went one after another from Dan Balan. A duet song with Vera Brezhneva called "Rose Petals" and the composition Freedom, "Just Until the Morning" made the singer a leader in the music show business. His songs were at the top of the charts for an unusually long time.

For fruitful work, the singer goes to New York, where he records new singles and shoots clips. But the biography of Dan Balan is not only a creative activity, but also a personal life.

The special appeal of Dan Balan is the reason for the great interest on the part of fans who love their idol not only for his beautiful songs, but also for their external features.

Dan Balan: personal life. What is the singer hiding?

No matter how hard the reporters tried to find out who his beloved was, nothing came of it. The singer always speaks about his heart's secrets shortly and clearly: "I am a free bird, and so far everything remains so." The joint work with Vera Brezhneva was interpreted differently by journalists, and the yellow press gave Dan Balan many statuses, including it was believed that he and Vera were a couple. But no matter what the newspapers write, Dan Balan still remains an enviable bachelor, and there was no connection, except for creative activity, between the stars of show business.

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