History of rkhbz. The troops of the rhbz of the armed forces of russia are.

the 13th of November 2017- date (when, what date is the holiday)

Military stocks chemical substances existed back in tsarist army... In 1918, on November 13, the profession of a military chemist was introduced in the Red Army and a special chemical department was created to solve the problems of protecting the population and the active army from exposure chemical weapons... This day is considered the official day of the formation of chemical defense troops. Later in 2002, they were renamed into the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection, the main task of which is modern conditions is the protection of the civilian population and the personnel of the Armed Forces from the damaging effects of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, as well as reducing the impact of these factors on the environment.

Pulling on a gas mask
You protect us
From microbes, different gases,
Terrible infectious viruses,
From aggressive ebola,
Radiation active ...
Let your chemical protection
Will be covered with glory,
The Geiger counter is silent
The respirator does not smoke!

Chemical Defense Troops
They will save you from radiation
With biological weapons
Straighten out in five minutes
Congratulations today
Theirs on a professional day,
And, of course, we wish them
Good luck, courage in everything!

Happy Chemical Defense Troops Day!
I wish you good
Let it be forgotten
It's time for anxiety.

Let it not knock
Trouble for the people
And something will happen -
You are always there!

You have an invisible enemy:
Radiation, disease, gas,
You are on the alert every hour
Ready to defend us!
So let it be from year to year
Service goes on without war,
Let the years not age you
Always be happy!

The Motherland has troops
It's just mystical.
They will repel attacks
Terrible chemical.

Thank you all from us,
Peaceful and happy life
We sincerely wish.

Chemical Defense Troops
Known to everyone and famous
But don't let your work come in handy,
Trouble, bad won't happen

Well, just in case of emergency
We will know - others are the best
You guys will protect us
As it was a long time ago.

Chemical protection troops are on guard,
The invisible enemy knows no barriers.
You are where the danger is, in the forefront,
Helmet, mask and counter in your hands.

I wish you on the day of the chemical protection troops,
Protect the world in invisible battles.
So that the air is clean and the sun shines,
And our planet was not threatened by war.

All professions in the world are important
And yours is no exception.
You protect the people of the country
From chemical eating.

Today is your holiday by right,
All the people congratulate you.
I wish you a good rest
So that your monthly income grows.

While you stand on guard
We sleep peacefully in our homes.
And the virus is no longer scary to us,
For this we are grateful to you.

Our glorious troops from chemical protection,
They are always very brave and, of course, are fighting!
Happy wonderful day to you now, I heartily congratulate you,
And I sincerely wish you health for centuries!

So that they are never, never, useful in war,
So that you come back home and get married soon!
So that your children are nice and healthy,
For his big family, each house has built a new one!

So that the wife loved so selflessly and cordially,
And warmth, love, comfort lived in the house endlessly!
To go to work was fun, nice,
It is interesting and entertaining to spend the weekend!

While you are on duty,
We can live in peace
Thank you very much,
Well, how can we not love you?

Risking your life, stand
Saving us from trouble
Stand by day and night
On guard of our Earth.

Reject a flurry of radiation,
Disarm the air around
You are like strong walls
Enemies will not pass through you.

Congratulations: 19 in verse.

November 13, 1918 - Day of the creation of the troops of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant

The radiation, chemical and biological defense troops are special troops designed for the RCB to support the military operations of the armed forces. Troops consist of formations, units and subunits RCB protection, aerosol countermeasures to reconnaissance and targeting of high-precision weapons of the enemy; parts of notches for nuclear explosions; radiation, chemical reconnaissance; flamethrower; degassing of uniforms and equipment and others.

Chemical troops first appeared during World War I, when poisonous substances and flamethrowers were used. They carried out gas attacks, gas-cannon attacks and flamethrowers. In the Red Army, chemical troops began to form at the end of 1918. By the end of the-s, chemical units were present in all rifle and cavalry divisions and brigades. To the Great Patriotic War the chemical troops included: technical brigades (for setting up smoke and camouflaging large objects), brigades, battalions and companies of anti-chemical protection, flamethrower battalions and companies, bases, warehouses, etc. During the war, Soviet chemical troops maintained a high readiness of anti-chemical protection units and formations of the army in case the enemy used chemical weapons, destroyed the enemy with flamethrowers and carried out smoke camouflage of the troops.

With the advent of nuclear and biological weapons, the scope of the tasks of the chemical forces increased sharply and began to include also protection against radioactive and bacterial agents. In 1992, the chemical troops in the armed forces Russian Federation renamed into NBC protection troops (radiation, chemical and biological protection).

In the history of the development of weapons, perhaps the most tragic and memorable for mankind are the dates of birth of the first types of weapons. mass destruction- chemical and nuclear. "The palm" in the creation of means of mass destruction of people, of course, belongs to chemistry.
Chemical weapons have made their initial practical steps even in ancient times. The original use of chemicals by humans is rightfully associated with fire. Bonfires and red-hot coals were used to protect against predatory animals and attacking people. With the development of civilization, the scope of fire, including military, expanded. It was widely used in the siege and defense of fortified cities and fortresses. Burning oils and flammable substances were used as the main components. Historical overview of maritime operations of the past is replete with descriptions of the use of the famous Greek fire. This incendiary mixture included highly flammable and hardly extinguishing substances, most often tar, sulfur, viscous products in combination with oil and quicklime. Greek fire spontaneously ignited on contact with water.

The exact date of the beginning of the use of poisonous substances in antiquity is unknown. Most often, historians describe the use of toxic fumes generated as the first examples of chemical warfare. as has been observed, during the combustion of certain substances and their mixtures. Indeed, certain fumes were highly irritating and could be fatal. However, there is no reason to assert that they were used exclusively for the implementation of toxic effects. Thus, sulfur-based incendiary mixtures often gave off pungent smoke, but the purpose of sulfur was reduced. apparently. to increase the intensity and duration of burning, and not to obtain poisonous smoke. People came to this later.

Historians describe numerous examples of the widespread use of poisoned arrows, javelins and other types of throwing weapons to defeat people and animals. But here, too, there are no exact data on the beginning of the use of poisoned drugs. At the same time, there is no reason to doubt some historical examples... So, in wars Ancient India about 2000 BC NS. smoke inducing yawning and sleep was used, and arsenic-based smoke was used during the Song dynasty.

Toxic fumes were also used during the Peloponnese War of 431-404 BC. NS. The Spartans placed resin and sulfur in logs, which they then placed under the city walls and set on fire.

The use of toxic chemicals was noted around 600 BC. NS. in Tsirei. Ancient Greek writer II century. n. e., the author of "Descriptions of Hellas" in 10 books of Pausanias describes the events of that time in this way. The troops of the Amphictyon League, led by Solon, began a war against the Syrgarians. The waters of the Pleistus River flowed through a canal to the city of Cirrus. Solon gave instructions to divert the flow of water away from the city. The Sirgarians withstood the siege for a long time. using rainwater and using wells in the city. At this time, Solon's troops collected a large number of hellebore (cheremitsa) roots and threw them into the created reservoir. After the poisonous substances contained in the roots of the plants dissolved in the water, Solon ordered to direct the flow of contaminated water to the previous channel. The Sirgarians, thirsty for a long time, pounced on the poisoned water. As a result, most of the warriors who defended the city developed an acute stomach illness. The Amphictyons easily captured the city besieged by them, since its defenders were forced to leave their guarded posts and could not provide organized resistance to the invaders.

An interesting way of using poisons is described by the Roman historian of the 1st century. n. NS. Justin. In preparation for the naval battle against Eumenes (184 BC), Hannibal ordered many poisonous snakes to be collected in clay pots. During the battle, these pots were thrown onto enemy ships. When the sailors of Eumenes saw a huge mass of poisonous snakes on the decks, they were forced to surrender.
During the Middle Ages and later, chemical agents continued to attract attention for military purposes. So, in 1456 the city of Belgrade was protected from the Turks by exposing the attackers to a poisonous cloud. This cloud appeared during the combustion of a toxic powder, which the inhabitants of the city sprinkled on rats, set them on fire and released them towards the besiegers.
In 1855, the English admiral Dundonald proposed the use of poisonous fumes against the Russian troops in Crimean war, however, did not receive the support of the British government.
In 1862 during civil war in America J. Dount (New York) advised the then Minister of War Ed. Stanton use chlorine in battles. And although chlorine was not used then, it should be noted that the idea of ​​large-scale use of toxic substances. manufactured in an industrial environment, certainly belongs to the Americans. The period of purposeful creation of toxic substances and combat means of their delivery began: grenades, shells, gas cannons, gas-cylinder launchers, etc. late XIX centuries, during the Boer War, the British already used picric acid artillery shells. When the shells burst, they produced a gas known as liddite.

These and other examples of the episodic use of toxic substances began to become more frequent and objectively prepared a gas cylinder launch

1915-1918 - the first gas mask teams war of gas with a gas mask

April 22, 1915 at 17 o'clock from the German positions north of the Belgian city of Ypres on the 6-8 km front

between the points Bakstute and Langenmark a gray-green fog appeared, covering the strong points of the French troops in a few minutes. In just 5 minutes, the Germans released about 180 tons of chlorine from the cylinders. The effect was amazing. As a result of the gas attack, 15 thousand people were affected, of which 5 thousand died within the next 1-2 days. It is this chemical attack that is considered to be the beginning of the chemical warfare of the 20th century.
1918-1940 - troops of PHO and PCZ of the Red Army

"... we intend to use poisonous substances to the extreme limits of our art" General Fries

It seems possible to infect large areas with persistent skin and irritating agents for a period of several days. All this can create a situation in which the troops will be forced to operate in a poisoned atmosphere for many hours, but sometimes for several days. Our Red Army must be prepared to fight in gas masks for a very long time; our fighters must learn to live in gas masks and protective overalls for at least a day, performing combat work in them and resting. "
Kombrig J. Zhigur "Chemical weapons in modern war" 1936

Chemical troops and chemical service of the period 1920 -1930

In October 1920, the Regulation on the organization of military-chemical affairs in Krasnaya Army., According to which after the civil war, in fact, only one training unit of the chemical troops remained in its composition - the Higher Military Chemical School. The school was run by the inspector of artillery of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army and the head of the chemical defense of the republic who was with him, who directed the entire chemical service of the Red Army. According to the Regulations, the management of the chemical service in associations, formations and units was entrusted to the relevant heads of chemical defense - the deputy chemist front, the deputy chemist, the zamkhimdiv, the zamkhimpolk, the zamkhimartdiv. They were supposed to organize anti-chemical protection of troops on an appropriate scale: organize and control gas mask training and experimental fumigations, supply with gas masks and store them.

In 1921, a separate training chemical company was created - the company commander A. A. Golnikov (later the chief of the chemical troops of the district). The company was intended to train troops in the knowledge of the combat properties and methods of using asphyxiation means of a potential enemy, as well as issues of anti-gas defense by conducting demonstration gas attacks and systematic fumigation (chamber and field). In addition, the company was supposed to train junior instructors in military-chemical affairs for the troops. To train the troops, the company had to allocate training detachments at the disposal of the heads of the chemical defense of the corresponding districts. For this purpose, the company itself had a training gas chamber and a training ground.

In 1923, taking into account the data received on the development of military-chemical affairs in Europe and America, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic took a number of measures to increase the readiness of the Red Army and the entire country for chemical protection. Such measures, carried out already in 1923, include the introduction of anti-gas teams into the states of rifle regiments of territorial divisions, as well as the publication by the Main Artillery Directorate (GAU) of "Information on military chemical affairs", which were the first official document on military chemical affairs in the Red Army. They emphasized the need to familiarize the entire army personnel with current state military-chemical affairs, the need for a solid assimilation of the issues of anti-chemical protection was indicated, since "the possibility of using chemical attack weapons in future wars by all branches of the potential enemy's troops is not excluded." In the same year, the Training and Experimental Flamethrower Company was transferred to the jurisdiction of the GAU.
In April 1925, on the basis of the Separate Training Chemical and Training Experimental Company, the 1st separate training chemical battalion was created (battalion commander - I.I.Savitsky). The battalion was intended to train junior specialists in the chemical service. The Higher Military Chemical School was reorganized into the Chemical Advanced Training Courses for the command staff of the Red Army. Their first chief was Ya.L. Avinovitsky.

At the end of 1925, central bodies for the command of the chemical forces were created. At the headquarters of the Red Army in As part of the inspectorate, which supervised and organized the combat training of troops, an inspection of chemical training was organized. V.N.Batashov was appointed inspector of the chemical training of the Red Army, and A.F. Yakovlev and A.A.Malshinsky were his assistants. At the same time, chemical training inspections were created in the military districts. They were entrusted with the leadership and control of the state of chemical training in the troops of the districts.

In the states of rifle and cavalry divisions and regiments, separate tank and engineering battalions. For communications units and air squadrons, the positions of the chief of the chemical service (NHS) were introduced. In addition, regimental anti-chemical defense platoons were created in rifle and cavalry regiments.

In 1925, a special military-chemical department was opened at the Military-Technical Academy of the Red Army, which trained chemical engineers for chemical protection and degassing.
In the interests of uniting the management of the supply of military chemical property and research work in the field of finding new means of protection, on August 15, 1925, the Military Chemical Directorate (VOKHIMU) was created under the head of the supply of the Red Army. The first head of the Military Chemical Directorate was Ya.M. Fishman. His deputy is Ya. Ya. Zhigur.
In 1926, in the military districts, instead of the posts of chemical training inspectors, the posts of chiefs of the district chemical service were introduced, who supervised the chemical service and chemical troops of the district. At this time, the Central Military Chemical Laboratory and the military chemical warehouse of the first category were deployed in the Military Chemical Directorate.
In 1927, the Chemical Training Inspectorate of the RKKA organizationally entered the VOKHIMA. Which has become a single body for the management of the chemical troops and the chemical service.
In 1927, the 1st separate chemical training battalion was reorganized into a separate chemical regiment. The first commander of the regiment was V.N.Gluzko, and in the early 30s - D.E.Petukhov. The regiment trained the personnel of a private. Junior and middle command personnel for the chemical service and chemical troops. At the same time, the 2nd separate chemical battalion, commanded by A.E. Polyansky, was formed in the Moscow Military District, and a separate district chemical battalion under the command of Razuev was formed in the Leningrad Military District. These units played an important role in the deployment of chemical subunits and units in the districts, separating from their composition battalions staffed with trained personnel and equipment. In turn, the chemical units of the districts organized training for junior and middle command personnel for armies and divisions. This system of training military chemists made it possible not only to provide the chemical service and chemical troops with command personnel and instructors, but also to create a reserve of chemists.

Chemical service and chemical troops of the Red Army in the pre-war period 1930 - 1941

In 1932, the Military Chemical Academy was established to train highly qualified personnel for the chemical troops, chemical service and the chemical industry. The first head of the academy in 1932-1937 was the corps commissar Ya.L. Avinovitsky.

In 1937, the Military Chemical Academy was renamed the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, and Major General P.E. Lovyagin became its head.

In 1932, for the preparation of an average command technical staff chemical troops and chemical service, the Kalinin military chemical school was created. His superiors before the war were: N. I. Ozersky, V. N. Sazontov, I. V. Indyushkin.

In 1934, the Military Chemical Directorate was transformed into the Central Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense, and chemical departments were created in the districts and armies. In 1937, in order to bring the name of the Department in line with the main purpose of the chemical troops and the chemical service of the Red Army, it was renamed the Chemical Defense Directorate of the Red Army. On March 8, 1940, the Chemical Defense Directorate became directly subordinate to the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. His chiefs were: corps commander M.I. Stepanov (1937-1939), and from 1939 the brigade commander, from June 1940, major general technical. troops P.G. Melnikov. Colonel A.S. Kubasov was the deputy head of the department.

At the same time, chemical troops were deployed. The deployment of the chemical troops was fully ensured both in terms of staffing with command personnel who graduated from the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, a military chemical school or chemical improvement courses, and in terms of the supply of chemical troops modern technology and weapons produced by industry.

By the beginning of the 30s, special machines for degassing the terrain with powdery and liquid degassing substances began to enter service with the chemical troops - an autodegasser with bleach (AHI) and an auto-filling station (ARS), for degassing weapons and military equipment - an autodegassing machine (ADM), for degassing of uniforms and equipment - an auto-degasser with hot air (AGV) and a boiling machine (BU); special devices and devices: a manual degassing device (RDP), a portable degassing device (VDP), a horse-degassing vehicle (KDP), special devices (SP) for a smoke outlet. New degassing agents and solvents were developed and introduced.

A significant achievement of this period was the fact that the Red Army was equipped with reliable personal protective equipment. These items included gas masks, protective stockings, capes and gloves, an individual chemical bag (IPP), and impregnated uniforms. This PKhZ combat kit was intended for everyday use by every soldier and commander of the Red Army.

The personnel of the chemical troops were provided with protective suits (overalls) with rubber gloves and boots, protective aprons and oxygen isolating devices and apparatus KIP-5, IP-3. Along with the means of individual PCP, the means were widely introduced into the army collective protection from toxic substances in the form of special filters of various designs: FVU-20, FVU-50, FP-70, FP-100, etc. with kits for sealing shelters.


Modern means of chemical reconnaissance, analytical laboratories AL-2, located on machines and in the form of portable suitcases and bags - PKhL, a bag of a reconnaissance chemist SKHR-3, a chemical reconnaissance device PKhR with a set of indicator tubes for determining of all OM known by that time and with a device for sampling OM from air and soil. To carry out smoke camouflage, a C-4 smoke mixture, various checkers and hand grenades of neutral smoke were developed and accepted for supply.

In 1939-40, separate anti-chemical defense battalions (PCD) and separate degassing battalions of central and district subordination were created; degassing companies were formed in armies, corps and rifle divisions, and anti-chemical defense platoons and flamethrower teams were formed in regiments. In tank divisions and brigades, flamethrower-chemical battalions and companies were created, intended for flamethrowing and setting camouflage smoke. Before the Great Patriotic War, preparations began for the formation of separate flamethrower units. In the Navy, in the fleets and in the naval base, divisions of PHO and smoke camouflage were created.
Much attention was paid to the development of flamethrower weapons. In 1940 - 1941, the ATO-41 automatic tank flamethrower was designed and adopted. It can be installed on any line tank instead of a turret machine gun in addition to cannon armament. In November 1940, the flamethrower teams of rifle regiments began to arm themselves with the ROKS-2 knapsack flamethrower. By 1941, the FOG-1 high-explosive flamethrower was designed and tested.

In 1930-1940, units of the chemical troops were created, subordinate to the Chemical Defense Directorate, as well as units and subunits that were part of the formations.
By parts central subordination were separate battalions of PHO and separate degassing battalions.

Separate battalions of the PHO were intended for degassing the area and setting up camouflage smoke screens. They consisted of three companies of special machines - auto degassers with bleach and filling stations, 15 machines each, and support units.
Separate degassing battalions were intended for degassing the terrain, weapons, materiel, uniforms and equipment. The battalions were armed with AHI machines, AGV hot air autodegassers, autodegassers, boiling machines and ARS machines. Units in which there were APC vehicles could be used to set up camouflage smoke screens and infect the area with persistent agents.

The units and subdivisions of the chemical troops that were part of the formations and formations included: separate flamethrower-tank battalions in tank divisions and separate flamethrower-tank companies in tank brigades, separate companies of PHO in armies and corps, separate degassing companies of rifle divisions, platoons of PHO and flamethrower teams of rifle regiments.

Separate flamethrower-tank battalions and companies were linear units of tank divisions and brigades, but unlike them, they were armed with flamethrower tanks that did not have artillery weapons, or tanks on which, in addition to artillery weapons, automatic tank flamethrowers were installed. By the beginning of the war, there were two types of flamethrower-tank units: the old type - armed with flamethrower tanks and the new - armed with tanks with automatic tank flamethrowers. These units were intended for operations when breaking through heavily fortified lines and conducting combat in large settlements.

The army company of the PHO consisted of three platoons of 5 AHI vehicles in each and was intended for degassing the area. With one charge of bleach (30 tons), the company could degas 9000 meters of passages.

The degassing company of a rifle division consisted of three platoons: a chemical reconnaissance and observation platoon, a terrain degassing platoon and a material degassing platoon, uniforms and equipment. The company was armed with special vehicles AHI, ADM, AGV, BU. For material handling. Received by chemical reconnaissance, the company had a field chemical laboratory (PHL), which made it possible to carry out chemical analyzes. The company consisted of 83 people.

The PHO platoon of a rifle regiment consisted of three sections: two sections of chemical reconnaissance and observation, the third - degassing military equipment and weapons. There were 36 people in the platoon. To carry out degassing work, the platoon in the state relied on two horse-degassing carts.
The composition and technical equipment of the aforementioned units and subunits provided them with real opportunities for successfully carrying out PCZ events in a combat situation. At the same time, they could be used for setting up camouflage smoke screens, both by using smoke bombs and grenades, and with the help of special machines.

Flamethrower teams of rifle regiments consisted of two squads, 10 ROKS-2 flamethrowers in each. The teams were intended for the production of flamethrowing at heavily fortified and protected enemy targets and joint actions with rifle subunits. This organization and technical equipment of the chemical troops provided them with the opportunity to successfully carry out all PCP measures in the event that the enemy unleashed a chemical war against the USSR.
Combat experience of chemical troops in battles on the Khalkhin-Gol river and during the Soviet-Finnish war

The combat readiness of the Red Army, including the chemical troops and the chemical service, was tested in battles against the Japanese and during the war with Finland.
Two companies of flamethrower tanks took part in the battles on the Khalkhin-Gol River. The first combat flamethrowing was carried out in August 1939 during the liquidation of the encircled units of the 6th Japanese Army on the river. Khalkhin-Gol. The use of flamethrower tanks has shown that, under appropriate conditions (especially when surprise is achieved), they can have a very strong and sometimes decisive effect on the enemy and can easily hit him in shelters against which other means are powerless.

During the Soviet-Finnish war, twenty-five companies of flamethrower tanks took part in hostilities. The originality of the theater of military operations, as well as the nature of enemy actions (defense in a fortified area) determined the features of the combat use of flamethrower tanks for solving offensive tasks in close cooperation with line tanks, infantry and artillery. The most successful flamethrower tanks operated as part of assault groups, when they had continuous support from line tanks, artillery, sappers and infantry. The garrisons of permanent structures were suppressed by flamethrowing along the embrasures.
The experience of using flamethrower tanks also revealed some of their disadvantages. With their main armament, a flamethrower, they could not fight the enemy at distances exceeding the range of flamethrowing. In this regard, the question was raised about the organizational inclusion of flamethrower-tank units and subunits in tank formations, as well as about that. So that the flamethrower is not installed instead of artillery weapons, but in addition to it.

In the Soviet-Finnish war, the use of smoke weapons took place, which, however, was of a limited scope. This limitation was caused by the desire of the Soviet command not to give the Finnish side a reason to use chemical weapons, since there was information that the Finnish command, with the help of the United States and England, intended to present public opinion smoke application Soviet troops as an initiative in unleashing a chemical war.

At the same time, the presence of a constant threat of the use of weapons by the Finns forced the Soviet command to keep chemical defense units in constant readiness to ensure the protection of troops from chemical weapons.

The need for constant organization of all anti-chemical protection measures and the readiness to carry them out allowed the chemical troops to acquire practical experience, which contributed to the fact that the Red Army entered the Great Patriotic War prepared for protection from chemical weapons.

1941-1945 - chemical troops in the Great Patriotic War

On July 22, 1941, a message from the Soviet Information Bureau stated: "German secret documents seized by Red Army units fully demonstrate that German fascism is secretly preparing a monstrous atrocity - the widespread use of toxic substances. The active German troops have special chemical units for toxic substances." In this regard, the Soviet command demanded the most decisive measures to prevent underestimation of the chemical hazard.

During the Great Patriotic War, the chemical troops included: technical brigades, battalions and companies of anti-chemical protection (PCP), separate flamethrower battalions and companies, bases, warehouses and laboratories, training units. Chemical troops continuously conducted reconnaissance in order to reveal the preparation of the enemy for a chemical attack and timely warning of their troops; participated in the combat readiness of units, formations and large formations to perform combat missions in conditions of the possible use of chemical weapons by the enemy; destroyed manpower and equipment of the enemy with flame-throwing incendiary means; carried out the camouflage of their troops and rear objects with smoke.

Chemical service during the war period (1941 - 1945)

In the early years of the Great Patriotic War, the Temporary Manual on Chemical Defense, published in 1936, was the official guiding document for organizing the anti-chemical protection of the Red Army troops. Naturally, a number of provisions of this manual required significant adjustments in connection with the new conditions. Therefore, in August 1941, an order was issued People's Commissar defense, which demanded "to make the chemical protection service an integral part of the combat use of troops." Subsequently, specific instructions on various measures of anti-chemical protection of troops were brought to the attention of units and subdivisions of chemical protection by a number of other documents, such as the "Temporary instruction on chemical reconnaissance", published in May 1942, "Temporary instruction on the provision of anti-chemical protection of troops by the services of the Red Army" and "Provisional Regulations on the Supply of Means of Anti-Chemical Protection of Troops by the Services of the Red Army", published in August 1942.

The text of the poster: "Read it yourself and tell others how to deal with the gas danger: have a working gas mask - this is one! Become a gas shelter in the basement - that's two! During an alarm, look in both directions - that's three! Keep food closed in the apartment - that's four! Fast! know how to distinguish a Himbomb - that's five! Don't go into an infected area without a suit - that's six! Know how to help everyone - that's seven! So that the enemy doesn't catch us by surprise, in these rules you look for the right means of protection against chemical attacks. " 1941 year

In August 1941, the chemical protection units received new names that more fully reflect their destination. The degassing companies of rifle divisions received the name of separate companies of chemical protection (orkhz) and were intended for conducting chemical reconnaissance, washing personnel, degassing military equipment, uniforms and expensive. The company had the bags of a reconnaissance chemist SKHR-3, a mobile (portable) chemical laboratory of the PHL, technical means for washing personnel, degassing military equipment and uniforms, as well as degassing the area with bulk degassers.

During the Great Patriotic War, the chemical troops included: technical brigades, battalions and companies of anti-chemical protection (PCP), separate flamethrower battalions and companies, bases, warehouses and laboratories, training units. Chemical troops continuously conducted reconnaissance in order to reveal the preparation of the enemy for a chemical attack and timely warn their troops; participated in ensuring the combat readiness of troops of units, formations and large formations to perform combat missions in conditions of the possible use of chemical weapons by the enemy; destroyed manpower and equipment of the enemy with flamethrower-incendiary means; carried out the camouflage of their troops and rear objects with smoke.

The failures of the initial period of the war for the Red Army had a heavy impact on the condition and combat capabilities of chemical defense units and subunits. The mobilization deployment of the chemical troops took place in difficult conditions, since their planned reorganization on a new technical basis was not completed by the beginning of the war. The industry, which produced special machines for parts of chemical protection, located mainly in the central and southern regions of the country, was relocated to the East. Establishing production in new areas required a certain amount of time. In this situation, the main difficulty was the lack of serviceable degassing equipment, especially adopted by the chemical defense units on the eve of the war.

Therefore, urgent measures were taken to provide the deployed and newly formed chemical defense units with the missing equipment through the use of various simplified, as well as local means. In particular, horse-degassing carts and auto-degassing machines were replaced by barrels equipped with degassers and brushes. Instead of auto-degassers with hot air and drilling installations, special dugouts, chambers and pits, metal barrels were prepared in the chemical protection divisions of compounds and units, and baths for washing personnel. In August 1941, the troops began to receive in increasing quantities suspended degassing devices of a new design, which in to a large extent compensated for the lack of special machines AHI for degassing the area in chemical defense units and units.

Much attention was paid to the training of senior and middle command personnel for units and subunits of the chemical troops.

With the beginning of the war, the Military Academy of Chemical Defense switched to a reduced training period for students, which was brought to 6-9 months by the end of 1941. At the same time, a network of short-term courses for the training and retraining of various categories of officers of the chemical service was deployed at the academy.

During the war, the heads of the academy were: 1st rank military engineer Yu. A. Klyachko (1941-1942), colonel A. N. Kislov (1942-1943), and since 1943 - major general of technical troops D. E. Petukhov.
The junior officer corps of the chemical troops and the chemical service was trained in military schools: the Kalinin military school of chemical protection, the head of which in January 1942 was appointed major general technician. the troops of P.G. Melnikov; The Kharkov Military School of Chemical Protection, formed on the basis of chemical improvement courses for the command staff of the Red Army in May 1941, the chiefs of which in different years were Colonels V. T .. Alekseev, P. G. Vershinin, Major General A. A. Andrianov; The Volsk military school of chemical protection, formed on the basis of the 1st Berdichev infantry school in May 1941, the head of which was appointed a colonel, and from April 1943, Major General M.F. Doronin. At the end of 1943, Volskoye military school Chemical Defense was transformed into the Higher Officers' School of Technical Troops, the head of which was Major General K.A. Matskevich.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, postgraduate courses were created. officers branches of the armed forces, including the Higher Officer Technical School of the Red Army - the head of the school, Major General P.A. Ilmensky, who conducted retraining of front-line officers who received combat experience.

At the beginning of 1943, a flamethrower school was created on the basis of one of the reserve (training) flamethrower battalions in the Moscow region. This is a school commanded by Colonel A. V. Stepanov. It existed until 1944 and played a large role in the training of officers for flamethrower units.

In connection with the outbreak of the war, the Chemical Defense Directorate of the Red Army was transferred to wartime states, and in August 1941 it was renamed the Main Military Chemical Directorate and subordinated directly to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces. In August 1941, the chemical defense units received new names that better reflect their purpose. The degassing companies of rifle divisions received the name of separate companies of chemical protection (ORXZ) and were intended for conducting chemical reconnaissance, degassing military equipment and equipment. The regimental anti-chemical defense platoon (PCO) was renamed the chemical protection platoon (VHZ). Instead of the previously existing specialized battalions of degassing and PHO, universal separate battalions of chemical protection (OBHZ) of central subordination were deployed.

At the same time, the chemical departments of a number of fronts operating in decisive directions. They were reorganized into chemical departments, and their staff was brought to 15 people. Thus, a harmonious control system of the chemical service and chemical troops was created, designed to provide chemical support for the combat operations of the Red Army troops on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

The chemical directorates (departments) of the fronts (armies) were involved in planning and organizing the chemical support of operations. It included the whole range of measures for the organization of PCP, the use of flame-throwing incendiary means and neutral fumes.

Chemical support was organized by the headquarters of the fronts (armies) through the chief of the chemical directorate (department) and was carried out by the forces of troops, units and formations of chemical protection. included in the formations and formations, as well as units and formations of the chemical troops of the reserve of the Supreme Command, which strengthened the formations.

The organization of chemical support began, as a rule, with the preparation by the heads of chemical directorates (departments) of certificates-reports to the relevant commanders on the state and capabilities of the chemical troops and proposals for their combat use. Direct planning of chemical support was carried out after the commander made a decision on the operation.
The essence of planning the chemical support of the operation was to determine the specific content, volume and timing of the PCP activities. Including the supply of front troops with chemical equipment, tasks for flamethrower units and methods of their implementation, the scale and nature of the use of neutral fumes. The planning results were reflected in the relevant documents.

For exemplary performance of combat missions of the command, courage and high military skill of personnel of 25 high-explosive flamethrower battalions, 17 battalions and 13 companies of knapsack flamethrowers, 18 PCZ battalions were awarded orders; 40 parts were awarded honorary titles. Thousands of soldiers of the chemical troops were awarded orders and medals, and 28 of them were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.

1945-1960 - ZOMP, post-war period

After the end of World War II, the transition Soviet army The situation in peacetime entailed the disbandment of many formations and units of the chemical troops, as well as the reorganization of the command and control bodies of the chemical troops and the chemical service of the Soviet Army. A small number of chemical defense units, smoke and flamethrower units were left behind. Some chemical units, before their disbandment, carried out important government assignments to destroy huge stocks of chemical ammunition and toxic substances left by the Nazi army in the territory of the former Nazi Germany.
The emergence of nuclear weapons and bacterial (biological) weapons has made it an urgent task to ensure the protection of troops from all these types of weapons of mass destruction. Since many of the measures and technical means of this protection are close to the methods of anti-chemical protection, the chemical troops were entrusted with the task of providing a number of measures to protect the troops from these types of weapons. The main ones were:
conducting radiation and non-specific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance; full special treatment of troops; decontamination and disinfection of uniforms, equipment, shoes and means individual protection; disinfection and disinsection of areas of terrain and roads;
ensuring control over contamination of personnel, weapons, equipment and supplies material resources radioactive substances; control over the change in the degree of contamination of the area.

Chemical service and chemical troops of the Soviet Army post-war period 1945-1954

In the development of the Soviet Armed Forces in the post-war period, three stages are distinguished and, depending on their content, the tasks of the chemical troops were formulated.

During the first stage (1946-1953), when the Soviet Armed Forces and their weapons developed and improved on the basis of the rich experience of the Great Patriotic War, the tasks of the chemical troops were: combat use of flamethrower-incendiary means; the use of smoke in order to camouflage military operations of troops and rear facilities; implementation of measures for anti-chemical protection of troops, including chemical reconnaissance and alerting troops about a chemical hazard, training troops in the use and use of protective equipment and actions in conditions of the use of chemical weapons, eliminating the consequences of a chemical attack by the enemy, and supplying troops with PCP equipment. The appearance of the first models of nuclear weapons did not entail the formulation of new tasks for the chemical forces during this period.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the transition of the Soviet Army to a peacetime situation entailed the disbandment of many formations and units of the chemical troops, as well as the reorganization of the control bodies of the chemical troops and the chemical service of the Soviet Army. A small number of chemical defense units, smoke and flamethrower units were left behind. Some of the chemical units and their disbandment carried out important government assignments to destroy the huge stocks of chemical ammunition and toxic substances left by the Nazi army on the territory of the former Nazi Germany.
During the first stage of post-war development, instead of universal separate chemical defense battalions, specialized separate chemical defense battalions (OBHZ) were created.
Separate battalions of chemical protection in the new composition were intended for the degassing of military equipment, uniforms and equipment and sanitization of personnel.
In 1946, the Main Military Chemical Directorate was transferred to peacetime states and transformed into the Directorate of the Chief of Chemical Troops Ground forces... Lieutenant General was appointed Chief of the Chemical Troops, and since 1955, Colonel General of the Technical Troops IF Chukhnov. The deputy chiefs of the chemical troops were: Major General, since 1958 Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops K.P. Stepanov (1953-1960), Major General of the Technical Troops V.S.Berezkin (1960-1961), Major General of Technical troops N. S. Danilov (1961-1965).
At this time, a reorganization of chemical warehouses was carried out and their transfer to a peacetime position with good stationary equipment and equipment, capable not only of repairing, but also producing some devices and training aids.
To monitor the state of combat training and a number of other issues in the chemical forces, the post of inspector general of the chemical forces is being introduced as part of the Main Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense. The first inspector general of the chemical troops was Major General of the technical troops K. P. Stepanov, who was later appointed deputy chief of the chemical troops. In 1953, Major General of the Technical Troops A.I. Isayuk became the Inspector General of the Chemical Troops.

In 1951, in connection with the increase in the volume of tasks assigned to the chemical service, and the increased importance of the chemical troops in the Office of the Chief of the Chemical Troops, the Headquarters of the Chemical Troops was created. The first chief of the Staff of the Chemical Troops was a Colonel, later Major General of the Technical Troops D.N.

In 1952, the Office of the Chief of the Chemical Troops of the Ground Forces was renamed into the Office of the Chief of the Chemical Troops of the Soviet Army.

The adoption of new highly toxic poisonous substances by the armies of the leading capitalist states led to the further development of chemical reconnaissance equipment in the Soviet Army. The improvement of reconnaissance devices was carried out by modernizing those available on supply, as well as creating fundamentally new devices. So, on the basis of the PKhR-40, a more advanced chemical reconnaissance device PKhR-46 was created. New indicator tubes introduced into it made it possible to determine tabun, chloroacetophenone, bromobenzyl cyanide, and adamsite.

In 1946, a portable field chemical laboratory PHL-46, intended for chemical, sanitary-chemical and veterinary-chemical reconnaissance, was accepted for supply. The AL-2 army laboratory was replaced by the more modern AL-3 laboratory, which had great analysis capabilities. Instead of a laboratory car, a front-line stationary laboratory was created.
In the 50s, the first automatic gas detector GSP-1 was developed and adopted for supply, which allows the determination of organophosphate 0V, chlorine cyanogen, hydrocyanic acid, phosgene and diphosgene.In subsequent years, the improvement of chemical exploration devices was aimed mainly at maximizing their sensitivity and automation. action. The troops received semi-automatic means of chemical reconnaissance GSP-1m, PPHR, etc.
The appearance of highly toxic toxic substances has put forward the task of providing troops with more advanced means of anti-chemical protection. A filtering gas mask with a M0-4u box and a ShM-41m front part was developed and adopted, which in subsequent years underwent a number of modifications, which improved their protective and operational properties. The requirements for skin protection products were also changing, which were supposed to provide protection against highly toxic 0V acting on the skin and through the skin. Various subjects protective clothing were grouped into three protective kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3. With each kit it was envisaged to wear impregnated uniforms and underwear. The troops received light protective suits made of rubberized fabric L-1. By the end of the 50s, a suit of increased tightness K-1 was developed as "heavy" protective clothing.

Improvement of collective protective equipment also continued. Modern means of air purification were developed and adopted for supply for stationary fortifications, military field installations, as well as for mobile pressurized and unpressurized objects of armored and automotive vehicles.

In the post-war period, the chemical troops of the Soviet Army mainly consisted of degassing kits and special machines designed for degassing previously known persistent toxic substances. The appearance in service of the armies of a potential enemy. organophosphorus substances (such as herd) required the creation of a new degasser and new technology. To use two degassing solutions, an ADM-48 auto-degassing machine and ADK and PM-DK degassing sets were created. Subsequently, the PM-DK is replaced by a more convenient set of one-time action IDP-S, with which it is possible to degass not only small arms, but also uniforms contaminated with 0V vapors of the herd type.

Improvement of the method of degassing with hot air led to the creation in 1954 of the AGV-3 unit, where the degassing of clothing items is carried out with a vapor-air-ammonia mixture.
For degassing the area, a more advanced suspended degassing device PDP-53 is being developed, which was mounted on the GAZ-51, ZIL-150 and ZIL-164 trucks.
Since 1953, the use of degassing equipment begins for the purpose of decontamination and disinfection (disinsection of the area, as well as the development of new models of equipment in connection with the emergence of atomic and bacteriological (biological) weapons. Research has shown that radioactive dust is well removed from the surfaces of weapons, equipment and personal protective equipment with aqueous solutions of detergents, and with uniforms - washing.

For the preparation of decontamination solutions, powders SF-2, SF-2U were taken for supply. To carry out decontamination, the ADM-48 and ARS-12 vehicles were supplemented with the appropriate equipment.

For special processing a large number infected military equipment In a short time, degassing sets DKV and ADDK were developed.

The DK-4 and IDK-1 adopted for supply (instead of the RDP-4V) allow not only degassing, but also decontamination and disinfection of military equipment.

To fight on the ground with the spread and carriers of infections (including insects), a machine with thermal smoke equipment TDA was adapted. These machines in a short time can treat large areas with various disinsectors, brought into an aerosol state.

For the sanitary treatment of personnel and the disinfection of clothing items, a disinfection and shower unit DDA-53 was supplied to the armament of chemical protection units.

First post-war years The flamethrower units continued to be armed with knapsack (ROKS-3), high-explosive (FOG-2) and automatic tank (ATO-42) flamethrowers. In 1950, the chemical troops adopted the LPO-50 light infantry flamethrower, replacing the ROKS-3 knapsack flamethrower, and instead of the FOG-2 - the TPO-50 heavy infantry flamethrower. The new flamethrowers had approximately twice the flamethrowing range, and the TPO-50, in contrast to the FOG-2, could fire not one, but three shots. Light and heavy infantry flamethrowers, like their predecessors ROKS-3 and FOG-2, were intended to defeat enemy manpower located openly or in trenches (shelters), to set fire to flammable buildings and structures, as well as to repel enemy attacks and counterattacks.

The adoption of new flamethrowers into service led to a change in the standard organizational structure flamethrower parts. Flamethrower battalions of two types were armed with new flamethrowers - separate battalions of heavy infantry flamethrowers and separate battalions of light infantry flamethrowers, the creation of which took into account the combat experience of the Great Patriotic War.
So, when forming battalions armed with heavy infantry flamethrowers, the staff of a separate motorized anti-tank flamethrower battalion was taken as the basis, as the most perfect form of organizing flamethrower units during the Great Patriotic War.

To engage mobile targets at distances exceeding the range of flamethrowing, the battalion had eight heavy machine guns.

In the 50s, the system of domestic incendiary weapons was considered as a set of means intended for solving tactical tasks on the battlefield. By the end of the 1950s, due to the emergence of nuclear weapons and the prevalence of views on their "absoluteness", attention to the development of conventional means of warfare had sharply weakened. In a number of cases, their role in a future war began to be regarded as secondary. Some types of weapons began to be assessed as unpromising and therefore were removed from service. Subsequently, light and heavy infantry flamethrowers were removed from service, and flamethrower battalions were disbanded.

In the first years of the post-war period, combat experience in the use of camouflage smoke was widely studied, while more advanced methods of using smoke weapons were sought. The TDA smoke machine was developed and adopted by the chemical forces. The thermal smoke equipment of the machine worked on the principle of vaporization of the smoke mixture. Almost simultaneously with the smoke machine, a portable aerosol generator AGP was designed, which worked on the same principle as the TDA machine. The AGP generator was considered as an auxiliary device used for smoke masking only in individual cases, and could not be used to smoke objects of significant size and area.

The chemical troops, having received new smoke machines and devices, could create in a short period of time an invisible smoke screen, excluding the possibility of visual detection by the enemy of a camouflaged object from the air and monitoring the actions of troops by ground means. In addition to the tasks of smoke masking of the location and actions of troops and rear facilities, chemical troops subunits, using smoke weapons, can significantly reduce the effect of such a damaging factor. nuclear explosion like light radiation.

Chemical service and chemical troops of the period 1954 - 1959

The second stage (1954-1959) was characterized by the continuation of the creation and introduction of nuclear weapons and missiles for various purposes into the Soviet Armed Forces. By the beginning of this stage, the United States has not only significantly increased its stocks of nuclear weapons, but also created bacterial (biological) agents, having tested them in the Korean War. Therefore, the chemical troops at this stage solved the following tasks: the implementation of measures for the anti-nuclear, anti-chemical and antibacterial protection of the troops; the use of smoke in order to camouflage military operations of troops and rear facilities; the use of flame-throwing and incendiary means.

The need to solve problems of protection simultaneously from radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial (biological) agents led to the creation of chemical protection units in units and formations designed to carry out protection measures, the use of flamethrower-incendiary and smoke weapons.

The number of units and subunits of chemical troops and their strength increased due to the need to take measures to protect troops from weapons of mass destruction, as well as in connection with the increased role of flamethrower-incendiary and smoke weapons, which was confirmed in the military conflicts and local wars unleashed by imperialism. ...
The emergence of nuclear weapons and bacterial (biological) weapons has made it an urgent task to ensure the protection of troops from all these types of weapons of mass destruction. Since many of the measures and technical means of this protection are close to the methods of anti-chemical protection, the chemical troops were entrusted with the task of providing a number of measures to protect the troops from these types of weapons. The main ones were:
conducting radiation and non-specific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance;
full special treatment of troops; decontamination and disinfection of uniforms, equipment, footwear and personal protective equipment; disinfection and disinsection of areas of terrain and roads; ensuring control over contamination of personnel, weapons, equipment and stocks of materiel with radioactive substances; control over the change in the degree of contamination of the area.
Radiation reconnaissance equipment appeared almost simultaneously with the advent of nuclear weapons. They were intended for early detection radioactive contamination and providing commanders and staffs with the necessary information on the scale and degree of danger of this infection for the personnel of the troops.

One of the first devices for conducting radiation reconnaissance were DP-62 and DP-1A (B, V), and for monitoring the radiation exposure of DP-21A (B) personnel, they consisted of 200 DS-50 dosimeters. The first military radiometers to measure the degree of contamination with beta-gamma-active substances of surfaces of various objects, soil, uniforms and skin of people, as well as to determine the presence of radioactive substances in samples of water, food and fodder were beta-gamma-radiometers DP-11A (B ). Increased requirements for devices and a number of significant shortcomings in the first samples led to their gradual replacement with more modern equipment.

Combat training in the chemical troops in the post-war period was linked to the tasks of the chemical troops in a combat situation. With the use of weapons of mass destruction, the situation on the battlefield will be very difficult and tense. In areas of hostilities, destruction, blockages, fires, zones of radioactive and chemical contamination can form, for only well-trained and equipped last word the technology of the troops, the personnel of which is stable in political and moral-psychological terms, will be able to maintain combat effectiveness and successfully complete the assigned task. The practice of combat training has shown that the subunits and units of the chemical troops are provided with the necessary weapons, equipment and protective equipment and are capable of successfully performing their combat missions in such an environment.

The results of intensive training were annually checked at inspections, which showed that the skill of the personnel in the skillful handling of equipment and the performance of special tasks in difficult conditions increased from year to year.

1960-1992 - chemical defense troops of the USSR

“… Warrior-chemist! Love your gas mask and it will save your life! "

The slogan in the Leninist room of military unit No. .....

"Fulfilling the decisions ... of the Congress of the CPSU on the need to increase the country's defense capability and the combat power of the Armed Forces, units and subunits of the chemical troops continue to persistently and purposefully improve their skills, increase vigilance and combat readiness."
In the Soviet period, any book or article about chemical troops and weapons of mass destruction began with such a mandatory cap.

Chemical service and chemical troops of the Soviet Army in the period 1960-1985

A new stage in the development of the chemical troops began in 1960. Along with all the Armed Forces, the chemical troops received further development. In the period 1960-1985, the chemical troops of the Soviet Army consisted of chemical defense, radiation and chemical reconnaissance, flamethrower, smoke and other units, equipped with modern weapons and special equipment. The chemical troops of that period were capable of: detecting the radiation, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) situation over large areas; carry out full special processing of troops; carry out degassing, disinfection and disinsection of uniforms, equipment, shoes and personal protective equipment, as well as degassing, disinfection and disinsection of terrain and roads; to ensure control of radioactive exposure of personnel; to monitor the contamination of personnel, weapons, equipment and stocks of material resources with radioactive and toxic substances; control the change in the degree of contamination of the area; to hit the enemy with flamethrowing and to disguise the actions of troops and objects of the rear with smoke. Equipping the chemical troops with modern weapons and special equipment and their further specialization led to the need to develop new and improve existing ways the conduct of hostilities and the implementation of chemical support measures, to the further development and improvement of their tactics. In those years, the development of issues of tactics of troop actions was given exceptional importance. The Minister of Defense of the USSR demands to improve the tactics of actions of formations, units, ships with the use of new weapons and means of destruction. The level of tactical, technical and fire training of formations, units and subunits shall be considered decisive in assessing their combat training. Meeting these requirements is one of the most important tasks, in the solution of which the main role belongs to the officers. The level of tactical training of officers, their ability to competently, with reasonable initiative and promptly organize the actions of their formations, units, subunits and firmly control them in the course of hostilities is an indispensable and most important condition for the successful actions of troops in battle. the ability to competently, with reasonable initiative and promptly organize the actions of their formations, units, subunits and firmly control them in the course of hostilities was an indispensable and most important condition for the successful actions of troops in battle.

The radiation and chemical reconnaissance units were able to identify the radiation and chemical situation at a pace that would support the actions of the troops. They were armed with special vehicles with high cross-country ability and a degree of protection from radioactive radiation, semi-automatic reconnaissance devices, which in a matter of seconds determine the presence of contamination in the air and on the ground and themselves give a danger signal. Using the available weapons, radiation and chemical reconnaissance units are able to establish and mark the boundaries of areas of radioactive and chemical contamination, directions with the lowest levels of radiation or bypass paths of contaminated areas, determine the degree of contamination of people, weapons, equipment and objects with radioactive and toxic substances, and monitor changes contamination of military facilities and terrain, to determine the real meteorological conditions in the areas of operations of troops.

Flamethrower and smoke units underwent new qualitative and quantitative changes.
Flamethrower units were armed with flamethrowers with a longer range of flamethrowing and better maneuverability than high-explosive and knapsack flamethrowers during the Great Patriotic War. This made it possible to make wider use of flamethrower subunits for solving tasks of destroying enemy manpower and equipment, creating fires in the areas of its location and demoralizing enemy personnel. They were able to lead fighting directly in the battle formations of motorized rifle units. Acting as part of combined arms units and formations, flamethrower subunits increased their firepower and contributed to the achievement of success in battle.

The further development of chemical troops of this period proceeds from the increasing danger of unleashing a thermonuclear war with the widespread use of new highly toxic 0V and bacterial (biological) agents, effective carriers of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and the need for more operational support of military operations.
The development of the chemical troops, the complication of their tasks required further improvement of their command and control bodies. In this regard, in 1961 the Directorate of the Chief of the Chemical Troops of the Soviet Army was reorganized into the Directorate of the Chief of the Chemical Troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense. After I.F. Chukhnov, the chiefs of the chemical troops were: Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops N. S. Danilov (1965 - 1966), Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops F.I. Manets (1966 - 1969), and from March 1969 - Colonel General V.K.Pikalov.

During this period, the deputy chiefs of the chemical troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense were: Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops A.V. Kruglov (1961-1969), Major General of the Technical Troops A.I.Buikin (1969-1975), Major General Engineer A V. Fokin (1969-1973), Lieutenant General P. Ye. Krasota (1973-1983), V. S. Berezkin (1961-1969), Major General B. V. Abramtsev (1975-1978); S.P.Bolshakov (1978-1986); Major Generals S. V. Petrov, A. D. Kuntsevich, V. V. Kazakov, V. S. Kavunov (1986-1992).
In 1967, Major General was appointed Inspector General of the Chemical Troops, and since 1976, Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops SI Kovalev. Since January 1981, Lieutenant General A.V. Zyuzin has been the Inspector General of the Chemical Troops.

New, more complex tasks facing the chemical troops, equipping them with modern technology, more advanced machines and instruments require high professional training, training, understanding of the responsibility that is entrusted to them to ensure the combat actions of troops, moral and psychological training from the personnel of the chemical troops to fulfill their tasks in the difficult conditions of modern combat. In this respect great importance has training of military chemists. In after war time the training of officers with a higher military and special education for the chemical troops and chemical service was carried out at the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, which until 1960 was headed by Lieutenant General of the Technical Troops D.E. Petukhov, and from 1960 to October 1972 - General - Colonel of technical troops D. V. Gorbovsky. During these years, much attention in the training program for students was paid to the issues of mastering the rich experience of the Great Patriotic War and protection against weapons of mass destruction.

Cadres of junior officers of the chemical forces were trained in military schools for chemical protection.
The Kalinin Military Chemical School in 1947 was renamed into the Kostroma Military Chemical Defense School. Its chiefs were: until 1950, Major General of the Technical Troops P.G. Melnikov, 1950-1957. Major General of Technical Troops P.G. Vershinin, 1957-1960 Major General V. D. Podluzhny. In 1960 the school was disbanded. His Banner was transferred to the Saratov Military School of Chemical Defense. In 1967, the Kostroma military school of chemical protection was formed again. Colonel, and then Major General of the Technical Troops E. Ya. Lebedev was appointed its chief. In 1984, Colonel M.I.Mishchenkov was appointed head of the school.
The Saratov Military School of Chemical Defense was formed in 1954. The heads of the school were Major Generals of the Technical Troops A.G. Gaidamak (1954-1960), V.D. Podluzhny (1960-1966), P.G. Kuznetsov (1966-1974 ), N.S. Shcherbakov (1974-1981). In (1981-1992) the school was headed by Major General V.K.Shevtsov.

The Kharkov Red Banner School of Chemical Protection in July 1945 was transformed into the Higher Red Banner Officer Technical School of the Red Army, renamed in 1946 into the Higher Red Banner Officer School of Chemical Protection of the Ground Forces of the USSR Armed Forces.

In connection with the need for a deeper and more comprehensive training of junior officers of the chemical forces, the Kostroma Command and Saratov Engineering Military Schools of Chemical Defense in 1973 were transformed into the Higher Military Schools. In 1974, the Tambov Higher Command Military School of Chemical Defense was established. The head of the school is a colonel, and since 1976, Major General V.F. Shipilov.

The existing military educational institutions train highly qualified, capable of ensuring constant combat readiness of chemical troops units and subunits.
The main feature of this period in the training of personnel of chemical protection subunits is that the technique of performing certain techniques and actions of personnel is being improved in conditions of real "contamination" with training radioactive dust and recipes for imitating the enemy's 0V. This requires the use of a special methodology for practicing each task, the availability of a well-equipped training and material base, specially equipped simulators and platforms, and strict adherence to security measures by all personnel.

Chemical service and chemical troops during the perestroika period 1985-1992

The chemical troops of the Soviet Union consisted of subunits and units that performed tasks in radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance, decontamination, degassing and disinfection of weapons, uniforms, other materiel and terrain. They also included units designed to use flamethrower-incendiary weapons and camouflage smoke.
During 1985-1992, all units of the combat arms and branches of the Armed Forces were equipped with radiation and chemical reconnaissance equipment, which made it possible for them to detect the presence of contamination in the areas they occupied on their own. Therefore, the radiation and chemical reconnaissance units of the chemical troops were used primarily to detect radioactive and chemical contamination in areas unoccupied by the troops, on the routes of their advance, the deployment lines of the second echelons, on the supply and evacuation routes, crossings over large water obstacles, defile, in the deployment areas control posts, etc. To detect radioactive contamination over large areas in a short time and provide the commander with timely data for making decisions on troop actions in vast contamination zones, it was planned to widely use helicopters and airplanes with temporarily installed instruments.

In the context of the enemy's sudden and massive use of weapons of mass destruction, forecasting the possible consequences of their use acquired great importance. The fulfillment of this task is carried out by all commanders and staffs, and in full using the calculation and analytical stations. They were able to determine possible losses troops in areas of nuclear and chemical strikes; possible boundaries of zones (areas) of damage, destruction, fires, radioactive and chemical contamination; possible radiation doses when troops operate on contaminated areas; the most expedient directions for the actions of troops or areas of their location in conditions of creation by the enemy large areas infection. An important role in ensuring the actions of the troops was assigned at that time to the units of chemical protection and special treatment. The restoration of the combat effectiveness of missile, motorized rifle, tank and other units, the success of the march, offensive or defensive actions, as well as the efficiency of the rear depend on the speed of their work to eliminate the consequences of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination.

Subdivisions of chemical protection received new technical means and highly effective degassing and decontaminating substances, which ensure the special treatment of equipment and weapons for any type of contamination: radioactive, chemical or bacteriological (biological). The presence of high-performance machines and devices in chemical protection units allowed them to carry out special processing directly in the combat formations of troops or in the areas of their location, as well as in columns without stopping them on the march. They can also be used for degassing (disinfecting) road sections, as well as certain important areas of the terrain. The use of smoke agents in modern conditions was very effective. Subdivisions of the chemical troops, intended for these purposes, received new smoke machines and devices with high productivity. Using smoke weapons, chemical troops are able to provide cover for the advance and deployment of second echelons and reserves, forcing large water obstacles and crossing them for troops, camouflaging bridges and the most important objects along the supply and evacuation routes, automobile and railways, camouflage of airfields, positions missile forces etc.

An important role in ensuring the actions of the troops was assigned at that time to the units of chemical protection and special treatment. The restoration of the combat effectiveness of missile, motorized rifle, tank and other units, the success of the march, offensive or defensive actions, as well as the efficiency of the rear depend on the speed of their work to eliminate the consequences of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination.
1992 to the present - the troops of the RChBZ of Russia

In August 1992, the chemical troops received their modern name- RChBZ troops
“The key to understanding the purpose of the RChBZ troops can be the word“ protection. ”They solve tasks related to protecting the personnel of the Armed Forces and the population from the damaging factors of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, from various factors that are ecologically incompatible with the human body. - to minimize the effect of adverse factors on the environment, in short, to prevent and protect.
We believe that the most important direction in the reform of the RCB defense troops is giving them a dual purpose. This is the ability of troops to solve tasks both in the military and Peaceful time... Elimination of the consequences of disasters gives the troops invaluable experience for solving more complex tasks in the course of hostilities. "Colonel-General Stanislav Petrov.

Troops of radiation, chemical, biological protection (RCBZ), modern period

Beginning in August 1992, the chemical troops were renamed the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops (RCBD) of Russia.

All units of the combat arms and branches of the Armed Forces are currently equipped with radiation and chemical reconnaissance equipment, which makes it possible for them to detect the presence of contamination in the areas they occupy on their own. Therefore, the radiation and chemical reconnaissance units of the RChBZ troops are used primarily to detect radioactive and chemical contamination in areas unoccupied by the troops, on the routes of their advance, the deployment lines of the second echelons, on the supply and evacuation routes, crossings over large water obstacles, defile, in the deployment areas control posts, etc. To detect radioactive contamination over large areas in a short time and provide the commander with timely data for making decisions on troop actions in vast contamination zones, it is planned to widely use helicopters and airplanes with devices temporarily installed on them.
An important role in ensuring the actions of troops is currently assigned to subunits of NBC protection and special treatment. The restoration of the combat effectiveness of missile, motorized rifle, tank and other units, the success of the march, offensive or defensive actions, as well as the efficiency of the rear depend on the speed of their work to eliminate the consequences of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination.
Subdivisions of chemical protection were armed with new technical means and highly effective degassing and decontaminating substances, which ensure the special treatment of equipment and weapons in any type of contamination: radioactive, chemical or bacteriological (biological). The presence of high-performance machines and devices in chemical protection units allows them to carry out special processing directly in the combat formations of troops or in the areas of their location, as well as in columns without stopping them on the march. They can also be used for degassing (disinfecting) road sections, as well as certain important areas of the terrain.

In the conditions of the emergence of massive fires in the areas of military operations of the troops when the enemy uses nuclear weapons and incendiary substances, the units and subunits of the NBC protection, using the equipment they have, are able to provide the troops with significant assistance in extinguishing the fires that have arisen.

The use of smoke agents in modern conditions is very effective. Subdivisions of the RCB protection troops, intended for these purposes, received new smoke machines and devices with high performance. Using smoke weapons, the RChBZ troops are able to provide cover for the advance and deployment of second echelons and reserves, forcing large water barriers and crossing them for troops, camouflaging bridges and the most important objects on the supply and evacuation routes, roads and railways, camouflaging airfields, positions of missile forces etc.

In the future, the RCB protection troops should be able to detect the radiation, chemical and bacteriological (biological) situation over large areas in a matter of minutes, eliminate the consequences of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination in all levels of troops in the shortest possible time, and have higher capabilities to defeat the enemy by flamethrowing and masking the actions of troops and objects of the rear with smoke. It is planned to achieve these goals by extensively automating the processes of conducting radiation and chemical reconnaissance, collecting and processing data on the nuclear, radiation and chemical situation, developing high-performance means of special processing, flamethrowing, using smoke and equipping troops with them.

The constant combat readiness of the NBC protection troops is, first of all, a high special training of personnel and a clear, automatic coordination of crews, crews and subunits; diligence, orderliness and discipline of personnel, adherence to a firm statutory order in units and subdivisions; dedication and willingness to overcome any trials while completing the assigned task; guaranteed reliability of the armament of the NBC protection troops, ensuring the constant readiness of each special vehicle and device for their use. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the field training of troops, especially field work, work.

Technical equipment, the presence of a large number of special equipment, machines and devices, as well as the variety of chemical support tasks and the conditions of the combat situation in which these tasks will arise, determine a number of features of their field training, special requirements for the ability to act in concert in the interests of all branches of the military. Chemical troops are the first to enter the zones of radioactive and chemical contamination, perform tasks, as a rule, being in protective equipment for a long time. Hence, an important component of the field training of subunits and units of the RChBZ troops is the development of skills and abilities in performing special tasks in protective equipment in zones of radioactive and chemical contamination. Characteristic feature field training of the RCB protection troops are polygon work, where the most complete are created real conditions for actions of personnel in zones of radioactive and chemical contamination. Here, warriors-chemists consolidate their professional knowledge and skills, learn to perform special tasks in a difficult environment, become convinced of the safety of equipment and the reliability of protective equipment. During the period of their implementation, a comprehensive development of the tasks of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, control of radioactive and chemical contamination, degassing and decontamination of equipment, terrain, uniforms and equipment is carried out.

The main feature of this period in the training of personnel of NBC protection units is that the technique of performing certain techniques and actions of personnel is being improved in conditions of real "infection" with training radioactive dust and recipes for imitating the enemy's 0V. This requires the use of a special methodology for practicing each task, the availability of a well-equipped training and material base, specially equipped simulators and platforms, and strict adherence to security measures by all personnel.
The skills and abilities acquired during the performance of field work were further improved by subunits and units of the RChBZ troops during the implementation of chemical support measures at military and tactical-special exercises.

The presence of sophisticated equipment in the RChBZ troops and the need for the trouble-free operation of its special equipment require high-quality maintenance and strict adherence to operating rules. That is why the special and technical training of chemical warriors in the field should be the constant concern of commanders and staffs. Providing each lesson with the necessary material and technical means is of great importance for improving field training during the period of polygon work. Polygon work, as a rule, ends with competitions between units and units for special and tactical-special training.

The highest form of field training of subunits and units of the RChBZ troops are special tactical exercises and participation in combined-arms exercises, during
which the personnel comprehend all the complexity of military skill, acquires the necessary skill. During the exercise, the skills of commanders are improved in organizing actions and continuous control of subunits and units of NBC protection during missions, issues of interaction of NBC defense subunits (units) with subunits and units of combat arms and special forces are being worked out, and the moral, combat and psychological qualities of personnel are developed. ... They are carried out in accordance with the general methodology. Special tactical exercises are conducted in a complex radiation and chemical environment, which makes it possible to check the standards for special, special tactical training and other disciplines. Each exercise is carried out both in the daytime and at night, in cooperation with the troops in whose interests the units of the RCB protection troops operate.

On the present stage the development of military affairs, the concept of military discipline has become objective and multifaceted. Along with general discipline, a chemical warrior develops a special structure of professional skills necessary to perform the tasks of the chemical troops. This structure in the military is called chemical discipline. In modern conditions, chemical discipline is understood as the steady, timely and accurate implementation of the established measures by personnel to protect against damage by radioactive, toxic substances, bacterial (biological) agents and to eliminate the consequences of their use by the enemy. To the requirements chemical discipline includes - the timely use of personal protective equipment, special equipment and devices, a sense of responsibility for the rapid and high-quality conduct of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, special treatment, work on degassing the area, objects and various material resources, strict adherence to the procedure for handling infected objects and behavior on an infected terrain and some others.

At the same time, the success of the actions of chemical troops in a combat situation largely depends on the psychological stability and endurance of their personnel.

Psychological training of the personnel of the RChBZ troops is aimed at building confidence in the possibility of fulfilling their tasks in conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy; ensuring the reliable use of special equipment and devices; the formation and development of the positive principles of the psyche of military collectives of subunits, crews, crews; cohesion, stability, mobility, endurance, confidence. The main means to achieve this goal are: the creation and consolidation of positive collective traditions, the full use of the heroic traditions of the Great Patriotic War, especially the chemical units of that time, the conduct of all established military rituals at the proper level, in relation to the situation, timely rewarding and encouragement of distinguished soldiers - chemists.

Military unit 74873.

"He who did not live in Shikhany did not know the chemical service" - military wisdom

The history of the creation of military unit 74873 begins on February 20, 1961. On the basis of the Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, a separate chemical battalion was formed in the village of Shikhany-2. The basis for the formation of the battalion was the test chemical battalion and the service units of the Institute.

This day - February 20 - is the day of the formation of the unit and the annual holiday - the Day of the unit. On May 9, 1962, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 14, 1962, the unit was awarded the Banner of the unit. At the origins of the formation and manning of the unit was its first commander Mikhail Georgievich Kiselev. Throughout the entire existence of the unit as a battalion, its commanders were: M.G. Kiselev (February 21, 1961 - March 7, 1967), I.R. Tsekhmister (March 17, 1967 - June 9, 1971), V.P. Ilchuk (June 9, 1971 - November 17, 1975). After formation, the unit was directly reassigned to the leadership of the Institute and was intended to perform two of the most important tasks: providing research and field test works, protection of objects of military unit 61469. Along with the fulfillment of these tasks, the personnel of the unit were engaged in combat and political training, improved the educational and material base.
The personnel of the unit also successfully coped with such a task as providing training grounds for students of military academies in 1965. Overall score, which was received by the part for completing this task - "excellent". 152 people in the unit were encouraged by senior leaders.
An important milestone in the history of the unit there was a date - November 17, 1975. By the directive of the General Staff of the Ground Forces in the village of Shikhany-2, a regiment was formed on the basis of military unit 74873. The temporary acting commander of the unit was appointed F.S. Sadykov. After the reorganization of the unit, its commanders were: F.S. Sadykov (November 17, 1975 - March 12, 1976), V.K. Shevtsov (March 12, 1976 - August 24, 1979), F.S. Sadykov (August 24, 1979 - May 24, 1985), V.S. Sazhin (May 24, 1985 - August 5, 1988), B.N. Baikov (August 5, 1988 - August 23, 1993), S.N. Zimin (August 23, 1993 - March 4, 1997), N.A. Dyakov (from March 4, 1997 to the present).
The formation of the unit during this period took place in difficult conditions. It was necessary not only to staff the unit with personnel, but also to equip the unit. These are barracks for personnel, a fleet of military vehicles, and storage facilities. In addition, there remained the main tasks that the part performed according to its intended purpose: providing research and experimental work and the protection of the Institute's facilities. During this period, the level of combat and political training did not decrease.

The complexity of the tasks facing the regiment, their tension is indicated by the following figures: every day 55 personnel stood in the unit only on guard and defense of the garrison's facilities; every day from 90 to 120 pieces of equipment were allocated for the performance of special and household work. Speaking about the history of the unit, its traditions, successes, it is impossible to ignore such moments as the performance of special tasks. In addition to performing their direct duties, the personnel had to take part in various additional activities. So, in September 1981 large group the servicemen of the unit were involved in the Zapad-81 military exercises. During the exercise, the military personnel of the unit showed examples of conscientious fulfillment of their military duty, diligence and initiative, and mastery of equipment. The command staff showed the ability to make informed decisions and set combat missions in the conditions of modern combined arms combat.
1987 became a serious test for the personnel of the unit. This year, on the basis of the Institute, a demonstration was held for 40 foreign military delegations. Regardless of the time and difficulties, the personnel of the unit put a lot of effort and labor into the preparation and provision of this show.
1989 became memorable in the history of the unit. A group of servicemen of the unit took a direct part in testing new types of weapons in combat conditions - carried out a special task on the territory Democratic Republic Afghanistan. The personnel of the group successfully coped with this task. This is confirmed by the high awards of the Motherland.
The tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 did not bypass our unit. During this period, a detachment of liquidation of the consequences of the accident was located on the territory of the unit. The personnel of the unit was provided needed help detachment in preparation for the performance of its tasks. Although the personnel of the unit did not directly take part in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, training in this profile is being carried out.

In 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the task of redeploying military facilities was set. By order of the Chief of the Chemical Troops, a group of servicemen of the unit departed in Daugavpils to the storage base to ensure the protection and defense of facilities and the removal of property. The personnel of the unit coped with this task successfully. The events in the Chechen Republic in 1995 became another test in the life and activities of the unit's personnel.According to the order of the Chief of the RKhBZ Troops, a special platoon was formed on the basis of the unit, which underwent additional training and then left for Mozdok to perform further tasks. The personnel of the unit did not directly participate in hostilities. But we can say with confidence that if it were necessary, then in this situation, the military personnel of the unit would have fulfilled the assigned tasks with honor. Such a conclusion can be made by the fact that during the recruitment of the command to leave for Chechnya, not a single refusal was received from the military; in the course of additional training, all military personnel of the unit showed maximum efforts and diligence.
In total, 448 servicemen have been awarded orders and medals over the history of the unit's existence.
It so happened that the service duty, the honor of a soldier among the military personnel of the unit is always in the first place. Many officers of the unit occupied and still hold high positions: the former platoon commander I.A. Tkachenko rose to general rank and the post of Chief Inspector for Chemical Troops; the former commander of the unit V.K. Shevtsov was the head of the Saratov VVIUHZ; former unit commander Sadykov F.S. currently serves as the head of the chemical service of the association; former unit commander Sazhin V.S. - Deputy Head of the Kostroma VVKHUZ.
The reform being carried out in the country and in the armed forces has also affected our part. In 1997, on the basis of the Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, organizational and staff activities were carried out in part. As a result of the reform, one battalion and a number of positions of officers and warrant officers were reduced in the unit. However, the tasks previously facing the unit remained the same. This also includes other difficulties and problems: lack of adequate funding, problems with ensuring clothing allowance, food, fuels and lubricants and spare parts. All this does not contribute to the maintenance of a healthy moral and psychological climate in part, creates psychological discomfort, imposes additional difficulties in the implementation of the assigned tasks. But even in these difficult conditions, the personnel of the unit do not give up and continue to fulfill their official duties with dignity.

I would like to express my confidence that the team of the unit will continue to multiply the glorious traditions, and all the tasks facing the unit will be solved with high quality.

Chiefs of chemical troops and NBC protection troops

Chiefs of the Chemical Defense Directorate (1937-1942), Chiefs of the Main Military Chemical Directorate (1942-1946), Chiefs of the Chemical Troops (1946-1992), Chiefs of the RCB Defense Troops (since 1992)

- - M.O.Stepanov - corps commander,

- - P. G. Melnikov - Major General,

- - V.V. Aborenkov - Major General (until 1943), Lieutenant General,

- - I.F. Chukhnov - Lieutenant General (before ...), Colonel General,

N.S. Danilov - Lieutenant General,

F.I. Manets - Lieutenant General,

- - V.K.Pikalov - Colonel General,

- - S. S. Petrov - Colonel General,

- - V.I.Kholstov - Colonel General,

- - V.I. Filippov - Colonel General,

from 2008 - E.G. Starkov - colonel.

Celebrated annually on November 13, based on the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The history of this type of troops began during the First World War (1914-1918), when the belligerent states began to use chemical weapons for military purposes. Therefore, these troops were originally called chemical. They consisted of units and units that used toxic substances using gas cylinders and poisonous smoke grenades, as well as gas mask units to protect the troops.

The official date of the formation of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops (RHBZ) is November 13, 1918, when the first bodies and subdivisions of chemical protection in the Red Army were formed by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 220.

By the beginning of 1925, there were chemical units in all rifle and cavalry regiments, and in 1927 - in divisions and brigades.

In 1939-1940, separate anti-chemical defense battalions (PCD) and separate degassing battalions of central and district subordination were created; in the armies, corps and rifle divisions, degassing companies were formed, and in the regiments - the platoons of APOs and flamethrower teams. In tank divisions and brigades, separate flamethrower-chemical battalions and companies were created, intended for flamethrowing and setting up camouflage smoke screens. At the fleets and naval bases, divisions of PHO and smoke camouflage were created.

The chemical troops were especially developed during the Great Patriotic War. They continuously conducted reconnaissance in order to reveal the preparation of the enemy for a chemical attack and timely warning of their troops, participated in ensuring the constant readiness of military units, formations and formations to perform combat missions in conditions of the possible use of chemical weapons by the enemy, destroyed the enemy's manpower and equipment with flamethrower-incendiary means, carried out the camouflage of their troops and rear facilities with smoke.

For military services shown during the Great Patriotic War, thousands of chemical troops were awarded orders and medals, and 28 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the post-war period, significant qualitative changes have taken place in the development of the chemical troops. The adoption of nuclear weapons by the armies of a number of foreign states, the possibility of using new highly toxic chemical and biological agents, demanded an expansion of the range of tasks solved by the chemical forces, an increase in their composition, and an improvement in the organizational structure and technical equipment.

In 1992, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the chemical troops were renamed into the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection.

The RChBZ troops are special troops designed to carry out a set of the most complex measures aimed at reducing losses of large formations and formations of the Ground Forces and ensuring the fulfillment of their combat missions when operating in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, as well as increasing their survivability and protection against high-precision and other types of weapons.

Their tasks include identifying and assessing the radiation, chemical and biological conditions, the scale and consequences of destruction of radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous objects; ensuring the protection of formations and units from the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction and radiation, chemical, biological contamination; reducing the visibility of troops and objects; elimination of the consequences of accidents (destruction) on radiation, chemistry and biology hazardous facilities; inflicting losses on the enemy using flame-throwing incendiary means.

The core of the RChBZ troops is made up of multifunctional separate RChBZ brigades, which include subunits capable of performing the whole range of RCB protection measures, which includes the detection of nuclear explosions; radiation, chemical, biological prospecting and control; collection, processing of data and information about radiation, chemical, biological conditions; notification of troops about RCB contamination; carrying out special treatment (decontamination, degassing and disinfection) of weapons, military and special equipment, structures and other objects, as well as sanitary treatment of personnel; aerosol counteraction to enemy reconnaissance and targeting means.

The troops are equipped with automated systems for detecting nuclear explosions, highly passable and reliably protected RCB reconnaissance vehicles, high-performance special processing machines, aerosol countermeasures, infantry jet and heavy flamethrower systems and other special equipment.

The RChBZ troops are developing as dual-use troops, capable of solving tasks both in war and in peacetime during the elimination of the consequences of accidents and disasters at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous industrial enterprises.

One example of solving such problems in peacetime is the performance of a large amount of work in conditions high levels radiation during the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986). For the personal courage shown at the same time, several hundred soldiers and officers were awarded orders and medals. In 2013, units of the RChBZ troops were directly involved in eliminating the consequences of the flood in the eastern region of the Russian Federation.

Further build-up of the capabilities of the RChBZ troops is carried out by creating modern system identifying and assessing the scale and consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction, integrated with automated command and control systems for troops and weapons and stably functioning under conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction and strong electronic countermeasures. Along with this, it is planned to equip the formations, units and subdivisions of the RChBZ with new, highly effective means of RChB reconnaissance, individual and collective protection, technical means of reducing the visibility and camouflage, flamethrower-incendiary weapons, as well as the introduction of more advanced substances, formulations, methods and technical means of special processing ...


The twenty-first century is the time of machines and new technologies. All spheres of human activity, including the military, are actively developing. New types of weapons are being developed in laboratories in many countries. That's why RChBZ funds, standards and actions in case of infection are the things that everyone must know.

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

The very concept already suggests that the amount of losses will be massive. The objects of weapons of mass destruction are people, animals, habitat, food. The principle of use is suddenness and inclusiveness.

Weapons of mass destruction include nuclear, chemical and biological. Hence the decoding of RCBZ: radiation, chemical and biological protection.

Weapons of mass destruction have been used since the First and Second World Wars. These were substances that had a toxic effect on the body.

Officially, at the present time, nuclear weapons of mass destruction are owned by only five countries - the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China. Do not deny, but do not confirm that they have nuclear weapons Israel, Pakistan, India and

On July 1, 1968, an international agreement on the non-use of nuclear weapons was signed, which entered into force on March 5, 1970. 189 world powers have joined the treaty.

Decoding of RChBZ

RHBZ - radiation, chemical and biological protection against weapons of mass destruction. Let's consider each of its types:

1. Has disastrous consequences. The main damaging factors are radiation and radiation. A nuclear explosion can occur both in the sky and underground or under water. As a result, all living things are affected by radiation and die instantly or gradually (depending on the radiation dose).

The affected area directly depends on the strength of the nuclear explosion, the nature of the place, soil and weather conditions (wind, precipitation).

You can hide from a nuclear explosion behind solid buildings. Personal protective equipment that needs to be used - a gas mask, a respirator, Also use means that protect the skin (raincoats, overalls, gloves).

2. Chemical weapons are the use of toxic, or poisonous, substances (OM) for combat purposes. During the application of this tool, a dull explosion is heard, after which smoke appears in the air.

Sprayed infect people, terrain, water bodies. OVs have a nerve-paralytic, blistering, suffocating and irritating effect. The protective equipment that is used in such situations is a gas mask and overalls.

3. Biological weapons - based on disease-causing organisms. The distribution principle is the same as for the previous type. The substance that is sprayed is the causative agent of terrible ailments (ulcer, cholera, plague). The difficulty of dealing with this type of weapon is that all viruses have a different incubation period.

In addition to the basic means of protection - a respirator and - vaccinations and antibiotics are also used.

RChBZ troops

The main task of this structure is to protect the population and objects from radiation, chemical and biological attacks. RHBZ troops carry out reconnaissance of the terrain, indicate the limits of infection, give a signal to personnel and notify their commander of the impending danger. How does this happen?

The radiation and chemical situation is monitored from a special post. If a focus of infection is found, the senior is obliged to give a special signal and notify the commander. For this purpose, a system of uniform signs was developed.

So, in case of radiation contamination, a siren sounds (short beeps). You can use the car signal. Speech signal - “Attention! Radiation hazard! "

If there is a chemical contamination, the same siren sounds, but the phrase changes: “Attention! Chemical hazard! "

All personnel must know the warning signals. In addition, each employee must temporarily pass RHBZ-standards (8 pcs.). They are exercises for the use of funds personal protection(respirator, gas mask, protective clothing). Actions on a signal are also worked out.

The decoding of the RChBZ, its meaning, as well as all the standards are the basis of the foundations for every soldier. And where are future specialists in this field trained?

Military Academy of RKhBZ

Skilled fighters, officers and sergeants on the technology of organic substances, as well as the production of chemical and biological defense weapons are trained at a special military academy in the city of Kostroma. The Academy is named in honor of the Marshal of the Soviet Union - S. K. Timoshenko.

The training organization was created back in 1932 and was then called the Military Chemical Academy of the Red Army. In the post-war years, the Armed Forces of the country were focused here.

Many outstanding scientists come from this academy. For the entire period of work of the institution, about ten thousand officers and more than five thousand specialists in the field of the chemical industry were trained.

In 2008, the academy included three universities, and since then its full name sounds like this: Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops and engineering troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko.

Civil defense as a school subject

One of the duties of any state is to introduce school curriculum a subject such as civil defense. This is a complex of knowledge, having mastered which, the inhabitants of the country will be able to defend themselves against the dangers arising from hostilities, including weapons of mass destruction.

Any person, even a child, should know how to overcome the consequences of hostilities, as well as have an idea of ​​personal protective equipment and be able to use them.

Therefore the subject civil defense must be taught in every school. The task of the teacher is to teach the children and the staff of the general educational institution how to protect themselves, how to behave during evacuation, and how to provide first aid.

People who know from childhood how to act in an unpredictable and dangerous situation are more likely to survive in the event of hostilities.


In connection with the development of new technologies, the military industry is also actively developing. Although an agreement was signed on the non-use of nuclear weapons, no one can say with certainty that they will not be used. Thus, each person must know how to behave in the event of radiation, chemical and biological attacks, as well as be able to use personal protective equipment. That is why the decoding of RHBZ should be explained even in school textbooks.

RChBZ troops flag

Informal sleeve sign troops of the RChBZ of the Armed Forces of Russia

Troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RChBZ Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, until 1993, chemical troops) are special troops in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to protect the armed forces from weapons of mass destruction using special equipment.

They are dual-use troops, as they can solve tasks both in peacetime and in wartime. In the Armed Forces of other countries, similar forces are called ABC troops, chemical troops, weapons of defense against weapons of mass destruction, etc.


Main purpose troops of the RChBZ of the Armed Forces of Russia is the organization of the protection of troops and forces, the population and rear facilities from radiation, chemical and biological hazards, both in peacetime and in wartime, and the provision of property for the RChBZ. At present, environmental problems have acquired particular urgency. Environmental disasters in modern world became a reality, and their consequences are comparable to the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Tasks performed

  • detection and detection of nuclear explosions;
  • conducting RCB reconnaissance, carrying out dosimetric and chemical control;
  • assessment of the RCB situation after the enemy used weapons of mass destruction, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemically, biologically hazardous objects;
  • implementation of special treatment of personnel, weapons, equipment, decontamination of areas of terrain and military facilities, as well as decontamination and provision of medical care victims;
  • control over changes in the degree of contamination of the area with radioactive products;
  • inflicting losses on the enemy using incendiary weapons;
  • aerosol counteraction to high-precision weapons and enemy reconnaissance means;
  • aerosol (smoke) camouflage of troops and objects;
  • supplying formations and units with weapons and means of NBC protection;
  • repair of weapons and NBC protection equipment;
  • assessment of the consequences and forecasting of a possible RCB situation;
  • elimination of the consequences of accidents (destruction) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities;
  • training of personnel of other branches of the military and the civilian population to behave in emergency situations associated with RCB pollution, training in the use of personal protective equipment.

The RChBZ troops of the Russian Armed Forces consist of formations, units and subunits of RCB protection, include units and subdivisions of notches, radiation and chemical reconnaissance, radiation, chemical and biological protection, aerosol counteraction, flamethrower, degassing of uniforms and equipment, repair of weapons and radiation equipment. , chemical and biological protection, calculation and analytical stations.


Chemical troops first appeared during the 1st World War, when poisonous substances and flamethrowers were used. They carried out gas attacks, gas-cannon attacks and flamethrowers. By the end of the year, the Russian Imperial Army (RIA) already consisted of 15 chemical subdivisions (there is information about the existence in the years, namely:

  • 3rd separate chemical company;
  • 4th separate chemical company;
  • 5th separate chemical company;
  • 6th separate chemical company;
  • 8th separate chemical company;
  • 9th separate chemical company;
  • 10th separate chemical company;
  • 12th separate chemical company;
  • 13th separate chemical company;
  • 31st separate chemical company;

In 1927, divisional chemical divisions were formed in all rifle divisions and brigades.

The General Staff by directive No. 4/4/36409 of December 4, 1936 ordered the Military Council of the Volga Military District to form the 2nd motorized chemical division. For the formation of regiments of the division from rifle corps and separate chemical battalions of the districts, chemical units were allocated. The division was stationed in the city of Volsk. Summer camps the divisions were in Totskoye. The division existed from January 1, 1937 until the spring of 1938, when it was reorganized into Gorokhovets).

In the period between the 1st and 2nd world wars, the armament of the chemical troops developed rapidly: the subunits and military units received portable flamethrowers of various designs, mortars, rocket launchers, chemical (flamethrower) tanks, poisonous smoke bombs and special chemical machines arrived.

During the Great Patriotic War, the chemical troops included: technical brigades (for setting up smoke and camouflaging large objects), brigades, battalions and companies of anti-chemical protection, flamethrower battalions and companies, bases, warehouses, etc. During the war, Soviet chemical troops supported high readiness of the anti-chemical protection of army units and formations in case of the use of chemical weapons by the enemy, they destroyed the enemy with the help of flamethrowers and carried out smoke camouflage of the troops.

Commanders and Red Army men of flamethrower tank battalions, skillfully using the combat capabilities of their combat vehicles, boldly attacked the enemy on a par with tankers in combat vehicles armed with cannons.

On July 9, 1941, a detachment of the 10th Panzer Division of the 15th Mechanized Corps and units of the 44th Panzer Division of the 16th Mechanized Corps attacked the enemy with the task of capturing the southeastern outskirts of Berdichev. The first to break into the southwestern outskirts of the city were the tanks of the flamethrower battalion under the command of Captain Krepchuk from the 44th Panzer Division, and the combined company of heavy and medium tanks of Senior Lieutenant Kozhemyachko from the 10th Panzer Division to the southern outskirts. They were followed by other tank and infantry units from the 16th Mechanized Corps and the combined units of the 6th Army. The fighting on the outskirts of the city lasted all day. The anti-tank defense of the Germans held out. Due to heavy losses, by order of the command, the units of the 10th and 44th Panzer Divisions withdrew.

With the advent of nuclear and biological weapons, the scope of tasks chemical troops increased sharply and began to include also protection against radioactive and bacterial agents.

In April-October 1986, 10 regiments and battalions of the RHBZ of the USSR Armed Forces took part in the decontamination and construction of the "Sarcophagus" over the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 1992

  • Far Eastern refresher courses for the command staff of the chemical service.
  • At present, officers for subunits and units of the RKhBZ are being trained by the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops and Engineering Troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko - State Multilevel Higher Military educational institution located in Kostroma. V different time officers were trained by the following higher military educational institutions:

    • Military Order of the Red Banner October revolution Academy of Chemical Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko in Moscow (later - Military University of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection and named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko in Moscow)
    • Kostroma branch of the military university of NBC protection, since 2006 Kostroma higher military command and engineering school of NBC protection (military institute)
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    The personality and work of Leonardo da Vinci has always been of great interest. Leonardo was too extraordinary for his ...

    Are you interested not only in classical clowning, but also in a modern circus? You love different genres and stories - from French cabaret to ...

    What is Gia Eradze's Royal Circus? This is not just a performance with separate numbers, but a whole theatrical show, from ...
    The check by the prosecutor's office in the winter of 2007 ended with a dry conclusion: suicide. Rumors about the reasons for the musician's death have been circulating for 10 years ...
    On the territory of Ukraine and Russia, probably, there is no person who has not heard the songs of Taisiya Povaliy. Despite the high popularity ...
    Victoria Karaseva delighted her fans for a very long time with a rather emotional relationship with Ruslan Proskurov, with whom for a long ...
    Biography Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka was born on June 1 (May 20, old style), 1804, in the village of Novospasskoye, Smolensk province, into a family ...
    Our today's heroine is an intelligent and talented girl, a caring mother, a loving wife and a famous TV presenter. And all this is Maria Sittel ...