Ussr naval uniform photos

It is quite long and rich history... For many decades, changes and additions were made to it, the colors, style and fabric from which everyday and ceremonial samples were sewn changed. Today we are more accustomed to seeing two dominant colors in sailors' uniforms - white and black. It's hard to believe, but the first naval uniform was dark green, like ordinary military personnel. So, first things first.

Navy: uniform from the date of creation

Casual uniform of officers, warrant officers and women

The uniform of a naval officer, as well as a midshipman, differs slightly from the uniform of a simple sailor. Includes a woolen cap, black or white, woolen jacket, cream shirt, black coat, black trousers, black tie with gold setting, muffler, belt, gloves.

As footwear, semi-boots, low shoes or boots can be used. Additional items of clothing are a black sweater, demi-season jacket, woolen raincoat or tunic of blue color... Women wear black woolen caps, black wool skirts, cream blouses, belt, black tie with gold setting, black shoes or boots. Also, women are allowed to wear a black woolen jacket. In winter, women are supposed to wear a black astrakhan beret and coat of the same color.

Parade uniform of midshipmen and officers

The parade uniform of the Navy is divided into several types according to weather conditions. Hats - black or white cap, hat with earflaps or astrakhan hat with a visor (for senior officers and A must-have item of clothing is a black tie with a gold setting. The woolen jacket comes in two colors - white (summer) and black (dress). Black wool trousers White shirt and a golden belt are mandatory elements that make up the dress uniform of the Navy.

A white muffler or a black collar is worn in accordance with the weather conditions. Shoes are black or white boots, boots, low shoes or ankle boots. On a black woolen coat, sewn-on shoulder straps are worn. Also included are white gloves.

Ceremonial uniform of foremen, sailors and women

The navy uniform for these categories includes a striped vest or cream shirt with a tie (this applies to contract soldiers), black woolen trousers (for women, skirts) and a belt. A summer white peakless cap, black woolen hat or earflaps are put on the head. There is a white uniform or a blue flannel jacket (contractors wear a jacket made of black wool). In the Navy, the uniform for the parade includes a woolen black coat, on which epaulets, mufflers and gloves are worn. It is also allowed to wear pea jackets. The foremen, sailors and women wear low boots, boots or low shoes on their feet. The dress belt for men is black, for women it is golden. It can also be divided into two types - austere and decorated. The strict form includes a sewn-in tunic on which the emblems of the patrimonial troops, aiguillette, gold buttons, awards and badges, shoes, a belt and beret are located. The decorated form has a free format, designed for the inventiveness of the demobilization.

Original taken from pervakov in Passion for a War Beret

In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to elite troops... Since they have a special mission, the elite units must have something to set them apart from the rest. For example, the well-known " green beret"Is" a symbol of excellence, a sign of valor and distinction in the struggle for freedom. "

The history of the military beret.

Given the practicality of the beret, its informal use by the military in Europe goes back millennia. An example is the blue beret, which became a symbol of the Scottish Armed Forces in the 16th and 17th centuries. As an official military headdress, the beret began to be used during the War of Succession to the Spanish Crown in 1830 by order of General Tomás de Zumalacárregui, who wanted to make headdresses resistant to the vagaries of the weather in the mountains, easy to maintain and use on special occasions in an inexpensive way. ...

1. Other countries followed suit with the creation of the French Alpine Jaegers in the early 1880s. These mountain troops wore clothing that included several features that were innovative for the time. Including large berets that have survived to this day.

2. Berets have features that make them very attractive to the military: they are cheap, can be made in a wide range of colors, can be rolled up and tucked into a pocket or under a shoulder strap, they can be worn with headphones (this is one of the reasons why tankers adopted beret).

The beret was found particularly useful for armored vehicle crews, and the British Panzer Corps (later the Royal Armored Corps) adopted this headgear back in 1918.

3. After World War I, when the issue of official changes in dress was considered at high level, General Elles, who was a propagandist of the berets, made another argument - during maneuvers, the beret is comfortable to sleep in and can be used as a comforter. After a lengthy debate in the Department of Defense, the black beret was officially approved by decree of His Majesty on March 5, 1924. The Black Beret remained the exclusive privilege of the Royal Tank Corps for quite some time. Then the practicality of this headgear was noticed by others and by 1940 all armored units of Great Britain began to wear black berets.

4. German tank crews in the late 1930s also adopted beret with the addition of a padded helmet inside. Black has become popular in tank crew headgear as it does not show oil stains.

5. Second World War gave the berets new popularity. British and American saboteurs, who were thrown into the rear of the Germans, in particular, in France, quickly appreciated the convenience of berets, especially dark colors - it was convenient to hide hair under them, they protected the head from the cold, the beret was used as a comforter, etc. Some British units introduced berets as a headdress for formations and branches of the armed forces. So, for example, it was with SAS - the Special Aviation Service, a special-purpose unit engaged in sabotage and reconnaissance behind enemy lines - they took a sand-colored beret (it symbolized the desert, where the SAS members had to work a lot against Rommel's army). British skydivers chose a crimson beret - according to legend, this color was suggested by the writer Daphne DuMorier, wife of General Frederick Brown, one of the heroes of the Second World War. For the color of the beret, the parachutists immediately received the nickname "cherries". Since then, the crimson beret has become the unofficial symbol of military parachutists around the world.

6. The first use of berets in the US military dates back to 1943. The 509th Parachute Regiment received crimson berets from their British counterparts in recognition and respect. The use of the beret as a headdress for military personnel in the Soviet Union dates back to 1936. According to the order of the NKO of the USSR, to wear dark blue berets as part of the summer uniforms, was supposed to be female military personnel and students of military academies.

7. Berets became the default military headgear in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, just like the cocked hat, shako, cap, cap, cap, at one time in the corresponding eras. Berets are now worn by many military personnel in most countries around the world.

8. And now, in fact, about the berets in the elite troops. And we will start, of course, with the Alpine Jaegers - the unit that introduced the fashion for wearing berets in the army. The Alpine Jaegers (Mountain Shooters) are the elite mountain infantry of the French Army. They are trained to fight in highlands and urban areas. Wear a wide navy beret.

9. The French Foreign Legion wears light green berets.

11. French naval commandos wear a green beret.

12. The French marines wear navy blue berets.

14. French Air Force commandos wear navy blue berets.

15. French paratroopers wear red berets.

17. The German airborne forces wear maroon berets (Maroon).

18. German Special Forces (KSK) wear berets of the same color, but with a different emblem.

19. The Vatican Swiss Guards wear a large black beret.

20. The Dutch Royal Marines wear navy blue berets.

21. Airmobile Brigade (11 Luchtmobiele Brigade) The Armed Forces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands wear maroon berets (Maroon).

22. The Finnish Marines wear green berets.

23. Italian paratroopers of the carabinieri regiment wear red berets.

24. Soldiers of the special unit of the Italian fleet wear green berets.

25. The Portuguese Marines wear navy blue berets.

26. Soldiers of the British Parachute Regiment wear maroon berets (Maroon).

27. The paratroopers of the 16th Air Assault Brigade of the British Army wear the same beret, but with a different emblem.

28. Special Aviation Service (SAS) commandos have worn beige (tan) berets since World War II.

29. The Royal Marines of Great Britain wear green berets.

30. Arrows from Her Majesty's Gurkha Brigade wear green berets.

31. Canadian paratroopers wear maroon berets (Maroon).

32. Australian Army 2nd Commando Regiment wears green berets.

33. American Ragers wear a beige (tan) beret.

34. American "Green Berets" (United States Army Special Forces) wear, of course, the green berets that President John F. Kennedy approved for them in 1961.

35. The US Army Airborne Troops wear the maroon berets they received in 1943 from their British colleagues and allies.

And in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) berets are not worn. In 1951, the Marine Corps introduced several types of berets, green and blue, but these were rejected by tough warriors because they looked "too feminine."

39. Marines South Korea wear green berets.

40. The special forces of the Georgian army wear maroon berets (Maroon).

41. Soldiers of the special forces of Serbia wear black berets.

42. The airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan wears blue berets.

43. Hugo Chavez wears the red beret of the Venezuelan Airborne Brigade.

Let's move on to the valiant elite troops of Russia and our Slavic brothers.

44. Our response to the appearance in the armies of NATO countries of units that wore berets, in particular, units of the US MTR, the uniform headdress of which is Green colour, was the Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of November 5, 1963 No. 248. According to the order, a new field uniform is being introduced for the special purpose units of the USSR Marine Corps. This form relied on a black beret, from cotton fabric for sailors and noncommissioned officers and woolen cloth for officers.

45. The cap badges and stripes on the berets of the Marine Corps changed many times: replacing the red star on the berets of sailors and sergeants with a black oval emblem with a red star and bright yellow edging, and later, in 1988, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 250 of 4 March, the oval emblem was replaced with an asterisk bordered with a wreath. V Russian army there were a lot of innovations too, and now it looks like this.

After the approval of a new uniform for the Marine Corps units, berets appeared in airborne troops Oh. In June 1967, Colonel General V.F.Margelov, then the commander of the Airborne Forces, approved sketches of a new uniform for the airborne troops. The designer of the sketches was the artist A.B. Zhuk, known as the author of many books on small arms and as the author of illustrations for the SVE (Soviet Military Encyclopedia). It was A. B. Zhuk who suggested the crimson color of the beret for the paratroopers. A crimson beret was at that time all over the world an attribute of belonging to landing troops and V.F. Margelov approved wearing a raspberry beret airborne troops, during the parades in Moscow. On the right side of the beret was sewn a small blue flag, triangular in shape with the emblem of the airborne troops. On the berets of sergeants and soldiers, there was a star in the front, framed by a wreath of ears, on the berets of officers, instead of an asterisk, a cockade was attached.

46. ​​During the November 1967 parade, the paratroopers were already dressed in new form and crimson berets. However, at the very beginning of 1968, instead of crimson berets, the paratroopers began to wear blue berets. According to the military leadership, the color of the blue sky is more suitable for the airborne troops and by order No. 191 of the USSR Minister of Defense of July 26, 1969, the blue beret was approved as a ceremonial headdress for the Airborne Forces. Unlike the crimson beret, on which the flag sewn on the right side was blue, the flag on the blue beret turned red.

47. And a modern, Russian version.

48. GRU special forces soldiers wear airborne uniform and, accordingly, blue berets.

49. Special-purpose units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia wear a maroon (dark red) beret.

50. But unlike other types of troops, such as marines or paratroopers, for the special forces of the Interior Ministry of Internal Affairs, a maroon beret is a sign of qualification and is awarded to a soldier only after he has undergone special training and has proven his right to wear a maroon beret.

53. Until receipt maroon beret special forces soldiers wear khaki beret

54. Intelligence soldiers of the internal troops wear a green beret. The right to wear this beret must be earned as well as the right to wear a maroon beret.

Our Ukrainian brothers are also the heirs of the USSR, and therefore have retained the colors of the berets used earlier in this country for their elite units.

55. The Ukrainian Marines wear black berets.

56. Airmobile troops of Ukraine wear a blue beret.

57. Brothers-Belarusians also wear a blue beret in the Airborne Forces.

61. And finally, a little exotic. Soldiers of the Zimbabwe Presidential Guard wearing yellow berets.


1. The right to wear military uniform has all military personnel who are in a valid military service v Soviet army and the Navy; pupils of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools; reserve servicemen called up to undergo training camps, as well as generals, admirals and officers who are in reserve or retired with the right to wear military uniforms.

2. The military uniform is worn strictly in accordance with these Rules. All items of military clothing must comply with established patterns and descriptions, be carefully fitted and kept in perfect condition. All commanders and chiefs are obliged to demand from their subordinates strict observance of the Rules for wearing military uniforms.
3. The military uniform is established:
a) for marshals, generals, admirals and officers:
front door for the system;
ceremonial day off;
field (in the Navy - everyday for the formation);
b) for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, cadets and students of military schools:
(The uniform of sergeants and foremen of the long-term service, who receive an officer's uniform, is divided into the same types and is worn in the same cases as the uniform for officers.)
ceremonial day off;
day-to-day field (in the Navy, everyday);
working (for conscripts).
Each of these forms is subdivided into summer and winter, and in the Navy, in addition, it has a numbering.

4. The military uniform is worn:
a) marshals, generals, admirals and officers:
front door for the formation - when participating in parades, when presenting orders to military units, ships, formations, order naval flags, banners; when launching ships into the water, when raising a naval flag on a ship entering service; when receiving government awards; with a personal introduction to direct superiors on the occasion of appointment to a position, promotion and rewarding; when taking the military oath; when appointed to the guard of honor; on the days of annual holidays of the unit, ship;
ceremonial day off - on the day of the celebration of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution; on the day of international workers' solidarity - May Day; on the anniversary of the Soviet Army and Navy; during the days of participation in sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, sessions of the Supreme Soviets of the union republics; at ceremonial and anniversary meetings, official receptions, when visiting theaters; in all cases when the order to be in full-dress uniform is followed;
everyday - when serving out of order and in free time from service. In military units, during drill exercises, it is allowed to wear a casual uniform with trousers in boots with equipment;
field (in the Navy. Fleet - everyday for the formation) - in exercises in the field, firing, maneuvers, when carrying daily orders and in combat units and military educational institutions - in the classroom in the location of the unit;
b) sergeants, foremen, soldiers, sailors, cadets and pupils:
ceremonial day off - when participating in parades, when presenting orders to military units, ships, formations, order naval flags, banners; when launching ships into the water, when raising a naval flag on a ship entering service; when receiving government awards; when taking the military oath; when appointed to the guard of honor; on the days of annual holidays of the unit, ship; on the day of the celebration of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution; on the day of international workers' solidarity - May Day; on the anniversary of the Soviet Army and Navy; during the days of participation in sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, sessions of the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics, at solemn and anniversary meetings, when visiting theaters. In addition, a full dress uniform is worn upon dismissal from the location of a unit, a ship, while on vacation and in all other cases when an order to be in full dress is followed;
day-to-day field (in the Navy - everyday) - in classes, exercises, maneuvers, when carrying daily orders and in free time from classes inside the location of the unit;
worker - when performing household work, as well as in classes inside the location of the unit (ship) by order of the unit commander.

5. For marching inspections, the uniform is set by the persons conducting the marching review.

6. For workers of military construction detachments, work and output uniforms are established. The work uniform is worn when performing construction and household work, the day off - the rest of the time.

7. The transition to summer or winter uniforms is established by: commanders of military districts, chiefs of garrisons, commanders of fleets and flotillas, commanders of naval bases, senior naval commanders (chiefs of garrisons).

8. The uniform in the Navy (according to the established numbers) is announced every day: by the headquarters of the fleets, flotillas; senior naval commanders (chiefs of garrisons); elders on raids; commanders of formations of ships on the voyage; commanders of ships on a separate voyage.


9. The uniform of the marshals of the Soviet Union, marshals of the military branches and generals of the Soviet Army

(v Ground forces Oh)

Summer (fig. 1, 2)

Color parade peaked cap sea ​​wave with a colored band, a ceremonial open tunic and navy blue trousers with boots, a white shirt with a black tie, boots, a ceremonial belt, white gloves; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 3)

A hat, a ceremonial-day steel overcoat. colors, a ceremonial open tunic and navy blue trousers in boots, a white shirt with a black tie, boots, a ceremonial belt for an overcoat, brown gloves, a white muffler; orders, medals and badges on the uniform.


Summer (fig. 4, fig. 5)

A ceremonial-weekend cap in blue with a blue band, a ceremonial open tunic and blue trousers outside, a white shirt with a dark blue tie, black boots, a dress belt, white gloves; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 6)

A hat, a steel-colored ceremonial-day overcoat, a ceremonial open tunic and blue trousers, a white shirt with a navy blue tie, black boots, a ceremonial belt for an overcoat, brown gloves, a white muffler; orders, medals and badges on the uniform.

(in the Ground Forces)

Summer (fig. 7, 8, fig. 9)

Ceremonial dress cap in aqua with a colored band, dress and weekend open tunic and trousers outside the navy blue, white shirt with black tie, black boots, white gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 10)

A hat, a steel-colored ceremonial-day-overcoat, an open-ceremonial-day open tunic and navy blue trousers, a white shirt with a black tie, black boots, brown gloves, a white comforter; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the uniform.

Note. It is allowed to wear: black low shoes instead of boots, galoshes; v summer time- a summer coat with a white scarf.


Summer (fig. 11, 12)

A ceremonial-weekend cap in blue with a blue band, a ceremonial-day open tunic and blue trousers outside, a white shirt with a dark blue tie, black boots, white gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 13)

A hat, a steel-colored ceremonial-weekend overcoat, an open-ceremonial-day open tunic and blue trousers, a white shirt with a navy blue tie, black boots, brown gloves, a white comforter; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the uniform.


Summer I. (fig. 14, fig. 15)

A casual khaki cap with a colored band, an open khaki tunic, blue trousers outside or in boots, a khaki shirt and tie, black boots or boots, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Summer II. (fig. 16)

Cap light gray with a colored band, an open tunic of light gray, blue trousers outside, a shirt and tie of light gray, black boots, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 17, 18)

A hat, a dark gray everyday field overcoat, an open tunic in a khaki, blue trousers outside or in boots, a shirt and tie in a khaki, black boots or boots, brown gloves, a gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Note. It is allowed to wear: a ceremonial-exit overcoat of steel color, black low shoes instead of boots, galoshes; in summer - a summer coat with a white muffler; steel-colored bekeshu with a gray astrakhan collar and felt boots - in winter uniform.


Summer (fig. 19, 20)

A field cap of a khaki, a tunic of a khaki, trousers of a khaki in boots, boots, a cape, leather equipment, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 21)

A hat, a dark gray everyday field overcoat, a khaki tunic; khaki trousers in boots, boots, leather equipment, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the tunic.

Note. It is allowed to wear a steel-colored bekeshu with a gray astrakhan collar and felt boots.

Marshals Soviet Union, chief marshals and marshals of the branches of the armed forces and generals of the army are allowed to wear everyday uniforms as field uniform clothes.

10. Uniform of admirals and generals of the Navy


Form No. 1 - summer (Fig. 22)

A ceremonial cap, a white jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, white trousers, white low shoes, white gloves, a dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 2 - summer (fig. 23)

A ceremonial cap, a white jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers with stripes, black boots, white gloves, a dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 3 - summer (Fig. 24, 25, Fig. 26)

A dress cap, a black dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers with stripes, black boots, white gloves, a dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (fig. 27)

A dress cap, a black dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers with stripes, an overcoat, black boots, gloves, a white muffler, a dagger; orders, medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 5 - winter

A hat with earflaps or a ceremonial cap, a black dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers with stripes, an overcoat, black boots, gloves, a white scarf, a dagger; orders, medals and badges on the jacket.

At full dress No. 4 and 5, by special order, a pistol with equipment is worn over an overcoat. The parade-dress uniform for wearing out of order is the same as the parade uniform for the formation, but instead of orders and medals - ribbons of orders and medals; trousers for admirals - without stripes.

Form No. 3 - summer (fig. 30)

A casual cap, a casual black jacket with a white shirt and a black tie (or a navy blue jacket), black trousers (for admirals without stripes), black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 4 - winter

A casual cap, a casual black jacket with a white shirt and a black tie (or a navy blue jacket), black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).

Form number 5 - winter

A hat with earflaps or a casual cap, a black casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or a dark blue jacket), black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).

Form number 6 - winter

A hat with lowered headphones or a casual cap, a black casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or dark blue jacket), black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).

Form No. 1 - summer (fig. 28)

Casual cap, white tunic, white trousers, white low shoes; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 2 - summer (fig. 29)

Casual cap, white tunic, black trousers (for admirals without stripes), black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 3 - summer (fig. 32)

Everyday cap, dark blue tunic, black trousers (for admirals without stripes), black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (Fig. 31)

A casual cap, a dark blue jacket, black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 5 - winter

A hat with earflaps or a casual cap, a dark blue tunic, black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 6 - winter

A hat with lowered headphones, a dark blue tunic, black trousers (for admirals without stripes), an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

In everyday form of clothing, a pistol with equipment is worn for the formation; with forms No. 1, 2, 3 - under the tunic, with forms No. 4, 5, 6 - over the overcoat.

1. The specified form of clothing by numbers, as well as listed in paragraphs 13, 19 and 20 is worn depending on the outside air temperature: No. I - from + 25 ° C and above, No. 2 - from +20 to + 25 ° C, No. 3 - from +15 to + 20 ° С, № 4 - from 0 to +! 5 ° С, № 5 - from 0 to -10 ° С, № 6 - from -10 ° С and below.
2. With a summer uniform, a summer cap with a white cover is worn. With a white woolen jacket, the cap on the cap is worn from the same fabric as the jacket.

a black casual jacket - with casual clothing No. 2 and outside service - with casual clothing No. 1 (Fig. 33);
a summer greatcoat and a white muffler for uniforms No. 3 and 4;
an attached collar made of black astrakhan fur to an overcoat and a muffler (white or black) for everyday clothing No. 4, 5, 6;
patent leather shoes, black low shoes and galoshes.


SUMMER (fig. 34)

A ceremonial-weekend cap of a protective color with a colored band, an open ceremonial-weekend uniform of a khaki, blue trousers with boots, a shirt and tie of a khaki, boots, a dress belt, brown gloves; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 35)

A hat with earflaps (for colonels - a papakha), a steel-colored ceremonial-weekend overcoat, an open ceremonial-day khaki uniform, blue trousers in boots, a shirt and a khaki tie, boots, a dress belt for an overcoat, brown gloves, white scarf; orders, medals and badges on the uniform.


SUMMER (fig. 36, 37)

3 and me (fig. 38)

A hat with earflaps (for the colonels - a papakha), a steel-colored ceremonial-weekend overcoat, an open-ceremonial-day khaki uniform, blue trousers, a khaki shirt and tie, black boots, brown gloves, white comforter; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the uniform.

Note. It is allowed to wear: black low shoes instead of boots, galoshes; in the summer - a summer coat with a white muffler.


SUMMER (fig. 39)

A casual khaki cap with a colored band, an open khaki tunic, blue trousers in boots or outside, a khaki shirt and tie, boots or black boots, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 40)

A cap with earflaps (for colonels - a papakha), a dark gray everyday field overcoat, an open khaki tunic, blue trousers in boots or outside, a khaki shirt and tie, boots or black boots, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Note. It is allowed to wear: a ceremonial-exit overcoat of steel color, black low shoes instead of boots, galoshes; in summer - a summer coat with a white muffler.


SUMMER (fig. 41, fig. 42, 43)

A field cap of a khaki, a tunic of a khaki, trousers of a khaki in boots, boots, a cape, leather equipment, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 44)

A cap with earflaps (for colonels - a papakha), a dark gray everyday field overcoat, a khaki tunic, khaki trousers in boots, boots, leather equipment, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the tunic.

1. On field exercises, firing, maneuvers and when entering the field, equipment with personal weapons is worn.
2. In the summertime in hot areas it is allowed to wear a Panama hat.


SUMMER (fig. 45)

A formal day off beret in blue, an open ceremonial day off uniform in a khaki, a blue skirt, a shirt and tie in a sewn color, black shoes, light brown stockings, brown gloves; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 46)

A fur hat, a steel-colored ceremonial-exit coat, an open ceremonial-day khaki uniform, a blue skirt, a sewn-on shirt and tie, boots, light brown stockings, brown gloves, a white muffler; orders, medals and badges on the uniform.

The parade-dress uniform for wearing out of formation is the same as for the formation, but instead of orders and medals - ribbons of orders and medals, and in winter - instead of boots - black boots (Fig. 47, 48, Fig. 49).

Note. It is allowed to wear: galoshes (boots) in case of a full dress uniform out of order; in summer - a summer coat with a white muffler; in winter time - attached fur collar to the coat.


SUMMER (fig. 50)

A casual blue beret, an open khaki jacket, a blue skirt, a khaki shirt and tie, black shoes, light brown stockings, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 51)

Fur hat, dark gray casual field coat, open khaki tunic, blue skirt, khaki shirt and tie, black boots, light brown stockings, brown gloves, gray comforter; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Note. Allowed to wear: steel-colored dress-up coat, galoshes (boots), shoes Brown color; "in the summer - a summer coat with a white scarf; in the winter - a fur collar attached to the coat.


SUMMER (fig. 52)

A khaki beret, a khaki woolen dress, boots, light brown stockings, a cape, leather equipment, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 53)

Fur hat, dark gray everyday field coat, khaki woolen dress, boots, light brown stockings, leather equipment, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the dress.

13. Dress code of officers of the Navy


Form number 1 - summer (Fig. 54)

White ceremonial cap, white tunic, white trousers, white low shoes, white gloves, dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form number 2 - summer (Fig. 55)

White dress cap, white tunic, black trousers, black boots, white gloves, dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form number 3 - summer (fig. 56)

A ceremonial cap, a ceremonial jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers, black boots, white gloves, a dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (fig. 57)

A ceremonial cap, a dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers, an overcoat, black boots, gloves, a white muffler, a dagger; orders, medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 5 - winter

A hat with earflaps or a ceremonial cap, a dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers, an overcoat, black boots, gloves, a white muffler, a dagger; orders, medals and badges on the jacket.

With dress uniforms No. 4 and 5, by special order, a pistol with equipment is worn over an overcoat.
The parade-dress uniform for wearing out of order is the same as the parade uniform for the formation, but instead of orders and medals - ribbons of orders and medals.


Casual cap, white. tunic, white trousers, white low shoes; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

A casual cap, a casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or navy blue jacket), black trousers, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 4 - winter

A casual peaked cap, a casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or navy blue jacket), black trousers, an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 61)

A hat with earflaps or a casual cap, a casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or a dark blue jacket), black trousers, an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).

Form number 6 - winter

A hat with lowered headphones, a casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie (or navy blue jacket), black trousers, an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket (jacket).


Form No. 1 - summer (Fig. 58)

Casual cap, white tunic, white trousers, white low shoes; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 2 - summer (Fig. 59)

Casual cap, white tunic, black trousers, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 3 - summer (Fig. 60)

Casual peaked cap, dark blue tunic, black trousers, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 4 - winter

Casual cap, dark blue tunic, black trousers, overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 62)

A hat with earflaps or a casual cap, a dark blue jacket, black trousers, an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 6 - winter

A hat with lowered headphones, a dark blue tunic, black trousers, an overcoat, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

In everyday form of clothing, a pistol with equipment is worn for the formation. The outfit is put on: with forms No. 1, 2, 3 - under the tunic, with forms No. 4, 5, 6 - over the overcoat.

1. For officers on guard, the uniform is set one number higher.
2. With a summer uniform, a summer cap with a white cover is worn.
3. It is allowed to wear out of order:
a black casual jacket - with casual clothing No. 2 and outside of service - with casual clothing No. 1;
working dark blue tunic - when working in office premises, on ships, in units, docks, workshops, in factories;
a summer coat and a white muffler - for uniforms No. 3 and 4;
an attached collar made of black astrakhan fur to an overcoat and a muffler (white or black) - with everyday clothing No. 4, 5, 6;
lacquered shoes, black low shoes, galoshes.

14. Dress code of women officers of the Navy


Form No. 1 and 2 - summer (Fig. 63)

White beret, white tunic with a turn-down collar, black skirt, black shoes, light brown stockings, white gloves; orders and medals and badges.

Form # 3 - summer (Fig. 64)

White (blue) beret, dress jacket and black skirt, white shirt with black tie, black shoes, light brown stockings, white gloves; orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (Fig. 65)

A blue beret, a black dress-up coat, a black dress-jacket and skirt, a white shirt with a black tie, black boots, light brown stockings, gloves, white scarf; orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 65)

A fur hat or a blue beret, a black dress-up coat, a black dress-jacket and a black skirt, a white shirt with a black tie, black boots, light brown stockings, gloves, white comforter; orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

The parade-dress uniform for wearing out of order is the same as the parade uniform for the formation, but instead of orders and medals - ribbons of orders and medals.


Form No. 1 and 2 - summer

White beret, white tunic with a turndown collar, black skirt, black shoes, light brown stockings; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 3 - summer (fig. 66, fig. 67)

White (blue) beret, casual jacket with a black skirt and a white shirt with a black tie (or blue woolen dress), black shoes, light brown stockings; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (Fig. 68)

A blue beret, a casual black coat, a casual jacket with a black skirt and a white shirt with a black tie (or a blue woolen dress), black boots, light brown stockings, white muffler, gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 68, Fig. 69)

A fur hat or blue beret, a casual black coat, a casual jacket with a black skirt and a white shirt with a black tie (or a blue woolen dress), black boots, light brown stockings, white muffler, gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

1. The uniform by numbers is worn depending on the outside air temperature: No. 1 and 2 - from + 20 ° С and above, No. 3 - from +15 to + 20 ° С, No. 4 - from 0 to + 15 ° С and No. 5 - from 0 ° C and below.
2. With uniforms No. 3 and 4, it is allowed to wear a summer coat and a white muffler out of order, and with uniforms No. 4 and 5 out of order, it is allowed to wear a white or black muffler and a fur collar attached to the coat.
3. It is allowed to wear galoshes (boots) out of order.

15. The uniform of sergeants of the long-term service of the Soviet Army, receiving uniforms of an officer's standard


SUMMER (fig. 70)

A ceremonial-weekend cap of a khaki with a colored band, an open ceremonial-output uniform of a khaki, blue trousers with boots, a shirt and tie of a khaki, boots, equipment, brown gloves; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 71)

A cap with earflaps, a dark gray everyday field overcoat, an open ceremonial-day khaki uniform, blue trousers with boots, a shirt and a khaki tie, boots, equipment, brown gloves, white muffler; orders, medals and badges on the uniform.


SUMMER (fig. 72)

A ceremonial-weekend cap of a khaki with a colored band, an open ceremonial-output uniform of a khaki, blue trousers, a shirt and tie of a khaki, black boots, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 73)

A hat with earflaps, a dark gray casual field overcoat, an open ceremonial-day khaki uniform, blue trousers, a khaki shirt and tie, black boots, brown gloves, a white comforter; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the uniform.


SUMMER (fig. 74)

A casual khaki peaked cap with a colored band, an open khaki jacket, blue trousers in boots or outside, a khaki shirt and tie, boots or black boots, brown gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 75)

A cap with earflaps, a dark gray casual field overcoat, an open khaki jacket, blue trousers with boots or oversized, a khaki shirt and tie, boots or black boots, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Note. It is allowed to wear: black low shoes instead of boots, galoshes.


SUMMER (fig. 76)

A khaki pilot jacket, a khaki tunic, khaki trousers in boots, boots, a cape, equipment; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 77)

A hat with earflaps, a dark gray casual overcoat, a khaki tunic, khaki trousers in boots, boots, equipment, brown gloves, gray muffler; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the tunic.

SUMMER (fig. 78)

3 and me (fig. 79)

SUMMER (Fig. 80, 81, Fig. 82)

A protective-colored pilot jacket, a tunic and shchrovars in a khaki color, boots, a waist belt, ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 83)

Note. In hot areas, instead of a garrison cap, it is allowed to wear a Panama hat.


Summer i

3 and me (fig. 84)

Note. Hats, tunics, wide trousers, footwear and overcoats for work uniforms are accumulated in military units in the established sizes due to uniforms that have served the terms of wear and are suitable for use.

17. Dress code of cadets of military schools


SUMMER (fig. 85)

Parade-exit cap of a protective color with a colored band, closed ceremonial-exit uniform of a khaki, ceremonial-exit harem pants of a khaki, boots, a waist belt; orders, medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 86)

A hat with earflaps, an everyday field overcoat of gray color, a closed ceremonial-weekend uniform of a khaki, ceremonial-weekend khaki trousers, boots, a waist belt, brown gloves; orders, medals and chest ziacs on the uniform.


SUMMER (fig. 87)

A protective-colored cap, a tunic and khaki pants, boots, a waist belt, ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

3 and me (fig. 88)

A cap with earflaps, a gray everyday field overcoat, a khaki tunic and wide trousers, boots, a waist belt, brown gloves, ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the tunic.

Note. In hot areas, instead of a garrison cap, it is allowed to wear a Panama hat.


Summer i

Pilot jacket (in hot areas - Panama) in a khaki color, a tunic and wide trousers in a khaki color, boots, a waist belt.

3 and me (fig. 89)

A hat with earflaps, a wadded jacket or an overcoat, a tunic and wide trousers of a protective color, boots, a waist belt, gloves.

Note. Hats, tunics, wide trousers, footwear and overcoats for work uniforms are accumulated in military units in the established sizes due to uniforms that have served the terms of wear and are suitable for use.

18. The uniform of the pupils of the Suvorov military schools


SUMMER (fig. 90)

A black cap with a red band, a closed cloth uniform and black trousers with stripes, black boots, a waist belt, white gloves.

3 and me (fig. 91)

A hat with earflaps, a black overcoat, a closed woolen uniform and black trousers with stripes, black boots, a waist belt, brown woolen gloves.

Note. It is allowed to wear galoshes out of order.


SUMMER I (fig. 92)

A black cap with a red band, a sewn-on cotton tunic, black cotton trousers outside, boots or boots, a waist belt.

SUMMER II (fig. 93)

A summer cap with a red band and a white removable cover, a boiled linen tunic, black cotton trousers, boots, and a waist belt.

3 and me (fig. 94)

A paper tunic in a sewn-on color, black cotton trousers outside, boots or boots, a waist belt. A hat with earflaps, a black overcoat, a woolen tunic and black trousers with stripes, boots or boots, a waist belt, brown woolen gloves or mittens.

1. It is allowed to wear galoshes out of order.
2. Summer day-to-day field uniform II is allowed to be worn with woolen knickers outside when dismissing from the location of the school and while on vacation.
3. When wearing boots, the bottoms of the trousers should be tucked into the bootlegs.
4. At the pioneer training camp, pioneer pupils wear a white top shirt with soft shoulder straps without edging, with a pioneer tie.

19. The uniform of midshipmen, foremen, chief foremen and senior sergeants of the long-term service of the Navy

DRESS FORM OF CLOTHING FOR THE BUILDING (only for warrant officers and foremen of extra-urgent service)

Form number 1 - summer (Fig. 95)

White cap, white jacket. white trousers, white low shoes, white gloves, a dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form number 2 - summer (Fig. 96)

White cap, white tunic, black trousers, black boots, white gloves, dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 3 - summer (fig. 97)

Cloth cap, dress jacket, white shirt with black tie, black trousers, black boots, white gloves, dagger; orders, medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (Fig. 98)

Cloth cap, dress jacket, white shirt with black tie, black trousers, double-breasted overcoat, black boots, white gloves, white muffler, dagger; orders, medals and badges on the jacket.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 98)

A hat with earflaps or a cloth cap, a dress jacket, a white shirt with a black tie, black trousers, a double-breasted overcoat, black boots, white gloves, a white scarf, a dagger; order. medals and badges on the jacket.

With dress uniforms No. 4 and 5, by special order, a pistol with equipment is worn over an overcoat. The parade-dress uniform for wearing out of order is the same as the parade uniform for the formation, but instead of orders and medals - ribbons of orders and medals.


Form No. 1 - summer (Fig. 99)

White cap, white tunic, white trousers, white low shoes; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 2 - summer

White cap, white tunic, black trousers, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 3 - summer

Cloth cap, dark blue tunic, black trousers, black boots; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 4 - winter

Cloth cap, dark blue tunic, black trousers, double-breasted overcoat, black boots, black gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 100)

Hat with earflaps, dark blue tunic, black trousers, double-breasted overcoat, black boots, black gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

Form number 6 - winter

A hat with lowered headphones, a dark blue tunic, black trousers, a double-breasted overcoat, black boots, black gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on the jacket.

In the form of clothing for the formation, a pistol with equipment is worn; the equipment is worn: with forms No. 1, 2, 3 - under the tunic, with forms No. 4, 5, 6 - over the overcoat.
The ceremonial dress uniform for the chief sergeants and senior sergeants of the long-term service is the same as the everyday one, but instead of ribbons of orders and medals - orders and medals.

1. When assigned to the guard, the uniform is set one number higher.
2.In summer period in form No. 3, the cap is worn with a white case.
3. It is allowed to wear out of order:
- a black casual jacket with a white shirt and black tie - for everyday uniforms No. 3, 4, 5, 6 and outside of service - with uniforms No. 1 and 2;
- black cap - for forms No. 5 and 6;
- working dark blue tunic - when working in office premises on ships, in units, docks, workshops, in factories;
- black rubberized raincoat and white muffler - for forms No. 3 and 4;
- an attached collar made of black astrakhan fur to an overcoat and a muffler (white or black) - for everyday forms of clothing No. 4, 5 and 6;
- black low shoes, galoshes.

20. The uniform of chief petty officers (senior sergeants) of military service, petty officers of the 1st and 2nd class (sergeants and junior sergeants) and sailors of urgent and extra-urgent service, cadets of naval schools and students of the Nakhimov naval schools


Form No. 1 - summer (Fig. 101)

A peakless cap with a white case (or a white cap - who is supposed to be according to the norm), a uniform shirt, white trousers, black boots, a waist belt; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form number 2 - summer (Fig. 102)

A peakless cap with a white case (or a white cap - who is supposed to be according to the norm), a uniform shirt, a vest, black trousers, black boots, a waist belt; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 3 - summer (Fig. 103, 104)

Peaked cap, flannel shirt, uniform shirt, vest, black trousers, black boots, waist belt; ribbons of orders and medals and badges.

Form No. 4 - winter (Fig. 105, 106)

Peak cap, flannel shirt, uniform shirt, vest, black trousers, single-breasted overcoat (pea jacket), tie, black boots, waist belt; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on a flannel shirt.

Form No. 5 - winter (Fig. 107, 108)

Hat with earflaps, flannel shirt, uniform shirt, vest, black trousers, single-breasted overcoat, tie, black boots, waist belt, black gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on a flannel shirt.

Form No. 6 - winter (Fig. 109)

A hat with earflaps with lowered headphones, a flannel shirt, a uniform shirt, a vest, black trousers, a single-breasted overcoat, a tie, black boots, a waist belt, black gloves; ribbons of orders and medals and badges on a flannel shirt.

In the ranks, by special order, personal weapons with equipment are carried.
The dress-up uniform is the same as the everyday uniform, but instead of ribbons of orders and medals - orders and medals.
At dress uniforms No. 3, 4, 5, 6, a cloth flannel shirt is worn. In everyday uniforms No. 3, 4, 5, 6, a cotton flannel shirt or woolen shirt is worn, which has served the period of wear.


Summer (fig. 110)

A peakless cap with a white cover (beret or cap - who is supposed to be according to the norm), work dress (shirt with a uniform collar and trousers), vest, black boots, waist belt on trousers.

3 i m n i

Hat with earflaps, work dress (shirt with a uniform collar and trousers), vest, single-breasted overcoat, tie, black boots, waist belt for overcoat, gloves.

1. In the summer, with the form No. 3, the cap is worn with a white cover.
2. In units and on ships, where boots are issued instead of boots, the latter are worn only in everyday or work uniforms; at the same time, trousers are worn outside, and in some cases, by order of the unit (ship) commander, they are tucked into boots.
3. With uniforms No. 3, 4, 5, 6, it is allowed to wear a uniform collar instead of a uniform shirt.
4. Servicemen: petty officers of the 1st and 2nd class (sergeants and junior sergeants), senior sailors and sailors of extra-urgent service instead of a peakless cap wear an officer's cap with a star.
5. Trainee cadets graduation course naval academies wear a cap and an officer's emblem.

21. The uniform of workers of military construction detachments


Summer (fig. 111)

A khaki cap with a black band, a khaki tunic and wide trousers, boots, a waist belt.

3 and me (fig. 112)

A hat with earflaps, a wadded jacket, a tunic and wide trousers of a protective color, boots, a waist belt, gloves.


Summer (fig. 113)

A khaki jacket, khaki jacket and trousers, boots.

3 and me (fig. 112)

Hat with earflaps, wadded jacket, khaki jacket and trousers, boots, waist belt, gloves.

Note. Trousers are worn in boots or outside.


22. Servicemen of the Soviet Army and the Navy wear uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes according to the type of troops (services).

23. Officers, sergeants and soldiers of units of the combat arms (services) of the Soviet Army, which are part of a military unit (military school), wear the uniform set for this military unit, but with the emblem of a kind of service (service) on shoulder straps (buttonholes) ...

24. Officers, sergeants and soldiers of the troops air defense wear uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems according to the type of troops of the unit (artillery, aviation, signal troops, etc.).
Officers, sergeants and soldiers of the airborne troops wear uniforms, shoulder straps and buttonholes also according to the type of troops of the unit, but with the emblem of the airborne troops.

25. Officers of justice, quartermaster, medical, veterinary and administrative services, regardless of which branch of the Soviet Army they serve, wear the uniform set for these services.

26. Generals and officers of the Soviet Army, transferred to serve in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, headquarters and directorates of military districts, groups of troops, armies, formations, institutions, as well as in higher military educational institutions and central advanced training courses for officers, wear a uniform clothes, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems of the kind of troops (services) that they wore on the day of transfer.
This procedure does not apply to generals and officers transferred to directorates, headquarters and institutions of the Navy, where the naval uniform is established. In these cases, the transferred generals and officers wear the uniform of the Navy.
Generals and officers of the Navy (except for officers of the naval and engineering-naval service), transferred to the headquarters, directorates, institutions and formations of the Soviet Army, wear army uniform clothes. The officers of the naval and engineering-naval service in these cases retain the naval uniform.

27. In all military educational institutions, except for the Higher Military Academy. KE Voroshilov, the Military-Political Academy named after Lenin, as well as central and district advanced training courses for officers, variable composition, with the exception of admirals, generals and officers of the Navy, wear uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems of the type of troops (service) to which this is an educational institution.
At the Higher Military Academy. KE Voroshilov, the Military-Political Academy named after VI Lenin, at improvement courses and other short-term courses, a variable composition wears uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems of a kind of troops (service).
The officers of the Navy, studying in the military educational institutions of the Soviet Army, wear the uniform of the Navy. Students of higher military educational institutions who do not have an officer's military ranks wear the uniform set for cadets of military schools - according to the type of troops.
Students and cadets of military educational institutions from among the sergeants and foremen of the long-term service, who received officer uniforms before being enrolled in military educational institutions, retain the right to wear the officer's uniform established for this military educational institution.

28. Soldiers and sergeants of a variable composition of short-term courses and training camps wear the uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems in which they arrived at these courses (training camps).

29. NCOs and soldiers of regular units serving the military educational institutions of the Soviet Army (teams, guards and other units) wear:
- in military educational institutions of the combat arms - uniforms, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems according to the type of troops of the given military educational institution;
- in military educational institutions of special services (quartermaster, medical, veterinary) and justice - uniforms, shoulder straps and buttonholes established for motorized rifle troops.

30. NCOs and soldiers of military bands wear:
- in military units and military educational institutions of the combat arms - uniforms, shoulder straps and buttonholes according to the type of troops, but with the emblem established for military bands;
- in military educational institutions of special services - uniforms, shoulder straps and buttonholes of motorized rifle troops with the emblem established for military bands.

31. Servicemen of military units, institutions and establishments of the Navy, who have an army uniform, wear a uniform, shoulder straps, buttonholes and emblems in accordance with paragraphs. 22-25 of these Rules; in addition, on the shoulder straps of sergeants and soldiers, letters denoting the fleet, flotilla are stenciled in yellow paint.

32. Officers and sergeants of the military construction detachments of the Ministry of Defense wear the uniform set for officers and sergeants of the military construction units of the Soviet Army.

33. The procedure for wearing a guard uniform in the Soviet Army is determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces.

34. Marshals, generals, admirals and officers are allowed to wear:
- an outer shirt of a protective color (in the Navy - cream color) with soft shoulder straps without a tunic (jacket) with trousers outside or in boots - when out of order in the unit's location, on a ship, when working in headquarters, directorates, institutions and institutions, at airfields and on flights;
- an overcoat with a summer uniform in cold weather, while wearing a muffler is not necessary;
- raincoat in inclement weather - during maneuvers, field exercises, training sessions and out of order;
- a cap instead of a winter headdress - out of order in winter;
- civilian clothes - in their free time from service.

35. Officers (except colonels) are allowed to wear a gray astrakhan fur hat (in the Navy - black) during winter ceremonial days off and everyday forms clothes out of order.

36. Female officers in headquarters, hospitals and other military establishments are permitted to wear civilian clothes on duty. 37. Admirals and officers of ships and headquarters of ship formations are allowed to wear a pea jacket on ships and on the territory of coastal bases. When in garrison outfits and guards, the pea jacket is not worn.

38. When military personnel are temporarily in another district, navy or garrison, in all cases, it is necessary to be guided by the uniform established in the given district, navy or garrison according to the season.

39. Long-term servicemen who do not receive officer uniforms are allowed to wear:
- a cap instead of a cap with earflaps - in winter (out of service);
- greatcoat - with a summer uniform in cold weather;
- civilian clothes - in free time from service outside the location of the unit.

40. Sergeants, soldiers and cadets of the Soviet Army, at the direction of the unit (subdivision) commander, can wear a raincoat - in inclement weather during maneuvers, field exercises and training sessions, and an overcoat (rolled up or into the sleeves) - when worn summer uniform clothes.

41. It is prohibited:
wearing items of military uniform, equipment and military insignia of unidentified samples;
wearing a single-breasted overcoat, a wadded jacket and a pea jacket with the sides turned down;
wearing shoulder straps and insignia on overalls and other items special clothing;
wearing orders and medals on tunics;
wearing orders and medals, ribbons of orders and medals and military badges on greatcoats, wadded jackets, short fur coats, summer coats, pea jackets, outer shirts, special and work clothes;
wearing on military uniform clothing badges not provided for by these Rules;
mixing military uniforms with items civilian clothes;
wearing civilian clothes by conscripts;
wearing field uniforms when visiting theaters and other public places;
the wearing of everyday field uniforms by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen and cadets when performing chores;
carrying items in the pockets of military uniforms that protrude outward or overflow the pockets.

42. Warm things (sheepskin coats, felt boots, fur mittens, quilted jackets and wide trousers) are worn by order of the unit commander in winter at low temperatures in classes, exercises and at work, and in especially cold areas - at low temperatures and strong wind- every day. Insulated rubber boots in especially cold areas are worn by order of commanders during work and field exercises.

43. Special clothing (overalls, work jackets and trousers, helmets, gowns, rubber shoes, etc.) are worn in training with military equipment and when performing work in garages, parks, docks, workshops, at airfields, in laboratories, medical institutions, warehouses, ships, units, etc.
The order and time of wearing special clothing are determined by the commander of the unit (ship), the head of the military educational institution (institution).
It is forbidden to wear special clothing during meals in canteens, at the end of work (classes), as well as in all other cases when wearing it is not necessary.

44. Sportswear and shoes in units and on ships are allowed to be worn on sports grounds and during sports activities.

45. These Rules are binding on all servicemen of the Soviet Army and the Navy. Failure to comply with the Rules entails the application of disciplinary measures, and in relation to those in the reserve and retirement, petitions may be initiated to deprive them of the right to wear military uniforms.



46. ​​A hat, a fur hat, a beret and a peakless cap are worn with a slight slope in right side, and a hat with earflaps, a cap and a panama - straight, without an inclination so that the visor of the cap and the fields of the panama are at the level of the eyebrows, and the lower edge of the fur hat, beret, cap with earflaps, fur hat and cap-peakless cap - at the width of one or two fingers horizontally applied over the eyebrows. The center of the cockade (stars, emblems) must be above the bridge of the nose.
Wearing a cap with earflaps with the headphones down is allowed at temperatures of -10 ° C and below; in the ranks, the headphones are lowered at the command of the commander.
With the headphones lowered, the ends of the braid of the earflaps should be tied under the chin; when the headphones are raised, the tied ends of the tape are tucked under the headphones.
The chin straps of the cap and hat are lowered at the command of the commander.
The cap is worn with a slight inclination to the right side so that its lower edge is at the level of the upper edge of the right ear; the star should be in the middle of the seam of the cap.
The removed headdress is held in the left hand, freely lowered; a cap, a cap-cap, a cap with earflaps, a fur hat, a Panama hat and a cap should be facing with a cockade (star) forward, and a hat - with a cockade to the left side; the lower edge of the papakha, fur hat and garrison cap should be facing down, and caps, peakless caps, hats with earflaps and panamas - to the right.
With headdresses, a needle and thread are worn, which should be: in caps, caps and panamas - under the forehead, in hats with earflaps - under the visor.


47. The overcoat fastens on the right side. In the ranks and in outfits, the double-breasted overcoat must be fastened with a hook and all buttons; out of order, it is allowed to wear an overcoat buttoned with four lower buttons, while the upper corners of both sides of the overcoat are turned away in the form of lapels.
When wearing equipment, as well as earflaps with earflaps lowered, the overcoat must be fastened with a hook and all buttons. The opposite fold on the back of the overcoat should not be sewn up.
Single-breasted overcoat fastens with all hooks; the counter fold on the back is tucked in. When wearing a naval overcoat, a black cloth tie with a bib and a white collar must be worn.
The distance from the floor to the bottom of the army overcoat is 28 cm, the naval overcoat is 35 cm.

48. Wadded double-breasted jacket fastens on the right side with a hook and all buttons.

49. Summer coat fastens on the right side with three buttons with open lapels and four buttons with a top closure. The distance from the floor to the bottom of the summer coat: for generals and officers of the Soviet Army - 32 cm, for admirals, generals and officers of the Navy - 35 cm.

50. The coat for women officers fastens on the left side. In the formation, the coat must be buttoned up with all the buttons: Outside the formation, it is allowed to wear a coat with the sides unbuttoned by one top button; in this case, the upper corners of the sides of the coat are turned away in the form of lapels. In winter, with a uniform fur hat, it is allowed to wear a fitted fur collar out of order.
The belt of the coat should be fastened with a buckle.

51. A cape cloak is worn over a tunic, tunic, uniform, jacket, pea jacket, coat and overcoat, as well as over items of warm and special clothing. It is allowed to wear a cape in a roll on a shoulder strap or when out of order - on the left hand, neatly folded right side out.

52. Bekesha fastens on the right side with all hooks.

53. The pea jacket fastens with a hook and all buttons. When wearing a pea jacket by foremen, sergeants, sailors, cadets and students of naval schools, a black cloth tie with a bib and a white collar must be worn.
Officers, warrant officers and foremen of the long-term service of the Navy are allowed to wear a pea jacket, buttoned with four lower buttons, with both sides turned down in the form of lapels.

54. Open tunic, tunic and jacket are fastened on the right side with all buttons.

55. Closed tunic and tunic are fastened on the right side with a hook and all buttons.

56. Gymnast. The collar, cuffs and pocket flaps of the tunic must be fastened with all buttons.
On a campaign in the hot season, it is allowed, with the permission of the commander, to unbutton the collar and sleeve cuffs of the tunic.
A sweatshirt with a turn-down collar for hot areas is worn in the summer, buttoned with two lower buttons, while the upper part of the collar to the middle button is turned on both sides. In cold weather (spring, autumn), by order of the commander, it is allowed to wear a tunic buttoned up with all buttons.
When wearing wadded quilted jackets and wide trousers, the tunic is tucked into wadded trousers.

57. With closed uniforms, dark blue tunics and tunics, it is mandatory to wear a white collar with the release of its upper edge above the collar by 1-2 mm. A sweatshirt with a turn-down collar, fastened with two buttons, with a turned-down collar, is worn without a collar.

58. Uniform and flannel shirts are tucked into the trousers and must have gathers on the sides without overlap on the front of the trousers.
When wearing a flannel shirt, a uniform collar must be worn, extended outward. At an outside temperature of + 25 ° C and above, the vest is not worn.

59. A working shirt for sailors and foremen is put on over the vest with the obligatory release of the uniform collar outward. Work shirt is not tucked into trousers.
A jacket for military construction workers is worn over trousers or tucked into trousers. The collar, low sleeves and sides of the jacket must be buttoned up.
Pants for a jacket are worn in boots or outside; the flaps of the trouser pockets must be closed with two buttons.

60. The flaps of the pockets of an overcoat, coat, uniform, jacket and tunic must always be released outside.

61. Uniforms, jackets, tunics, tunics, outer shirts, ties, uniform and flannel shirts, harem pants and trousers must always be cleaned and ironed. Trousers and harem pants should have a longitudinal smoothed fold; folds are not smoothed out on other items.
Unpainted metal fittings on uniforms and equipment should be cleaned to a shine.

Top shirts, ties and gloves

62. An overshirt with a tie is worn as if an open tunic, an open tunic and a jacket is worn; and without a uniform, tunic and jacket.
When wearing a uniform (jacket, jacket), the back collar of the shirt should be flush with the upper edge of the collar of the uniform (jacket, jacket) or protrude no more than 0.5 cm above it.
When worn without a uniform (tunic, jacket), the shirt must be worn with removable shoulder straps.

63. Gloves must be worn with a formal dress for the formation.
In the Navy, admirals, generals and officers wear white gloves in full dress uniform and a white tunic; for other types of clothing - black or brown.
When saluting, gloves are not removed.


64. When wearing uniforms, shoes must be in good condition, of the established pattern and color, always cleaned; boots, low boots are laced up, the ears of the boots are tucked into the bootlegs.
The wearing of boots with the tops lowered or rolled up is prohibited.
With white shoes, socks are worn in light colors, and with black ones - in colors.
Note. In the summer, it is allowed to wear sandals and sports shoes when out of order and on duty in the service of ship's attire.

Equipment and weapons in military uniform

65. The ceremonial belt on the ceremonial uniform of marshals and generals should rest in front on middle row buttons; on the officers' ceremonial-weekend uniform - cover the third button from the top; when wearing a ceremonial belt on overcoats, lean on the bottom row of buttons, and behind the strap. The belt buckle should be in the front exactly in the middle.

66. The waist belt of the officer's equipment on the tunic must pass along the waist; on overcoats - to lean on the bottom row of buttons, and on the back - to be laid behind the strap. The hip belt buckle should be exactly in the middle. The shoulder strap runs under the right shoulder strap.

67. A waist belt is worn over greatcoats, wadded jackets, short fur coats, uniforms, tunics, over trousers when wearing uniform and flannel shirts, as well as over insulated quilted jackets for particularly cold areas.

68. The waist belt on the greatcoats of soldiers, sergeants and cadets of military schools is folded behind a strap and fastens in the front with a badge; on the greatcoats of sailors, cadets of naval schools and students of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools, the belt plaque should be located between the fourth and fifth buttons from the top.
On the uniform of soldiers, sergeants and cadets of military schools, the waist belt should be located between the fourth and fifth buttons, counting from above, and on the uniform of students of the Suvorov schools - between the sixth and seventh buttons.
On a tunic, the waist belt should go around the waist; on wadded jackets, it is threaded from the back into the belt loops and rests on two hooks.
The waist belt in all cases is tightly fastened with a badge, which is located strictly in the middle of the body. The folds under the belt are straightened out.
Note. The order of wearing field equipment for sergeants and soldiers of motorized rifle units of the Ground Forces in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

69. The pistol is worn on equipment over an overcoat or tunic on the right thigh, slightly behind the slit of the side trouser pocket.
In the Navy, the equipment for the pistol is worn under a tunic, jacket or overcoat, and when wearing a flannel or uniform shirt - on equipment worn instead of a waist belt.

70. The dagger is worn in the Navy on the equipment worn: with ceremonial and ceremonial dress uniforms - under a jacket (tunic); when carrying out duty and watch services - under a tunic or with an overcoat on - over it.


71. Shoulder straps are subdivided into shoulder straps for ceremonial-weekend, everyday and field uniforms, and according to the method of fastening - into removable and sewn-on ones.
Removable shoulder straps are worn on a closed tunic, tunic, top shirt, overcoat (in the Soviet Army), bekesh, short fur coat, double-breasted quilted jacket and on a quilted padded jacket for particularly cold areas.
Sewn on shoulder straps are worn on a uniform, a jacket, an open tunic, an overcoat (in the Navy), a pea jacket and a summer coat. It is allowed to wear sewn-on shoulder straps on the greatcoats of marshals, generals and officers of the Soviet Army. The summer coat of the marshals of the Soviet Union has removable shoulder straps.

72. On flannel, uniform and work shirts, instead of shoulder straps, sewn shoulder straps are worn, made: for flannel shirts - from black cloth and for uniform and work shirts - from the same material as the uniform; on the flannel shirts of sergeants and sailors of aviation there are epaulets made of blue cloth.

73. Stars (stars) are placed on the shoulder straps of marshals, generals, admirals and officers, respectively military rank:

74. Stars (stars) are placed on shoulder straps:
on the shoulder straps of marshals, generals and admirals - on the longitudinal center line;
on the shoulder straps of colonels, captains of the 1st rank - two lower stars in the gaps, the third - above the first two on the longitudinal center line;
on the shoulder straps of lieutenant colonels, captains of the 2nd rank - on the gaps;
on the shoulder straps of majors, captains of rank 3 - on the longitudinal center line;
on the shoulder straps of captains, lieutenant captains - two lower stars in the middle of the field, the third and fourth - in the light, above the first two;
on the shoulder straps of senior lieutenants - two lower stars in the middle of the field, the third - in the lumen, above the first two; on the shoulder straps of lieutenants - in the middle of the field;
on shoulder straps junior lieutenants- in the light.
Stars are embroidered on the shoulder straps of marshals, generals and admirals, and metal on the shoulder straps of officers.
On shoulder straps for the ceremonial and everyday uniforms of marshals, stars of golden color with edging in the color of the shoulder strap edging;
On the shoulder straps of generals, admirals and officers, stars (asterisks) are of silver color on a gilded braid and of golden color on a silvered braid.
In the Soviet Army, on shoulder straps of a khaki color for everyday uniforms, stars (asterisks) are gold-colored; on shoulder straps of a khaki color to the field uniform of a star (asterisk) - a khaki color.

75. On the shoulder straps of sergeants, warrant officers, foremen, corporals and senior sailors, stripes for military ranks are worn; in the Navy, patches are also worn on epaulettes.
The stripes on the shoulder straps of the ceremonial-weekend (and in the Navy and everyday) uniforms are golden, and on the shoulder straps of sergeants of services (technical, medical, veterinary, administrative) - silver.
On the shoulder straps of the daily field uniforms of sergeants and corporals of the Soviet Army, there are red stripes.

76. On the shoulder straps of cadets of military schools of the Soviet Army, a galloon 13 mm wide is sewn along the side and upper edges of the shoulder strap. On the shoulder straps and shoulder straps of the cadets of the naval schools, metal anchors of the established pattern are attached. The dimensions of the anchor along the longitudinal centerline: on shoulder straps - 60 mm, on shoulder straps - 43 mm.
On the shoulder straps (shoulder straps) of cadets of military schools who have military ranks of sergeant (foreman) staff, installed stripes for military ranks are worn. Stripes for military ranks on the shoulder straps of cadets of military schools of the Soviet Army are placed over the braid sewn along the edge of the shoulder strap.
On shoulder straps (shoulder straps) of cadets of military schools of the combat arms (in the Soviet Army), cadets of naval schools, graduating officers ship and ship engineering services. as well as cadets of the coastal defense schools of the Navy - golden stripes.
On the shoulder straps (shoulder straps) of cadets of quartermaster schools, schools that train military technicians, military medical and other schools of services, there are silver stripes.
The color of the anchors on the shoulder straps and shoulder straps of the cadets of the naval schools according to the color of the stripes.

77. The sizes of stripes on shoulder straps (shoulder straps) of sergeants, warrant officers, foremen, corporals and senior sailors are as follows:

The patches are located:
- on the shoulder straps of warrant officers - in the middle of the shoulder strap along its entire length;
- on the shoulder straps of sergeants and corporal of the Soviet Army and the Navy, wearing an army uniform, - at a distance of 60 mm from the top of the shoulder strap to the top edge of the first transverse stripe, and on the shoulder straps of foremen (sergeants) and senior sailors of the Navy - at a distance of 40 mm; subsequent transverse stripes (on the shoulder straps of sergeants, junior sergeants, foremen of the 1st and 2nd articles) are placed below the first stripe with intervals of 2 mm between them;
- the longitudinal stripe on the shoulder straps of the foreman is placed strictly in the middle along the shoulder strap from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the transverse stripe; the upper end of the longitudinal patch is tucked under the transverse patch.
On the epaulettes of foremen of the 1st and 2nd class (sergeants, junior sergeants) and senior sailors, the stripes are located at a distance of 8 mm from the lower edge of the epaulet to the lower edge of the first stripe from the bottom; the distance between the transverse stripes is 2 mm.
On the epaulettes of the chief officers (senior sergeants), the stripes are located at an equal distance from the upper and lower edges of the epaulettes.
On the epaulettes of foremen, the transverse patch is located at a distance of 8 mm from the upper edge of the epaulettes to the upper edge of the patch. The longitudinal stripe is located in the middle of the shoulder strap, down from the transverse stripe.
78. Metal anchors on shoulder straps and shoulder straps of cadets are located along shoulder straps (shoulder straps) at a distance: on shoulder straps - 10 mm and on shoulder straps - 3.5 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder straps (shoulder straps) to the lower edge of the anchor.
79. On the shoulder straps of the foremen, sailors, sergeants and soldiers of the Navy, on the shoulder straps of the pupils of the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, as well as on the shoulder straps of sailors (except for the elders) and pupils of the Nakhimov military schools, the letters denoting the fleet are stenciled in yellow paint ( flotilla) or military school(for pupils), for example:

On the epaulettes of the ceremonial flannel shirt of the pupils of the Nakhimov naval schools, the letter is embroidered in yellow silk.
Note. The letters are not applied to the shoulder straps of servicemen with the rank of "midshipman" and "foreman".
80. The height of letters on shoulder straps and shoulder straps of petty officers (sergeants), sailors, soldiers of the Navy and students of the Nakhimov naval schools is 40 mm, and on the shoulder straps of students of Suvorov military schools - 25 mm (large letters) and 15 mm (small ).
81. In the Navy, letters are applied: on shoulder straps - at a distance of 20 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the lower edge of the letters, and on shoulder straps - at a distance of 5 mm. On the shoulder straps of senior sergeants and sergeants of the Navy units, who have been assigned an army uniform, the letters are applied in the middle between the lower patch and the lower end of the shoulder strap.
On shoulder straps of pupils of Suvorov military schools, letters are applied at a distance of 15 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the lower edge of the first row of letters, the distance between the lower and upper row of letters is 13 mm.

82. Chief marshals, marshals of combat arms, generals of artillery, engineering and technical services (in the Navy), generals of justice, medical and veterinary services, admirals of the engineering and naval service, officers, sergeants, soldiers and cadets of military schools and schools of the Soviet Army, and also sergeants, soldiers and cadets of the Navy, wearing an army uniform, depending on their affiliation to the branch of the army (service), wear the following emblems:

In the Soviet Army

Note. The emblems of the quartermaster, administrative and veterinary services are silver, all other emblems for officers are golden.
On the field uniforms for generals and officers, as well as on the daily field uniforms of sergeants and soldiers of the Soviet Army, there are emblems of a protective color. On the buttonholes of overcoats and wadded jackets for all forms of clothing, the emblem is of golden (silver) color.

In the Navy

Note. On the shoulder straps made of gilded galloon there are emblems of silver color, and on the shoulder straps made of silvered galloon there are golden colors (on the shoulder straps of the admirals of the naval engineering service there are emblems of golden color, and on the shoulder straps of officers of the veterinary service - silver color).

83. Emblems are worn:
on the shoulder straps of closed tunics, closed uniforms, tunics, top shirts, sheepskin coats and warm padded jackets, and on the shoulder straps of chief marshals, marshals of the combat arms, generals of artillery of the engineering and technical service (in the Navy), generals of justice of the medical service and officers of the Navy - in all forms clothes;
on the buttonholes of greatcoats, double-breasted wadded jackets, summer coats, open uniforms and tunics.

84. Emblems on shoulder straps are placed on the longitudinal center line at the following distances from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the emblem:
for chief marshals and marshals of combat arms - 100 mm for generals and admirals-110 mm, for officers - 90-100 mm for soldiers and sergeants - on shoulder straps 14 cm long (1 height) - 95 mm on shoulder straps 15 cm long (2 height ) - 105 mm, on shoulder straps 16 cm long (3 growth) - 115 mm;
on the buttonholes - at a distance of 10 mm from the middle of the upper edge of the buttonhole to the upper edge of the emblem.

85. In the Soviet Army, overcoats, double-breasted wadded jackets, summer coats of generals and officers, open ceremonial-weekend uniforms of officers, closed ceremonial-weekend uniforms, open tunics wear buttonholes of the established pattern according to the type of service (service).
Buttonholes for marshals of the Soviet Union have gilded embroidery in the form of oak leaves, and buttonholes for chief marshals, marshals of the military branches and generals of the Soviet Army have gilded (silver-plated) embroidery in the form of laurel branches.
The buttonholes on the ceremonial-weekend uniform of the officers of the Soviet Army have a piping made of gold-colored gimp.
On the buttonholes of closed ceremonial-weekend uniforms for sergeants, one longitudinal strip 6 mm wide of silk galloon is sewn along their entire length - according to the color of the stripes on the shoulder straps.
At the ends of the collars of tunics and wadded jackets of workers of military construction detachments, diamond-shaped buttonholes are worn.

86. On the collars of open uniforms and tunics of marshals and generals of the Soviet Army there is sewing: for marshals of the Soviet Union - in the form of oak leaves and for chief marshals of marshals of the military arms and generals - in the form of laurel branches - on ceremonial, ceremonial-weekend uniforms and open light - for gray tunics, sewing is gilded (silvered), and for everyday tunics - in khaki.
On the collars of the ceremonial and ceremonial-weekend jackets of admirals, generals and officers of the Navy there is sewing - for admirals of the fleet of the Soviet Union - in the form of oak branches of an anchor and a cord along the edge of the collar, for admirals and generals - in the form of laurel branches, an anchor and a cord along the edge of the collar; for officers - sewing or a metal ornament in the form of laurel branches and anchors.

87. Coloring of shoulder straps and buttonholes, as well as bands, edging, stripes, sewing and ornaments according to Appendix No. 1.

Sleeve insignia differences between admirals and officers of naval and naval engineering services

88. The sleeve insignia are gold-colored braids.
According to the assigned military rank, the number of galloons is set for:
admirals of the fleet of the Soviet Union - one wide and four medium;
admirals - one broad and three medium;
vice admirals - one broad and two medium;
rear admirals - one broad and one medium;
captains of the 1st rank - one wide;
captains of the 2nd rank - four middle ones;
captains of the 3rd rank - three medium ones;
lieutenant commanders - two medium and one narrow;
senior lieutenants - two middle ones;
lieutenants - one middle and one narrow;
junior lieutenants - one middle.
These sleeve insignia are also worn by officers of the engineering and technical service serving on ships and in the headquarters of ship formations.

89. Galloons are sewn only on jackets and dark blue tunics (except for cotton) along the outer side of both sleeves parallel to their lower edges 80 mm long (the length of the braids on the ceremonial jacket is 100 mm). The width of the braids: wide - 30 mm, medium - 13 mm, narrow - 6 mm. Narrow laces are sewn over wider ones.

90. Above the braids are sewn five pointed stars made of gilded gimp: for admirals - 50 mm in diameter, for officers - 30 mm in diameter. Distance from the top edge. braid to the center of the star - 30 mm.

Patches for cadets and pupils of naval schools

91. Cadets of naval schools and pupils of the Nakhimov naval schools wear sleeve insignia on the subjects of uniforms according to the courses (classes) of instruction: cadets - from a golden (silver) galloon, pupils - from red cloth. The sleeve insignia have the shape of a square with the top downward.
The squares are sewn onto the flaps made of the color of the uniform. Depending on the course (class), cadets and pupils wear:
1st year cadets and 8th grade pupils - 1 square,
2nd year cadets and 9th grade pupils - 2 squares,
3rd year cadets and 10th grade pupils - 3 squares,
4th year cadets - 4 squares,
5th year cadets - 5 squares.
On the clothes of cadets of naval schools, five-pointed stars are sewn over the squares, embroidered with a thread of golden (silver) color.
Sign angle ................ 125 °
Braid width: for cadets ................ 13 mm
for pupils of Nakhimov schools ...... 6 mm
Square side length ............. 30 mm
Distance between braids ............ 5 mm
Distance between the ends of the square ........ 55 mm
The distance from the center of the star to the corner of the upper corner .................... 40 mm
Star diameter .................. 30 mm
Flaps with squares are sewn on the outside of the left sleeve of greatcoats, pea jackets, flannel and uniform shirts at a distance of 30 mm up from the elbow to the corner of the lower corner.

Patches of distinction by specialties (states) in the Navy

92. Petty officers, sergeants and sailors of the Navy (wearing naval uniforms) wear special sleeve insignia on the items of uniform according to their specialties. The badge is a circle made of material in the color of the uniform, embroidered along the edge with piping: for warrant officers (foremen) and chief officers (senior sergeants), with golden silk; the rest of the foremen, sergeants and sailors - like a red thread. The diameter of the sign together with the edging is 60 mm, the width of the edging is 5 mm. In the middle of the circle, images of specialties are embroidered with a red thread:

93, Patches are sewn on the outside of the left sleeve of greatcoats, pea jackets, tunics, jackets, flannel shirts 30 mm above the elbow. Note. Petty officers, sergeants and sailors of unnamed above specialties do not wear sleeve insignia (states).

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