The Great Patriotic War in the works of M.A. Sholokhov The theme of the civil war in the works of Sholokhov

If the enemy attacks our country, we, writers, at the call of the party and government, will put aside our pen and take up another weapon, so that with the volley of the rifle corps, about which comrade Voroshilov spoke, fly and smite the enemy and our lead, heavy and hot, like our hatred of fascism! Having defeated the enemies, we will still write books about how we beat these enemies. These books will serve our people and will remain for the edification of those of the invaders who accidentally turn out to be unfinished ... ”. Preparing for military tests, Sholokhov was full of plans and designs. He is working on the completion of the second book of Virgin Soil Upturned, the audience is washing new romance about the work of the collective farm intelligentsia big changes in the village. The writer gives a lot of energy social activities.
In July 1941, the regimental commissar of the reserve Sholokhov was drafted into the army and, together with others Soviet writers went to the front. He participated in the battles near Smolensk in Western front, near Rostov - on the Southern Front, shared the harsh days with the soldiers Battle of Stalingrad, walked along the front roads to the very borders of Germany.
In the summer of 1943, Sholokhov addressed a letter to the American people, in which, on behalf of the citizens of the allied country, he offered friendship, called for the fight against the Nazis, pointed out possible consequences the slowness and hesitation of the allies. “The fate of each of us, - wrote Sholokhov, - the war has entered with all the weight that comes with an attempt by one nation to completely destroy, to swallow another ... The events of the front, the events of total war in the life of each of us have already left their indelible mark ...
On the first anniversary of the war, Sholokhov published in Pravda the story The Science of Hatred, imbued with journalistic passion and unshakable confidence in the triumph of a just cause. Pravda wrote a few days later: “How an inextinguishable hatred for the enemy is born in the heart of a Red Army soldier, Mikhail Sholokhov recently told in his wonderful novel The Science of Hatred”. The author based this story on actual events that one of the participants in the war told him about at the front. The soldier really didn’t want his family to know about his military hardships, about the ordeals he had experienced in Nazi captivity, and asked not to give his last name. Yes, and Sholokhov did not need to be isolated within the framework of private destiny. Drawing a close-up of the character of Lieutenant Gerasimov, who went through the "science of hate" in severe battles with the enemy,
The writer artistically visibly revealed national character a Russian man, torn away from peaceful labor by the war, showed the formation and hardening of the Soviet soldier.
“Science of hatred” and “Science of winning” are organically linked, one is inconceivable without the other.
The will to live and resist, the desire to live in order to fight, the high military spirit of Gerasimov, who went through the school of hatred for the enemy, the ineradicable thirst for victory are revealed by Sholokhov as typical national traits Russian people, with all their might unfolded in the years great battle.
The ending of the story is associated with a metaphorical introduction to it. A detailed artistic comparison, on which the whole story is built, the writer fills with a large inner meaning, illuminating the entire story and giving it artistic integrity. With gray temples Gerasimov, who suddenly smiled “with a simple and sweet, childish smile,” Sholokhov compares with a mighty oak. The lieutenant is broken by what he has experienced, but his “gray hair, obtained by great hardships,” is pure, his life force is not broken. It is powerful and strong as an oak tree. Such is the whole people who feed on the life-giving juices of their native land. He will not be broken by any, even the most difficult, trials and difficulties. People, full of life and the will to fight, imbued with sacred hatred for his sworn enemy and ardent filial love to the mother-homeland, invincible. That's what claimed great humanist and patriot Sholokhov in the most severe days of the Great Patriotic War

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Wartime journalism in the work of Sholokhov
    Department of Literature and Teaching Methods
Scientific and educational Sholokhov center


    "Military journalism
    Sholokhova M. A. "
    Military journalism in the works of Sholokhov M.A.
    Articles and essays by Sholokhov during the Second World War.
    Essays. General analysis of essays

To begin with, I would like to explain why I chose this particular topic for my research work. The reason is that at school there is not much time to study works about the Second World War, and this war is one of the most cruel and difficult for the Russian people. A lot of works were written by our writers of that time, and so few we analyzed them at school. I read with pride about the exploits of our predecessors, and with tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart about their deaths.
It was also interesting to read Sholokhov because he wrote not just what he could hear, but what he himself passed and saw with his own eyes. Mikhail Alexandrovich himself took part in hostilities and therefore all his essays are so believable that it takes your breath away. After getting acquainted with the work of M. A. Sholokhov on the military theme, I became even more a patriot of my Motherland.

1. In general, wartime journalism, diverse in form, individual in creative embodiment, was the focus of greatness, boundless courage and devotion of people to their homeland. She knew no equal in the entire history of the world.
From the first days of the war, genres designed to describe the life of people at the front and in the rear, the world of their spiritual experiences and feelings, their attitude to various facts wars, took a firm place on the pages of periodicals.
Sholokhov received Active participation in the fight against fascism, against the threat of a new war. He acutely felt her approach and could not hide his ardent hatred of fascism. Speaking at the 18th Party Congress in March 1939, Sholokhov said excitedly:
“If the enemy attacks our country, we, Soviet writers, at the call of the party and government, will put aside our pen and take up another weapon, so that our lead, heavy and hot, like our hatred of fascism, will fly and strike the enemy in a volley of the rifle corps! .. Having defeated the enemies, we will still write books about how we beat these enemies. These books will serve our people and will remain for the edification of those of the invaders who accidentally turn out to be unfinished ... "
Preparing for military tests. Sholokhov was full of peaceful plans and designs. He is working on completing the second book, Virgin Soil Upturned, and is thinking of a new novel about the work of the collective farm intelligentsia and the big changes in the countryside. The writer gives a lot of energy to social activities. From distant steppe farms, from the Don villages
the walkers are drawn to their deputy in order to solve the pressing issues of their lives with him. Together with the communists of the Vyoshensky district and the entire Rostov region, Sholokhov affirms the socialist nov in his native Don.
The enormous creative and creative work of the writer and public figure was disrupted by the Great Patriotic War. The writer met the beginning of difficult trials for the Motherland in his native village, full, like the whole people, of determination to defend the independence of his Motherland.
On July 23, 1941, in Vyoshenskaya, on the old stanichnaya square, a crowded rally gathered. Sholokhov, speaking in front of the one-sided people, expressed confidence in the victory of our people over the Nazi invaders. "Fascist rulers," he said, "who have thoroughly forgotten history, should remember that in the past the Russian people more than once defeated German hordes, mercilessly suppressing their movements to the east, and that the keys to Berlin were already in the hands of Russian military leaders."
On the same day, Sholokhov sent a telegram to Moscow in which he asked to enroll in the USSR Defense Fund the Stalin Prize first degree for the novel "Quiet Don" and expressed his readiness at any moment "to join the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and to defend the socialist Motherland to the last drop of blood."

2. The very definition of journalism (from the Latin. Publicus - public) is a kind of production dedicated to urgent problems and the phenomena of the current life of society.
The journalism of the Second World War period was unmatched in the entire world history. Writers, publicists, poets, journalists, playwrights stood up with the entire Soviet people to defend their Fatherland.
Sholokhov's work occupies a special place in military prose. And that's why. At the front, the writer found himself in the very first days of the Great Patriotic War and, starting from 1941, his front-line essays were published one after another: "In the Cossack villages", "On the way to the front", "People of the Red Army", "Prisoners of war", On South ”and others. The prophetic lines from the famous story "The Science of Hatred" found the greatest response in the hearts of those who fought.
"The Science of Hatred" is a story about fascist cannibals, about well-thought-out routines in death camps, about the extreme brutality of thugs and hangers who systematically, methodically accurately carried out the program of extermination and enslavement of peoples. The more justified the hatred of the Soviet people, that powerful force of resistance, sounds in the story,

which was stronger than armored vehicles.
Immediately after the victory, summarizing the journalism of the war years, Sholokhov created the "Word about the Motherland." It is both a hymn to the liberated land and a requiem for the lost. The position taken by the writer, evaluating and comprehending the experience of formidable battles, is typical of the literature of the war and post-war years. This is a position of ardent intransigence towards the enemies of the Fatherland, grief over the victims of millions, persistent optimism and confidence in future victories.
For example, what a symbolic picture the author paints in his "Word about the Motherland": a half-buried trench, the skeleton of a murdered Hitlerite, a splinter-cut face and a mouth full of fertile black soil, from which a curly twig, decorated with flowers, is already reaching the wall of the trench. “Yes, we have a lot of fertile land. And it is more than enough to fill the mouths of everyone who decides to move from talking about total fights to action. "

The leading genre of artistic journalism during the Second World War was an essay - a genre that combines logical-rational and emotional-figurative ways of reflecting reality, setting out and analyzing real facts and phenomena public life accompanied by a direct interpretation by the author. The most common during the war years were essays on events, essays-portraits dedicated to the heroes of the war, and the genre of the essay diary. Wartime essays were distinguished by deep lyricism, selfless love for native land, and this could not but affect the reader. During the war years, the essay went through several stages - from the first days of the war, the days of retreat, when the word of the publicist united people to repel the enemy and called forward, to the victorious march of the Red Army through the countries liberated from the fascist yoke. The sketches of the wartime presented us with a gallery of brightly individual heroes, aroused a feeling of hatred for the enemy and love for the Motherland.
In the journalism of the Great Patriotic War, the artistic originality of writers and journalists was convincingly manifested. The peculiarity of journalism is also in the fact that the pen of the master of the word betrayed the qualities of fiction to it. “In the days of the war, the newspaper is the air,” Ilya Ehrenburg wrote at the height of the Great Patriotic War. - People open the newspaper before opening the letter from close friend... The newspaper is now a letter addressed to you personally. Your fate depends on what is in the newspaper. " These words succinctly characterize the power of the charge of optimism, confidence in victory that journalists and writers carried from the pages of newspapers and magazines, what role their speeches played in
education of patriotism.

On July 4, 1941, the first military essay by M.A. Sholokhov "On the Don". This is a story about how the Soviet people met the news of the war, how it boiled
noble fury, with what granite wall he stood up to defend the Fatherland. The writer paints portraits of his fellow countrymen, makes them express their thoughts about the events that shook the world, say an excited word about the Motherland. War destroyed
a peaceful life, brought grief to people.
“- Here and again they climb on us. You, Fedya, look there, don't let them get away! " (volume 8), says a young, dark-skinned woman, escorting her husband to the front. And on the square one after another the villagers appear, and there was no one who would have faltered, who would have lost the word of cowardice and confusion from his lips.
Excited appeals, fatherly orders to sons, parting speeches - "to beat the enemy mercilessly, until complete destruction, both in the air and on the ground ...". That was the time when in an endless stream of enlistment offices applications were received with a request to send them to the front ... People broke away from the most urgent matters and took up the rifle.
The essay is extremely succinct, laconic, but it broadly reflects the breath of an alarming time, since what was said about the village was then in all corners of our country.
Sholokhov is restrained in the manifestation of his own feelings, his essays do not contain pathetic words and exclamations. The power of their influence lies elsewhere ... To hate the enemy, one must look into his eyes, see the black darkness of his soul. The strength to defeat him is given not only by hatred, but also by contempt. The divers are like the Nazis captured. The writer tells about them in his essay "Prisoners of War". Corporal Berkmann "considers himself a cultured, decent person and, of course, a resolute opponent of unnecessary cruelty" (volume 8). His "culture" is just a mask, barely covering the grin of the beast.
Disgust and disgust are evoked by the images of Hitler's thugs, painted in the sketches "Prisoners of War", "In the South" ... Once captured, hungry and ragged, they "like animals pounce on food and, burning, chomping, almost without chewing, swallow hastily, greedily ... "(8th volume). The writer does not resort to artistic tricks, showing the essence of those who imagine themselves to be the highest race. They are arrogant and self-confident when they torture unarmed civilians. “In their captivity external image changes dramatically ”(volume 8). The artist is not limited to whipping up details that enhance the repulsive impression.


“This is how they look here. But let us give the floor to those who saw them in a different setting ”(8
volume). The old collective farmer Kolesnichenko, who recently escaped from German captivity, tells about the monstrous atrocities perpetrated by the fascist beast on Soviet soil. His speech is unhurried, but how much bitterness, hidden excitement and burning hatred,
catching your breath.
In Sholokhov's essays, the main, cherished idea - the idea of ​​the inevitability of the death of the enemy - finds a kind of artistic embodiment. Even the composition of his essays is dictated by her: the beginning and the laconic ending, written in the form of the author's meditation or sketches of what he saw during his front-line wanderings, act as a kind of frame that gives completeness and completeness to the entire essay.
At the end of the essay, the image of a captured German, a peasant with large calloused hands, shocked by the terrible thought that "the entire German people will have to pay" for the atrocities inflicted on the peoples. Even more consistently and clearly the same artistic principle implemented in the essay "In the South". “The owners of Donbass are who we are, and we are going to put in order the blown up and flooded mines. Clear?" (8th volume) - so answered a stocky broad-shouldered man who walked along the steppe road to the west in a column of people.
M.A. Sholokhov writes "The Word about the Motherland." This is a word of love and pride, anxious excitement and sorrowful recollection of the past: “Winter. Night. Stay a little in silence and loneliness, my dear compatriot and friend, remember the recent past and you will see in your mind's eye ... ”(8th volume) - the writer addressed the people so heartfelt and simply, as if, together with him, surrendering to thoughts inspired by the memory of the past. The writer entrusts him, a compatriot and friend, with his gift to cast his mind's eye over the expanses of the Motherland and think about everything that now worries, worries, pleases and saddens millions of people in his native land. The lyrical image of the Motherland, which appears at the beginning of the essay, conquers. Quite recently, a military hurricane swept over the Russian land and left traces of destruction that have not yet been erased. However, not only this excites heavy thoughts: “Remembering the past, you will involuntarily think, you cannot help but think about how many orphaned people, how bitter a widow's tear is, the sigh of a child who did not wait for his father is painful, how tragic in its inconsolable grief is old age ".
When in Sholokhov's essay the image of the Motherland appears in the mind's eye and portraits of those orphaned by the war appear, then you realize the humanistic legitimacy of the Soviet writer 's call for sacred hatred for the enemy: “My

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Project for the competition: "Singer of the Don Land" Topic: A man at war in the works of M. Sholokhov. Municipal educational institution Lyceum "Polytek" Author: Shepetina Ksenia Yurievna student of grade 10 A. Address: Prospect Mira, 31, apt. 135. Phone: 89185377196 Head: Mironova Elena Ivanovna, Teacher of Russian language and literature. Volgodonsk-2015

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History must be handled carefully, truthfully researched and written. M. Sholokhov.

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Contents: 1. Introduction 2. 2.1. M. Sholokhov - successor humanistic traditions Russian classical literature 19th century. 2.2. A man in the war in the works of M. Sholokhov - "Don stories" - "Quiet Don" - "Science of hatred" - "They fought for the Motherland" - "The fate of a man" 2.3. Features of the humanistic solution to the problem human life in the war in the works of M. Sholokhov 3. Conclusion. 4. Resources used.

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Introduction: Relevance of my research work lies in the fact that the works of M.A. Sholokhov were written in Soviet era... Per recent decades the attitude to the era itself and to the works written at that time has changed. But it was M.A. Sholokhov, in my opinion, in his works managed to reflect the serious problems of his time in such a way that they have not lost their relevance in our days. Purpose of work: to study the works of M.A. Sholokhov, in which the attitude of the writer to the war is expressed. Object of research: the work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Subject of research: "Don Stories", "Quiet Don", "They Fought for the Motherland", "Science of Hatred", "The Fate of a Man" by M.A. Sholokhov. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of the works of M.A. Sholokhov, study literary literature, critical articles, internet resources. Hypothesis: the theme of a man in war in Sholokhov's works is "a bow to the hero people who did not attack anyone, but always knew how to defend with dignity what they created, defend their freedom and honor, their right to build a future for themselves of their own choice." The works of M. Sholokhov about the war are evidence of the love and compassion of the writer, his humane attitude to people as following the traditions of classical literature of the 19th century.

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The main thing in this chronicle of life is the fate of the people. Sholokhov teaches to understand and appreciate people, to know their being, souls, high aspirations and innumerable suffering. He became an example of the search for truth in her the main content- humanistic. The highest definition of a writer in the mouth of V.G. Belinsky was - "the advocate of humanity." Sholokhov accepted, continued, developed this aspiration, the noble pathos of the Renaissance figures, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gorky. Nowadays - new stage in the development of social consciousness. We are looking for the fullness of the truth. And Sholokhov is close to us now precisely because he was truthful from the beginning of creativity to the end. This was his conscious creative attitude, close to the one that L.N. Tolstoy at the end of the story "Sevastopol in May": "The hero of my story, whom I love with all the forces of my soul, whom I tried to reproduce in all his beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true." F.G. Biryukov

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Don stories. Most of all, Sholokhov is worried about the loss of moral guidelines in human soul, with the faith in God's commandments rooted out with blood, the decomposition of human souls takes place, a fratricidal war begins. Even animals seem to be more merciful, they do not need, for example, to choose which of the children to leave to live (“ Family man"), Whether it is worth saving his brother at the cost of his father's life (" Melon plant "), to kill the child if he" survives from the White Guard spy ", or to keep him alive (" Shibalkovo seed "). They live according to the usual laws of their world. And this ordered world of living beings of Sholokhov is opposed to the fanaticism of people. Spun to twist people, they lost moral guidelines, and now the father kills the son in "Mole", the father's son in the "Prodkomissar", the husband's wife, leaving the orphaned child, in the story "Shibalkovo seed", the son of the father and brother in "Kolovert", the father of his children in the story "The Family Man" , love ends in tragic murder in "Crooked Stitch", in front of the child's eyes the offended father kills in "Offense", the father kills his son's life together with his eldest son in the "Wormhole", they mock and kill children in front of the old man's father in the story "Azure Steppe ".

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Don stories. Only man himself can change the world... He must rise above grievances, forget about grief, learn to forgive enemies and love his neighbor, that is, try to return to life according to the commandments of Christ, and then the world will slowly but gradually become cleansed. The path of purification is long, there will be many victims, and first of all, those who took the first step will suffer, but this step is important, otherwise the process of dehumanizing society will be irreversible. This is the main idea of ​​the stories "Foal", "Another's Blood" and "Alyoshka's Heart". The writer teaches us to open our hearts to each other and thus come to an agreement (story "One Language"). Sholokhov's stories are directed against any violence against a person. The writer also shows the way out of the bloody mess of human cruelty.

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Quiet Don. The tragedy of Grigory Melekhov. The battle scenes themselves are not interesting to Sholokhov. He is worried about something else - what does the war do with the person. A moral protest against the senselessness and inhumanity of war is vividly expressed. Against the broad epic background of the movement of the popular masses in the revolution, contradictory searches and tragic fate Grigory Melekhov, a truly philosophical problem of the relationship between the individual and the people, the place of the individual in the revolutionary struggle. In his difficult journey with tight turns, with torment and doubts - not the path of a renegade, but the path of the people themselves. In Grigory Melekhov, more than in others, the humanistic essence is embodied, which is constantly, throughout the entire work, subjected to the most difficult tests. So, even at the very beginning of the war with Germany, Gregory deeply, painfully worries that he killed a man. “I, Petro, got tired of my soul,” he says to his brother. And further: "My conscience is killing me ... I cut down a man in vain and I get sick through him, you bastard, with my soul." It was Gregory who was so outraged when the Cossack Chubaty killed a prisoner. The human principle does not allow Sholokhov's hero to accept someone's truth - he does not find the truth in either the Whites or the Reds. And there, and here he is repelled by cruelty, inhumanity.

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Quiet Don. Violence gives birth to other violence. M. Sholokhov revealed his view of history, showed it terrible truth, looked into the eyes of the merciless truth: there was not and could not be right in that war, there was evil, fratricide, loss of humanity in people. And all this cannot be accepted by the soul of Grigory Melekhov. "... People were played off; and don't get caught! The people have become worse than the biryukas. Malice is all around." These words are spoken by the Sholokhov hero during the 1914 war. But malice is manifested even more terrible and fiercely during the civil war. This war was also terrible for the fact that it made enemies of loved ones, giving rise to mistrust of each other, enmity and hatred. Grigory Melekhov himself, who was an active participant in that war, feels this evil in himself and deeply experiences it. His words are filled with endless despair, when he, having passed such a difficult path, admits to himself: "I got so smeared with someone else's blood that I didn’t feel sorry for anyone. I almost don’t regret this child, but I don’t regret myself. I don’t have any thoughts. The war drew everything out of me. I myself became terrible ... Look into my soul, and there is blackness, as in an empty well. "

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Quiet Don. At the end of the work, the hero finally comprehends that there is no truth that is worth serving, sacrificing the life of his own and other people: "I have served mine. I don't want to serve anyone else ... let it all go to waste!" It is also significant that Gregory goes home, to his farm, without waiting for the promised amnesty. He has not broken in all trials, his personality has not been destroyed. He is ready to be punished - "I agree to serve time for the uprising", does not expect his forgiveness. One of the most significant philosophical problems being - the problem of personality and history, the fate of an individual, a family in crucial moment... The writer compares the fate of Gregory to the ominously black, dead, charred steppe, scorched by the spring fires, around which "the young grass is merrily greening", life is in full swing. "Like a steppe scorched by fires, the life of Gregory became black ... But he himself was still convulsively clinging to the ground, as if in fact his broken life was of some value to him and to others." So, despite the desire of many to see a prosperous end to the fate of Grigory Melekhov, Sholokhov preferred to tell the reader the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. And this is not only the fate of Grigory Melekhov, this is the fate of the people.

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The Science of Hate. Great son Russia M. Sholokhov during the Great Patriotic War works as a war correspondent. In the essay "Science of Hatred", he reveals the character of a Russian person, who went through the "science of hatred" in battles. The story about the fate of Gerasimov begins with a metaphor: "In war, trees, like people, each have their own destiny." The mighty oak tree, which was hit by an enemy shell, came to life in the spring. The early gray lieutenant Gerasimov, looking at him, smiled "a simple and sweet, childish smile." The author compares his hero with a mighty oak, draws attention to the close connection of the Russian people with their native land. Lieutenant Gerasimov is broken by suffering in captivity, but not broken morally. His powerful spirit helps to cope with severe trials and difficulties. In the most severe days of the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov asserted: the people, imbued with sacred hatred for the enemy and filial love for the Motherland, are invincible.

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They fought for their homeland. In the novel "They Fought for the Motherland" M. Sholokhov turns to the most bitter pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War - the retreat of the army. Sholokhov's picture of 1942, which he began to paint right there, in the days of the battles themselves, amazes with the frankness of the story about all the difficulties that then fell to the lot of our people, our army, which was in trouble. About difficulties, mistakes, about chaos in the front disposition “some wild units are roaming the steppes, the situation must not be known to the front commander himself, and no strong hand to put it all in order ... And now such devilry happens when retreating! ". And at the same time - about the feat on the front line. Sholokhov then wrote it in such a way that it became visible not only the flame of the soul, but also real torment, and all the horror of human flesh ripped apart by the deadly metal. " Petelin V.V. Mikhail Sholokhov. Essay on life and work - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1974. - S. 20 ..

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They fought for their homeland. The artist allowed us to experience everything internally: the state of an exhausting march, prayer under bombs, the madness of battle, pain on the operating table, the moment before death ... everything truly human: “Everything that was dear and dear to the heart in life, everything remained there, under the rule of the Germans ... And again, for the umpteenth time during the war, Lopakhin suddenly felt that suffocating attack of mute hatred for the enemy, when a swear word is unable to escape from an instantly drying throat ... "Describing our temporary defeats, Sholokhov nevertheless wrote not the psychology of the retreating army, but the state of future victors, tested in this moment military disaster, bitter failures. Throughout their behavior, way of thinking, and spirituality, one can quite clearly imagine how any of these fighters will behave in Stalingrad, and on the way to Berlin, and in the den itself ...

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They fought for their homeland. M. Sholokhov, revealing the concept of his novel "They Fought for the Motherland", said: "I am interested in the fate of ordinary people in last war... Our soldier showed himself to be a hero in the days of the Patriotic War. The world knows about the Russian soldier, about his valor, about his Suvorov qualities. But this war showed our soldier in a completely different light. I also want to reveal in the novel the new qualities of the Soviet soldier, which so elevated him in this war ... ”I. Aralichev. Visiting Mikhail Sholokhov. - "Vympel", 1947, No. 23, p. 24 .. V unfinished novel"They fought for the Motherland" the war was interpreted by M. Sholokhov not only as a heroic feat of arms people, but also as the greatest test of all moral qualities Soviet man. An impressive disclosure of the depth and purity of the patriotic feelings of the people was combined in them with heartfelt lyricism in depicting the fate of individual people in a time of national troubles and trials. M. Sholokhov in his works about the Patriotic War remains faithful to the single democratic line of his work: in the center of them simple people, privates great war, workers - miner Pyotr Lopakhin, combine operator Ivan Zvyagintsev, agronomist of MTS Nikolay Streltsov, driver Andrey Sokolov ... The soldiers in M. Sholokhov's novel are not only fighting. They intensely reflect on the fate of the state, talk about the goals of the war, think about military comradeship, remember the peaceful past, their families, children, loved ones ... The tragic tension of the battle is suddenly replaced comic scenes and episodes. This depth, this fullness of life is a very remarkable quality of M. Sholokhov's novel. It allows the writer to comprehend the true measure of the people's vitality, to discover the origins of the heroic.

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The fate of a person. "The fate of man" opened a new stage in portraying the events of the Patriotic War, outlined new paths leading to a deeper revelation of the moral sources of the great feat of the Soviet people. M. Sholokhov addresses the topic of fascist captivity. For that time, it was a taboo topic. And the writer made the reader not feel sorry for his hero, but admire him. The great national wartime tragedy was embodied by Andrei Sokolov - the hero of the story "The Fate of a Man". it ordinary person, the father of the family, an honest worker. He emerged victorious from cruel trials, without losing his humanistic, ideological and moral values, retaining his vitality, fulfilling his soldier's and civic duty to the end. In a duel with Müller in the face of death, he thinks about how to preserve the honor of a Russian soldier: “I wanted them, the damned ones, to show that although I’m disappearing from hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into cattle, no matter how hard they tried.

The fate of the Russian war in Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man"
At the end of 56g. MASholokhov published his story "The Fate of a Man". This is a story about common man on big war, who at the cost of the loss of loved ones, comrades, with his courage, heroism gave the right to life and freedom to his homeland. Andrei Sokolov is a modest worker, the father of a large family lived, worked and was happy, but the war broke out. Sokolov, like thousands of others, went to the front. And then all the troubles of the war washed over him: he was wounded and taken prisoner, wandered from one concentration camp to another, tried to escape, but was caught. More than once death looked into his eyes, but Russian pride and human dignity helped to find the courage and always remain human. When the camp commandant summoned Andrei to his place and threatened to personally shoot him, he did not lose human face Andrei did not drink to the victory of Germany, but said what he thought. And for this, even the sadistic commandant, who personally beat the prisoners every morning, respected him and released him, rewarding him with bread and lard. This gift was divided equally among all the prisoners. Later, Andrei still finds an opportunity to escape, taking with him an engineer with the rank of major, whom he drove by car. But Sholokhov shows us the heroism of a Russian person not only in the fight against the enemy. A terrible grief befell Andrei Sokolov even before the end of the war - a bomb that hit the house killed his wife and two daughters, and his son was shot by a sniper already in Berlin on the very Victory Day, May 9, 1945. It seemed that after all the trials that fell to the lot of one person, he could get embittered, break down, withdraw into himself. But this did not happen: realizing how grievous the loss of relatives and joyless loneliness is, he adopts a 5-year-old boy Vanyusha, from whom the war took away his parents. Andrey warmed him up, made the orphan's soul happy, and thanks to the warmth and gratitude of the child, he himself began to return to life. Sokolov says: "At night, you stroke his sleepy one, sniff the hairs in the whirlwinds, and the heart leaves, it becomes easier, otherwise it has turned to stone with grief." With all the logic of his story, Sholokhov proved that his hero cannot be broken by life, because that he has something that cannot be broken: human dignity, love for life, homeland, for people, kindness, helping to live, fight, work. Andrei Sokolov, first of all, thinks about responsibilities to relatives, comrades, Motherland, humanity. This is not a feat for him, but a natural need. And there are many such simple wonderful people. It was they who won the war and rebuilt the destroyed country so that life could go on and be better and happier. Therefore, Andrei Sokolov is always close, understandable and dear to us.

Great Patriotic War passed through the fates of millions of Soviet people, leaving a heavy memory of herself: pain, anger, suffering, fear. Many during the war years lost their dearest and closest people, many experienced severe hardships. Reconsideration of military events, human actions occurs later. The literature appears works of art, in which, through the prism of the author's perception, an assessment of what is happening in a difficult wartime is given.

Mikhail Sholokhov could not pass by a topic that was exciting for everyone and therefore wrote short story"The fate of a person", touching upon the issues heroic epic... In the center of the narration are the wartime events that changed the life of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work. The writer does not describe military events in detail; this is not the author's task. The goal of the writer is to show the key episodes that influenced the formation of the hero's personality. The most important event in the life of Andrei Sokolov is a prisoner. It is in the hands of the fascists, in the face of mortal danger, that various aspects of the character's character are manifested, it is here that the war appears to the reader without embellishment, revealing the essence of people: the vile, vile traitor Kryzhnev; a real doctor who “did his great work both in captivity and in the dark”; "Such a thin, snub-nosed boy", platoon commander. Andrei Sokolov had to endure inhuman torments in captivity, but the main thing is that he managed to preserve his honor and dignity. The climax of the narrative is the scene at the commandant Müller, where the exhausted, hungry, tired hero was brought, but even there he showed the enemy the strength of a Russian soldier. Andrey Sokolov's act (he drank three glasses of vodka without a snack: he didn't want to choke on a handout) surprised Muller: “That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. " The war appears to the reader without embellishment: after escaping from captivity, already in the hospital, the hero receives terrible news from home about the death of his family: his wife and two daughters. A heavy military machine spares no one: neither women nor children. The final blow fate - the death of the ninth of May on the Victory Day of the eldest son Anatoly at the hands of a German sniper.

War takes away from people the most precious thing: family, loved ones. In parallel with the life of Andrei Sokolov, the story line little boy Vanyusha, whom the war also made an orphan, depriving his own mother and father.

This is how the writer evaluates his two heroes: "Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented strength ...". War dooms people to suffering, but it also fosters will, character, when one wants to believe “that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and the one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, will grow up. , if his homeland calls for it. "

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